






WHY ARE WE SO IMPRESSED WITH SHAKESPEARE?• Many scholars are impressed with Shakespeare because he

was considered “revolutionary” for his time

• While Shakespeare borrowed many of his ideas from plays and characters that came before him, many were blown away with the hold he had over the English language.

• He was considered to have a very high level of insight into the human experience


• Born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, England.

• Born during time of the plague– it is a miracle that Shakespeare even survived during this tumultuous time

• Born to John and Mary Shakespeare• John= a glover and leatherworker• Mary= born and raised on a farm—raised William to be very

disciplined• Was one of three children– other two siblings (sisters) died in infancy

**John also did a lot of money lending and wool dealings– he was able to rise up the social ladder very quickly and became a prominent member of his community**


• Shakespeare never attended university

• Interested in the lives of the Roman

• Not much is known about Shakespeare’s younger life, including his 20’s– these are considered his “lost years”

• During this time we DO KNOW that his father’s business dealings went bad, he married an older woman Anne Hathaway, and ended up living in London ten years later

• Many speculated about the possibilities of what Shakespeare was doing during this time: sailor, soldier, schoolmaster, travels


• Thought to be a loveless marriage- much of Shakespeare’s own plays involve marital problems (many thought this was an indication of how his own marriage was going)

• In one play, he even states never to marry an older woman

• Had 3 children: 2 girls, 1 boy (Susannah, Hamnet, Judith)

• After getting into the London scene, Shakespeare left his family behind to pursue a career in writing and acting . He still paid visits to his family during this time, but much of his time was spent producing his plays.


• Shakespeare was a known actor and writer by 1592. He had begun at this time to write Two Gentlemen of Verona and Henry VI part 1

• Wrote a vast range of material from sonnets to plays (comedies, tragedies, histories)

• 1596 put a minor halt to his career– his only son and heir to all of his wealth died (cause unknown)

• Late 1590’s—many plays were better developed to reflect his life experiences


• First theater– asked to close down because plays were seen as “ungodly”

• Rebuilt new theater in Suffolk—called Globe Theater (Shakespeare owned 10% --where much of wealth came from)

• Plays were performed with little to no props or scenery

• Men played all roles, including the roles of females

• Shakespeare sometimes acted in his own plays


• Plays written in the 1600’s were the more disturbing, dramatic of his plays which went in even more depth/ explored humans

• 1603- King James I took throne and Shakespeare’s acting troupe became known as “The King’s Men” (actors of court and king)

• His last years of writing were considered his best

• 1613- Shakespeare retired due to a fire that destroyed The Globe Theater

• Theater WAS rebuilt, however Shakespeare did not take part in it


• Died on his birthday, April 23, 1616

• His daughter, Susannah, was left with most of his possessions from his will

• Anne Hathaway was left his “second best bed”

• Shakespeare died without ever seeing his plays formally published (1623)

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