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The new World of Warcraft expansion is coming out late 2012; we have everything you need to know to be prepared for the new adventures in Pandaria. We will see a lot of new things, the Pandaren race is coming and people are really looking forward to play the new race. The new class in Pandaria are monks, it’s a hybrid class. The new energy type that they will have is: Chi. the three talent tress are Brewmaster – Tanking, Mist-weaver – Healing and Windwalker – melee DPS. We have more informa-tion about Pandaria than you can ever imagine.We also have an article about the five top 2011 games, but you can read more about that later. There were many people who were waiting for these games, so we decided to write a little review on them.Does violence come from video games? That’s a very common question, make sure to check out the article for answers!The most anticipated games of 2012 are a very important part to have because these are the games that our readers might be buying. Dota 2, the new StarCraft 2 expansion and lots of more good stuff.Last but not least, what ACTA is and why we shouldn’t support it! One site that affected the internet community was the removal of Megauplo-ad. In a attempt to stop illegal downloading they also removed the legal part of Megaupload, where people uploaded there school assignements and other stuff.

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Mists of Pandaria Deathwing has fallen, a new continent is discovred. Horde and Alliance have never been this tence before.Prepare to fight! By: Simon Johansson

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Blizzcon 2011 was a big deal for all the Blizzard gamers. Three big game titles were announced, Diablo 3, Starcraft II Heart of Swarm, and the next expan-sion for the biggest MMORPG out there, World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria.

Everyone who thinks that Cataclysm has been the best expansion so far in World of Warcraft, raise your hand. Oh, that was a few. Well at least it was decent, right? 2 million players disagree and have fled the game. I think all these players have left because of Blizzard choice to make the old leveling zones better, instead of focusing

on what most players want, the end game. But in the end Cataclysm didn’t really go out to anyone. What once had been so easy became a nightmare. Both instances and dungeons were much harder in Cataclysm than they ever had been in Wrath of the Lich King. A lot of places needed crowd control, which never was the case in Wrath of the Lich King. Healers really had to suffer, because they had to plan every heal carefully and always be at least two steps before the rest of the group at any given time in order to save their mana. A couple of month after the release Blizzard had already lost around 700 000 players and today it’s around 2 million, most of the people who left came from the Chinese

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servers. Shortly after the release of Cataclysm, an order went out to the art designers on Blizzard Enter-tainment- “draw pandas”. Whilst pandas were being drawn players had to relive old content, such as Zul’Aman, Zul’Gurub, Shadow Fang Keep and Deadmines, now with a new little twist to it. To many peoples delight the new expansion was soon announced. Mist of Pandaria environment is inspired by (and in some cases even taken from) China. The new zone Pandaria is said to have 5 new zones and it’s where you are going to spend your next 5 levels, from 85 to 90.In Pandarens starting zone, The Wandering Isle

(an island that actually is Azeroths biggest turtle) is where the pandarens start their journey. One of the big mistakes they made in Cataclysm was that the different zones were spread out to much, and it was not a new continent, which they had in both Wrath of the Lich King and in The Bur-ning Crusade (the later one was actually a new planet). The expansion didn’t feel new, and that’s one of the things that they are changing this time around. Another thing that Blizzard wants to fix is that players are spending too much time in the big cities, so Blizzard is once again bringing in outdoor bosses.

It’s first when members from the Horde, and the

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Alliance are flushed up on the shore, after a big sea battle, that the inhabitants, the mysterious and spiritual pandaren are once again known to the world. The pandaren will be World of War-crafts new playable race. The pandaren can be recruited by both the Alliance and the Horde; you will start out as a neutral character, and then later make the choice if you either want to join the Alliance or the Horde.The pandaren was once upon a time a race who had it very hard - and stood up against their masters; the mogu. Through wisdom, strength and a unique fighting style they succeeded by taking control of the country. But when the Burning Legion invaded Azeroth pandarens

emperor decided to shield their country from the world. And it stayed hidden until that day Deat-hwing changed the world, with his Cataclysm. Up to now the continent has been untouched by outsiders. The Wandering Isle is the place where the panda-ren will spend their first 10 levels. After that you will choose either if you will join up with the Al-liance or the Horde. While this is happening the continent of Pandaria is visited by the two fac-tions. When the Alliance and the Horde find the Pandaria they realize how many resources there are there. Resources that Garrosh Hellscream and Varian Wrynn both can use in the war. Both the Horde’s and the Alliance’s adventure on

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the new continent begins in the Jade Forest, and already from the beginning they are trying to make allies with the people who live there. Alli-ances new friends are the monkeys, Hozu. While Hordes new allies are the wise fish people, Jinyu. These two races are played out against each other, and the conflicts are letting out negative energy that gets a hold of the land. Negative energy on Pandaria is very dangerous because “Sha” dark spirit creatures are born from negative energy.The pandaren are in the beginning not big fans of either the Horde or the Alliance, because they are letting Sha in to the world.Sha is the new expansions third biggest antago-nist; the other two are mantid and mogu. Mogu

are the people who once controlled the panda-ren, and they now want to reclaim what once was theirs. The Mantid is humanoid mantis that is sealed off by a huge wall, the mantid want to create their own empire and to do that they have to destroy the wall, that are keeping them out of the land that belong to the pandaren.All these new enemies can’t compare with the other villains we have had in the expansions be-fore this. I mean what happened with the titans, and with Sargeras? What happened with the Burning Legion, and Kul Tiras? But this is not what this expansion is all about; this expansion is going to focus on war, between the Alliance and the Horde. To do this Blizzard has created 3 new

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battlegrounds, all successful battlegrounds from other games. The new battlegrounds are - Azs-hara Crater, Valley of Power and Stranglethorn Diamond Mine. In Stranglethorn Diamond Mine the objective is to push a mine cart, while trying to destroy the opponents mine cart. A concept used in the shooter game Team Fortress 2. Val-ley of Power is a copy of the game type mur-derball from the mmo Rift. Azshara Crater is a basic Dota game type, hammering away on the enemy’s base while being attacked by waves of minions. Another thing that Blizzard revealed is a new pet combat system, similar to Nintendo’s Pokemon.The previous non-combat pets in World of War-

craft are now combat pets. You will now be able to train skills, level up, and battle against other player’s pet in a mini-game. You’ll even be able to hunt and capture new pets throughout Azeroth. You can even learn new skills from master pet trainers around the world of Azeroth. The system will be available for any player at any level, and it will also work at pretty much all the vanity pets. All the pets will be customizable with items and you’ll also be able to name them.Wild pets will have unique spawn points, some will only spawn at a certain place, and others will only spawn when it’s dark, raining, winter and so on. Trained and level up pets will be tradable with other players on the game’s auction house.

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Each pet can have six skills learned at once but in a fight they will only be able to choose from three different spells. Each player can form a team of three pets for fight. There will be an upcoming matchmaking system for player-versus-player. All pets will be made account-wide - so it is shaxred with all the players on one account, there will also be a totally new pet interface.There are many things that Blizzard will add in the new expansions, there are, for example, going to be a new talent tree system. There have only been pretty much one or two essential builds for every characters different trees, and it’s just this thing that Blizzard is trying to change. They want players to be able to stand next to a character of

the same class and think that they are different. Rather than each class having three separate trees, one for each specialization, players will now choose talents from individual sets which are gained every 15 levels.But that is not all. There are a few other things that Blizzard is going to have in the next expansi-on, “Challenge modes” and “pve scenarios”. Chal-lenge mode is for players who like a bit of a chal-lenge, in challenge mode you are going to play a dungeon on time, which probably will attract a lot of competitive players. The best time will be rewarded with cool transmogrification gear, and also scoreboards will show which players have the best time. Pve scenarios are also a kind of

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dungeon. Players will find a group for a kind of dungeon, without choosing and specifying a role. When you are there, a few little objectives should be finished to receive some experience and gold.

Blizzard’s goal with this expansion is quite ob-vious -They are trying to bring new and old play-ers back in to the World of Warcraft. Ideas are stolen from all kinds of different games out there – (because of big games like the new MMORPG game Star Wars, who are stealing Blizzards play-ers.)Will Mists of Pandaria be Blizzard’s fall or will it be the new start which Cataclysm never was? The one who plays will see.

+New Race+New continent+Upgrades grap-hics+Outdoor bosses+PVP-The antagonists-Lore

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World of Warcraft’s next class is going to be the monk, the monk is not going to be a hero class like the death knight, it’s going to start at level 1 as all the other classes.Monk is going to be a very special class, because it won’t have an auto attack. Instead they are going to have 2 special abilities, jab and roll. These spells will be paid in “chi” – which is monks own energy. Two kinds of points are created from this, light and dark force. The light and dark force is used for different abilities, such as attacks and heals. Roll is exactly what it sounds like, a roll, a roll can be used to avoid AoE and to hide behind pillars to go line of sight. Another thing that makes Monks special is the amount of animations they have, which is ten times better than any other class out there. Monks are going to wear leather, and will be playable for all races except for worgen and go-blin. Monk’s talent trees look amazing; there is the brewmaster (tank), windwalker (dps) and mist-weaver (hybrid-healer). Brewmaster and mistweaver is going to be very interesting. A tank with leather gear and a meleehealer that will do damage to be able to heal their group. Mist-weaver is said to be able to do tons of damage while still healing their group.A lot of people are welcoming a new class, but when death knights were added in Wrath of the Lich King, it took Blizzard months to fix them, because they were just too overpowered. I’m at least every excited for this new class, and I can’t wait to level my own pandaren monk!

Monk The master of martial arts

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10. SSXThe snowboarding franchise from EA is back! This time you play as a member of a team trying to snowboard down a variety of real world mountains. The game will take you to real world locations such as the Himalayas and the Antarctic. The game will be released on March 2, 2012 on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

9. Borderlands 2 Borderlands 2 is a first person shooter that includes elements from roleplaying games like character building system. The game features cell-shaded graphics which makes the game almost look like a comic book. The game also features 4-player co-op just like its predecessor. The game will be released some-times 2012 on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

8. Max Payne 3 Max Payne 3 is the third game in the Max Payne series, the third game in the series is created by Rockstar instead of the Finnish de-veloper Rremedy who made the 2 first games. The game will feature a dark story and will be released on May 15 on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and on pc later this year.

7. Resident Evil 6Resident Evil 6 is an upcoming survival hor-ror game from the developers Capcom. This game will feature co-op gameplay just like its predecessor. Hopefully the co-op won’t make the game less scary. There are also rumors about multiplayer with up to 8 players; hope-fully these are just rumors because it wouldn’t fit the Resident Evil series, which is known to be scary and it wouldn’t be scary with 7 friends screaming in your ear. The game will be released on November 20th for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.

Most anticipated game of 2012

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6. Counter Strike: Global offensiveCounter Strike: Global offensive is an online first person shooter from Valve. The game is very similar to the previous games in the series; the game is still terrorists vs. counter terrorists on objective based maps. In the game mode demolition, the Terrorist try to plant the bomb or eliminate the counter terrorists, while the counter terrorists try to defuse the bomb or eliminate the terrorists. The game features updated graphics, match-making and new weapons and grenades like the Molotov cocktail. The game will be released in early 2012.

5. Grand Theft Auto VWe don’t know very much about this game except what we saw in the first trailer, but what we saw was amazing. The game will be set in the fictional city of Los Santos which is based on Los Angeles. The game is said to be the biggest and most ambitious Grand Theft Auto game yet. The trailer also revea-led that there will be planes, jet skis and a working gym. The release date has not yet been revealed.

4. Bioshock Infinite.Bioshock was a fantastic game about a city under the ocean with a fantastic story with a great twist. The third game in the series is called Bioshock Infinite and you’re no longer under the water, you’re now in the sky city called Columbia. The game takes place 1912 where the player takes the identity of Booker DeWitt, an ex- agent for “Pinkerton National Detective Agency”. He is now hired by mys-terious individuals to infiltrate “Columbia” and rescue a young woman called Elizabeth. The game will be released sometimes 2012 on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.

3. Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm.The expansion pack for the popular 2010 strategy game “Starcraft 2: Wings of liberty” is soon upon us, the game will feature a new story line where we will follow Sarah Ker-rigan who is currently under control of the swarm. The multiplayer part will have new units for the 3 different races; the game will also remove some units that didn’t fit in anymore. The game will hopefully be released sometimes 2012 on PC and Mac.

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2. DOTA 2.Dota 2 is the direct sequel to the popular Warcraft 3 mod. The sequel is created by Val-ve and one of the Dota 1 creators “Ice Frog”. The game is a 5v5 arena, where everyone chooses one hero with different strengths and weaknesses. There will also spawn creeps, you can’t control creeps but you want tokill them for experience and money so you can power up your hero. The game is currently in closed beta, but it is scheduled for release early 2012 on PC.

1. Diablo 3.Diablo 3 is the highly anticipated sequel to Diablo 2 which was released in 2000. The fans have been waiting for this game in years. The game is an action role playing-game where you roam dungeons in the hunt for treasure and loot. The game will feature both player vs. player and co-op gameplay. The game has been delayed several times, but we hope it’ll be released in 2012.

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No, I will be playing all day.

Hello Mark! What a sunny day, wanna go to the mall?

Raiding with my new WoW guild.

Okey. Can we hand out later then?No, I have to play World of Warcraft.

What a nerd...

What are you going to do for so long?

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Portal 2 One game that was very popular in 2011 and is still a very common game that people play is Portal 2; it’s a sequel to the popular game Portal from 2007 that was not made to be a really popular game because you got it for “free” when you bought “the orange box”, which contained the Half-life 2, Team fortress 2 and portal. Many of my friends have played Portal 2 and they really liked it, they play it on PC and for the PS3. You can buy Portal 2 for Xbox 360, PS3, Windows (pc) and MAC OSX. Portal can be played in single mode or with your friends in co-op. The game was made by Valve Corporation; Portal 2 was one of the nominated to “the game of the year” by Portal 2 is a puzzle game where you solve puzzles by using portals to move you or objectives through the chambers in ways that couldn’t be possible without the Portal Gun.

The Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimSkyrim is a role playing game made by Be-thesda Game Studios, it won the game of the year” award from, I have played Skyrim myself a lot and it’s a fantastic game. It’s a sequel to all the Elder scrolls game, this is the 5th game in Elder scrolls series. Skyrim was released in the late autumn for Xbox 360, PS3 and windows of course in 2011. Skyrim is only a single player game but Bethesda has focused more on the gameplay and the grap-hics, Skyrim’s main story is about the players own character trying to defeat Alduin, a Dra-gon god who is trying to destroy the world. Skyrim sold more than 3.5 million copies within the first 48 hours of release and that’s quite much copies!

Best game of 2012

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Minecraft Minecraft is a sandbox-building game for computer and it’s written in Java by a Swedish creator Markus “Notch” Persson and now maintained by his company, it was released as an alpha on May 17, 2009, the beta came on December 20 2010. Minecraft is available on iOS and Android but it’s not fun at all, everything goes a lot more slowly, I’ve tried it myself and it was not good. The full version of the PC game was released on November 18, 2011 at MineCon 2011. A version of the game for the Xbox 360 with Kinect support is under development by 4J Studios, to be released in 2012. It’s a really fun game and I recommend it to everyone. I recommend this game because it’s very cheap and it’s a ama-zing game, you can build whatever you want. Minecraft have three different game mods, survival, creative and hardcore.

Battlefield 3 Battlefield 3 is a first person shooter video game developed by EA digital Illusions CE and published by Electronic Arts. The game was released in Europe October 28, 2011 and in North America on October 25, 2011 for Windows, PS3 and Xbox 360. Battlefield 3 has earned over 20 E3 awards. It’s a sequel to the amazing Battlefield 2 game that was released 2005. The graphics are amazing on the PC version; I play it myself and it has amazing graphics and realistic gameplay. If you buying it to PC be sure that your PC can handle it, it’s a quite heavy game.

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Batman: Arkham CityBatman: Arkham City is a 2011 action-ad-venture video game developed by Rocksteady studios. It got 9,5/10 by IGN and it sold 4.6 million copies in 2 weeks and succeeded in beating the old record with 4.3 million. The game was officially announced worldwide for consoles, October 18, 2011. The Micro-soft Windows version released November 22, 2011. A Wii U version is maybe coming out in 2012. The main storyline revolves around Batman’s imprisonment in Arkham City. He must stop the criminals of Gotham’s in the Arkham City. Batman has very good graphics on the PC version but they have some small fixes to make.

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The ”Stop Online Piracy Act” (SOPA) is a United States bill introduced by the U.S. Representative to expend the ability of U.S. law enforcement to fight online trafficking in copyrighted property and counterfeit goods.

The Internet is one of the U.S. most robust and growing industries. It enable free and open communication among billions of users and its been useful for protests around the world. But a new bill wants to censor the internet to the entertainment industry. It's called PROTECT-IP (PIPA).Private corporations want the ability to shut-down sites where people download movies, music and games. But because the most of those sites are outside the U.S. PROTECT-IP uses a couple of diffrent tactics to get throw that.Firstly, it gives the government the power to block access to domain names which got co-pyrited files and they can also sue to take the links/website down. Every company will get responsible if there users will post copyrigh-ted files on their site.Sites like YouTube got plenty of copyrighted videos with copyrighted cover songs. If you sing a copyrighted song and then upload it to YouTube, SOPA and PIPA will be able to take it down because you don’t own the rights to to the lyrics and the music in the background of the video/mp3.SOPA and PIPA have been taken down at

the moment, but the people who made the bill will be abel to take it up again for vote whenever they want.

ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agree-ment): ACTA have several features that raise significant potential concerns for consumer’s privacy and civil liberties for innovation.ACTA are much like SOPA and PIPA. The main reason why all of this agreements and bills want to get accepted by some people is because they don’t like then other people use and download/upload pirated files. The dif-ferent between ACTA and SOPA/PIPA is that with ACTA every country in the EU, not only the U.S. will be able to join ACTA if the coun-ty decides it would be better to do so.Some Countries have signed the ACTA Agre-ement. One of those Countries are Sweden. What does this mean for Sweden? Not much at the moment. But in a couple of month the Swedish government is going to vote if Sweden should have ACTA or not. Another country who signed the agreement is Poland. In Poland, thousands of people protested against ACTA as soon as they knew that their government has signed the ACTA agreement.

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Are computer games just for fun or do they change people’s behavior? There is scientific proof that says that violence in video games does not make people more violent. You don’t become a slaughterer from playing violent games. But it affects the brain in a different way than non-violent games do. It isn’t sure if the effect is lingering or permanent. The same discussion has taken place with violent TV shows and movies, but the scientists can’t decide exactly how the violence affects us. The Swedish medieråd has gone th-rough 161 Swedish and international pieces of research of the latest decade. Their conclusion is that you cannot prove that violent computer games cause aggression. They also say that many of the scientists that have shown

a connection between games and aggression have used methods that are deficient. There is a statistical asso-ciation between playing and being aggressive but not a causation. It’s rather that already aggressive people are attracted to violent media. It’s still unclear if computer games are completely harmless, there can still be a small impact. But in that case it’s so small that no one has been able to clarify it, according to the Swedish medieråd. The scientists quarrel about this. Scientists from Karolinska insistutet say that the medieråd is wrong, and that they don’t see it as a health question but rather as a media question. The scientists agree with each other that it is hard to pick violent games as a single factor that induces aggres-sive behavior. Other factors like family relationships, personality and association are more important. But they say that kids who grow up with the games can learn aggressive behavior from the games. It’s too early to let go of this, they don’t say that it’s dangerous, but it’s important to get more facts about a big and exciting thing like computer games. The studies about computer games aren’t finished yet, but it seems like violence from gaming is not that big of a problem to me. And from my experience with living around people that play violent pc games, I must say that I don’t see aggression as a problem at all. Many of the people who play talk about the games quite often and get mad during the play but then it’s nothing. They only get aggressive when they’re in front of the computer screen, not in the real world. Yeah, they can get mad at people because, for example “he stole my pentakill” or stuff like that but they would never hurt the person in any kind of way!

Almost everyone I know that play is very nice and would never hurt anyone because of a game or because of what they’ve “learned” from a game, they know that it’s just a game and that the reality is different. But some people don’t understand that, but in that case, I think, that someone in their association would notice quite fast and wouldn’t let the person play violent games. Many start playing when they’re still living with their parents so I think that the parents should do something if they notice that their children are “living in a game.”

Does games create violents?

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