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Sharing Personal Information


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• Defined- divulging biographical data, personal ideas, and feelings.

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• Important to have correct balance in relationship of self-disclosure and privacy.

• What is the correct balance?

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Social Penetration Theory

• “Onion Peel” Theory

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Johari Window

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Gender and Cultural Differences

• Culture- Appropriateness of Self-Disclosure varies from culture to culture, making intercultural communication even more challenging.

• Gender- Women disclose more and are disclosed to more than men. Men engage in report-talk and women engage in rapport-talk.

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Guidelines for Appropriate Self-Disclosure

• Pages 235-236• 1. Self-Disclose the kind of information

you want others to disclose to you.

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• 2. Self-Disclose more intimate information only when you believe the disclosure represents acceptable risk.

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• 3. Continue intimate self-disclosure only if it is reciprocated.

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• 4. Move Self-Disclosure to deeper levels gradually.

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Final Guideline

• 5. Reserve the most personal and sensitive self-disclosure for ongoing, intimate relationships.

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Sharing Feelings

• Describing feelings- naming emotions you are feeling without judging them.

• Displaying Feelings- expressing feelings through facial reactions, body responses, or paralinguistic reactions.

• Masking Feelings- concealing verbal or nonverbal cues that would enable others to understand the emotions that a person is actually feeling.

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Managing Privacy

• Change the subject

• Tell a “white lie”

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• Bring your popcorn and candy!• Movie Time with a paper assignment to

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