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WHAT IS BONDING?The process of attachment.

So, What is an attachment?

A connection on someone for something: emotional, mental, or physical.

Ex: Parent to child, student to teacher, lover to lover

So, is there any theory behind this?

Attachment theoryan emotional bond or tie between an individual and an attachment figure. The biological aim is survival, while the psychological aim in security. The emotional equity here is the feeling of trust.

SURVIVAL A basic human need is surivial. Humans seek out intimacy with others for reproduction and food.

SECURITY Another human need is secu-rity. This is achieved through shelter and protection from harm from outside elements.

TRUST the willingness of one party to be vulnerable to the actions of another party.

So, What is an emotional bond?

Emotional BondBased on the universal tendency for humans to attach, i.e. to seek closeness to another person and to feel secure when that person is present.

Criterion for Emotional Bonds

1. An emotional bond is persistent, not transitory.2. An emotional bond involves a person who is not interchangeable with anyone else.3. An emotional bond involves a relationship that is emotionally significant.4. The individual wishes to maintain proximity with the person5. The individual feels sadness or distress at involuntary separation from the person.

EMOTIONALaffectionate, trusting

PHYSICALclose proximityto one another

PSYCHOLOGICALmemory of shoveling snow after bad snow storm.

SITUATIONALcould be in public or at home.

It was a bad snow storm. Yet, together they made it work. They knew because of the situ-ation they needed to come together to dig out their driveway. Because they had a common goal to complete, they were more affectionate to one another and this is expressed through the physical closeness of the couple. They have the memory of the entire process, not only preserved in a photograph, but they have the memories from that day because of the interminging of emotional, psyical, and environmental cues to remind them.

So, what makes a bond significant versus a casual encounter?

When we attach and make an emotional bond with someone we have a shared common denominator with.

Ex: shared life experience, same affinity for a sport, shared emotional reactions, living within close proximity to one another

What are the conditions for bonding?Physical facial recognition, close proximity, human touchEmotional trust, affectionPsychological memory created Situational at home in public?

Bonding Narrative

shared interest




THEBONDINGPROCESS.Bonding is a process that isn’t tied to one specific moment in time. You can bond with someone in a moment, or it could take you several years to establish a bond to some-one.Time becomes irrelevant.

Bonding through food

In Toward a Psychosociology of Contemporary Food Consumption, Roland Barthes says food is “a system of communication, a body of images, a protocol of usages, situations, and behaviour.” He says that “...activity, work, sports, effort, leisure, celebration—every one of these situations is expressed through food.” (Economic Times)

Food is not longer a nutrient, but a situation.

“When he buys an item of food, consumes it, or serves it, modern man does not manipu-late a simple object in a purely transitive fashion; this item of food sums up and transmits a situation; it constitutes an information; it signifies […] it is a real sign, perhaps the func-tional unit of a system of communication.” -Roland Barthes

This smell reminds me of...

We might also say that this “polysemia” of food characterizes modernity; in the past, only festive occasions were signalized by food in any positive and organized manner. But to-day, work also has its own kind of food: energy-giving and light food is experienced as the very sign of, rather than only a help toward, participation in modern life.”- Roland Barthes

SMELLThe smell of coffee at a coffeeshop...

MEMORYreminds me of the time I went to Portland and went to that little cafe...

EMOTIONwhich makes me feel relaxed.


“Food is so intimate. Think about it - we touch it, we smell it, we taste it. It touches us in so many ways. I think it is this intimacy and the feeling that it provides that bonds us with food and with people. It is precisely because food evokes such strong emotions that it ties back to people.” Monica Bhide, food columnist for The Washington Post

So, what could be a stimulus to connect people?

Enter Chocolate.

Chocolate raises the same emotional feelings that humans share together because choco-late also has oxytocin. The ‘cuddle hormone’ Oxytocin, is the glue to sustaining a human bond and relationship. Oxytocin is appreciated for its central role in how the brain encodes social memories and links these memories to subsequent social stimuli. Chocolate has the power to heighten those everyday moments because of both of its emotional and pyscho-logical effects.

Why does Crispello feel right?

As we know, people like to connect to other people. We create social situations like pot-lucks to bring people together to mingle.

But, what makes pralines unique is that you are often sharing them with people who you already trust and anticipate a good interaction with. Already the oxytocin is flowing, but Crispello is different than the convention.

Crispello encourages the bonding process because it acknowledges that it’s not a single action that causes loved ones to bond, but rather a series of moments. The bag of individu-ally wrapped pralines contain a bag full of little moments, chances, and opportunities to nudge those that you have an affinity towards to become closer.

Feral Childis a human child who has lived isolated from human contact from a very young age, and has no experi-ence of human care, loving or social behavior, and, crucially, of human language.


Helicopter parents hover closely overhead, rarely out of

reach, whether their children need them or not. In Scandinavia, this phenom-

enon is known as curling parenthood and describes parents who attempt to

sweep all obstacles out of the paths of their children. It is also called "over-parenting". Parents try to resolve their child's problems, and try to stop them

coming to harm by keeping them out of dangerous situations

no attachment extreme attachment

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