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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!



The fair moon radiated a cold light –

Ishida Naoto felt suffocated, as if a weight was on his chest, and opened his eyes.

He looked at the clock. It was just past three in the morning. He had woken up too early. He closed his eyes to

try to fall asleep again.

However, Ishida was bothered by the sound of other people sleeping on the opposite side of the divider curtain

and was unable to fall asleep again.

– Let’s try something else.

Ishida slowly got up.

At that moment, he felt a slight pain in his side. It was the place where he had stitches from the surgery three

days ago.

The doctor had told him to move as little as possible the day after the surgery. That would make it recover


Ishida unsteadily got up from the bed and left the hospital room.

The corridor went straight down. It was empty.

The corridor was lit up by the green emergency light, which gave it an uncanny atmosphere.

He had seen a similar corridor in a horror film before. In the story, a strange contagious disease had spread

through the hospital and people had died one after another.

– What was the title of that movie?

Ishida searched his memories, but in the end, he couldn’t remember the title.

Instead, he remembered something the nurse had said yesterday.

The ghost of a girl with no face was wandering the hospital. She always asked the people she met the same


– When are you going to die?

The people whom she asked this question always died soon afterwards.

It was a common story that could have been found at any hospital.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Ishida thought that the nurse whose eyes had been sparkling when telling the story was scarier. She had been

plump and quite his type, but his emotions had cooled all at once.

Ishida walked into the bathroom at the end of the corridor.

He stood in front of the sink and put his hands at the faucet.

The sensor reacted and water started flowing. He used his hands to take that water and washed his face.

He repeated that a number of times and felt a bit better.

He wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his pajamas and looked at the mirror.

– Hey.

Suddenly, he heard a voice.

Ishida hurriedly turned around, but there was nobody there.

He decided it was his imagination and turned towards the mirror again.

When Ishida saw what was reflected in the mirror, he jumped, like he had been splashed with cold water.

There was a girl behind Ishida in the mirror.

A girl in a red dress. She was looking down so he couldn’t see her face.

'Don't surprise me.'

Ishida turned around. However, nobody was there.


He looked at the mirror again.

The girl was definitely there –

A cold sweat ran down his whole body.

– Hey, mister.

As the girl said that, she slowly lifted her face.

Her face was completely hidden by a black shadow, as if it were smeared with ink.

Ishida was so shocked he couldn’t even scream –

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


His heart was beating wildly, thumping against his ribcage.

– When are you going to die?

When the girl said that, she thrust her two hands forward.

Ishida couldn’t breathe.

Hah, hah, hah, hah.

Ishida ran out of the bathroom blindly.

He didn’t have the courage to turn around. With the corridor’s wall as support, he just went as far as his legs

would take him.

– Hurry. Back to my hospital room. Almost there, just a bit more…

Just as the hospital door appeared in front of him, Ishida felt somebody’s presence and stopped moving.

– Hey, when are you going to die?

The girl spoke.

She was in front of the hospital room.


Ishida screamed and went back down the corridor.

– Where should I run to?

Ishida, in his confusion, spotted an elevator.

He ran as quickly as he could to the elevator and hit the button again and again.

– Hurry, hurry, hurry!

However, the elevator was taking its time to show up.

When he looked down the corridor, he saw the girl slowly walking towards him.

– It’s no good!

Ishida gave up on the elevator and headed towards the stairs ahead of them.

He turned around.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


The girl was approaching quickly.

Ishida took a step to go down the stairs.

– When are you going to die?

The girl was waiting for Ishida at the bottom of the stairs.

Ishida’s body froze.

– Ah!

The moment he thought that, it was already too late.

Ishida lost his balance and tumbled down the stairs.

A sharp pain rain through his thigh and his back.

Ishida’s consciousness fell into a pitch-black darkness –

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


File 01: Prophecy

Dawn had not come yet.

The dim interior of the temple was blanketed in silence.

A wooden statue of Gautama Buddha was enshrined at the front.

Saitou Isshin was sitting in the standard lotus position and hands in Dhyana mudra[1]. He was sitting straight


He was looking forward, and then he lowered his gaze, eyes half-closed.

– One, two, three…

While counting in his mind, he slowly readied his breathing.

Next, he readied his mind.

– Ensou[2].

One cannot see correctly if one does not ready one’s mind.

The basic ideology of Zen.

However, Isshin felt this was incredibly difficult.

No matter how he tried to attain mu[3], worldly thoughts passed through his head.

Trivial things form his everyday life, or negative emotions like envy, resentment and jealous, or the feeling of

an empty stomach and the desire to sleep –

Most of Isshin’s mind was occupied by that man.

He sometimes forgot in his regular daily life, but when he sat in meditation like this, a strong image would

always come up.

However, the man that appeared never had a face.

This was because, though Isshin knew what that man was like and what he had done, he had never once met

him in person.

He was in completely black, as if painted in shadow, but his two eyes glittered, dyed in red.

When Isshin thought about that man, his heart wavered.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


– Hatred.

That feeling was definitely there. But it was also true that it couldn’t be split up into a simple emotion when he

thought about how Yakumo and Nao wouldn’t be in this world without that man.

– Can I forgive him?

If he asked that question, he would probably immediately reply no.

At the same time, however, he felt something like karma.

That man stole an important person from Isshin and also gave him back someone equally as important.

He could say that man had brought about Isshin’s life now.

He always thought about the same thing, but he couldn’t find an answer.


Isshin opened his eyes.

– I was controlled by worldly thoughts again.

After smiling self-derisively, Isshin slowly stood up and exited the temple.

The sun had risen and bathed the world in its refreshing morning rays.

Isshin looked at the cherry blossom tree in the garden.

He saw small pink buds on its branches.

Though it was still chilly, spring would come soon. Then this garden would probably be in full bloom.

'Maybe I'll have a flower viewing,' said Isshin to himself.


In response to the voice, Isshin looked and saw Nao running to him.

In Nao’s smile, Isshin could see her face. The only woman Isshin had ever given his heart to. Isshin didn’t know

how much that smile had supported him.

Isshin naturally smiled as he waited for Nao to arrive.

However, before Nao reached him, he was assaulted with a fierce pain in his head, and he fell to his knees.

His forehead was drenched in sweat.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Recently, these awful headaches came often. While enduring the pain that came to him intermittently, he looked



The smile left Nao’s face. She peered anxiously at Isshin.

'I'm fine,' said Isshin with a smile as he patted Nao's head.

– Once the flowers bloom, let’s view the flowers with everyone.

He placed a hand on Nao’s shoulder as he murmured that in his heart.


Chapter 2

I’m bored.

Ishii Yuutarou stifled his yawn as he looked at the documents.

March was finally approaching and it was much warmer now. When he did simple document organization, he

became sleepy, even though he knew he couldn’t.

Ishii’s hands stopped. He took off his silver-framed glasses and rolled his head.

Since he had been in the same position for so long, his neck cracked loudly.

The <Unsolved Cases Special Investigation Room> where Ishii was stationed was one of the departments of the

police force. Though its name was splendid, in actuality, all he did was organize the files for cases that had been

left behind and help other departments.

Ishii felt very dissatisfied with the situation.

– Could the <Unsolved Cases Special Investigation Room> just be a dead-end job?

He had been thinking that recently.

Though it was imprudent, since he had finally joined the police force he had been yearning for, he wanted to

take part in a stimulating case.

That said, he didn’t want to have a case like the one last month with Takeda Shunsuke which had been bloody

and had required him to investigate alone.

He had managed somehow then, but if something like that happened again, his heart would definitely break.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


– Won’t a safe and stylish case come my way?

Ishii put his glasses back on as he daydreamed.

Suddenly, he saw Gotou in front of him.

He had on a wrinkled shirt and a loose tie. He was reclining on his chair with his mouth wide open as he snored

in his sleep. He didn’t look much different from a drunkard sleeping on a bench outside the station.

– He could help out a bit.

Though he thought that, Ishii didn’t have the courage to say it aloud.

Just as Ishii sighed, the door opened.


Chief Miyagawa came into the room.

Though he was of small stature, he had a bald head and a hard, sharp gaze. At first glance, he looked more like

somebody on the other side than a detective.

'T-t-thank you for your hard work!'

Ishii stood up energetically and straightened his spine as he saluted.

'Where's Gotou?'

'Er, um, he is here, but…'

Ishii’s reply fizzled out as he looked at Gotou, sleeping in his chair.

Miyagawa clicked his tongue and walked briskly towards Gotou

'How long's this fool been sleeping?'

'He fell asleep immediately after lunch.'

When Miyagawa glared at him, Ishii replied simply, unable to resist.

The next moment, Miyagawa raised his right fist and dropped it on Gotou’s head.

Thunk –

The dull sound reverberated through the room.

Ishii felt as though he himself had been hit and unconsciously cowered.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'That hurts!'

Gotou howled as he slipped out of the chair, falling to the floor.

'E-er, are you all right?'

Ishii immediately approached Gotou.

Gotou looked up.

Their eyes met.

– Eh? He can’t think that…

When Ishii thought that, it was already too late.

Gotou rose abruptly and grabbed Ishii’s shirt.

'Ishii! You bastard! When'd you get so mighty that you'd raise your hand against me? Eh?'

'T-that isn't it… It wasn't me.'

'Stop complaining.'

'No, but…'

Gotou didn’t listen to Ishii’s explanation and tightened his grip.

'Won't you stop!?'

Miyagawa hit the back of Gotou’s head.

'You bastard! What the hell are you… doing, sir…'

Gotou turned around reflexively, but when he noticed it was Miyagawa, he immediately toned down.

'What? So it's you, Miyagawa-san?'

Gotou leapt away from Ishii.

– I was this close to choking.

As Ishii coughed, he fixed the collar of his jacket.

'When'd you get so mighty that you'd sleep during work?'

'Even if you ask me when, I've always been doing this.'

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Gotou picked his nose as Miyagawa questioned him.

'Don't just shrug it off,' complained Miyagawa. He walked to a nearby chair and sat down. Then, he took a

cigarette case out of his pocket and held it out towards Gotou.

Gotou took a cigarette. Then, the two of them both lit up and had a smoke.

No matter what they said, the two got along.

When Gotou said before that he was going to quit the police, Miyagawa had been the one who’d stopped him,

saying, ‘Don’t screw with me!’

They were scathing to each other, but they were deeply connected.

– This is a friendship between men.

Ishii gazed at them enviously as he sat down.

'So what are you here for today?'

Gotou crossed his legs and leaned back on his chair lazily.

This really wasn’t the attitude one should be taking towards a boss. However, Miyagawa didn’t seem to mind

and brought up his topic.

'There's somewhere I want you guys to go.'

– Are we going to help out another department?

That was what Ishii thought, but when he saw Miyagawa’s grim expression, his thoughts changed.

Though it was vague, he became anxious that something unbelievable was happening.

'Even though we look like this, we are busy. Please ask elsewhere.'

Perhaps Gotou didn’t sense the strange atmosphere, because he waved his hand as if swatting a fly.

'You're busy napping?'

'Well, yes.'

'You're fired if you don't go.'

When Miyagawa said it, it didn’t sound like a joke.

'Please feel free to do so.'

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Gotou didn’t budge. He spat his cigarette out towards the ceiling.

Miyagawa’s fist would fly with Gotou’s attitude like that. That was what Ishii thought, but it didn’t happen.

Miyagawa’s eyebrows lowered and he sighed, which wasn’t like him.

'I don't want to make you guys go either.'

'What do you mean?'

– Don’t want to make us go.

Ishii interrupted because those words had sounded off.

'It's troublesome, but you guys were designated first.'

'Designated? We were? This isn't a cabaret club – what are you planning?' said Gotou, his attitude the same as


'Nanase Miyuki asked for an interview with you.'

After a silence, Miyagawa said that calmly.

– Nanase Miyuki.

The moment Ishii heard that name, his body jolted, as if electricity had run through him.

Cold sweat came out from every pore of his body.


Ishii put his thoughts into a question.

Nanase Miyuki was a woman who had killed her whole family when she was only ten years old.

After that, she disappeared with the man with two red eyes, Yakumo’s father, and was involved with a number

of cases.

They wouldn’t involve themselves directly. They played with the negative emotions in the bottom of people’s

hearts like hatred and jealousy and led them around.

– It’s more frightening then directly killing somebody.

If there were existences in this world that were evil from birth, they would be considered part of those

existences. Ishii felt like all other criminals were overshadowed by her absolute malice.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


During Takeda Shunsuke’s case, they had finally arrested her. Currently, she was in detention and awaiting


– Why would she ask for that?

Ishii wiped his sweat, which wasn’t stopping.

'What does Nanase Miyuki want now?'

Gotou stretched his back and glared at Miyagawa.

Even Gotou wouldn’t joke around once her name was brought up.

'Nanase Miyuki seems to have told her lawyer that there is another murder that the police do not know about.'

Miyagawa said that in a terribly flat voice.

'A murder we don't know about?'

Gotou casually put out a cigarette in the ashtray.

The smoke swayed.

'She said she would only talk about the details with you two.'

'W-why us?' asked Ishii.

Since it was Miyuki, it wouldn’t be strange if she had killed one or two more people.

What I don’t understand is why she would talk about that now –

He also didn’t understand why she would only talk to Gotou and Ishii.

'I don't understand either. Even when we asked the lawyer, all we got was that she only planned on talking to

you two.'

Miyagawa covered his face with both hands as he sighed.

Ishii understood the situation. That said, he didn’t want to see Miyuki.

There was just one reason. He was afraid.

Ishii licked his dry lips and looked to Gotou for help.

With a grim face, Gotou poked himself in his left side.

Several months ago, Gotou had been stabbed with a knife there. Miyuki had been the one who did it.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


– Please refuse.

Ishii hoped Gotou would do that.

He really was afraid of meeting Miyuki. Since she was stuck in detention, they probably wouldn’t be in direct

danger, but he was still afraid.

'I guess there's no helping it.'

Gotou said that and stood up. Then, he grabbed his jacket from the back of the chair.

'Detective Gotou, you can't. This is definitely a trap,' pleaded Ishii.

If Miyuki was acting in such a roundabout way, there had to be something behind it.

'I know that even without you telling me.'

Gotou snorted.

'If you know that, why?'

'If we don't fall for it, we won't know what the trap is, right?'

After Gotou said that, he left the room briskly with a wide gait.

– I need to follow him.

Though Ishii knew that, for some reason, his body didn’t move.


Miyagawa said that in a murmur.

'Y-yes sir.'

'I leave Gotou to you.'


It was so unexpected that Ishii thought his ears were playing tricks on him.

'He doesn't have anything to protect, so sometimes he loses himself.'

– Loses himself.

When Ishii heard those words, he felt like there was a truth to them.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


He knew what Miyagawa was saying. But –

'I can't do anything…'

Ishii knew he was only a burden.

'You don't have to do anything in particular. Just stay with him.'

'Yes sir.'

Ishii stood up as he replied.

Even though his body had been frozen earlier, it was now so light that it felt like that had been a lie.

Ishii left the room and ran after Gotou.

He stumbled.

He fell –


Chapter 3

After finishing the morning lecture, Ozawa Haruka went to the prefabricated building in the back of Building B.

She was going to meet Saitou Yakumo.

She walked to the courtyard and turned her eyes to the cherry blossom tree which had started to bud.

– The flowers are going to blossom soon.

She looked up at the sky, where lines of clouds were blowing by. Spring was going to come soon.

So it’s already that season – she nodded and started walking again.

It had been a year and a half since Haruka met Yakumo –

It had started when her friend Miki was possessed by a ghost.

She had been troubled about what to do when she had a rumor about Yakumo’s expertise in spiritual

phenomena, so she decided to go meet him.

Her first impression was the worst.

He was contrary and discourteous – he treated people like idiots.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Yakumo normally hid his left eye behind a black contact lens, but it was red, with the unique ability to see the

spirits of the dead.

He had used that ability during that incident too. He hadn’t only saved Miki from her possession – he had even

solved the murder case without it becoming an issue.

That was the start of Haruka’s involvement in a number of cases.

A lot of things had happened. She had been abducted, almost drowned in a river, held at knifepoint – she

couldn’t count them.

It was almost mysterious how she had managed to live until now.

While these cases piled up, her impression of Yakumo, who she had just thought of as fishy and contrary,


Because of Yakumo’s red eye, he had endured more sadness than most.

Because of that, he had built a wall around his heart and tried not to let people get close. He still did that


However, Haruka thought he had gotten better now than he had been when they’d met.

While Haruka was thinking, she spotted the prefabricated building she was looking for.

There were ten small rooms of four and a half tatami in size on each floor. The building was lent out by the

university for club and circle activities.

At the very back of the first floor, Yakumo lived in the room with the plate that read <Movie Research Circle>.

That wasn’t an exaggeration. The name Movie Research Circle was a barefaced lie. Yakumo had deceived the

university and was living in this prefabricated building like it was his own.

'Yakumo-kun, you here?'

Haruka called out as she opened the door.

Normally, Yakumo would be sitting at the chair facing the door and complain – ‘What did you come here to

do?’ – with eyes that looked like they would fall asleep at any moment, but the room was so silent it was


– Is he sleeping?

Haruka looked at the sleeping bag near the wall, but it was empty.

'What? You're not here?' said Haruka in her dissatisfaction to nobody in particular.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


– Maybe he’ll come back soon.

Haruka opened the refrigerator in the back of the room, took out a bottle of tea and some almond chocolate, and

sat on the chair.

'What are you doing?'

Surprised by the sudden voice, Haruka stood up and turned to look at the door.

Yakumo was standing there.

As usual, he was wearing a white shirt and jeans, and he had terrible bedhead.

'Ah, Yakumo-kun.'

'You barged into somebody's room but are acting like you owned the place. Do you not know the word

“restraint”?' complained Yakumo as he sat down in his usual chair. He looked as displeased as a cat whose nap

had been disturbed.

'How long have you been there?' asked Haruka, sitting down again.

'Since you were smirking up at the sky like an idiot.'

Yakumo yawned like a cat.

Haruka had looked up at the sky when she was in the courtyard. Which meant –

'You were following me that whole time?'

'Don't let the screws in your head get looser every time we meet. I'm just going to say this, but this is my room.

I was only heading back to my own room. I don't have enough free time to stalk you.'

Though what he was saying wasn’t wrong, he always said one thing too much. Plus –

'Then you could have called out to me.'


'Even if you ask me why…'

Haruka was lost for words.

She had felt like the distance between her and Yakumo had grown shorter after going through so many things

together, but sometimes he would say things like this.

Her friends would sometimes ask if they were dating, but the answer was no.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


It wasn’t like she wanted to date. She felt like that would waste too much of her time.

She didn’t want to ruin their relationship by bringing that up.

Just as Haruka sighed, the door opened.


The person who showed up at the door was Yakumo’s uncle and the person who had raised him, Saitou Isshin.

He had on black robes and a monk’s stole. Since Haruka was used to his usual work attire, he had a different

impression than he usually did.

However, his smile as gentle as Maitreya’s and red eye were the same as always.

Though Yakumo’s red eye was from birth, Isshin’s was different.

He had put on a red contact lens to make his left eye red. He received strange looks so that he could try to

understand Yakumo’s feelings, even just a little.

Isshin’s love for Yakumo was that deep.

Haruka thought that Isshin was the reason Yakumo was able to overcome the experience of having his mother

try to kill him when he was young and didn’t cross the line.

'It's been a while.'

Haruka stood up and bowed.

'Ah, it has been a while. You could come by once in a while. Nao would be happy too,' replied Isshin in a

dignified voice, still smiling.

'Yes, I'll take you up on your offer.'

Then, Haruka gestured at her chair. ‘Please sit down.’

'Ah, it's fine. I'll stand.'

Isshin showed his usual restraint and refused.

'It's more troublesome in a situation like this if you stand,' rebuked Yakumo.

'That so?' said Isshin. He rubbed his shaved head and sat down on the chair, seeming embarrassed.

Haruka took the round chair in the corner of the room and sat next to Yakumo.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Yakumo’s cheek twitched and he looked a bit displeased, but Haruka pretended not to notice. It’d be best not to

pay him any attention since he’d probably just complain anyway.

'So what are you here for?'

Yakumo put his chin in his hand as he asked Isshin that, looking as melancholic as if he had seen the end of the


'I came to consult you about something,' said Isshin with a sigh.

– Consult?

Haruka was surprised, though she didn’t express that surprise aloud.

Haruka had never heard of Isshin consulting Yakumo before.

She looked to Yakumo.

'You can't be consulting me about spirits, could you?' drawled Yakumo, chin still in his hand.

Isshin clapped his hands together.

'You really are sharp.'

'What do you mean, sharp? You know I hate trouble of that kind.'


'Having one troublemaker is enough,' said Yakumo, glancing at Haruka.

It was a rude way of saying it, but she’d never see the end of it if she got angry at every little thing. Haruka

pretended she didn’t hear him.

'So you really won't help me?' said Isshin.

'No,' Yakumo said firmly. He crossed his arms in his displeasure.

When he became like this, Yakumo wouldn’t budge.

Isshin knew Yakumo’s personality, so he gave up readily. ‘There’s no helping it.’

But, putting Isshin aside, Haruka had no plans of letting it end like this.

Isshin had never brought up ghosts before. Rather, he knew that Yakumo didn’t like his unique ability, so he

avoided the topic.

For Isshin to bring up the topic, it must have been a very special situation.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'Hey, why not just listen to him?'

When Haruka said that, Yakumo glared at her immediately.

'I refuse.'

'So cheap.'

'I don't want to hear that from you.'

'What? You can just listen.'

'If I listen to it, I won't be able to leave it alone,' said Yakumo irritably.

– I see.

Haruka clapped her hands together in realization. If she flipped those words around, it meant that Yakumo

would take on the trouble if he heard the story.

Though that was just a convenient way of looking at it, she didn’t care.

'Isshin-san, please let me hear what you have to say.'

'I said I wouldn't listen to it,' interrupted Yakumo immediately.

'I'm talking to Isshin-san. If you don't want to listen, you can leave.'

'Do whatever you want,' Yakumo said recklessly, and he leaned back on his chair, seeming exhausted.


Chapter 4

– This is a pain.

Gotou cursed in his heart after arriving at the reception area of the detention room.

The detention room was very different than what Gotou knew of them.

Renovated with the concept of a detention room with no walls, its appearance, outside and inside, reminded him

of a general hospital.

Gotou wrote his name in the interview request document at the reception and put it through the window. Then,

he sat on the sofa in the waiting room.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


The prosecuted persecutor left the hands of the police, went from being the suspect to the accused, was taken

into custody by the prosecution and was waiting for the trial in the detention room.

The police couldn’t freely visit people in detention.

Though it was a pain, he had to do the usual interview procedures.

Next to Gotou, Ishii was fidgeting, like he was trying to keep his bladder in check.

After waiting more than long enough, a voice called them in from the speaker.

Gotou and Ishii took the lift to the fourth floor. They followed the instructions of the uniformed guard, entered

the room and sat down.

Protective glass divided the room in half. Each side had its own entrance so that the accused and the visitor

could not directly touch.

Sitting next to Gotou, Ishii was looking around, unable to calm down, as usual.

Gotou hit Ishii’s head casually.


Ishii yelped like a dog whose tail had been stepped on and held his head in his hands.

It wasn’t like Gotou didn’t understand how Ishii felt, but they couldn’t act disturbed in front of Miyuki.

Gotou crossed his arms and snorted.

At the same time, the door on the other side of the protective glass opened and the guard brought Miyuki in.

Since she was still the accused, she wasn’t wearing prison clothes. She had on casual clothes – a white blouse

and jeans.

The moment Gotou saw Miyuki, an unpleasant feeling welled up in his stomach.

– Miyuki doesn’t regret what she’s done.

He felt that way.

Though many people would falter when taken into detention because of the sudden change in environment,

Miyuki hadn’t changed at all since she was arrested.

On the contrary, when her eyes met Gotou’s, her glossy red lips turned up in a smile.

Miyuki sat down as gracefully as a queen in the chair that the guard directed her to.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'My, if it isn't Gotou-san. Even Ishii-san – what is it?'

Miyuki turned towards Gotou and Ishii, sitting like the woman in the Mona Lisa as she said that with half-

closed eyes.

Gotou shuddered just from looking at those eyes. Ishii looked at his feet, like he couldn’t bear the gaze.

– Don’t get caught up at her pace.

Gotou told himself that and glared at Miyuki with his hands in fists on his lap.

'What is it? You're the one who called us here.'

'My, is that so?'

Miyuki hid her mouth with her hand and laughed with shaking shoulders.

– She’s enjoying this.

'If you don't need anything, we're leaving.'

'That's fine by me, but somebody important to you will die.'

Miyuki’s voice was so empty of intonation it was uncanny.

'That's not what you said. You killed somebody else and were going to tell us about that. Isn't that what you


Gotou leaned forward.

– There is another murder.

That was what Miyagawa said, but from what Miyuki said just now, it sounded like that murder hadn’t

happened yet.

'It seems like the message wasn't carried to you properly.'

The smile left Miyuki’s face.

Her expression was as inhuman as a wax figure’s, but her eyes alone were sparkling. It was creepy.

'I'm going to kill somebody – that’s what I said.’

'That's ridiculous!' yelled Gotou, overwhelmed by his emotions.

However, Miyuki didn’t raise even one eyebrow. She continued to speak disinterestedly.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'It isn't impossible for me.'

'Don't make fun of us! You're in prison. There's no way you could kill anybody. Understand the position you're

in,' said Gotou all at once, his nose so close to the glass it was almost touching.

Miyuki was imprisoned in the newly built Tokyo Detention House. It couldn’t be compared with the old


All of the windows were protective glass. The door was made of steel and wouldn’t open without both a key

and fingerprint recognition. Furthermore, the security cameras everywhere were always on.

– It’s definitely impossible for her to kill someone in this situation.

Miyuki had to be challenging them, saying she’d kill somebody because she was bored from being imprisoned.

That was how she entertained herself.

'You think I can't do it.'

Miyuki looked at Gotou with eyes full of pity.

'Of course I do.'

'Unfortunately, I can.'


'Even while I'm here, I can kill somebody outside.'

'There's a limit to how far you can take a joke!' spat out Gotou.

However, even while he denied her claims, the anxiety in his chest was stuck there, like gum at the bottom of a


The reason for that was Miyuki’s eyes. Even though what she was saying was absolutely impossible, there was

no doubt in those eyes. On the contrary, they appeared filled with confidence.

'I thought that was what you'd say, Gotou-san.'

Miyuki’s lips turned up in a smile. Then, she slowly pointed at Ishii.

'But what do you think, Ishii-san? Do you think I can kill somebody elsewhere while I'm in the detention


The conversation suddenly turned to Ishii, and his mouth fell agape as he froze. He was going completely at

Miyuki’s pace.

– Don’t fall for it!

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Instead of speaking aloud, Gotou hit Ishii’s back.

Ishii came back to his senses, recoiling like a spring.

'I-I don't…'

Ishii fixed the position of his glasses as he looked at his feet.

– There’s no point talking any further.

'We don't have the time to go along with your stupid joke,' said Gotou with a click of his tongue. He got up

from his seat.

Miyuki stood up as well, as if she were a reflection in a mirror.

Their eyes met through the glass.

The pupils of her narrowed eyes glittered like a drawn sword.

'I don't mind if you think I'm playing around. People won't acknowledge the importance of something until it's


Gotou couldn’t think of a reply.

He knew in his mind that there was no way somebody in detention could kill somebody outside. But what was

that numb feeling?

Could this woman really kill somebody at a distance?

A line of sweat ran down Gotou’s back.

'It's time.'

The guard walked towards Miyuki. Gotou came back to his senses.

The guard stood in meetings to check that there was no issue with what was being discussed. Despite that –

Miyuki had been discussing a murder plan. It was definitely unnatural for the guard just to stand there like

nothing had happened.

'Wait a second!'

Gotou called out at the guard who had tried to leave the room together with Miyuki.

The guard slowly turned around. Those eyes were hollow – it was like they didn’t see Gotou.

'What are you planning to do? This woman…'

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Gotou hit the glass with his hand.


Miyuki interrupted Gotou.

'I forgot to say the crucial point.'


'The name of the person I'm going to kill…'

'You can't be aiming for Yakumo again, right?'

Gotou said the first thing that came to mind.

Miyuki was so focused on Yakumo it was extraordinary. If she was going to kill somebody, Yakumo was the

only person Gotou could think of.

'Nope. I can’t kill Yakumo-kun.’

Miyuki shook her head.

'Then who? Who the hell are you planning to kill?'

Miyuki paused purposefully and then licked her lips, like a snake.

Gotou gulped.

'Saitou Isshin.'


Gotou’s voice caught at the unexpected name.

'I'm going to kill Saitou Isshin from inside this detention house.'

After licking her red lips, Miyuki smiled twisted.

– Why? Why does she need to kill Isshin?

Gotou thought furiously, but he couldn’t find the answer.

Miyuki walked out the door with the guard.

'Oi! Wait! We're not done talking!'

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


The door closed loudly, interrupting Gotou’s frantic yell.


Chapter 5

Haruka went together with Yakumo and Isshin to the hospital where the spiritual phenomenon occurred.

A number of affiliated hospitals in the city had combined and were rebuilt into a general hospital.

The glass-sided lobby looked at first glance like a high-class restaurant. Haruka had thought it’d be more eerie,

so it was a bit anticlimactic.

Isshin went to the reception to call out his friend, the one who had told him about this.

Haruka sat with Yakumo on the bench in the waiting area.

Yakumo had his hands in his pockets and was staring forward, looking displeased.

'Hey, Yakumo-kun. Do you think the story earlier was true?'

Haruka recalled the story Isshin had told them earlier.

It was about a girl’s ghost who appeared every night in the hospital.

That girl wandered the hospital and would ask patients a question if she found them.

– When are you going to die?

The people who were asked this question always died soon afterwards.

Yakumo’s expression was grim, but finally, he opened his mouth while running a hand through his hair.

'I've said this countless times, but the spirits of the dead are clusters of people's emotions. Therefore…'

'They have no physical effect on the living.'

Haruka finished Yakumo’s sentence.

He had explained this to her again and again before.

Yakumo could see the spirits of the dead with his red left eye. It was a notion he had come up with from his


Since spirits of the dead were only clusters of people’s emotions, they had no physical influence at all.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Accordingly, they couldn’t curse people to death or directly harm them. The actions of exorcists were pointless.

That was Yakumo’s theory.

'But people actually died, right?'

Haruka said the first thing that came to mind. If the rumor were true, everyone whom the girl asked that

question died.

However, Yakumo shook his head in his exasperation.

'You're such an idiot you could be in the Guinness World Book of Records.'

– When’d my idiocy become world-class?

'Did I say something so strange?'

'You did.'

'But the rumor…'

'That's why I said you're an idiot. Rumors are rumors.'


'Plus, this is a hospital. It isn't strange for people to die.'

'Right. My bad.'

Haruka understood what Yakumo was saying, but his tone annoyed her. In the past, she would’ve cried herself

to sleep, but now, Haruka had a trick to fight back.

Haruka waited for a chance to poke Yakumo in the side.

A jolt ran through Yakumo’s body and he stood up from the bench.

He looked so strange Haruka couldn’t help but laugh.

Yakumo opened his mouth like he wanted to say something when Isshin came back. He was together with a

woman in a white and a female nurse.

'Let me introduce her. This is Arai Mao-san, one of my friends from university,' said Isshin, gesturing at the

woman in white.

'It's nice to meet you. My name is Arai Mao,' said Mao with good enunciation. Then, she smiled with dimples.

When Haruka heard the story from Isshin, she had thought that his friend was male, so she was a bit surprised.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Mao had an intellectual air to her, but perhaps because of her small frame and skin as smooth as an egg, she

looked young.

'My name is Ozawa Haruka.'

Yakumo bowed silently while yawning.

'You must be Yakumo-kun. I've heard about you from Isshin-kun.'

Mao held her hand out towards Yakumo for a handshake.

However, Yakumo didn’t appear to notice the hand, and just said, ‘Nice to meet you.’

He might have disliked being talked about without his knowing.

'Sorry, Yakumo can be difficult,' said Isshin, smoothing things over.

'More importantly, please let me hear about the spiritual phenomenon.'

Yakumo brought up the main topic while running his fingers through his hair.

Pointless conversations are unnecessary – it was like he was saying that.

'She knows about it in more detail than I do, so do you mind if she explains?'

Mao smiled wryly as she looked at the nurse with her.

'Go ahead.'

Yakumo yawned, seeming uninterested in Mao’s suggestion.

'Then Furukawa-san, I leave the rest to you.'


After replying quietly, Furukawa took a step forward.

Her height wasn’t much different from Mao’s, but she was a size larger.

She had defined, childish features, but she looked somehow afraid.

'My name is Furukawa. It's nice to meet you.'

'It's nice to meet you as well.'

Haruka bowed politely.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


However, Yakumo didn’t bow – rather, he looked away.

He was looking at Isshin and Mao, speaking quietly between themselves.

'… discussed… results of the examination…'

Haruka could faintly hear Mao’s lowered voice.

– Results of the examination?

Perhaps it was something to do with Yakumo’s red eye.

'We're going,' said Yakumo, interrupting Haruka's thoughts.

She saw that Yakumo and Furukawa had already started walking.

'Ah, wait.'

Haruka started walking after Yakumo.


Chapter 6

– I’m scared.

Ishii finally reached the parking lot.

The distance of only a few dozen meters had felt considerably longer to Ishii.

His ears had been buzzing ever since he heard Miyuki’s voice. He was dizzy and his feet were unsteady, as if he

had had a bout of anemia.

Ishii dropped his key a number of times from his shaking hand and finally opened the door to the white Crown

to get into the driver’s seat.

He leant back on the chair and could tell that his back was damp.

Miyuki’s faint smile wouldn’t leave his retinas.

Her eyes, mouth and voice – her very existence was the object of terror.

Ishii looked at himself in the rear-view mirror.

– I look awful.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


His face was as pale as a dead man’s. His eyes were bloodshot.

'Stop spacing out.'

Gotou got into the passenger’s seat and hit Ishii’s head.

'E-e-excuse me…'

Though Ishii apologized, his feelings didn’t change.

– Even while I’m here, I can kill somebody outside.

Miyuki had said that.

Thinking about it normally, that was impossible.

However, Miyuki’s eyes then had been filled with confidence, like those of a magician about to show his

audience a marvel. Ishii was sure she was planning something incredible.

'E-er, Detective Gotou. About earlier…'

I want somebody to deny it – that was Ishii’s wish as he asked his question.

'It's obviously a lie!' spat out Gotou, in a foul mood.

Though Gotou’s words normally reassured Ishii, now they just sounded like a strong front.

'But she didn't look like she was lying.'

Ishii couldn’t erase his anxiety.

'Listen – use your common sense. That woman's imprisoned in the Tokyo Detention House. She's locked in a

room and is being watched twenty-four hours a day. It's definitely for making an alibi.'

Just as Gotou said, as long as she was imprisoned, committing a crime would be impossible.

Ishii understood that, but something in the back of his mind wouldn’t accept that.

Miyuki had trapped them many times up until now. Mightn’t she be able to overcome physical convention –

thought Ishii.

'She might have a method that we don't know…'

He put his anxiety as it was into words.

'Give it up already. Of course she can't. The story would be different if she could walk through walls or

something,' said Gotou recklessly, lighting up a cigarette.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

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That moment, a light came on in Ishii’s head. A bolt out of the blue –

'Detective Gotou! That's it! That!'

Ishii was so agitated he leant towards Gotou.

'You're so noisy! Calm down!'

Gotou pushed Ishii away from him as he said that.

'I understand! I know how she's going to commit the murder!'


Even Gotou couldn’t hide his surprise as he looked at Ishii with wide eyes.

It made sense for Gotou to be surprised, but Ishii couldn’t think of any other method. Ishii was confident in his


'Explain,' said Gotou, looking straight at Ishii's eyes.

Gotou’s eyes seemed doubtful, but once he heard Ishii’s explanation, that would probably change.

'It's simple. The hint was what you said about walking through walls, Detective Gotou.'

Gotou’s brows furrowed, and his lips turned down in doubt.

It was such an interesting expression, but Gotou would probably get angry if Ishii laughed so he continued his

explanation in a disinterested matter.

'You don't understand? Just as you said, Detective Gotou, she plans on walking through the walls.'


Gotou cocked his head.

'I'm saying that she has the special ability to walk through walls. From her perspective, it doesn't matter how

strictly guarded the detention house is. I mean, she can walk through walls,' declared Ishii clearly.

He was that confident in his own thoughts.

'Ishii. You seriously saying that?'

'Yes. Of course. Walking through walls is possible. I saw it on television before. A man with supernatural

powers named David Copperfield…'

As Ishii continued explaining, Gotou’s fist came down on his head.

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


It hurt so much that Ishii couldn’t even scream – he just held his head in his hands.

'The next time you say something so stupid, I'm going to kill you,' said Gotou, spitting out his cigarette.


Chapter 7

– I’m always chasing after him.

Haruka finally caught up to Yakumo and Furukawa at the lift.

It would be more correct to say they were waiting there.

'You're the type who would run away too late during a fire.'

When Haruka got in the lift, Yakumo said that in his usual tone.

He always said one thing too much.

– I don’t need to hear that from you.

Haruka muttered that in her heart.

They went up to the third floor and then walked up to the men’s bathroom in front of the nurse center at

Furukawa’s direction.

'It's here,' said Furukawa, pointing at the door.

After hearing that a ghost was spotted here, the simple door looked like the gateway to hell.

Yakumo opened the door without any hesitation, flipped the light switch by the entrance and went inside.

Haruka and Furukawa stood at the entrance, peering inside.

It was a clean bathroom, surrounded by white walls. Urinals were on the walls with three stalls at the end.

'About a week ago, a young man hospitalized for a stomach ulcer saw a ghost here.'

Furukawa’s voice was shaking.

It was like she had experienced it herself.

'Where did he see the ghost?' asked Yakumo.

'At the sink,' replied Furukawa.

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!



Yakumo stood in front of the sink.



'When he was washing his face, he turned around at the sound of someone's voice.'

Yakumo turned around at Furukawa’s words.

His gaze was on the white wall of the bathroom.


'Nobody was there, but when he looked at the mirror again, there was a girl standing behind him.'

'A girl…' said Haruka as she imagined the scene.

When he looked at the mirror, the girl’s ghost was standing there. How frightening –

'That girl asked him a question.'

'A question?'

Yakumo raised an eyebrow.


'What sort of question?'

'When are you going to die – she asked him that,' said Furukawa, opening her eyes wide.

Haruka felt gooseflesh rise on her skin.

– When are you going to die?

Haruka was more frightened by the words the girl’s ghost had left.

It made it sound like she wished for that person’s death. When she thought about how it was a young girl who’d

said that, it made it even more terrible.

'Then what happened to him afterwards?' asked Yakumo lazily after a silence.

'He hurriedly ran out of the bathroom and tried to return to his hospital room, but the girl's ghost was there…

and then he headed for the stairs…'

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Furukawa left the bathroom entrance and walked towards the stairs.

Haruka and Yakumo followed her.


Furukawa stopped in front of the stairs.

The difference in level was minimal. The stairs were wide and there were landings as the stairway turned.

'The girl's ghost came upon him and he fell here.'

As Furukawa explained, she clasped her hands in front of her chest.

'Then?' urged Yakumo.

'He hit his head, and when we found him, it was already too late…'

Furukawa covered her face with her hands as she finished.

Haruka looked down the stairs. For just a moment, she felt like she could see a bleeding man collapsed at the

bottom of the stairs.

Yakumo pinched his brow with his fingers and looked down, as if thinking.

'Can you see anything?'

Yakumo shook his head at Haruka’s question.

'I don't see anything now.'


'You make mistakes because you jump to conclusions like that.'

'Can't you say that differently?'

Haruka looked angry, but Yakumo didn’t appear to care as he turned back to Furukawa.

'I understand. I'll investigate.'

Yakumo said just that and turned around on his heels. He started walking briskly.

Haruka wasn’t sure what to do, so she bowed at Furukawa and chased after Yakumo.

'Hey, did you find out anything?'

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Haruka spoke up to Yakumo, but he walked silently to the lift; it didn’t seem like he wanted to respond.

'Hey, why are you in such a bad mood?'

She asked Yakumo another question as they waited for the lift to move.

Yakumo sighed and then scowled.

'Listening to that would put anyone in a bad mood.'


'What do you mean, why? Don't you think it's strange?'

Haruka looked up at the ceiling as she thought, but she couldn’t think of anything in particular.

'I was an idiot for asking you,' said Yakumo as the lift doors opened. Then he walked briskly to the exit.

Haruka chased after Yakumo’s back again.

'Explain properly.'

'Have you really not noticed?'

'I haven't.'

'The young man died after falling down the stairs.'

'What's strange about that?'

'That young man died.'


'Then why would the nurse know what the ghost said to the young man?'


Now that Yakumo said it, Haruka finally understood.

If that young man really died, there was no way the nurse could know what the ghost said to him.

'Furthermore, why wasn't it in the news?'


'If a patient died after falling down the stairs in a hospital, there would be a fuss.'

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'There are other points that are strange.'


'That hospital has been built for half a year. The way the nurse put it, a number of people have died mysterious


'She did say that.'

'If that many people have died mysterious deaths, the responsibility of the management would be questioned.'

Yakumo’s voice was filled with anger.

After hearing what Yakumo said, an uneasy feeling spread through Haruka’s chest.

'Could it be…'

'Correct. That was just gossip. Though it seems like the nurse called Furukawa believes it…'

Yakumo stopped in front of the automatic door as he said that with a disappointed expression.

'How about Isshin-san?'

– Does he know this is just gossip?

Haruka was concerned about that.

'Of course he knows it's gossip.'

'Then why did he go out of his way to consult Yakumo-kun?'

'When that person sees somebody who's troubled, he can't leave them alone.'


Haruka felt that too.

No matter the situation, Isshin was the type of person who couldn’t leave somebody who was troubled alone.

'He knew it was gossip and got me to pretend to be an exorcist to control the situation.'


'And that doctor called Mao doesn't believe in the ghost either.'

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'That's why neither she nor Uncle came along.'


– Come to think of it.

Haruka clapped her hands in understanding.

Yakumo walked through the automatic doors and went outside.

'Hey, where are you going?'

Haruka immediately ran after him.

'Back, obviously.'

'You're not going to wait for Isshin-san?'

'My work is done.'

Yakumo walked away without turning around.


Chapter 8

Ishii walked through the corridor in the basement of the hospital where the coroner Hata Hideyoshi worked.

The fluorescent lighting was dirty and broken at points, so the corridor was dim and uncanny.

Ishii didn’t want to come to a place like this by himself, but he couldn’t say something like that.

Gotou was frantically looking for Yakumo and couldn’t get away from his work. Plus, the person who’d

suggested that they ask Hata’s opinion was none other than Ishii.

Ishii stood in front of the door at the very end and knocked as he pinned down his wildly beating heart.

'It's open.'

There was a reply in a hoarse voice.

With the mood of the corridor, that voice sounded more uncanny than usual.

'P-please excuse me.'

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Ishii timidly opened the door and went inside.

The room was about six tatami in size. Cabinets lined the walls, while Hata was at the desk in the back.

With white hair and a face that was wrinkled like a dried persimmon, Hata had goggling eyes which were

sparkling like those of a child.

He looked just like a demon.

Hata was a perverted coroner who professed that ‘corpses had to be raw’.

Gotou always said that Hata would commit a crime someday, but Ishii thought that what Hata said came from

an innocent interest in the matter as a doctor.

Hata was unusually interested in the threshold between life and death.

However, just because Ishii thought that didn’t mean Hata wasn’t frightening.

'Oh, it's you, Ishii-kun?'

Hata took a leisurely sip of his tea.

'Ah, h-hello.'

'The bear isn't with you?'

– Bear?

For a moment, Ishii was confused, but then he realized that Hata was talking about Gotou.

'Detective Gotou is busy with another case…'

'I see. Why not sit down?'

Hata looked at the round chair in the centre of the room.

'Ah, I don't mind standing.'

'Then we can't relax and talk.'

'I-I'm sorry.'

Ishii hurriedly sat down in the chair after Hata said that, sounding depressed.

When they sat in front of each other like this, Hata seemed even more like a demon.

– He really is scary.

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'So what are you here for today? You come to ask for a way to kill the bear?'

'T-that's… How could I kill Detective Gotou…'

'That idiot won't get better unless he dies,' said Hata. He seemed to find it funny as he leaned backwards and


Ishii looked at him fearfully, wondering whether his chin might dislocate.

'Actually, I wanted to consult you about something,' said Ishii after Hata finished laughing.

'Consult? All I can help with is corpses.'

'I understand.'

Ishii adjusted the position of his glasses and looked straight at Hata.

Hata seemed to sense something different from usual so he looked back with a serious expression and urged

Ishii to continue: ‘Try telling me.’

'We went to the detention house today to meet Nanase Miyuki.'

'That must've been a trial.'

Hata’s eyes popped out like a fish’s.

Even Hata couldn’t remain indifferent after hearing her name.

'We were called there. By her…'


'She gave us advance notice that she would kill Saitou Isshin from within the detention house. No, perhaps it

was a prophecy.'

'Advance notice of a murder, eh…'

Hata looked grim as he rubbed the white stubble on his chin.

Even Hata was troubled by the situation.

'So I wanted to borrow your knowledge, Hata-san…'

'The method somebody would use to kill somebody else from within a detention house – that's what you want to



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'There's no such method,' said Hata firmly.

The response was so quick that it was anticlimactic.

'No, but…'

'If it were a one-room flat, there could be some sort of trick, but it's different for a detention house.'

Ishii also understood what Hata was saying.

The detention house was fortified with metal walls. It couldn’t be left or entered easily. Ishii knew that.

However, that didn’t mean he accepted it.

Ishii didn’t think that Miyuki had just gave them advance notice of a murder she couldn’t do to kill time. She

must have been thinking something that Ishii couldn’t understand.

'Can you not think of a method besides a trick?'

'Besides a trick?'

'Yes. For example, supernatural powers or curses…'


'Yes. Do you know anything of them?'

'I hear many rumors of that sort, but they're all scams.'


'The only real thing I've seen up until now is Yakumo.'

Hata snorted.

It was the same for Ishii, but he still thought there might be something.

'We are dealing with Nanase Miyuki. She might have a special ability.'

'If she is going to kill somebody with supernatural powers or curses – we have no means to stop her.'

Hata gulped down all the tea in his teacup.


Ishii felt like he had fallen into hell.

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It was just as Hata said. If she used supernatural powers or curses, even if they knew her method, they, as

normal people, had no way to stop her.

'This is just my gut talking, but is Nanase Miyuki's goal murder?' drawled Hata.

'What do you mean?'

'Exactly what I said.'

After Hata said that, he slowly looked up at the fluorescent lights on the ceiling.

Ishii couldn’t understand the true meaning behind Hata’s words –


Chapter 9

'Sorry to bother.'

Gotou opened the door to Yakumo’s secret hiding place, the <Movie Research Circle>..

The dim and cold room was silent.

It seemed like Yakumo had gone out without locking the door. Gotou thought it was careless, but then he

realized there was nothing to steal from the dreary room.

Gotou sat down on a chair.

– I will kill Saitou Isshin from within the detention house.

Miyuki’s words kept repeating in Gotou’s head.

It was absolutely impossible. Gotou understood that, but he just couldn’t wipe the anxiety away from his heart.

That was why he wanted to hear Yakumo’s opinion.

No, he might have just wanted to hear the words ‘Killing somebody from within a detention house is

impossible’ from Yakumo’s mouth.

However, Yakumo didn’t answer no matter how many times Gotou called.

Gotou had come to Yakumo’s secret hiding place because of that, but the room was empty.

'You monster cat. What are you doing at a time like this?'

Gotou clicked his tongue and cursed. Then, his mobile phone started vibrating to tell him he had a call.

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– Yakumo!?

'You bastard! Where the hell have you walked off to!?'

Gotou answered the mobile without checking the display and yelled at the receiver.

<What did you say?>

The voice he heard from the other end of the phone was the thick one of Miyagawa.

'What? It's you, Miyagawa-san?'

<What do you mean, what? Honestly…>

Gotou heard Miyagawa sigh.

'What is it then?'

<What do you mean, what is it? I’m calling about Nanase Miyuki’s murder.>

'Did you figure something out?' snapped Gotou.

<No, we don’t know the details at all.>

'I see…'

They wouldn’t have to put up with so much if they could find stuff out that easily. Gotou understood that, but

he couldn’t do anything about his rapidly withering feelings.

<There’s one piece of bad news.>

'What is it?'

<Regarding the matter of Saitou Isshin’s bodyguard…>

The moment Gotou left the detention house, he told Miyagawa the situation and requested that a bodyguard stay

with Saitou Isshin for the next little while.

'What happened?'

From the tone of Miyagawa’s voice, Gotou could easily imagine what the police had decided, but he decided to

ask anyway.

'The guys at the top decided to keep an eye on the situation.'

– As I thought.

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'Why?' asked Gotou, though he knew the answer.

<There’s no way a murder can occur from within a detention house – that’s what they decided.>

'Idiotic. It'll be too late if something happens,' spat out Gotou, disappointed in the answer he had expected.

It was certainly impossible to kill somebody from within a detention house. Gotou understood that. But there

was always the possibility.

It would be too late once it happened.

However, the organization that was the police wouldn’t move their fat bottoms until something happened.

There was a mountain of cases wherein they had the information from the victim but no concrete action was


<We’ll need people to guard him. And if the press hear about the police moving because somebody gave

advance notice of a murder from within a detention house, it’d be a mess.>

Gotou understood what Miyagawa was saying.

If the police moved now, that would mean they recognized what Miyuki said. Then the press would get all

stirred up.

But –

'Who the hell cares? Somebody might get killed!'

<Calm down.>

'How could I be calm?'

<You idiot! Before you go flapping your mouth off, there’s something you have to do!>

Miyagawa yelled so loudly Gotou thought the speaker would break.

Gotou’s breath caught at the pressure from that voice.

<I told you the decision from the guys on the top.>


<You go protect the monk who’s got that murder notice.>

Miyagawa’s words changed the anger eddying in the bottom of Gotou’s stomach into a sense of duty.

– I’ll protect him!

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Gotou engraved that determination into his heart.

'I planned on doing that even if you didn't tell me to.'

<We’ll look into the background of the guard who was watching when you had your interview.>

Gotou recalled the face of the guard who had watched as he met with Miyuki.

He had left Miyuki alone when she gave advance notice of a murder right in front of him. That attitude was

clearly strange. There was a chance it was related to the case somehow.

'Thank you.'

After he said that, Gotou hung up. At the same time, another call came in.

This time it was –

'Who is it?'

<Ah, er, this is Ishii Yuutarou.>

He heard Ishii’s hesitant voice.

'What do you want?'

<I just left Hata-san’s hospital.>


<Unfortunately, I have no new information.>

'You're useless!'

<I-I apologize…>

Even through the phone, Gotou could tell that Ishii was bowing his head.

'Anyway, come right now.'

<Er… Where to?>

'To that monk's place, of course!'

Gotou yelled at the receiver and then hung up.

– I have to protect him.

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'I won't let any get killed in front of me. I won't let anyone die.'

Gotou murmured that to incite his own morale and then opened the door to leave the room.


Chapter 10

– Yakumo really went back.

After deliberation, Haruka decided to wait for Isshin on the bench in the waiting room.

Since Isshin had been the one who asked them to come investigate, Haruka didn’t think they should leave

without talking to him.

Just as Yakumo said, Isshin might have known that the ghost sighting was just a rumor, but those were two

different matters.

Plus, Haruka was interested in why Isshin had taken the request.

She was sure he had some sort of special reason.

While Haruka thought about that, gazing idly at the opposite side of the glass, she suddenly felt somebody’s


She looked up and saw a girl of about middle-school age in front of her.

Her glossy black hair went to her shoulders. Perhaps because of her hollow cheeks, her eyes were goggling.

She just looked at Haruka without saying anything.

'What is it?'

However, the girl stood there without even a twitch, as if she hadn’t heard anything.


Isshin called out to her as he walked over.

'Ah, Isshin-san.'

Haruka looked up at Isshin.

Isshin noticed the girl in front of Haruka. He looked surprised.


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Isshin called out to the girl.

'Is she somebody you know?'

'She's a patient at this hospital. We were together during the examination earlier.'

'I see…'

'What are you doing here?' said Isshin, crouching down.

Yoshiko’s eyes, which had been blank until now, seemed to light up a bit.

That was Isshin for you, thought Haruka. Isshin found a place in your heart no matter who you were.

'I'm looking…' said Yoshiko in a hard voice.

'What are you looking for?'


Yoshiko’s expression clouded over again.

'Your father, eh… You'll definitely find him.'


A nurse called out and walked over to interrupt them.

Yoshiko turned around in response to that.

'So this is where you were. Come on, let's go back to your room.'

The nurse took Yoshiko’s hand.

Yoshiko nodded weakly and was led away by the nurse.

'Her heart is weak,' said Isshin, his eyes narrowed as he watched Yoshiko leave.


'When we were waiting to get our blood drawn, I talked with Yoshiko-chan a bit.'

'Is that so?'

'I was concerned because she looked so sad, so afterwards I asked the nurse, who said her heart was failing…'

Isshin’s eyes looked distant as he said that.

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Perhaps he was thinking about Nao.

'By the way, where's Yakumo?' said Isshin, changing the topic.

'He left earlier.'

Haruka shrugged her shoulders.

'I wanted to talk to him a bit, but I guess there's no helping it.'

Isshin knew Yakumo’s selfish personality well. That said, he couldn’t hide his disappointment.

Somehow, Haruka felt apologetic.

'I'm sorry.'

'No, no, there's no reason for you to apologize, Haruka-chan.'


'Now, we should get going too.'

A carefree smile appeared on Isshin’s face, and he started walking slowly.

Haruka followed after him.

When they passed through the automatic doors to go outside, the wind blew by them lowly.

That wind felt warmer than usual. Spring was coming soon.

'Yakumo-kun could have said something too.'

Haruka looked at Isshin’s profile.

Normally, Yakumo lived in the room for the <Movie Research Circle> at the university, and he rarely visited

Isshin’s temple, though Isshin was the one who had raised him.

Earlier, Isshin had said there was no helping it, but Haruka could tell that Isshin was regretful.

'Yakumo is a cloud,' Isshin said seriously.

'A cloud?'

'Yes. He won't be bound by anything. When somebody tries to grab him, he slips out of their grasp.'

Isshin had stopped in his tracks. He reached out towards the sky and gripped his fingers, as if trying to grab a


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'That might be true.'

Though Haruka was smiling, those words had stabbed deep in her heart.

– He won’t be bound by anything.

It really could be true, but that meant Haruka might have been tying Yakumo down by chasing after him so


It could be terribly annoying to Yakumo.

Haruka knew it was a bad habit to think so negatively, but she couldn’t help but be concerned.

– What does Yakumo think of me?

She felt like the distance between them had closed more than before, but she also felt like there was a wall in

front of her that she just couldn’t scale.

More than friends, less than lovers – it was a setting that might work out if this were a drama, but being put in

this position in reality made her dissatisfied and anxious.

'Are you all right?' asked Isshin, sounding concerned.

Haruka’s face heated up – she felt like he had seen through to the bottom of her heart.


'Did I say something unnecessary?'

'No, that isn't it.'

'Yakumo isn't good at expressing his feelings. He should be a bit sweeter to you ,Haruka-chan.'

– Yakumo being sweet?

Haruka couldn’t imagine it at all. She unconsciously started laughing.

'It'd be creepy if he acted that way.'

'Hm, that might be true.'

Isshin scratched his chin and nodded.

'I know very well about Yakumo-kun's contrary act.'

'Right. You might know him better than I do, Haruka-chan.'

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Isshin smiled.

It was mysterious how Haruka felt like her worries had been silly just from seeing that gentle smile.

'No, I don't think so.'

'I do though. As long as you're there for him, Haruka-chan, Yakumo will be fine.'

Isshin looked up at the sky and said that cheerfully.

Perhaps putting it this way would be an exaggeration, but he looked like a father seeing his child leaving the


Haruka looked up at the sky as well.

The cloudy sky was dyed a brilliant red.

In the middle of the sky was a single line of clouds, like a brush had artlessly drawn them.

Isshin’s eyes looked a bit wet as he stood next to her.

'Did something happen?' said Haruka, looking at Isshin's forlorn profile.

– He’s going to disappear.

Isshin looked so fleeting then that Haruka felt that way.

'No, it's nothing.'

'If you're sure.'

Haruka didn’t accept that answer, but she couldn’t ask further. Haruka felt that way so she looked away from


After that, Haruka parted with Isshin at the train station.

'Haruka-chan, from now on, I'll leave Yakumo to you.'

When they parted, Isshin said that with a solemn expression.

Haruka felt like those words had a special meaning to them, but she didn’t ask what it was. She just replied,


Only afterwards did Haruka realize what those words meant –


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Chapter 11

– To hell with it!

Gotou cursed in his heart as he leaned back on the passenger seat with a cigarette in his mouth.

He had called Yakumo earlier, but his phone appeared to be off so all Gotou’s calls had gone to voicemail.

Yakumo wasn’t the only person he couldn’t get a hold of.

Gotou went to the temple to guard Isshin, but he had also been out.

The car was parked in front of the temple gates, but all Gotou could do was wait for the person he was supposed

to protect.

That just increased his irritation.

Gotou lit up his cigarette to try to calm down.

'Er, Detective Gotou…'

In the driver’s seat, Ishii spoke up, sounding troubled.


'What do you think Nanase Miyuki's goal is?'

'What are you saying?'

Gotou cocked his head.

Her goal was clear. I will kill Saitou Isshin – Miyuki had declared that. That was her goal.

'Hata-san said this.'


‘“Is her goal really murder?”’

Ishii adjusted the position of his glasses with his fingers and looked forward.

'Idiot. Don't take that demonic old man seriously.'

Gotou hit Ishii.

However, now that Ishii said that, Gotou realized that there were a number of things that were off.

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– Why Saitou Isshin?

Gotou didn’t think that Miyuki had a reason to kill Isshin.

If she had a grudge, it would have been Yakumo, who had cornered Miyuki, or Gotou, who had arrested her.

'What do you think?' said Gotou without thinking.

That very moment, Ishii raised his head with sparkling eyes.

'I think it's an experiment.'

'An experiment?'

'Yes. Nanase Miyuki found a way to kill with a supernatural power and she wants to try it on Saitou Isshin…'

Gotou dropped his fist on Ishii’s head before he finished speaking.

– I was an idiot for asking.

Ishii had saved Gotou during the last case. Gotou had thought that Ishii had grown a bit, but it appeared he had

been mistaken.

'There's no way supernatural powers could kill somebody,' said Gotou with a click of his tongue, putting his

cigarette out in the ashtray.

He leaned back on the seat and was about to light another cigarette when Ishii suddenly sat up.

'He's here.'

Gotou looked out the window.

He saw somebody climbing the long slope to the temple gates.

– No doubt about it. It’s Isshin.

He was walking slowly in his robes and monk’s stole as he held Nao’s hand.

Gotou leapt out of the car and ran to Isshin.

Isshin may have been surprised to see Gotou running at him at full speed, because he stopped in his tracks with

wide eyes, but he soon started smiling gently again as he usually did.

'This is unexpected. Even Ishii-kun is here. What is it?' said Isshin casually, as he looked at Gotou and Ishii,

who had arrived a bit later.

'That's not the issue. Where'd you go?'

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The irritation that had piled up within Gotou exploded.

Nao winced at that and hid herself behind Isshin, peeking out with just her face.

'I had some business today. I left Nao with an acquaintance, so I went to pick her up.'

'I-I see…'

'Why are you in such a hurry?'

Gotou felt like Isshin’s disinterested tone sounded reprimanding.

'There's trouble.'

Gotou took a deep breath to gather himself and then looked straight at Isshin.


The smile left Isshin’s face; perhaps he felt something unusual from Gotou’s gaze.

'Nanase Miyuki gave advance notice of a murder.'

'She's the culprit from last time, yes?'


'Isn't she in the detention house?'

'Yeah. She said she'd kill somebody from inside there.'

'Oh, that'd be quite a feat,' said Isshin.

Isshin, who didn’t know the situation, was talking about it as if it were unrelated to him.

'That isn't the problem.'

'Which means?'

'The problem is who she said she's going to kill.'

'It can't be Yakumo, could it?'

There was a glint in Isshin’s eyes.

Because he was normally so gentle, the face was so frightening it made Gotou want to step back.

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Isshin was always kind, but he couldn’t remain calm when it came to Yakumo. However, Miyuki’s target

wasn’t Yakumo.

'It's you.'

Gotou said that, but Isshin didn’t seem to understand. He stood there with his mouth half-open.

'Nanase Miyuki said she'd kill you,' repeated Gotou.

This time, Nao seemed to sense something, though she couldn’t hear, and she gripped Isshin’s hand tightly and

looked up.


Chapter 12

In the living room of the temple’s priests’ quarters, Ishii knelt on a cushion.

Gotou was sitting cross-legged next to him, and Isshin was across the table from them.

Gotou explained the details of the situation so far to Isshin.

'I understand the gist of it,' said Isshin after Gotou finished.


Ishii looked up without thinking.

Isshin’s expression was as gentle as always as he sipped from his teacup.

– Does he really understand?

Ishii wasn’t sure.

Isshin was calm even though his life was in danger.

'You might be killed,' said Gotou forcefully, leaning forward.

Ishii understood how he felt.

Isshin wasn’t nervous at all. Perhaps it was so sudden that he hadn’t seriously accepted it.

'I know that.'

'Then when?'

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'Would panicking here solve the problem?'

Isshin kept his calm even while Gotou was agitated.

'That's not the problem! If you get killed, what would Yakumo and Nao do?'

Gotou smashed his fist against the table angrily.

Still, Isshin did not even move his eyebrow.

– This person understands.

As Ishii watched the exchange, he felt that Isshin did understand the situation he was in.

Isshin knew he was in danger and was preserving his calm.

After a silence, Isshin quietly said, ‘I’ll leave Yakumo and Nao in your care then.’

'Please don't say that.'

That sounded like a will to Ishii. He looked at Isshin pleadingly.

– I don’t want you to die.

It wasn’t as if he and Isshin had a particularly deep relationship, but Ishii still sincerely meant that.

'Fine, you damn monk!'

Gotou stood up. His yell shook the whole room.

His face was bright red from anger.

'Don't talk so loudly.'

Isshin smiled wryly.

'It's your fault for saying something morbid!'

'Is that what it sounded like to you?'

Isshin played dumb.

'It did. You idiot. And you don't like me, right? You'll leave the rest to me? What's wrong with you?'

Gotou crossed his arms and sat.

'It's true that at first I didn't think well of you.'

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Ishii was surprised to hear Isshin’s words.

It was unexpected – it was the first time Ishii had heard that Isshin didn’t like Gotou. Ishii couldn’t imagine

Isshin not liking anyone.

More than anything, Ishii didn’t understand the reason.


Gotou snorted angrily.

'Gotou-kun, you made Yakumo, a civilian, cooperate in your investigations of murders. I thought you were an

unbelievable detective.'

'That isn't true. Detective Gotou didn't blindly involve Yakumo in cases,' interrupted Ishii, unable to stay silent.

There was an absolute trust between Gotou and Yakumo that others couldn’t come into. Ishii felt that painfully

as somebody who got to see it up close.

Furthermore, Gotou felt conflicted about involving Yakumo too.

'It is just as you say, Ishii-kun. Gotou-kun has a good subordinate,' said Isshin with a nod.

When Isshin accepted what he said so easily, it felt a bit anticlimactic.

'But earlier…'

When Ishii said that, Isshin’s expression became gentler as he looked up at the ceiling.

'By taking part in cases with Gotou-kun, Yakumo became somebody who faces his own fate,' said Isshin


Ishii had felt that Yakumo had changed too, however slightly. At first, he’d made every complaint he could

think of even though he did cooperate, and it had felt like he was being forced into helping against his will.

However, recently, it seemed to Ishii that Yakumo was helping because he wanted to.


'Recently, I was forced to realize that Gotou-kun has always been thinking of Yakumo and watching over him.'

'What are you saying now?'

Gotou clicked his tongue.

'I think you are a man I can trust.'

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'I'm not.'

Gotou looked at the floor awkwardly.

'I don't dislike your boorishness.'

'Don't say something so unpleasant!' said Gotou forcefully, but Isshin smiled like he was enjoying the scene.

Though they were two completely different types of people, they were deeply connected through Yakumo.

To Ishii, Gotou and Isshin looked like very old friends.

'I should get going soon.'

Now that the conversation had calmed down, Isshin sat up.

'Where to?' said Gotou immediately.

'I'm going to do my daily mediation, but will you join me?'

'Don't joke with me,' said Gotou. Then, Isshin nodded and left the room.

His back looked somewhat sad.


Gotou stuck out his chin.

Watch Isshin – that was probably what he meant.

'Yes sir.'

Ishii gave a bright reply, but as he stood up, his legs stung from kneeling too long.

Before he took his first step, he fell –


Chapter 13

The guard Ishikawa was patrolling the building with his subordinate, Sudou.

It had just passed six in the evening, so the lights in the rooms were still on.

Patrolling was much easier at the new detention house.

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There was a rectangle of protection glass in the steel doors, so they could check inside just by walking down the


There was no need to go up to each door to peer in like before.

'Do you know about Number 607?' Sudou said with a smirk.

He was still young. Ishikawa could tell because he would say something like that.

In room 607 was the defendant named Nanase Miyuki. In front of her beauty, everyone stopped.

However, Ishikawa felt afraid of her.

Though she was beautiful, there had to be something dark eddying behind that smile. Plus –

'Do you know what that woman did?'

Though Ishikawa’s expression was hard, Sudou was still smirking.

'She's a murderer.'


Because of juvenile law, she couldn’t be tried, but she had brutally killed her family when she was just ten years


It wasn’t something a proper human being would do.

If there were people in this world who were born as criminals, she would probably be one of them.

'But I don't think she did it.'

'That's not something for us to decide.'

'But she said that before.'

When Ishikawa heard Sudou’s words, he stopped in his tracks.

'Don't talk to the defendants. I said that.'

Ishikawa walked right up to Sudou.

– Don’t talk to the defendants.

Back when he’d just become a guard, Ishikawa was told that by his superior.

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There were some defendants who would use words to entice guards. Then the guards would be used and fall

down the slope to destruction.

Ishikawa had seen a colleague run errands for defendants before.

That was why Ishikawa was warning Sudou too.

'A little bit is fine, right?' said Sudou, with no concern whatsoever.

The truth was that Ishikawa wanted to say more, but Sudou probably wouldn’t listen. Ishikawa gave up and

sighed before starting to walk again.

Thump, thump, thump –

The sound of something hitting something echoed through the corridor.

It kept repeating.

Thump, thump, thump –

Ishikawa looked at Sudou. Then, they ran towards the source of the sound.

Thump, thump, thump –

The sound was coming from room 607.

– What is going on?

Ishikawa stood in front of the door and looked inside through the glass.

It wasn’t time for the lights to be turned out, but the lights were off. Ishikawa couldn’t see inside clearly.

He took the torch from his waist and turned it on.

He saw something squirming in the back of the room.

'What's wrong?' he said, pointing the torch's light at the corner of the room.

There, Number 607 was lying down and convulsing like a fish out of water.

Those four limbs were hitting the walls, making the sounds they’d heard earlier.

– What is going on?

'Calm down!' said Ishikawa frantically, but there was no response.

He wanted to carry her to the infirmary immediately, but because of security, the patrols didn’t carry room keys.

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'W-what should we do?' said Sudou, face pale.

'Call for aid! Quickly!'

'Y-yes sir!'

Sudou hurriedly called for aid on the wireless.

Ishikawa used his torch to watch what was happening inside the room.

Number 607 wasn’t moving at all.

It seemed that she had coughed up blood – the floor was covered in it.

– What on earth happened?

All Ishikawa could do was wait for aid to arrive.

Finally, a number of men with the medical officer reached the room.

'What is the situation?' asked the jailer in charge as he unlocked the door.

Ishikawa quickly told him that he had been on patrol when he saw that the defendant had fainted and appeared

to have coughed up blood.

When he finished speaking, the door opened.

He went inside with the medical officer and walked up to Number 607.

The area around her was dyed red with blood.

'Stay with me.'

When the medical officer spoke to Number 607, she opened her eyes slightly.

'… Ki… ll… ed.'

Number 607’s mouth moved faintly as she said something.

– What? What is she saying?

Ishikawa put his ear closer to try to hear her.

That moment, Number 607 opened her eyes completely and she gripped Ishikawa’s arm.

'I just killed somebody.'

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Her weak tone from earlier changed completely – her words were clear.

– What is she saying?

Indifferent to Ishikawa’s confusion, Number 607 was put on a stretcher and carried out of the room.


Chapter 14

In the temple, Isshin sat on the wooden floor to meditate.

The light of the candle was trembling.

A moth scattered its scales as it fluttered about.

Isshin took a deep breath to the bottom of his stomach and went into a half-asleep state.

Doing this calmed his mental state, so that man naturally passed by a corner of his heart.

– The man with two red eyes.

However, his nature was different from usual today.

Mysteriously, Isshin didn’t feel hatred or resentment.

He didn’t think that things he couldn’t even try to make disappear would disappear so easily.

The teachings of Zen did not acknowledge the spirits of the dead.

Believing in the existence of the soul would create an attachment to life and would become an obstruction to

discipline. He now actually felt the things he had understood in his head.

– Don’t you hate me?

He heard a voice deep in his ear.

Isshin couldn’t determine whether that was real or an illusion, but it didn’t matter.

'Up until this morning, I thought I hated you,' Isshin said to the candle flame, still sitting in the lotus position.

– Everyone lives with hatred.

The voice spoke.

'That isn't always true. I decided not to hate.'

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


– Will you always be able to?

The voice was challenging.

However, Isshin’s heart still did not waver.


– Yakumo will fall into darkness ahead.

'He won't fall.'

– No, he will definitely fall. Into a deep darkness.

'It's pointless. No matter how you struggle, you won't be able to capture Yakumo.'

Isshin confirmed that today.

Yakumo was tied with a bond stronger than blood.

They shared with each other the things they each lacked.

At first glance, it looked like a frail relationship wherein they licked each other’s wounds, but that wasn’t it. It

was a firm bond – they supported each other, understood each other and walked together.

Yakumo had found the road he was supposed to take.

Clunk –

There was the sound of something falling. Isshin was brought back to reality.

He opened his eyes.

The flame of the candle was flickering in the wind.

Isshin felt somebody behind him and stood up slowly.

'Who is it?' he said, but nobody replied.

However, he felt an electrifying pressure.

– A thirst for blood.

'Have you really come to kill me?'

Isshin slowly turned around.

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


In the dim light of the candle, he saw glittering eyes.

There was no hatred in those eyes. A stronger emotion –


Isshin said that in a murmur.

Then, those glittering eyes moved.

The cold flash of a blade thrust forward.

Isshin felt no fear.

Dying here is my fate –

But he wished that he could see the faces of the children he loved once more.

Nao, and Yakumo –


Chapter 15

– For some reason, my heart’s beating strangely.

With crossed legs, Gotou looked out the living room window.

He saw Ishii keeping guard outside the temple. He should’ve been able to tell if there were any intruders.

Gotou took a cigarette out of his shirt pocket and lit it with his lighter.

He felt the heavy air fill his lungs.

Though Isshin would probably complain – smoking was forbidden – if Gotou didn’t smoke a cigarette, he

would feel itchy from sitting.

Gotou blew out smoke as he thought about what to do next.

He didn’t really think somebody in a detention house could kill somebody in another place, but Miyuki must

have had some sort of scheme.

– What the hell is she scheming?

'Ah, damn it!' spat out Gotou, mussing up his hair.

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Thinking had never been his strong point. He moved according to instinct.

– If only Yakumo were here.

Just as Gotou clicked his tongue, his mobile phone rang. On the display was the number for Yakumo, who he’d

been waiting for.

'Why didn't you answer!?'

Gotou let out all the dissatisfaction that had built up.

<Please don’t speak so loudly.>

He heard Yakumo’s usual drawl through the phone.

It riled Gotou up to hear Yakumo sounding completely unconcerned.

'I don't have enough time to banter with you!'

<I feel the same way. If that’s all then.>

'Wait! Listen to what I'm saying!'

Gotou hurriedly stopped Yakumo from hanging up.

<I said, please don’t speak so loudly.>

Yakumo spoke in a disagreeable tone.

However, no matter how disagreeable he found it, Gotou couldn’t hang up now.

'Nanase Miyuki said she's going to kill somebody.'

Gotou quickly told Yakumo the main point.

<What do you mean?>

Yakumo returned a question.

Even Yakumo couldn’t hide his surprise at the unexpected development.

'She said she's going to kill somebody from inside the detention house.'

<That’s impossible. Isn’t this sort of faking her specialty?>

Yakumo let out a dry laugh in his exasperation.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

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'The problem is what comes next.'


'Yeah. The person Nanase Miyuki said she's going to kill – is Saitou Isshin.'

The other end of the phone was so silent it made Gotou doubt whether anybody was listening, but Yakumo was

definitely there.

Gotou cleared his throat and swallowed as he patiently awaited the next words.


After a long silence, Yakumo finally said just that.


There was another silence.

– Where’d that joking attitude go?

Gotou gripped the mobile phone tightly with a sweaty hand.

This was different from making an alibi. Killing somebody from inside a detention house was physically

impossible – please say that.

<Gotou-san, where are you now?>

'Isshin's temple.'

<You’ve told my uncle the situation then.>


Gotou could tell that Yakumo’s voice was becoming more agitated.

Yakumo, who was normally calm, was clearly disturbed.

<Where is my uncle now?>

– What’s wrong, Yakumo? This isn’t like you.

Gotou murmured that in his heart to shake off his uneasiness.

'Meditating in the temple.'

He looked out the window again as he said that. Ishii was standing as still as a statue, like he had been before.

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


<In the temple by himself?>

'He said he had to do his daily meditation. Ishii's guarding the entrance now.'

The moment Gotou finished saying that, the sliding door to the living room opened and Nao rushed in with a

panicked expression.

Nao was completely white and half in tears as she tugged at Gotou’s shirt.

'What's wrong? Calm down.'

Gotou patted Nao’s head to try to pacify her, but it was no use.

She shook her head and ran out of the living room.

– What happened?

<Gotou-san, please go to the temple right now!>

Yakumo’s voice was close to a shout.

Gotou sprang up.

'The temple?'

<Just go!>

Gotou didn’t understand, but he ran out of the living room after Nao.

'What's going on?'

<Nanase Miyuki knows that my uncle is alone when he does his daily meditation!>

The blood left Gotou’s face the moment he heard Yakumo say that.

If she knew in advance that Isshin would be alone, she wouldn’t need to wait for a chance.

She could just wait there ahead of time.

Gotou ran in bare feet past Nao, pushed Ishii away and went up the wooden stairs to the temple.

His heart was pounding. His blood pulsed through his veins.

– Don’t screw with me. As if I’d let something so stupid happen!

Gotou pushed open the sliding door in one swift movement.

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


For a moment, time stopped.


He couldn’t speak.

– Damn it! What the hell!

The unreliable flame of the candle lit up Isshin’s body, collapsed on the floor.

Stabbed into his stomach like a gravestone was a knife with a silver design.

The blood from the wound pooled on the floor, outlining the contours of Isshin’s body in dark red.

'Ishii! Ambulance! Now!'

Gotou approached Isshin as he yelled that.

He picked up Isshin’s wrist to check his pulse. It was very weak, but it was still there.

Then, he put his ear near Isshin’s mouth to check his breathing. Though it was faint, he was still breathing too.

– It’s OK. He’s still alive.

'Oi! Can you hear me? Give me a response!'

Gotou called out to try to wake Isshin up as he looked at the wound in his stomach.

The knife was below his left rib and thrust in up to the hilt. If he took the knife out unskillfully, it would injure

him even further.

From the length of the design, the blade was probably ten to fifteen centimeters.

'It's OK. You won't die from something like this!' said Gotou, as if reprimanding his own weakness.

– Anyway, I have to stop the blood.

He ripped his shirt sleeve, scrunched it up and pressed it against the wound.

The shirt was soon dyed a deep red.

Isshin’s expression twisted as he opened his eyes slightly.

Did he wake up?

'Oi! What the hell are you sleeping for!? Wake up!' said Gotou all at once.

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Isshin’s face was twisted from pain, but he moved his mouth slightly. He was trying to say something.

However, it didn’t make it into words.

'What is it? What do you want to say?'

Gotou put his ear closer to try to hear the words, but Isshin closed his eyes again.

'Idiot! If you've got something you want to say, say it clearly!'

He hit Isshin’s cheek with his flat palm.

However, there was no response.

– Damn. Did he faint?

Gotou heard a child crying.

He looked to the temple entrance and saw Nao standing there while crying.

'Don't cry! It's fine! He won't die! I definitely won't let him die! So don't cry!'

Partly because Gotou was in chaos, he made it sound like a threat.

In response, Nao nodded firmly, though she couldn’t hear.

'Right. That's good.'

– Nao, you’re a strong girl.

Gotou even felt angry when he saw her brave figure. It was anger towards Isshin.

'Oi! You'd better not die! You absolutely can't do something to make that girl sad! You've got a family you have

to protect! No matter what happens, you have to live! If you die, I'll kill you again! Got it!?'

Gotou’s veins stuck out as he frantically yelled at Isshin in his anger.

However, Isshin didn’t open his eyes again.



[1] Dhyana mudra is the gesture for meditation in Buddhism, called hokkai jouin (法界定印) in Japanese. This

is an example of what it looks like.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


[2] An ensou (円相) is a circle drawn in one stroke in Zen buddhism and symbolizes enlightenment and the

universe. It is written with the kanji for circle and appearance in this book but the latter can be exchanged for

the kanji meaning window (窓). Here is one being sold on Rakuten.

[3] Mu (無) is a Buddhist term meaning without or nonexistence. It comes up in a Zen koan which goes

something like as follows: ‘Does a dog have Buddha-nature or not (無)?’ ‘Not (無).’

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


File 02: Fluctuation (Ying)

– I can’t believe it.

Haruka dressed herself hurriedly, left the flat and rushed into a cab.

Even after she told the driver the address, it felt unreal, like she was watching a television drama.

The city scenery passing her by in the window that should have been familiar also looked like something from a

different world.

Her fingers were trembling slightly.

– Why did this happen?

<Isshin-san was stabbed and taken to the hospital.>

When Ishii told her that, all she could say was ‘Is that so?’ because she hadn’t known what to reply since it was

so unexpected.

How was his condition? Why did something like this happen? And who did it?

She had many questions, but at that moment, all of them flew out of her head.

– This is a dream.

She thought that many times. Even now, as she rode in the cab, she still wondered if she would wake up.

There was no reason for Isshin to be stabbed.

He was the sort of person who others would be grateful for rather than begrudge.

– Then why?

Haruka clasped her hands together and just prayed that Isshin would be all right.

When she got to the bed, Isshin would be lying on the bed and smile, saying, ‘I’m fine. It’s just a graze.’ Then,

Yakumo would complain, saying, ‘Uncle, you shouldn’t scare people like that.’

– Right. That’s how it’ll go. Please let it go that way.

The more Haruka wished, the more the uneasiness in her heart grew.

Finally, the cab arrived at the hospital entrance.

It was the hospital she had visited with Yakumo and Isshin today. She hadn’t thought she would return like this.

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Haruka paid the driver the fare and got off the cab to go into the hospital’s night entrance.

She went through the passage and stepped into the dim and quiet lobby.

She saw people sitting next to each other on the bench in the corridor.

It was Gotou and Nao.

Gotou had his head hung low, and his shirt was dyed deep red.

Nao was hugging her knees as she sat.

– This really isn’t a dream.

'Detective Gotou.'

Haruka put strength into her body and called out to Gotou.

Gotou slowly looked up.

His usual hearty demeanor was gone – he looked like he could die at any moment.

'Oh, it's you, Haruka-chan?' replied Gotou, raising his right hand.

Nao looked up as well.

Her eyes were filled with tears, but she was biting her lip to keep them from falling.

It hurt to look at her trying to act strong.

'Nao-chan, you OK?' said Haruka, sitting down next to her.

Nao’s face was red from holding in her emotions.

'You can cry,' said Gotou, patting Nao on the head.

With that, Nao flew towards Haruka.

Haruka accepted Nao and hugged her tightly.

Nao sobbed, shoulders shaking. Haruka’s shirt was wet with Nao’s tears.

Haruka gently rubbed Nao’s back.

'It's fine. It'll be fine,' murmured Haruka, hugging Nao more tightly.

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Since Haruka hadn’t heard the situation, there was no evidence behind those words, but all they could do now

was believe in them.

After crying for a while, Nao calmed down.

Finally, she wiped her tears and sat back down on the bench, hugging her knees.

'Damn, what a strong girl,' said Gotou was a wry smile.

'It's true. Nao-chan is a strong girl,' agreed Haruka.

'This girl was there too. She was crying because of what happened, and I told her not to. Then, she completely

stopped and had held it in until now.'

Gotou appeared to be regretting what he said.

'Nao-chan, you did well.'

Haruka patted Nao’s hair and gripped her hand.

Nao gripped Haruka’s hand too.

It was a small but very strong hand.

'How is Isshin-san's condition?'

Haruka said the thing highest up on her mind.

'Still in surgery. I don't know anything either.'

Gotou gave a vague response.

However, from looking at the blood on his shirt, Haruka could easily imagine that the situation wasn’t good.

– But it’ll be fine. Isshin-san won’t die so easily.’

'Where's Yakumo-kun?'

She’d thought he’d be here first, but she didn’t see him.

'Ishii went to pick him up.'

'I see…' murmured Haruka, looking at her feet.

After that, nobody spoke.

The silence made it feel like even time was in a stupor.

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I wonder how much time has passed –

The sound of footsteps echoed through the lobby.

Haruka looked up.

Yakumo was there, like he had come out of the darkness.

He didn’t appear rushed. He walked slowly, like he was checking every step.


Haruka stood up and called out to him.

However, she didn’t know what to say next, so she shut her mouth.

Yakumo walked up to them with a blank expression and patted Nao lightly on the head.

Though his mouth didn’t open, it looked like the two of them, who were facing each other, were saying

something to each other.

'How's Uncle?' said Yakumo to nobody in particular.

'In surgery. He lost consciousness, but he was breathing,' explained Gotou in a plain tone.

'Is that so?'

Yakumo said just that and then fell silent.

'I'm sorry that happened while I was there.'

Gotou stood up and bowed deeply towards Yakumo.

However, Yakumo made no response, as if he hadn’t heard anything. It was like his spirit had left him.

Ishii returned, a little late.

'How is the situation?'

Ishii ran in and spoke in an inappropriately loud voice.

'Quiet!' said Gotou. He put a cigarette in his mouth and sat on the bench.

Haruka wanted to say something to Ishii, who looked confused, but she couldn’t bring herself up to it.

Haruka silently looked down again.

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'Are you relatives?'

After a while, a man in a green operating gown spoke to them.

His oval face looked exhausted. He was so pale somebody might suspect he was a patient.

'I am the doctor on duty, Sakakibara.'

The man in the operating gown gave his name.

A nurse was behind him. It was Furukawa, the nurse who had shown the around the hospital for the ghost


'Oi! How's his condition?'

Gotou was the first to speak.

Yakumo was standing and looking forward, like he had been before.

'He escaped death, but he hasn't woken up yet. We cannot say anything for certain until we observe his

condition for longer.'

'Is he OK?'

Gotou stood up forcefully.

'We don't know. At this stage, he cannot breathe automatically,' said Sakakibara quickly, perhaps disturbed by

Gotou's fierceness.

'What do you mean, you don't know!? Aren't you supposed to be a doctor?'

Gotou gripped Sakakibara by the collar and shook him threateningly.

'Please calm down.'

Furukawa stepped between them to try to stop him, but she was thrust away.

'Shut up! If anything happens to him, I'll kill you instead!' threatened Gotou further.

Things couldn’t keep going like this. Haruka stood up to stop Gotou, but Yakumo spoke up before she could.

'Gotou-san, please stop.'

Though he didn’t speak loudly, that one sentence made everyone stop moving.

Gotou lost his force, like a balloon leaking air, and he let go of Sakakibara’s collar.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Yakumo bowed towards Sakakibara, saying, ‘I apologize.’

'Anyway, the patient will be moved to the ICU. At this stage, we cannot allow visits, but you can look from


'I will show you the way,' said Furukawa.

'Damn it!'

Gotou kicked the bench, letting his anger out at something since it had nowhere to go. The loud noise

reverberated through the loudly.

Yakumo’s murmur blended into the sound.

– I couldn’t save anyone this time either.


Chapter 16

– I couldn’t save him, even though I was right there.

Gotou’s anger was directed towards his own weak-mindedness.

The anger couldn’t have been settled by kicking a bench. He knew that, but if he hadn’t done it, he might have


Gotou’s life operated like this.

– I won’t let anyone be killed. I won’t let anyone die.

He had come so far believing that, but those thoughts never reached the whole way.

He saw Yakumo and the others walking down the corridor, led by the nurse.

However, Gotou didn’t feel like following them.

He was frozen in the corridor like he had become a rock.

– Even though I vowed to protect him no matter what, I couldn’t do anything.

He felt close to despair as the strength left his body.

He looked at his palms – they were dyed dark red with Isshin’s blood.

'Damn it.'

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Regretting wouldn’t turn back the clock, but he still couldn’t help but think about it.

– Why did I leave Isshin by himself?

'It isn't your fault, Detective Gotou,' said Ishii, looking like he might start crying at any moment.

The trite consolation made Gotou even angrier.

'Then whose fault is it?'


Ishii stepped back when Gotou glared at him.

'If it's not my fault, whose is it?'


Ishii looked frightened, but Gotou approached him more.

'Is it your fault?'


'Who? Whose fault is it?'

'No… I…'

'Tell me!' yelled Gotou, lifting Ishii by his shirt.

Normally, Ishii would have shrieked, but his mouth turned into a hard line and he took Gotou’s anger head-on.

'That's right. It's my fault.'

Ishii’s shoulders shook. There were tears in his eyes.

– Don’t make that face.


Though Gotou said that, he felt his anger rapidly dissipating.

Ishii was suffering himself because he felt responsible, but he had still spoken to Gotou in his consideration.

Gotou hadn’t thought he’d need a weak man like Ishii to be considerate of him.

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– What am I doing?

He felt very small for blaming himself and stopping.

He could regret as much as he wanted later, but there were other things he had to do now.

'If I had noticed something in the temple, Isshin-san wouldn't have been stabbed. It was my fault. Everything

was my fault.'

Ishii’s face was wet with tears as he spoke pleadingly.

'Don't cry!'

Gotou hit Ishii’s head.

It felt like something had been woken from its sleep.

– There are things I still have to do.

He remembered.

He needed to reveal the truth of the case and make Miyuki pay for it. That wasn’t all.

– I’ll leave Yakumo and Nao in your care then.

Isshin’s words came up in Gotou’s head.

– He left Yakumo and Nao to me.

When Gotou thought that, he was stirred up by a strong force.

'It wouldn't have mattered if somebody like you were there or not.'

Gotou let go of Ishii and clicked his tongue.

Ishii staggered backwards.

'What are you spacing out for?'

Gotou hit Ishii’s head again.

At first, Ishii shrugged in pain, but when he looked at Gotou, his expression became brighter immediately.

'I-I apologize.'

'There are things we've still got to do. We'll regret later.'

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Gotou said that to Ishii, but the words were actually also directed to himself.

It wasn’t like him to regret the past and think about questions with no answers. He’d move, move and move.

– That’s the sort of guy I am.

'Yes sir.'

Ishii stood up straight.

He’d never live down letting Ishii notice the important things before him.

Gotou hit Ishii once more.

'We're going.'

Gotou spoke up loudly and then he started walking after Yakumo.


Chapter 17

Haruka walked down the corridor, holding Nao’s hand.

More than being considerate of Nao, it felt like Haruka would lose herself if she didn’t hold onto somebody.

She looked at Yakumo, walking ahead of them.

His back wasn’t crying or angry.

– Yakumo’s empty shell.

It wasn’t an exaggeration – Haruka really felt that way.

Finally, they reached the ICU with Furukawa’s guidance.

Through a thick glass, Haruka could see Isshin lying on a bed.

Machines such as an ECG and EEG surrounded him, their many cords and tubes stretching over Isshin’s body.

A respirator covered his mouth and nose, so Haruka couldn’t see his face clearly.

Sakakibara and a number of nurses kept going in and out. It appeared that they were working hard to treat him.

Nao’s eyes were completely red as she pressed herself against the glass to look through it.

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The difficult reality that was happening in front of her eyes –

Haruka’s chest hurt when she saw Nao accepting that and bearing it.

– Does Nao have any relatives besides Isshin?

That question suddenly came up in Haruka’s head.

Nao wasn’t old enough to live on her own. On top of that, she was deaf.

'How's his condition?'

A voice interrupted Haruka’s thoughts.

She turned around to see Gotou standing there. Ishii was behind him.

'We cannot make any predictions yet.'

Furukawa spoke instead of Haruka.

'You better not die.'

Gotou said that threateningly to Isshin through the glass.

'Isshin-san won't die and leave Nao-chan behind,' said Haruka, clutching Nao's hand.

Nao nodded in response.

When Gotou saw that, he seemed to become determined and he patted Nao’s head with a nod.

'Hey, Yakumo.'

Gotou looked at Yakumo.

Yakumo slowly raised his pale face. Though he didn’t respond, Gotou continued.

'I'll take care of Nao.'

Haruka’s eyes went wide at those unexpected words as she looked at Gotou.

Even Yakumo appeared surprised. He gaped at Gotou.

'I'll leave Nao in your care – that's what Isshin said to me.'

Gotou scratched his head awkwardly and sat in front of Nao.

'Hey. That's OK, right?'

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Gotou turned a gentle smile that Haruka had never seen before towards Nao as he asked for her agreement.

Nao nodded, though Haruka didn’t know if she heard the words.

Gotou patted Nao’s head and then stood up.

He had to stay firm. Though Gotou didn’t say that aloud, Haruka felt that from Gotou.

'Yakumo. You don't have any complaints either, right?'

Yakumo nodded silently at Gotou’s question.

Yakumo was always calmer than anybody and distant no matter where or when, but right now, he was like a

piece of glass that would break if you touched it.

– Can I do anything at a time like this?

Haruka thought about it, but she couldn’t find an answer.

'I would like to discuss the patient with a relative…'

Sakakibara came out of the ICU and called out to them.

Yakumo silently nodded.

'Would you come to the first-floor examination room? Let's talk there.'

After Sakakibara said that, he looked at all of them, bowed and then stuck his hands in the pocket of his white

coat before walking down the corridor.

Even after Sakakibara left, Yakumo just looked down the corridor.

As if something was there –

Haruka looked down the corridor as well.

– What’s that?

She was so surprised she couldn’t speak.

A girl stood there.

Only her face was enveloped in a black shadow, as if it were dyed with ink.

– She isn’t from this world.

Haruka felt that immediately. She could see through the girl.

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Perhaps that’s the ghost in the rumor that’s spreading through the hospital –

That girl opened her mouth.

'… die… soon… too…'

With the noise, Haruka couldn’t clearly hear what she said.

Finally, the girl disappeared, as if she had been swallowed by the darkness.

Nao looked at Yakumo questioningly.

She might have heard something.

'Yakumo-kun. That…'

Though Haruka spoke to him, there was no response from Yakumo.

Yakumo took out the black contact lens in his left eye.

Yakumo’s vivid red left eye was exposed.


After murmuring that, Yakumo dropped his contact lens to the floor and stepped on it.

Crack –

The sound of the lens breaking sounded incredibly loud to Haruka.


Yakumo was clearly acting strange.

– Yakumo’s going to disappear.

Haruka spoke up in her uneasiness.

'Take care of Nao for me,' muttered Yakumo. Then, he walked towards the darkness down the corridor.

– You’re OK, right, Yakumo?

Haruka murmured that in her heart.


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Chapter 18

Gotou was driving the car.

He looked at the rear-view mirror and saw Haruka and Nao sitting in the backseat.

They seemed afraid of something.

'OK?' said Gotou, turning around after stopping the car at the red light.

– Is what OK?

He had just been trying to put them at ease, but even he thought it was a stupid question.

However, Haruka seemed to understand Gotou’s feelings and showed him a smile.


Though she had a stiff smile instead of her usual bright one, it made him feel a bit better.

'I see…'

Gotou said just that and started the car.

'Er… is it all right not to say anything to your wife?' asked Haruka, sounding concerned.

'It's not a big deal.'

Gotou shrugged with a smile.

However, the truth was that Gotou had no idea how his wife Atsuko would react.

There was no time to make a fuss about it – would be his excuse.

It wouldn’t be the first time he used it.

– When did that start?

He found the answer to that immediately.

It was when Atsuko had a miscarriage. Because of that, she could no longer bear children.

– Sorry.

Atsuko had said that to Gotou as an apology.

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– Why are you apologizing? Having no children isn’t a big deal. I’m fine as long as I have you.

That was what Gotou had really felt.

However, for some reason, he hadn’t said it aloud.

At the time, all Gotou had done was nod silently.

– Idiot!

Gotou had yelled that at himself, but he just couldn’t honestly express his feelings.

After that, the number of conversations he had with his wife rapidly lessened.

'What a stupid man…'

He unconsciously spoke aloud.

'Eh?' said Haruka.

'Nothing,' responded Gotou with a wry smile. Then, he parked his car in the parking lot for the police residence,

where he lived.

'We're here.'

Gotou turned off the engine and got off the car. Then, he looked up at the fourth-floor window for his flat.

The light was on.

It was always like this. No matter how late Gotou returned, the light would still be on.

When his relationship with Atsuko began, he had once mentioned that lonely it was living alone and returning

to a dark room.

Now that he thought about it, it had implicitly suggested that he wanted to marry her.

Atsuko still hadn’t forgotten that conversation – she always kept the light on.

'OK, let's go,' said Gotou, waiting for Haruka and Nao to get off the car.

He didn’t know how Atsuko would react, but there was no point grumbling now.

Determined, Gotou went through the entrance, took the elevator up to the fourth floor and stood in front of the

door to his flat.

He never pressed the intercom button.

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Whether Atsuko was asleep or awake, he’d unlock the door with his own key and go inside. However, today,

the situation was different.

Gotou took a deep breath and pressed the intercom button.

Soon there was a sound and the door opened.

Atsuko didn’t look surprised even after seeing Haruka and Nao at Gotou’s side.

'Oh, what is it?' said Atsuko without any delay.

'We're taking care of this girl for the next little while,' said Gotou quickly, pulling Nao towards him.

For some reason, his hand was shaking.

'OK,' said Atsuko, crouching to greet Nao with a smile.

Nao smiled back.

Even though it was an unreasonable request, Atsuko just accepted it, without asking anything. Though Gotou

felt grateful to her, he didn’t know how to express it.

This wasn’t the first time for that either.

He was always grateful to Atsuko, but he never said anything. That had become natural for him.

Despite that, Atsuko never asked for a divorce.

– Why does she stay with me?

Sometimes Gotou wondered about that.

What was fun about being with somebody like him who never considered the home like him? Wouldn’t Atsuko

have preferred a different life?

Gotou didn’t have the courage to ask.

'I'm going back to the precinct now. Ask Haruka-chan for the details.'


Haruka sounded confused, but Gotou pretended not to hear and left to escape.

– Why am I running?

He didn’t know.

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After he reached the elevator, his feet suddenly stopped and turned around.

It looked like Atsuko and the others had already gone inside – he couldn’t see them.

– What am I doing?

Gotou clicked his tongue and went into the elevator.


Chapter 19

After Ishii returned to the precinct, he sank into his chair.

– I couldn’t do anything.

That sense of helplessness made him feel even more exhausted.

The image of Isshin bleeding on the floor kept flashing in front of his eyes.

I should have been able to save him. But –

Interrupting Ishii’s thoughts, which were becoming increasingly negative, his mobile phone rang. The number

on the display was Hijikata Makoto’s.

'Hello, Ishii speaking.'

Ishii answered the phone with a heavy heart.

<The situation has become serious.>

That was the first thing Makoto said.

Makoto, who was a newspaper reporter, had probably heard that Isshin had been stabbed.


Ishii gave a flat reply.

<Are you all right?>

Makoto’s worried voice reverberated in Ishii’s weakened heart.

'It's my fault…'

He hadn’t planned on saying it, but he’d let it out of his mouth before he noticed.

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The first impression Ishii had of Makoto was fear.

However, after a number of cases, he had come to know her and that impression had changed greatly.

Makoto was somebody who could be attentive of others. During the last case, Makoto had been the one who

held out her hand towards Ishii, who had lost his way.

<What’s wrong?>

Makoto spoke in a gentle voice.

'I was at the scene. I was guarding Isshin-san, but…'


'That's why everything's my fault.'

<That’s not true!>

Makoto let out a loud voice on the other side of the phone.


<If anybody is responsible, it’s the culprit. Don’t you think so?>

'Yes,' replied Ishii, pressured by Makoto's forceful tone.

<Let’s work our hardest to arrest the culprit. I’ll help as well.>

'I understand. Thank you very much.'

After saying his thanks, Ishii hung up.

He felt like his spirits were just a bit refreshed.

Just as Makoto said, I have to work my hardest to arrest the culprit now – Ishii felt like he had cleared his mind.

Just as Ishii turned back to the desk with a fresh mind, the door opened.

'You were back?'

Miyagawa came into the room.

Though he didn’t say anything, there was regret on his face.

– If I’d put out more guards.

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His thoughts were clear on his face.

'Yes sir.'

'Then where's Gotou?' asked Miyagawa, looking at the chair across from Ishii.

'He returned to the official residence.'


Miyagawa frowned. He looked dubious.

'E-er, um… He took in the victim's daughter, so…'

Ishii quickly gave an explanation. Miyagawa’s frown deepened.

When Gotou said he would take Nao in, Ishii had been surprised too. He hadn’t thought Gotou would say that.

However, now that he thought about it, it was like Gotou.

Gotou was more soft-hearted than anyone. He wasn’t somebody who could refuse when asked to do something.

'Gotou took in the victim's daughter?'

'Yes. The victim, Saitou Isshin-san, said he would leave the rest to Detective Gotou…'

'I see…'

Miyagawa looked up at the ceiling with great feeling and lit a cigarette.

The smoke slowly rose.

'Right. I almost forgot something important.'

After a silence, Miyagawa threw a file onto the desk.

'What is this?'

'The background of the guard on duty during the interview.'

'Ah,' said Ishii in understanding.

The guard had been silently when Miyuki announced that she was going to kill somebody. Gotou had said it

was suspicious and asked Miyagawa to look into his background.

Ishii flipped through the pages and looked at the documents.

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Yamamura Mikio. Twenty-six years old. After graduating high school, he passed the examination to become a

guard and took that on as his job.


Ishii had been disappointed, but he unconsciously spoke up when he saw the address.


Miyagawa probably felt something. His eyes were sharp.

'It's Yamamura's address.'


'Yes. It's 〇〇. On the map…'

Ishii searched through his drawer, took out an atlas and spread it out on the desk.

He flipped through the pages to find 〇〇.

'Here,' said Ishii, pointing at a spot on the map.

Right then, Miyagawa’s expression completely changed.

'That's where Nanase Miyuki's case occurred fifteen years ago…'

Tension ran across Miyagawa’s face.

The place Yamamura lived and the place Miyuki lived were only a hundred meters apart, though the town

names were different.

Though Ishii had no idea what that meant, he couldn’t write it off as just a coincidence.

'Perhaps Nanase Miyuki and Yamamura might have interacted when they were younger.'

By saying that aloud, Ishii became agitated.

He adjusted the position of his glasses with his finger and looked at the map again.

Their ages were close, so it was very possible.

If he imagined a bit further, he couldn’t deny the possibility that they had kept in contact even after the incident

fifteen years ago.

'We can't say anything with just this. It might just be a coincidence,' growled Miyagawa, scratching his chin.

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Ishii had no reply to that.

When he thought about it more, it was too hasty to think that Yamamura might be a conspirator just because he

lived close by.

'But it's too good to ignore.'

Miyagawa smirked at Ishii.

Ishii had been withering, but that was enough to make him swell up.

'Yes sir.'

'All right. I'll look into Yamamura some more in the detective department. You and Gotou can look into other

lines for me.'

'Other lines?'

'Any trivial thing is fine. Look into what happened at the scene again.'

'Yes sir.'

They had been at the scene.

Did we miss something – by looking into their memories again, they might be able to make new discoveries.

'I'm counting on you.'

Miyagawa picked up the documents and left the room.

– I’m counting on you.

The last thing Miyagawa said circled in Ishii’s mind.

Ishii had virtually never been counted on to do something in his life before. The exhilaration he had never felt

before naturally brought a smile to his face.


Chapter 20

Yakumo left the hospital through the night exit.

His body was heavy.

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It felt like he would sink into the floor if he stopped even shortly.

Where should I head – without the answer to that question, Yakumo started walking.

He treaded along the asphalt road.

The sound of the passing cars was discomfiting.

He wanted to stifle his five stimulating senses and go to a world with nobody in it.

However, no such place existed.

No matter how much he ran, he would not be able to escape.

When Sakakibara informed him of Isshin’s condition, he could not possibly accept it. He wanted to believe it

wasn’t the case.

– Why did this happen?

In Yakumo’s heart, rather than pondering over that question, he thought about how it was his fault that Isshin

was in this situation.

Before he noticed, he had reached an empty lot.

It had originally been a building – but now it had been demolished, its rubble left behind.

– I should have died here.

Fifteen years ago, Yakumo’s own mother strangled him here and brought him near death.

However, he did not die.

To put it correctly, he was saved by one man.

– If I had died then.

That thought had passed Yakumo’s head countless times.

It is not as if I resent anybody. But perhaps I would have been happier if I had not existed – he would think that


He had seen the lives and deaths of many people up until now.

He had thought that he would become accustomed to it, but the wounds they carved into him grew deeper each


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If he had died then, he would not have lost the people important to him.

He might not have suffered this way.

Naturally, he had experienced happiness in his life, but he felt that it had come together with the unhappiness of


My own cursed existence continues to make those around me unhappy –

Yakumo looked up at the sky.

The moon was out.

Its pale light was dazzling.

'What should I do?'

Nobody answered his question.

Yakumo started walking again in pursue of that answer.

He passed the shopping street in front of the train station and silently climbed the slope up to the university.

He finally reached the university.

In the moonlight, the lone school building stood like a gravestone.

Yakumo went around the back to the prefabricated building in Building B.

He opened the door to the <Movie Research Circle> and the very end of the first floor and stepped inside.

It was a dreary room, furnished with only a table, a refrigerator and a sleeping bag, but he had many memories


He had not had any memories until a year and a half ago.

However, her existence had made memories in this inhuman place.

Like being submerged in lukewarm water, he had even felt like his own existence had been recognized.

– That is a delusion.

He heard a voice.

Yakumo was uncertain as to whether it was his own inner voice or somebody else’s.

– Your red left eye is cursed. It makes everyone around you unhappy.

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'Then what should I do?'

Yakumo looked up at the sky and asked that question to nobody in particular.

– The fleeting illusion of being loved will make you suffer.

'This voice…'

Yakumo realized the voice was not his inner one but that of a third party.

This voice’s owner was outside the room.

Yakumo immediately flew out of the room to look around.

However, all that was there was a pitch-black darkness.


Chapter 21

Haruka woke up with a gasp.

Her hands were clammy with sweat.

She must have had an incredible nightmare, but she couldn’t remember what happened in it.

Nothing was clear. It was like her brain was refusing to accept what was happening.

Haruka was lying on top of a beige sofa.

Wind blew in from the window, moving the white lace curtain.

She didn’t recognize the room.

– Where am I?

Haruka slowly sat up.

'Are you all right? It seems like you've had quite the nightmare.'

She heard someone’s voice.

Haruka looked up to see a woman come into the room.

She looked to be in her late thirties. Her almond eyes seemed a bit strict, but she was a beautiful woman with a

tidy air.

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Haruka finally realized where she was when she saw this woman’s face.

She was Gotou’s wife, Atsuko.

When Haruka remembered that, the memories of last night came afresh to her mind.

Haruka couldn’t leave Nao alone when she looked so anxious, so she had come with her.

Gotou told Atsuko that they would be taking care of Nao for a while and left without explaining the details.

However, Atsuko hadn’t thought anything of it despite that.

– Welcome.

She had taken Haruka and Nao into her home with a smile, prepared a futon and kept busy until Nao fell asleep.

Once things calmed down, Haruka explained what had happened up until now.

It had taken longer than she thought it would. Gotou didn’t seem to have explained anything about the case yet,

so Haruka had to start from everyone’s relationships.

It seemed like Haruka had fallen asleep in her exhaustion.

To be honest, she wasn’t even sure how much she had explained.

'I'm sorry. It looks like I fell asleep.'

'Oh, don't worry about it.'

'How much did I explain?'

'You were kind enough to explain to the end,' said Atsuko, sticking up her thumb.

'I see… I'm sorry.'

'Ah, that's right. You'll eat breakfast, won't you?'

Atsuko wiped her hands on her blue apron and tied up her hair as she said that.

From just their faces, it felt like Beauty and the Beast, but her brisk way of talking was very similar to Gotou’s.

They really are married – Haruka felt strangely touched by that.

'No, I'm sorry for staying so long. I should go soon…' said Haruka quickly, getting up.

'That's no good.'

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'I've already made it, so you have to take responsibility.'

If Atsuko said that much, Haruka couldn’t refuse.

'I really am sorry.'

Haruka bowed her head.

Atsuko put a hand on her waist and looked at Haruka like she thought her mysterious.

'What a strange girl. Why are you apologizing?'

'Even if you ask me… why…'

She didn’t have a reason.

Apologizing had always been her habit.

'Taking things on yourself, blaming yourself and apologizing.'

– That’s tedious.

Atsuko’s words had that echo to them.

Haruka couldn’t deny it. She knew she took things on herself.

'That might be the case…'

'If you blame yourself for everything, you'll end up like my husband,' said Atsuko, sticking out her tongue.

When Haruka saw that, she couldn’t help but laugh.

'Is Gotou-san also like that?'

'He is. Even though I'm not concerned about it myself, he'll say “Sorry” with a grumpy face.'


'Like an idiot, isn't he?'


'If he's worried, he can just say it aloud. Little things like this don't surprise me anymore,' said Atsuko.

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It was true that Gotou did tend to take things on by himself. Now that Haruka thought about it, Isshin was the

same too. The worst of them was Yakumo.

Without saying anything to anyone, he took everything on. Even if he suffered, he wouldn’t talk to anybody.

They might have all gathered because of their similarities.

'Honestly. What's so fun about taking everything on yourself?'

Haruka felt like there was a bit of a shadow on Atsuko’s face as she said that.

– She wants them to understand each other.

Haruka felt that when she looked at Atsuko’s profile.

Happy things, sad things and painful things – she wanted to share them with the person she loved, but he

wouldn’t say anything, taking everything on by himself.

He might not have wanted to trouble her, but that wasn’t what she wanted.

'I'm sorry.'

'See, you're apologizing again.'

Atsuko made an angry face.

'I am.'

Haruka smiled wryly.

'Women have to be reliable, especially during troubling times. Men just complain and don't do anything at all.'

Atsuko snorted.

Even though so many things were happening, Atsuko wasn’t bothered at all.

Perhaps she had always been a strong woman, or maybe she had become stronger from living with Gotou, but it

appeared that she wasn’t too concerned about the matter this time either.

'That's right.'

Haruka nodded.

'Anyway, at times like this, let's work together and do our best,' said Atsuko, gripping Haruka's hand. Atsuko's

hand was a bit cold.


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Haruka felt a bit better after talking to Atsuko.


Chapter 22

'T-that's ridiculous!' yelled Gotou, unable to understand the reality in front of him.

Ishii leapt up in surprise from his seat across from Gotou.

Miyagawa, who had spoken up first, just glared at Gotou with his arms crossed.

Gotou could tell Miyagawa wasn’t joking from seeing his eyes, but he just couldn’t accept what Miyagawa said.

In the report that Miyagawa brought in this morning, there was something Gotou had to be surprised by.

– The fingerprints on the knife Isshin was stabbed with were a perfect match with Nanase Miyuki’s.

'Are they really Miyuki's fingerprints? There must have been a mistake,' said Gotou again, unable to accept it.

'They're the fingerprints we got when she was arrested. No doubt about it,' said Miyagawa flatly.

– What the hell is going on?

Though he was surprised, if the fingerprints matched, there was no doubt about it.

'Let's arrest Nanase Miyuki right now.'

Gotou stood up forcefully.

'Can't do that,' said Miyagawa, shaking his eye.

'Why not? It's simple!'

Gotou slammed his fist into the desk as he said that.

He didn’t understand why they were hesitating.

'Did you forget? Miyuki has a cast-iron alibi.'

'A crime from within the detention centre is impossible… is what you mean then,' added Ishii.

– I forgot the most crucial point.

Miyuki was being held in the detention house. It’d be understandable if Miyuki had escaped the detention house

and gone to stab Isshin.

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However, that wasn’t the case. Miyuki was still in the detention house now.

'Er… Would it be possible for her to have left once and returned?'


'By walking through walls, she…'

Before Ishii could finish speaking, Gotou dropped his fist on Ishii’s head.

'It's not as simple as heading home.'

By saying it aloud, Gotou accepted the fact and felt horror.

How the hell did Miyuki stab Isshin from the detention house – as long as that puzzle remained unsolved, they

couldn’t arrest her.

– Damn it.

Gotou clicked his tongue.

'Haven't we got anything?'

Gotou gritted his teeth.

'If Yakumo-shi were here…' said Ishii while scratching his head.

– That’s right. Yakumo might be able to solve this puzzle.

Gotou recalled how Yakumo had looked last night.

Yakumo had been like an empty shell then. There was no life in his face, and his eyes had been hollow – it was

like he hadn’t been there.

Gotou had found some time to call him, but Yakumo hadn’t answered.

'He'd be no help right now,' said Gotou, disappointed.

'I don't know if this'll help, but…'

Miyagawa spoke up, brushing away the stagnant mood.

'What is it?'

'Looks like there was a bit of a fuss at the detention house yesterday.'


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'Yeah. Nanase Miyuki was coughing up blood in her room and then told a guard that she'd just killed


'Killed somebody…'

Gotou had thought it might be a breakthrough, but he felt even more confused.

What Miyuki said to the guard last night had to be affirming that she’d killed Isshin at a distance.

'Ah! I see! So that's how it is! Detective Gotou!' yelled Ishii, suddenly standing up.

'What? You're so noisy.'

Gotou was immediately suspicious, what with Ishii’s wrong guess earlier.

Ishii’s reasoning was always off. Gotou would regret it if he took Ishii too seriously – he always talked about

things that made no sense like magic.

'Chief Miyagawa. How was Miyuki after she coughed up blood?' asked Ishii agitatedly, fixing the position of

his glasses even though they weren't off.

'She was taken to the infirmary.'

'I see. I see. So that really is the case. Do you know when she was taken to the infirmary?'

Ishii wriggled as he continued asking questions.

'Past six in the evening. She rested in the infirmary for a night and was brought back to her room in the


'Just as I thought!'

Ishii clapped his hands together and smiled triumphantly.

'What's just as you thought?' asked Gotou while glaring at Ishii.

Having only one person understand made Gotou strangely irritated.

'At the time of the crime, Nanase Miyuki was not in her room.'

'What about it?'

Gotou was becoming even more confused about why Ishii was so agitated.

'Nanase Miyuki was taken to the infirmary past six in the evening. Saitou Isshin-san was stabbed at nine in at

night. That's a three-hour delay.'

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'I see. That's a good point.'

It seemed like Miyagawa also understood what Ishii was trying to say – he was smirking.

However, Gotou still didn’t understand.

'What are you talking about?'

'After she was taken to the infirmary, she escaped the detention room, stabbed Saitou Isshin-san and returned.'

Ishii was shaking in excitement.

'She couldn't get out so easily.'

'It would be possible if she had an accomplice.'


'Yes. The man named Yamamura we discussed last night.'

Gotou finally understood when he heard the name.

Yamamura was the guard who had been silently watching as Miyuki gave her advance notice of murder.

'I see.'

Gotou clapped his hands together in understanding.

It’d be difficult to escape from her room, but it might have been possible from the infirmary.

That was well done for Ishii. This was possible.

'Miyagawa-san, I have a request.'

'I get it. Questioning at the detention house, right? I'll get permission,' responded Miyagawa, clapping Gotou on

the shoulder.

– He’s reliable as usual.

'Ishii! We're going!'

Gotou grabbed his jacket while he said that and ran out the room.


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Chapter 23

– I can’t breathe.

Ishii sat in the chair in the visiting room of the detention house as he wiped the sweat on his forehead with his


He’d corner Miyuki and reveal her trick when he got out of the precinct – that was what he had thought, but

now that the meeting with Miyuki was actually looming, that thought left his head, and he just had the impulse

to run.

He had planned on cornering her, but he felt like they were the ones who had actually been cornered.

'How long do we have to wait?'

Sitting next to Ishii, Gotou was unable to hide his irritation – he had been bouncing his knee for a while now.

Ishii had never seen Gotou with a stiffer expression than the one he had now.

– Can we really win against her?

That question came up in Ishii’s head.

Finally, the door on the opposite side of the glass opened and Miyuki came in.

The man who brought her in was the same as last time – Yamamura.

Ishii and Gotou thought that he was an accomplice.

Miyuki sat down gracefully with the tips of her lips turned up into a smile.

When Ishii saw that, a jolt went down his spine.

Normally, a smile would comfort a person, but Miyuki’s didn’t.

It was cold, insidious and full of malice. It agitated the anxiety at the bottom of a person’s heart.

'What's so funny?' said Gotou, glaring at Miyuki.

Though Gotou didn’t yell, his voice shook the bottom of Ishii’s stomach. It oozed with irrepressible anger.

'You don't know?'

Miyuki licked her lips.


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'Isn't it obvious that I'm happy?'

'What did you say?'

'My plan succeeded.'

Miyuki crossed her legs and looked at them scornfully.

– She’s challenging us.

That was how Ishii felt.

'Too bad for you. Isshin's still alive.'

Gotou leaned forward, bringing his face close to the glass.

Gotou’s and Miyuki’s gazes met.

Ishii gulped as he watched them.

'Oh, is that so? I should've stabbed him deeper,' said Miyuki with a dissatisfied pout.

'What did you say!?'

Gotou stood up, unable to control himself.

However, if he got riled up here, they would just be going along with Miyuki’s plan.

'Excuse me.'

Ishii repressed his fear and interrupted the conversation.

'From what you just said, we can determine that you admit your crime against Isshin-san.'

'Yup,' agreed Miyuki readily.

'You admit it then.'

'Of course. I'm the one who stabbed Saitou Isshin. There were fingerprints, right?'

'Why do you know that?' interrupted Gotou harshly.

Gotou’s question made sense. Information was limited in the detention house. There was no way for Miyuki to

know that fingerprints were analyzed from the weapon.

Furthermore, because of its importance, the information about the analyzed fingerprints wasn’t even released to

the press.

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'I wonder?'

Miyuki’s gaze was close to a glare.

She was probably trying to provoke them.

'Perhaps you had an accomplice in the police?'

Ishii said the first thing that came to mind.

'Ishii-san, you really are interesting.'

Miyuki laughed with shaking shoulders.

'Of course not!' said Gotou with a red face, before dropping his fist on Ishii's head.


Ishii bit down the urge to yell from the pain.

'Gotou-san, you're not imaginative enough.'

Gotou’s eyes went wide at Miyuki’s words.


'Just as Ishii-san said, I might have an accomplice in the police.'

'Don't be ridiculous!' yelled Gotou, slamming his hand against the protective glass.

Ishii half-stood up from surprise, but Miyuki just kept sitting with the same smile on her face.

'Why not check for yourself?'

Miyuki crossed her stretched out legs again as she said that.

'What the hell did you say!?'

Gotou yelled even louder as he hit the glass again and again.

– Oh no. We’re completely at her pace.

'D-Detective Gotou, please calm down.'

Ishii grabbed Gotou’s arm.

'Calm down? It's your fault for saying something unnecessary!”

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Gotou hit Ishii’s head.

'But I just…'

'Don't talk back.'

Gotou hit Ishii once more.

'You really are an interesting combo.'

Miyuki covered her mouth with a hand and started laughing.

'What's so funny?' said Gotou threateningly, but Miyuki still didn't stop laughing.

'Isn't it funny? It's like watching a comedy show.'

'Who's a comedy show? I've always been a detective.'

Miyuki snorted at Gotou’s claim.

'If you're a detective, you should understand why I know about the prints on the knife.'

Ishii finally solved the puzzle when he heard Miyuki’s words.

'You left the fingerprints on the knife on purpose,' said Ishii, looking straight at Miyuki's eyes.

It seemed that Ishii had lost his reasoning ability after being played with by Miyuki.

'That's right. I gripped the knife with my bare hand.'

Miyuki licked her full lips.

She had gripped the knife with her bare hand. It was natural that her fingerprints had been lifted.

But the question was –

'Why? Why did you leave your fingerprints on purpose?'

'Because you wouldn't have acknowledged that I did it otherwise, right?' said Miyuki jokingly.

'That's true, but…'

'When magicians teleport coins, they sign it with the magic, yes? It's the same thing.'

Miyuki said that with no hesitation.

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'Fingerprints were found on the knife. You've confessed. You better be prepared, 'cause I'm getting an arrest

warrant now,' threaten Gotou.

However, it appeared to have no effect on Miyuki. She had the same smile on her face as she had had before.

'I wonder if you'll be able to do that?'

Miyuki narrowed her eyes and stuck out her chin.

'What do you mean?'

Gotou raised an eyebrow.

'Exactly what I said. There certainly were fingerprints on the weapon. I also confessed. But at the time of the

crime, I was inside the detention house. I wonder what decision the police will come to then?'

Miyuki’s words were heavy on Ishii’s heart.

Miyuki had confessed that she stabbed Isshin, and her fingerprints had been found on the weapon.

However, she had an iron-clad alibi – she had been held in the detention house.

If they didn’t have decisive evidence that she had left the detention house at that time, she couldn’t be arrested

for assault against Saitou Isshin.

At first glance, it seemed like a game they couldn’t win, but their chances of success weren’t zero.

– There’s an unaccounted time.

She had a spasm and been taken to the infirmary at the time of the crime.

– What happened then?

If they could find out, they could break Miyuki’s iron-clad alibi.

'It's time.'

The guard, Yamamura, suddenly announced the end of their interview.

Unfortunately, she was the accused, currently in detention. They could only meet her under the rules of the

detention house.

'Please bring Yakumo-kun the next time you come,' said Miyuki as she stood up.

'What did you say?'

'I want to see Yakumo-kun suffering.'

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'Don't tell me you stabbed Isshin to make Yakumo suffer?' said Gotou, sounding almost hesitant.

'That's right.'

As Miyuki replied, she spread her two hands wide.

'Then why didn't you attack Yakumo directly?'

'There's no point to that, right? It's not like I want to kill Yakumo-kun.'

'You don't want to kill him?'

Gotou’s brow furrowed. He didn’t understand. That was how he looked.

However, Ishii understood what Miyuki was thinking.

Her goal wasn’t to take Yakumo’s life. She wanted to smile scornfully as she made him suffer – to watch as he

submitted to her.

Miyuki had said this when she announced that she would kill Saitou Isshin.

– I can’t kill Yakumo-kun.

I hadn’t understood then, but is this what she meant –

– What an unbelievable sadist.

Ishii felt afraid of Miyuki all over again.

'That's why you should bring Yakumo-kun next time.'

'What's your purpose in making Yakumo suffer?' asked Gotou, stuck to the glass.

'I just want that person to understand that I'm better than he is.'

When Miyuki said ‘that person’, she probably meant Yakumo’s father, the man with two red eyes.

Fifteen years ago – Miyuki, who had brutally murdered her own family, went to live with the man with two


She had come to love and respect him as a father, or perhaps as a man. However, no matter how Miyuki tried,

she just couldn’t win against Yakumo.

The emotion eddying within Miyuki was probably a dark flame of jealousy.

'Just for that…' said Gotou, almost in a gasp.

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Miyuki had been about to leave the room, but when she heard those words, her complexion completely changed

and she whirled around.

'Just for that, you say? That's everything to me!'


'No matter how much I love him, whenever that person opens his mouth, it's Yakumo, Yakumo, Yakumo! I'm

sick of it! Is being related by blood so great? Is having a red eye that important?'

Miyuki stuck to the glass like a spider as she screamed.

Even Yamamura the guard must have been panicked as he pinned Miyuki’s arms behind her back and pulled

her away from the glass.

While Yamamura pulled her away, Miyuki started laughing aloud, as if she found something funny.

Her laughs were maniacal.

Even after Miyuki disappeared through the door, her laughter wouldn’t leave Ishii’s ears.

To show off her existence.

She had stabbed Isshin for that sole reason.

– Terrifying. Truly, she’s terrifying.


Chapter 24

Haruka sat next to Nao on the bench in the hospital waiting room.

Nao’s legs were shaking as she stared at the floor.

It was the first time Haruka had seen Nao so dispirited.

– I can’t do anything for her.

All Haruka could do was hold Nao’s hand silently.

'Sorry for the wait.'

Atsuko ran back to them.

She had gone to check at the reception whether Isshin was allowed visitors.

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'How was it?' asked Haruka as she stood up.

'They said that he's still unconscious, but we can go into meet him.'

Nao looked up at Atsuko’s words.

Nao couldn’t hear. Instead, she excelled at reading the atmosphere.


Nao raised her voice.

– I want to see him anyway.

To Haruka, that was what it sounded like Nao was saying.

'Then shall we go?'

Atsuko crouched in front of Nao with a wide smile on her face.

Nao was led into smiling back.

It was mysterious how they looked like a real mother and child this way.

Atsuko took Nao’s hand and started walking. Haruka followed after them.

'I'm really glad that you're here, Atsuko-san,' said Haruka honestly.

She had been saved by Atsuko’s brightness and energy since last night. If Haruka had been by herself, she

probably would only have been able to hang her head next to Nao.

'Oh, you flatter me.'

'It isn't flattery.'

'I'm glad that the two of you are here too.'


Haruka was confused by the unexpected answer.

'Don't worry about it,' said Atsuko with a shrug.

Meanwhile, they arrived at the ICU.

Haruka recalled the scene from last night and was hesitant to step inside.

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'Let's go then.'

Atsuko led the way. After disinfecting her hands and putting on a mask, she stepped into the ICU.

– She really is strong.

Haruka followed after Atsuko.

Isshin was lying on the bed, like he had been yesterday.

There was an intravenous tube in his arm and an artificial respirator attached to him. Cords stretched over his

body for various machines, such as the ECG and the EEG.

Though visits were allowed now, that didn’t mean Isshin was better. Haruka was forced to feel that anew.

Perhaps they shouldn’t have brought Nao.

Right as Haruka thought that, Nao let go of Atsuko’s hand and walked up to Isshin.

Then, she took Isshin’s hand.

As Nao held onto Isshin’s hand, she was – smiling.

'Ah, ah.'

Nao spoke in excited tones, as if urging Isshin to do something.

Haruka and Atsuko looked at each other. Then, they walked up to Isshin, brought in by the voice.

Nao gripped Haruka’s wrist and brought it to Isshin’s hand.

Haruka’s fingers brushed Isshin’s hand.

– He’s warm.

Haruka felt the words Nao was trying to say with her body.

He’s still warm. That meant Isshin was still alive. Nao must have been trying to say that.

'Isn't that great?'

Atsuko hugged Nao’s shoulders from behind her. Nao nodded in response.

– That’s right. Isshin is still alive.

Since it was him, he would definitely wake up randomly and say ‘I’m sorry for worrying you’ with a smile.

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Having a hopeful perspective made her heart brighter.

Just as Haruka let out a sigh of relief, she was assaulted by the feeling of something sinking in her stomach.

– What?

She looked about and spotted a girl standing in the corridor through the window.

The girl wore a red dress and had long hair. Her face was dark, as if smeared in ink.

The same girl I saw in the corridor last night –

She was probably the ghost that was said to appear around the hospital.

– When… are you going to die…

Rather than in her eardrum, the voice went straight to her head.

It was probably the girl’s voice.

Haruka recalled the rumor that the hospital was in a fuss over. The people whom the girl asked this question all


Haruka looked at Isshin.

– I can’t accept that.


Suddenly, Nao yelled loudly.

Her two hands were in fists. It looked like she was shaking in anger. Her eyes were on the ghost of the girl in

the corridor.

– Can Nao see her?

As if answering Haruka’s question, Nao ran out into the corridor.

'What's wrong?' called out Atsuko in concern.

'Ah, that's…'

Unable to explain well, Haruka also ran out into the corridor to follow Nao.

The ghost of the girl from earlier had already disappeared.

Nao was looking around frantically in the place where the girl had been standing.

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Though I can’t explain it, something incredibly awful is going to happen – that premonition alone whirled about

in Haruka’s head.


Chapter 25

After Gotou left the visiting room, Ishii stood up as well and they walked to the infirmary.

A guard led them down the dreary corridor.

Every ten meters, there was a steel door. The guard unlocked each with a key and fingerprint, and they

continued onwards.

They turned into many similar corridors, so Gotou had no idea of where he even was.

Under such strict defense, it wouldn’t be easy to escape. Gotou felt that anew.

After about ten minutes, they finally arrived at the infirmary.

Though it was a rather complicated process in getting here, the inside of the infirmary was made unexpectedly

like a regular hospital examination room.

'Please sit.'

Urged by the white-haired doctor who was waiting, Gotou and Ishii sat on round chairs.

'I'm from the precinct. My name's Gotou.'

Gotou showed his police ID to the white-haired man.

'My name is Komatsu. I'm the medical officer.'

Komatsu fished through the desk drawer and took out a dirty business card.

While accepting it, Gotou looked once more at Komatsu’s face. He was probably about fifty years old. He had a

long thin face and looked like he had a nervous personality.

'I'd like to get straight to the point and ask you about last night.'

'If it's something I know,' said Komatsu. He spoke in a very prudent manner, appropriate for a doctor.

'Tell me in detail about when Nanase Miyuki was brought in.'

'Even if you ask me to tell you in detail…'

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Komatsu’s attitude seemed like a refusal towards Gotou’s question.

Gotou kept his irritation in check.

Normally, police wouldn’t be able to ask around the detention house like this.

When Gotou thought about Miyagawa, who’d gone through so much to make the necessary arrangements, he

decided it would be a bad idea to make a fuss.

'What were her symptoms?' asked Gotou after clearing his throat.

'She was convulsing and vomiting blood. She underwent much examination, but there weren't any

abnormalities, besides the increase in white blood cells. It probably came from stress.'

Miyuki hadn’t looked stressed to Gotou.

'It wasn't an act.'

Gotou didn’t accept what the medical officer said, but he didn’t dare to say that aloud. Instead, he asked another


'Wasn't there anything else that caught your attention?'

'Hm, even if you ask that…'

Komatsu looked sullen as he ran a hand through his white hair.

It didn’t seem like he wanted to cooperate with the investigation at all. It felt like every time Gotou’s bones

would slowly break every time he asked a question.

While Gotou was pondering, Ishii interrupted: ‘Excuse me.’

'When Nanase Miyuki was brought here, what time was it exactly?'

Behind Ishii’s glasses, his eyes were glittering more brightly than usual.

– I’ll try letting Ishii talk for a bit.

Gotou crossed his arms and focused on watching Komatsu’s movements.

'It was probably past six,' replied Komatsu, looking up at the ceiling as he searched his memories.

'Then when did she return to her room?'

'I think it was around seven this morning.'

'I see.'

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Ishii fixed the position of his glasses with his finger.

There was almost a thirteen-hour gap. With that, it would be possible for Miyuki to stab Isshin and return, as

Ishii had said before.

'What treatment did she undergo?'

'We took a blood sample, put her on a drip and let her sleep there.'

Komatsu pointed at the beds in the back of the room.

There were four beds in total. Each was divided from the room with a curtain.

'Were you the only person who administered treatment?'

'I was the only one here, so yes.'

Perhaps Komatsu felt like he was under suspicion, because his expression became stiff in a twinkle.’

'Was there a guard in the infirmary?'

Ishii continued his questions in a disinterested manner.

'Nobody was in the infirmary. Guards circle the corridors.'

'Then the only person here was you.'

'Yes, but… what're you trying to say?'

Komatsu’s tone changed.

'There are partition curtains around the beds.'


'How frequently did you look inside?'

'How would I remember that… What are you really saying? If you've got something you want to say, just say it


Komatsu’s voice was ragged; perhaps he couldn’t restrain it any longer.

– Well done, Ishii.

They might be able to get something unexpectedly good.

Gotou turned an expectant gaze towards Ishii. When Ishii noticed, he nodded.

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'In short, it was possible for Nanase Miyuki to have escaped your gaze, left the room, stabbed Saitou Isshin and

returned – that is what I want to say.'

'Are you serious?'

Komatsu snorted scornfully.

'Of course.'

'That's idiotic.'

Komatsu shook his head in astonishment.

'However, it would have been possible for her,' said Ishii in a triumphant manner.

'What do you mean?'

'She used supernatural powers to walk through the walls of the detention house.'

The moment Ishii said that, Gotou dropped his fist on Ishii’s head.

– He’s deluding himself again.

'Don't talk anymore,' snapped Gotou.

Ishii pouted in dissatisfaction.

Even if he made that face, it was no use. If he talked any more about supernatural powers, people would think

he was nuts.

They wouldn’t be able to hear the things they needed to.

'Sorry. Let's get back on topic.'

Gotou spoke up again.

'Ah, yes.'

'In short, we think that Nanase Miyuki got out of the detention house somehow. Otherwise, we can't explain this


Gotou stopped the roundabout explanation and pinpointed the crucial point.

There were a number of cases in the past when somebody held in a detention house had escaped.

Even a few years ago, there was a fuss with an incident when a group of foreigners escaped.

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'Detective, what you are talking about refers to old detention houses, correct?'

Komatsu plainly sighed.

It was true that the escape incidents might have been in the era of old detention houses.

'Can you say that it's definitely impossible?'

'It's definitely impossible,' declared Komatsu.

It looked like there was absolute confidence there.

'How can you be sure?'

'You saw it for yourself, did you not, Detective? You passed through a number of doors, yes? You can't even

run ten meters.'


Gotou remembered the path he took to get here.

Just as Komatsu said, there hadn’t just been one or two doors. He hadn’t even been able to walk forward


'Furthermore, those doors are all locked with a key and fingerprint recognition. It is a double-layer lock.

Furthermore, there are security cameras everywhere.'

To pass through the door, a key wouldn’t be all you need – your fingerprints would have to be registered too.

Even if you got past both of those with somebody’s guidance, there was no way to escape the security cameras.

Though Gotou knew that, he still couldn’t throw away the escape theory.

'She could've escaped from a window.'

'Perhaps in the era of metal grids on windows. Now they have protective glass on them. It wouldn't crack even

if it were punched with a fist.'

A metal grid could have been sawed away to escape. However, with protective glass, escaping from the window

wasn’t a chase.

– Is it really no good?

Even Gotou looked up at the ceiling in resignation.

'The only ones who can come and go are the guards, and there is still a limit to that,' finished Komatsu in a

triumphant tone.

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So it was a situation where it was completely impossible to escape. It wouldn’t go as simply as in a television


'E-Excuse me…'

Just as the conversation had come to a half, Ishii raised his hand as he asked for permission to speak in an

apologetic manner.

'What?' asked Gotou. When he did so, Ishii's face brightened immediately, like a child's.

'There is one thing I would like to ask, but didn't any workers come to check on Nanase Miyuki's condition?'

Gotou understood immediately what Ishii was aiming for.

They had come to this theory for Miyuki’s escape because they had thought about this possibility in the


'Did somebody come by…'

Komatsu looked about for a while before yelping, as if he had suddenly remembered something.

'So somebody came.'

Gotou stood up in his agitation.



Gotou approached Komatsu suddenly.

Perhaps Komatsu had been surprised, because he backed away and gave one man’s name.

It was the person they had predicted it would be, Yamamura Mikio –


Chapter 26

‘Haruka-san… right?’

Just as Haruka was leaving the hospital, somebody called out to her.

Standing there was Mao, the doctor.


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'Things have become rather serious…' said Mao, looking troubled.

She probably didn’t think that things would become like this yesterday either.

'They have…'

'Do you have some time? There's something I'd like to talk to you about.'

'To… me?'

Haruka cocked her head in confusion.

She couldn’t imagine what Mao would have to say to her. She only knew Mao as Isshin’s friend.

'It's about Yakumo-kun,' said Mao, perhaps sensing how Haruka felt.

'About Yakumo-kun?'


After saying that, Mao turned her gaze to her feet.

It appeared to be something she didn’t want other people to hear.

'We'll head back first.'

Atsuko tactfully took Nao’s hand and walked away.

'Ah, yes.'

Haruka watched Atsuko and Nao leave.

'Let's go to my examination room.'

After waiting for the two of them to disappear, Mao slowly started walking.

– What does she have to say about Yakumo?

Haruka pondered that while walking after Mao.

At Mao’s guidance, Haruka passed by the reception and went to the examination room at the end of the


'Sit there,' said Mao, sitting at her desk while pointing at the round chair facing it.

'Er… what do you want to talk about?' said Haruka as she sat down.

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A strange anxiety gripped her heart and she couldn’t calm down for some reason.

'Actually, I want to contact Yakumo-kun immediately regarding Isshin-kun.'



'I haven't seen him since yesterday.'

Haruka bit her lip.

With the commotion, she hadn’t contacted Yakumo since yesterday.

She recalled how Yakumo had walked straight down the pitch-black corridor. Though it was only a corridor, it

had seemed as dangerous as tightrope walking.

– I wonder what Yakumo is doing now?

'I see… You haven't seen him either.'

Mao let out a sigh in her disappointment.

'I'm sorry.'

'No, it's fine. I'll try elsewhere.'

'Er, why are you looking for Yakumo-kun?' asked Haruka, curious.

'Yesterday, Doctor Sakakibara explained Isshin-kun's condition, but that changed greatly upon the results of the



'Yes. That's why I said I wanted him to come to the hospital today, but…'

'Yakumo-kun didn't come?'

'He didn't.'

– Yakumo had to be concerned about Isshin’s condition too. He should have come right away.

Did something happen?

'I'll think about where he might be.'

'Thank you. That would be a great help.'

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Mao’s expression softened just a bit.

'Then how is Isshin-san's condition?' asked Haruka, leaning forward.

Mao’s expression went stiff again and she looked away.

Haruka could easily imagine that his condition wasn’t very good from Mao’s response. She felt dizzy from her

dark thoughts.

After thinking for some time, Mao said, ‘I shouldn’t actually talk to anybody but relatives, but… you’re

Yakumo-kun’s fiancée, right?’

– I’m his fiancée?

'Isshin-san told you that?'


Haruka frowned with complicated feelings.

She was surprised that Isshin saw it that way.

If it had been another situation, she would have denied it – ‘Yakumo-kun and I aren’t like that’ – but she didn’t

have the energy for it.


Haruka looked down, neither agreeing nor denying.

'We suspect that Isshin-kun may be brain-dead.'

After a silence, Mao said that in a quiet voice.

– Brain-dead.

Haruka pressed her hand against her chest. She felt like a sharp blade had gouged it out.

Her heart was pounding. Her whole body was numb.

'Brain-dead… is it?'

– I don’t want to believe it.

With that feeling filling her heart, she asked that question.

'It's still just a possibility…'

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'When Isshin-kun was carried in, he had stopped breathing for a while. There's the possibility that his brain

underwent a great deal of damage when he wasn't taking in oxygen.

– It’s a lie. It’s a lie. That has to be a lie.

This had to be a dream. It was obviously a lie. Haruka wanted to convince herself of that, but Mao’s words

mercilessly flew into her ears.

If this were true, Isshin wouldn’t be able to breathe on his own, let alone walk and talk.

Not just that – the thoughts and memories that he was made up of would already be gone.

– I couldn’t possibly believe that.

Haruka put her head on the table.

'Are you all right?'

Mao placed a hand on Haruka’s shoulder.

'Is Isshin-san not going to get better…?'

Tears fell from Haruka’s eyes naturally.

Once they started, she couldn’t stop them. Haruka started to sob.


'Please tell me he'll get better. If Isshin-san is gone, we'll…' pleaded Haruka, raising her head.

Then, her eyes met Mao’s. Her eyes were also wet with tears.

'I was in the same seminar as Isshin-kun in university,' said Mao with a sniffle.

'Is that so…'

Haruka looked down in shame with closed eyes.

She had just been thinking of herself. She’d forgotten that Mao was Isshin’s friend too.

'I always liked Isshin-kun, but because of who he is, we never became anything more than friends.'

Mao laughed as she shrugged.

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Even though it must have been tough for her, she was stifling that feeling and doing her very best. When

Haruka realized that, she wiped away her tears and took in a deep breath.

'I'm sorry.'

'It's fine. I don't want to believe this is happening either.'

Haruka silently bit her lip.

'I wonder why things turned out like this…'

Mao closed her eyes, looking like she was reminiscing.

Why did things turn out like this – Haruka had no way of knowing either.


Chapter 27

– I’m worn out.

After returning to the precinct, Ishii collapsed into his chair at his desk.

His shoulders were heavy and his back felt sluggish. Furthermore, his consciousness was blurry. It was like that

time he caught a cold.

He’d exhausted himself a fair amount in just a day and a half.

Gotou came in afterwards, a lit cigarette in his mouth. He sat down on the chair and crossed his arms.

Though he looked the same as always, his eyes were hollow.

'How was it?'

Miyagawa came in while calling out in a loud voice. His timing was so good it was like he’d been waiting for

them to come back.

Ishii looked up at the voice, but he didn’t know what to say.

It appeared that Gotou felt the same way. He just looked up without saying anything.

'This isn't a funeral – what happened?'

Miyagawa spread his two hands exaggeratedly.

Gotou looked at Miyagawa like he was something dirty and then said, ‘Ishii,’ looking at him.

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Gotou was probably telling him to explain.

'Ah, er…'

Ishii was at a loss for words.

'Hurry up and speak,' said Miyagawa, lighting a cigarette.

'Yes sir.'

Ishii dragged his heavy body up and started reporting the information they had gathered at the detention house

in order.

He started with how Miyuki had confessed to stabbing Saitou Isshin and then discussed the situation at the

infirmary on the day of the incident, which they had heard from the medical officer Komatsu. Then, he

explained the particulars, including how Yamamura Mikio had visited the infirmary.

Ishii just tried his best to not to include any personal theories.

He wanted to know what Miyagawa thought.

After Ishii finished, Miyagawa nodded and said, ‘I see.’

'From the situation, it's highly likely that the guard Yamamura is related somehow, like we thought.'

'You think that as well?' said Ishii happily.

So it wasn’t just his own impression. Yamamura was suspicious.

'But we can't do anything at this stage.'

Miyagawa scratched his chin.


Unfortunately, it was just as Miyagawa said.

Though Yamamura was certainly suspicious, that was all. If asked, Ishii wouldn’t be able to say specifically

how he was suspicious.

They had no evidence that Yamamura had tried to do something. He had just been near Miyuki.

In this situation, searching recklessly might just destroy the evidence.

It was unfortunate, but they would need to focus on gathering information and find out how Yamamura was

related to the case.

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'If we drag him in and wallop him, he'd cough the truth up, wouldn't he?' said Gotou curtly as he lit a cigarette.

It really wasn’t something Ishii thought a detective would say.

'If we did that, the police and prosecutors would have a full-out war,' retorted Miyagawa coldly.

'A war in space or a war between monsters – neither have anything to do with me.'

Gotou put his feet on top of the desk loudly.

He was acting like a rebellious high-school student.

'Leave this idiot alone, Ishii. What do you think?'

Miyagawa glared at Ishii.

'I believe that Nanase Miyuki used a certain method to escape the detention house. However, unfortunately, the


Though Ishii had been the one giving his own opinion, he hesitated without continuing.

'It's impossible to escape the detention house.'

Miyagawa readily rejected Ishii’s opinion.

'I think that Yamamura guided her somehow…'

Though Ishii said that, he didn’t know the method. In the end, he had just returned to the beginning.

'That's not what I'm saying.'


'Let's say that guy called Yamamura did guide her somehow. Though he doesn't have the key to the room, he

has the key to the passage, so it'd be possible for him to take her out of the infirmary.'


Though Miyagawa had denied Ishii’s theory earlier, now he was agreeing with it.

Ishii felt that there was a contradiction, but he replied anyway.

'But if Yamamura took her out like that, there must've been an eyewitness.'

'That's right.'

Ishii had been stuck there too.

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If Yamamura took a prisoner out without permission and loitered about, somebody would probably call out to

stop him immediately. Even if he didn’t meet anybody, there were security cameras.

– It really doesn’t seem like it would work.

Ishii had started to give up when he suddenly got an idea.

'I see!'


'If transporting packages was used as a diversion or Miyuki put on a guard uniform as a deception – wouldn't a

method like that be possible?'

Then it would have been possible for them to leave without standing out.

Ishii had said that with confidence, but Miyagawa’s reaction was lacking.

'Let's say they did use that method to let her escape. There's one more problem here. How'd she get back?'


Ishii couldn’t think of an answer right away.

'And why did she have to return?'

'That's true…'

Ishii’s answer trailed off.

That was a blind spot. If she had escaped the detention house, there was no need for her to risk returning.

She could have just escaped, but she didn’t.

'Chief Miyagawa, how do you think she tried to kill him?'

Ishii tried asking a question back.

After Miyagawa hmm-ed and rubbed his bald head, he suddenly looked up, as if he had thought of something.

'This is just something that came to me, but maybe she didn't need to escape?'

'What do you mean?'

Gotou had been looking down since earlier, but the conversation suddenly caught his attention.

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'That is, Miyuki set something up before coming into the detention house and used that to commit the crime –

wouldn't that work?'

'Set something up… you say?'

'Right. Like using something similar to a bow and arrow to throw the knife…'

Miyagawa’s voice grew quieter. Perhaps he had lost his confidence.

However, Ishii thought Miyagawa’s theory was possible.

'That is possible. With a specific action, she could set off a mechanism to throw the knife.'

Ishii had read something like this in a mystery novel before. A knife was put into a bow gun, a booby trap was

set up to activate once the door opened and the crime was committed that way.

Then, the criminal could create an alibi to prove they weren’t related to the case and move the mechanism


If that method were used, Miyuki wouldn’t need to escape the detention house.

'Then what sort of gadget did she use to do that?' said Gotou while stifling a yawn.

'If we knew that, the case would be solved already.'

Miyagawa pressed his cigarette into the ashtray.

This idea felt like it would be tossed out, but it wasn’t that way for Ishii.

Breaking through a situation where they were stuck wasn’t half bad.

'Chief Miyagawa, let's investigate the scene once more.'


Miyagawa agreed with Ishii’s suggestion.

'It was the first time somebody had honestly accepted Ishii's opinion. He felt a bit moved.

'No way about it. We've got nothing to lose, right?”

Gotou threw his cigarette into the ashtray and stood up slowly.

'Gotou, you can forget about it.'

Miyagawa shook his head.

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'I'm telling you to go home for today,' said Miyagawa, poking his finger into Gotou's chest.

'W-w-what are you saying?'

Unable to accept it, Gotou flared up at Miyagawa’s comment.

'I heard about what was going on from Ishii. You took in the victim's daughter, right?'

Miyagawa’s gaze was serious, which was unusual for him.

'What about it? It's got nothing to do with the case, right?'

'It's got everything to do with it!'

Miyagawa’s words were close to a threat.

Ishii felt surprised just from standing next to him.

'Please don't speak so loudly.'

'Listen up – you don't have enough self-awareness. Taking in a kid is a big responsibility. You think just feeding

her dinner's gonna be enough? She's not a dog. At least head home early today.'

Miyagawa pushed Gotou in the chest.

Gotou staggered backwards.

'Even if I went back, I wouldn't be able to do anything. Instead I should hurry and catch the…'

'Shut up! Stop complaining! This is an order!'

Miyagawa’s yell drowned out Gotou’s words.

The difference in response might have been the difference between those who had children and those who

didn’t. That was what Ishii thought.

Even Gotou couldn’t respond.

'Don't worry about the investigation. I'm more than enough to fill in for you,' said Miyagawa, turning his back to


– So cool.

Ishii unconsciously found himself enraptured by that back.

'Right! Ishii! We're going!'

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As Miyagawa said that, he left the room.


Ishii finally realized.

If Miyagawa was filling in for Gotou, that meant that Ishii would pair up with Miyagawa.

This happened last time too. Whenever he paired up with Miyagawa, something terrible always happened to


Tormented by melancholy, Ishii ran after Miyagawa regardless.

His feet tangled.

He fell –


Chapter 28

– I feel down.

Haruka stopped in front of the prefabricated building in the back of Building B.

It was completely dark around her.

However, there was no light on in the <Movie Research Circle> room.

After leaving the hospital, Haruka had called Yakumo’s mobile countless times, but the call tone had just gone

on and Yakumo hadn’t answered.

She had left a voicemail, but there hadn’t even been a return call.

Haruka opened the door, went inside and turned on the light.

Yakumo really wasn’t here.

She had come here to search for Yakumo, but if he wasn’t here, she unfortunately had no more ideas.

'Where are you?' she asked, but there was no response.

It was a small, dreary room with only a table, sleeping bag and refrigerator, but she had many memories here.

Really, a great number of things had happened. Normally, she could relax here, but sitting by herself like this

just made her anxious.

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She recalled what had happened during the last case.

That time as well, Haruka had chased after Yakumo, who had suddenly disappeared, and came to this room and

sat down on this chair.

Yakumo often took on things by himself.

Even if he was troubled, he didn’t show it on his face, and he wouldn’t respond if Haruka asked.

He especially had a tendency to run amok when his relatives were involved.

– It’s my fault…

The words Yakumo said in the hospital ran through Haruka’s head.

The words might not have been in regards to this case but rather everything that had happened up until now.

Yakumo had fought fiercely up until now.

Against the people who despised his red left eye which could see the spirits of the dead. The spirits he saw

against his will with no reward.

And then the man with two red eyes –

He had undergone much more than most and experienced many hardships and sorrows.

Yakumo had said this before.

– No matter how obscure the darkness, a small light can always be seen ahead of it.

By believing in that, Yakumo retained his psychological balance and walked forward.

However, no matter how much he advanced, the same things happened. One person couldn’t change the world,

so he continued to fight people’s resentment and hatred.

Not just that – he couldn’t save the people close to him.

It was the same this time.

Yakumo hadn’t been able to save Isshin. The cause of the incident was probably the woman called Nanase

Miyuki’s grudge.

Even though they were just walking the paths they believed in, because everyone thinks differently, that

changed into resentment and hatred.

Yakumo, who could see the spirits of the dead, might have felt that more strongly than anyone.

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Was he tired of the unending and recurring chain of negative emotions?

– That isn’t it, right?

Haruka prayed silently in her heart as she tightly gripped the necklace hanging from her neck.

The main reason Yakumo had so far never stepped off the path a human should take no matter what he suffered

was probably Isshin’s influence.

Because Yakumo had Isshin’s support, Yakumo had been able to walk forward up until now.

If Yakumo lost Isshin, what would he become?

Haruka felt incredibly afraid when she imagined it.

Haruka held the red stone on her necklace with both hands and closed her eyes, as if praying.

In the silence, a thought came to Haruka.

It was about Yakumo’s father, the man with red eyes.

He had always been a puzzle.

Why did he play with people’s emotions and induce them into committing crimes?

He could see the spirits of the dead, like Yakumo.

Did that make him act the way he did?

Since Haruka didn’t know much about psychology, it was just a theory, but she couldn’t help but feel that way.

Because of those red eyes, he lost many important things, took in those feelings with no reward all by himself.

Then, bearing those feelings, he fell into an absolute darkness –

Though those were just her thoughts, maybe he had been in a similar situation to Yakumo? If that were the case

Would Yakumo fall into the pitch-black darkness again?

Haruka shook her head to clear away her negative thoughts.

– There’s no way.

She continued to pray in her heart, but her anxiety just wouldn’t go away.

– Yakumo, where are you trying to go?

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Haruka murmured that in her heart.

Of course, there was no answer.

Haruka took her mobile phone out of her bag and typed out a text.

Though it was only one-way communication, she still wanted to convey something to Yakumo.

She typed in a sentence, deleted it, typed in a sentence, deleted it –

That was the cycle.

After thinking over it, she finally only typed in one sentence.

<I want to see you.>

She didn’t need any other words. She just wanted to see Yakumo.

After typing her text, Haruka took her necklace off and held it in front of her eyes.

The swaying red stone glinted with a sharp light.


Gotou stood in front of the door to his home.

He had lived in this flat from his work for five years already.

However, it was the first time in his memory that he had returned home so early.

Miyagawa had practically chased him out, but Gotou himself was concerned about Atsuko and Nao too.

That said, if Miyagawa hadn’t said all that, Gotou probably wouldn’t have left the investigation and gone home.

Gotou was about to open the door when he noticed that his hand was shaking slightly.

It was like he had returned home with a guilty conscience after an affair.

– Idiotic. What am I getting worked up for when I’m just returning to my own home?

Gotou encouraged himself and forcefully opened the door.

'I'm back.'

High-pitched laughter from the living room drowned out Gotou’s voice.

He knew immediately that it was Atsuko’s laughter. She really sounded like she was enjoying herself –

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Atsuko often laughed like this in a high-pitched voice before they married.

Gotou liked the way Atsuko laughed. He would fool around just to make her laugh.

However, after they started living together, that laughter grew quiet and they soon didn’t even talk any more.

A cold relationship where they only lived together –

Gotou thought that the start of that was when Atsuko had a miscarriage. If he had faced her properly after that,

they might have had a different future.

However, Gotou hadn’t been able to do that. He stuck himself to his work and ran away.

Still feeling guilty, Gotou took off his shoes at the entrance and headed for the living room.

The laughter still continued.

As he stood in front of the door to the living room, he hesitated to open it.

If I open the door now, that laughter might stop – that was what he thought.

– Why am I hesitating?

Gotou told himself that as he opened the door.

A different scene from the usual flew into Gotou’s eyes.

Atsuko was sitting on the sofa and Nao was on her lap. They were using drawing paper to talk.

Both of them were smiling innocently.

The air felt warm.

Nao pointed at the drawing paper and spoke falteringly: ‘Ah, ah.’

Since Nao couldn’t hear, she couldn’t speak clearly, but Atsuko seemed to understand everything she said as

she nodded a number of times.

Gotou felt like he had wandered into somebody else’s home.

However, he didn’t feel uncomfortable. He wanted to look at Atsuko’s and Nao’s smiling faces forever. He

even felt that way.

'Oh my, you're back?'

Atsuko noticed Gotou was there and looked up.

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The smile on her face didn’t waver.


How many years had it been since Atsuko had welcomed him home with a smile?

Gotou felt awkward as he walked to the sofa where Atsuko and Nao were.

'What's so funny?'

Gotou sat down cross-legged in front of the sofa.

Nao and Atsuko looked at each other and laughed.

'There's no helping it, so shall we show him?'

Atsuko spoke with Nao and then held out the drawing paper.

A man was drawn on it in crayon.

He wore something like a suit, but his whole body was fuzzy and he had his mouth wide open, baring his teeth.

'What is this?'

Gotou said the first thing that came to mind.

'It's you.'

Atsuko’s shoulders shook as she laughed.

– This is me?

'This is practically a bear.'

When Gotou said that, even he started becoming amused.

A smile naturally appeared on his face.

'Oi, Nao. Am I a bear?'

Gotou pretended to roar – ‘Gaooo!’ – and then pinched Nao’s nose.

Nao shrieked with laughter and swung her legs.

When Gotou looked at that smiling face, he felt all his exhaustion fly away.

– Do I want to be a dad?

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Gotou was surprised to find that wish at the bottom of his heart.

Gotou’s eyes were half-closed as he looked at Nao as if in a trance, but then he noticed Atsuko looking at him

curiously and covered up by clearing his throat.

'So how was it?'

It was the first time in a while that Gotou had spoken to Atsuko like this.

Gotou thought that Atsuko might be a bit confused, but she just started talking about what had happened today

with Nao still on her map.

It was a regular conversation – she just told him that they went to visit Isshin and that Nao had helped prepare

dinner. However, Atsuko’s eyes sparkled like those of a child talking about an adventure.

When Atsuko’s words reached Gotou’s ears, he realized. Atsuko had been lonely all this time –

She sent off her husband who selfishly ran off however he wanted and had lived with her loneliness alone in

this home.

It was imprudent, but Gotou wouldn’t have realized such a simple thing if this hadn’t happened.

He was a useless man who only knew how to thump his chest.

Perhaps Nao had grown tired of laughing, because she let out a yawn on top of the sofa.

'She must be tired.'

'Well, that happened…'

'Now, let's go to the futon.'

Atsuko picked Nao up and headed for the bedroom.

Gotou lit his cigarette as she watched them.

He felt like the smoke didn’t just go to his lungs but to the deep parts of his heart.

After a while, Atsuko returned to the living room.

'Sorry,' said Gotou as he looked at Atsuko's face.

'It's fine. Something like this is nothing to worry about. Nao-chan's a strong girl too,' replied Atsuko lightly.

The ‘Sorry’ Gotou wanted to say hadn’t just been for today but everything up until now.

'That's right. She's a strong girl,' said Gotou without explaining his intention.

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– This part of myself is irritating.

Gotou laughed self-deprecatingly and slowly blew out smoke.

' …Do you think the culprit will be caught?'

After Atsuko said that, she looked like she wanted to say, ‘Oh no.’

It was the first time she’d asked about a case. He’d thought that she wasn’t interested, but that probably wasn’t


She wanted to know, but she hadn’t asked because she thought that she would be disliked if she asked.

'We don't know anything yet. This case has very deep roots,' said Gotou as if it were natural.

He had no proof. He wanted somebody to listen to him now – that was how he felt.

Perhaps Atsuko was happy about getting a response, because her eyes were as bright as a girl’s.

'What do you mean when you say the roots are deep?'

'It'll take a while to explain.'

Gotou felt somewhat embarrassed when Atsuko looked at him like that.

To escape Atsuko’s gaze, he played with the carpet.

'I don't mind if it takes a while,' said Atsuko.

Because Gotou was looking down, he didn’t know what sort of expression she was making.

Talking to Atsuko wouldn’t find them the culprit.

There was the last case too. If he talked to Atsuko, he’d probably make her worry. However, his desire to let her

know was still stronger.

'Could you get a beer?' said Gotou, pressing his cigarette into the ashtray.

'Mind if I have one too?'

After Atsuko said that, she headed for the kitchen without waiting for Gotou’s reply and brought back two cans

of beer from the refrigerator.

Gotou lit a new cigarette and took a sip of beer. Then, he started explaining the connections regarding the case.

It started fifteen years ago, when Gotou saved a boy.

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He had always been bad at explaining to people, so he took a while, unable to summarize the story concisely.

However, Atsuko still listened to his story silently.

How many years has it been since I talked for so long to Atsuko –

It was a mysterious feeling, like telling an old tale to a child.


Chapter 29

Ishii took a can of beer in both hands and passed through the gate to the temple.

The wind that blew through was cold.

Even though it would soon be spring, the night really was cold.

The temple stood out in the darkness, as if it were itself emitting light.

The outdoor lamps lit up the temple as the investigation was underway.

Though Ishii understood, it still looked creepy to him.

– What method did Nanase Miyuki use to stab Isshin?

That puzzle was still unsolved.

Ishii sighed. Then, somebody passed by him.


He’d seen the face before – it was Saitou Yakumo.

'Er, Yakumo-shi.'

Yakumo might have an ingenious plan.

Ishii called out to him, but Yakumo silently walked towards the cemetery as if he hadn’t heard anything.

His profile was paler than usual – he looked like a living corpse.

– I wonder what happened.

In Ishii’s confusion, Yakumo disappeared, as if swallowed by the darkness.

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– Was that an illusion just now?

It was to the point that Ishii thought his eyes might have been playing tricks on him.

'Oi, Ishii. What're you standing there for!?'

Miyagawa shouted from the front of the temple.

Ishii hurriedly ran towards Miyagawa.

'E-e-excuse me.'

Ishii held out two cans of coffee for Miyagawa.

'You an idiot? One of them is yours.'

'T-thank you very much.'

Miyagawa took just one can from Ishii and pulled open the tab.

'Well, sit down.'

'Ah, yes.'

Urged by Miyagawa, Ishii sat on the steps, holding the can of coffee in his hands without opening it.

'Don't be so stiff. You underestimate yourself.'

'Underestimate… is it?'

It was the first time in his life that he had ever been told that.

He’d been called idiot and blockhead countless times.

He didn’t feel frustrated or angry about it. That was because he thought it was true.

That was why he didn’t understand when Miyagawa said he was underestimating himself.

'You should be more confident.'

'Ah, but…'

Miyagawa said it so simply, but it was difficult.

He wasn’t hesitant because he wanted to be. He just couldn’t believe in his own thoughts.

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When he heard other people’s opinions, he always ended up thinking that they were correct. He couldn’t be


That was all.

'Want a smoke?'

Miyagawa took out a cigarette case.

'I don't smoke,' said Ishii, waving a hand.

He had tried smoking before, but it made him cough terribly. It didn’t agree with him.

'I see,' murmured Miyagawa. Meanwhile, he put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it.

'Has there been any new information?' asked Ishii as he watched the investigation team move about.

'The window in the back of the temple was broken. Nanase Miyuki's fingerprints were found there,' said

Miyagawa with a depressed expression.

'Was that the route she used to break in?'

'They were relatively new fingerprints so that's probably right.'

'I see.'

'But that means…'

Miyagawa trailed off.

'Ah, that's right…'

Ishii nodded, sensing how Miyagawa felt.

If they specified the back window as the break-in route, the crime using a trap that Miyagawa suggested would

naturally be eliminated.

Miyagawa seemed to think it unfortunate from the expression on his profile. When Ishii looked at it, a question

came up in his head.

– Is the back really the break-in route?

Ishii thought carefully about the day of the crime.

Isshin went to the temple to meditate, and Gotou told Ishii to guard the entrance.

But –

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'I didn't hear anything.'

When Ishii declared that, Miyagawa’s eyebrow twitched.

'What do you mean?'

'I was standing here the whole time,' explained Ishii as he climbed the stairs to stand at the temple's sliding door.


'I was listening so that I would be able to move immediately if there were anything out of the ordinary.


'You didn't hear the window break.'

Ishii responded with a nod.

It had been a quiet, windless night. If there had been the sound of a window breaking, he would have definitely


'At least the window was not broken at the time of the crime,' finished Ishii.

'Then when was the window broken?'

'That is…'

Ishii didn’t know at this stage.

'Since Miyuki's fingerprints were on it, she has to be the one who broke it.'

'Please wait a moment.'

Ishii took out a memo pad and started writing a time schedule to organize his thoughts.

Miyuki was carried to the infirmary past six PM –

Then, Isshin was stabbed at nine PM –

Ishii predicted that Miyuki escaped the detention house and committed the crime in those three hours. He put

that with the information he had gathered until now.

Yamamura showed up at the infirmary at about seven PM –

Furthermore, Isshin went into the temple at eight thirty PM –

The time frame was fairly narrow.

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'From seven PM to eight thirty PM, Miyuki left the detention house, broke the temple window and went in…'

said Miyagawa as he peeked at Ishii's mirror.

If the investigated within this hour and a half, it would be much more effective.

'Miyagawa-san, do you have a moment?'

As the conversation came to a lull, a man in a blue uniform from investigations came towards them and spoke



Miyagawa pressed his cigarette into a portable ashtray and followed the man from investigations into the


Ishii’s interest was piqued, so he followed after Miyagawa too.

The inside of the temple was also lit up to the point it was glaring.

'Please look at this.'

The man from investigations held up the plastic bag in his hand to show them.

In the bag there was something like a thin wire.

'What's that?' said Miyagawa, picking the bag up.

'It was caught on that statue of the Buddha.'

The man from investigations pointed at the statute of the Buddha at the front.

It was a wooden statue of Gautama Buddha. It frightened Ishii – the half –open eyes seemed to see through to

the bottom of his heart.

'Though it is faint, there are also traces of blood.'

The man from investigations pointed at part of the wire in the plastic bag.

It certainly was dyed dark red.

– Wait a second.

When Ishii saw that, another thought came to mind.

Earlier, he had thought that the fingerprints on the window disproved the theory of crime by some sort of


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However, if he thought about it differently, Miyuki might have purposefully left the fingerprints on the back

window to hide the trap she used to commit the crime.

She had done the same sort of thing during a past incident. Miyuki often used this trick.

But what device could stab Isshin with a knife – Ishii didn’t know.


Chapter 30

Yakumo stood in front of a gravestone.

The engraved name stood out in the moonlight.

– Takagishi Family Grave.

The person sleeping under here was Yakumo’s middle-school teacher and Nao’s mother. She was also the

person who might have become his mother –

He couldn’t save her either.

– But why can my eye see?

Yakumo touched the gravestone with his fingertips.

It was hard and cold to the touch. It was just a stone; there was no way it would answer.

His body trembled.

'Is it really my fault…' said Yakumo in a voice that trailed off.

The words were not directed to anybody in particular. He had not said them expecting an answer.

However, a response came back from the darkness.

– Yes. Everything is your fault.

Yakumo shut his eyes and sighed.

He realized immediately whose voice it was.

In the past, he had desperately prayed that he would never meet him, and now he was frantically searching for


'Come out.'

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Yakumo’s eyes snapped open as he said that in a hard tone.

'If you wish.'

At the same time as that voice, a man walked out of the darkness.

He wore a black suit and his long hair flowed down his back. Even though it was night, he wore dark

sunglasses, and his pale skin stood out.

It was the first time Yakumo had confronted this man like this.

However, he knew who it was immediately.

He didn’t determine it from seeing him. The blood flowing through Yakumo’s veins told him so.

'So it really was you?'

'That tone of voice isn't very appropriate when talking to your father.'

'I've never thought of you as my father.'

'It's not a problem of whether you think so or not. Doesn't that red eye of yours prove it? The bond between you

and me.'

The man slowly took off his sunglasses.

The moonlight illuminated his deep red eyes, making it look as if they were glittering.

'Uncle is my father,' Yakumo said shortly.

He didn’t want to acknowledge it. That the same blood that flowed through this man flowed through himself –

'But you couldn't save him.'

'You're wrong.'

'Not just him. Your mother and that woman – you couldn't save them either.'


'Because of you, everyone died.'

The man’s sentence seemed to pierce through to Yakumo’s core.

– Everyone died.

Everyone important to me dies – that reality crushed Yakumo’s heart.

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'Your blood is cursed. You can't escape it.'

The man walked towards Yakumo like he was floating across the ground.

I want to run – that impulse made Yakumo turn away.

'Hiding won't change reality.'

A cool smile graced the man’s lips.


'I have had a number of children up until now, but the only one who has inherited my genetics – my red eye –

and remains living… is you.'

'… I don't want to understand,' said Yakumo, as if the words were strangled out of him.

However, that voice did not echo. The darkness swallowed it.

'No, you should already understand.'

'I can't understand,' said Yakumo with a furious expression.

However, that serious thought was also swallowed up by that man’s red eyes.

'Seeing the spirits of the dead makes you suffer, doesn't it? It hurts, doesn't it? You end up seeing things you

don't have to see. You know things you don't have to know.'

'So what?'

'Even if you can escape for a moment, it happens again.'

Yakumo gritted his teeth.

– I can’t listen to what this man says.

With strong conviction, Yakumo opposed him. After all, it was just ego to justify himself.

But –

The other person hidden in the depths of his heart understood what this man said. And he agreed.

Nothing would change from trying by himself.

People were powerless.

The same thing would happen.

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Then, people would die –

The resentment and hatred of the dead wandered the world.

He saw it.

Even though he didn’t want to – he saw it.

Yakumo bit the inside of his lip.

Pain and the taste of blood filled his mouth.

With that he was finally able to come to his senses.

'That's why you kill people?'

The man smiled at Yakumo’s words.

'Kill? Me? I haven't killed anyone. All I have done is fulfill desires. I just lend a hand. Isn't that right?'

– It’s just as he says.

This man had a hand in a number of cases.

However, he had never directly done anything. He had just given a few backs a push.

With his guidance, people were shaken by their desires; as a result, people died.

Yakumo didn’t know what was right any more.

'I don't want to see my son suffer any more.'


'That's right. Isshin doesn't know your true feelings – he just says platitudes and misleads you. What Isshin says

is only an illusion. You know that too, right?'

– So that really was it?

Isshin really was stabbed because of him.

When Yakumo realized that, he felt himself falling into a deep darkness.

– If I weren’t here, this wouldn’t have happened.

That thought ran about his head.

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When his own existence was denied, Yakumo’s heart lost even its usual composure and transfigured into

something terribly fragile.

'What are you telling me to do…' Yakumo asked the man.

Yakumo had lost his way – he appeared to be pleading.

When the man saw Yakumo like that, he smiled broadly, as if he could not have expected anything better.

'Come with me. I'll teach you…'

The man slowly walked into the darkness.

– What is in that darkness?

Yakumo didn’t know, but he felt like he would be released from his suffering if he followed the man.

In his doubt, he took the first step forward.

That moment, the mobile phone in his pocket rang to tell him he had a text.

Yakumo took out his mobile.

'Throw that away,' said the man, turning around.

'Throw it away?'

'Yes. It causes troublesome involvements which change into doubts.'

– It really was true.

Yakumo was about to throw his mobile phone when the wind blew.

– Don’t throw it away.

It felt like it was saying that.

Yakumo opened the text that had arrived.

It was a text from Haruka.

Just one sentence.

– I want to see you.

That short sentence shook Yakumo’s heart.

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'What's wrong?' asked the man.

– I…

The wind blew again.

A cloud of dust danced by and went into Yakumo’s left eye.

He pressed his hand against the left eye from the pain.

'What are you hesitating for? We're going.'

The man pressed forward.

Yakumo lifted his face, still pressing a hand against his left eye.

He heard something beating in his chest.

Yakumo took the handoff his eye and looked at the man again.

– I see. So that’s how it is.

At this moment, Yakumo understood everything that had been a puzzle to him up until now.


Chapter 31

Before Haruka knew it, she was at the temple.

She was standing on the wooden floor with bare feet. She looked up and saw a statue of Gautama Buddha

enshrined in front of her.

She stepped towards the solemn figure, as if drawn in.

Creak –

With every step, the floorboards creaked underneath her.

After walking so close she could touch the Buddha statue, she noticed somebody’s presence behind her.

Haruka turned around, startled.

She saw somebody standing in the temple entrance.

He had terrible bedhead and wore a white shirt and jeans.

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That’s –

'Yakumo-kun,' said Haruka in her delight.

She had looked for him since yesterday. She was finally able to meet him.

With no response, Yakumo stood there like a statue.

'Hey, Yakumo-kun, where were you?'

Haruka walked towards Yakumo as she called out to him, but Yakumo didn’t respond.

Clang –

Something slipped out of Yakumo’s hand.


Haruka looked at his feet and exclaimed in surprise.

Fallen there was a knife covered in blood.

'The true nature of humanity… is darkness.'

Yakumo’s eyes were narrowed as he smiled, like he was in a trance.

'Yakumo-kun… right?'

Yakumo didn’t reply to Haruka’s question.

He just smiled uncannily, turned around on his heels and walked towards the exit.

'Wait, Yakumo-kun!'

Haruka hurriedly chased after Yakumo.

It was strange – even though Haruka was running after him, she couldn’t catch up to Yakumo, who was


Yakumo’s back kept moving farther away –

'Yakumo-kun! Wait!'

Even though she was running and running, the distance between them kept growing.

'Don't go!' yelled Haruka from the bottom of her stomach, and then she sat straight up.

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'You're so noisy.'

– Eh?

Haruka was quickly brought back to reality by that voice.

She couldn’t see clearly since it was so bright. After blinking a number of times, she finally saw who was

standing in the white light.

'Could it be you, Yakumo-kun?' asked Haruka, confused.

'There's no “could” about it.'

That blunt way of speaking – it had to be Yakumo.

'Why are you here, Yakumo-kun?'

'This is my room. It's natural for me to be here.'


'Don't “eh” me. On top of worming your way into my room, you're making false accusations in your sleep. How

can you be such a dunce?'

Yakumo ran a hand through his messy hair and yawned.

His left eye was a vivid red.

Now, Haruka finally realized that what she had seen earlier was a dream.

Yesterday, she had been waiting for Yakumo in this room and had fallen asleep at some point with her head on

the table.

'Where did you go!? I was worried!' protested Haruka, her emotions tipping over as she pointed a finger at


Even though she had been so worried, Yakumo was acting so nonchalant. It irritated her.

'Don't shout,' said Yakumo fingers in his ears.

'I want to shout. When you suddenly disappear at a serious time. I…'

Haruka furiously held back the tears that were threatening to spill out.

Happiness and frustration stirred up her gloomy heart.

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'My bad. In a number of ways. I had some things I had to think about,' said Yakumo as he turned his back to


Haruka hit his back.

'Don't think by yourself, idiot.'

'That's quite the tone when you're an idiot yourself. I apologized properly, didn't I?'

Yakumo turned back to her and ran a hand through his hair in exasperation.

'Shut up. Idiot. I definitely won't forgive you.'

Even though she was so happy that Yakumo had returned that she didn’t know what to do, in her stubbornness,

she couldn’t act honestly happy.

– I’m the idiot.

I might be the reason the distance between Yakumo and me doesn’t shorten – so Haruka ended up thinking.

'How can I cheer you up? Should I buy you some chocolate?' said Yakumo lightly.

– He’s making fun of me.

'I don't want chocolate!'

'Then what do you want?'

'I don't want anything. Just don't go off somewhere without my permission again!'

'I'm not your possession.'

'I know that! But I don't like it!'

Before she knew it, she was crying.

Showing her tears made it feel like she had lost. She bit her lip in mortification.

However, the more she tried to hold the tears in, the more came out.

Finally, Haruka covered her face with both hands and started sobbing.

'I get it. I'll tell you next time.'

Yakumo stood up and lightly touched Haruka’s shoulder.

His white fingers seemed to trace Haruka’s contours as they went from her shoulder to her neck.

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Haruka’s body trembled – it felt strange, like the strength was leaving her body. At the same time, she felt her

heart melt, though it had been hard up until earlier.

Haruka looked at Yakumo’s red eye.

– It really is beautiful.

As she thought that, she naturally closed her eyes.

It was a pleasant silence. If only time would stop now – so she thought.

Yakumo’s breath brushed Haruka’s earlobe.

'You saved me again,' said Yakumo, faintly – very faintly.

Yakumo’s presence suddenly disappeared into the dark.

– Is this a dream too?

Haruka hurriedly opened her eyes.

Yakumo was right in front of her eyes, but he was putting something on.

'What are you doing?'

'Going out?'

'Where to?'

Haruka stood up as she wiped her tears.

'Where? Obviously to solve the mystery behind the case.'


Yakumo said that in a matter-of-fact manner, but there was no way for Haruka to understand without an


'I'm going to leave you behind if you don't hurry,' said Yakumo as he ran a hand through his hair. Then, he left

the room briskly.

Though Yakumo was the same as always, Haruka felt like something was wrong.

– He’s too normal.

Yakumo should know Isshin’s condition too, so how could he be so calm?

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'Aren't you coming?'

Haruka’s thoughts were interrupted when she heard Yakumo urging her.

– There’s no point thinking about these things now.

Haruka followed Yakumo out of the room.


Chapter 32

The first thing Gotou saw at work was Ishii, sleeping with his head on the desk.

Tools like scissors and screwdrivers were scattered about.

– What the hell is he using these for?

'You can't… Please stop it already…'

Ishii shook his head back and forth as he mumbled incoherently in his sleep.

– He’s probably having some stupid dream.

Gotou had gone home early at Miyagawa’s behest yesterday. It appeared that Ishii had stayed up all night

working after that.

When Gotou thought about that, though he didn’t feel guilty, he still didn’t like listening to the strange


'Wake up!'

Gotou hit Ishii’s head.

'Ack!' yelled Ishii as he jumped up like a frog.

'You're so noisy,' complained Gotou. He put a cigarette in his mouth and sat in his own seat.

Ishii rubbed his bloodshot eyes, put on the glasses that had been on the table. After confirming it was Gotou in

front of him, he said awkwardly, ‘D-Detective Gotou… I apologize; it seems I fell asleep.’

Even though it had only been one day, Ishii’s face looked a bit hollow.

It looked like he’d made Ishii bear the burden by himself at a difficult time.

'My bad about yesterday.'

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Gotou apologized honestly.

However, Ishii didn’t seem to understand. He just stared blankly for a while.

'Er, I mean, because I went home early…' said Gotou, lighting his cigarette.

Ishii looked like he finally understood. He clapped his hands together.

'Oh, I'm fine. More importantly, how is Nao-chan?'

'She's calmed down.'

Gotou would be embarrassed explaining everything that happened yesterday, so he left it at that.

'So how's the investigation?' asked Gotou. Ishii's expression clouded over instantly.

– This guy’s really easy to understand.

'That is… rather difficult… regarding the method the crime was committed… er… well.'

Ishii’s replies never gave him the important points.

Gotou felt, a bit late, that this characteristic of his irritated people.

'It's not like I thought the case would suddenly be solved. Tell me what you know now.'

'Ah, y-yes sir.'

Ishii took a memo pad from his jacket and started explaining the situation with the investigation.

'A broken window was found in the back of the temple, and Nanase Miyuki's fingerprints were found there as


'I see.'

That made it very likely that Miyuki had gotten in from the back of the temple.

– But is that really how it happened?

'However, since I did not hear the sound of breaking glass on the night of the crime, I feel like it happened

earlier,' added Ishii, as if he had expected Gotou's question.

'That'd be possible,' agreed Gotou. He was about to tap the ashes off his cigarette but he couldn't find an ashtray.

– Where is it?

Gotou looked about the room as he listened to Ishii.

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'Something like a wire was also found at the temple.'

'A wire, eh…'

Gotou found the ashtray in a cabinet with glass doors.

– Why’s it here?

With that question in his mind, Gotou put his hand on the cabinet to take the ashtray out.

'Ah! Detective Gotou! You can't!' shouted Ishii, standing up.

But he was too late –

When Gotou opened the door, there was a popping sound.

At the same time, something flew out.

Gotou was so surprised he couldn’t avoid it.

It was a direct hit on his forehead.


He put his hand to his forehead. Something was stuck there.

It didn’t hurt as much as he thought it did.

– The hell is this?

Gotou pulled it off his head with another pop.

Its tip was a suction cup – a toy arrow for children.

'That's why I said that you can't open the cabinet.'

Half in tears, Ishii approached Gotou.

'Ishii, were you playing around while I was gone?'

The part of Gotou that had felt sorry earlier now felt angry. He grabbed Ishii by the lapels and shook him.

'That isn't it,' objected Ishii, shaking his head.

'What isn't it!? Eh?'

'It was an experiment.'

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'Experimenting to see how I'd respond to a prank!?'

'It was an experiment since we think Nanase Miyuki's crime might not have been committed by her escaping the

detention house but by using a trap like this.'

– I see.

Gotou finally understood what Ishii was trying to say.

When the door opened, an arrow flew out. If Miyuki made a trap like this, she could make a knife fly out and

stab Isshin instead.

If she used this method, she wouldn’t have to go out of her way to escape the detention house.

Gotou understood that. But –

'Then why didn't you say that first!?'

'Because you opened the door before I could say it, Detective Gotou.'

'Shut up!'

'You're a hundred times noisier.'

Along with the voice, something hit the back of Gotou’s head.

– Who the hell would suddenly hit somebody’s head like this?

Gotou let go of Ishii and turned around with a furious expression.

Standing there was Miyagawa.

'Honestly. I can't tell if you guys are serious or playing around,' complained Miyagawa. He crossed his arms and

sat on a nearby chair.

'What are you saying? We are always serious.'

'You don't say,' said Miyagawa with suspicious eyes.

'What are you here for, Miyagawa-san?'

'I finished preparing what Ishii asked for so I came all the way here for that.'

– Ishii asked for something?

Gotou felt something was off.

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He couldn’t imagine Ishii asking Miyagawa for anything.

'Is that so? Thank you very much.'

Ishii’s eyes were sparkling.

'What did you ask for?'

'I requested for the footage from the security cameras at the detention house,' said Ishii energetically.

'I've got it set up in the conference room.'

After declaring just that, Miyagawa stood up and left the room briskly.

'Why do you need the security camera footage?'

'If she escaped the detention house, she might be in that footage.'

As usual, Ishii was excited.

However, Gotou felt there was a contradiction in that answer.

'Didn't Miyuki use a trap to stab Isshin?'

'There is that possibility.'

'Then she didn't need to leave the detention house, right?'

'That's right.'

'Then why are we looking at the security camera footage?'

Ishii’s brows furrowed at Gotou’s question.

'Well, that is… I feel like the trap theory is plausible, but the escape theory is also difficult to abandon… so…'

Though Ishii didn’t say it clearly, in short he couldn’t decide which one it was.

Normally, Gotou would hit Ishii’s head and say, ‘Make up your mind!’ However, Gotou couldn’t come to a

decision either.

Right now, thinking about it wouldn’t bring about an answer.

If he looked at it a different way, checking the security camera footage would make it clear whether Miyuki

escaped or not.

– We can think about what comes next after.

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'Got it. Let's go.'

Gotou came to a decision and stood up.


Chapter 33

– Solve the mystery.

Led by Yakumo, who had said those words, Haruka went to the hospital where Isshin was hospitalized.

Haruka was a bit confused by this unexpected development.

In order to solve the mystery, they’d need to meet up with Gotou and Ishii first to gather information – is what

she thought.

'Is this really the right place?' asked Haruka, though she knew it was unnecessary concern.

'Does it look like I'm lost? I'm not you,' replied Yakumo with a yawn.

'Don't make it sound like I have no sense of direction.'

'Was I wrong?'

'That's not the point…'

While Haruka was talking, Yakumo briskly went into the hospital.

– He’s always like this.

Haruka pinned down her irritation and followed Yakumo into the hospital.

Once inside the hospital, Yakumo went straight to the reception, declared, ‘I have an appointment with Doctor

Arai Mao,’ and was instructed to wait on the bench in the waiting room.

When Haruka heard Mao’s name, she remembered something important.

'I met Mao-sensei yesterday.'

'That so,' said Yakumo disinterestedly. He sat on the bench.

Haruka sat next to him.

'She asked me to search for Yakumo-kun so she could talk to you about Isshin-san.'

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'I'm going to see her now.'

That was true, but there was something Haruka didn’t understand.

'Before you solve the mystery, you're going to see Mao-sensei about Isshin-san,' said Haruka to confirm.


Yakumo ran a hand through his hair.

'What do you mean by both?'

'You have so many questions. More importantly, how's Nao?'

Yakumo’s expression clouded over.

Though Yakumo was unsociable, Nao alone was special. Yakumo always had a gentle smile in front of her.

That was how deep his affection for her was.

'Though it seemed like she was shocked, she's calmed down a bit now.'

'I see…'

'Gotou-san's wife is reliable – Nao-chan likes her too…'

'That's great.'

Yakumo half-closed his eyes and looked up at the ceiling.

'Go visit them,' said Haruka while looking at her right hand.

It made her remember grasping Nao’s small hand.

Though Nao didn’t show it, it must have actually been tough on her. She must have been sad and in pain.

Yakumo was the only one who could heal her heart.

'Right…' murmured Yakumo.

Then, there was an announcement: ‘Saitou Yakumo-san, please head to examination room number three.’

'OK, shall we go?'

Yakumo rubbed his hands together as he said that and briskly walked towards the corridor.

Haruka still had questions as she followed after Yakumo.

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They went down the corridor by the reception desk and stopped in front of a room with a plate that read

‘Examination Room #3’.

It was the same place Haruka had come to yesterday.

‘It’s Saitou Yakumo,’ said Yakumo towards the door as he knocked.

'Please come in.'

Mao’s voice came from inside.

Yakumo opened the door and went inside. Haruka followed him.

'You finally came.'

Mao was sitting at her desk. Once she saw Yakumo’s face, her expression softened in relief.

'Did you bring him here?'

Mao looked at Haruka.

Unfortunately, Haruka had forgotten about Mao’s request until she came to the hospital.

'No, I didn't,' replied Haruka, which made Mao look confused.

'Yakumo-kun came on his own. I didn't…'

'That doesn't matter,' interrupted Yakumo, seeming displeased.

'Anyway, sit down.'

Mao tried to change the mood and urged them to sit on the round chairs.

Haruka and Yakumo sat down.

'Now, where should I start…'

Mao spread out the doctor’s chart on her desk and spun a pen in her fingers as she mumbled.

The heavy atmosphere filled the examination room. Though she was a doctor, it probably was difficult to tell

relatives things they did not want to hear.

'Is my uncle's condition the same?' said Yakumo expressionlessly.

'It is. I think that Doctor Sakakibara explained this as well, but we suspect that Isshin-kun may be brain-dead.'

Hearing that once more hurt Haruka, like she had been stabbed in the chest with a needle.

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'Is that so,' Yakumo replied curtly.

Haruka looked at his profile. His expression hadn’t changed.

However, that didn’t mean he didn’t feel anything. Yakumo was holding back his feelings.

'We cannot say anything for certain until we examine him more closely, but his condition is serious.'

Haruka wanted to cover her ears when she heard this continuation of things she couldn’t believe, but she knew

that doing so wouldn’t change the situation.

Isshin had been fine until the day before yesterday.

Now, he could only live with the aid of a respirator –

'Then what are you telling me to do?' asked Yakumo with narrowed eyes.

It was like he suspected something.

Perhaps Yakumo doubted the fact that Isshin was brain-dead. It seemed that way to Haruka.

'It isn't a question of what to do. I just wanted to tell you the situation.'

'You didn't look for me just to tell me the situation, right?' said Yakumo disinterestedly as he yawned.

With that one sentence, the atmosphere suddenly became heavier.

For a while, Mao just sat there, but then she opened her desk drawer and took a card out.

The card had a cute picture of an angel on it.

Haruka recalled seeing that card somewhere.

– An organ donor card[1].

Also called a donor card. If you died or were in a brain-dead state, it showed whether you agreed to donate your

organs or not.

'Isshin-kun is registered as a donor.'

Mao’s voice was so faint it felt like it would disappear at any moment.

Haruka thought it was like Isshin to make that choice. He was incredibly self-sacrificing.

'So you want my consent – that's it, isn't it?'

Yakumo’s expression didn’t change.

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Even if Isshin was registered as a donor, his organs couldn’t be donated without his family’s consent.

It appeared that the reason Mao was searching for Yakumo was to receive his consent.

Now that Haruka knew that, she had complicated feelings.

Choosing to follow up with the organ donation meant that Mao had already given up on Isshin’s recovery.

'With your consent, Yakumo-kun, we will contact the donor coordinator and formally determine his brain

death,' said Mao in a business-like manner, her fingernails clawing into the desk.

It was obvious she was angry.

– What are you going to do?

Haruka looked at Yakumo.

Just for a moment, Yakumo’s cheek twitched, but that was all.

'I will think about it,' said Yakumo shortly. He gave the card back to Mao.

Mao silently looked at the card.

– It hurts me too.

It felt like she was saying that.

Finally, Yakumo ran a hand through his hair and said, ‘You still have something to say to me, right?’

When Mao heard that, she opened her mouth for a moment, but she finally shook her head.

'That's all I have to say,' she said quietly.

What was that? Haruka didn’t understand what they were talking about.

– Finding out each other’s intentions.

That was what it felt like to Haruka.

'I understand. I'll excuse myself for today.'

Perhaps Yakumo had given up, because he stood up and headed for the door in an extremely slow manner.

Haruka stood up too, bowed towards Mao and then followed Yakumo.


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Just as Yakumo opened the door, Mao called out to him.

Haruka turned around at the voice, but Yakumo didn’t.

'A tumor was found in Isshin-kun's brain.'

'A tumor in his brain?'

Haruka’s voice jumped an octave.

At the same time, she recalled how Mao and Isshin had been talking about an exam the day before yesterday.

'Though it wasn't malignant, there was a problem with where it was, which made it difficult to remove in


Mao lowered her eyelashes.

Yakumo turned around.

'Uncle would have died in any case. Is that what you want to say?' whispered Yakumo.

However, his red left eye was filled with anger.

'That isn't it.'

'Then what is it?'

'I just wanted you to know. That's all.'

When Mao said that while looking down, it just sounded like an excuse.

Yakumo left the room with a bitter smile.

– Even if the doctor has given up, we believe in miracles. Right, Yakumo?

Haruka called out to Yakumo’s back as he walked down the corridor.


Chapter 34

'Do you really plan on checking all of this?' interrupted Gotou, who was at the limit of his concentration.

There was a much greater amount of security camera footage than Gotou had expected. And it was incredibly

boring footage.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

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Rooms with nobody in them. Corridors with nobody in them. He kept watching footage of nothing happening.

Looking at abstract paintings would be more enjoyable.

'Of course. If she escaped, it should have left a trace somewhere.'

Ishii’s eyes were sparkling, like he thought this was fun.

This sort of simple work might have been his specialty.

'How much left?' said Gotou, looking up at the ceiling in his exhaustion.

'Let's see… In total, there are five hundred cameras in the detention house. We have limited it to the hour and a

half when the incident took place, and one person looks at four at a time, so with two people… We will be done

in ninety-three hours.'

Ishii smiled, showing his white teeth.

– You kidding me?

'That's a full four days! I give up.'

If Gotou watched this for four days, he’d go nuts. This wasn’t investigation – this was torture.

Sulking, Gotou lined up three chairs and used them as a bed.

'Detective Gotou, I can't do this by myself. Please help.'

'Shut up!'

Gotou rejected Ishii, who was half in tears.

– The investigation won’t get anywhere no matter how long we take if we go on like this.

As Gotou grumbled in his head, he clicked his tongue. Then, the mobile phone in his jacket pocket rang.

'Who is it?'

Still lying down, Gotou answered the phone.

<I will say this again, but please fix your phone manner.>

Gotou leapt up when he heard that voice.

'Yakumo! You bastard! Where the hell were you!?' yelled Gotou into the receiver.

<Please don’t speak so loudly.>

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Yakumo gave his usual complaint in his usual tone of voice.

– This idiot.

Gotou had been worried about him, thinking that he might have been psychologically cornered because Isshin

had been stabbed, but he was just as impertinent as usual.

Gotou felt stupid for worrying.

'What are you doing now and where?'

<I’m at the hospital. More importantly, how far has the investigation advanced?>

Gotou wanted to yell at Yakumo for being such a pain, but he decided not to.

Since Yakumo had gone out of his way to stick his nose into the investigation, it’d be troublesome if Yakumo

became angry.

Yakumo was the only one who could break through any investigation, no matter how stuck it was.

'To be honest, it hasn't advanced much.'

<Is that so?>

Yakumo’s response was weaker than Gotou had thought it would be.

It was like Yakumo was saying it was just as he had expected.

'Miyuki's fingerprints were found on the knife and on the window in the back of the temple.'


'Yeah. It's very likely that Miyuki's the culprit.'

<What are you doing now, Gotou-san?>

'We've got a theory that Nanase Miyuki escaped the detention house so we're in the middle of checking the

detention house security camera footage.'


Yakumo sounded gentle.

Gotou had never heard this tone of voice from him before.

'What?' Gotou asked.

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<You really have a lot of free time.>


Gotou was surprised by the unexpected reply.

<And you are also a blockhead.>

'You bastard! Who'd you say was a blockhead!?'

Gotou’s anger went to the max in an instant, and he yelled with his face bright red.

<I called you a blockhead because you’re a blockhead.>

'I'll kill you if you don't stop that.'

<But aren’t I right? How many days do you think it’ll take to check the security camera footage from the

detention house?>

Hearing that from Yakumo hurt.

Gotou himself had thrown in the towel just earlier.

'Just shut your mouth already!'

<You anger quickly when the situation turns for the worse. You really are animalistic.>

Yakumo snorted.

Gotou wanted to retort back, but all he could think of was insults like ‘idiot’ and ‘fool’.

<Anyway, if you have enough time to watch boring videos, please come here immediately.>

'Don't use the police as your personal cab.'

<Am I wrong?>

– This brat!

Though Gotou’s chest was filled with anger, the words that came out of him weren’t.

'Where should I go?'

– I hate to admit it, but I want Yakumo’s brain right now.

It was impossible for Gotou’s and Ishii’s heads to solve the case. Yakumo was absolutely necessary to beat


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Plus, since it was Yakumo, he probably hadn’t been playing around while he was out of contact.

What is Yakumo thinking and where is he heading for – Gotou wanted to know.

<I’m waiting at the hospital.>

Yakumo said that and hung up.

It pisses me off, but there’s nothing I can do now. I’ll go with you to the end – Gotou was determined.

'Oi! Ishii! We're going!'

Gotou said that quickly and headed for the exit.

'Er, how about checking the security cameras!'

'Just leave that!' yelled Gotou.

However, it seemed like Ishii still didn’t understand the situation. His face was blank.

– Honestly . All the guy’s got is weird knowledge. He’s got no sense at all.

'Hurry up, you fool! I'll smack your head off!'

When Gotou raised his fist, Ishii instinctively stood up and ran.

– He fell.


Chapter 35

Haruka sat on the bench in the hospital courtyard and waited for Yakumo to finish talking on the phone.

She realized quickly that he was talking to Gotou.

Though she couldn’t hear the conversation in detail, Yakumo spoke like he had already solved the mystery

behind the case.

– Does it have something to do with what he talked about with Mao earlier?

At first, there had been talking about Isshin’s condition, but then the atmosphere changed before she knew it.

To Haruka, it looked like Yakumo suspected that Mao was related to the case somehow.

'Did you find anything out?' asked Haruka when Yakumo hung up.

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Yakumo raised his left eyebrow and frowned, like he was a Kabuki actor[2].

'You really are carefree. I'm envious.'

– He’s always like that.

'Yes, yes, I'm carefree.'

'What, so you do understand that?'

Yakumo started walking briskly.

– Because you just do whatever you want.

While she thought that, always chasing after his back was a depressing way to live –

Yakumo returned to the hospital again and took the elevator.

He didn’t explain where he was going, but Haruka had an idea about where he was going after coming this far.

Yakumo silently got off the elevator and went straight down the corridor.

At the end of the corridor was the ICU where Isshin was accommodated.

Just as Haruka thought, Yakumo stopped in front of the ICU and looked at Isshin through the glass.

There was a doctor inside checking the machines.

Haruka remembered seeing him before. His name was Sakakibara, the doctor who first did treatment. The nurse

named Furukawa was with him.

Isshin was still sleeping. He looked a size smaller.

'Yakumo-kun, is Isshin-san really brain-dead?'

She wanted him to deny it.

'I can't say, since I'm not a doctor,' replied Yakumo expressionlessly.


Disappointed, Haruka looked at her feet.

Haruka couldn’t accept the fact. Even if it was just a silly wish, she couldn’t help but want the judgment to be


'Do you think that people who are brain-dead are dead?' Yakumo suddenly asked.

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Haruka furrowed her brows as she thought.

To be honest, she had never thought about it before, so –

'I don't know… What do you think, Yakumo-kun?'

Haruka’s eyes flickered to Yakumo.

His slightly downcast profile was lifeless, as if he were a statue.

'To be honest, I don't know either.'


'When somebody becomes brain-dead, they cannot even breathe on their own, think or feel. The brain forms the

self, so when that is stopped, it could be said that they become only a lump of meat…'

Yakumo spoke like he were reading out of a textbook.

It sounded extremely cold. Rather than Yakumo’s own opinion, he was probably just listening facts.

– The body is the container of the soul.

Haruka recalled something Yakumo had said before.

That would mean –

'If somebody becomes brain-dead, what happens to their soul?'

Haruka said the question as it came to her head.

'Since this is a first for me too, I don't know. However, Uncle's soul is still in there. That's what I think.'

Yakumo sent a piercing gaze towards Isshin.

From that one sentence, Haruka felt like she could see a small light of hope.

– Yakumo hasn’t given up yet.

He had probably had that exchange with Mao earlier because he still believed Isshin would get better.

– Please, Isshin-san. Open your eyes.

Haruka gripped the red stone on her necklace tightly.

'There is something called the Act on Organ Transplantation.'

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This time, Yakumo brought up another topic.

'I've heard of it.'

Though she didn’t know the details, she had heard the name before.

'Though there are plans to revise it, under the current law, brain-death is not recognized as death of the person.'


Haruka’s voice showed her surprise.

She sometimes heard about organs being donated from people who were brain-dead. From that she had thought

that brain death meant death of the person.

'Even if somebody is brain-dead, they are alive in the eyes of the law.'

'Then wouldn't organ donation be a problem?'

If brain-death was considered alive by the law, that would mean they were taking organs from people who were


Since that would make them die, it would become murder.

'That's why there's the Act on Organ Transplantation. People who are brain-dead are only considered dead if

they are registered as organ donors.'

– I’m confused.

That would mean registering or not registering to be a donor would determine whether you were alive or dead.

'That's a bit unnatural.'

Haruka said the first thing that came to mind.

'It is. It's unnatural for one card to determine whether somebody is dead.'


'What determines whether Uncle is dead or alive isn't science or law. It's the soul.'

Every word Yakumo spoke echoed heavily in Haruka’s chest.

She felt like she understood why Yakumo had spoken coldly to Mao earlier.

The moment Yakumo agreed to the organ donation, Isshin would be determined as brain-dead. Even if his body

moved, he would be considered as dead.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

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However, Yakumo hadn’t come to a decision yet.

Where does the soul go when somebody is brain-dead – to Yakumo, the criterion for death was probably not

something under the law or science but the continuation or loss of the soul.

More than anything, Yakumo believed that Isshin would recover.

'Soon…' murmured Yakumo, looking at Haruka.

'I have a request to make of you.'

He looked unusually serious.

'OK. I'll do anything I can,' said Haruka firmly.

'I want you to look into Mao-sensei.'

'Eh?' said Haruka in her surprise. Both the instructions and who they referred to were unexpected.

– So Yakumo does doubt Mao.

'When you say look into, what should I do?'

'It's simple. Just listen to what people at the hospital have to say about Mao-sensei.'

It wasn’t as simple as Yakumo made it sound.

'I wonder if I'll be able to.'

'Pretend you're asking about Uncle's condition and talk to them that way.'

'But to whom? I don't know anybody…'

'Aren't there two people there?'

Yakumo pointed at Sakakibara and Furukawa inside the ICU.

She had seen them before, but –

'But what should I ask about?'

'You don't have to try to force anything out of them. Just go with the flow of the conversation and ask what sort

of person Mao-sensei is.'

'I'm not confident I can do it.'

'You'll be fine.'

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Yakumo patted Haruka’s shoulder, turned around and started walking.

'Hey. Where are you going, Yakumo-kun?'

Haruka called out to Yakumo’s back.

'Another investigation with Gotou-san. There isn't much time.'

When Yakumo turned around, his eyes looked a bit more reliable than usual.

'You'll come back, right?' asked Haruka, unable to hold back her quickly growing anxiety.

'I will.'

Yakumo gave that short reply and started walking again.

Right now, all Haruka could do was believe in Yakumo’s words and see him off.

– Be sure to come back.



[1] Different prefectures have different cards with different pictures on them, but in Nagano, the organ donor

card looks like this.

[2] Here is an example of that expression.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


File 02: Fluctuation (Yang)

Ishii parked the car in the parking lot behind the hospital.

Just as he put the car into park, he let out a sigh.

– Yakumo would return soon.

When he thought about that, he felt like they had taken a big step towards the solution, even though nothing had

started yet.

Gotou, in the passenger seat, probably felt the same way.

Though he was blowing out cigarette smoke in a displeased manner, he might have been the most relieved,

since he had been so personally worried.

Just as Ishii was about to get off the car to look around, Gotou’s mobile rang.


Gotou answered the phone in his usual manner.

'Eh? What? I can't hear you… Where are you?' said Gotou, sticking his neck out the window to look around.

He was probably talking to Yakumo. Ishii also looked for Yakumo, as Gotou was doing.

'I'm over here.'

Ishii heard that directly. Then, the backseat door opened and Yakumo came in.

Ishii leapt up in surprise.

Gotou dropped his cigarette onto his lap in surprise and started flailing about the small car, yelling, ‘Hot, hot!’

When Yakumo saw that, he laughed aloud.

To be honest, Ishii had thought Yakumo would be more depressed. To perform a prank link this – Ishii felt a bit

let down.

On top of that, the red left eye he always hid with a black contact lens was out in the open. Since even Ishii was

used to it now, he wouldn’t shriek, but it felt like it had more pressure than usual.

'You bastard! Did you call on purpose to do that!?'

'That doesn't matter, does it?'

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Yakumo ignored Gotou’s shout and ran a hand through his messy hair.

'It does! You just do whatever you want without consulting anybody!' snapped Gotou, even though it would

have been better for him to step down.

'Please don't be so noisy. I hope you don't behave so disgracefully in front of Nao.'

'What the hell do you mean by disgraceful?'

'I'm talking about your awful attitude. Don't you understand?'

'Y-you bastard…'

Gotou bit his lip painfully.

There was no way for him to challenge Yakumo in an argument. Even Ishii understood that.

'Ishii-san, leaving aside this hibernating bear, let's go.'

Yakumo didn’t seem to pay Gotou’s anger any attention as he said that with a yawn.

'Er, even if you tell me to go, where are we heading?' asked Ishii as he turned around.

'First, please go to the detention house where that woman is being held.'

For a moment, Ishii felt like Yakumo’s expression was wiped from his face.

'Oi, Yakumo. You can't really be planning on meeting that woman, right?' said Gotou, surprised. He turned

towards the backseat.

Ishii had the same opinion. He felt like it would be extremely dangerous for Yakumo to meet Miyuki at this


'Of course.'

Yakumo was nonchalant in the face of their anxiety.

'Look who's talking now!'

'There isn't anything strange about it. If I don't meet with her, nothing will start, correct?'


'She wants to meet as well, doesn't she?'

It was almost like Yakumo was talking about meeting up with an old friend.

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Gotou seemed to have nothing to retort after hearing that much, so he gave an order to Ishii: ‘Step on it.’

'Is it really OK?'

Ishii checked once more with Yakumo before starting the car.

'Gotou-san, could you tell me all the information you know regarding the case?' said Yakumo after the car went

onto the main thoroughfare.

'How much do you know?' said Gotou, returning the question.

Ishii wanted to know as well. They hadn’t been in contact with Yakumo since Isshin was stabbed.

Since it was Yakumo, he wouldn’t have been doing nothing during that time.

Perhaps he had much more information than they did.

'Nothing,' said Yakumo with a yawn.


– There’s no way.

Ishii unconsciously returned that question.

'Yes. All I know is that Nanase Miyuki declared she would kill Uncle from the detention house and that Uncle

was stabbed.'

'Doesn't that mean you don't know anything?'

Gotou’s voice was ragged.

'Didn't I just say that?'

Yakumo didn’t sound guilty at all.

'You should've prepared a bit.'

'Was it written in a textbook somewhere?' replied Yakumo, exasperated.

It was their usual exchange.

'Honestly… Ishii, explain.'

With a sour look on his face, Gotou said that in a sulk. He crossed his arms and closed his eyes.

It appeared that he really had no intention of explaining.

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'I'm sorry, Ishii-san, but could you explain instead of the bear?' asked Yakumo seriously.

'Ah, yes.'

Though Ishii replied, so much had happened that he wasn’t sure where to start the explanation.

'Ishii-san, there's no need to dramatize the story like a certain bear would. Just explain in chronological order.'

Gotou twitched at Yakumo’s words, but since he was pretending to be asleep, he stayed silent, unable to wake


Just as Yakumo said, there was no point thinking so much about it.

Ishii decided to explain it in order.

'The day after the incident, we received a report that the fingerprints on the knife were found to be a match with


'I see.'

Though that should have been a forceful fact, Yakumo’s reaction was unexpectedly weak.

It made Ishii think that he might have already predicted that.

'There was another thing that caught our interest…'

'Something that caught your interest?'

'Yes. Actually, when we first went to talk with Nanase Miyuki, there was a guard there.'

'A guard…'

'That guard stayed silent even when Nanase Miyuki was talking about murder.'

'That is strange.'

Yakumo’s eyes suddenly became energetic.

As expected, as a university student who had been involved in so many cases, he was sensitive to such oddities.

'Then we looked into that guard's background.'

'Did something come of it?'

Yakumo crossed his arms and looked straight forward.

'Yes. His name is Yamamura Mikio. He lived right by Nanase Miyuki's home.'

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'That man named Yamamura might be related to the case somehow – you think that then, Ishii-san.'

While nodding, Ishii looked at Gotou in the passenger seat.

At some point, he had really fallen asleep.

'Yes. There is another thing. On the night of the incident, Nanase Miyuki was carried to the infirmary.'

'Your theory is that she had Yamamura's help and escaped the detention house that way…' continued Yakumo.

Having Yakumo read so far ahead made explaining considerably easier.

'Yes. Then, Detective Gotou and I went to talk to Nanase Miyuki and the medical officer at the infirmary to

gather evidence, but we were unable to attain our goal.'

'I see,' said Yakumo with a nod.

Perhaps because Ishii had said too much at once, but his throat felt dry, so he took a gulp from his bottle of

mineral water before continuing.

'At first, we were investigating how she escaped from the detention house, but a different possibility came into

our perspective.'

'A different possibility.'

Yakumo’s brows were slightly furrowed.

'Yes. She may have committed the crime by using some sort of trap that she set ahead of time – that possibility.'


At this stage, Yakumo’s response was rather disappointing.

'Actually, a wire with blood on it was found at the temple.'

After Yakumo heard Ishii’s explanation, he sighed and pinched his brow.

He appeared to be thinking.

– What on earth is he thinking about?

'Er… Yakumo-shi, which method do you think she used?'

Ishii knew that the answer wouldn’t come so easily, but he still tried asking.

He thought that Yakumo might ignore him, but unexpectedly, Yakumo looked up and hmm-ed before starting to


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'If she escaped the detention house, I don't know what method she used.'

'That's right.'

'Furthermore, it is strange that no blood was found on her clothes, and why didn't she land the finishing blow –

those questions remain.'

– I see.

Ishii was filled with admiration. Yakumo’s logical words were persuasive. The important questions of lack of

blood and not landing the finishing blow remained.

Which meant –

'So she really did use a trap?'

'If she used a trap, the questions I mentioned earlier would be solved, but another important one is left instead.'

'What trap did she use – is that what you mean?'

'Yes. If she made the knife fly like an arrow, it would require much calculation to ensure it hit the person



Ishii had used the cabinet’s glass door as a simulation multiple times, so he felt that difficulty dearly.

'As she was trying to hit a moving person, she would need to predict those movements to prepare the trap.'

That was another problem.

Even if there was a trap in the door, some people might open the door from the front, while some people might

open it from the side.

If she couldn’t control the target’s actions to a certain extent, it would be impossible.

But –

'Though it is difficult, I don't think it's impossible,' said Ishii, giving his own opinion.

Right now, he was leaning slightly towards the trap theory in his head.

'That isn't the only problem.'


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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'If she set the trap before the event, that would mean it was before she was arrested. Don't you think it's

unnatural that the trap didn't set off by accident in that time?'

All Ishii could do when he heard Yakumo’s words was nod.

It wasn’t as if the day before yesterday was the first time Isshin had entered the temple.

Since he meditated every day, he went in and out every day. It would be difficult to think that the trap had

coincidentally set off the day Miyuki announced her plans for murder.

Ishii felt a bit like his flame of hope had been cut off.

It felt like both methods had been deemed impossible in the end.

Though he had been leaning towards one method earlier, now they were balanced again.

– What on earth is correct?

'Ishii-san. Forward – '

Ack! Ishii hurriedly stepped on the brakes.

If Yakumo hadn’t spoken up, they would have plunged into the traffic jam.


Chapter 36

Haruka sat on the bench in front of the ICU as she mulled over her thoughts.

It was a question she had not thought about seriously before.

– What happens when you die?

In her daily life, living like this seemed natural, so she didn’t think about it.

However, death came to everyone.

– The spirits of the dead are clusters of people’s emotions.

Yakumo had said that before. However, those emotions wouldn’t last forever either. They would come to an

end somewhere.

She had seen many wandering spirits up until now with Yakumo.

Those emotions were regrets left behind in this world –

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


But if those regrets were severed, that spirit would disappear. It had been that way for Haruka’s older sister.

Where did those spirits go after they disappeared?

Probably the world after death – but was there such a thing in the first place?

She suddenly felt a chill down her spine.

It felt like a warning against thinking in a domain she shouldn’t, but also an absolute fear brought about by

uneasiness towards the unknown.

The only thing she knew was that thinking about it wouldn’t bring about an answer.

Perhaps Yakumo, who could see the spirits of the dead, knew the answer.

– Ah, this is no good.

Haruka stood up to try to clear her mind. Then, the ICU door opened. The doctor Sakakibara came out from


When Sakakibara saw Haruka, he just nodded and tried to leave.

'E-excuse me…'

Haruka recalled her original goal and hurriedly called out to stop Sakakibara.

'What is it?'

Though Sakakibara stopped, it was obvious that he thought it a bother.

Faltering at this wouldn’t get Haruka the information she needed though, so she decided to continue talking


'How is Isshin-san's condition?'

'Didn't you hear from Doctor Mao?' said Sakakibara, narrowing his eyes.

He was busy, so he didn’t want to waste time talking. It was like he was saying that.

'I heard that there was a problem with his brain, but not in detail…' said Haruka vaguely, looking for

Sakakibara's reaction.

'What a nuisance.'

Sakakibara took off his mask and put it in his pocket.

'What do you mean?'

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'To put it nicely, Doctor Mao has a kind heart, so she ends up choosing the things she should say.'

Haruka felt like she understood what Sakakibara was saying.

'Er, I heard that Isshin-san and Doctor Mao were friends, but…'

'Seems that way.'

'What sort of relationship did they have?'

'I don't… I'm not the sort of person who talks about the past, so…' said Sakakibara with a shrug.

Haruka couldn’t decide whether he really didn’t know or just didn’t want to say.

'I see…'

'Well, I'll take my leave then.'

Sakakibara tried to walk away.

'Will Isshin-san's organs been transplanted?' said Haruka, trying to continue the conversation.

'If his relatives consent to it.'


Hearing it again from the doctor really was a shock.

No matter how desperate the situation, she still wanted Isshin to live.

'Are you against organ transplants?' asked Sakakibara, perhaps sensing Haruka's inner turmoil.

She couldn’t answer immediately. If she was asked whether they were necessary, she would probably say they


But if they had to be taken out of Isshin’s body, she couldn’t help but object.

Families probably had that dilemma.


'Without organ transplants, there are children who will die,' said Sakakibara while raising an eyebrow, as if

reprimanding her.

Haruka didn’t deny it, but –

'Isshin-san is still breathing.'

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'He isn't. We are making him breathe using a machine. If we cut the switch, he would die immediately.'

'How can you say that so calmly?'

Even though Haruka thought she shouldn’t, she ended up angry.

It wasn’t like Sakakibara was at fault. He was just saying something natural as a doctor. However, even if her

head understood it, her heart wouldn’t accept it.

'Do you think we're calm?'

Sakakibara looked depressed.

Haruka couldn’t say anything more under that gaze.

As a doctor, Sakakibara had probably seen many people live and die. He had to know all too well how valuable

life was.

Accordingly, he knew how important transplants were.

Haruka felt very small in her shame.

'I understand how you feel, but please face reality.'

Sakakibara said just that and walked away.

– Face reality.

Would they be able to do that?

There was no way for Haruka to know then.


Chapter 37

– Now, what’s going to happen next?

Gotou sat next to Yakumo on the chairs in the detention house’s visiting room.

He didn’t bring Ishii, since he was investigating something else. Gotou had decided that since Ishii would

probably be too scared to be useful.

Gotou crossed his arms and looked sideways at Yakumo.

Yakumo’s face was stiff and blank, like a Noh mask.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


– Is he nervous? That’s unusual. Or is he angry that Isshin was stabbed?

Gotou couldn’t read Yakumo’s true feelings.

Finally, the door on the opposite side of the glass opened and Miyuki came in, led by Yamamura.

With a straight back, she slowly walked towards them. She glanced at them to confirm that Yakumo was there

and then smiled.

It was an uncanny smile – like that of a vampire sucking out blood.

The moment Gotou saw it, a chill ran down his spine.

When he looked at that triumphant face, he doubted – have we fallen into a trap?

– No, there’s no way.

Gotou rejected the thoughts in his head.

Yakumo wouldn’t be played around with so easily. Even if this was a trap, he’d flip it around and aim for a

chance to strike back.

– Right, Yakumo?

Gotou looked at Yakumo again, but his face was still blank.

'Oh my, it's been a while, Yakumo-kun,' said Miyuki, sitting down on the chair for interviews.

Even though she had checked when the door opened, she was talking like she had just realized now.

Yakumo said nothing, just looking – not even glaring – at Miyuki’s face.

– Just like an empty shall.

'What's wrong? Is it OK not to hide your left eye?' said Miyuki provocatively as she looked at Yakumo's red


However, Yakumo didn’t respond.

'That isn't it. He broke it earlier and doesn't have a spare.'

– Why do I have to listen to her talk?

In his irritation, Gotou responded for Yakumo.

'Oh, is that so? Well, I don't care about that. What is it you're here for today?'

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Miyuki slowly crossed her legs.

The action of a prideful woman evaluating men.

– Now, Yakumo. What are you planning on getting out of this woman?

Gotou waited for Yakumo to speak.

However, nothing came out of Yakumo’s mouth no matter how long he waited.

– Oi, oi. What’s wrong?

Yakumo was the one who said he’d meet with Nanase Miyuki. Gotou had thought Yakumo had some sort of

plan, but what was he doing?

Gotou elbowed Yakumo.

However, Yakumo’s body just shook a bit. He said nothing.

'Was the thing with Isshin such a shock?' said Miyuki, like she was asking a child. She stifled her giggles.

Yakumo still didn’t say anything.

He just looked at Miyuki dumbly.

– Damn it! What are you doing?

'Shut up, you vixen! Your ulterior motive is obvious!'

Gotou stood up, unable to stop himself.

'Oh my, you're so excited. What's wrong?'

Miyuki was unruffled.

'Don't think you can get away! Did you escape the detention house? Or did you use a trap? Eh? How the hell did

you stab Isshin? Tell us!'

Gotou said that all at once.

However, he didn’t think doing that would get anything out of Miyuki.

As expected, Miyuki smiled, like she enjoyed this.

'Who knows? I wonder what method I used. Will you be able to solve the mystery?'

Miyuki licked her full lips provocatively.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'We will. Right, Yakumo?'

Gotou asked for Yakumo’s agreement, but Yakumo remained silent.

Miyuki laughed aloud when she saw that.

Her voice kept growing louder, shaking Gotou’s earlobes.

'Oh my, I can't do this. It seems like Yakumo-kun's been broken. It must have been a shock that Isshin-san was

stabbed. It was sad, right? It was painful, right?'

Miyuki raised her eyebrows and put her nose to the glass.

'Shut up!'

'But that was all your fault too. You know that, right?'

When Yakumo heard Miyuki’s last words, he slumped, like the energy had left him.

– What the hell?

Gotou had thought Yakumo was doing OK until earlier, but it was like his soul had left him completely.

'Shut up! This guy isn't broken! He wouldn't lose to the likes of you!'

Gotou knew he was just putting up a strong front as he hit the protective glass.

'You're bluffing.'


'Truth is, Yakumo-kun is already no good.'

Miyuki laughed scornfully.

Gotou looked over to see Yakumo covering his face with both hands and bent over at the waist.

'Yakumo, you…'

'What a pitiful man.'

Miyuki’s scornful gaze pierced Gotou.

'You monster…'

'Seems like he's got nothing to say, so I'll excuse myself then,' said Miyuki happily. She stood up and turned her

back to them.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'It's a bit unfortunate – I thought I'd be able to have some more fun.'

Miyuki left those words and then exited the room, waving at them as she did so.

When the door closed, Gotou’s anger filled his right fist and he punched the protective glass.

A sharp pain ran through his bone, making Gotou cower while holding his right hand.

There wasn’t even a crack in the protective glass.

'It's obvious that hitting something like that would hurt. What a blockhead, as usual.'

Yakumo, who had been silent since earlier, sat up to make fun of Gotou.

'W-w-w-what did you say?'

Gotou was so surprised by Yakumo’s about face in behavior that he shouted.

'I called you a blockhead because you're a blockhead.'

Yakumo stood up and stretched.

– What the hell is this bastard thinking?

'Oi, Yakumo! What are you doing? I brought you here 'cause you said you had something you wanted to ask

that woman!'

Gotou spoke up since he didn’t understand, but Yakumo just rubbed his eyes sleepily.

'Who said that?'


'I just said I wanted to meet her.'

'Well… that's true, but…'

'I have no questions to ask her. If you ask that woman anything, she would just lead you somewhere

unexpected. You've experienced that yourself, haven't you?'

It was certainly as Yakumo said, but Gotou was still unsatisfied.

'Then what'd you come here for?'

'You'll understand soon enough. That woman's confidence will be the death of her.'

As Yakumo said that, a fearless smile graced his lips.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!



Chapter 38

Ishii curled up in his seat in one of the conference rooms at the detention house.

– Is there any evidence that Miyuki had contact with the outside?

In order to pursue that evidence, Ishii was going to meet with the guard in charge of general affairs.

The guard who had responded was called Kobayashi. He was thin and had kept his gaze on his feet the whole

time – a shady man.

'Did she ever have contact with the outside in some form?'

In answer to Ishii’s question, Kobayashi had said faintly, ‘Please wait here.’ Then, he had left the room.

It had been more than thirty minutes since.

Ishii had thought about going to search for Kobayashi, but this was a detention house.

If he moved unwisely, it would gather unnecessary suspicion, and since he didn’t have a key, he couldn’t even

go into the other ways.


Just as Ishii sighed, the door opened and Kobayashi came in with an envelope under his arm.

Even though he had been gone for over thirty minutes, he didn’t even say ‘Sorry for the wait’ – he just sat on

the opposite sofa.

This lack of etiquette would garner animosity for the citizens. Ishii thought that, but he didn’t say it aloud.

He was more interested in the envelope Kobayashi had brought.

'Did you find something?' asked Ishii.

Kobayashi silently took a sheet of paper from the envelope and placed it on the table.

The sheet of A4 paper had various information listed on it for visits, such as dates, names, occupations and


It was probably a list of the people who had visited her.

On the dates for yesterday and the day before, Gotou’s and Ishii’s names were both listed. Most of the others

were from a man named Shimazu, with lawyer written in the occupation column.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


For a vicious criminal like Miyuki, nobody would take up her case.

Since it was in the news, it would probably help sell their name, but the risk was higher because of it. A double-

edged sword.

Shimazu was probably a court-appointed attorney.

– Other people who came to visit…

Ishii checked the names, following the list with his finger.

He gasped when he spotted a name he knew.

– I can’t believe it!

He checked it once more, but he hadn’t been wrong.

Name: Saitou Isshin. Occupation; Priest. Relationship: Acquaintance.

The address was his as well. The date was right after Miyuki had been sent here.

– What was Isshin’s goal in meeting with Miyuki?

Ishii didn’t know Isshin’s intentions. If it were him, he wouldn’t have wanted to meet Miyuki ever again.

'Could I take this?'

'Please go ahead,' Kobayashi replied bluntly.

'Er, is there any evidence that she contacted anybody else from the outside?' asked Ishii as he folded the list and

put it in his pocket.

Still silent, Kobayashi took another sheet of paper out of the envelope and placed it on the table.

It appeared to be a copy rather than an original. There were handwritten words on the letter.

They were delicate and beautiful words.

The sender was Nanase Miyuki.

Did Miyuki really write this – it was so unlike the image Ishii had of her.

There was just one line on the document.

<The goal of all life is death.>

Ishii recalled seeing that phrase before.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


They were the words of the famous Freud, who founded psychoanalysis.

– Why this document?

Though sending letters from the detention house was allowed, the guards went over the contents.

It was because there were cases of prisoners using letters to contact people on the outside to request the

destruction of evidence.

If the case was not settled yet and the evidence was destroyed, it would become a grave problem.

Miyuki probably only wrote the one line because she knew it was going to be inspected.

Even if it was inspected, others wouldn’t understand its meaning.

However, there was no doubt that the document had some sort of meaning.

Perhaps it was something like an anagram, where switching the order of the letters would bring about another


'Death is life all of goal the.'

Ishii tried reading it backwards, but it became even more cryptic.

Feeling a cold gaze, Ishii came to his senses and looked up.

Kobayashi was looking at Ishii strangely.

'Do you know who the recipient of this letter was?' said Ishii, after clearing his throat to cover up his weird

action earlier.

In response to that, Kobayashi just said, ‘Back.’

Ishii didn’t understand, but he turned around. However, there was nothing there. What was going on?

He looked towards Kobayashi again.

'Back of the paper,' said Kobayashi, sounding irritated.

– Ah, I see. The back of the paper.

Ishii turned the paper around.

Written on it was the name of a woman.


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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Chapter 39

Haruka was still sitting on the bench in front of the ICU.

The conversation she had with Sakakibara earlier was whirling around her head.

– Please face reality.

Sakakibara had said that, but Haruka just couldn’t do it easily.

After a while, Furukawa came out of the ICU.

'Excuse me…'

Haruka shook off her mood and spoke up.

Furukawa seemed to recognize Haruka right away and stopped in her tracks.

'How is Isshin-san's condition?'

'I can't say…' said Furukawa vaguely, looking away.

From that, Haruka imagined that his condition wasn’t very good.

‘I see…’

Yakumo had asked her to get information, but she couldn’t do that when all she was doing was getting


All that came out of her mouth was a sigh.

'So that rumor really was true…' said Furukawa with a shiver as she hugged her shoulders.


'You know, the one about the ghost in the hospital.'

'Ah,' said Haruka, though it had no meaning.

So many things had happened that she’d forgotten, but the reason for her first visit to this hospital was an

investigation of spiritual phenomena.

A girl’s ghost was walking around the hospital, asking, ‘When are you going to die?’ The people who heard it

would die soon after.

Haruka had seen a ghost of a girl like that, but the truth wasn’t clear.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


At the same time she remembered that, a question came to her.

'Isshin-san saw that ghost too – is that what you're saying?'

'I don't know, but he must have.'

Furukawa probably liked this kind of story.

She appeared to be excited in a way that was inappropriate for the situation.

She had decided on something that wasn’t certain and was talking about it. Haruka realized that this was how

rumors spread.

'I'm sorry. Even though you were asked to investigate…'

'It's fine. A lot of things happened.'

Furukawa nodded with a strange expression on her face.

'Er, Furukawa-san, you're in charge of emergency, right?'


'Why did you consult Doctor Mao about a ghost sighting?'

That suddenly seemed odd to Haruka.

The first time they met, she hadn’t been concerned since she hadn’t known her position, but now that she

thought about it, it was unnatural.

'I consulted Doctor Sakakibara about it first, but… He seems to be in great difficulties with his daughter.'

'Did something happen?'

'He had a divorce three years ago, and a number of things have happened since…'

Furukawa trailed off that.

It felt like she didn’t want to talk any more.


Though Haruka was curious, she gave a vague reply since it felt like she couldn’t poke her nose in too deeply.

'I was under Doctor Mao for a while, so I consulted her.'

'I see.'

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'Though Doctor Mao nags, she's considerate.'

'Is that so?'

They were words from the heart.

Though Haruka had only met Mao a number of times, she felt like she understood too.

'Well, it seems like it's tough for her since she has bad luck with men.'

'Bad luck with men?'

– What could she mean?

Saying bad luck with men could have a number of meanings.

'Yup. She's too nice so she gets tricked.'

'With money, for example?'

'Right, right. A few years ago, she got involved with an unusual man.'

'Unusual man?'

Though Haruka felt like she couldn’t ask questions recklessly about a topic like this, she urged Furukawa to

continue to get information.

'Her lover back then said he wanted to do something so she kept lending him money. Then he ran away with it.'

Haruka felt depressed just from listening to it, but Furukawa was talking like she enjoyed it.

It appeared she was the type who took pleasure in other people’s misfortune.


Somebody interrupted the conversation.

Haruka looked to see another nurse calling Furukawa from the other side of the corridor.

'Sorry, I have to go,' said Furukawa quickly. Then, she ran off.

With depressed feelings, Haruka watched her go.


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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Chapter 40

Gotou sat on the car hood and looked up at the sky as he blew out a puff of smoke.

The sun was low in the sky, dyeing the sky a reddish purple. Together with the lines of clouds, it was a

gradation of color.

He had tried to smoke inside the car, but he was forced out: ‘This car is non-smoking.’

Now that he thought about it, that was strange.

A university student had no right to tell a policeman what to do in a police car.

Gotou looked inside with the intent of complaining.

Yakumo was sitting in the backseat.

He lay across the seat, exhausted. At first glance, he looked out of it, but his eyes were the picture of


Gotou was irritated, but he’d hold out until the end of the case.

It pained him to acknowledge it, but without Yakumo, they couldn’t reveal Miyuki’s crime.

Gotou looked up at the detention house building again.

It had an oppressive presence, towering over its surroundings. Like a fort from a sci-fi movie.

If Miyuki had escaped the detention house, there would probably be a huge fuss.

– Even if the case is solved, it probably won’t be swept aside just like that.

While Gotou was thinking, he saw somebody come out of the detention house.

With that narrow frame, it was probably Ishii.

He was walking so casually even though he’d made them wait – the guy had no sense of urgency, as usual.

'Ishii, run!' shouted Gotou.

Ishii started running reflexively.

– He fell.

'Don't know how you're a detective with that sluggishness of yours,' grumbled Gotou as he put his cigarette out

in his portable ashtray.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'I-I-I apologize for that.'

Ishii reached the car, gasping for breath.

'Ishii-san, how was it?'

Yakumo had gotten off the car at some point and called out to Ishii with a yawn.

'Ah, yes. There are two important points.'

Ishii took two sheets of paper from the envelope he was holding and gave them to Yakumo.

When Yakumo took it, his brows furrowed as he looked at the papers with a serious gaze.

'The first is the name of Nanase Miyuki's visitors,' said Ishii, continuing his explanation.

Gotou looked at the papers Yakumo was holding too.

Most of the visits were from one person, probably a lawyer, but he found just one name he recognized.

'Oi, Yakumo!'

'Please don't speak loudly into my ear. I don't need you to tell me.'

Yakumo stuck his fingers into his ears as he complained.

However, that didn’t restrain Gotou’s agitation.

'Why did Isshin meet Miyuki?'

'It's simple, isn't it?'


'Uncle is that sort of person,' said Yakumo carelessly.

Isshin’s face came up in Gotou’s head, and he strangely felt like he understood.

Isshin had probably met with Miyuki to preach about the importance of life or something like that.

However, Miyuki wasn’t the sort of person who’d listen to that honestly.

'What is this other sheet?' pressed Yakumo while brushing aside his fringe.

'That's a letter Nanase Miyuki wrote, but…'

Ishii trailed off, like he was some kid who’d been scolded.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'The goal of all life is death – a quotation from Freud.'

Yakumo raised his gaze.

'Freud? Who's that?'

'An Austrian neurologist who studied psychoanalysis. He is the founder of current psychiatry.'

Yakumo was the one who answered.

'So what do the words of that esteemed doctor mean?'

Gotou lit a new cigarette.

Since Miyuki had gone out of her way to write it, it had to have some sort of special meaning.

'Just as it says. People live heading towards death. No living creature can escape it.'

'Isn't that exactly what it says?'

'Didn't I say that?' said Yakumo, sounding annoyed.

'Excuse me…'

Ishii raised his hand to ask for permission to speak.


'I was wondering if this was some sort of code…'

Though Ishii said that without confidence, Gotou understood.

That was very possible.

'Yakumo, what do you think?'

'I can't deny the possibility that it is a code, but at the current stage, I cannot say anything.'

Yakumo shook his head with a brooding expression.

'Do you know who this letter was sent to?' Gotou asked Ishii.

This was a letter. Even without deciphering the contents, they could just capture the recipient and make them

cough it up.

'It's written on the back,' replied Ishii, pointing at the piece of paper.

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Yakumo flipped the paper around. An address and name were written there.

'OK, let's go catch this guy.'

'Please wait a moment,' Yakumo said, interrupting Gotou's high spirits.

He looked like he was looking at some difficult algebra.


'Don't you think it's strange?'

'What is?'

'Nanase Miyuki must have known that we would find out about this letter, right?'

'That's true,' agreed Ishii as he adjusted the position of his glasses.

Gotou understood too after Yakumo said that.

Miyuki was a very calculating woman. She could probably guess the police’s movements. But –

'That's why she used a code, right?'

Gotou was confident, but Yakumo’s doubtful attitude did not change.

'I think she would have seen past that.'

'Past what?'

'Our solving the code.'

Yakumo handed the letter back to Ishii.

It wouldn’t be strange for Miyuki to read that far ahead, but –

'Then what are you planning to do?'

Gotou approached Yakumo.

'It would be better to watch silently until we clearly understand the goal.'

Yakumo ran a hand through his messy hair.

It made sense. If they didn’t know how she committed the crime, they might destroy evidence by moving

already badly and end the thing there.

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'Ah, also, the recipient may be somebody I know,' added Yakumo, as if he had just remembered.

'W-w-what!? Who? Who the hell is it?'

'Please don't make a fuss over every little thing. It's just that the family name is the same. I don't know the given

name.. Anyway, Gotou-san, please look into that.'

Gotou replied, ‘Got it,’ but then he stopped.

'You're not coming with me?'

'I have other things to investigate.'

'What other things?'

'Anyway, please don't slack off because I'm not there,' said Yakumo disagreeably.

Gotou buried the anger boiling up within him in the bottom of his stomach.

'Ah, also, please drop me off at the hospital I was at earlier,' said Yakumo with a yawn.

– What the hell does this guy think the police are?

Ignoring Gotou’s anger, Yakumo briskly got into the car.

'What are you waiting for? Please start the car already.'

Yakumo stuck his head out the window.

– I can’t hold back any longer.

After the case was over, this time he’d really give Yakumo a good punch.

With that determination, Gotou got into the car.


Chapter 41

– It’s a bit cold.

Haruka sat on a bench in the hospital courtyard.

The sun was low in the sky; dark had started to swallow up the surroundings. The air was much cooler too.

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Haruka looked up to see a lamppost beaming down on her. Bugs flew about the streetlights, as if drawn in by

the brightness.

When she looked up, she could see the window of the fourth floor where Isshin was hospitalized.

Within that light, Isshin was in the narrow area between life and death.

Haruka didn’t want to believe that Isshin was brain-dead. She felt like he might wake up even now.

Even if it was just a fleeting hope, all Haruka could do now was believe in it.

'You were here?'

Yakumo appeared out of the darkness.

He had returned as promised. It wasn’t that Haruka had doubted him. There were things that made you anxious

even if you believed in them. Humans were weak creatures.

'You're slow,' she said, testing out a slightly angry tone.

It wasn’t like they’d set a time, so she had nothing to complain about, but every time she met Yakumo, she just

wanted to say something.

'The only thing you could call slow is a turtle,' said Yakumo, exasperated, as he sat next to Haruka.

He was really good at coming up with things to put her down. In a way, it was amazing.

'Who's a turtle? You're the fickle cat,' said Haruka with a pout.

It looked like Yakumo really did not like being retorted to, because he raised his left eyebrow and glared


'Who's a cat?'

'You are. You're moody and do whatever you want. The picture of a cat.'

'Better than being a turtle.'

Yakumo snorted.

'Yeah, yeah, I'm a turtle,' said Haruka, gritting her teeth.

However, Yakumo just yawned, seeming bored.

'So how was your investigation?'

Yakumo brought up the topic at hand.

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'I tried asking, just like you said, but…'

Her words trailed off since there hadn’t been much of a result.

'There's no need to think about it too much. Just tell me what you heard. I'll decide whether anything's


Yakumo rubbed his eyes sleepily.


After replying, Haruka started to talk.

She explained what she’d heard from Sakakibara and Furukawa with her own thoughts.

Since she gave her own opinions and thoughts on things like organ transplants, it took much longer than she

thought it would.

Yakumo didn’t interrupt regardless, just sitting there and listening carefully.

'I see. It seems you've got a considerable amount of information,' said Yakumo.

– Really?

Haruka cocked her head, unconfident.

She didn’t think anything she said was connected to the case.

'What information?' she asked, though she knew there wouldn't be a response.

Yakumo’s eyes were narrowed as he looked into the darkness.

– What is he looking at?

Haruka was always just looking from the side. Even if she tried to see the same things Yakumo did, it was


Though she was close to him, she felt like there was a wall she couldn’t pass between them.

'You'll find out soon enough,' Yakumo finally murmured.

'You never tell me anything…'

She hadn’t planned no saying anything, but it slipped off her tongue.

She felt a bit gloomy.

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'I don't know everything clearly yet, so I can't say.'

Yakumo looked down with a wry smile.

To Haruka, it just sounded like an excuse.

She wanted to ask him more, but she knew from experience that he wouldn’t say any more even if she did.

– I’m always left behind.

Haruka looked up to clear away her feelings of depression.

At the same time, the lamppost that had been lighting up the bench went out –

Everything was blanketed in darkness.

She had been able to see Yakumo earlier, but he was swallowed by the darkness.

– Yakumo, where are you?

Haruka was looking around frantically when something touched her hand, which was on the bench.


'It's OK.'

She heard Yakumo’s voice.

Yakumo’s fingers were touching Haruka’s hand.

Even though only a bit of their skin was touching, warmth slowly came through.

Her eyes grew accustomed to the darkness, so she could see Yakumo’s profile.

'It was time for the lights to turn off. It's about time.'

Yakumo slowly stood up.

Haruka stood up too, as if pulled by a magnet.

'What do you mean?' she asked Yakumo, who was looking up at the hospital building.

'There's one more thing I want to check.'

Without explaining further, Yakumo walked deliberately, one step at a time, towards the hospital.

Haruka hurriedly followed him so that his back wouldn’t disappear into the darkness.

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Chapter 42

Ishii looked up at the apartment building from the driver’s seat of the car.

His gaze was on the corner room on the fourth floor.

However, the lights in the room were off.

He had pressed the intercom button about an hour before, but there was no response. It seemed like nobody was


After dropping Yakumo off at the hospital, Ishii had gone to the apartment where the recipient of Miyuki’s

letter lived and begun his stakeout.

Right now, that person was the key.

– The goal of all life is death.

That sentence circled his head.

What code is in that sentence – no matter how much Ishii thought about it, he couldn’t find the answer.

'She's not coming back.'

Ishii rested against the wheel and looked at Gotou in the passenger seat.

'She'll probably be back soon.'

Gotou blew out smoke, looking displeased.

There were shadows under his eyes, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes looked deeper than usual. It was

like he had suddenly aged in these two days.

– He’s probably tired.

After the incident, Gotou had ended up taking Nao in.

Even though following such a complex case was arduous already, his exhaustion was naturally doubled since he

was taking care of a girl who couldn’t hear.

'Please rest a bit,' said Ishii.

One person was enough for a stakeout. Ishii simply wanted Gotou to rest, even if it was just for a short time.

However, Gotou didn’t accept it.

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'Stop nagging! Do you think I'd be worn out from something like this?'

'No, that isn't what I…'

'The incident was my fault.'

Gotou irritably pressed his cigarette into the ashtray.


'I couldn't protect Isshin. The least I could do to make up for it is catch the culprit.'

'If you put it that way, I am also at fault.'

Ishii took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

Gotou was not the only one responsible. Ishii had been at the scene too. He had even been the one closest to

Isshin. Despite that, Ishii hadn’t been able to protect Isshin –

'Don't be impertinent.'

Gotou hit Ishii’s head.

'No, but…'

'Nothing would've changed if somebody like you were there or not… It was my fault.'

Gotou put a new cigarette in his mouth, biting the filter tightly.

– Why are you taking everything on yourself?

Ishii asked that in his heart.

He wanted to be like Gotou. He wanted to become a proper man as Gotou’s partner. Ishii did his best for that


However, no matter how hard he tried, Gotou took everything on by himself.

– Does he hate me?

Ishii even thought that way sometimes.

Ishii had just put his glasses back on when light flooded in from behind them. The headlights of a car.

He turned around and saw a car coming up towards them.

A navy blue SUV.

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It passed Ishii’s car and stopped in front of the apartment.

A woman got out of the passenger’s seat. She looked like she was in her late twenties. She wore a denim skirt

and was on the chubby side.

The moment Gotou saw her, he hurriedly got off the car.

'W-what's wrong?'


Ishii had hurriedly followed Gotou off, but Gotou cut him off.

Gotou hid behind a telephone pole and watched the woman. Ishii did the same, standing behind Gotou and

looking at the road.

The woman waved goodbye to the man in the driver’s seat and went towards the apartment entrance.

'That woman…' growled Gotou.

– Do you know her?

Ishii had that question in his head when he recalled something Yakumo said.

– She may be someone I know.

From this response, it appeared that the recipient of the letter really was someone Gotou and Yakumo knew.

The car turned off its hazards and left.


As instructed by Gotou, Ishii hurriedly wrote the license plate number in his notebook.

The woman went through the apartment’s glass entrance, took something from the post box and got into the


'That was some unexpected information.'

Gotou let out his breath as he left the shadow of the telephone pole.

Ishii followed him.

'What do you mean?'

'I've met that woman before.'

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– So it really was like that.

Ishii’s eyes went bright. If it was somebody they knew, the investigation would advance more quickly.

'Where did you meet her?'

'The hospital.'

Gotou lit his cigarette.

– Hospital.

After hearing that word, Ishii also remembered who the woman was.


Chapter 43

Haruka followed Yakumo down the dim hospital corridor.

Even though there should have been many people inside the hospital, it was surprisingly quiet. It felt like they

were going through an underground tunnel.

However, Haruka knew where Yakumo was headed.

If they continued forward, they would reach the ICU where Isshin was.

– There’s one more thing I want to check.

Yakumo had said that earlier. What was he planning on checking when he went to Isshin?

'Hey, Yakumo-kun, what are you going to check?' asked Haruka towards Yakumo's back.

'You'll find out soon enough.'

Yakumo stopped firmly in front of the ICU.

His back looked somewhat nervous.

Haruka could see Isshin through the glass. Life support was keeping him alive.

Every time she saw Isshin like this, her chest felt tight and the hope that had welled up within her was cut.

'So you're checking how Isshin-san is?'

'That's right,' replied Yakumo, looking straight down the dark of the corridor.

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Haruka took a step forward to stand next to Yakumo.

I might be able to see something else if I stand in the same place – is what she thought, but nothing came back

to her eyes. Just the cellar-like corridor.

'Hey, Yakumo-kun.'

Haruka looked at Yakumo’s profile.

He looked like something that was created – there was no life there.

'Don't move from here,' Yakumo said briefly. Then, he slowly stepped forward.

Haruka thought about following him, but she was frozen there by the unusual air emitting from Yakumo.

– Yakumo’s red left eye can see something.

Haruka was almost certain of it.

With his chest out and back straight, he took careful steps forward, as if he were walking on a tightrope.

After walking about five meters, Yakumo suddenly stopped.

'You're there, right?' said Yakumo, as if beginning a speech.

– Is somebody there?

Haruka focused her gaze.

After a while, though it was faint, something appeared in the darkness.

It was the girl with the dark face.

This was the third time Haruka had seen her. She was probably the female ghost said to appear in the hospital –

'What are you looking for?'

Yakumo knelt in the corridor as he started to speak quietly.

The ghost of the girl just stood in front of Yakumo –

'I see… That's why you're wandering…'

Only Yakumo’s voice echoed through the corridor.

Haruka couldn’t tell what the girl was saying.

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She felt the impulse to move closer to her to listen, but she couldn’t – she felt like the ghost of the girl would

disappear if she did.

'I understand your feelings, but I want you to wait a bit longer.'

Yakumo reached out, like he was asking for help.

The ghost of the girl just stood there without moving.

The tense atmosphere continued –


Yakumo lowered his head, pleading.

Then, the girl nodded slightly and finally disappeared into the darkness.

Haruka released the breath she had been holding, as if she had just raised her head out of water. She had been so

focused that she had forgotten to breathe.

Yakumo slowly stood up and turned around.

His eyes were narrowed and his brows were lowered – Yakumo’s expression was sadder than she had ever seen


– What happened?

Haruka wanted to ask out, but she just couldn’t in this situation.

Yakumo didn’t do anything. He just stood there.

It felt like Yakumo was going farther and farther away. I don’t like it. Don’t go –


Haruka called out to hold on to him.

In response, Yakumo’s expression softened.

'It's just as I thought,' whispered Yakumo as he came back.

'What do you mean?'

'I've solved it…'

Yakumo put his left index finger to his brow.

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His eyes looked different now – they were triumphant.


'I've solved the mystery of the case.'

As Yakumo said that, his red left eye trembled slightly.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


File 03: Separation

Gotou rubbed his eyes as he got up.

He looked at the clock. It was just past seven in the morning.

– It’s morning already?

It appeared that he had fallen asleep at some point.

Ishii was sleeping on the desk in front of him. He was probably tired.

Gotou decided to let him sleep a bit longer.

Gotou stretched out, making his bones crack loudly. A sharp pain ran through his back. It was probably because

he had slept sitting down.

Gotou took one cigarette out of the case, bit the filter and had his first puff of the day.

He watched the trailing smoke.

– Wonder how they’re doing now?

Suddenly concerned, Gotou took out his mobile and called home.

<Hello, Gotou speaking.>

After two rings, Atsuko picked up.

She sounded cheerful early in the morning.

'Ah, it's me,' said Gotou, feeling awkward.

<What’s wrong?>

'I just wanted to know how you were doing.'

<Oh, so even you worry about me sometimes.>

Atsuko’s voice sounded wry.

Gotou couldn’t say anything back. He had never called home doing work to see how she was doing before.

Men were proud, obstinate, and really good-for-noting creatures. That was why they made women angry.

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When Gotou kept silent for a while, Atsuko laughed aloud.


<I understand. You’re worried about Nao-chan, right?>

'That isn't it.'

Though Gotou denied it, he himself knew that he couldn’t hide his true feelings.

<You don’t have to worry.>

'I see…'

<Nao-chan’s a really good girl. She even helps out.>

'She is.'

– Isn’t there anything else to say?

Gotou was irritated at himself for only being able to give curt replies.

<But… she really is forcing herself.>

Atsuko spoke in a quiet tone.

It made sense. No matter how brave Nao acted, she was still seven years old.

There was no way she would be all right with Isshin like that, since he was the one who raised her. However,

she was still doing her best.

It was probably tough on Atsuko to watch.

Even though she wanted to do something for Nao, there was nothing she could do.


Gotou wanted to say something encouraging, but since he couldn’t think of anything, he just agreed.

<Oh, but are you doing OK?>

Atsuko’s casual words gave Gotou a start.

Nao had brought about some sort of change in the Gotou couple – he felt it directly.

He wouldn’t be able to answer if asked what had changed, but he felt like he was closer to Atsuko than he had

been a few days before.

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'Well, we're managing…' replied Gotou, making a conscious effort to act unruffled.

<You don’t have to worry about us, so go catch the criminal for Nao-chan’s sake.>

Atsuko’s voice had an encouraging tone to it.


Just as Atsuko said, what Gotou could do now for Nao was get to the bottom of the case as quickly as he could.

<But don’t overdo yourself.>

Atsuko’s murmur tickled Gotou’s ear, but at the same time, it felt pleasant.

She had often said things like this after they had just got married.

'Got it. I'm hanging up then.'

Gotou suddenly felt embarrassed and hung up after declaring that.

He had just let out his breath and pressed his cigarette into the ashtray when he met Ishii’s eyes.

Ishii was grinning, though Gotou had no idea what he thought was so funny.

'Ishii, how long have you been awake?'

Gotou glared at him.

'J-just earlier.'

'How long were you listening?'

'I just wanted to know how you were doing – about there.'

– Isn’t that all of it?

Embarrassed, Gotou’s anger peaked at once.

'You bastard – if you're awake, say so!'

Gotou leaned over the desk, gripped Ishii by the collar and shook him.

'D-D-Detective Gotou, your m-m-mobile is ringing.'

With a shaking head, Ishii pointed at the desk.

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Gotou thought that Ishii was trying to trick him, but he was wrong. His mobile was vibrating on the desk. Gotou

clicked his tongue and then thrust Ishii forward before answering the phone.

'Who is it?'

<Like I said, please fix your phone manners.>

Yakumo spoke in his usual tone.

He chose words purposefully to make people angry.

'I don't want to hear that from a contrary brat like you!'

<You’re not a child, so it would be better if you stopped yelling just because things aren’t going your way.>

Yakumo’s smirk came up in Gotou’s head.

Even if he said more, he wouldn’t win against Yakumo.

'So what is it?'

It was Yakumo. He wasn’t the type to call to kill time. There was what happened yesterday too. He must have

grasped a thread to solve the case.

Gotou expectantly awaited an answer.

<Please come to pick me up in three hours.>

'I've said this before, but I'm not a cab company!'

<Is that so? So you don’t want to know the truth behind the case then, Gotou-san.>


<That’s too bad. I’ll call the cab company.>

Yakumo hung up.

– He said that on purpose.

He really was a troublesome guy if you ticked him off.

Gotou called Yakumo’s mobile.

<What is it? I’m busy – I have to call the cab company.>

Yakumo said that immediately after answering.

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– What an obstinate guy.

'Where should I go?'

<What are you supposed to say if you’ve done something bad?>

Gotou tried to change the topic, but Yakumo said that.

– This bastard keeps making fun of me!

Anger boiled up within Gotou, but if he said anything, Yakumo would get angry again.

'S-s-sorry,' said Gotou in mortification, as if the words were being strangled out of him.

<So you can do it if you try, can’t you? Please come to the hospital’s front entrance. Ah, and could you also tell

me Makoto-san’s contact information?>

'Makoto – do you mean the reporter?'

<Is there anyone else?>

– He always says one thing too much.

Why’s Yakumo need Makoto’s contact information – Gotou didn’t know, but since it was Yakumo, he was

probably thinking of something.

Gotou took the business card he had received from Makoto in the past out of his desk drawer and told Yakumo

her company and mobile phone numbers.

<Very well done.>

Yakumo said that mockingly and then hung up before Gotou could complain.

– He really just does whatever he wants.

As an outlet for his anger, Gotou hit Ishii’s head.


Chapter 44

Haruka sat on the bench in the hospital’s waiting room.

She was waiting there because Yakumo had called her, but he still hadn’t arrived even though it was thirty

minutes past the time they’d set.

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– He might not come.

Haruka looked at the courtyard scenery through the glass in her resignation.

The lawn was a vivid grain.

The cherry blossom buds were bulging, like they would bloom at any moment.

It was so tranquil it made the events up until yesterday seem like a lie.

But the reality was different –

Haruka looked up and saw a girl standing there.

She had seen her before.

The girl had been standing there when Haruka was waiting for Isshin. If she remembered correctly, her name

was Yoshiko –

'What's wrong?' asked Haruka.

Perhaps Yoshiko didn’t hear, because she just stood there with her gaze on her feet.

– I don’t know what to do.

'You could win the world championship for making stupid faces.'

Haruka looked up at the sudden voice.

Yakumo stood there, with messy hair and sleepy eyes.

– Who’re you calling stupid?

What was that tone of his, when he was thirty minutes late? If this were a date, she would have gone home a

long time ago.

'You're way past the time we set,' objected Haruka as she stood up, thrusting her wristwatch in front of

Yakumo's eyes.

'Were you listening to me properly?'


'I didn't say we'd meet up at ten – I said I'd leave house at ten.'

– What kind of reasoning was that?

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In what world would somebody tell the person they were going to meet the time they were going to leave the

house instead of the time they were going to meet? Haruka thought about complaining, but she decided against


There was no way she’d win in an argument against Yakumo.

'So who's this kid?'

Yakumo looked at Yoshiko.

Yoshiko took a step back, perhaps afraid of that red left eye.

'Probably Yoshiko-chan… right?'

Haruka called out to Yoshiko, who was looking down as she stood.

However, Yoshiko made no response.

'You know her?'

'When I was here with Isshin-san before, I saw her, so…'

Yakumo crouched in front of Yoshiko.

Yoshiko looked away, as if trying to run.

'Is the treatment tough?' asked Yakumo.

Yoshiko nodded.

'I see. Hang in there a bit longer.'

Yoshiko nodded again.

Yakumo looked like Isshin had a few days earlier.


Haruka heard somebody call for Yoshiko.

Sakakibara was walking towards them, searching for Yoshiko.

In response, Yoshiko looked up and mumbled something, but Haruka couldn’t hear it.

Yoshiko turned on her heels and walked towards Sakakibara.

'Let's go then.'

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Perhaps Yakumo had lost interest, because he started briskly walking away.

'Where to?'

Even though Yakumo had called Haruka to the hospital, she hadn’t heard anything about their plans.

'I have something to discuss with Doctor Mao.'

Yakumo ran a hand through his hair and walked at a leisurely pace down the corridor.

– It seems he really does suspect Mao.

Haruka felt that as she followed Yakumo’s back.

When Yakumo reached Mao’s examination room, he opened the door without knocking and stepped inside.

Haruka followed after him timidly.

'Yakumo-kun, you're just on time.'

Mao smiled from her seat at the desk.

– Just on time?

That meant that Yakumo hadn’t been late- h e really had planned on leaving his home at ten from the start.

Haruka really wanted to complain, but Mao was in front of her too.

Instead, Haruka poked Yakumo in the side.

Yakumo leapt like a cat, stuck out his chin and glared at her, as if to ask ‘What the hell are you doing?’, but

Haruka ignored it and sat on a chair.

'Yakumo-kun, you sit down too,' Mao urged.

Yakumo looked dissatisfied, but he reluctantly sat on a chair.

'You have something to discuss with me, yes?' said Mao after Yakumo had settled in.

Mao had been looking back and forth for a while now, unable to relax.

'Yes. There is something I would like to confirm about my uncle.'


Mao cocked her head at Yakumo’s words.

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'What is it?'

'It is about when my uncle was carried to this hospital.'

'What do you want to know?'

'You said that he stopped breathing for a while, but is that true?'

Though Yakumo’s tone was disinterested, it still sounded intimidating.

'It's true. He had already stopped breathing,' replied Mao after clearing her throat once.

Though she was acting calm, she was becoming visibly paler.

'There isn't any doubt about it?'

'No, there isn't.'

Mao’s lips were trembling slightly.

'I talked to the detective who had been in the ambulance with him. According to him, my uncle was

unconscious on the ambulance, but he was breathing.'

'… What do you want to say?'

Beads of sweat were on Mao’s forehead.

'Doctor Mao, if both your testimony and that detective's testimony are correct… that would mean that Uncle

was breathing in the ambulance but stopped breathing when being carried to the surgery room.'

Yakumo’s eyes were clearly full of suspicion.

However, Haruka didn’t think that the conversation was that strange.

'That would be the case,' replied Mao, licking her dry lips.

'I see. Assuming that was the case, please let me ask one more thing.'


'Why can you declare that my uncle had stopped breathing?'

'What do you mean?'

'You aren't in charge of emergency. You're not the detective in charge. In short, you weren't present. Then why?'

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Yakumo’s sharp gaze was piercing, as if he had caught his prey. Mao hesitated.

Haruka’s heart was pounding.

She finally understood what Yakumo was trying to get out of Mao.

'Doctor Mao, please answer honestly. Were you in the surgery room that day?'

Yakumo’s eyes were even more forceful.

Mao bit her lower lip and looked up at Yakumo.

It was a bitter expression.

'On that day, I was…'

After saying that much, Mao paused.

No matter how she tried to hide it, it was obvious that she wasn’t sure how to continue.

'I wasn't there. I was at home when I heard that Isshin-kun was carried in.'

Mao leaned back on her chair, seeming exhausted, and looked up as she said that.

– She’s lying.

Haruka felt that in her skin, but she didn’t dare to say it.

Yakumo must have realized it too. Haruka was sure that he would question Mao and reveal that lie.

However, contrary to her expectations, Yakumo stood up while running a hand through his hair.

'I see. That was all I wanted to confirm.'

After saying that, Yakumo turned his back to Mao.

– Why aren’t you questioning her more?

Haruka had that question as she stood up like Yakumo.

'Ah, that's right.'

Yakumo had reached out to open the door, but he suddenly stopped.


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Mao lifted her haggard face.

'I forgot to say something. About Uncle's organ donation…'

Mao held her breath.

'I absolutely refuse. Uncle's soul is still alive.'

After a long silence, Yakumo said that forcefully and left the room.

Haruka bowed to Mao and ran after Yakumo.

– Uncle’s soul is still alive.

Yakumo’s words went deep into Haruka’s heart.

Yakumo really hadn’t given up yet. Isshin would definitely come back from the dead. When Haruka thought

that, tears welled up in her eyes.


Chapter 45

Ishii drove into the hospital’s front entrance and saw Yakumo waiting there.

Haruka was there too.

She was in skinny jeans and a white lace dress. It had an incredibly spring-like vibe.

– She really is cute.

So many things had happened that he hadn’t had many chances to talk to Haruka, even though she had been


'Ishii-san, you're right on time.'

Yakumo got into the backseat just as Ishii parked.

'Ah, yes…'

'Before that, explain what's going on.'

Gotou turned around from the passenger seat and glared at Yakumo with the face of a demon.

However, Yakumo ignored Gotou and put his head out the window.

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'I'm counting on you then,' said Yakumo.

'Eh, wait.'

Troubled, Haruka’s brows furrowed.

– What’s going on?

'Ishii-san, please start the car,' said Yakumo, closing the car window.

Haruka pressed up against the window and tried to say something.

'Is it OK?'



Ishii nodded at Haruka and started the car.

He saw Haruka’s shocked figure in his rear-view mirror. When he looked at her sad expression, his chest felt


'Excuse me… Did something happen to Haruka-chan?' asked Ishii after driving onto the main road.

'Nothing at all.'

Yakumo yawned, seeming bored.


'She's much stronger than you think she is, Ishii-san.'

I know her better than you – though Yakumo might not have had that intention, that was what it sounded like,

and Ishii was left with complicated feelings.

He wanted to say something, but in the end, he couldn’t think of anything.

'So where're you planning to go today?' interrupted Gotou, changing the topic.

'Please head to the detention house,' Yakumo said, face blank.


'I'm going to meet with Nanase Miyuki.'

'W-what!?' howled Gotou.

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Though Ishii didn’t let out his voice, he felt just as surprised.

'Please don't speak so loudly.'

Yakumo stuck his fingers in his ears.

He didn’t seem nervous at all.

'How could I be quiet!? And you always…'

'I'm going to explain, so could you be quiet?' said Yakumo, interrupting Gotou. He ran a hand through his hair.

Gotou looked like he wanted to say something, but he collapsed back into the passenger seat, like he thought it

would be pointless to retort.

Yakumo started his explanation after Gotou had calmed down.

'First, it is necessary to organize everything that we know so far.'

'Organize, is it…' said Ishii, hands on the wheel.

'To explain this case simply, Nanase Miyuki declared that she would kill somebody from inside the detention

house, and my uncle was actually stabbed.'


Just as Yakumo said, that was where the case started.

'The problem there is how on earth a crime was committed from inside the detention house, from which it is

impossible to explain.'

'That is the biggest problem,' replied Ishii, looking at Yakumo's face through the rear-view mirror.

His eyes seemed filled with confidence.

– Have you already solved the mystery behind the case?

Yakumo’s expression made Ishii think that.

'I know the method behind the crime,' said Yakumo, as if he had sensed Ishii's thoughts.

'Oi! That true?'

Contrary to Gotou, who was agitated, Yakumo seemed bored as he yawned.

– How can you be so calm?

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Ishii didn’t understand.

Even though Yakumo said he understood the method behind the crime, Ishii was skeptical.

He had felt personally when investigating that the case this time would not be solved by ordinary means.

There wouldn’t be a breakthrough this easily.

'The method she used was actually very simple.'

Yakumo put his index finger on his brow.

As if that were a switch, Yakumo’s gaze grew sharper.

'What method is it?' asked Ishii after a gulp.

'A trap?' interrupted Gotou.

'It wasn't a trap,' declared Yakumo.

'But something like a wire was found at the scene of the crime.'

It wasn’t like Ishii himself had been confident about the trap theory, but he wanted to object when it was denied

so readily.

'That is probably a fake.'


'Yes. I discussed this before, but if a trap were used, there is a big problem.'


Ishii recalled what Yakumo had said earlier.

If a trap were used, it would have been set up before Miyuki was arrested.

Isshin used the temple daily to meditate. It would be difficult to time it so that the trap was triggered after

Miyuki declared her killing intent.

But –

'Wouldn't it be possible if she hid the trap somewhere and made it trigger if a special action were taken?' said

Ishii, changing his perspective.

'Ishii-san, do you know what the priest at a temple does every morning?'

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– Something a priest does every morning?

Meditating, reading scriptures, preparing breakfast – but Ishii could tell that wasn’t the reply Yakumo wanted.

– Then what on earth does Yakumo want as a reply?

The answer suddenly came to Ishii’s head.

'Oh, cleaning.'

After Ishii said that excitedly, Yakumo nodded, seeming satisfied.

'What're you talking about?'

Gotou looked confused as he stuck his neck in.

'The priest of the temple cleans the temple daily. Very thoroughly at that.'

'It would be unlikely for a trap not to be set off or found when the temple was cleaned every morning.'

Ishii explained further.

'I see.'

Gotou clapped his hands together in understanding.

Just as Yakumo said, this would eliminate the trap theory. Then there was one possibility left.

'So Nanase Miyuki really did escape the detention house and stab Isshin-san.'

Ishii said that with certainty, but Yakumo’s response was unexpected.

'That is also wrong.'

Yakumo quietly shook his head.


Ishii was disappointed.

If it wasn’t a trap, there shouldn’t have been any method but escape from the detention house.

'Nanase Miyuki did not take even one step out of the detention house.'

'How can you be sure?' said Gotou.

'It would be better to hear it from the person herself rather than from me.'

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Yakumo’s smile was full of confidence.

It certainly would be better to confirm with the person herself, but Miyuki wasn’t the sort of person who would

answer questions honestly.

– What on earth is he planning to do?

With uneasy feelings, Ishii continued driving the car.


Chapter 46

Haruka sat on the bench in the waiting room.

She sighed.

Yakumo had made a number of requests earlier.

Because of what happened to Isshin, she didn’t object to helping, but it didn’t feel great being asked to help

without knowing anything – she felt like an accomplice to fraud.

It also made her sad that Yakumo wouldn’t tell her anything.

<Saitou-san, Saitou Yakumo-san.>

Finally, there was a call from the reception.

Haruka stood up and headed towards the reception in Yakumo’s stead.

'Excuse me… I'm here as Saitou Yakumo's representative…'

After Haruka said that, the woman at the reception handed her a brown envelope.

He’d probably told her in advance that somebody would come pick it up for him. Inside the envelope was a

copy of Isshin’s clinical records.

In the recent years, there was a movement to implement the browsing of clinical records.

It differed depending on the hospital, but if the person or the person’s relatives requested it, they could browse

their clinical records.


Just as Haruka was walking away with the envelope, somebody called out to her.

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She turned around and saw Hijikata Makoto standing there.

She wore a grey pant suit and had a large bag hanging from her shoulder. Her long hair was tied behind her

elegant face.

Haruka didn’t often speak directly to Makoto, a newspaper reporter, but they had worked together on a number

of spirit-related cases.

Makoto had helped out a lot during the last case too.

'Hello, Makoto-san.'

Haruka bowed.


'Are you here to gather material today?'

'Didn't you hear anything from Yakumo-kun?'

Haruka was surprised by Makoto’s unexpected words.

'Not at all…'

'Actually, Yakumo-kun asked me to come here and hand something to you, Haruka-chan…'

Makoto smiled wryly.

– He really doesn’t tell me anything at all.

At this point, rather than anger, Haruka felt stunned.

'I see… I'm sorry for the trouble.'

Haruka bowed her head, but Makoto smiled pleasantly.

'It's fine. I know what sort of person Yakumo-kun is too.'

'He really isn't all here.'

Haruka pouted.

'Right, right. Let me hand it to you before I forget.'

Makoto held out a file.

'What is this?'

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

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'You'll find out if you give it to Yakumo-kun.'

'Is that so?'

'Since it's personal information, be careful of how you use it.'

'Yes,' replied Haruka, taking the file.

– I wonder what he’s looking into?

She might find out if she looked into the file, but she felt like she shouldn’t just look at it so she put it into her

bag along with the envelope she had received earlier.

'Well, shall we go?'

After saying that, Makoto started walking towards the exit.

The way she said that made it sound like they were going together, but Haruka didn’t understand.

'Where are we going?'

'You've got something to bring to Hata-san's hospital, right?'

'Eh, ah, yes…'

Yakumo had told her to get Isshin’s clinical records and bring them to Hata.

– Why does Makoto know that?

'Yakumo-kun told me to bring you to Hata-san's hospital, Haruka-chan,' said Makoto with a smile, like she had

sensed Haruka's question.

'I-I see…'

Haruka felt perplexed. A lot of things seemed to be going on without her knowing it.

'Yakumo-kun's unexpectedly nice too.'

'I'm not sure about that…'

Though Haruka didn’t understand, she followed Makoto out of the hospital.

They went to the guest parking lot and got into a red family car.

'It's quite a state of affairs,' said Makoto as she started the car.

It really was..

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'When I think that Isshin-san might disappear like this, I can't stand it…'

Haruka felt a piercing pain in her chest.

It forced her to think how much having Isshin there up until now had saved her.

'I know…'

'I feel like I have to do something, but I can't do anything…'

Haruka gripped her hands into fists in vexation.

She couldn’t help Isshin, comfort Yakumo who was suffering, or make efforts to catch the culprit.

All she could do was watch.

It was frustrating –


Makoto put her left hand on Haruka’s shoulder.


'Isn't there something only you can do?'

'Something… only I can do?'

'Yakumo-kun is acting that way, but I think he's actually suffering a lot. I think he wants somebody to save



Haruka couldn’t think of Yakumo needing anybody.

No matter how much he suffered, he decided it all himself and just told Haruka after the fact. The words

‘painful’ and ‘sad’ had never left Yakumo’s lips.

He kept them to himself, as if those feelings were his only.

Yakumo was always alone.


'But Yakumo-kun won't tell me anything.'

'That's because you don't tell him anything either, Haruka-chan.'

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Haruka’s heart jolted when Makoto said that.

– That might be true.

Strangely, she understood.

Yakumo won’t tell me anything – while she grumbled about that, she acted strong herself and restrained her


Even though she really wanted to leap into Yakumo’s arms and sob, she held back those feelings.

'Well, I'm not good at being honest either, so I can't say anything about anybody else.'

Makoto stuck out her tongue and smiled mischievously.

Haruka smiled back with complicated feelings.


Chapter 47

'We've seen through your plan!'

Gotou yelled through the protective glass at Miyuki, who had a faint smile on her face.

However, her expression didn’t change, as if she hadn’t heard anything at all. Instead, Ishii, beside Gotou, leapt

up from his chair.

This was the fourth consecutive day that they had visited her in the detention house.

– I want to make this the last.

Those were Gotou’s inner thoughts.

'Seeing you angry makes me very excited.'

Miyuki’s eyes narrowed as she let a long breath out of her half-open lips.

– This woman. She’s so confident she’s trying to provoke us.

Gotou ground his teeth together, making a grating sound.

'Just cough up the code behind your letter already!'

Gotou hit the protective glass.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

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However, Miyuki still did not stop smiling.

– If this glass weren’t here, I could smash her nose in and make her cough up.

'Code? What are you talking about?'

Miyuki shrugged.

'Don't play stupid.'

'I'm not. I don't understand what you're talking about,' said Miyuki with a sneer, eyes still narrowed.

This response. There must be something in the letter – so Gotou felt.

'The letter you sent to Furukawa. I won't let you say you don't know what I'm talking about.'

Gotou took the copy of the letter from his pocket and pressed it against the glass so she could see.

Miyuki’s expression still did not change.

'Gotou-san, this won't be a visit if you do that – it'll be an interrogation,' said Ishii quietly.

'Shut up!'

Gotou hit Ishii’s head with a fist, emptying all the negative feelings that had built up within him.

Ishii curled up with his head in his arms, as if he were about to collapse.

– Might have hit him too hard in my excitement.

'No matter when I see it, your comedy duo is always funny.'

Miyuki made a Yakumo-like sarcastic comment and laughed.

– What the hell do you mean, comedy duo? Making fun of me.

'Shut up! Tell us already!' Gotou said even more forcefully.

'It seems you are rather cornered. You're so pitiful I don't mind telling you. But I have a condition.'

Miyuki looked up at him with an inviting glance.

– She bit.

The response was just as they had planned. Yakumo had been right.

'Condition…' repeated Gotou, acting troubled.

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'If you release me from here, I don't mind telling you,' said Miyuki with a triumphant smile.

'Will you really?' said Gotou, trying not to smile.


'Got it… I'll negotiate…'

Gotou tried to restrain himself, but he couldn’t. He lost control and started laughing aloud.

Miyuki’s mouth went wide in surprise at Gotou’s response.

Ishii, who had been curled up for a while now, started laughing too.


Miyuki had thought she was in control, so she had felt superior and decided on a confident attitude.

However, Gotou’s and Ishii’s responses appeared to be unexpected for Miyuki.

Her eyes were uneasy.

'You're a stupid woman.'

'What did you say?'

'Did you really think I'd accept that condition?' said Gotou, grinning.

'What's so funny?'

Miyuki’s eyes narrowed as she stood up.

It was exactly what Yakumo thought she would do. What a guy.

'What's so funny? You don't get it?'

Gotou put his nose up to the glass to provoke her.


'If you don't get it, I'll tell you. You just asked to be released from here.'

'What about it?'

'That's a funny thing to ask for.'

Miyuki jolted. She had realized the true meaning of Gotou’s words.

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However, it was too late to realize now.

'You escaped from the detention house to stab Isshin, right? If that were the case, wouldn't it be easy for you to

get out?'

There was no response to Gotou’s question.

That became evidence for one fact.

Miyuki had not taken one step out of the detention house. To put it correctly, she couldn’t. She acknowledged

that herself.

Gotou could tell that behind Miyuki’s lips, in a thin line, her teeth were grinding together.

She was probably so frustrated she couldn’t help it.

'Too bad, isn't it? I said it already – we've seen through your plan,' said Gotou, sticking out his chin.

'It was Yakumo, right? He gave you this hint…'

Miyuki looked bitter.

– It’s too late to realize now.

Miyuki had let her guard down since she was talking to Gotou.

However, that had been part of Yakumo’s plan. Gotou had just been talking as Yakumo had directed him to.

Miyuki had gone along and talked too much.

Last time, Yakumo had said nothing and acted quiet as part of his plan to make Miyuki let her guard down.

'Yakumo has a message for you.'


A shadow came over Miyuki’s face.

'His uncle is still alive. You're just a braggart. You can't even kill a bug from inside the detention house – so he


Miyuki’s head drooped and she started mumbling something.

At first, Gotou couldn’t hear what she was saying.

However, her voice grew firmer and finally the clear words reached Gotou’s ears.

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'… I'll kill you I'll kill you I'll kill you.'

Though she spoke quietly, the words had more pressure than an angry yell.

It was like there was a black aura behind Miyuki.

However, she couldn’t do anything from the other side of the glass.

'It's absolutely impossible for you to kill somebody from inside the detention house.'

In response to Gotou’s words, Miyuki lifted her head and her eyes opened wide. Her bloodshot eyes looked like

they would fall out.

'I can. This time I'll kill Yakumo-kun.'

After saying that, Miyuki laughed uncannily, showing her canines.

'Really. I look forward to it.'

Gotou said that and then left the room.

Ishii hurriedly followed him.

'You did it, Detective Gotou.'

Ishii’s eyes were sparkling like a child’s, but there was something Gotou wasn’t satisfied with.

He’d provoked Miyuki just as Yakumo had told him to, but was that the right decision – it was like Yakumo

was using himself as bait to lure Miyuki.

– He can’t be rushing to his own death, right?

Gotou murmured that in his heart.


Chapter 48

Haruka went into the hospital that Makoto had dropped her off at.

It was so different from the hospital Isshin was at that it could be called its complete opposite. With its old

white walls, it looked extremely like a hospital.

The truth was that Haruka would have liked Makoto to come with her, but they had split up at the front of the

hospital since Makoto had something else to investigate.

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Now there was nothing Haruka could do but go, even if she was anxious.

Haruka timidly stepped in from the front entrance, passed the reception and took the emergency stairs by the

elevator hall.

A dim corridor went on in front of her.

The walls were stained and cracked, and the air felt unclean. Furthermore, the fluorescent lights were flickering


It made Haruka think that she had lost herself in a different world.

Haruka was going to meet with Hata, the coroner.

Hata had been involved in many cases with Yakumo and Gotou, so Haruka knew him, but it was the first time

she’d gone to meet him on her own.

Though she knew she shouldn’t judge people by their appearances, Hata had a somewhat uncanny atmosphere

to him – to put it frankly, he was scary.

– Demonic old man.

Gotou often described him that way, but Haruka agreed too.

Haruka took a deep breath to calm herself down and knocked on the door of the room at the very end of the


'Excuse me, my name is Ozawa. Yakumo asked me to…'

'Door's open.'

A hoarse voice called out from inside the room.

'E-excuse me.'

Haruka obeyed the voice and opened the heavy door to peek inside.

She saw Hata sitting at his desk and leisurely sipping tea.

Though his face was as wrinkled as a dried persimmon, his eyes popped out like a fish’s.

'I heard from Yakumo-kun. Well, sit down.'

After Hata said that, he let out a creepy giggle.

It made Haruka think she’d be gobbled up if she let her guard down.

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Haruka uncomfortably sat in a chair, as Hata suggested.

'You don't have to be so afraid – I'm not going to eat you,' said Hata, like he had read Haruka's mind. He

giggled again.

'No, that isn't…'

'I'm not interested in living humans.'

Though he had probably meant that to be reassuring, it was even scarier.

Hata normally preferred dead people over living people – and burnt corpses were no good. He was an eccentric

who boasted about how he liked fresh corpses.

'Hata-san just has a pure interest in the life and death of people as a coroner.' Yakumo had said that, but to

Haruka, it didn't seem like that at all.

She brought up the topic at hand before the conversation went off track.

'Er, what did Yakumo-kun say to you?'

Haruka took Isshin’s clinical records from her bag and handed them to Hata.

'Oh, that's right. Now, let's see how he was stabbed.'

Hata took the paper and put it close to his face so that his nose was almost touching it as he read it, making

hmm noises as he did so.

Could he really see it like that? It felt more like he was sniffing it than looking at it with his eyes.

'I see. This is just as Yakumo-kun said,' said Hata, nodding his head a number of times in admiration.

'Er, what do you mean?' asked Haruka, curious about what Hata saw. Hata turned his cloudy eyes towards


It felt like she’d turn into a rock if he continued.

After a while, Hata slowly began to explain.

'When I look at these clinical records, it says Isshin was stabbed diagonally from beneath his ribs upwards,


Hata showed the paper to Haruka and pointed at the picture in the shape of a human body.

The right part of the picture – at the stomach, there was a mark in pen.

That was probably where Isshin had been stabbed.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

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'Ribs, arteries, other organs – there're no signs of injury. It's like the stab avoided them.'

Haruka cocked her head, not really understanding Hata’s words.

'Is that strange?'

'If the culprit stabbed Isshin with the intention of killing him, this would practically be a miracle – the culprit

would be an incredible dunce.'

Hata clutched his stomach and started giggling like he thought it funny.

'Does that mean the person who stabbed Isshin-san did not plan on killing him?'

'I don't know. They might not have planned on killing him, or they might have been but missed the vitals by

some miracle – both are plausible.'

Hata said that the vitals were missed, but the main problem of Isshin being in a coma continued.

Her head was a bit mixed up.

'Well, tell Yakumo-kun it was just as he thought.'

Hata handed the copy of the medical records back to Haruka.

She took them, still confused.

'Ah, that's right. Yakumo-kun asked for something else too.'

After Hata said that, he took a large paper bag from under his desk and handed it to Haruka.

She took the bag and looked inside.

Inside there was a piece of clothing.

'What is this?'

'You can tell by looking, right? I got somebody I know to bring it,' said Hata with a smirk.

What on earth would it be used for?

The color was awful – it wasn’t fashionable. If Yakumo was going to wear this, Haruka would prefer to refrain

from walking beside him.

'He isn't going to wear this, right?'

'I just got what he requested. I don't know what he's going to use it for.'

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Hata’s body shook as he laughed.


Chapter 49

With a light heart, Ishii followed Gotou.

After reaching the parking lot in the back of the detention house, he saw Yakumo by the car.

He had his hands in his pockets and was looking up at the clouds in the sky in boredom.

– Yakumo’s plan went wonderfully.

They tricked Miyuki so easily. While that brain of his was commendable, at the same time, it was frightening.

The sort of guy you didn’t want as your enemy.

'Hey, we're back.'

Gotou raised his hand and called out to Yakumo.

'You're late. Were you eating grass on the side of the road? You aren't a cow,' said Yakumo with a yawn.

'The thing I hate most is being treated like a brat by a brat!'

'How pitiful; you haven't realized that you're the most brat-like person here.'

Yakumo snorted.

'You bastard! You talking about me?'

'There isn't anybody else I would be talking about, is there?'

'You brat!'

Gotou’s face reddened in a flash and he grabbed Yakumo.

– Again.

He couldn’t beat Yakumo in an argument. Even though he knew that, it appeared that he couldn’t hold himself


'Detective Gotou, please stop.'

Ishii hurriedly walked towards them to stop Gotou.

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'Let go of me!'

'Please calm down.'

'Shut up! I won't be satisfied until I punch this guy!'

Gotou flailed even more violently.

Ishii felt like he was riding a bucking horse. He gripped on as tightly as he could, but he was flung away; he

couldn’t beat Gotou in strength.

Ishii hit the asphalt.

'Don't get in my way!'

At some point, Gotou had turned his anger towards Ishii instead.


Ishii managed to stand up in his stinging pain.

– Eh?

Yakumo had disappeared in the middle of the fight.

'Please don't dawdle; let's hurry up and go.'

Ishii heard Yakumo’s voice.

He turned his gaze and spotted Yakumo in the back seat of the car, yawning. It was like the matter didn’t

concern him at all.

This made even Gotou lose his spirit. He kicked the car tire and got in.

Ishii felt tired.

'Oi! Ishii! Hurry up and start the car!'

Hurried by Gotou, Ishii sluggishly got into the driver’s seat and started the car.

'How was it then?' drawled Yakumo.

It was like he had forgotten the earlier scuffle entirely.

'Just like you said. She didn't say it outright, but that woman admitted herself that she didn't leave the detention


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'So that really was the case then.'

Yakumo crossed his arms and looked up at the ceiling.

'Hey, Yakumo. How'd you know Miyuki didn't leave the detention house?'

Ishii thought Gotou’s question was very appropriate.

In the end, Miyuki had admitted that herself, but Yakumo had realized before that.

– How?

'It's simple. I knew because it was impossible.'

'That's all?'

It was such a simple answer that Ishii was surprised and had to ask the question again.

'That's all.'

'Is that really all?' Gotou pressed.

'Of course. You should know more about the security at Tokyo Detention House than I do, Gotou-san.'

'Well, that's true, but…'

Gotou nodded, though he didn’t look satisfied.

'Then you understand, right? Do you think it is possible to return to the detention house after committing a

crime, let alone escaping in the first place?'


'And without being noticed by anyone.'

After thinking about it, Yakumo was right.

It might have been different in the past, but if you thought about it realistically, it was impossible to pass the

detention house security, stab somebody and return without anyone noticing.

'It's impossible…'

Gotou scowled.

'In the first place, she declared that she would kill somebody from inside the detention house as an act to direct

your attention that way.'

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'An act…'

Ishii thought over that word.

Now that Yakumo said that, it made sense. Miyuki’s words had been superfluous from the beginning.

'Furthermore, being carried to the infirmary was also a charade. She probably used some sort of drug to make it

look like she had a fit. By doing so, it made it seem as if there was a period of time she could escape in…'

It was probably just as Yakumo said.

Ishii and Gotou had been led by the nose.

'But Isshin was stabbed. That's a fact. How'd that happen?' said Gotou carelessly, biting a cigarette that wasn't


That didn’t make sense to Ishii either.

He accepted that it wasn’t a trap and that it was impossible to escape from the detention house. How did Miyuki

commit the crime then?

Yakumo’s eyes narrowed as his lips turned up into a smile.

When Ishii saw that expression, a chill rain down his spine and he almost let go of the wheel.

Even though he hadn’t done anything, he was sweating.

Yakumo slowly put his left index finger to his brow.

'Isn't it obvious? She didn't stab my uncle. Somebody else did.'


Gotou rose from his seat in surprise.

Yakumo wasn’t moved.

'Is there any other method?'

'Well, I get what you're saying, but…'

'No matter how unbelievable the truth, that is the only option.'

Ishii understood what Yakumo was saying.

But –

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'How about the fingerprints? Her fingerprints were found on the knife's handle,' Ishii said quickly.

It was because of the fingerprints that they hadn’t doubted that it was Miyuki’s crime.

Even though they knew there was no other method, if they didn’t solve the problem of the fingerprints, they

would just have to go back.

'The culprit had her fingerprints and put them on the knife,' said Yakumo matter-of-factly.

Ishii wasn’t being stubborn, but he still couldn’t understand.

It was true that it would have been possible to use something like gelatin to preserve Miyuki’s fingerprints and

make fake fingerprints.

You could make it with just a couple hundred yen. Frequently used by those illegally entering the country, it

was a big problem.

However, that wouldn’t solve everything.

'Where did the culprit get her fingerprints? She was inside the detention house.'

Ishii spoke the question just as it came to his head.

If the culprit did not have the fingerprints in the first place, they could not make a fake.

Yakumo ran a hand through his hair.

It didn’t look like he was thinking. Yakumo already had the answer. Ishii felt that directly.

'Your question makes sense, Ishii-san. That was why there was a letter.'

'Ah! I see!' Ishii exclaimed as he unexpectedly arrived at the answer.

'Don't shout all of a sudden!'

Gotou hit Ishii’s head.

'I-I apologize.'

'I don't care which one of you does it – just explain it so I can understand.'

Gotou was probably irritated about being the only one who didn’t understand. He crossed his arms indignantly.

'Ishii-san, please explain to the bear.'

Yakumo turned his eyes out the window in apparent disinterest.

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Ishii fixed the position of his glasses with his finger before beginning to explain.

'The only thing you can send out of the detention house is a letter.'

'What about it?' Gotou said disagreeably.

'She put her fingerprints on that letter and sent it to the culprit on the outside. That's what it means.'

Ishii recalled the contents of the letter.

– The goal of all life is death.

Making it look like a code was just to turn their eyes away from the existence of the fingerprints.

Miyuki’s true goal in sending out a letter was to give out her fingerprints.

'I see. So that's how it is…'

Gotou clapped his hands together, but he suddenly coughed, like a small bone had been caught in his throat.

'But wait… Wasn't the letter examined? Other people's fingerprints would be on it too, so the culprit wouldn't

be able to say which ones were Miyuki's, right?'

Ishii was startled by what Gotou said so casually.

That was right. It wasn’t like there had been names on the fingerprints. If other people touched the letter, it

would be difficult to determine which fingerprints were hers.

Ishii looked at Yakumo’s face through the rear-view mirror.

However, he didn’t seem concerned.

'She didn't leave fingerprints on the letter. She left them on the inside of the envelope,' he said disinterestedly.

– I see.

If she put her fingers on the inside of the envelope, nobody would touch them. The culprit would be able to get

Miyuki’s fingerprints clearly.

That solved most of the mystery.

'Does that mean the person who got the letter, that nurse Furukawa, was the one who stabbed Isshin?' mumbled


Without replying, Yakumo stared out the window.

A question came to Ishii.

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'Excuse me, but there's one thing I don't understand.'

'How the plan was drawn up, yes?' said Yakumo, finishing Ishii's question.

'What are you talking about?'

Gotou interrupted immediately.

'Ishii-san, please go ahead.'

Yakumo left the explanation to Ishii again.

'Ah, yes. Even if there is a culprit on the outside, how did they decide on using fingerprints – and also, Miyuki

announced the crime ahead of time. The day and time would also become a problem.'

'Well, you know, they used that… Couldn't they have talked on the phone?'

Gotou gave a negligent reply.

'That would be impossible.'


'Miyuki was in the detention house. The only people who came were the lawyer and Isshin-san. The only other

sign of contact with the outside was that letter,' Ishii said quickly.

'What's going on then?'

Unable to come up with an answer, Gotou turned around and looked to Yakumo.

'Who knows? I don't understand that either.'

Yakumo closed just his left eye and scratched his head.

It was a rather irresponsible answer since he had been the one who brought them to this conclusion.

'Ah! I see!'

A light bulb suddenly flashed over Ishii’s head.

How did Miyuki draw up the plan – Ishii had realized.

'What? You're so noisy.'

Gotou frowned.

'Detective Gotou, Yamamura did it.'

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'What did that guy do?'

– Why doesn’t he understand from what I said?

Though Ishii felt irritated, he started his explanation.

'Yamamura, the guard, met up with Furukawa. He can leave and enter the detention house.'

To be honest, he was confident this time.

With Yamamura’s cooperation, it would be possible to discuss the details of the plan. There was no other


'Ah, that's very likely… OK, let's go meet Furukawa now. Yakumo, you come too.'

Gotou leaned back towards the backseat.

'I refuse. If you know that much, the rest is police business. Please work for your taxpayers' money.'

'W-what did you say!?' yelled Gotou as he tried to fly at Yakumo.

At that moment, Ishii was pushed and the wheel spun to the right. Ishii hurriedly turned the wheel back to the

left, but Gotou was still flailing, so it was difficult.

The car veered right and left. Car horns started honking around them.

'Please stop! It's dangerous!' Ishii shouted, his anger apparent.

The car was silent.

Gotou had stopped moving in his surprise. His eyes were as large as plates.

'Er… I mean…'

– I never thought that I would shout at Gotou.

Actually, Ishii was the most surprised.

He might be hit once or twice for this. Ishii raised his shoulders in preparation.


For some reason, Gotou bowed his head, looking troubled.

Yakumo clutched his stomach as he laughed in the backseat.


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Chapter 50

– I can’t cheer myself up for some reason.

With gloomy feelings, Haruka waited in Yakumo’s secret hiding place, the <Movie Research Circle> room.

Yakumo wasn’t there.

Yakumo was sniffing something out, but Haruka didn’t know where he was headed.

Even though Yakumo must have been suffering a great deal what with what happened to Isshin, he wouldn’t

express his feelings.

It felt like he was bearing with the pain all alone.

– That’s because you don’t tell him anything either, Haruka-chan.

The words Makoto said to her kept running through her head.

She wanted to deny it, but she couldn’t.

Unable to sort her fraying feelings, Haruka put her head against the table.

At almost the exact same time, the door opened and Yakumo came in.

'You're late.'

Haruka wasn’t really angry, but she raised her head and complained anyway.

'You'll make a good mother-in-law,' said Yakumo as he sat in the chair opposite her.

Even if he didn’t say it, she could tell he was tired from his expression.

His eyes were a little red. Perhaps he hadn’t slept much recently.

'Why were you late?' she asked, though she knew there wouldn't be an answer.

'I'm fairly busy too.'

A vague answer, as expected –

Like that, he took everything on himself. Haruka would only find out once the case was over.

'So how was it?'

Yakumo asked for a report of her investigation as he yawned.

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Haruka swallowed her swelling dissatisfaction and handed over the file Makoto had given her.

'This is from Makoto-san.'

'I see.'

Yakumo took the file and looked at it with a serious gaze.

Haruka didn’t know what was written on it.

I’m always kept out of the loop –

'How about Hata-san?' asked Yakumo after reading the file once.

'Hata-san said that if the culprit had planned on killing Isshin-san, it would be a near miracle since Isshin was

stabbed without injuring any of his bones or organs…'

Haruka explained just as Hata had told her.

'So that really is it.'

Yakumo nodded, seeming satisfied.

Haruka didn’t know what was ‘really’ about it.

'What do you mean?'

'Exactly what the words mean. The culprit didn't plan on killing Uncle.'

'Didn't plan on killing him?'

Haruka’s brows furrowed as she mulled the words over.

'Correct. It would be troublesome if he died – perhaps that might be easier to understand.'

– I don’t understand at all.

Currently, Isshin was wandering the boundary between life and death.

To Haruka, it felt like there was a clear killing intent.

'Why did they stab Isshin-san if they didn't plan on killing him?'

'Who knows? I don't know either.'

Yakumo stood up while running his fingers through his hair. Then, he opened the refrigerator door and took a

bottle of tea out.

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– He’s lying.

Haruka felt that instinctively.

Yakumo’s attitude just made it seem like he was avoiding the topic purposefully.

Even though he knew everything, he wouldn’t ever talk about it. Yakumo was always like that. That was how

he shouldered his harsh fate.

It hurt to watch him.

– Even though I’m prepared to shoulder the pain with him…

'Tell me the truth.'

Haruka spoke, even though she didn’t think she would.

Yakumo suddenly stopped.

'I did.'

– Another lie.

'Can't you trust me?'

'I don't think that.'

Yakumo slowly sat in his chair.

– He really is shouldering everything himself.

Haruka suddenly felt frustrated.

Being together wasn’t always full of good things. There was pain, frustration, and suffering. However, they

could still share the burden.

People lived like that, while supporting each other.

I want to be that existence for Yakumo – she wanted that, but there was a wall she just couldn’t cross.

Haruka’s existence just circled that wall –

She would cry if she stayed with him any longer.

'I'm heading home. This is from Hata-san.'

Haruka said that quickly and stood up, leaving the paper bag from Hata on the table.

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She hadn’t planned on saying anything special, but after those words that sounded like a farewell, she felt


– Yakumo won’t be tied down by anything.

Isshin’s words came up in her head.

It was just as he said. Yakumo was like a cloud. No matter how you tried to hold on to him, he would slip

through, since he had no substance.

– I don’t know if I can do this anymore.


Haruka turned her back to Yakumo and opened the door.

'I'm still thinking about it.'

Yakumo spoke.


'That's why I can't say anything right now. This is a problem I have to solve.'

Yakumo’s words lit Haruka’s anger.

It flared up in an instant; she couldn’t restrain it.

'If you're thinking about it, why not talk about it!?'

Before Haruka noticed it, she was yelling.

She tried to stop herself, but it was no good. It kept coming out.

'Nobody can understand me – you say things like that! Aren't you just distancing yourself from everyone!?

Always acting like you're the only one who understands anything! Even though you don't understand how I feel

at all, Yakumo-kun! I'm sick of being pushed around!'

Losing herself to a wave of emotion, the words came out of Haruka all at once.

She hadn’t thought about it too deeply before. It was frustrating, it was sad – but this had to be how she truly


Her body was trembling.

The tears that had welled up rolled down her cheeks, dripping one by one from her chin.

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Haruka couldn’t look at Yakumo to see what sort of expression he was making.

'It's not just me…'

She’d thought that she’d said everything, but words kept bubbling up from inside her chest.

'Gotou-san and Ishii-san and Makoto-san and Hata-san. Everyone – everyone's worried about you and trying to

understand your heart, Yakumo-kun… But what do you say? It's got nothing to do with me, or it's troublesome

– how can you say that!?'

Haruka’s breathing was ragged, as if she were nearly drowning.

It felt like she would be crushed and die from the pressure.

She couldn’t stand. She sat right there.

– It was quiet.

So quiet you’d think nobody was in this room –

Perhaps there really wasn’t anybody there.

Yakumo might have already left the room without listening to Haruka’s yells.

Without Isshin, it felt like his bonds to everyone would fall apart at the seams and crumble.

– No, that’s wrong.

Haruka might have been the only one who thought there was a bond there, when it had really just been an


– Which is it?

She didn’t know. Haruka didn’t care anymore.

She just wanted to run away as quickly as she could.

– Haruka.

She heard somebody call her name close to her ear.

– Who is that? Yakumo? It can’t be.

Yakumo had never called her name before.

Haruka slowly stood, dragging up her heavy body.

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'I'm sorry. I'll tell you everything.'

This time, she heard it clearly.

There was no doubt about it. It was Yakumo’s voice –


Chapter 51

Komatsu relaxed after eating dinner while reading a magazine in the break room.

Then, the internal telephone on the desk rang, breaking that relaxation.

<Doctor! It’s an emergency!>

When Komatsu picked up the receiver, he heard a frantic voice on the other side.


<Coughing up blood.>

'I see,' replied Komatsu, writing it down on a piece of paper as he did so.

<Breathing is also weak; it appears there are convulsions as well.>

'Can you carry the patient?'

<We’re heading there now.>

'Got it.'

Komatsu hung up and headed right for the infirmary.

From the voice on the telephone just now, it was serious.

Finally, the guards carried the patient in on a stretcher. The patient’s arm hung over the side.

'That bed.'

Komatsu instructed the guards.

When Komatsu saw the person on the bed, he was startled.

– This woman again?

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She had been carried in because she was coughing up blood just the other day.

The detective who came earlier had suspected it was an act. Komatsu had denied it then, but to be honest, he

thought there was a possibility.

– I can’t let my guard down around this woman.

It wasn’t something specific. If he was forced to say it, it was those eyes. He’d never seen such cold eyes


He decided to stop thinking about it for now. He’d determine if it was a faked illness after examination.

Komatsu put his ear close to her mouth to check that she was breathing.

Her breathing was faint.

He checked her pulse using her wrist.

It was so weak with the beats spread out to the point that he wouldn’t have noticed unless he was looking for it.

– This isn’t an act.

He was sure. People could act like they were suffering or in pain and even consciously make their breath

weaker, but they couldn’t do the same thing with the pulse.

He suddenly felt impatient.

He took a penlight out of the pocket of his white doctor’s gown, opened her eyes and shined the light on them.

The pupils remained as they were.

'This is bad…'

He said that without thinking.

'How is she?' asked the guard who had brought her in.

The patient was unconscious.

They wouldn’t be able to do anything in the infirmary of the detention house. Komatsu decided that.

'Get permission from head office to transport the prisoner. I'll call an ambulance.'

Once Komatsu said that, one of the guards flew out of the room.

In the case that one of the prisoners held at the detention house suddenly became ill and could not be treated at

the infirmary, they would be transported to the nearby hospital with the permission of head office.

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Komatsu picked up the phone on his desk and directly called the hospital.

He told the doctor who answered the current situation, received permission to take the patient and hung up.

The woman on the bed groaned, sounding like she was in pain.

'Will she be all right?' asked the guard who had remained.

'I don't know,' said Komatsu.

From the woman’s symptoms, it was clear that it wasn’t a faked illness, but uneasiness still smoldered in his

heart –


Chapter 52

'Before I say anything, there's somewhere I want to go.'

After Yakumo said that, they headed for Gotou’s home.

Haruka realized what Yakumo was thinking after coming this far. He had come to check up on Nao.

When Yakumo pressed the intercom button at the entrance, Atsuko welcomed them in pleasantly.

They took the lift up to the fourth floor and were just about to press the intercom button there when the door

opened and Nao showed up.

The moment Nao saw Yakumo, she smiled from cheek to cheek and scratched her face like a cat.

It seemed she’d been lonely.

'It's nice to meet you.'

Atsuko showed up behind Nao and smiled at Yakumo.

'Thank you for all that you've done. My name is Saitou Yakumo.'

Yakumo bowed his head awkwardly.

'You're so stiff. I get enough of that from my husband. Anyway, come in,' said Atsuko mischievously.

In agreement, Nao pulled Yakumo’s hand and took him inside.

Haruka followed after them, as if she had been pulled too.

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After going into the living, Haruka sat next to Yakumo on the sofa.

'Please don't trouble yourself,' said Yakumo.

'Don't worry about it,' Atsuko replied, and she started making tea.

Nao was sitting opposite Yakumo, but then she stood up and ran to the kitchen to help Atsuko.

There was a very fun atmosphere coming from the kitchen.

At first, Haruka had been worried, but it seemed like Atsuko and Nao had made fast friends.

Yakumo looked at them with a heavy gaze.

'I'm glad Nao-chan seems to be doing well.'

Haruka really felt that way.

Atsuko’s presence had probably supported Nao in these harsh circumstances. Atsuko was incredibly tolerant.

That was Gotou’s wife for you.

'Nao doesn't remember her mother.'

Yakumo’s eyes closed slightly.

Haruka had heard about Nao’s mother from Isshin before. She had died when Nao was one.

Just as Yakumo said, Nao probably couldn’t remember her mother.

'I see…'

What would happen to Nao if she lost Isshin too?

Haruka didn’t want to think about it, but her anxiety showed on her face.

Finally, Nao came back with a tray of tea. Atsuko was right behind her.


Nao held out the tray as she spoke up.

'Thank you,' said Haruka, taking a teacup.

Yakumo did the same thing, smiling awkwardly.

'Well done.'

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Atsuko patted Nao’s head.

Nao laughed, like she was ticklish.

'Is she causing you any trouble?' asked Yakumo as he stared at his teacup.


Atsuko looked surprised.

'Yes. Suddenly taking Nao in must have been a bother.'


'Er, well…'

Yakumo’s brows furrowed at Atsuko’s response.

Atsuko smiled pleasantly when she saw him.

'You're a bit different from what I imagined.'

'What you imagined?'

'My husband and Haruka-chan said that you were incredibly contrary…'

Yakumo glanced at Haruka.

Haruka looked down.

'Right, Nao-chan?'

Atsuko looked to Nao for agreement.

Whether she understood what was being said or not, Nao nodded a number of times.

When Haruka looked at Atsuko and Nao communicating like this, somehow –

'It's like they're really mother and daughter.'

It slipped out of Haruka’s mouth.

'It really is…' whispered Yakumo.

Haruka thought that it really was a good thing that Atsuko was here this time. Without her, Nao probably

couldn’t have smiled like this.

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'I'm sorry, but please take care of Nao for a little longer,' said Yakumo as he stood.

There was an extraordinary air to him. As if he was preparing for something –

'I don't mind at all, but you have to come back.'

Atsuko turned a sharp gaze towards Yakumo.

Next to her, Nao looked up at Yakumo anxiously.

'I know,' said Yakumo, his head then. Then, he lightly patted Nao on the head and walked to the entrance.

Haruka stood up as well. She tried to follow him, but Nao grabbed her hand.

Nao’s eyes were pleading.

Haruka understood even if she didn’t say anything. Nao was worried about Yakumo.

'Yakumo-kun's OK,' said Haruka, drawing Nao close.

Finally, Nao nodded and let go of Haruka.

'Haruka-chan, I'll leave the rest to you. At times like this, women have to be firm,' said Atsuko just as Haruka

walked to the entrance.

'I will.'

Haruka nodded and then went outside after Yakumo.


Chapter 53

– We’ve finally come this far.

As Gotou looked up at the apartment that stood out in the dark, he felt relief.

He’d seen Furukawa enter her flat just earlier.

Last time, they hadn’t known the point of the letter, so they had been stuck just watching her, unable to go

further, but this time was different.

Yakumo had made the point of the letter clear.

Furukawa had taken Miyuki’s fingerprints and used them when she stabbed Isshin. That had to be right.

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'OK! Let's go!'

Gotou called out to Ishii, who was beside him, and went through the apartment’s entrance.

They took the elevator to Furukawa’s room on the fourth floor.

She had met with Isshin using a ghost sighting at the hospital before the incident occurred. That couldn’t be a


She had called Isshin out purposefully – it was natural to think she was wrapped up in the case.

But there was something Gotou just didn’t understand.

Motive –

Why did Furukawa have to stab Isshin?

– Well, there’s no point thinking about it.

Gotou shook his head and threw aside his thoughts. He’d decided to act rather than think about unnecessary

things now.

Gotou stood in front of the door and signaled Ishii with his eyes.

Ishii replied with a nod and timidly pressed the intercom button.


There was a guarded voice from the intercom.

'Ah, good evening. We're police.'

Ishii spoke in a polite and cheerful voice so as to not disturb Furukawa.

Gotou had thought Ishii was just a fumbling guy, but at some point, he’d learned a technique like this.


The guarded tone was stronger in Furukawa’s voice.

'Oh, it's nothing important, but there's something we'd like to ask you for reference.'

As Ishii spoke, there was the sound of rustling from the room.

She was searching for something. Or hiding something.

After a while, Furukawa opened the door.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


It was obvious that she didn’t want them to come in.

'Actually, we're investigating an attempted murder case… You know about Saitou Isshin-san's case, yes?' said

Ishii, asking for agreement.

'Ah, yes.'

Furukawa’s eyes were flicking about.

She was clearly afraid.

'You met the victim, Saitou Isshin, before the incident, yes, Furukawa-san?'

'Eh, well…'

'On what business did you meet him?'

'Er… How should I explain it…'

Ishii and Furukawa continued to talk.

– Ah, get it over with already. Don’t make me irritated.

If they kept on asking small things like this, it’d take until morning. Even though they could just get to the


Just as Gotou was about to interrupt since he was at the limit of his patience, he saw something move in the

back of the room.

A black shadow –

Gotou’s body moved before he could think.

He pushed Furukawa aside and walked in in his shoes.

It was a common one-room flat of about eight tatami in size.

After going in, he spotted a man crouching with his hand on the window that connected to the balcony.

– So that really was it.

'Yamamura!' yelled Gotou as he charged.

Yamamura’s eyes went wide.

'Wait – what are you doing!?'

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Furukawa’s expression changed as she clung onto Gotou.

'Let go.'

Gotou shook Furukawa off.

Yamamura used that time to go out the window onto the balcony and jumped right there.

– As if I’d let you get away!

'Ishii! Watch that woman!'

Gotou ran after Yamamura and jumped off the balcony.

– Crap.

When he thought that, it was already too late.

He was on the fourth floor. It was far too high to jump.

After a feeling of floating, his two feet hit something.

However, it wasn’t as great a force as he thought it would be.

Gotou had landed on the roof of the entrance rather than the grown.

Luckily, the building’s entrance stuck out.

Gotou was relieved, but he didn’t have the time to relax. Yamamura had also landed on the roof and had jumped

to the ground. He was running away.

'As if I'd let you get away!'

Gotou jumped right after him and ran after Yamamura.

Yamamura ran out from the apartment premises onto the road.

At that moment, a car ran into him and Yamamura’s body flew into the air.

It was like a slow-motion movie.

The car veered into the bushes.

Yamamura fell onto the asphalt.

– Is he dead?

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


He was unexpectedly calm as he worried about that.

'That hurts!'

Yamamura grabbed his leg, writhing like a fly that had been hit with bug spray.

– He’s alive then.

'He suddenly ran out.'

The driver got off the car and was lamenting with a pale face.

Gotou ignored the driver, approached Yamamura and grabbed him by the collar.

'Sorry you couldn't get away. This puts you under guard now.'

Yamamura’s eyes were filled with tears as he bit his lip.

'Detective Gotou, are you all right?'

Ishii, who had heard the commotion, had rushed out.

'Call an ambulance now!' Gotou ordered.

At the same time, his mobile phone started vibrating inside his jacket.

– Who the hell’s calling now?

Gotou quickly cuffed Yamamura and answered the phone.

'Who's it?'

<It’s me!>

He heard Miyagawa’s voice.

Gotou had been prepared to hear complaints about his phone etiquette, but unexpectedly, they skipped that.

<Things are a mess.>

Miyagawa sounded tense, which was unusual for him.

That was enough to tell Gotou how serious the situation was.

'What happened?'

<Nanase Miyuki escaped.>

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


– What kind of joke was that?

Gotou cocked his head.

He’d told Miyagawa that Miyuki couldn’t have escaped the detention house to commit the crime.

'What are you saying? It's impossible to escape from the detention house, isn't it?'

<She got out of it.>

'That's impossible.'

While Gotou denied it, his heart was beating loudly.

<About an hour earlier, Nanase Miyuki collapsed in her room and was carried to the infirmary.>

'And then?'

<At the instruction of the medical officer at the detention house, she was transported to the nearby hospital…>

'That's transport, not escape, right?'

<There’s more to the story. Listen properly.>

Miyagawa’s voice was unsteady, which was unlike him.

Gotou felt anxious too when he heard that voice.

'More… to the story…'

<After arriving at the hospital, they opened the back of the ambulance, but it was empty.>


– What was going on?

<She disappeared. We’re in a state of emergency, but…>

Gotou ignored Miyagawa and hung up before he could finish.

The tips of his fingers were trembling.

'Oi! Yamamura! Why'd you stab Saitou Isshin?'

Yamamura had collapsed, but Gotou grabbed him again by the collar.

Yamamura’s lips were shaking in pain and fear.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'I-I-I don't know… Who is that? Hurry and call the ambulance already. It hurts.'

'Don't play dumb. Nanase Miyuki asked you to do it, right!?'

'What are you saying? I just…'

Yamamura looked away in the middle of speaking.

– He’s clearly hiding something.

'Just what?'


'Cough it up already! I can just write you off as dead in a traffic accident!' yelled Gotou, slapping Yamamura's

left cheek.

'W-what are you doing? Can the police do this?'

'I can.'

'I'll press charges in court.'

'Do whatever you want.'

Gotou glared at Yamamura and raised his right arm.

This time he’d hit him with a fist instead of his palm.

'I-I-I got it. I'll talk, so please stop.'

Yamamura seemed to realize that common sense wouldn’t work on Gotou, so he frantically pleaded.

'Hurry it up then! I don't have the time!'

'I just gave that woman the medicine she ordered.'


'Painkillers, tranquillizers, stuff like that. That's all.'

Gotou let go of Yamamura and stood up.

His ears were ringing.

On the day of the crime, Miyuki had had spasms and had been carried to the infirmary.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Plus, Miyagawa had said she’d collapsed in her room earlier. The medical officer had decided she’d needed to

be transported.

– Is the medical officer in on it too?


Gotou rejected that thought aloud.

Miyuki hadn’t been faking it. She had definitely had real symptoms.

Furukawa had probably got the medicine from the hospital, handed them to Yamamura who had given them to


Yamamura and Furukawa had another role.

That was to be Miyuki’s specialty – a fake trail.

By leaving evidence well, she made the investigation turn to Yamamura and Furukawa.

And we fell right into that trap –

When Gotou realized that, his body jolted, like electricity had run through it.

Gotou remembered what Miyuki had said.

– This time, I’ll kill Yakumo-kun.

When Gotou tricked Miyuki then, he had gone along with the mood.

– Looking forward to it.

He’d said that. There was no way for her to kill him. He’d thought that.

But the situation was different now. Miyuki had escaped from the detention house. She was walking freely. She

could kill Yakumo too.

– You kidding me?

'Detective Gotou, I called the ambulance,' said Ishii, out of breath. He didn't know anything.

'Oi, Ishii! I'm leaving the rest to you!'

Gotou ran off before he finished speaking.

'Leaving what to me, Detective Gotou!?'

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Ishii wailed from behind him, but Gotou ignored it, getting into the plain car parked on the road.

– Please. Yakumo. Be all right.

Gotou slammed down the pedal as he prayed and started to drive.


Chapter 54

The surroundings were dark.

In that dark, Haruka walked with Yakumo towards the hospital where Isshin was.

Since it was past the time for the lights to be put out, only a few lights were on.

The cold wind passed between them.

Haruka looked at Yakumo, walking beside her.

His moonlit profile was as expressionless as a wax figure’s.

After leaving Atsuko’s home, Yakumo told her what had happened so far.

It became a very long conversation.

However, Haruka didn’t understand everything.

Just as Yakumo had said, there were only a number of facts for the case, and Haruka couldn’t put them together.

However, everything was probably connected in Yakumo’s head.

After reaching the night entrance, Yakumo suddenly stopped and took his mobile phone out of his pocket.

'What? It's you, Gotou-san… I'm at the hospital right now… I see… She did…'

Yakumo’s voice became quieter and quieter as he spoke.

Haruka couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but she could tell it wasn’t something good.

'I see. I have something I want to discuss as well. Let's meet at the hospital.'

After saying that, Yakumo hung up.

'Hey, did something happen?'

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Haruka spoke to Yakumo’s back.

'Nanase Miyuki escaped from the detention house.'

Yakumo said it in a nonchalant manner, but that was truly terrifying.

Her heart was as noisy as a dead branch being blown about by the wind.

Nanase Miyuki had been the start of this case.

No, not just this one. She had been involved in a number of cases in the past. She was the one who abducted

Yakumo last time too.

Just as Yakumo had solved the puzzle, she escaped – it was like a bad omen.

'You OK?' said Haruka, hiding her uneasiness.

'I'm fine. I'll protect you, at least.'

Yakumo said just that and started walking again.

– Protect.

It made Haruka happy to hear that, but her anxiety didn’t leave her.

Even if she was OK, if something happened to Yakumo, she wouldn’t be able to bear it.

Just as she was about to call out to Yakumo, she felt somebody’s gaze.

It was a chilling gaze.

Haruka turned around, startled.

However, she didn’t see anybody.

There was only a deep darkness.

It felt creepy since she couldn’t confirm anything.

'Don't dawdle. Let's go.'

Yakumo urged her on, so Haruka jogged into the hospital.

They passed the reception and went down the corridor, stopping in front of the door to an examination room.

She had been here before.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'Hey, Yakumo-kun. This place…'

'Correct. It's Doctor Mao's examination room. She should know I'm here.'


'It's obviously because I contacted her.'

Yakumo’s brows furrowed as he looked at her like she was stupid.

Normally, Haruka would object, but when she thought about what was going to happen next, she just didn’t feel

like it.

Yakumo opened the door. Just as he’d said, the lights in the room were on and Mao was sitting at her desk.


When Mao looked at them, she looked a bit tired.

Her face was haggard; it was like her heart wasn’t here.

'Hello,' said Yakumo, stepping inside, but he chose to lean against the wall rather than sit.

Haruka went inside after bowing.

'You're here too? Please sit.'

Mao urged them to sit, but Yakumo refused: ‘I’m fine here.’

Haruka couldn’t sit either then. She closed the door and stood next to Yakumo.

'So what did you have to talk about?'

Mao crossed her legs and looked at Yakumo.

'It isn't anything important, but there was something I wanted to confirm,' Yakumo said lightly, shrugging as he

did so.

'What is it?'

Mao sighed. Her expression was stiff.

It appeared that she knew Yakumo wasn’t here just to talk about something unimportant, even though he said


'Doctor, won't you tell me the truth already?'

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Yakumo’s narrowed left eye seemed to have a light within it.

'The truth? I don't know what you're…'

Mao shook her head with a wry smile.

'Will you feign innocence until the end?'

Yakumo’s eyes became more forceful.

So Mao really is related to the case –

Mao was Isshin’s friend from university and had used to like him.

It might have been naive of Haruka, but she couldn’t think – didn’t want to think – that such a person would be

related to the case.

Haruka looked at Mao with that wish.

'I'm not feigning innocent.'

Mao looked away.

No matter how she denied it aloud, her attitude showed the truth.

'Yes, you are. There's something, isn't there? That you're hiding from me.'

'There isn't!' Mao said loudly, as if trying to drown out Yakumo's words.

She couldn’t hide her disturbance.

'Is that so? Then let's say it clearly. The reason that my uncle fell into a brain-dead state is not only because he

was stabbed – there is the possibility that it was a medical mistake. Am I wrong?'

Yakumo’s words seemed to cut Mao’s heart like a sharp knife.

Mao looked anguished; her cheek twitched.

'That can't be. There's no way…'

Those words that sounded like they were strangled out of her were as brittle as glasswork.

No matter how she denied it, it was apparent that Yakumo’s words were true.

'That's right. This time, it wasn't a medical mistake.'


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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'My uncle was purposefully put into a brain-dead state,' said Yakumo with a sharp glare.

'Wait, Yakumo-kun. That's saying too much,' interrupted Haruka, unable to bear it.

Putting aside whether it was a medical mistake, saying that his uncle was purposefully put into a brain-dead

state –

That would be murder.

He couldn’t suspect that, even as a joke.

'I'm not saying that lightly. You heard from Hata-san, didn't you? If that were a stab to kill, it was near

miraculous that none of the organs was injured. In short, Uncle's injuries were lighter than they looked.'


Haruka swallowed the words she was about to say.

Isshin’s medical records and his current status – she had noticed the great contradiction between them.

'That isn't a coincidence. It was fate.'

However, Yakumo’s words came into her head, stopping her from trying not to believe it.


'Correct. In short, the culprit's goal was to put Uncle in a brain-dead state.'

After Yakumo said that, he looked straight at Mao.

Mao’s body jolted as Yakumo’s gaze went straight through her.

'Why would they have to do that?'

Haruka had the same question as Mao.

Why would somebody go out of their way to make someone brain-dead – if they stabbed Isshin because they

hated him, they could have just killed him.

'The reason is simple. The culprit wanted my uncle's organs. Isn't that right? Doctor Mao.'


Mao repeated what Yakumo said in an incoherent mutter.

'I did a bit of investigation,' said Yakumo. He took a folded piece of paper from his pocket, unfolded it and

handed it to Mao.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


This was probably what Makoto had given to Haruka to hand to Yakumo.

'Where did you get…'

'That isn't the problem right now. The name on the top of that list. I won't let you say you don't know,' said

Yakumo with a hard expression.

Haruka leaned forward to look at that list.

It was titled Organ Transplant Registry List and had many people’s names on it.

Mao closed her eyes and let out a long sigh.

As if she had let out everything she’d been holding in, her expression seemed a bit softer.

'If you know that much, there's no point hiding it…'

'So you'll talk then. About what you've shouldered,' said Yakumo quietly.

'Yes, I will,' replied Mao listlessly. She looked up at the ceiling.

So Mao really is the culprit – but why?

Feelings of doubt and not wanting to believe it went through Haruka’s head, making her confused.

'That day, when I was at home, I was contacted. Isshin was carried in. When I got there, I heard that he might be


'And then?'

Yakumo urged her to continue without regard for Mao.

'When I looked at the record, I immediately thought it was strange. I'd heard that he had stopped breathing for a

while, but it would be strange to think that happened from the injury.'

'Then, you started investigating on your own, thinking it was possible that it was from a medical mistake.'

Mao nodded at what Yakumo added.

After coming this far, a number of things had connected in Haruka’s head.

When she came before, Yakumo questioned Mao about Isshin’s state when he was carried in. Mao had an

obviously unnatural attitude.

It appeared that it was because she herself had doubts about Isshin’s condition.

However, that would mean there was another culprit.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Just as Haruka came to that thought, the internal telephone on the desk rang.

'What? I'm having an important talk right now so if it isn't an emergency, leave it for later…'

Mao spoke brusquely, but as she listened to the response, her face grew rapidly paler.

Haruka knew immediately that something terrible was happening.

'Uncle's disappeared then,' said Yakumo once Mao put done the phone.

'Yes, he has.'

Mao nodded, biting her lip.

– Isshin-san’s disappeared?

It was so unexpected that Haruka couldn’t hide her confusion.

'Doctor Mao, I understand how you feel, but you can't hide anything anymore.'

'You're right.'

Mao stood, as if dragged up by Yakumo’s words.

'Let's go. Before it's too late.'


Chapter 55

Ishii dumbly watched Yamamura being carried away by the ambulance.

Because of the police cars that came later, the front of the apartment was surrounded by curious onlookers in no

time, and he also spotted some people from the media.

However, probably none of the people here knew what had happened.

Like moths to a flame, they had just come because there was a commotion.


Ishii saw Miyagawa running towards him with a furious expression.

'Yes sir.'

'Where's Gotou?' asked Miyagawa, gasping.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Ishii wanted to respond immediately, but he hadn’t asked Gotou where he was going.

'That is… He suddenly ran off…'

'That idiot!' yelled Miyagawa after clicking his tongue.

Ishii felt something was incredible upon seeing that expression.

'Excuse me… Did something happen?'

'Did something happen? Didn't you hear?'

'No, I didn't.'

Miyagawa frowned, as if trying to hold in his anger, and then looked around before walking so close to Ishii

that their shoulders were almost touching.

'Nanase Miyuki's gone missing.'

'W-what are you talking about?'

Ishii was so surprised he thought his chin would come off.

Miyuki should have been in the detention house. He’d met with her just a few hours earlier. How could she be


Miyagawa explained the details of how Nanase Miyuki had gone missing to Ishii, who was confused.

'C-could it be that Detective Gotou…'

'He knows.'

– Is that why he ran off so quickly?

Once Ishii understood, he grew pale.

Miyuki had said she would kill Yakumo next. Gotou had probably gone to try to stop that.

However, that would mean flying right into Miyuki’s trap.

'I-I'm going to go look for Detective Gotou.'

'I can't leave the scene. I'm counting on you.'

Miyagawa hit Ishii’s shoulder hard.

It was a heavy responsibility, but Ishii had to respond to it now.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'Yes sir.'

After responding, Ishii took out his mobile phone and called Gotou.

He might not answer. Ishii thought that, but Gotou answered immediately.

<What do you want?>

'Detective Gotou, are you all right?' Ishii asked frantically.

<Of course I am, you fool!>

Gotou’s voice came back, almost too energetically.

Ishii was so relieved he almost sat down.

'I'm glad. Where are you now?'

<The hospital.>

'Please wait until I get there.'

<You’re so annoying! As if I could wait for you!>

The call cut off.

From the situation, Gotou was probably at the hospital where Isshin was.

– I’ll catch up to him right away.

Ishii started running through the crowd.

As he passed through the people, he suddenly came to his senses.

He’d been running ahead just on his emotions without thinking about what to do at all. Gotou had taken the car.

It was five kilometers to the hospital from here.

He didn’t have the time to leisurely walk there.

– What should I do?

While he was thinking, he spotted a face he recognized in the throng of people.

'M-Makoto-san,' called Ishii.

Makoto noticed immediately and walked towards him. Since she was a reporter, she had probably heard about

the commotion and come for material.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'Ishii-san, did something happen?'

'If I don't get to the hospital soon, Detective Gotou will…'

He couldn’t explain properly in his hurry.

Regardless, Makoto seemed to sense the tension and nodded.

'My car is there.'

'Thank you.'

Ishii ran after Makoto.

– He fell.


Chapter 56

Gotou drove, urged on by his impatience.

Even though Yakumo had heard about Miyuki’s escape, he didn’t seem disturbed at all. It was like he was

looking forward to meeting Miyuki again.

– Does Yakumo plan to finish things with Miyuki?

Last time, it just happened to work out well, but confronting Miyuki would be like suicide.

– Yakumo wouldn’t do something so rash.

Gotou had meant to deny the possibility with confidence, but there was anxiety in the corner of his heart.

Sometimes, Yakumo did things that would hurt himself terribly.

Like he was looking for a place to die –

'There's no way!' yelled Gotou, clearing away the bad thoughts in his head.

Yakumo might have done it in the past, but he was different now.

– I’m almost at the hospital. Be safe.

Gotou prayed as he stepped on the accelerator.

Finally, the hospital came into view.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


He drove onto the hospital premises and parked his car at the front entrance.

He ran at full strength and tried to pass through the automatic doors, but he hit his forehead with a dull thump.

'Not going to open!?'

He’d forgotten that you couldn’t go in from the front at this time.

Gotou ran towards the night entrance while holding his head.

Just as he was about to go inside, his mobile phone rang.

It was from Ishii.

'What do you want?'

<Detective Gotou, are you all right?>

When he heard Ishii’s hesitant voice, his irritation doubled.

'Of course I am, you fool!'

<I’m glad. Where are you now?>

'The hospital.'

<Please wait until I get there.>

'You're so annoying! As if I could wait for you to get here!'

After spitting that out, Gotou hung up.

Just as Gotou was trying to open the door, his mobile phone rang again.


<As usual, that isn’t proper phone etiquette.>

Gotou had thought it would be Ishii again, but Yakumo was the one who called.

– So you’re still alive.

Gotou heaved a sigh of relief.

'Stop complaining so much!'

<Where are you right now?>

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'The exit.'

While talking, Gotou pushed open the door.

He showed the guard his police ID and headed down the corridor.

<I see. Please come right to the surgery room.>

'Surgery room? What for?'

Gotou asked a question, but Yakumo hung up.

'He just does whatever he wants!'

While Gotou’s dissatisfaction was at a peak, he checked the hospital’s information map and ran at full speed.

He went up the stairs to the fourth floor and headed towards the surgery room at the end of the corridor.

– There he is!

Gotou spotted Yakumo in front of the door to the surgery room.

Haruka and Mao were there too.

'Yakumo! You bastard!'

Gotou ran up to Yakumo and grabbed him by his collar.

'You're so noisy. Please be quieter – this is a hospital.'

Yakumo said that in his usual troubled tone and brushed aside Gotou’s arms.

'What'd you say?'

Gotou got closer, but Yakumo put his fingers in his ears with a disagreeable look.

'This isn't the time to have a silly argument. The person who stabbed my uncle looms in this surgery room,' said

Yakumo, putting at the door with his chin.

Then, Mao tried the doorknob to force it open.

However, the door didn’t budge.

– Looms?

'What do you mean?'

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'I don't have the time to explain right now. Anyway, please open this door.'

Yakumo pointed at the door.

– I see. That’s why he called me.

Gotou saw the <In Surgery> light on above the door.

'Step away,' Gotou told Mao. Then, he rammed his shoulder into the door.

However, the door just shook slightly without breaking off. There was probably a bolt or something on the other


– Don’t think that’s going to stop me.

Gotou headed down the corridor and started running at about ten meters to ram into the door again.


The door opened with the sound of something snapping.

Gotou tumbled forward and hit the wall with his back.

'Please think ahead before acting,' said Yakumo, looking down at Gotou after stepping into the surgery room.

'Shut up! You're the one who said to hurry!'

Gotou stood up with a hand on his back. He looked around.

A surgery room surrounded with white walls –

The culprit was here. Yakumo had said that.

There was one bed in the corner of the room. A girl was sleeping there.

Isshin lay on the surgery table in the middle of the room.

– Why’s Isshin here?

Gotou walked towards the surgery table.

However, a man walked in front of him to block his ways.

The man wore a green surgical gown. He had a cap and mask on, so Gotou couldn’t see his face clearly.

– Is this guy the perp?

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'Who are you?'

Instead of answering the question, the man thrust the scalpel in his hand in front of Gotou’s eyes.

– Don’t do that all of a sudden.

Gotou glared at the man without flinching.

Gotou wanted to leap at him, but he couldn’t.

With the scalpel still out, the man had his left index finger on a switch of a machine by the surgery table.

Gotou couldn’t say for certain, but it was probably something that kept Isshin alive. If Gotou moved, Isshin’s

life would be in danger.

– Now, what to do?

'So this really was the case.'

Yakumo spoke.

The man cautiously stepped back from Yakumo.

Yakumo didn’t seem to care as he walked towards Isshin, touched his hands and narrowed his eyes.

He looked down. His profile was so expressionless it was like he was wearing a mask.

However, Gotou could tell that within Yakumo there was anger, resentment and sadness.

Gotou was tense.

Finally, Yakumo slowly lifted his face.

'Let's stop this already, Doctor Sakakibara.'


Chapter 57

– Doctor Sakakibara.

Haruka couldn’t believe what had come out of Yakumo’s mouth.

Sakakibara was the doctor who had first treated Isshin. Why would he?

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

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Contrary to Haruka’s emotional state, Sakakibara looked resigned as he took off his cap and mask to reveal his


'I am going to operate now. I want you not to interfere. If you do…'

Sakakibara spoke firmly as he turned the tip of the scalpel towards Yakumo.

Yakumo didn’t even budge as he looked at Sakakibara with his red left eye.

'Doctor Sakakibara, let's stop this already.'

Mao pushed past Yakumo and pleaded with Sakakibara.

'How could I!?'

This time, Sakakibara thrust the scalpel in front of Mao’s eyes.

'What you are trying to do is a crime,' Mao continued.

'You're wrong! It's an organ transplant surgery!' insisted Sakakibara, his chest puffed out.

Haruka looked at the bed in the corner of the surgery room.

Lying there was Yoshiko, whom Haruka had seen a number of times before at the hospital.

If she remembered correctly, there was something wrong with her heart – which probably meant Sakakibara

was trying to transplant Isshin’s heart to her.

– But why would he go so far?

'I'm not wrong. Isshin-kun's family did not agree to a transplant, so this is…'

'Shut up! The law doesn't matter! This is a transplant to save my daughter!'

Sakakibara interrupted Mao.

He was terribly agitated. His shoulders shook violently as he breathed.

'Yakumo. Explain. What's going on?' said Gotou disagreeably.

Yakumo sighed, like he thought there was no way out of it, and spoke after running a hand through his hair.

'The girl sleeping there is Kimura Yoshiko-chan. Though her family changed after the divorce, she's Doctor

Sakakibara's daughter.'


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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

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'I had Makoto-san investigate for me. The two of them are definitely father and daughter.'

– So that’s how it is.

When Haruka heard it like this, she understood what Yakumo had been looking for.

From Furukawa’s gossip at the hospital, they’d found out that Sakakibara was divorced and troubled about his

daughter. When looking into his background, it was revealed that Sakakibara and Yoshiko were father and

daughter – that was probably it.

'That true?' asked Gotou, but Sakakibara didn't respond.

After a breath, Yakumo continued his explanation.

'She has a terrible heart disorder. Without a transplant, she will die. The name of the disorder is dilated


'How do you know that?' asked Gotou.

'I had Makoto-san look into this as well. Yoshiko's name was at the top of the recipient list for heart transplants.

She was probably in considerably serious condition.'

Sakakibara’s expression twisted at Yakumo’s words.

Even if he didn’t say it, it was evidence that what Yakumo said was true.

'Wait a second! How's that girl's condition related to this case?' Gotou said quickly.

Yakumo ran a hand through his hair, looking annoyed, while shaking his head.

'Don't you understand? He was looking for a donor to offer a heart.'

'Donor…' Gotou repeated in a hoarse voice.

'That's right. Then, Doctor Sakakibara participated in the plan.'


'He broke the glass of the back window before the event and put Nanase Miyuki's fingerprints there. He sneaked

into the temple and waited for my uncle to come.'

There, Yakumo paused and shut his eyes, turning his head towards the ceiling.

Perhaps he was thinking of the scene, because he bit his lip, looking pained.

'This guy did…'

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'He did. After Doctor Sakakibara stabbed my uncle, he hurried back to the hospital.'

'Why? He could've just run.'

'It was because he needed to perform the emergency operation on my uncle to purposefully put him in a brain-

dead state.'

'This guy… did it then…'

Gotou’s expression was filled with anger.

Haruka had never seen Gotou look so frightening before.

'Gotou-san, you and Ishii thought you were guarding Uncle, but actually, you were given the important role of

calling the ambulance.'


'There could not have been a transplant unless Uncle was brain-dead.'

– So that was how it was.

Haruka could see the whole picture too.

Sakakibara stabbed Isshin, operated on him himself, and purposefully put Isshin in a brain-dead state, though he

had been breathing.

What Sakakibara had done was absolutely unforgiveable.

However, his motive had not been hatred or a grudge. He had done it to save his daughter –

Haruka looked at Yoshiko sleeping on the bed.

Her young sleeping face. She had done no wrong. But –

Haruka felt her chest constrict.

'Do you have proof?' Gotou asked Yakumo.

That was a big problem. No matter how much circumstantial evidence they had, without physical evidence, they

couldn’t build a case against Sakakibara.

'I have none at this point, but if there is a careful reinvestigation, while fingerprints are probably impossible,

there will probably be hair or fabric.


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'Yes. Nanase Miyuki's fingerprints were a red herring to lead the investigation away from Doctor Sakakibara.'

First, Nanase Miyuki announced her intent to murder.

Just as she declared, Isshin was stabbed, and her fingerprints were found. That led the police’s investigation in

her direction.

'No. Wait. But what about the letter with the fingerprints? Furukawa received that.'

Gotou asked his question in a panic, but Yakumo was calm.

'I had Makoto-san look into this as well, but it seems that Furukawa-san works the day shift every Thursday,

while Doctor Sakakibara has the day off.'

'So if she got the letter there on Thursday, he'd be able to get it?'


Yakumo nodded in response to Gotou.

'Nanase Miyuki planned it and Sakakibara executed it then.'

Gotou’s expression was sour.

'No, that's wrong.'


'Doctor Sakakibara probably never met with Nanase Miyuki.'

'If not Nanase Miyuki, then who?'

Gotou couldn’t hide his confusion.

Haruka felt the same way. From the flow of the conversation, it should have been Nanase Miyuki’s plot.

Haruka turned her eyes to Yakumo for an answer.

After a silence, Yakumo slowly moved to stand in front of Sakakibara.

'A man with two red eyes – am I correct, Doctor Sakakibara?'

Yakumo looked at Sakakibara with his red left eye.

He showed no open anger or hatred. Just a straight gaze –

Sakakibara made no response.

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The tip of the scalpel he was pointing at Mao just trembled slightly.

'Please stop it already,' pleased Mao, walking forward.

'Shut up!' yelled Sakakibara, making a slicing motion with the scalpel.

'Aah!' screamed Mao. She crouched while clutching her right arm.

Blood dripped down –

'You bastard!'

While Gotou yelled, he couldn’t move.

The tip of the scalpel was still pointed at Mao. Furthermore, Sakakibara still had his hand on the machine Isshin

needed for life support.

If Gotou made a move, both their lives would be in danger.

All Haruka could do was ball her sweaty hands into fists.

It was a perfect deadlock.

'Doctor Sakakibara, please let me ask one thing.'

The one who broke the silence was Yakumo.

Sakakibara looked at Yakumo with a expression twisted in pain.

'Do you think feel sorrowful about your daughter's likely death? Or are you sad to think about your daughter

disappearing from in front of you?'

As Yakumo spoke, he slowly approached Yoshiko’s bed and glanced at Gotou.

For that one moment, it looked to Haruka like the two were talking with their eyes.

It was some sort of sign.

Then, Yakumo put his hand close to Yoshiko, as if to touch her.

'Don't touch her!'

Sakakibara swung the tip of the scalpel to point it at Yakumo.

Gotou took that chance to move.

He charged wildly, elbowing Sakakibara’s back with all his strength.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Sakakibara’s body curled like a shrimp’s. He fell to the floor on his knees.

Then, Gotou kicked Sakakibara’s face.

Sakakibara’s eyes rolled up as he collapsed backwards, and the scalpel fell from his hands.

Gotou briskly turned Sakakibara around, pulled his hands behind his back and cuffed him.

It all happened in a blink. All Haruka could do was stand there in shock.

'You move agilely for a bear,' said Yakumo, poking fun.

'Shut up!'

Gotou yelled back, but his face looked happy somehow.

– This is the end.

Haruka sighed in relief, but then, something squirmed into her vision from behind Yakumo’s back.

Yakumo appeared to notice it too and turned around.

There was a girl in a red dress.

Her face was shadowed, completely black.

'Hey, Yakumo-kun. That…'

Just as Haruka said that, the girl turned around and started running towards the corridor.

Yakumo silently left the surgery room to follow the girl.

Haruka ran out into the corridor too, as if pulled along.

However, the girl had disappeared. She looked at Yakumo beside her.

'That's Yoshiko-chan,' murmured Yakumo.

'Eh? But she's…'

– Alive.

The girl earlier had to have been a ghost. Plus, Yoshiko was still lying in bed.

'A living ghost[1].'

'Living ghost?'

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She’d heard the term before.

But if asked what it was exactly – Haruka wouldn’t know.

'When a living person has an especially strong feeling, their spirit can leave them.'

'Like an out-of-body experience?'

'Something like that. In her case, it might have been easy for her spirit to leave her body in the first place.'

'Then the ghost that's been spotted in the hospital…'

'Was Yoshiko-chan.'

When Yakumo said that, Haruka understood.

Yoshiko’s strong feeling was the desire for an organ.

She would be saved if she received a heart transplant from somebody in a brain-dead state. Yoshiko’s living

ghost knew that, so she asked the patients of the hospital when they were going to die.

She was frantic in her attempts to live, but –

'Yakumo-kun, when did you realize it was Yoshiko-chan?'

'I talked to her in front of the ICU, remember?'


Haruka recalled Yakumo speaking with the ghost in the hallway.

Yakumo had probably seen through the case’s trick then.

'Stay here,' said Yakumo. Then, he started slowly walking down the dim hallway.

Haruka’s eyes couldn’t see Yoshiko’s living ghost any longer, but it was probably not the case for Yakumo.

Haruka swallowed and watched Yakumo’s back.

Suddenly –

Somebody jumped out from behind a pillar to block Yakumo’s way.

A long-haired woman with a cold smile on her lips –

It was Nanase Miyuki.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

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Haruka couldn’t even shout in her surprise.

Miyuki had a knife which let off a suspicious light in her hand.

'Yakumo! Get away from that woman!'

Gotou’s yell echoed through the hallway.


Chapter 58

After detaining Sakakibara, Gotou noticed that Yakumo had disappeared from the surgery room.

No, not just Yakumo. Haruka was gone too.

– Where’d they go?

Gotou went into the corridor to look for them.

Then, he saw something unbelievable.

Yakumo stood down the corridor with his back to Gotou. In front of him stood Nanase Miyuki.

'Yakumo! Get away from that woman!' shouted Gotou.

Yakumo turned around for just a moment in response.

For some reason, it looked like he was smiling.

– Why’s he smiling?

'Stay away!'

Yakumo stopped Gotou before he could run over.

Without thinking, Gotou stopped under that pressure.

'W-what the hell are you saying!?'

'Please stay away. I'm going to do what my uncle couldn't.'


'I'm going to cut off the chain of hatred.'

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Yakumo’s back seemed unspeakably tragic.

– He plans on dying.

Gotou could feel it in his skin.

'You want to kill me, right? Do it.'

Yakumo turned to Miyuki again, spreading his arms wide.

'Your determination is admirable.'

Miyuki licked her lips.

– He’s kidding, right? As if I could watch this silently.

'Don't take another step towards Yakumo!' yelled Gotou as he started running.

Miyuki waved the knife, as if scorning Gotou.

– Make it in time!

With just one step left, Gotou’s feet tangled and he fell forward.


Haruka’s scream echoed through the corridor.

Gotou stood right up, but the knife was coming done heartlessly towards Yakumo’s chest.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion.


Gotou reached out as he shouted.

However, his hand didn’t reach its goal.

For a moment, his vision went white.

Yakumo fell backward, clutching his chest –

'You idiot!

– Why!? Yakumo! Why!?

Gotou grabbed Yakumo and shook him.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

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However, Yakumo’s eyes were closed. He made no response.

'You son of a bitch! This is exactly the same!'

He hadn’t been able to save Takagishi or Isshin. This time, even Yakumo had fallen in front of his eyes.

– I won’t let anybody die. I won’t let anybody get killed.

He’d said that in such a high and mighty manner, but in the end, he hadn’t been able to save anybody.

Frustration and anger welled up within him, threatening to explode.

'Yakumo-kun. Yakumo-kun.'

Haruka had come up too and was calling out to Yakumo frantically.

However, Yakumo was as still as a doll.

'I said it, didn't I? That I'd kill Yakumo next.'

Miyuki covered her mouth as she laughed, shoulders shaking.

– What’s so funny? This bitch!

'I won't forgive you!'

Gotou stood up in his anger.

His body was so hot it felt like it would burst into flames.

'It's too bad for you.'

Miyuki smiled triumphantly as she waved about her knife.

'You bastard! You did this to…'

At first, Gotou had just thought Yakumo was a hateful brat.

But still, he couldn’t abandon Yakumo, who continued to do his best to live even while shouldering that sadness

by himself.

Normally, they just said spiteful things at each other, but after several cases, Yakumo had become somebody

irreplaceable to him before he’d noticed.

'I'll kill you.'

For the first time in Gotou’s life, he wanted to kill somebody.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


He really thought he would kill Miyuki.

Gotou gripped his hands into fists and charged right at Miyuki.

However, Miyuki evaded him, as if she were a matador.

Gotou’s body collapsed to the floor.

Miyuki took this chance to pick up the fire extinguisher by the pillar and threw it at Gotou’s face.


It made a dull sound. Blood dripped down his forehead.

'You bastard…'

Gotou glared at Miyuki through the pain.

'My, you're unexpectedly sturdy,' said Miyuki as she looked down at Gotou. Then, she ran off while giggling.

– I won’t let you get away!

Gotou got up and ran after Miyuki.


Chapter 59

Ishii sat in the passenger seat of the car Makoto was driving.

Though he had been the one to call out to her, when he sat in a car alone with a woman like this, he was

strangely nervous.

'Thank you so much, Makoto-san,' said Ishii, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

'It's nearby.'


'My house.'

'But Makoto-san, don't you…'

Ishii had gone to Makoto’s house before.

He recalled her living with her parents in a house on the corner of a quiet residential street.

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'I'm living alone now.'

Makoto shrugged with a smile.

Ishii understood when he saw that expression and recalled that case.

Makoto’s father had been the chief of the police, but he had lost his position because of that case. Makoto had

been the one who wrote the article that prosecuted him then.

It was easy to imagine that would have put a rift in their father-daughter relationship.

'Ishii-san, is it true that Nanase Miyuki has gone missing?' asked Makoto to clear the heavy atmosphere.

'Did the information slip out?'

'Yes. There was a big commotion.'

'I see…'

A prisoner had escaped from the detention house. It was natural that there was a big commotion.

'Was the commotion earlier related to Nanase Miyuki as well?'


'As I thought…'

Makoto’s expression clouded over.

Now that Ishii thought about it, Makoto had experienced something terrible during the last case because of

Nanase Miyuki.

'Detective Gotou is probably chasing Nanase Miyuki now.'

'You're heading there too then, Ishii-san.'

To be honest, he didn’t want to go.

However, if he hesitated because of fear, he would lose something important like last time.

No matter how scared I am, there are some things I must do – Ishii had realized that.

That said, no matter how he tried to encourage himself, his terror didn’t leave him.

After a while, the car arrived at the hospital.

– Detective Gotou. Please wait.

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Ishii hit his cheeks with both hands and got off the car.


Just as Ishii was about to walk away, Makoto called out to stop him.


'Please run.'


Makoto said that with a somewhat frightened expression.

– Why is she saying that?

Ishii didn’t understand what Makoto meant, but there was incredibly pressure in her words.

'If it's dangerous, please run.'


'I want you to be safe. So please…'

There seemed to be tears in Makoto’s eyes.

'I will.'

After replying, Ishii reluctantly ran off, though he was still confused.

He tried to enter from the front automatic doors, but they appeared to be closed at this time, so his head rammed

right into them.

He turned to the night entrance while clutching his head and went into the waiting room.

The dim space was empty –

All he could rely on was the green emergency lights.

– I’m scared.

Ishii quickly started to regret coming.

Even though he’d said the hospital, it would be difficult searching such a large building.

Ishii looked around cautiously and chose to go further in.

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Thump, thump, thump.

He heard somebody running towards him.

Ishii looked down the corridor, where the sound was coming from.

Then, a woman flew towards him.

'Aaah!' shrieked Ishii in surprise.

The person he wanted to meet least was right in front of his eyes. Nanase Miyuki.

Miyuki panted as she glared at Ishii.

'Ishii-san, could you move out of my way?' Miyuki said slowly.

Gripped by that cold gaze, Ishii couldn’t even move his fingers.

'Ishii! Don't let that woman get away!'

Gotou’s yell echoed through the waiting room.

With that, Ishii came back to his senses.

Right. Right. He couldn’t let Miyuki get away.

Miyuki turned around to see Gotou running after her and then waved the knife in her hand.

'There's no time then,' she said quietly. She swung the knife down.

– Oh no. I’m going to be stabbed.

Ishii promptly crouched and thrust his head towards Miyuki.

With that force, he rolled a number of times, and before he’d noticed, he was lying face up.

– Was I stabbed?

Ishii sprung up and checked his body, but there was no blood or pain.

– Good. I’m alive.

He sighed in relief.

'Ishii, well done.'

Ishii turned to look at the source of the voice.

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Gotou was straddling Miyuki, who was lying face up.

Ishii didn’t know what happened, but they’d caught Miyuki. Ishii refrained from sitting down in relief.

'You bitch! I'm definitely not going to forgive you!'

Still on top of Miyuki, Gotou gripped her by the collar.

She simply smiled confidently regardless.

How could she be so confident when she was trapped?

'Could you let go of her?'

Ishii heard a voice close to his ear.

A low voice, like a tremor –

Ishii tried to turn around, but he couldn’t.

Somebody had reached out from behind Ishii and was holding a knife to his neck. There wasn’t even a

millimeter between his skin and the knife.

If he moved even slightly, his pulmonary artery would be cut.

A cold sweat ran down his back. His throat dried up.

– Who on earth is it?


Chapter 60

'Damn it!'

Gotou bit his lip.

Right in front of him, there was a knife at Ishii’s neck. Gotou recognized the man.

He wore sunglasses and a black suit, and his long hair went down his back. His face was as pale as a dead

man’s, but his lips alone were strangely red.

An unearthly black energy emanated from his whole body.

Yakumo’s father, the man with two red eyes –

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


He had been involved in several cases up until now. The man never directly interfered, instead manipulating

people’s hearts and leading them to murder.

'Let me say that again. Could you let go of her?'

The man took his sunglasses off with his left hand.

His two eyes were a deep red.

They were clearly different from Yakumo’s. They seemed to let out an ominous light.

The man that Gotou had not been able to catch no matter how he tried was right in front of his eyes, but in this

situation, he couldn’t even move.

The man with two red eyes would not hesitate. It wasn’t a threat. If Gotou moved, he would definitely slit

Ishii’s throat.

Miyuki started laughing, still lying face up.

'Gotou-san, it's too bad.'


'I'm sorry, but could you let go?' said Miyuki triumphantly.

Gotou had never felt more humiliated.

This woman hadn’t just involved Isshin in the case – she’d turned that knife towards Yakumo as well. It

wouldn’t be enough if he beat her to death right here, right now.

But –

'Detective Gotou, you can't!'

When Gotou was about to let go of Miyuki, Ishii yelled.

His eyes were so wide that they could’ve fallen out, and his head was covered in sweat. Still, he was frantic.

Ishii must have been afraid to die too, but he was battling while knowing that.


'If you let go of her, the same thing will happen again, so please…' pleaded Ishii, his face covered in tears.

Gotou had thought Ishii was just a good-for-nothing, but at some point, he’d become competent. Gotou thought

it was a good thing. He came to his decision.

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It wasn’t like his frustration and anger was gone, but –

There was no replacing Ishii’s life.

– I won’t let anybody die. I won’t let anybody get killed.

That was Gotou’s belief. He knew this was a trap, but he couldn’t have Ishii follow Yakumo in losing his life.

Gotou let go of Miyuki and slowly stood up.

'You aren't honest at all,' said Miyuki mockingly as she stood up.

Then, she turned her back to Gotou and walked away.

'You can't let that woman go.'

Gotou heard a voice. Yakumo’s voice –

Gotou thought that his ears were playing tricks on him, but he was wrong. Yakumo appeared from the dark


– Did he die and become a ghost?

So he thought, but it seemed he was wrong.

Yakumo stood there as a person firmly living in reality.

Haruka was next to him.

'Yakumo… Why?'

'That isn't important. More importantly, hurry!'

Urged on by Yakumo, Gotou turned away his gaze and saw Miyuki reaching for the knife on the ground.

– As if I’d let you do that.

Gotou instinctively twisted Miyuki’s arm and stopped her from moving.

The knife fell to the ground again.

Miyuki glared at Gotou while gripping her shoulder.

'Do you plan to watch this young man die?' said the man with red eyes coldly.

Ishii bit his lip and shook his head.

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Though Gotou had immediately caught Miyuki at Yakumo’s instruction, nothing had changed.

They were at a stalemate for what to do. It hurt to admit it, but if he didn’t let go of Miyuki, Ishii would die. this

wasn’t a guy you could negotiate with.

'I can't abandon Ishii…'

Gotou tried to let go of Miyuki.

'Gotou-san, it's fine. For that man, it is impossible to kill Ishii-san,' Yakumo said firmly.

What do you mean, impossible – the man with red eyes wouldn’t hesitate to take somebody’s life.

'If you don't hurry, Ishii-san really will die.'

Miyuki’s shoulders shook as she laughed.

'Detective Gotou… Forget about me! Please…'

Though Ishii shouted bravely, it felt like he wouldn’t be able to stand much longer from fear.

– I can’t leave Ishii like this.

'I understand. I'll let go of this woman, so you let go of Ishii.'

Gotou glared at the man with red eyes.

The man with red eyes nodded with a smile.

'Gotou-san, don't let them trick you!'

Yakumo held Gotou with his sharp gaze.

Gotou could understand how Yakumo felt after Isshin was stabbed. He wanted to catch Miyuki and the man

with red eyes no matter what. But Gotou couldn’t let Ishii die.

'I'll save Ishii,' said Gotou, determined.

'If you won't accept it even after I tell you, let me prove it now.'

Yakumo ran a hand through his hair in exasperation and then looked at the man with red eyes.

Then, he walked right towards him.

'If you walk any closer, he dies,' said the man with red eyes.

However, Yakumo didn’t stop walking.

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'Yakumo! Back off!' yelled Gotou, but Yakumo ignored him.

He stood right in front of the two of them.

Gotou had thought that the man with red eyes would slit Ishii’s throat immediately if they didn’t agree to his

demands, but he was wrong.

He looked back at Yakumo without budging.

'Now. You're going to kill Ishii-san, right? Do it if you can.'

Yakumo’s sharp voice echoed through the waiting room.

– This is strange. What’s going on?

Even though Yakumo was being so challenging, the man with red eyes was silent.

Miyuki was grinding her teeth in frustration.

– What the hell’s going on?

'Is it truly all right if I kill him?' asked the man after a silence.

However, his words didn’t have the pressure they had had before.

Ishii swallowed loudly.

'Please go ahead. That is, if you can –

A smile graced Yakumo’s lips.

All Gotou could do was watch.

'Yakumo, it's just as you say. I cannot kill him. I will withdraw for today.'

After saying that quietly, the man with red eyes disappeared into the darkness before Gotou’s eyes –

Yakumo let out a long breath.

Haruka looked shocked. She had her hands on her mouth.

Ishii fell over right there, released from the tension.

'Oi! Yakumo! What the hell was that just now!?'

Gotou came back to his senses and yelled.

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The guy hadn’t just escaped. Gotou didn’t know what method he’d used, but that man had suddenly disappeared

in front of his eyes.

'You don't understand? That man is already dead,' Yakumo said quietly, his eyes narrowed.


– I don’t understand.

'Correct. That man is dead. That was why he couldn't kill Ishii-san.'

Yakumo put his left index finger to his brow.

'You saying that guy was a ghost?'

'Exactly. He is a ghost. That was why the plan this time was possible,' said Yakumo, eyes narrowed.

'What do you mean!?'

Gotou’s voice was ragged.

His head felt like it would burst from confusion.

– That man’s a ghost? As if I’d accept such a stupid story!

And Yakumo said that the plan this time was possible because the man was a ghost. What did he mean?

'The method of passing along the fingerprints. The meeting about the day of the crime. In order to execute the

plan, it was essential that they had her cooperation from inside the detention house.'

Yakumo turned the finger at his brow towards Miyuki.

It was true that there was still that question.

Yamamura had got the medicine for Miyuki, but he’d denied stabbing Isshin. That probably wasn’t a lie.

Then who had gone between Miyuki in the detention house and Sakakibara?

'You're not saying that that man was their go-between, are you?'

'That is exactly what I'm saying.'

Yakumo concurred with the words Gotou had said in his confusion.

Even if that man had been the go-between –

'How… You can't just go in and out of the detention house!'

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Yakumo snorted.

'Gotou-san. Please listen to what I say properly. That man is a ghost. The security is irrelevant.'

It was just as Yakumo said.

If that man was a ghost, it didn’t matter how strict the security at the detention house was.

But Gotou still couldn’t accept it.

'That man's appeared in front of us a number of times before!'

In his confusion, his tongue wasn’t working properly.

'Gotou-san, that's incorrect.'

Yakumo ran a hand through his hair, looking annoyed.

'Even if you say he's appeared in front of you, you've only seen him, correct? Furthermore, he has never

appeared in front of me clearly before this,' declared Yakumo.

– That’s true.

Gotou felt like an electric jolt had gone through his body.

He’d heard about the man before. He’d seen him in photos and even spotted him, but he’d never actually

touched him once.

He suddenly appeared, leaving no trace as he disappeared like smoke. Just like a ghost.

'It isn't just this case. That man has manipulated people's emotions and led them towards crime.'


'That isn't because he dared to do so, but because that was all he could do.'

With that one sentence, something that had always been a mystery made sense.

Gotou only ever saw the man with red eyes. Miyuki had always been the one who took action.

But –

'Why did he hide himself?'

'It's simple. If he appeared in front of me, it would become clear that he was dead.'

– That’s right. Yakumo’s red left eye can see the spirits of the dead.

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


If he showed up in front of Yakumo, that would mean revealing his true identity. During the last case, he’d

showed up in front of Yakumo, but that was because he knew that Yakumo was psychologically exhausted from

imprisonment and torture.

That was why he only showed off without directly doing anything.

– Everything linked.

'If that man is a ghost, then how about you? Your mother…'

Gotou hurriedly swallowed the words he was about to say.

This topic was taboo, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have that question. Yakumo’s mother was imprisoned and

violated by that man.

And then Yakumo was born –

Was it possible for a ghost to make a living human pregnant?

'That man was still alive when the incident with my mother occurred. I won't be certain until further

investigation, but that man probably died two or three years ago,' said Yakumo with confidence.

'How can you be sure?'

'That man appeared in front of me again, though he had disappeared even since the incident with Takagishi-


That one sentence brought up memories in Gotou’s head.

Yakumo was right. After that case, he’d completely forgotten about that man, but about a year and a half ago,

he’d started hearing rumors about him again.

If he’s still loitering around Yakumo after his death –

'What's that man's goal?'

When Gotou asked that, Miyuki’s shoulders started to shake as she laughed.

'Gotou-san, you really are slow. Yakumo-kun's realized the reason.'

– Really?

He looked at Yakumo.

'That man wants my body.'

Yakumo said something awful in a calm town.

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'Body… you say…'

Even as Gotou said it, he felt a chill run down his spine.

During the last case and inside the detention house, Miyuki had said the same thing. ‘I can’t kill Yakumo-kun.’

'Yes. That man lost his own body, so he wants the living body of the only person who has inherited his left


'You mean taking over your body?'

– What a guy.

'It's a bit difference.'

The one who spoke was Miyuki.

Gotou gripped Miyuki by the collar and pushed her with all her strength against the wall.

There was a dull thump.

'What do you mean?'

'Honestly. Don't be so violent.'

Miyuki smiled as she said that.

'Something similar happened before, didn't it? A dead person's spirit cannot fully take over a living person's


Yakumo spoke instead of Miyuki.

Gotou remembered that case. The case when Makoto was possessed by a ghost –

Yakumo had said the same thing then. If there were two spirits in one body, they would reject each other.

'Then what's he planning?'

There was no point doing something he knew he couldn’t.

'He's tuning him.'

Miyuki looked at Yakumo like he was prey.


'Yes. By making me despair and putting me in a similar psychological state, he is trying to attune me to him.'

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Yakumo’s expression twisted as he spoke.

If they had the same psychological state, he’d be able to use his body without any resistance –

The bottom of his stomach was hot. Gotou felt his anger flare up like a fire.

That man needed to push Yakumo to the very bottom of despair in order to fulfill his wish of using him as a

vessel for his own soul.

That was why he played with Sakakibara’s feelings for his daughter and made him stab Isshin.

In this plan, in order to draw Yakumo towards him, he’d attacked Isshin, who had been Yakumo’s support,

which also made Yakumo taste despair.

– Are you kidding me!?

Even though parents were supposed to protect their children even if it meant their own deaths, he was forcing

his own wish on his son –

'What kind of bastard is he!?' spat out Gotou.

Yakumo glared at Miyuki with sharp eyes.

'The two of you let your guard down.'

'What did you say?'

Miyuki’s confident expression suddenly changed.

'That man thought that I would easily succumb to despair after losing my uncle and carelessly revealed himself.'

It appeared that Yakumo had met with the man with red eyes without Gotou knowing.

However, that had made Yakumo realize what he was.

'Yakumo-kun, what are you going to do with me? I don't mind if you kill me.'

Miyuki provoked Yakumo as she looked up at him.


'If you don't, somebody important to you will die again.'

After declaring that, Miyuki started laughing scornfully.

– There’s no saving this woman.

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If Yakumo took the knife in his hand and tried to stab her, Gotou wasn’t confident that he would stop him.

If he thought about the anger and sadness that Yakumo had experienced, Gotou couldn’t think about stopping


If Miyuki lived, there would be more victims.

Yakumo slowly walked towards Miyuki.

His expression was as blank as a doll’s.

'This is the end of the farce,' Yakumo said quietly, face still blank.

'What are you? Don't you hate me?'

Miyuki looked terribly confused.

She probably couldn’t accept how Yakumo was acting with her perspective.

'Gotou-san, please take this woman away immediately.'

Yakumo said just that and turned around.

'Don't act so strong! You want to kill me, right? Just do it!'

Miyuki screamed at Yakumo’s back.

However, Yakumo didn’t turn around. Together with Haruka, he walked away.

Miyuki had planned on pushing Yakumo to the limits of despair with this case – but what Yakumo had seen

there was not anything as small as hatred or anger.

Miyuki had underestimated Yakumo. In a way, Gotou had too –

'Too bad. Didn't go as you planned.'

As Gotou said that, he knocked his head into Miyuki’s nose.

Miyuki fell to the ground clutching her nose.

'Yakumo's much stronger than you thought!'


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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Chapter 61

Ishii was frozen as he sat on the floor.

It felt like his core had been taken out of him.

Other officers had arrived on the scene and taken Miyuki away from Gotou. All Ishii could do was watch.

– I’m saved.

He felt honestly relieved.

'You OK?'

Gotou slowly walked towards Ishii.

'Ah, yes. Somehow…'

Ishii hurriedly stood up.

– I couldn’t do anything useful this time either.

That thought suddenly filled Ishii’s head.

Though he was glad that the man with two red eyes had been a ghost, if not, they might have lost Nanase


When Ishii thought about that, he felt incredibly sorry.

'I-I apologize.'

Ishii bowed at the waist towards Gotou.

Then, something hit his head. Gotou’s fist had come down.

It made sense for Gotou to be angry.

'Because of me…'

Ishii raised his head which stung from pain.

Just as he expected, Gotou looked frightful.

'You fool.'

'I am truly sorry. Because of my negligence…'

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'That isn't it!'

Gotou gave Ishii’s chest a push.

Ishii stumbled backwards, unable to brace himself when it was so sudden. However, Gotou quickly closed that



Ishii unconsciously let out a squeak under Gotou’s pressure.

'Got this? Don't ever waste your life again.'


Ishii cocked his head at Gotou’s unexpected words.

'I'm saying that I'd rather let Nanase Miyuki go than let you die!'

Gotou’s yell shook Ishii’s heart and body.

It was like he’d been hit been lightning.

– Detective Gotou! You can’t!

Ishii had yelled that when the man with red eyes held a knife to his neck. Those words had surprised Ishii more

than anyone else.

In the past, he would have definitely wanted to be saved.

However, at that moment, those words had undoubtedly been his true feelings.

'I was just trying…'

'I'd be troubled if you died,' Gotou said awkwardly, looking away from Ishii.

Ishii hadn’t thought that Gotou felt that way about him. For the first time Ishii’s left, he felt like somebody had

acknowledged his existence.

'Don't cry. It makes me feel sick.'

When Gotou said that, Ishii realized that he was crying.

'I-I apologize.'

'Don't apologize. Fool.'

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Gotou hit Ishii’s head with his fist again before walking away briskly.

The pain in his head felt different from usual.

– No matter what happens, I’ll follow this person.

As Ishii watched Gotou’s back, he came to that decision again.


Ishii saw Makoto running at him.


Makoto was panting when she reached Ishii. She raised her head and smiled.

Normally, she looked very mature, but she looked like an innocent child now.

'I'm so glad you're OK.'

Makoto put a hand to her chest.

'Yes. Somehow…'

'I'm really glad.'

Ishii felt embarrassed and replied with a wry smile, but then he realized that he wasn’t nervous even though

Makoto was in front of him.


Chapter 62

Haruka sat on the bench in the hospital’s waiting room.

There were a number of police cars parked outside. Their red lights were blinking.

Though it had been dim earlier, the lights were on now and officers were running about. Everything felt


Yakumo was just idly watching from beside her.

– You can kill me.

Did Yakumo want to kill Miyuki when she said that – Haruka wanted to ask, but she didn’t dare.

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In the end, Yakumo didn’t kill Miyuki. That was enough.

'Oi, Yakumo! I forgot something important!'

Gotou shouted as he approached them.

'You're noisy, as usual.'

Yakumo ran a hand through his hair, seeming extremely annoyed.

'You were stabbed by that woman.'

'Ah, that's what you're talking about…'

'What do you mean, that's what you're talking about? How can you be OK?'

'Do you know what a stab-proof vest is?'

As Yakumo said that, he stood up and undid the buttons of his shirt, showing what was inside.

It was what Haruka had received from Hata to give to Yakumo.

At first, she hadn’t known what it was, but Yakumo had explained while they came to the hospital.

It was called a stab-proof vest, and per its name, it was an article of clothing that protected its wearers from stab


Made of nylon, if something was worn on top of it, it couldn’t be told apart from a regular piece of clothing.

Yakumo had known that Nanase Miyuki would come to stab him. Furthermore, she would do it in a way that

wouldn’t kill him –

There was a reason she couldn’t kill Yakumo.

'Where'd you get that?' said Gotou, eyes wide as saucers.

'I borrowed it from Hata-san,' replied Yakumo matter-of-factly.

'Borrowed, you say… Then you should've told me in the first place!'

'You didn't ask me, did you?'

Yakumo lightly let Gotou’s anger pass.

It finally felt like things were back to normal. Haruka ended up laughing too.

Then, Gotou’s sharp gaze turned to her.

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'Did you know, Haruka-chan?'

'Ah, yes. I was the one who went to borrow it from Hata-san.'

'Then what was the scream?'

It hurt to have him point it out.

'Even if I did know, I was surprised…'

Feeling apologetic, Haruka bowed her head and said, ‘Sorry.’

The way Yakumo collapsed had been so realistic that she had been upset even though she knew it was an act.

'You two really are the worst couple,' said Gotou, sounding disappointed. He sat himself next to Yakumo.

Then, he mumbled, ‘Well, long as you’re all right.’

Gotou also was the type who couldn’t be honest.

No matter how they quarreled, the two of them had a relationship of trust.

'But that man was a ghost, eh…' grumbled Gotou, an unlit cigarette in his mouth.

'That's right,' agreed Haruka, recalling the time she had met the man with red eyes at the mountain cottage in


At the time, the man had kept threatening Haruka, thrusting a knife at her.

However, he had disappeared without doing anything in the end.

Now that she thought about it, it was incredibly unnatural.

'Well, the mystery's solved, so that wraps one thing up. There's no point chasing that man any longer,' said

Gotou emotionally.

Yakumo looked at Gotou grimly.

'What are you saying? Nothing has changed.'

'What do you mean?'

Gotou cocked his head.

'Remember that man's modus operandi. He never does anything directly. He leads the darkness in people's

hearts to commit crime.'

'So he's going to keep doing the same thing…'

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Gotou stood up.

'Correct. As long as there is darkness in people's hearts, that man will continue to commit crime, while we

cannot arrest him or kill him…'

Yakumo’s voice rang darker than Haruka had ever heard it do before.

There was a dilemma. Yakumo had the unique ability to see the spirits of the dead, but all he could do was see

them – he couldn’t exorcise spirits.

In short, he couldn’t stop the man with red eyes, who was a ghost.

– The same thing will keep on happening.

When Haruka thought that, it made her shiver.

'What do you plan to do?' asked Gotou as he bit the cigarette filter.

'Unfortunately, I'm out of options right now,' Yakumo replied listlessly. Then, he suddenly stood up, as if he

had seen something.

– What did he see?

Haruka stood up and looked in the same direction.

At the end of the corridor, she saw a man slowly walking towards them. It was Sakakibara.

He was handcuffed and was surrounded by police.

Because of the commotion earlier, his face was swollen and there was blood above his eye and below his nose.

This person had fallen to hell to save his daughter. Strong feelings for somebody could turn good or bad.

When Haruka thought about that, it was too much for her.

Yakumo silently walked up to Sakakibara.

Haruka thought about following him, but the sparks between their eyes had so much pressure that her feet

couldn’t move.

The police officers by Sakakibara tried to move Yakumo away.

'Oi, Wait. Let him talk.'

Gotou stopped them.

Yakumo had always been a bystander in the cases he had been involved with before.

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


But this time, it was different.

With the victim being a relative, he had been put in the most painful position.

After the incident, Yakumo hadn’t put his feelings into words, but he had felt a deep sadness and a boiling


And then he had disappeared for a day –

Yakumo had decided something then. That was why he still had his red left eye out in the open, with no contact


'Because of you… My daughter – my daughter… Why did you get in my way!?'

Sakakibara yelled from the bottom of his stomach.

The police held onto him to stop his shaking.

His eyes were bloodshot. No, not just his eyes. His whole body was red, the embodiment of fiery anger.

Yakumo didn’t appear disturbed at all by Sakakibara.

He just looked at Sakakibara’s face emotionlessly.

'Because of you, my uncle is in the state that he is.'

'I love my daughter.'

'You aren't the only one who has somebody he loves. My uncle is as important to me as your daughter is to you.'

Yakumo seemed to be testing each word.

'My daughter is my only treasure. I can't lose her.'

Sakakibara didn’t back down, gritting his teeth.

The last resistance of a captured carnivore –

'Do you still not understand? My uncle has a daughter. Just one daughter. She is only seven, and she is deaf.

Can you still say the same thing? That it's fine as long as you can save your daughter…'

Yakumo paused. He took in a deep breath and continued.

'Every person has somebody they love.'

Sakakibara’s chin was shaking.

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He must have realized what he had done – but he was still trying to justify himself.

People were terribly prideful creatures.

'Shut up! Shut up! That man had a brain tumor! He would've died anyway! What's wrong with making his life


Sakakibara’s words sounded like the screams of a dying man.

'That doesn't make it acceptable to take a life!'

Yakumo’s shout stopped time.

That one sentence had been filled with many feelings. The strong beliefs that had piled up from everything that

Yakumo had experienced up until now –

His words after having his one and only parent taking away from him –

They were heavier than anything someone else could say.

Sakakibara’s face went pale as his mouth flapped like that of a fish asking for bait.

He might have been looking for words to object with.

However, no words could argue with Yakumo now.

'I can kill you. It would be easy to throw your daughter aside.'


Sakakibara groaned and shut his eyes tightly.

He doesn’t want to accept his daughter’s death –

After a silence, Yakumo took another deep breath.

'Please open your eyes.'

Sakakibara did as Yakumo told him and opened his eyes.

Yakumo did not glare at him. He just looked straight at Sakakibara’s eyes.

'I have no intention of continuing this chain of hatred.'

This was the conclusion Yakumo had chosen –

Yakumo had stayed with his beliefs even after losing Isshin.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


He was incredibly awkward. It hurt to watch him. But that was why he was Yakumo.

'I give my consent for the transplant,' said Yakumo in a whisper.

Sakakibara’s body shook. He held his handcuffed hands out towards Yakumo.

He looked like a figure from a religious painting. A peasant begging for mercy from their god.

'… Will you save her? My daughter…'

'That is what my uncle would want.'

When Yakumo said that, tears started falling from Sakakibara’s eyes.

His tears, dyed red with blood, fell one by one to the floor.

'However, please do not forget. A life was lost in order to save your daughter. That death brought about the

same anger and sadness that you were feeling just earlier… You must not forget…'

'Ur… gh… I…'

Something fell from Sakakibara’s shoulder.

His body shook as he fell to his knees.

Yakumo walked up to him and said this close to his ear.

'It has nothing to do with your daughter. This is a burden for you to bear alone.'

When Yakumo said that, Sakakibara collapsed to the floor and started sobbing like a child.

His cries echoed through the hospital.

Yakumo turned his back to Sakakibara.

'Let's go back.'

Haruka nodded silently and left the hospital with Yakumo.

The night wind was cold.

'The goal of all life is death.'

Looking up at the sky full of stars, Yakumo said just that.


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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!



[1] The specific term used is ikiryou (生霊) which has the kanji for life and spirit so I translated it directly, but

there is more about it on wiki if you’re curious.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!



Haruka looked outside from the bench in the hospital waiting room.

The cherry blossoms in the courtyard were starting to bloom.

Spring was the season which breathed life, but right now, someone irreplaceable was disappearing before her


'How long are you going to sit there for?'

Haruka turned around at the voice.

Yakumo looked at her with his eyes, which were sleepy as usual.

'Is it done?'

'Yeah. I just had to sign a document,' Yakumo replied brusquely.

Isshin’s medical examination had determined that he was brain-dead.

Just as Yakumo had declared to Sakakibara, he gave his consent to transfer Isshin’s organs.

Haruka knew that nothing could be done now, but she still wanted to hear how Yakumo really felt.

'Yakumo-kun, are you really OK with this?'

He didn’t reply immediately.

Yakumo’s eyes were narrow as he looked at the cherry blossom tree in the courtyard.

Haruka couldn’t tell how he truly felt from looking at his profile.

– You always hide your heart like this.

'… It's what Uncle would want,' Yakumo murmured.


That was all Haruka could say.

The truth was that she wanted to scream.

– It’s a lie! Isshin-san is still alive!

However, Yakumo must have had the same feelings, and much more strongly at that.

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'I think Uncle probably knew this was going to happen to him,' said Yakumo, his hands in his jeans pockets as

he looked at his feet.

His words made sense.

The day Isshin was stabbed, Mao had told him he had a brain tumor.

He had been prepared.

– From now on, I’ll leave Yakumo to you.

Isshin’s words had a heavy meaning to them, but Haruka hadn’t realized then.


'When Uncle heard from Gotou-san that his life was in danger, he still went to do his daily meditation.'

'He did.'

'He was probably trying to cut off the continuing chain of hatred with his own hand.'

Yakumo’s words echoed heavily in Haruka’s heart.

Isshin had probably thought that the man with two red eyes, Yakumo’s father, would come to kill him himself.

Then, he had tried to end things, in exchange for his own life.

That was how Isshin used his life.

Isshin had probably believed that even if he was gone, Yakumo wouldn’t lose his way –

But the person who actually came to him was Sakakibara –

'Let's go. Uncle's waiting.'

Yakumo smiled bitterly.

– That’s right. Isshin-san’s waiting.

'OK,' replied Haruka, and then she started walking.

They walked silently to the ICU where Isshin was.

A nurse showed them inside.

Isshin looked so healthy on the bed that it made Haruka think he might wake up at any moment.

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Even though he was using an artificial respirator, his chest was moving up and down slightly. When Haruka

saw him breathing, she felt another bout of disbelief.

Haruka stood next to the bed and held Isshin’s hand.

– It’s still warm.

She couldn’t believe that he would die in just a few hours.

– Are you really going to go, Isshin-san? Are you going to disappear without saying goodbye?

Haruka called out in her heart, even though she knew her words wouldn’t reach him.

Yakumo looked down at Isshin silently.

What could he be seeing with his red left eye?

He must have been recalling the many memories he had with Isshin.

Isshin had been closer to Yakumo than anybody, so they must have had countless memories together.

Tears welled up in Haruka’s eyes just from thinking about it.

'… You're not here anymore then,' Yakumo said quietly.

– Not here anymore?

Haruka didn’t understand what Yakumo meant.

All she could do was grip Isshin’s hand again with both of her own to express feelings that wouldn’t reach him.

Isshin had saved her countless times. He had given her courage. He had shown the path that everyone should

take. He had been like a light in the dark.

I had so much I wanted to talk to him about –

People always had regrets.

– But please don’t worry. I’ll continue to watch over Yakumo.

So please rest well –

Haruka touched Isshin’s cheek.

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Chapter 63

Gotou took Atsuko and Nao to the ICU just as Yakumo and Haruka were stepping out.

'Hey,' he said, raising his hand.

Haruka was sobbing and couldn’t speak.

Yakumo was as expressionless as usual and just sent a glance Gotou’s way.

This is nothing. It was like he was saying that.

Nao walked up to Yakumo.

Yakumo crouched and hugged Nao, patting her head.

Nao started sobbing into Yakumo’s chest.

– This girl’s been holding it in too. These siblings really tough it out.

However, no matter how much they tried to put up a brave front, both of them were still children.

Gotou looked at Atsuko’s face.

Her lips were in a thin line. She nodded.

He understood even if she didn’t say anything aloud.

When Atsuko looked like this, she was prepared. She had looked the same way when she decided to marry


'Oi. Yakumo. There's something I want to talk with you alone.'

When Gotou called out to Yakumo, he replied with a silent nod, perhaps sensing Gotou’s intention.


Gotou sat next to Yakumo on the bench in the hospital courtyard.

Come to think of it, this might’ve been the first time he’d talked to Yakumo about something that wasn’t for a

case. When he thought about it, he felt a bit awkward.

However, it seemed that Gotou was the only one who felt that way, because Yakumo let out a bored yawn.

'Hey, what happened to your contact lens?'

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Ever since Isshin was stabbed, Yakumo hadn’t worn the black contact lens that hid his red left eye.

At first, Gotou had thought he just didn’t have a replacement for the one that broke, but it had been a number of

days already.

'I don't need it anymore,' Yakumo said firmly.

Gotou was surprised, but then his expression softened.

Yakumo had detested that red left eye in the past. He had even tried to cut it out with a utility knife. For

Yakumo to say he didn’t need to hide it any more – it was incredible progress.

– Old man, you watching this?

Gotou looked up at the sky and called out.

'So what did you have to discuss?' said Yakumo, like he wanted Gotou to hurry up.

'Actually, I have a request,' Gotou said formally, an unlit cigarette in his mouth.

'I won't lend you money.'

Yakumo yawned.

– Really, what a hateful brat.

'Don't look down on the police.'

'Gotou-san, you're a part of the police?'

'What did you think I was?'

'A NEET[1].'

'You an idiot? I don't have the free time to talk to you about stupid things.'

'I feel the same way. Please get to the point already.'

Yakumo ran his fingers through his hair.

Gotou cleared his throat and tried to speak, but he didn’t know how to start.

He knew Yakumo would complain, but Gotou couldn’t stop himself. He lit his cigarette and let the nicotine

flow through his body.

Yakumo looked displeased, but Gotou was able to relax a bit.

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'My request is, er…. about Nao.'

After Gotou said that, Yakumo’s brows furrowed as he cocked his head.

Even Yakumo, who was so intelligent, probably couldn’t read into what Gotou was going to say next. It was a

funny thought.

'I discussed with my wife. We want to take Nao into our home.'

'Did you hit your head?'

Yakumo looked at Gotou as if he were something filthy.

He probably couldn’t understand why Gotou had made such a suggestion.

'I'm serious. I can't let that girl be picked up by some foster parents from who knows where.'

'Isn't that just your ego?' Yakumo said coldly.

Gotou understand that even without Yakumo’s telling him.

'We still need Nao.'

Gotou took Nao in for this case and had planned on protecting her.

However, that wasn’t what happened.

Nao had saved Gotou. By trying to protect Nao, Gotou could face his wife Atsuko for the first time.

– That’s ego too.

But he still couldn’t leave Nao alone.

Nao had suffered so much up until now.

Her actual mother had been killed, and now this had happened to Isshin, the person who’d raised her. He didn’t

want to let Nao feel sad again.

No matter what happened, no matter what he had to do, he was prepared to protect Nao.

'That isn't something for you to decide on your own, is it, Gotou-san?'

'I said I talked to my wife, didn't I? It's the first time we've agreed on something.'

'What do you gain out of this?'

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'Are you an idiot? It's not a matter of profit or loss. We want to be her parents. That's all.'

Gotou was so forceful that the words sounded like a threat.

Yakumo had lived his life doubting people. He had protected his heart that way.

That was why he thought that every person acted for their own gains. But that wasn’t everything in the world.

It seemed Gotou had put Yakumo in a bad mood, because he suddenly stood up.

'If you do that, wouldn't that make us family, Gotou-san?'

– This guy. Why’d he have to put it like that?

'I don't care what you think, but me and you were like family in the first place! What's the point of talking about

that now!?' yelled Gotou angrily, standing up as well.

'I don't think you're fit to be a parent, Gotou-san.'

'Nobody's born a parent! They have children and become one!'

'Who'd you hear that from?'

Yakumo snorted.

– This brat! When I was being so nice about it!

Contrary to Gotou’s agitated state, Yakumo had his usual sleepy eyes as he plucked the cigarette out of Gotou’s


'I wouldn't mind thinking about it if you stop your bad smoking habit.'

– And he’s complaining like a sister-in-law!

If it was for Nao, quitting smoking was nothing.

Gotou put the cigarette in the case and threw the whole thing into the rubbish bin.

Chapter 64

Haruka was in the living room of the priests’ quarters.

Isshin’s funeral had ended and many people had gathered.

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Gotou, Atsuko and Nao were sitting together, like a real family.

Opposite them, Ishii and Makoto sat respectfully.

Hata was by himself, sipping tea leisurely.

Next to Haruka was her mother, Keiko. When she heard about Isshin’s death, she rushed over from Nagano.

It was only a blink of an eye since Yakumo consented to the organ transplant.

The heart Isshin donated was probably with Yoshiko now. According to the list Makoto got, her name had been

at the top of the recipient list.

Haruka wanted to check, but there was no way to confirm it legally.

Isshin hadn’t just donated his heart. Liver, kidneys, pancreas, corneas, lungs, small intestine – he had donated

every organ he could.

After the surgery, Isshin’s body had been empty – so light that a single person could pick it up.

Isshin was still living in other people’s bodies – Haruka wanted to think that.

Reminiscing about him was gentle and warm, like his character. He had been like the spring summer.

Now that Haruka thought about it, she had always felt like there was something gloomy in Isshin’s smile.

He had never lived for himself.

He had been incredibly self-sacrificing.

Haruka looked up and noticed that Yakumo alone wasn’t participating in the reminiscing, just looking out the


His left eye flickered about, like it was looking for something.

Even after the funeral, Yakumo had not let anybody see him cry even once.

Even though he must have been sad, because of his obstinate nature, he kept that sadness within himself.

Finally, Yakumo stood up and went out of the room, as if to escape the gazes of everyone around him.

However, Yakumo was the only one who thought he wouldn’t be noticed. When he left, everyone went quiet.

Haruka felt everyone’s gazes turn to her.

– A silent pressure.

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'Excuse me. Should I go check up on him?'

Ishii stood up.

'Are you an idiot!? Read the atmosphere!'

Shut down by Gotou, who had an artificial cigarette in his mouth, Ishii’s shoulders slumped and he sat back


Makoto comforted him.

Hata started giggling like he thought the scene amusing.

On top of Atsuko’s lap, Nao let out an ‘Ah!’ and then grabbed Haruka’s shirt.

Everyone understands you better than you think they do. You need to understand that better.

Right –

'Haruka, if you don't go, I will.'

Keiko poked Haruka’s arm.

'Why would you go, Mum?'

'If you're going to complain, go yourself.'

Keiko pushed Haruka’s back.

– From now on, I’ll leave Yakumo to you.

She might have just imagined it, but she felt like she had heard Isshin’s voice.

Haruka stood up from her seat and left the room to find Yakumo.

Though she didn’t see him, she had an inkling of where he went.

Haruka went out the entrance and walked through the gravel garden.

The cherry blossom tree on the grounds was in full bloom.

Haruka took off her shoes and went up the wooden stairs to the temple.

Careful not to make any noise, she opened the sliding door.

She spotted Yakumo sitting in the lotus position in the centre of the dim temple.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

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'… You're still here?' said Yakumo, looking up at the ceiling.

Haruka was about to respond but she realized immediately that the words weren’t directed at her.

Though Haruka couldn’t see anything, Yakumo probably saw Isshin’s spirit.

Yakumo was talking with him.

'You worry too much, Uncle. I don't need to hide my red eye anymore.'

With this case, Yakumo had taken another step forward.

He didn’t need to worry about other people’s gazes and hide his left eye anymore.

'Nao and I are fine. We're not alone. We have a family. Even though we're not connected by blood…'

He was right. It was just as Yakumo said.

Without Isshin, Yakumo had lost the last person in his family that he was related to by blood.

However, he had people with whom he had bonds which were stronger and firmer than that.

They compensated for each other’s shortcomings. Stubborn, selfish and straightforward people –

'That's why… you should go already,' said Yakumo.

– An awkward farewell.

Even though he really wanted to tell Isshin not to go, he acted brave until the very end.

– Are you going to continue to live while keeping everything to yourself?

Haruka just heard the sound of the wind.

While listening to it, she watched Yakumo’s rounded shoulders.

'You really left…'

Yakumo said that to himself.

Haruka looked up at the ceiling.

However, all she saw was stained beams – she couldn’t spot Isshin.

'Did Isshin-san say something?'

She had never been so envious of Yakumo before.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Of course Haruka and the others couldn’t even say goodbye to Isshin at the end.

He had suddenly disappeared, like he’d never even been there in the first place –

However, Yakumo had been able to say what he had to at the end.

'He said he was happy… He was smiling,' Yakumo said quietly.

– I see.

Even though so many things had happened to him, Isshin was still worried about others at the very end and

donated his own organs. Isshin still thought that his life had been happy.

– That’s just like Isshin-san.

That at least made Haruka feel better.

'And he said… thank you…'

Yakumo’s voice was hoarse. His shoulders were slumped and his back was shaking. He was still holding

himself back.

– Really, how obstinate.

Haruka walked up to Yakumo and hugged him from behind with both arms.

'Yakumo-kun, you're not alone,' she murmured.

Yakumo’s hands gripped Haruka’s hands tightly.

– Don’t take everything on by yourself. You’re not alone.

Yakumo started weeping.

His body shook violently as his tears dripped one by one to the floor.

Haruka felt like the sadness that filled his heart had come into her.

Isshin was gone. But his death left a mark in many hearts.

That became a strong, firm bond, tying us together.

So please don’t worry, Isshin-san.

We’re fine.

And also –

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!



Thank you –


One month later – Hokutou Newspaper Excerpt


Patrol Wagon Overturned, Catches Fire!

Prisoner Dead?


At about 8 PM last night, on the city highway near Kosuke ICU, a patrol wagon carrying a prisoner overturned

and caught fire after hitting the middle divider. The four guards were able to safely escape, but the prisoner

Nanase Miyuki (26) has not been confirmed. It is believed that she died within the car.

The cause of the accident is not yet clear. Though the police had not made an official announcement, eyewitness

testimonies state that the investigation is looking at it as an accident caused by a driver who dozed off.

On the day of the incident, prisoner Nanase was in the middle of being transported back to Tokyo Detention

House after escaping and being rearrested.



[1] NEET stands for Not in Education, Employment, or Training. This generally derogatory term was originally

used in the UK but Japan and some other countries took it up.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Extra File: Evening Cherry Blossoms

It was a week after Isshin’s funeral –


Ozawa Haruka stopped in the courtyard.

A pleasant warm wind brushed her cheek. The green of the lawn was dazzling.

With the new school year, circles had started to recruit new students at the school gates, so the place was

teeming with people.

– It’s spring.

It was normally an exciting season, but Haruka’s heart still had a hole in it.

Though she knew it in her head, her heart still hadn’t accepted it – the reality of Isshin’s death.

Haruka let out her breath and started walking again.

– I wonder how Yakumo’s doing.

While thinking about that, she spotted the person himself just as she arrived at the front of the school gates


When she called out to him, Yakumo, who had his back against the gates, slowly lifted his head.

His expression was as grim as if he had seen the end of the world.

'What are you doing here?' asked Haruka.

Yakumo just let out a deep sigh.

'I'm waiting… for somebody.'

It was unusual for Yakumo to have such bad enunciation.


'You really are slow.'

Yakumo ran a hand through his hair, his irritation evident.

It was like he was trying to deceive her. Perhaps he didn’t want her to know who he was waiting for.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


However, that just made her more curious.

'Why not just tell me?'

'That's why I said you're slow.'

'What? You don't want me to know?'

'That's not it. Just…'

When Haruka peered at Yakumo’s face, he turned it away to avoid her gaze.

Haruka didn’t understand why, but Yakumo looked cute when he was troubled. This just made her want to find

out no matter what.

'Just what? Ah, could it be Gotou-san?'


'Then Ishii-san?'

'No. Gotou-san and Ishii-san went ahead.'

– Went ahead?

The conversation made no sense to Haruka.

'Where to?'

She cocked her head.

'To the flower viewing.'


'I somehow ended up with a promise to go flower viewing.'


So even the always quibbling Yakumo could get into the spirit and go flower viewing – Haruka’s expression

softened at discovering this unexpected side of him.

– But.

'Isn't this the wrong season?'

Haruka looked at the cherry blossom tree in the courtyard again.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

Translation by: Laute, Laute!


The cherry blossom tree, past its season, had already lost most of its petals and only had withered flowers left.

'We would have gone earlier, but with the commotion…'

Haruka understood even without his saying the rest.

'Right,' murmured Haruka, closing her eyes tightly.

If she relaxed even a bit, she would start crying.

'But it's fine.'

After a silence, Yakumo said that with a little laugh.


Haruka opened her eyes and looked at Yakumo.

As his eyes looked somewhere far away, the side of his face was so beautiful it was startling.

'Since I made a promise.'

'A promise?'

'A promise with Uncle.'


'A few days before he died, he called me. Since it would be the cherry blossom season soon, he said that we

should all go flower viewing together…'

After Yakumo murmured that, he turned his gaze up towards the sky.

Haruka looked up at the sky as well.

She saw the clouds slowly blowing by. The shape of them reminded her of Isshin’s face.

'I see.'

'He'd never said something like that before. Uncle might've known he didn't have much longer to live.'

Haruka looked down silently, neither agreeing or disagreeing with Yakumo’s words.

It made sense.

When Isshin came to Yakumo’s secret hideaway, he had been different than he usually was. Haruka wouldn’t

have been able to explain if asked what was different, but he had looked like he was prepared for something.

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


'Hey, can I join you for the flower viewing?' Haruka asked Yakumo.

If it was a flower viewing in Isshin’s memory, she wanted to participate no matter what.

'That's why I said you were slow,' said Yakumo, exasperated, running a hand through his hair again.


'I'm waiting for you,' said Yakumo, scowling as he cast his gaze downward.

'Eh, really?'

– Yakumo waited for me.

He had never done that before.

Haruka’s eyes were wide in surprise as another feeling started welling up within her.

– We’re going to have a flower viewing. Do you want to come?

Even though it would have been OK to just ask honestly, that wasn’t possible for Yakumo. He probably wasn’t

used to inviting people.

He was a contrary person, but Haruka thought it was cute.

'So what are you going to do?' asked Yakumo, eyes still downcast.

He didn’t even have to ask. Of course –

'I'll go!' Haruka replied cheerfully.

Yakumo shrugged and started walking silently.

– He could’ve at least said something.

Instead of complaining, Haruka poked Yakumo’s side.

Yakumo’s whole body jolted up. He glared at Haruka, but then he continued walking without saying anything.

Haruka also walked silently after Yakumo.

When they reached the temple gates, it was already dark.

Gotou, Atsuko, Nao, Ishii and Makoto were in the gravel garden and talking cheerfully.

'I have something for you.'

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Translation by: Laute, Laute!


Haruka was about to join everybody when Yakumo called out to stop her.

'For me?'

'Yeah,' Yakumo replied brusquely, taking something out of his jeans pocket.

'What is it?'

Haruka took it, though she felt puzzled.

It was a case with two contact lenses, one red, one black.

The black contact lens was the one Yakumo used. The red contact lens was the one Isshin used –

Once Haruka realized that, the small case suddenly felt heavier.

'You're giving this to me?'

With her mouth wide open, Haruka looked at Yakumo.

'I'm distributing mementos.'

'Isn't this important to you?'

These contact lenses were proof of the bond between Yakumo and Isshin.

'That's why I want you to have them,' Yakumo said in a murmur.

Haruka didn’t know what emotions were behind Yakumo’s pale face, lit up by the moonlight.

The wind brushed her cheek.

Though she might have been mistaken, Haruka felt Isshin’s presence in that wind.

'Thank you.'

Haruka’s fingers closed over the contact case.

Tears naturally spilled out of her eyes.

They weren’t from frustration or sadness. The tears were very, very warm.

'What are you two doing!? Hurry over here!'

She heard somebody calling them from far away.

Haruka looked over to see Gotou standing up and waving.

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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo – To the Limits of Despair

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'Let's go.'


Together with Yakumo, Haruka started walking –

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