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  • 8/3/2019 Ship&Offshore


    The marine industry continues to be very active

    in various parts o the world. This has led to an

    increase in the demand or design engineers

    in the eld o Ship & Oshore Structures,

    who can design and assess new ships and

    oshore structures. This course is designed or

    experienced or newly-qualied engineers in Naval

    Architecture, Marine Engineering, Mechanical

    Engineering, Civil Engineering or other related

    disciplines. Its main objectives are to provide:

    high calibre graduates with in-depth

    knowledge o Ship and Oshore Structures

    capable o making signicant contributions tothe Shipbuilding and Oshore industry

    graduate engineers o related disciplines

    with an opportunity to acquire advanced

    knowledge in Ship and Oshore Structures

    students with practical knowledge o overall

    ship structures, their conceptions and

    design, as well as a sound basis in

    mathematical and engineering undamentals



    EngneerngFACULTY OF

    The University o Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, number SC015263.

    Faculty o Engineering

    The Graduate School o Engineering at

    Strathclyde oers a frst-class, multidisciplinary

    experience across the range o taught and

    research postgraduate programmes. Over 500

    postgraduate students and 115 researchers, many

    rom overseas, work with academic sta in the

    Facultys nine departments. The School is located

    in the Faculty o Engineering one o the largestand most important providers o quality engineering

    education in Europe.

    As a student in the Graduate School o

    Engineering, you will be part o a supportive

    international community working with academic

    experts in top class modern acilities. Our Master

    Class series o business and management

    workshops help your personal development and

    will provide you with opportunities to meet and work

    with other students across the range o engineering

    disciplines. Through careers seminars and our

    extensive industrial contacts, you will also have

    opportunities to network with businesses, giving

    you invaluable access to potential employers.

    Our research is valued by government and

    industry alike. Multimillion pound investments

    by Research Councils, Government unded

    Technology Institutes and companies such

    as Rolls-Royce and British Energy mean that

    postgraduate students have access to the very

    best specialist research acilities. The Facultys

    strong industrial links ensure that research felds

    are relevant to the needs o society and that

    sta, and industry, remain at the oreront o

    advancing technologies.

    Postgraduate students enjoy excellent support and

    opportunities or growth through a comprehensive

    induction programme and opportunities to presentwork at events, such as Faculty and University

    Research events, or at conerences in the UK or

    urther afeld.

    The Faculty welcomes applications rom

    overseas and oers approximately ten research

    scholarships per annum, awarded competitively to

    the best qualifed students.

    FeesFor inormation on current ee levels, see:

    FundingPostgraduate Diploma students rom EU

    countries may be able to get ees-only support

    rom Student Awards Agency or Scotland

    ( Applications should be

    made to the Department in the rst instance.

    How to ApplyApply online via the postgraduate course page:


    Proessor Shan Huang Academic Selector

    t: +44 (0)141 548 3308

    e: [email protected]

    [email protected]

  • 8/3/2019 Ship&Offshore


    Course StructureThe course structure allows students to deepen

    their knowledge in chosen areas and widen

    their horizons through exposure to other

    disciplines and structured interaction with ellow



    The course has three components as ollows:

    Instructional Modules

    Group Project

    Individual Project (MSc only)

    Instructional classes oered during the two

    semesters include modules, such as:

    Risers and Mooring Lines

    Dynamics o Ships and Floating Oshore


    Reliability-based Structural Design andPlated Structures

    Ultimate Strength o Ship and Shell


    Computational Modelling and

    Approximation in Structural Mechanics

    Computational Modelling o Non-linear

    Problems in Structural Mechanics

    Materials Engineering

    In groups o three to ve, students work in

    consultant teams or 10 weeks on a practical

    engineering problem, mirroring how they might

    work in industry. To conclude their project,

    students have the opportunity to present their

    report to a panel o industrial experts. This

    learning method provides students with much

    sought ater teamworking and communication

    skills, plus valuable industrial contact.

    Those pursuing the MSc then undertake an

    individual project. Students gain experience

    in tackling an issue in a methodical manner

    on a topic rom the students own interest or

    rom a list assembled rom practice. Guidance

    is provided by one or two supervisors and the

    dissertation assessed by external examiners.The discipline o in-depth study is a lie-long

    skill that will be valuable in any position that a

    graduate may take up in their career.

    AssessmentPerormance is assessed via written exams,

    coursework assignments and the individual

    project thesis. Teamwork exercises are

    assessed on a continuous basis.

    Educational ApproachThe Departments educational goal is to

    produce condent, competent graduates with

    good communication skills, proessional ethos

    and a zest or lielong learning. The course uses

    a teamwork approach to develop the students

    ull potential.

    Duration of CourseMSc: 12 months ull-time

    PgDip 9 months ull-time

    Entry RequirementsFirst- or second-class BEng Honours degree, or

    equivalent qualication.

    The DepartmentWith an illustrious 125 year history, the

    Department o Naval Architecture and Marine

    Engineering is a key provider o marine

    technology expertise in the UK and beyond.

    Ideally located in Glasgow, we continue to build

    on the citys rich heritage o shipbuilding and

    sea-aring, making signicant contributions to

    national and international policy-making and

    the advancement o the Marine Technologyeld. Thousands o NA-ME graduates have

    had a proound eect in shaping the evolution

    o modern naval architecture and marine

    engineering worldwide.

    The Departments teaching and research

    inrastructure includes a comprehensive library

    in marine technology, laboratory acilities which

    are unparalleled in university terms, excellent

    computing acilities and a racing yacht.

    The NA-ME laboratory acilities include:

    the Kelvin Hydrodynamics Laboratory

    at the West o Scotland Science Park,

    houses the largest university test tank

    in the UK (76m 4.6m 2.5m). This

    acility is equipped with state-o-the-art

    instrumentation and is used or a wide

    variety o model tests in calm water and

    in waves.

    the Marine Engineering Laboratory in

    the Henry Dyer Building which provides

    a our-cylinder high-speed diesel engine

    test bed, a high-temperature uel cell andother thermofuid experimental apparatus.

    The lab oers a testing base or marine

    thermodynamic-related projects.

    the Hydrodynamics Laboratory in the

    Henry Dyer Building houses a wave/towing

    tank (21.6m 1.5m 0.8m) suitable or a

    wide variety o preliminary tests, as well as

    fuid control experiment apparatus.

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