Page 1: Short report of our pitch presentation meeting

Leeanne Hibbert Heather Lomas Lewis Bradley

Short report of our pitch presentation meeting

when we had presented our pitch for the promotional video promoting creative media we then had feedback given to us by the client. Our feedback was to do with the pitch and certain things that we didn’t include. Our reasons for anything that wasn’t mentioned in the actual brief was because it was all detailed in each of our proposals, the pitch was mainly so that the client could get a brief insight to our main idea and how we are thinking of actually creating/filming/editing this promotional piece.

The client asked us within our budget whether we would be spending the whole £4,000 that we were given as a whole to make this video, plus whether we had worked out how much each of the things we needed would be. We all said that we would have money left over as all that we needed to pay for would be the film camera which would be around £200 - £250 plus paying for the use of three computers for around 2 days straight would probably be about £100.

He then asked us how long the filming will take us overall and when we will be finished with everything for this task. We explained that the filming will take us overall around 2 days, then we will each individually edit our own version of the promotional video, this could take us around 4 – 5 days depending on how we want to edit the video and how long it will take us to use the software of our choice.

These were basically all of the questions that they asked us and they was interested to listen to what we had to say when we came to answering them. Other than that they enjoyed our presentation.

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