
Simple Nutrition

© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


Simple Nutrition

© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


Welcome from Craig Ballantyne & Turbulence Training… Hi! I’m Craig Ballantyne, a Certified Turbulence Trainer, and author of too-many-articles-to-count in magazines such as Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Oxygen, Maximum Fitness, and Muscle and Fitness Hers.

I've developed the Simple Nutrition program to help busy men and women follow a simple and easy nutrition program to lose belly fat and get a flat stomach.

NOTE: There have been some moderate changes to this manual since “Volume 1” was created in 2010. I tested positive for gluten sensitivity. This surprised me, because I show no symptoms after eating gluten, but I’ve removed it from my diet, and that has caused some big changes in my protein consumption. However, the majority of my nutrition remains the same.

Please drop by the forums at to introduce yourself or ask me any question you have about Simple Nutrition or my meal plan. Plus, that’s where you’ll get the social support you need to lose belly fat.

Looking forward to your success. Your friend and coach, Craig Ballantyne, CTT Certified Turbulence Trainer Author, Turbulence Training

PS – Don’t miss The Turbulence Training Transformation Contest… Join for your chance to win $1000 just by losing belly fat at: =>

Simple Nutrition

© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


Disclaimer: You must get your physician’s approval before beginning this nutrition program. These recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to making any changes in your nutrition. This program is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older only. The exercises and dietary programs in this book are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen that may have been prescribed by your physician. See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking any medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any nutritional program. You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. Copyright © 2003-2012 CB Athletic Consulting, Inc.

Simple Nutrition

© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


Why Simple Nutrition? Like me, you’re probably fed up with complex nutrition programs that tell you to eat low-carb one day, high-carb the next, and never mix fat with carbs. I think those plans are ridiculous and I have no intentions of ever trying to live like that. Sure it might sound appealing to someone who is obsessive-compulsive, but to average people like you and me, it’s not practical, enjoyable, or desirable. We just want to enjoy what we eat, be satisfied, have lots of energy, and look our best. And you know what? We can do it too, even with a very Simple Nutrition approach. But why is it called Simple Nutrition? Because complex programs do NOT work! Take a look at this study… (Reference: Appetite. Volume 54, Issue 1, February 2010, Pages 37-43.) Researchers studied how long people were able to stick to a “complex” diet because they thought a weight loss diet would fail if the rules were too complex. One of the programs studied was Weight Watchers and the researchers found that “perceived rule complexity” was the strongest factor associated with increased risk of quitting. All the points counting and substitutions cause people to quit. Bottom line: Weight Watchers doesn’t work because there are too many rules. It needs to be simple! Instead, you need a simple diet. You need Simple Nutrition. So that’s what I want to share with you here in this book. We’re going to cover my 15 Simple Nutrition Rules, plus a 7-step detox plan for everyday life, and then – and only then – we’ll finally get into talking about calories and protein. Frankly, I haven’t counted calories since I was 16. Back then I did a short-term commitment to food journaling, and I’ve been able to avoid weighing food and counting calories for over 18 years now – simply by knowing what’s wrong and right, and following Simple Nutrition rules 90% of the time. And you CAN do it too. And you will – once I show you how easy it is.

Simple Nutrition

© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


But you have to remember a few things…and the first is: Nutrition is the most important factor in fat loss. It doesn’t matter how great your workout is, even if you are using Turbulence Training, you can’t eat junk food everyday or high-calorie fast food and expect to dramatically change your body. It just won’t work. And you can’t “out-cardio a bad diet” either. That means that if you overeat at one meal, there’s no way that you can go to the gym the next day and burn off all of those calories with cardio. It just doesn’t work that way. A single fast food meal contains 1200-3000 calories, but even elite athletes have a hard time burning 1000 calories per hour. So your simple 30-minute cardio workout won’t even make a dent in a bad diet. But don’t despair. We want to get away from that cardio mentality, and simply realize the importance of nutrition. Once we do, we’ll understand that a few simple steps must be taken and repeated on a daily basis if we want to succeed. And when you combine simple nutrition with short, burst workouts, you can lose belly fat fast. I promise. Also, I want you to remember that dieting is not something many people can do on their own. It takes help. It takes social support. That means you’ll need to make your mission clear to others and to get them on your site, supporting you with positive actions, and avoiding sabotage. You may need to change some of your social and work eating environments so that you don’t have people tempting you, teasing you, or troubling you. This may also involve some hard decisions socially, but if you are committed to improving your health and your appearance, these decisions will be necessary. Don’t let anyone stop you from doing what you want to do. Focus on spending more time with people who will support you – this is the #1 factor in long-term fat loss success. Once you understand the importance of nutrition and have found your social support, then the next most important factor is to make time to PLAN, SHOP, and PREPARE your meals each week. I recommend spending 2 hours on the weekend planning what you’ll eat, then hitting the grocery store and farmer’s markets for the supplies, and then returning home to chop and wash the produce, prepare any large meals – and even mass cook chicken breasts if you choose to eat meat. The more you can get done and the more you can be prepared, the better your results will be. It’s simple. And there’s one more trick to this method. In addition to planning for all of your good meals, you also need to be prepared for times when your plan could breakdown.

Simple Nutrition

© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


Identify every obstacle in the way of your healthy eating and write down two solutions. What can you do to overcome the times when you’ll be locked in a meeting for 6 hours straight followed by an immediate need to rush home and get your kids to practice? If you know that could happen, make sure you have healthy snacks or meals-on-the-go prepared, and so that you don’t end up in the drive-through lane ordering junk. Overcoming obstacles is one of the main reasons you need to use a food journal. It will educate you on when you have eating problems. It will identify which foods make you sleepy and what meals keep you alert all day long. It will help with compliance, motivation, inspiration, and most importantly, it gives you accountability – especially if you are wise and post your daily nutrition on in the forums for others to give you feedback and support. But while food journaling is important, I find that calorie counting is not as important and sometimes it is even misleading. Here’s one research study that shows why. Researchers looked at 524 men and women in a 2-week study. The subjects had to estimate how many calories they ate each day. This number was compared to their actual calorie intake, as determined by a proven scientific method. The results were shocking. On average, the subjects underreported calorie intake by 11% each day. So if you think that you eat 2000 calories per day, you probably eat 2200 calories per day. That will slow your weight loss fast. (Reference: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 88, No. 2, 324-332, August 2008.) So what should you do if calorie counting doesn’t help? Well, I have good news. The Simple Nutrition program and plan will help you lose fat without counting calories because you’ll simply be full on real food and you won’t overeat. Combining that with the TT for Abs workouts will help you lose belly fat, get a flat stomach, and even get 6-pack abs. Finally, you need to commit to the 90-10 lifestyle. My friend John Berardi was the first nutrition expert I know to mention the 90-10 rule, which simply states that you need to stick to your plan 90% of the time and allow 10% of your food to come from “cheat meals” or “reward meals”. That simply means eating one main reward meal per week – but not binging or being a glutton that goes back for seconds or thirds. Instead, simply eat a normal sized meal of your favorite foods once per week, and you can also allow yourself 2-3 small treats per week, like a small bowl of ice cream – but always respect and pay attention to portion sizes – using the Simple Nutrition Rules as your guide.

Simple Nutrition

© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


With Simple Nutrition, I also recommend having as much variety in your meal plan and nutrition program as possible. This program is NOT about eating chicken and broccoli for every meal, like bodybuilders tell you to do. Instead, I encourage you to eat a wide variety of foods – and that will be easy when you plan, shop and prepare. I want you to love this lifestyle. I want you to believe that you can stick to it for life – and to know about all the benefits it will bring you, such as better health, vitality, low body fat, an amazing body, healthy skin, and tons of energy. Fortunately, it’s all possible and it’s all very simple. Simple Nutrition is not fancy and there are no extremes. It’s just eating real food to stay lean and have energy while getting rid of your belly fat and replacing that with a flat stomach. Here’s to your simple – and long-term – fat loss success. Your friend and coach, Craig Ballantyne, CTT Author, Turbulence Training PS – As I mentioned… I’ve recently tested POSITIVE for gluten-sensitivity… …and as a result I’ve changed some of my personal diet habits, and some tips in the Simple Nutrition report to health give us both faster fat loss and easier eating habits. That’s also why I did this interview with gluten-free nutrition expert, Dr. Peter Osborne: =>

Simple Nutrition

© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


TT Research-based Simple Nutrition

While Simple Nutrition is simple, it isn’t just a bunch of made up fluff. Instead, Simple Nutrition is based on scientific research and busts a lot of myths while showing you how to eat for fat loss for life. The first myth to bust with scientific research is that “fruit makes you fat”. This is such a joke, but I continue to hear it all of the time. What does the research say? In a study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (85: 1465-1477, 2007) researchers put subjects into one of two low-fat diet groups. The only difference was that one group ate more fruits and vegetables. At the end of the 1-year study, the subjects who ate more fruits and vegetables lost more weight than the other group. The fruit-and-vegetable eaters reported being less hungry but were also able to eat more food (that is, they were able to eat a lot of low-calorie fruits and vegetables that kept them full all of the time). Fruit doesn’t make you fat. In fact, it helps you lose weight, as does eating more vegetables. That’s why fruits and vegetables are 2 of the 3 components of the Simple Nutrition Fat Loss Diet Foundation. The other component of the Fat Loss Diet Foundation is raw nuts. Now most people believe that eating nuts will make you fat, but research shows otherwise. According to a review study published in the Journal of Nutrition (138:1741S-1745S, 2008), nuts are associated with a lower body mass index. In addition, when subjects add nuts to their diet, it did NOT cause weight gain. The researchers believe that nuts help fill you up (thanks to the fiber) and it’s possible that not all of the calories from nuts are absorbed into your body. And finally, some research even found that it was easier for people to stick to a diet when nuts were included in their meal plan. Recent research has shown that subjects lost more fat mass and had a greater reduction in their systolic blood pressure when they substituted almonds for complex carbohydrates in their diet. (Reference: Wien, M., et al. Almonds vs complex carbohydrates in a weight reduction program. Int. J. Obes. 27: 1365-1372, 2003.) So despite the common belief that nuts will make you fat, there is no research to back that up. In fact, nuts will help you stay satisfied and will give you fiber, healthy fats, and even some protein. And that’s why nuts are the third component of the Simple Nutrition Fat Loss Diet Foundation.

Simple Nutrition

© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


Once you’ve laid the foundation by basing your diet and meal plan on raw fruits, vegetables, and nuts, you can then begin to add whole grains, meat, milk, and even supplements, etc. There is no “one best way” to eat. If you want to be a vegetarian, that’s fine. You can be lean and strong and sexy without eating meat. If you want to have meat every night for dinner, you can also lose belly fat with that type of diet too, however you must make sure that the meat is high quality, and you should understand that there may be negative health consequences to a diet high in red meat. You’ll eat healthy, high-fiber and low-sugar whole foods such as vegetables (broccoli, peppers, and greens), fruit (oranges, apples, strawberries, & blueberries), nuts (almonds, cashews, and walnuts), and whole grains (oatmeal and multi-grain bread). And you can eat quality beef, chicken, & fish. Plus, you get your rewards meals. It’s simple. Recent research has shown that, a healthy diet “was characterized by high intakes of green, leafy vegetables; salad dressings; tomatoes; other vegetables (eg, peppers, green beans, corn, and peas); cruciferous vegetables; and tea.” (Reference: Kerver, J., et al. Dietary patterns associated with risk factors for cardiovascular disease in healthy US adults. Amer. J. Clin. Nutr. 78: 1103-1110, 2003.) One other nutrition myth floating around that makes me laugh is that dairy products make you fat. On the other hand, there is another myth out there that says dairy products can help you lose weight. I don’t believe that one either. But I did come across another interesting study that proves milk doesn’t always make you fat – in fact, the subjects in this study were able to get lean and lose fat even though they drank a liter of milk per day. (Reference: Med Sci Sports Exerc. Body Composition and Strength Changes in Women with Milk and Resistance Exercise. Josse AR, Tang JE, Tarnopolsky MA, Phillips SM.) In the study, 20 young women were put into one of two groups: 1) Resistance training plus fat-free milk 2) Resistance training plus a carbohydrate drink Both groups did a serious resistance training program (5 days per week, no cardio) and consumed the same number of calories in their after workout drink (either milk or just carbohydrates). The milk group gained more lean mass (4.2 pounds vs 2.4 pounds) and lost more fat (3.5 pounds vs 0.67 pounds) than the group drinking only carbohydrates after workouts. So drinking milk after your workout won’t stop you from losing fat.

Simple Nutrition

© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


During the rest of the day, your drinks should be calorie-free. That means drinking water, coffee (no more than 2 cups), green tea, regular tea, etc. If you don’t drink a lot of water right now, simply increasing your intake could help you lose weight. In one study, overweight women who drank less than a liter of water per day were able to lose weight simply by increasing their water intake. (Reference: Stookey, JD, et al. Drinking Water Is Associated With Weight Loss in Overweight Dieting Women Independent of Diet and Activity. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2008 Sep 11.) Other research shows that consuming a broth-based vegetable soup before a meal will fill you up and prevent you from overeating. Therefore, you’ll lose weight from that too. Again, none of the research presented here involves obsessive food weighing or calorie counting. Instead, you just need to follow Simple Nutrition tips and you’ll naturally cut back on your calorie intake and you’ll lose belly fat. Are you ready for the 15 Simple Nutrition rules? I hope so, because they will help you get a flat stomach and even 6-pack abs – and it won’t be hard for you to do. Let’s get started…

Simple Nutrition

© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


The TT Simple 15 Nutrition Rules

This list was inspired by the book, “Food Rules” by Michael Pollan. You may be familiar with Pollan, he’s the guy who created what I call the, “7-word diet”, which I love and simply could not make better. The 7-word diet goes like this: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. Bingo. That’s how you do it. That’s why the Fat Loss Foundation of the Simple Nutrition program is fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts. Stick with those foods as the basis of your diet and they will keep you satisfied on a small number of calories. From there, you can build on your diet, adding meat, eggs and milk as you see fit (while staying within daily calorie limit). There’s no need for a “points system” or to alternate between low-carb days and high-carb days and only eat protein when it’s a full moon. Again, that lifestyle is ridiculous and impractical to follow on a long-term basis unless you are happy to exist as a social hermit for the next 40-80 years of your life. But it’s not for me, thanks. Instead, I choose to follow these 15 simple nutrition rules, and I hope you will too. Rule #1 – Eat real, whole, natural food If you want to live a long, healthy life with a lean body and flat stomach, the best diet is whole, natural foods, focusing on fruits, vegetables, raw nuts. When consuming meat, make sure you choose the highest quality you can. If you think you have a problem digesting grains, please learn more about a gluten-free diet in my powerful FREE interview with Dr. Peter Osborne: As Pollan says in his book, “It’s better to pay your grocer than your doctor.” Eating real food might cost you a little bit more now, but it will save you a lot of money over the years in doctor bills, plus you’ll have so much more mental alertness so that you are more productive and enjoy life to the fullest. Rule #2 – Don’t eat too much First of all, I need to mention that it is almost impossible to eat too much when you follow rule #1. But on those days when you have reward meals or make a “not-so-great” nutritional choice, just realize that you can control the damage by not overeating. After all, overeating just makes people feel guilty and lethargic. So control your portions at all meals for maximum fat loss and health.

Simple Nutrition

© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


Rule #3 – Avoid the Western diet The Western diet is characterized by processed foods, fast food, hydrogenated fats (trans fats) and other “man made” foods. Avoid “processed carbohydrates” (typically, this includes carbohydrates from a bag or a box). Processed carbohydrates generally provide too many calories and too much sugar. Processed carbohydrates rapidly increase and decrease blood sugar, often resulting in hunger and fatigue. By cutting soda, baked goods, fried foods, and fast food from your diet, you’ll immediately start the fat loss process AND you’ll feel better, look better, and perform better. So stop using a Western diet and switch back to a plan based on rule #1. Rule #4 – Focus on quality, not quantity It doesn’t matter if you are eating at home or in a restaurant, you should always choose foods prepared with the highest quality ingredients possible, and grown under the healthiest conditions. If you eat meat – and I recommend quality meat – you should choose free run, naturally fed animals, like grass-fed beef. Avoid all farmed fish or animals grown in packed feedlots. Animals grown in healthier conditions provide a healthier piece of meat. And when eating at a restaurant, avoid excess sugar, fat, or oversized meals. Restaurant meals are often too large to eat in one sitting and contain more than enough food for one person. It’s important that you recognize the pitfalls of dining out. Stick with the foods recommended by nutritionists as often as you can: healthy, high-fiber and low-sugar whole foods such as lean protein, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and whole grains (if right for you). Rule #5 – Minimize foods from a bag or a box Foods like breakfast cereals, pre-packaged processed foods, pastries, candy, snack foods, and the like should be removed from your diet. They simply don’t belong. Not only do these foods contain excess sugar, trans fats, and excess calories (without filling you up), they also contain chemicals, additives, and preservatives that are unlikely to be good for your body. When it comes to bread, pastas, and oatmeal, eat high-fiber versions – if at all. You WILL get leaner without these carbohydrates, and it’s NOT hard to avoid them. Breads should use stone ground, whole-grains only. By choosing the right versions of these foods, you can enjoy more carbohydrates than you might think – all while losing belly fat.

Simple Nutrition

© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


Rule #6 – Eliminate excess sugar There’s no room for added sugar in your 90% compliance fat loss diet. Eliminate added sugar and you’ll see fast fat loss results. But as Pollan points out in his book, there are many names that sugar will be disguised as on your food labels. From “organic cane juice” to “dextrose” to “high-fructose corn syrup”, these are all sugar variations and will do no good to your belly fat reduction dreams. The following ingredient list from Isabel De Los Rios points out the many names by which sugar could be listed. As Isabel says, “Remember, your body doesn't care what the label says. It's all just sugar!” Excess sugar contributes to body fat, diabetes and many other deadly diseases. Corn Sweetener; Corn syrup, or corn syrup solids; Dehydrated Cane Juice; Dextrin; Dextrose; Fructose; Fruit Juice Concentrate; Glucose; High Fructose Corn Syrup; Honey; Invert Sugar; Lactose; Maltodextrin; Malt syrup; Maltose; Maple syrup; Molasses; Raw sugar; Rice Syrup; Saccharose; Sorghum or sorghum syrup; Sucrose; Syrup; Treacle; Turbinado Sugar; Xylose Rule #7 – Don’t eat foods with crazy ingredient names In addition to the crazy ingredient names for sugar, packaged foods also contain many scary ingredient names because of the food dyes and preservatives that have been added to so many processed foods. Avoid these at all times to keep your fat loss going. Rule #8 – Eat a rainbow diet I stick to the old rule of “eating an apple a day”. but I also add blueberries, cherries, and a banana, PLUS I eat red and orange peppers, broccoli, spinach, red onions, and avocado. It’s rare when I don’t have all those in one day. The rainbow diet – eating whole, natural foods of all colors – is the simplest way to begin your meal plan. Get lots of green, red, and orange colored fruits and vegetables in your diet. According to Michael Pollan in Food Rules, eating a pound of fruits and vegetables per day will cut your cancer risk by 50%. And as I reported earlier, eating more fruits and vegetables will help you lose weight. It’s simple. Rule #9 – Try a new food each week There are so many fruits and vegetables and healthy foods out there that you’ll be amazed if you do a little adventuring at the grocery store. Make sure you also visit Farmer’s Markets whenever possible, and if you can, go into health food stores or even shop online to try something new each week. Just think, if you try one new fruit or vegetable or healthy food each week, you’ll have 52 new foods in your diet in one year.

Simple Nutrition

© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


Rule #10 – Juice or blend one meal per day I’ll admit, I was hesitant to get into the blended drinks scene, but once I got started, I got hooked. It’s a fast and easy start to the day with lots of nutrients. Let me share with you one of my favorite blender drink recipes (I use a $70 Hamilton Beech blender): My breakfast blender drink: * Add 1 tablespoon of natural almond butter * Add one scoop of protein powder * Add 1/2 frozen banana * Add a handful of frozen blueberries * Add 2 handfuls of frozen spinach - don't worry, you can't taste it * Add 1.5 cups unsweetened almond milk That’s a filling and fast way to start your day and is a much better than a bowl of processed cereal or a giant Starbucks muffin. Of course, you can cut all of the ingredients in half to make a smaller serving. This is one of the best ways to consume spinach if you can’t bring yourself to eating it in a salad. I promise you, you will NOT be able to taste the spinach. I also recommend using frozen ingredients because it makes a better smoothie. Rule #11 – Eat on smaller plates so that you eat smaller portions Research shows that when we eat at a buffet, we will eat fewer calories if we use smaller plates. On the other hand, larger plates lead to eating more. So a simple trick to use at home – and even at restaurants – is to serve your food on smaller plates. This is very important for your reward meals as well. Serve your ice cream treat in a small bowl, and never eat out of the container! Plus, speaking of eating at restaurants, I recommend eating out LESS but when you do, eat at high quality restaurants that serve smaller portions of food. Rule #12 – Wait 15 minutes before eating a second helping Research shows that it takes 15-20 minutes for our brains to register that we are full. So if you eat slow and then take a break before eating a second helping, you’ll probably realize that you’ve already had enough. And remember, there is no point in eating until you are stuffed and have a stomachache. That just ruins the rest of your day. One tip to help you eat slowly is to force yourself to chew your food at least 10 times before you swallow. You might think that isn’t very much, but when you try this, you’ll quickly realize that most people only chew their food 1-2 times – if that! But eating slowly will help you cut back on calories consumed.

Simple Nutrition

© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


Rule #13 – Eat only when hungry, not when bored Food journaling is so effective for fat loss. After all, Men’s Health magazine reported on a research study where subjects who used a food journal ended up losing 3.5 pounds more than the subjects who did not use a food journal. For the next 7 days, I want you to write down everything that you eat, when you ate it, and WHY you ate it. Were you hungry? Thirsty? Bored? Busy? Stressed? Angry? Socializing? Tired? This is going to be an extremely valuable exercise for you to do because you’ll discover all of the nutrition obstacles in the way of you losing belly fat. Once you’ve done this food journaling, you’ll know exactly what to prepare for, and you’ll have options to overcome eating when bored. Plus, you’ll naturally have more mental alertness and energy by sticking to a better eating plan. Rule #14 – Drink water, tea, and coffee This rule is very simple. You should simply give up all liquid calories (no soda, no juice, no adding sugar to your coffee or tea) and avoid drinks that contain chemicals (minimize the diet sodas in your diet, because they probably aren’t helping you lose fat and they might be unhealthy in the long run). Stick to water, tea, and coffee (no more than 2 cups per day). You’ll be amazed at how quickly the belly fat will come off if you get rid of all the liquid calories (i.e. liquid sugar) in your diet. Rule #15 – Base your diet on the Fat Loss Foundation of fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts This is really the bottom line, and is another way of saying Rule #1. If you eat 10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day plus 1-2 ounces of raw nuts, you’ll lose fat – I guarantee it. The Fat Loss Foundation foods will also help you stick to your 90% nutrition compliance. Once you have your foundation in place, you can add in high quality animal protein (meat, dairy, eggs) and/or grains (spelt, flax, kamut flour pastas and bread, brown rice, etc.). Plus, by eating a diet based on the Fat Loss Foundation you will be full, satisfied, and have so much mental alertness and physical energy to have amazing workouts that will burn even more belly fat while giving you more energy and making you want to stick to your Simple Nutrition plan with even more compliance. Combine these 15 Simple Nutrition Rules with the TT workouts and I guarantee you will lose belly fat, get a flat stomach and even see your abs on the beach this year!

Simple Nutrition

© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


The TT Simple Nutrition 7-Step Daily Detox Plan

I've had many discussions with people about the popular "detox" trend that you hear about in Hollywood type magazines and the like, and while I accepted some of the detox arguments, my biggest “beef” with the entire theory of “detoxing” is this… It is simply NOT possible to EVER completely detox your body. Why? Because it’s such a vague statement. What does “detox” mean? How do you measure “detoxification”? What do you even define as toxins? And when do you officially become “detoxed”? The answer is, “You don’t.” It’s impossible. After all, every single second of every day your body produces carbon dioxide, which is a toxin. And if you have deep belly fat, research shows that this “visceral fat” is constantly releasing inflammatory toxins into your blood. Every second. And the more fat you have, the more toxic you are. Plus, every breath you take includes pollutants. And even the water that you drink may contain “toxins”. So….what’s the real deal on detoxing? Listen, while every “expert” is out there arguing about tiny little details and “gurus” are trying to sell you on detoxing so they can sell supplements, the TRUTH is that you really just need to know a few steps to avoid getting toxic in the first place. In my opinion, the #1 factor in living a “low toxin life” is simply to keep as much garbage out of your body in the first place, rather than depending on a 3-day, 7-day or even 16-day detox to be healthy.

Simple Nutrition

© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


So what do I do to prevent “toxin build-up” in the first place? Well, I live the Turbulence Training Simple Nutrition Lifestyle of course, including my “7 Step Detox Nutrition Plan”: 1) Start each day with a blender drink of berries, spinach or other greens, raw nuts (such as walnuts - rich in healthy fats), and other ingredients packed with antioxidants and healthy fats. 2) Eat an organic apple a day. Certain fruits (i.e. apples, peaches, cherries, and strawberries) and vegetables have a higher exposure to pesticides, and you should choose organic when possible. 3) Eat RAW snacks only - of fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Try using this one simple rule and limit all of your between meal snacks to raw fruit, raw vegetables, and/or raw nuts and I promise you’ll drop the pounds because you’ll be full on a smaller number of calories. 4) For lunch, have a large green salad with eggs, beans or quality meat for protein, and spinach, broccoli, peppers, avocado, onions, etc. for filling fibert and nutrients. 5) Drink Green Tea (2-3 cups) and filtered water (3 liters) instead of beverages that contain calories or chemicals. 6) Limit animal protein intake to 4 servings per day. On most days, I’ll one of the following: an “after workout” chocolate milk or whey protein, organic eggs at lunch, and high quality meat at dinner. In addition, stick to the “quality meat only” rule, because research has shown both fried meat and red meat to be associated with colon cancer. And even though you will be eating a lot of cancer fighting nutrients on the Simple Nutrition program, it’s still not worth the risk to eat too much meat. 7) Minimize or completely eliminate alcohol intake. While research does show that up to 2 drinks per day (men) may help cardiovascular health (and for women, up to one drink per day), I’m not about to recommend you start drinking. So that’s it. Live that simple lifestyle and you won’t need to undergo any complex detoxing program because you’ll be living as healthy as possible ALL of the time.

Simple Nutrition

© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


My Personal Simple Nutrition Meal Plan

“Are you a vegetarian?” “What supplements do you use?” “What do you eat every day?” No, I’m not a vegetarian. I have experimented with it in the past, but I eat high quality meat almost daily. The supplements I use are a greens drink, fish oil, vitamin C, whey protein, and creatine (occasionally). I eat a wide variety of food, and a lot of fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts. One of the keys to eating for fat loss and health is eating a wide variety of foods. So don’t get too dependent on eating the same food over and over again. Here’s my daily meal plan – plus, how things change when I travel. 4am - Each day I get up at 4am (yep, 4am). This is when I do my best writing. I drink 4 cups of water, and consume 1-2 grams of vitamin C, and I write with a clear head and empty stomach. I’m not hungry. Instead, I’m energized and creative. I follow a 12-hour fast between dinner and breakfast. I don’t enjoy – or require – a 16 hour or 24 hour fast. 6am – Time to head out on a 60-90 minute dog walk with Bally the Dog. 7am – When we get back from the walk (and his “swim” in the Lake Ontario – he takes this ALL year round, even when it’s below freezing), he gets his breakfast. I drink a greens drink. Before my gluten sensitivity test, I used Prograde’s Genesis greens drink. However, it contains wheat, so I’ve switched to Athletic Greeens. Some days, but not every day, I’ll also have whey protein in almond milk before I go workout. 7:30am – Workout 8:30am – Breakfast Blender Drink * Add 1.5 cups unsweetened almond milk or hemp milk (usually a combo) * Add one scoop of vanilla or unflavored whey protein powder * Add 1/2 frozen banana * Add a handful of frozen blueberries * Add 2 handfuls of frozen spinach - don't worry, you can't taste it * Creatine is optional I also have 1 apple, 2 tablespoons of almond butter or natural peanut butter, 1 ounce of almonds (and maybe some walnuts), and 2 tablespoons of liquid fish oil (fish juice!) or 4 capsules of Prograde’s EFA. I might also have watermelon, cherries, or other fruit. Some days I’ll still have an after-workout chocolate milk and then go home and have the following blender drink as well. I’ve also simplified my blender drinks in the last year to use fewer ingredients. Too many types of fruits and vegetables creates too much of a “witches brew”. Sometimes I’ll sub in broccoli for spinach and an apple instead of blueberries.

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10am – Dog Walk Part 2: By this time Bally the Dog is making a big production about how bored he is, so it’s off for another dog walk down to “Bally’s Gulch” (a local park). 10:30am – Snack of raw nuts, fruit, raw vegetables with hummus, etc. to get me to lunch. I might also have a Quest protein bar or a custom made protein bar from 12pm – Lunch Options: A) 4-egg omelet (using organic, free run eggs) including broccoli or spinach, red onion,

mushrooms, and red peppers. I’ve also tried adding asparagus and apple slices with the feta cheese, and it was really good.

B) 4 hard boiled eggs, steamed broccoli, fruit, and raw almond butter C) Repeat of breakfast D) Repeat of dinner (leftover quality meat and vegetables) E) "Big Boy Salad", containing black beans or kidney beans, spinach, red onion,

broccoli, mushrooms, avocado, and salsa. 2:30pm – Another dog walk. It’s not that Bally the Dog really wants to go for another walk, but he’s bored. So we go out, run some errands, go to the bank, etc. 3pm – Snack of raw nuts and fruit, or a blender drink of almond milk, chocolate whey protein powder, ½ banana, spinach, and pecans (tastes like banana bread). 6:00pm – Dinner Dilemma & Alcohol Admissions My favorite non-meat dinner had become a large bowl of quinoa mixed with vegetables, tomato sauce, olive oil, and garlic. It was delicious. However, Dr. Osborne has ruled out my beloved quinoa. He’s recently shown me research that gluten-sensitive individuals may also have the same reaction to quinoa. Plus, many quinoa manufacturers also produce wheat products, so there is an almost certainty of cross-contamination (meaning there will be traces of gluten in the quinoa you buy). If that’s not an issue to you, consider a big bowl of quinoa with vegetables and tomato sauce. There’s a popular cookbook called, Quinoa 365 with dozens of other excellent quinoa dinner options. So I’ve moved on, and typically have quality meat plus lots of vegetables. Last night, for example, was chicken thighs, green beans, sweet potato, and broccoli, with a giant bowl of watermelon for dessert. The night before was steak, avocado, asparagus, and grilled zucchini, mushrooms, and onions. Delicious. And yes, a couple of glasses of red wine. Alcohol Admission: Depending on the occasion at home or if I’m traveling, I will have some alcohol. Beer and almost all vodkas are now out, because they are wheat/grain based. The only “popular” vodka that is potato-based is Chopin. If I’m traveling with Matt Smith, my business partner from Early to Rise, we’ll have Moscow Mules or Black Russians with

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© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


Chopin vodka. Most of the time, though, at home, it will be a maximum of 2 glasses of red wine and this is only 1-2 times per week. 8pm to 10pm – Bedtime. Yep, bedtime. Almost always before 9pm. If I have a super-power, it’s the ability to fall asleep within 7 minutes of lying down in bed. It’s annoyed the heck out of every girlfriend I’ve ever had but it sure is efficient.

Simple Nutrition

© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


So that’s it for a regular day in my diet… Now what about when I travel? There are no excuses for bad food choices in airports. As you know, I recommend packing raw nuts, apples, and dried fruit for the plane…or you can use Brad Pilon’s Eat-Stop-Eat program…I’ve done that a couple of times while traveling. Research suggests that fasting helps avoid jetlag. As soon as you land, make a detour to a local grocery store before you go to your accommodations. Plan ahead. Most of your travel meals should be the same as my home meals. I plan ahead and eat whole, natural foods (mostly fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts) 90% of the time. Enjoy rewards once in a while. It’s that simple – and effective. When eating out at restaurants, it’s not hard to stick to your Simple Nutrition diet. Stick to quality meat and lots of vegetables. Avoid processed foods such as bread, sodas, white pastas, and desserts. Have a snack of raw almonds before you go to the restaurant so that you don’t overeat the bread. Ask them not to bring it, if possible. And finally…what about when eating with family? Well, again, I plan that out so its not a big deal to enjoy a hearty meal of meat and potatoes at holidays (i.e. Christmas). And most family gatherings still include lots of vegetables, so no excuses there. I truly believe the Simple Nutrition lifestyle allows us to enjoy family events while staying lean. So that’s what I eat. It’s definitely better than the average “Western Diet”, but it’s also “human”. I like to slip a little chocolate into my weekly meal plan, and when visiting my mother out on the farm (where she is often taking care of Bally the Dog while I travel), I’m prone to eating a lot of the chocolate covered almonds that she has around the house. But I don't overeat processed foods. Instead, I keep an abundance of fruit (dates, apples, watermelon, cherries, oranges, etc.) handy so that when I want to keep eating after dinner, I choose those instead of junk (because I don’t keep any junk in the house anyways). I don't go back for seconds unless I'm hungry and I wait 15 minutes after eating to make that decision. It gives your brain a time to register fullness. The key to success is avoiding processed foods. Keep them out of the house as much as possible. If you can’t, at least keep them out of site, and develop rituals (i.e. chewing gum, brushing your teeth, going for a walk, etc.) that stop the cycle of binge eating junk food. If you follow the 15 Simple Nutrition Rules and base your diet on the Fat Loss Foundation (fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts), you’ll be full while losing fat and having “tons of energy”.

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© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


My Weekly Grocery List

…to help you make better choices and get more variety in your diet. (Some items are seasonal.)

- 6 red apples - 6 bananas - raspberries - pineapple - blueberries - 2 bunches broccoli - 3 organic peppers (red, green, orange) - 2 bags baby spinach - baby carrots - sliced mushrooms - 1 tomato - 1 avocado - 1 grapefruit - 4 oranges - cherries - watermelon - 4 cartons of almond milk - 2 cartons hemp milk - dates (used as a sweet snack) - almond butter - cashew butter - 2 cans black beans - 2 cans kidney beans - hummus - 2 dozen organic, free-run eggs - chicken - grass-fed steak - grass-fed ground beef - jug of water (for emergencies)

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© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


Calculating Your Calorie & Protein Needs

Even though I’ve argued that calorie counting isn’t necessary with the Simple Nutrition plan, you’ve been told over and over and over again that you MUST count calories and eat 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. So it’s important to cover this information here…

As I’ve said many times, nutrition is more important than exercise. No matter how hard or how often you work out, you simply cannot OUT-TRAIN a bad diet. This leads to one very simple fat loss formula; calories in must be LESS than calories out.

With that being said, below you’ll find a simple set of guidelines to determining the RIGHT number of calories to help you burn fat fast along with a few suggested ways of cleaning up your diet. Nutritional Plan:

If your current nutritional plan is preventing you from losing fat, then it’s time for you to start working on building better eating habits.

This can be as simple as committing to one small nutritional improvement per day (such as replacing your lunchtime soda with water) and one large change per week (such as setting aside time on a Sunday to shop and prepare for your weekly meals).

Once you have established good nutrition habits, you’ll find yourself making BETTER CHOICES on a daily basis. But you have to work on consistent improvement, and if you mess up, don’t worry about it, just get right back to eating right.

Even if you start making only one change per day you will start to see improvements.

Make this a GOAL that you will start today: to choose one healthier food option per day that will get you one step closer to your lean body. You need to have a plan to make this work, just like you need a plan for your workouts.

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© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


Calorie Calculator:

Let’s start your meal planning by using Coach Alan Aragon’s “Calorie Calculator” to determine how many calories you should eat each day. According to Aragon, to determine the number of calories you should eat each day, you need this equation:

Daily calories = Goal weight x (workout hours per week + 9.5) • Protein grams = goal weight in pounds • Fat grams = half goal weight in pounds • Carbohydrate grams = [Daily calories – (protein calories + fat calories)]/4 NOTE: 1 gram of protein provides 4 calories 1 gram of carbohydrates provides 4 calories 1 gram of fat provides 9 calories • By the way, Aragon said it doesn’t matter if you eat 6 or 3 meals per day

Female Example: For a 160 pound woman who wants to weigh 140 pounds, and that exercises 3 hours per week:

Daily Calories = 140 x (3+9.5) Daily Calories = 1750 Protein = 140grams (560 calories) Fat = 70grams (630 calories) Carbohydrates = [1750 – (560+630)]/4 Carbohydrates = 140grams

Male Example: For a 220 pound man who wants to weigh 180 pounds, and that exercises 3 hours per week:

Daily Calories = 180 x (3+9.5) Daily Calories = 2250 Protein = 180grams (720 calories) Fat = 90grams (810 calories) Carbohydrates = [2250 – (720+810)]/4 Carbohydrates = 180grams

If you follow these calorie guidelines, along with implementing daily healthy changes to your diet, then you will be well on your way to reaching your fat loss goals.

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© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


The Simple Nutrition Calorie Method Now that’s one way of estimating how many calories you should eat. But through my experiences, I’ve found that there is an even better way of estimating your calorie intake. Here are the 5 steps to the Simple Nutrition calorie estimation method: Step 1) Find out how many calories you are eating now by recording your food intake on a site like or Step 2) At the same time, try and improve the quality of your diet by using the 15 Simple Nutrition Rules outline. Eat fruits and vegetables (at least 10 servings per day), nuts, and good protein sources. Don't eat junk from a bag or a box. Give yourself one treat meal per week to look forward to - not a treat day, just a treat meal. Step 3) Once you have improved the quality of your nutrition program, use the same food recording process and enter in the information from your new diet into Fitday, etc. Step 4) If you are still not losing belly fat, cut your calories by 200-300 per day. Step 5) To make this all easy, plan ahead. Prepare your meals (spend 1-2 hours on the weekend getting your meals and meal plan ready for the week). Identify obstacles and come up with solutions to avoid them. That is it. Very simple. Most people do pretty well but will mess up on step 5. I often hear how well someone did all day long, but then while making dinner they snack on upwards of 500 calories of their kid's treats, or other processed carbohydrates they have lying around the house. So plan ahead. Often the little things can add up to big time problems. So take a good long look at everything you eat. And all of this can be avoided if you follow rule #5. Combine my five simple nutrition rules with Turbulence Training workouts, and you have a Simple Nutrition & Workout plan that can fit any busy lifestyle.

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Summary: Everything You Need to Know About Nutrition

1. Eat eating fiber-containing foods in place of processed carbohydrates at all meals.

Examples include oatmeal instead of sugary-cereals for breakfast, salads with low-fat dressings for lunch, vegetables instead of French fries for dinner, and almonds instead of candy for snacks. Fiber helps control blood sugar and appetite. The American Dietetic Association recommends 25-35 grams of fiber per day – but most Americans get only 14 grams of fiber per day.

2. Use less meat to get your protein needs. Try one vegetarian day per week. You only

need between 0.6 and 1.0 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day – if you are overweight, stick to 0.6 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight because your extra body fat will overestimate your real needs.

3. Avoid foods containing trans-fats (also known as trans-fatty acids or hydrogenated

fats). This includes most processed convenience foods found in a bag or a box (chips, crackers, fries, pastries, etc.) as well as most margarine. Learn to read food labels; trans-fats currently aren’t listed in the nutritional facts for most foods.

4. Eat healthy fats from olive oil, nuts, wild salmon (avoid farmed salmon), and omega-

3 fortified eggs. Nuts and olive oil are high in monounsaturated fat. Monounsaturated fats are associated with good cardiovascular health. Good sources of monounsaturated fats include olive oil, walnuts and almonds. Instead of eating a bag of chips, eat ½ ounce of nuts (10-12 almonds).

5. Fish, such as salmon, provide omega-3 fatty acids that are associated with good

cardiovascular health. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish twice per week. Talk with a doctor or registered dietician about alternative sources of healthy fats if you don’t like to eat fish. If you are a vegan, use Flax Oil.

6. Follow the Rainbow Diet. The only rule here is to eat as many different colors of

fruits and vegetables as you can. The nutrients in each fruit and vegetable are usually linked to its color as well. You should consume 10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Veggies and fruits will provide you with innumerable nutrients including fiber, vitamins, minerals, and many phyto-nutrients that simply do not exist in other foods.

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Summary: Everything You Need to Know About Nutrition

7. Eat a variety of foods, especially colorful fruits and vegetables for a wide variety of

nutrients and a small amount of calories per serving. Condiments like low-sugar tomato sauce and salsa also help increase the nutrient content and taste factor of a meal. Fruits that are nutrient dense include raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries, while other fruits such as grapefruit, oranges, and apples contain high levels of the soluble fiber pectin that helps slow digestion and gives you a feeling of fullness.

8. Review food labels. Avoid foods packed with excess sugar, calories, or that contain

any trans-fats. As a general rule, the less processed the food, the more nutritious the product. Remember to aim for nutrient-dense, low-calorie foods when snacking. Log your nutritional intake on This is a free website that allows you to track your calories, protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

9. Drink 12 cups (3 liters) of water per day, consumed over the course of the day and

during exercise. For every pound of bodyweight that is lost during exercise, it is suggested that exercisers should drink two cups of water.

10. Green Tea is a very healthy drink. It’s calorie-free, has a number of health benefits,

and can replace soda, juice, and coffee to help eliminate unnecessary liquid calories. A can of soda contains 150 calories and a large soda from a fast-food chain contains over 600 calories. Therefore, avoid sugary beverages because they quickly increase your calorie intake and play havoc with your blood sugar levels.

11. Keep track of your caffeine intake in your food log and be sure to note the extra

calories that are added to beverages in the form of cream and sugar – these can quickly add up. Research shows that the caffeine content of commercial coffees can vary on a daily basis depending on water content and brewing time. One day you might get up to 600mg of caffeine in a supersized coffee while on another day only 200mg (which is already a high amount)!

12. Don’t drink your calories – avoid soda and sugary drinks. Limit your alcohol intake.

Each shot of alcohol or glass of beer or wine is about 150 calories. If you add mix to the alcohol, a mixed drink can be 300-1000 calories per drink. It’s easy to see how alcohol intake can add up into fat gain. Restricting your alcohol and sugary beverage intake will help you lose pounds of fat in a very short time.

13. Do the family grocery shopping on your own. Research suggests that adults spend

more money at the grocery store when they shop with their kids and are more likely to buy high-calorie foods. You’ll stick to your shopping list if you are on your own. Buy fewer labels and fewer products containing sugar. This means buy as much whole raw foods as possible. The less refined packaged food you eat, the better.

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© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


Summary: Everything You Need to Know About Nutrition

14. Be consistent. Don’t try to change everything at once. Aim for 2-3 improvements

each week. For example, in week 1, you can reduce your soda intake and add 1 new vegetable to dinner each night.

15. Prepare a weekly menu. Outline each meal and snack for every day of the upcoming

week. Take into account the possibilities that you might work late or get invited out to lunch. The more options you have and preparations you make, the better you will be able to stick to your fat loss plan.

16. From your menu plan, make your grocery list and stick to it. Grocery shopping is

your first opportunity to break some bad nutritional habits. You can’t eat chips, cookies, or cakes if you don’t have them in the house – so don’t buy them and you’ll avoid any future temptation.

17. Prepare the meals or the ingredients ahead of time so that making the actual meal

doesn’t take a lot of time. Like shopping, it’s best to do all of these preparations at one time (such as on a Sunday or another day off).

18. Have a reward meal once per week. Follow Dr. John Berardi’s 90% rule – if you

eat according to the guidelines 90% of the time, you can cheat 10% of the time and still make incredible body changes.

19. Take 3 minutes and write down every nutrition obstacle in your way this week.

Then take another 3 minutes and write down 2 solutions for every obstacle. Problems solved, and now you’ll be able to stick to your plan with ease.

20. If you fall “off the wagon” cut your losses, don’t worry about it, and get right back

on track – Immediately! It’s minor damage that can be dealt with. Stay STRONG!

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© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


Summary: Everything You Need to Know About Nutrition Choices

Good Food Choice Bad Food Choice Whole, natural foods Processed foods (containing added sugar, trans-fats, etc.) Fiber-rich snacks, such as Processed foods (containing added sugar, trans-fats, etc.) almonds Nuts/Almonds Chips, cookies, treats, brownies, donuts, pretzels, etc. Fruit Soda, juice, candy, etc. Vegetables French fries; Any deep-fried side dish or appetizer Raw Vegetables & Hummus High-calorie afternoon snacks Extra serving of vegetables Extra serving of starchy carbohydrates Quality Meat Fatty cuts of meat; fried meats; high-sodium lunch meats Grilled; baked; broiled meat Battered; Deep fried meat Green Tea Soft drinks, sweetened beverages Water, Sparkling Water Soft drinks, sweetened beverages Natural, sugar-free products Sweetened products (i.e. sweetened pasta sauce) (i.e. no-sugar pasta sauce)

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© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


Sample Fat Loss Meal Plan for You

In the sample meal plan that follows on the next page, the Simple Nutrition plan has been summarized into an easy, practical, and enjoyable meal plan for you. You’ll have plenty of opportunity to customize the meal plan, but it is all based on the Fat Loss Foundation of fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts. There is no ONE best diet for everyone. The best diet for you is one that fills you up, suits your personality and lifestyle, and makes you happy while giving you tons of energy and helping you lose belly fat. You can achieve the perfect diet for you using the Simple Nutrition system. The daily meal plan is based on breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, and evening snack. However, it is easy to modify the plan based on different schedules. If you don’t like to eat so often – or you can’t because of work constrictions – simply move some of the food from a snack and eat it at a meal. No need to get stressed out about eating all of the snacks I have listed. What should you eat after a workout? Well, in my opinion, for fat loss, we don’t need to obsess over having a store-bought post-workout drink. Instead, if you workout close to a meal, simply consume your regular meal after the workout. You don’t need to force extra calories into your plan with a post-workout drink. If you workout between meals, then you can simply have a snack of fruit and raw nuts or nut butter, or a nut butter sandwich after you workout. If you prefer, you could have a small portion of your morning blender drink, or you can have a protein shake and piece of fruit. In reality, what you eat after your workout probably depends a lot on convenience, so simply plan ahead to make sure you have your preferred option available. There’s nothing fancy about the Simple Nutrition meal plan, of course. Focus on the Fat Loss Foundation (fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts) and then add in high quality foods. Avoid processed foods from a bag or a box and remember to avoid eating too much and use small portions. Take your time and enjoy your meals, that way you won’t overeat. Use a food journal for a few weeks – at least – to learn everything you can about how your body reacts to specific foods and then eat more of what is helping and less of what makes you tired or bloated. And everyday try to be better than yesterday. With the Simple Nutrition plan and this consistent “baby step” approach, you’ll lose belly fat without any sacrifices.

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© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2012


Sample Fat Loss Meal Plan for You

Breakfast Beverages: Water, Green Tea, or Coffee Sample Meal Options: Blender Drink Eggs with vegetables and 1 piece of fruit Almond Butter Sandwich with fruit Morning Snack Beverages: Water, Green Tea, or Coffee Sample Snack Options: Fruit and raw nuts or nut butter Vegetables and hummus ½ serving of Blender Drink Lunch Beverages: Water or Green Tea Sample Meal Options: Giant green salad with quality meat or beans and 1 piece of fruit High Quality Meat with vegetables and 1 piece of fruit Vegan chili or Beans, rice, avocado, and salsa and 1 piece of fruit Small green salad, almond butter sandwich, and 1 piece of fruit Afternoon Snack Beverages: Water or Green Tea Sample Snack Options: Fruit and raw nuts or nut butter Vegetables and hummus ½ serving of Blender Drink Dinner Beverages: Water Sample Meal Options: Giant green salad with quality meat or beans and 1 piece of fruit Vegan Chili or Beans, rice, avocado, and salsa and 1 piece of fruit High Quality Meat with vegetables and 1 piece of fruit Evening Snack Beverages: Water Sample Snack Options: Fruit and small portion of nut butter ½ serving of Blender Drink

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