Page 1: Sims Jonathan 1990 Japan


And the things you have heard mesay in the presenceofmany witnesses entrusted to reliablemen who will also be qualified to teachothers. II Timothy 2:2



Considering that services here at the "Joel Home" began in November^ it was a verypositive start to see the good turnout of people at Christmas. On Sunday morning wesaw seven come and for the evening Candlelight Service we saw twelve. Included inthat number were several from the Saturday Evening Bible Class, one who was inattendance at a Christian Service for the first time in her life. According to radiostations at the time, quite a few Japanese young people were planning somethingspecial on Christmas Eve, some even planning to go to Church to attend a Christmas EveCandlelight Service. Most couples on a "date" were at the movies or a dance party,rather than a Church. For most Japanese couples Christmas Eve becomes anotheroccasion for having fun or doing something different. At the "Joel Home" we saw noinfluence of the seasonal trend as broadcast on secular radio stations, but we

rejoiced with those who came from Japanese and English Bible Classes and contacts fromSunday Worship Services. Although it may have been just a seasonal "fad" for many,it was a pleasant and welcome change for me to hear some Christian music in additionto Carols and traditional Christmas songs being broadcast on secular radio.


Christmas Day saw me taking part in a Christmas program with the members of theMejirodai congregation, where dad preaches, on behalf of the patients in a hospitalfor .the elderly. They are dear people who for the most part have been left at thehospital to die by families who are too concerned about their own financialadvancement to care for their own parents. The dear people cry when we show concernthrough putting on a musical Christmas program and giving small nutritional gifts(health food cookies and sugar free candy and fruit). My part was to play a number onthe clarinet while the goodies were being distributed. The songs appreciated the mostby the patients were those played on a Japanese KOTO by one of the ladies. BecauseGod showed His love to us through sending His Son Jesus Christ to earth to live amongus, to die on the cross for our sins and to be raised from the dead on the third day,we should be happy for the opportunities to show His love to those around us.


Last year our Lord called a number of our missionaries home to be with Him. Hecalled Exie Fultz and Martin Clark from their ministries here in Japan. We miss thesedear workers. The work will not be the same without them, but we must continue with

the development of new workers not only to replace those who have gone to their rewardin heaven, but to add workers for expanding the outreach for the sake of Jesus Christand His Kingdom. In the 1990s there will be a number of missionaries retiring fromthe ministry here to a different ministry in the States. This year saw the retirementof Andrew and Betty Patton, who have dedicated most of their lives to the furtheranceof the Gospel here in Japan. The leadership of the work in Yokosuka was passed fromthe Pattons to me, so that the Fattens could move on to a very capable leadership ofthe Shinshu Bible Camp, which now is being cared for through a team effort of ourmissionaries until a couple (with grown children) can take on the full load ofmaintaining the grounds and supervising the kitchen. The Japanese camp manager hashis hands full in scheduling and supervising as well as a family to raise. After sixfull years in Yokosuka, there is a Japanese family in leadership there, my ministry isnow with the "Joel Home" in Yokohama.

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The Japanese congregations are also going to see changes during the 1990s withmany of the preachers being up in years and replacements in dire need. There areyoung preachers in the Ministry* but everyone has his hands full trying to support afamily by part-time work* limiting time with small groups of Christians in a societywhere masses of people need the Gospel* but ace seeking help elsewhere. If everyChristian would be salt and light* active in telling others what they know about JesusChrist and salvation through His Name* impact on society would be so much more.However* the number of Christians in Japan is not enough to make much of an impact onsociety. In a survey conducted by a Japanese Christian newspaper it is estimated thatthere are around 250*000 people attending Worship Services every week in"conservative" Protestant Churches. The yearbook published by "liberals" countsChurch membership as around five hundred thousands for Protestant Churches. Thecatholics estimate five hundred thousand for their active members. All together it isstill less than one percent of a population of one hundred twenty two million inJapan.

Tne "Joel Home" "ministry of"Sunday morning Worship* Wednesday Bible study inJapanese and Saturday evening English Bible class is continuing from week to week withattendance of around five or six for Worship* a neighbor coming on Wednesdays andthree coming regularly on Saturdays. This is a crucial time for persistence andfaith. The Lord is working and leading people His special way. Harvest is alwaysready when the workers get busy. Opportunity to communicate more with the people hasopened up. I am acting as a substitute English teacher at the Yokohama Y.M.C.A. Itgives me an opportunity to teach English and learn more about the daily life stylesand thinking of those living in this large city.

Near the "Joel Home" is a university where exchange students from variouscountries are studying. A Chinese man is doing research there and I met him throughdistributing brochures about this place. I was able to find a Bible in Chinese(published by the United Bible Society) and gave him a copy. He has started to cometo learn more* but is afraid because the Communist authorities are oppressingChristians more since the incident last year (propaganda is very different from fact)and he may lose opportunities as an Organic Chemist (M.S. at Peking) because hebelieves in God now and has a Bible. His wife and child are at home in Shianghai andhe will soon be returning to China. Pray for him* as he is hungering for God's Wordand is open to believe. Pray that not only this Chinese may become a Christian* butthat Japanese in the community can respond to God's love.


1126 Laurel Avenue

Chesapeake* Virginia 23325



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Kanagawa-KuYokohama-Shi 221 Japan

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Page 3: Sims Jonathan 1990 Japan


And the things you have heard me say in the presence ofmany witnesses entrustedto reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others. IITimothy 2:2

Volume 10 Second Quarter 1990


Number 2


In the first newsletter of this year, I mentioned the situation of anOrganic Chemist from Communist China who was here in Japan to do research.I had given him a Chinese Bible and he was interested in it. I made themistake in saying that he had a M.S. from Peking. He has never been toPeking, doing all of his study in his hometown of Shanghai. He is back inShanghai with his wife and son, but all is not well with his people. Ireceived a letter from him detailing a sad situation. I am reluctant togive his name because of the danger he is in, simply because he went out ofthe country into a capitalistic society. He didn't sign the letter or evengive an address because he mentioned the name of Jesus Christ in blessingMr. Oka and myself. If the letter had been opened by the authorities andhis interest in learning more about Christianity (even though the workingwas such that only I could understand what he was talking about) wasdiscovered he would certainly lose his job. If I write to him (as he hadgiven me his address while here in Japan) and mention a word aboutChristianity, he will lose his job as teacher of chemistry as all teachersin Communist China must be atheists. He had just returned to Shanghai whenhe learned that his mother had died of malnutrition while he was on theboat home. He was allowed to take care of the funeral arrangements thenwas ordered to learn the official view concerning the June 4, 1989 incidentin Peking. Two weeks of self-criticism were ordered by the authoritiessimple because he had been overseas and might have accepted some religiousor anti-revolutionary ideas. He had to study more proletarian thoughts toclarify his ideas. Because he had not taken part in any kind of activitywhile in Japan that opposed the headship of the Chinese Communist Party hedid not meet any trouble during the two weeks education. Because he didnot hint of belief in God (which he does) he was allowed to resume his jobof teaching. He might have a chance to go abroad again to work in acompany, but only on the condition that half of his salary earned be paidto the central Chinese government.

According to his letter, inflation is high, but the salary of the ordinaryChinese person is the same as ever. Party members have special benefits

and the authorities control everything,including the lives of people. It costhim one half of a days pay to send anair mail letter to Japan, as postage isarbitrary set so that there will be

i limited communication with people incapit-a4-4-S-t-ic- countries. A - Chinese

- ' ' translation of "Evidence that demands averdict" by Josh McDowell is on the

i.,- black market for one half of a monthsa''"" ^ salary. It appears that theI ^year there hasf Y been of people

interestedmention as the blame fortrouble on Prayfor the oppressed masses of starving

Mr. Oka and Mr. Y people in China. Pray for freedom forall peoples to hear the Gospel and obeyJesus Christ in all things.

Page 4: Sims Jonathan 1990 Japan


AMERICAN CHRISTIAN COLLEGE51ightly more than forty years ago an attempt was made to start a BibleSeminary for training Japanese leaders in Tokyo. Missionaries of ourChristian Churches cooperated In teaching classes, but the project was soonhindered by various factors, and the doors of the building left open onlyfor Worship Services which had been started. A Japanese preacher liveswith his family in an apartment on one end of the building. Recently thebuilding was extensively repaired so that it can be used again for classes.This year began the only school of English for Japanese students directlytied in with a Christian college in the U.S. "American Christian Colleges"prepares Japanese students through intensive English courses during a twoyear term to directly transfer to Milligan College in Tennessee. Studentsat the highest ability level can take college credit courses in Bible,while lower level students study English and maybe an elective class issome subject. Missionaries take time to teach classes while a full timeteacher qualified in TOEFL is being sought. All staff must be Christians,of course, and preferably with a Masters Degree. Many AmericanUniversities have a Masters Degree Program for certification in TOEFL(Teaching of English as a Foreign Language).

ACC began in full swing in May withfourteen full time and one part timestudent. Of the students at least half

are Christians. There are three abilitylevels represented, so teaching is quitea challenge. The staff are almostentirely part time as have othercommitments as wel1.



opportunely—ftrrwond-erf ul

reaching out—tro youngppnple—and the—teaching—of a no 11 ege1e.V e 1—class ic tho groal-oct toct nf myskills at tryirig—to—leai'n better thanthe zealous students do.


^With.the small size of congregations inJapan in the midst of a powerfully sinful society, there are " a 1w^yTpotential hazards. The tendency is for the traditional Japanese style ofone man leadership to predominate over the congregations instead of the NewTestament pattern of multiple leadership cooperating together to lead a"flock". The one leader can get away with things related to control ofproperty and money with congregations being split between his decisions andopposing ones. One congregation is going through materialistic problems.Pray for the congregation to grow and more stability to be felt withmultiple leaders cooperating. Not only is there a need for Japanesepreachers to replace some soon to be called home, but there is a great needfor Scripturally mined elders and deacons to be trained and beginfun ct ioni ng.

Thank you for your continuing prayers and support. The Lord is sustainingme here at the Joel Home Ministry. Attendance is steady at Worship Serviceand classes. The dollar is holding its value to meet my physical needs.My spiritual needs are continuing to be met through daily study of God'sWord. Pray for strength to keep on letting the light of Jesus Christ shinethrough my words and deeds. Pray for the Japanese people to open theirjnearts to the Gospel and to obey Our Lord Jesus Christ in all things for(nis Name's sake.

LAUREL AVENUE CHURCH OF CHRIST1126 Laurel AvenueChesapeake, VA 23325

ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTEDForwarding Agents forJonathan Sims, Missionary to JapanP .0. Box 13277Chesapeake, VA 23325

Non-Profit OrgU.S. PostagePAID

Chesapeake, VAPermit No. 48

Field Address:4-17-12 RokkakubashiKanagawa-kuYokohama-shi 221 Japan

Missions Services AssociationBom 2427

KnoMville, TN 37901

Page 5: Sims Jonathan 1990 Japan


And the things you have heard me say in the presence ofmany witnesses entrustedto reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others. UTimothy 2:2


Volume 10 Third Quarter 1990 Number 3


One twelve week term at American Christian College in Tokyo is now history-7-with the experience in my life being something to reflect on as I continueto serve in Japan. The range of teaching people with very little ability atEnglish to teaching those with moderate ability and some with rather goodability proved to be an adjustment which became tiring during the weeks ofstudy together. For those who could hardly formulate sentences in Englishthere was a tendency for me to slip into using Japanese rather than lettingthem sweat at language acquisition. I could have used more complex Englishexpressions for the students in the college credit class. I will attempt toadjust the expressions I use for the various English ability levels in thecoming terms# making extra effort to keep from using Japanese for beginners.

The greatest learning experience for teaching comes through the feedback fromstudents. Japanese students rarely challenge Japanese teachers aboutanything. The professors word is accepted as authority on just abouteverything, including matters outside of his field. (In Japan it is safe touse "his" because the society as a whole is still male dominated, especially"higher" education.) At ACC, communication is encouraged so that studentsand teachers both will benefit from interaction and discussion of various

ideas. About one half of the students are Christian, which make for someinteresting debates as there are distinct contrasts between the Christianworld view and the world view of the non Christians. This kind of contrast

was seen at times in the class I taught dealing with Christian Ethics. Iallowed the students to lead in discussion about various topics. It broughtfriction at several class sessions. There are a number of items which needto be challenged in any world view. It is vital that we learn how to expressGod's truth with His love, so that all people can come to accept Jesus Christas Lord and Saviour of their lives and obey Jesus Christ in all things.


At the annual gathering of our small group of American workers we wereprivileged to have James Strauss, from Lincoln Christian Seminary, as ourhonored guest. He brought a challenging report on the state of Christianityin the world. It is a sad situation to hear of the increase of many nonChristian religious groups in our beloved U.S. of A. The Christian Churchas a whole is faced with an insurmountable task of living as Jesus Christwould have us live and telling others of what Jesus Christ has done for allpeople. We must pray for God to give us the strength to carry out thecommission of world-wide evangelism which still needs to be accomplished.James Strauss brought us a lot of material to ponder and a challenge to praybefore and after doing our part. Let us all be steadfast as God has allkinds of wonderful things in store for those who love Him and do His Will.

When James Strauss spoke, he often used the term "world view." A "worldview" refers to something which affects the way every person lives. It isthe sum total of all of the ideas an individual has about every topicconceivable. Even though not often verbally expressed, the concepts hiddenin ones heart come out in some form or other in every lifestyle. In tryingto proclaim the Gospel in other cultures, some missionaries are readily ableto adjust to the outward cultural forms, but what is needed is to dig downto the roots of thought underlying outward cultural forms. Then, and onlythen will people be reached adequately with the Gospel. As a result therewill also be surprising changes in cultural matters. A "Christian " worldview is one which harmonizes with all that is learned in the Word of God,penetrating beyond Greek and Hebrew culture to the basic viewpoints of therelationship between God and Homo sapiens and of life itself. EveryChristian still has some of the secular world view lingering in heart.

Sometimes an opinion surfaces which doesn't match the viewpoint our Lord has

Page 6: Sims Jonathan 1990 Japan

James Strauss Missionary Convention

on something. It is our goal to have the mind of Christ in all things. Letus strive to attain that outlook on life and there will be a new focus on

people not distracted by outward cultural forms. It will be easier to reachpeople by learning what they think and learning to relate to that, thanlearning simply how to eat with chopsticks.


The Lord works through personal relationships. Mr. Oka, the owner of theJoel Home where I serve, invited a friend to a Bible study years ago. Thefriend came and was impressed with the messages brought by a Japanesepreacher of one of our sister congregations here in Japan. In time, Mr.Oka's friend came to understand several portions of Scripture. He came tothe Joel Home when meetings were held here. Mr. Takasugi came to believe inJesus Christ as Lord and on Sunday, July first, was immersed into Christ bythe Japanese preacher who had led in the Bible studies through the years.I-t is not eas^ for—a sixty-five year old businessman to b-eoome a Christianin Japan, but The Lord is working in His special way. This case is anotherone to give us hope for Japan. Even though most Japanese are set in theirways, there are people who are changing and open for the Gospel. Too often,though, they are reached only by fanatical Buddhist sects or various cults.Pray that Japanese Christians can be bold in proclaiming the Gospel and thatthey will evangelize friends and family. Praise The Lord for the too fewpeople like Mr. Oka who invited their friends to meetings so that the messageof Jesus Christ can be spread.


The Lord has been providing my needs. A Japanese preacher came to visitduring August. He is very good at writing English, but wanted somecorrection of his essays, which I did during the heat of August. Heexpressed his appreciation by providing a financial gift, but mostly gave meverbal encouragement to continue working in the field of Japan. More workersare needed in this land where costs are so high. But price can not be setfor souls. Let us pray for more workers. Let us pray that God continue toprovide us with resources so that we can do His Will. Thank you for yourlove and continuing prayers for the work in Japan.


1126 Laurel Avenue

Chesapeake, VA 23325


Forwarding Agents forJonathan Sims, Missionary to JapanP.O. Box 13277

Chesapeake, VA 23325

Non-profit Org.U.S. Postage


Chesapeake, VA

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Field Address:

4-17-12 Rokkakubashi


Yokohama-shi 221 Japan

VMissions Services Association

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Page 7: Sims Jonathan 1990 Japan



And the thingsyou have heard me say in the presence ofmany witnesses entrusted to reliablemen who will also be qualified to teach others. II Timothy 2:2


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The Gospel of Jesus Christ seems toprogress very slowly when Christiansare huddled in small groups scatteredthroughout a society which does notcare the least about matters of

faith. Christians are suppressedbecause of pressures to conform to asecular lifestyle. It is so mucheasier to tolerate the heathen nine

ty-nine percent than to stand firm assalt and light. Christians in Japanneed every bit of encouragement thatcan be provided. One such opportunity came through a specially plannedconcert to be held at a major auditorium in Tokyo. Many congregationssacrificed to provide funds of whichthe tickets only covered a minorpart. The cost of the tickets weremade reasonable to attract many people to the concert/ who otherwisewould have no interest. Sandi Pattiand- company were the special guests,-with a message by one of the outstanding Japanese preachers sandwiched in between the two musicalportions <so that people would notleave at the message time—which sooften happens). The program succeeded in attracting people to the tuneof about ten thousand. Not only weremany people introduced to the musicof Sandi Patti/ but also for quite afew people it was the first opportunity in their lives to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

When trouble arises in a congregationto split it into two camps or more/the whole body of Christ feels theimpact. It becomes even more unbearable when an article appears in anationwide newspaper about the situation. Satan is using every way tohinder the Kingdom of Jesus Christ/taking advantage of the humanness ofbelievers. With the world laughingat the Church of Christ it is hightime we get back to business. JesusChrist has already won the victory.It is time we claim that which rightfully belongs to our Lord and SaviorJesus Christ.

The congregation where dad haspreached from the first Worship Service is now in its twentyficst year:.For the twenty year anniversary aspecial musical program was plannedwith talented members taking part.Quite a few members have abilitv

either vocally or with an instrument.Mom asked me to play a piece on myclarinet. I selected an excerpt fromHandel's Messiah called "He ShallFeed His Flock Like a Shepherd" froma collection By Dr. Norman Heimcalled Sacred Melodies for Clarinet

Solo by Mel Bay Productions. I amstrictly an amateur/ but was surprised to find myself top batter inthe Saturday evening musical programto which not only the congregationmembers but the general communitywere invited. The Lord has blessed

the congregation in western Tokyowith good people. I was glad to be apart of the program there.

The Joel Home has now been in operation for more than a full year sincemy return from furlough in 1989.Thanksgiving Sunday vjas the occasionto celebrate a full year of WorshipServices. I pray that after twentyyears there will-he -a developed gcc-upof Christians here to glorify JesusChrist and effectively reach out tothe community with His love. Atpresent/ five people are regularly inattendance at the Sunday WorshipService. I pray that there will bemany more contacts through EnglishBible Classes/ but mostly pray forpeople to reach friends and family sothat all may hear the good news ofJesus Christ.

The emperor in Japan has been simplya symbol of the people and an obscureperson with no political voice sincethe end of World War Two. Except foran elaborate expensive ceremony inpublic and several private ceremonies/ the emperor remains a symbolwithout political say so. It is afear of Japanese Christians thatthese recent ceremonies reflect therevival of a system which once persecuted Christians. The ceremonieswere supported entirely by taxes/with the general citizen saying little if anything in opposition to suchuse of taxes (although strictlyspeaking such activity with tax fundsis unconstitutional). The media

allowed a few minutes coverage ofprotest by communist yahoos who arealways violently opposed to everything anyway whi(3h sfnells of (ioniocra-cy. Not even a few seconds wereallowed for Christians tc ssy sny-thing. In any case/ there is nothingto do but wait and see what happens/

Page 8: Sims Jonathan 1990 Japan

praying that in everything the nameof Jesus Christ will be honored and



The Lord has blessed me throughoutthe year. The Joel Home Ministry hasseen a steady experience of learninghow to relate to people. The Lordhas used Mr. Oka to draw out the best

of me in sermon preparation. Mr. Okahas been very helpful at times toteach me how Japanese people thinkand need to be reached. His advice

on illustrations has been quite interesting. I pray that the Gospelcan be effectively communicatedthrough my life and messages. I amgrateful that his comments are getting fewer with each message. TheSunday Morning Worship Service has anaverage of five people in attendance.One lady has been coming to a Biblestudy in Japanese/ but she is notwell. Pray for her health and forher to understand God's Word. Three

ladies have been enjoying simplifiedEnglish in an English Bible Class.Pray for all of the people who arecoming to meetings here at the JoelHome.

The responsibilities of supply teaching at the Yokohama Y.M.C.A. and atAmerican Christian College in Tokyohave been expanding my outreach. Itseems that I have been learning morethan teaching, which is humbling attimes, but fulfilling. I pray thatthe students can see Jesus Christ

living in me and that they can bemotivated to want Jesus Christ to be

Lord of their lives as well.

I am grateful for all of your prayersand support. The Lord has blessedthe work here at the Joel Home with

an immersion into Christ in July asindirect fruit of the work. The Lord

deserves all the credit for changingMr. Takasugi and Mr. Oka deservescredit for his outreach to his friend

Mr. Takasugi. I do not know if anything I said helped, but I do praythat I can be an encourager to Mr.T's growth in Christ. May all of youhave a wonderful season as we cele

brate the birth of Jesus Christ and

remember always that Jesus Christ isLord of Lords and King of Kings.



si nca.





1126 Laurel Avenue

Chesapeake, VA 23325

ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTEDForwarding Agents forJonathan Sims, Missionary to JapanP.O. Box 13277

Chesapeake, VA 23325

Non-Prof it Org.U.S. PostagePAID

Chesapeake, VAPermit No. 48

Field Address;

4-17-12 Rokkakubashi

Kanagawa"k\jiYokohama-shi 221 Japan

Box^2427 AssociationKnoxville, TN 37901

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