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1- Unless the Contract Documents include more stringent requirements, referenced standards have the same force and effect as if bound or copied directly into the Specification to the extent referenced and such standards are made a part of the Contract by such reference;2- The Contractor will comply with the latest published edition of referenced standards, including any supplements or revisions, in effect as of the date fixed for submission of Tenders:Where a particular referenced standard is published or available in both imperial and metric versions, then the metric version will apply, unless otherwise indicated or approved. Wherecompliance with two or more standards is specified and the standards establish different or conflicting provisions for minimum quantitative or qualitative requirements, comply with the most stringent requirement. Refer uncertainties and requirements that are different, but apparently equal, for a decision by the Engineer, before proceeding, the Contractor will obtain copies of the latest published edition of all standards referred to in the Specification. These shall be kept on the Site and made available upon request for reference and use by the Engineer.



1- Contractor to submit plan for the investigated site showing the location of the proposed buildings and the locations of suggested boreholes and trial pits with their depths and coordinates to Development Project Center for review and approval prior to execution; 2- Geotechnical investigation and report giving a full description of subsurface conditions and results of in situ and laboratory testing together with recommendations for foundation design andconstruction. Detailed description of the surface conditions and features within the site will be provided;3- Geotechnical investigation and factual report giving a full description of the following;

a- Geology of the site, borehole logs and classifications of soils and rocks;b- Summary of in situ and laboratory testing;c- Ground water encountered, and the depth at which it will affect on the foundations;d- Seismic soil type classification and assessment of soil liquefaction potential;e- Bearing capacity and depth of bearing stratum for shallow foundation;f- Types of deep foundations that may be used, probable bearing stratum and expected

capacity;g- Solution for the cavities (if any);h- Lateral soil pressure;i- Settlement analysis including total and differential for the proposed foundation type;j- Specifications for the compacted backfill;

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k- Construction requirements, including: expected stable excavation slopes, dewatering requirements, suitability of site soils as backfill and compaction requirements;

l- Improvement methods if needed in case of unsuitable foundation soils are encountered.


1- General plan for the investigated site will be provided showing the location of the proposed buildings with their coordinates. Also north and qiblah direction should be shown;

2- Site dimensions and adjoining borders should be described;3- The suggested distribution , depth and coordinates of the boreholes to be shown on the

general plan;4- Main streets, which lead to the site will be submitted;5- Copy from Google Earth for the investigated site to be provided;6- Existing building and utilities to be described.


1- The Contractor will be given the opportunity to comment on the number, depths and positions of boreholes and invited to suggest alterations and additions both before and during execution of the work;2- Boreholes will be drilled to a depth not less than 10.0 m or to the depths shown on drawings. If rock is encountered, continuous coring will be carried for a minimum of 5.0 m into good quality rock or to the depths shown on drawings whichever is achieved first or as directed by theEngineer. Good quality rock is defined as rock with rock quality designation (RQD) value more than 75% for a core run of 1.0 m and a core recovery of not less than 90%.


1- Trial pits will be excavated to a minimum depth of 3.0 m or to the depths shown on the drawings;2- It can provide bulk disturbed or undisturbed samples for analysis.3- It allows an accurate visual assessment of that a part of the soil profile which is commonly the most important zone in terms of foundation stresses;4- Direct measurement of shallow water table is possible without contamination of the water with drilling fluids;5- If necessary, other tests can be carried out directly on or near the foundation depth.


Standard Penetration Test (SPT);Pocket Penetrometer on Undisturbed Cohesive Soil;Vane Shear Test;Dutch Cone (Static) Penetration Test (CPT);Dynamic Cone Penetration Test;

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Pressuremeter Test;In Situ Permeability Constant Head;In Situ Permeability Packer Test;In Situ Permeability Falling Head;Electrical Resistivity Method;Refraction Seismic Method;Continuous Reflection Seismic Profiling;Soil Resistivity Test.

2.6 LABORATORY TESTS: The following tests are to be conducted out as frequently asrequired, subject to the Engineer's approval, to describe adequately the natural variability in the soil deposit:Moisture content;Sieve analysis for granular materials;Mechanical analysis by sedimentation for fine materials;Dry and bulk densities of cemented and cohesive soil;Plasticity indices;Linear shrinkage of soil;Specific gravity;Chemical analysis of soil, rock and ground water;Calcium carbonate content of soil or rock;Unconfined compression tests on cohesive soils;Unconsolidated undrained triaxial compression tests on cohesive soils;Consolidated undrained triaxial compression tests on cohesive soils;Consolidated drained direct shear (or triaxial) compression tests on cohesive soils;One dimensional consolidation tests on cohesive soils;One dimensional swell or collapse potential tests on cohesive soils;Determination of the dry density/moisture content relationship of soil;Determination of the California Bearing Ratio (CBR);Uniaxial compression tests on rock cores;Static elastic modules of cores;Point load index of rock samples.

2.7 RESPONSIBILITY: The Contractor is responsible for:True and proper setting out of boreholes and test locations in relation to permanent referencepoints or bench marks;Accuracy of levels of tops of boreholes;Accuracy of depth records to given bench marks on or near the site;Accuracy of his observations generally and for his reports on the observations;Accuracy of his calculations and interpretation.


2.8.1 QUALITY ASSURANCE - CODES AND STANDARDS: Comply with provisions of following codes, specifications, and standards, except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified: ASTM Standards, BSI Standards, ISRM 1985, and Earth Manual.

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1- The geotechnical investigation specified here must be carried out by a firm who has adequate plant, equipment, laboratory facilities and skilled personnel to perform it expeditiously and is known to have responsible for satisfactory work similar to that specified during a period of at least the immediate ten years;2- When calculations, interpretations and recommendations are made provide the names, qualifications and details of experience of those responsible for them and their position within the Contractor's organization.


The Contractor's agent for the work is to be, or alternatively he is to have on his staff, a soils' engineer, engineering geologist, or geotechnical engineer fully experienced in site investigation work. This specialist is to be on the site full time readily available to both the drillers and the Engineer.


2.9.1 PROJECT CONDITIONS - SERVICES AND STRUCTURES: Where undergroundservices or structures are thought to exist in the immediate vicinity of a borehole position, an exploratory pit is to be dug to such a depth that it is reasonably certain that all services and structures have been uncovered. After this, normal boring may proceed.


1- Do not foul the atmosphere, any river, stream, watercourse or sewer. Make provision for discharge or disposal from the work or temporary work of water waste products and spoil however arising. Method of disposal is to be to the satisfaction of the Engineer and of any other authority or person having an interest in any land or watercourse over or in which water and waste products may be discharged. Requirements of this clause will not limit any of the Contractor's statutory obligations or liabilities;2- Ascertain any natural or man-made sources of pollution which might deleteriously affect groundwater.

2.10 POSITION OF BOREHOLES: Fix positions of boreholes and standpipes as installedfrom features of the site for ease of reference and record their co-ordinates in the report on the investigation.

2.11 OBTAINING AND STORAGE SAMPLES: Methods of sampling and subsequenthandling, labeling and storage of samples are to be in accordance with the applicable procedures described in ASTM Section 4 (Construction) Volume 04.08. All soil and rock samples will be retained for a minimum three months after completion of the geotechnical investigation.

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2.12 SUBMITTALS - DAILY BOREHOLE RECORDS: Daily borehole records will besubmitted to the Engineer not later than noon on the following day.

2.13 DAILY TEST PIT RECORDS: Daily test pit records will be submitted to theEngineer not later than noon on the following day.

2.14 DAILY REPORTS: Should include weather conditions, work progress, difficulties andany other significant event.

2.15 SUBMITTALS - PROGRAMME OF LABORATORY TESTING: Program oflaboratory testing is to be oriented towards obtaining data pertinent to the work. Program andtype of laboratory testing are to be submitted to the Engineer for approval for each borehole within 48 hours, after completion of the borehole.

2.16 SUBMITTALS - GEOLOGICAL MAP: Submit a detailed engineering geological mapshowing surface deposits whether naturally occurring or man-made at a scale agreed by theEngineer.

2.17 SUBMITTALS - DRAFT REPORT: Two (2) copies of the draft report including all the requirements detailed below and will be submitted to the Engineer for approval at least six (6) days before the end of the Contract Period. The Engineer will inform the Contractor of any corrections or amendments within three (3) days of receipt of the draft.

2.18 SUBMITTALS - FINAL REPORT: Four (4) bound copies and one (1) unbound copy of the accepted report in English, describing the work will be produced in A4 size and contain the following factual information:Exploratory borehole records;In situ test records;Plots of all laboratory and in situ test results against depth;Laboratory test records and summaries;Plans with location of exploratory holes;Plan showing surface deposits / rock outcrops, fill, geologic features (EngineeringGeological map);Schedule of contents;Independently bound appendix of color photographs of all rock cores, test pits and trenches and any other features relevant to the text and observations;Geological cross section(s) of the site;Soft copies using EXCEL 2003 or latest version shall be submitted on computer diskettes which will include:- All laboratory testing, in tabular and graphical form,- Summary tables of the laboratory testing results,- Soil and rock classification.Soft copies of boreholes and test pits will be submitted in Excel or any other approved program;The soft copy of the text of the report will be submitted in MICROSOFT WORD 2003 or latest version. Also, sections through the boreholes showing the interpreted geological conditions.

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A text describing the work undertaken with notes on any special situations or conditions relative to the work recommendations for foundation design and construction. Detailed design calculations and methods.


3.1 BORING METHOD: Support boreholes with casing as necessary to prevent collapse of sides. Bentonite may be used when this will not interfere with sampling of soil or in situ testing.Carry out work in such a way that groundwater levels over the site are not generally affected and take precautions to prevent surface water entering boreholes.

3.1.1 BORING METHOD - BORING IN SOIL: Boring in soil is to be to minimum diameter of 150 mm, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, and undertaken either by shell and auger (cable percussion) or by rotary power hollow stem auger of type which enables samples of at least 100 mm diameter to be obtained using open or piston samplers.

3.1.2 BORING METHOD - BORING IN ROCK: Unless otherwise specified for in situ testsin boreholes, drill rock by rotary coring methods to obtain cores of not less than 76 mm diameter.Use of rotary percussion method of drilling (down the hole hammer) will only be allowed with the approval of the Engineer.

3.1.3 BORING METHOD - DRILLING FLUID: Drilling fluid is normally to be fresh water or a mixture of water and bentonite if there is difficulty in keeping borehole sides stable.Use of air or air entrained foam or other fluids will be allowed only with the approval of theEngineer or when it is the only means to obtain good quality samples.

3.2 DRILLING OVER WATER: Provide a stable platform such as stand up barge or floating platform and sink boreholes through guide pipe spanning between working platform and water bottom. Design of staging, towers and platforms is to take into account fluctuating water levels due to tides, waves and swell conditions. It is essential that such construction be sufficiently strong for boring operations to resist waves, tidal flow and other currents and floating debris. Due consideration is to be given to safety requirements, navigational warnings and regulations of governmental departments and other authorities.Necessary readings of water levels and tidal gauges are to be made to enable sea bed elevation at location of over-water boreholes to be referred to chart datum and elevations of various strata to be determined accurately.


1- If an obstruction is encountered which prevents further progress in boring by shell and auger or rotary power auger, attempt to break through the obstruction by chiseling. If size or composition of obstruction is such that little or no progress is made by chiseling, inform the Engineer and if instructed use rotary coring methods to drill through and obtain cores of the obstruction not less than 100 mm diameter;

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2- If boring shows that the obstruction is bedrock, continue rotary core drilling to depth and diameter required by the Engineer to prove continuity and engineering characteristics of formation;3- If boring shows that the obstruction is boulder, ledge of rock or other object underlain by soil, inform and agree with the Engineer the use of one of the following lines of action:Chisel out the cored borehole through the obstruction sufficient to allow shell and auger boring, in situ sampling and testing to continue below the obstruction continue boring by rotary core drilling to required depth and diameter of borehole and agree with the Engineer as to whether or not it is necessary to obtain undisturbed samples of soils in a nearby borehole at levels beneath the obstruction abandon borehole and drill another one nearby to obtain necessary samples.


1- When groundwater is encountered in a borehole immediately cease boring and observe and record any movement in level of groundwater. Cease boring for half an hour at the end of which period again record water level. Obtain the Engineer's instructions and, if required by him, install standpipe or piezometer as specified on completion of borehole;2- Observe and record changes in water level in deeper aquifers. Make records of groundwater levels as specified and refer to datum used for the work;3- If casing is used and this forms a seal against entry of groundwater, record depth at which no further entry or only insignificant infiltration of water occurs.4- If it is necessary to add water to the borehole to facilitate boring, use sparingly and not in such a manner as to prevent accurate observation of groundwater conditions in the borehole;5- Install standpipes in bore-holes to the numbers and depths required by the Engineer. Standpipe is to comprise a rigid polyvinyl chloride or galvanized iron pipe 45 mm minimum diameter having at its lower end an approved porous filter element or alternatively perforated for a length of at least 500 mm.Surround filter or bottom of pipe with sand or sand and gravel mix graded to prevent entry of soil particles into pipe. Place layer of graded mix in bottom of borehole prior to lowering stand-pipe. Place sand or sand and gravel mix in position before withdrawing borehole casing. Provide screwed cap to top of standpipe which is not to be less than 150 mm below ground level. Protect cap with short length of 150 mm diameter pipe set vertically with upper end covered by paving slab set flush with ground surface;6- When instructed by the Engineer fill annulus above filter with a layer of bentonite - cement grout. Drop a plug of stiff bentonite in the form of balls down borehole and carefully tamp into place and follow by pumping down bentonite - cement grout to fill borehole to a level of at least 0.5 m above filter or as instructed by the Engineer. When instructed by the Engineer also form a plug of bentonite - cement mix of stiff plastic consistency and carefully tamp into place below level of standpipe to form seal against upward flow of groundwater into standpipe from a deeper aquifer;7- During the period of the work take daily readings of water levels in all standpipes or, if so directed, at more frequent intervals. When directed by the Engineer returns to the site at intervals to make additional water level readings.

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1- Obtain in all cohesive soils or mixed soil having sufficient cohesion at depth intervals of 1m. The 200 mm of soil immediately above the level of soil to be sampled should be removed without the casing being lowered. Carefully clean boreholes before sampling;2- Take samples in seamless sampling tubes not less than 100 mm internal diameter and 450 mm long designed so that samples can be sent to the laboratory without removal. Area ratio of sampling tube is to be less than 15%;3- Oil the sampling tool inside and out. Force tool into soil by jacking or, where this is not possible, by carefully hammer driving. Check distance tool is driven to prevent soil becoming compressed in sampler;4- Immediately after taking samples from the boreholes remove a 25 mm thick layer from each end and seal ends with a thick coating of paraffin wax or other wax approved by the Engineer. Store the 25 mm thick layers in an airtight container for classification testing. Place a close fitting lid or screwed cap over each sample tube end and make tube airtight. Send samples to the laboratory, suitably packed to prevent damage or disturbance. Number and label each tube so that sample can be identified giving borehole, soil stratum, depth at which it was taken and date.


1- Perform standard penetration test as specified to recover a disturbed sample of soil at intervals of not more than l m in the top 5 m and at intervals of 1.5m or at the change of each strata thereafter, unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer;2- Where undisturbed soil samples and standard penetration test samples are not obtained, recover disturbed samples of soils from boring tools. Obtain disturbed samples at such spacing to ensure that samples from borehole either in the form of undisturbed samples, standard penetration test samples or disturbed samples are obtained for every 1 m depth bored. Minimum weight of disturbed samples is to be as specified in ASTM D 420;3- Where soil samples are required for compaction tests, the minimum weight of sample is to be 50 kg, unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer.


1- Continuous cores of all cemented material are to be recovered, great care being taken to obtain good recovery of weakly cemented material. Core barrel is to be fitted with coring bit most suited to formations being drilled and which yields best recovery;2- For coring in marl or other material that may be sensitive to water, compressed air shall be used as drilling fluid to obtain good samples;3- Coring runs are to be limited to not more than 2 m. However, if core recovery is less than 80% the run is to be reduced until an acceptable recovery for subsurface conditions is obtained, as approved by the Engineer.

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1- Where boreholes are bored using rotary coring methods, extract rock cores of not less than 76 mm diameter, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. After being brought to the surface remove core from core barrel by methods designed to cause least possible further disturbance;2- Where split inner core barrels are not in use extract core by steadily applied pressure. Extraction by means of hammering the barrel or explosive extrusion under high air pressure or water pressures will not be permitted. After extrusion place core in a purpose made core box;3- Adequately preserve cores and log. Photograph weak rock cores and those subject to disintegration on recovery.

3.7.2 CORE BOXES: To be of sound, robust construction able to withstand weight of core and any full boxes which may subsequently be placed on them and sufficiently watertight to protect core from rain. They are to be specially made to hold size of core being obtained tightly in place in rows separated by wooden slats. Boxes are to have strong metal hinged lid fitted with padlock, hasp and staple for closing and end ropes for handling. Top and bottom of boxes are to be reinforced by cross straps to aid stacking and retrieval. Boxes are to be constructed of wood, marine plywood or other material approved by the Engineer.


1- As cores are extruded lay them in core box with shallowest core to left and deepest to right. Place highest row of core nearest lid hinge. Box is to be identified inside and outside by the site name, borehole number, core box number, depth of top and bottom of core included the Contractor's name and the date. Information is to be either painted on box or stamped on metal labels waxed and nailed to box;2- Paint the depth of the top and bottom of the total core and separate core runs on blocks of wood or other material approved by the Engineer made to fit between dividing slots;3- In order that zones of core loss can be readily identified insert wooden dowels cut to appropriate lengths and suitably identified either in sections where loss occurred or at base of particular core runs;4- First seal with aluminum foil and subsequently cover with wax, sections of core which are weak and friable, formed of rocks or soils which are likely to dry out or otherwise alter in nature with time, before placing in core box.

3.7.4 PHOTOGRAPHS: All core boxes will be photographed as soon as possible afterextraction. Photographs shall be free from distortion and shall include a scale and color chart. All boxes shall be clearly labeled and show the depth to the top and bottom of each core run.

3.8 HANDLING SOIL AND ROCK SAMPLES: Take care in handling and transportingsamples of soil and cores of rock from the site to the testing laboratory. Where possible usetransport manned by skilled personnel and arrange that those responsible for transportingsamples are informed of the need to avoid unnecessary disturbance.

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3.9 SOIL AND ROCK DESCRIPTION: All soil and rock description will be in accordance with BS 5930. Alternatively, the following general scheme could be used in the description of the surface geology and all soil and rock samples from either boreholes or test pits.


Strength or relative densityStructure and weathered state (if appropriate)ColorSecondary constituentsParticle shape and grain size (for coarse grained soils)

ColorGrain sizeTexture and structureWeathered or alteration stateDiscontinuities

SOIL NAME (in capitals) ROCK NAME (in capitals)Suffixes

Plasticity (for fine grained soils)Minor constituents and lithological characteristicsOther information of special engineering interestGeological formation (in brackets)

Mechanical strengthMinor lithological characteristicsOther information of special engineering interestGeological formation (in brackets)


1- Take a sample of groundwater as soon as sufficient water has entered borehole after boring has reached groundwater level;

2- If water has been added to bore-hole before reaching groundwater level bale out all water in borehole and allows uncontaminated groundwater to seep back into borehole before sample is taken;3- Where groundwater is sealed off by borehole casing and a lower aquifer is encountered take a sample of water from this and any succeeding aquifers;4-Sample of groundwater is to be at least 500 ml in volume and placed in clean jars or bottles already rinsed with the water to be sampled and labeled and stored as described in BS 5930.


1- Completion of boreholes and start of backfilling are to be approved by the Engineer unless he has given prior instructions on depth at which boreholes are to be terminated. Place soil back-filled into boreholes in layers, each successive layer being tamped by boring tools;2- Backfilling is to be done as casing is withdrawn;3- When instructed by the Engineer backfill boreholes with concrete having a cement content not less than 250 kg/m3;4- When instructed by the Engineer backfill boreholes with bentonite/cement mix of approved consistency;5- When instructed by the Engineer suitably plug boreholes where they might otherwise penetrate an aquiclude and thus lead to contamination of water in an aquifer or to problems

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presented by encountering water when engineering works are undertaken within the relatively impermeable ground represented by the aquiclude;6- Where boreholes are to be backfilled in areas of present or future underground water supplies obtain advice from water authority concerned on the particular measures required to prevent pollution.


1- Excavate test pits having plan area of not less than 1.5 m2 in positions instructed by the Engineer. Provide all pumping and take all measures (e.g. sheet piling, timbering etc.) to ensure stability of adjacent structures or installations and safe conditions for descent into and working in the pits. While observations are in progress take all necessary steps to exclude water from test pits;2- Take disturbed samples every 1m or at every change of strata, whichever is the least. Minimum weight of samples is to be as specified in ASTM D 422 for classification;3- Take a minimum of two representative samples suitable for compaction testing from each test pit;4- Take undisturbed samples, as required by the Engineer;5- Take groundwater samples;6- A minimum of two photographs per test pit shall be taken. Photographs shall be free from distortion, shall be clearly labeled and shall include a scale and color chart;7- Test pits shall not be backfilled without the Engineer’s instruction. Place backfill into test pit in layers, each successive layer being tamped. Reinstate surface to condition existing before excavation to the satisfaction of the Engineer.


1- Supply to the Engineer a journal of each day boring not later than noon on the following working day;2- Where boring is by shell and auger or rotary power auger the journal is to state:Job name;Date and times of boring;Borehole number;Ground level at position of boring;Type of plant used and method of boring;Diameter of boring;Diameter and depths of casing;All water levels encountered including measurements of fluctuation of adjacent tidal waters, lakes or rivers;Depths at which groundwater was sealed off;Level at which groundwater was standing at commencement and termination of working day (where a boring is on land but is near tidal waters the level of those waters is to be recorded at intervals throughout the day);Level at which water, if any, was added to borehole;Levels of water in standpipes;

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Depths of base of each stratum from ground level and preliminary description of stratum;Records of in situ tests made and instrumentation installed time for chiseling through obstruction and weight of chisel;Other relevant remarks.3- Where boring is by rotary coring methods the journal is to state:Job name;Date and times of boring;Borehole number;Ground level at position of boring type of plant used and method of operation including details of type of flushing;Type of core barrel and bit;Depth of hole at start and end of working day or shift as relevant depth of start and finish of each core run;Core diameter and changes in core size;State of bit;Time to drill each core run;Character and proportion of each flush return;Level at which groundwater was standing at commencement and termination of working day (where a boring is on land but is near tidal waters the level of those waters is to be recorded at intervals throughout the day);Depths of base of each stratum from ground level and preliminary description of strataTotal core recovery (TCR) defined as percentage of the rock recovered during a single core run, with information as to possible location of core loss;Rock Quality Designation (RQD) of each run; RQD is the ratio expressed as a per cent of aggregate length of core pieces over 100mm in a run divided by length of run;Solid core recovery defined as percentage of full diameter core recovered during a single core run;Fracture Index defined as the number of fractures per unit meter;Details of in situ tests and instrumentation installed;Other relevant remarks.4- Where boring is from marine craft other relevant remarks are to include:State level to which borehole data to be referred;Time and height of high and low water at a tide gauge and tidal heights at intervals as directed by the Engineer;Time and height of water levels at borehole position at intervals as directed by the Engineer;Details of movement of water levels within borehole related to fluctuation of water levels at borehole locations;Detailed records of delays due to reasons other than failure of boring equipment (e.g. raft dragging anchors, mist, shipping movements and broken drilling tubes);Detailed records of movements, vibration and oscillation of drilling tubes;Detailed records of bowing of drilling tubes because of waves, tidal currents etc.

3.14 TEST PIT RECORDS: Where test pits are excavated the journal is to state:

Dates and times of excavation;Test pit number;

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Ground level at position of test pit;Type of plant used and method of excavation;Stability of sides and method of support;Dimensions of pit;Depth at which groundwater was encountered, assessment of rate of infiltration and details of water pumped out;Depths of base of each stratum from ground level and detailed description of stratum;Records of samples taken and in situ tests made;Sketches of two sides of pit;Sketch showing orientation of photographs;Details of backfilling;Other relevant remarks.


1- After completion of all soil tests and visual examination of all samples in the laboratory prepare final borehole logs including grid or topographical reference and details similar to those in borehole records but corrected in the light of all information finally available and in the light of description by a qualified soils engineer or engineering geologist;2- In the case of cores obtained by rotary drilling methods the final borehole logs are to state in addition to information given in borehole records:Condition of each core run in terms of percentage recovery and rock quality designation, i.e. percentage of solid core recovered in pieces longer than 100 mm;Definition of rock type, its alteration state and relative strength; details of natural discontinuities and rock structures and nature of joint or fracture infillings.

3.16 FINAL TEST PIT LOGS: After completion of all soil tests and visual examination of all samples in the laboratory prepare final test pit logs including grid or topographical reference and details similar to those in test pit records but corrected in the light of all information finally available and in the light of description by a qualified soils engineer or engineering geologist.

3.17 VARIATIONS: the Engineer, upon examination of borehole logs, may request changes in number, location and depth of boreholes. The Contractor will not be entitled to modify his unit prices as a result of such changes.


4.1 VANE SHEAR TEST: According to ASTM D 2573. After completion of standard test measure remoulded shear strength of soil if so instructed. Torque measuring instrument is to bedisconnected from extension rods and vane turned through at least six complete revolutions.Allow a period of at least five minutes to elapse and then repeat vane test. Sample of soil at intervals of not more than l m in a in the top 5 m and at intervals of 1.5 m and at the change of each strata.

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4.2 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST (SPT): This test is to be performed at 1.0 m intervalsin the top 5 m and at intervals of 1.5 m and at the change of each stratum thereafter. If gravely soil is encountered the standard penetration tool is to be fitted with a cone at its tip and test carried out as normal. Standard penetration test sampler is to have internal diameter of 35 mm and external diameter of 50 mm and is to be driven with a 63.5 kg hammer dropped 0.76 m. Hammer is to be dropped using free-drop trigger release mechanism allowing control of the 0.76 m drop. Bottom of casing is to be stopped at test level and borehole cleaned down to bottom of casing and test is to start from that level down. Casing is not to be lowered during performance of the standard penetration test. This test is to be performed to ASTM D 1586.Notwithstanding all precautions specified to avoid carrying out test in loosened soil, there isgood reason to believe that unrealistically low results are being obtained or soil flows intoborehole so fast as to prevent test being carried out, report to the Engineer and obtain hisinstruction regarding whether an alternative test is to be undertaken.


4.3.1 STATIC (DUTCH) CONE PENETRATION TEST (CPT) - APPARATUS: 1- Penetrometer for static cone penetration test is to consist of a rod with cone and sleeve which surrounds rod so arranged that both cone and sleeve can be advanced together or independently of each other. Alternatively the cone is to be fixed to the end of a hollow rod without means of independent movement. Cone is to have apex angle of 60 degrees and cross-sectional area of 0.01 m2. Mantle is to be provided above cone;2- Penetrometer is to be forced into soil by means of a static load. Where required depth of penetration is not great and soil is suitable, static load may be provided manually. Elsewhere apply load by mechanical means using as resistance either kentledge, screw anchors or other approved means;3- Measure load applied to penetrometer by pressure gauge, strain gauges or other means approved by the Engineer.

4.3.2 STATIC (DUTCH) CONE PENETRATION TEST (CPT) - OPERATION OFAPPARATUS: 1- To carry out test first drive cone and sleeve of penetrometer together into soil to measure combined cone and shaft resistance. Then advance cone independently of sleeve to measure cone resistance alone. Alternatively push down the hollow rod fixed to the cone in a continuous movement. In this case measure resistance of soil to thrust by the cone and skin friction on mantle above cone continuously by means of electrical resistance strain gauges installed within these components;2- Carry out tests at convenient intervals generally not exceeding 250 mm until required depth of penetration has been reached;3- If progress becomes impossible before specified depth has been reached, drill a borehole to level where progress ceased and continue test from bottom of this borehole or successive boreholes drilled in like manner until specified depth has been reached.

4.3.3 STATIC (DUTCH) CONE PENETRATION TEST - RESULTS OF TESTS: to bepresented in the form of three graphs:Combined penetration resistance of cone and sleeve plotted against depth;

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Penetration resistance of cone plotted against depth;Penetration resistance of sleeve plotted against depth;Provide an interpretation of results if instructed.



1- Carry out dynamic cone penetration test independently of any borehole. Apparatus is to comprise a sectional rod with cone fitted at end, base of cone being slightly greater in diameter than rod. It is to be driven into ground by a fixed weight dropped through a constant height. Apparatus is to be purpose-made and weight is to always fall automatically through a constant height;2- At time of tender give full description of apparatus intended to be used, its mode of operation and its calibration with the standard penetration test.

4.4.2 DYNAMIC CONE PENETRATION TEST - RESULTS OF TESTS: to be presented in the form of a graph of depth plotted against number of blows or any convenient unit ofpenetration.



1- Ensure that pressuremeter tests are carried out by those competent in the testing technique and its interpretation. Method used should conform to ASTM D 4719-87 (1994);2- Submit with tender all technical information pertaining to the pressuremeter apparatus to be used. In addition, names and qualifications of technicians who are going to conduct the pressuremeter test are to be submitted. Such personnel should have a minimum experience of 5years in pressuremeter testing;3- Make tests in boreholes as directed by the Engineer after results of preliminary boreholes are available. Should carrying out the pressuremeter tests require a change in the borehole size, inform the Engineer for an alternative course of action. Number of tests and depths at which, made shall be as instructed by the Engineer.

4.5.2 PRESSUREMETER TEST- RESULTS: For each test submit to the Engineer the following parameters:Deformation modulus;Limiting pressure;Creep pressure;In addition, graphs used to develop above parameters are to be submitted. The basis of calculation used in determining the above parameters should be submitted and approved prior to submission of final results.

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1-Carry out constant head test as directed by the Engineer during sinking of boreholes. After reaching the level of a pervious stratum in which a test is to be made continue boring until penetration into stratum is not less than five times internal diameter of casing being used. Clean out borehole just to bottom of casing. If casing is below level of groundwater keep it full ofwater during cleaning and withdrawal of tools so that soil does not squeeze into it;2- Discharge a metered supply of fresh clean water into the borehole. Water is to be free from silt or clay particles to avoid possibility of interstices of test section becoming plugged. If necessaryfree the water of foreign matter either by means of filtration or by use of settlement tanks;3- Where practicable the temperature of added water is to be higher than that of the groundwater to preclude creation of air bubbles in ground which might greatly reduce acceptance of water;4- In gravity tests adjust rate of flow of water supplied to borehole so that water level remains constant against a mark inside borehole casing near top. If it is impossible to maintain water level a constant rate of flow producing a fluctuation of no more than 75 mm above and below themark during a period of five minutes will be accepted. When steady state has been reachedrecord quantity of water entering borehole over a fixed interval of not less than five minutes. Repeat until consistent results are obtained.



1- Carry out in accordance with recognized good practice generally following techniques outlined in NF P94-131. Tests may be carried out using a single or double Packer. Use only clean water with a temperature not less than that of groundwater. Carry out tests at three pressure increments and two decrements equivalent to P/3, 2P/3 and P, where P is the vertical overburden pressure at level of test. (Other instructions regarding test pressure may be given at tender stage or during progress of the work);2- Record the following data:Q : rate of flow of water into borehole (liters/min);H : pressure head causing the flow (m);r : internal radius of borehole casing (m);Normally the flow rate at each pressure will be recorded at ten minute intervals to a maximum of three periods or less if similar results are obtained in two consecutive periods;Pressure difference between each increment/decrement should not normally be less than 35kN/m2 and pressure in Packer units should be at least 300 kN/m2 greater than test water pressure loss at varying flow rates before use.

4.7.2 IN SITU PERMEABILITY TEST - PACKER TEST- RESULTS: Provide the following data:Borehole number;Date and time of test;Borehole depth and diameter;

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Diameter and depth of casing;Level of Packer(s);Length and diameter of test section of borehole;Water table level at time of test;Details of any corrections applied;Calculated permeability (m/sec) and Lugeon value;Equations used for calculations;Plot of flow rate versus pressure.



1- Where directed by the Engineer, carry out falling head test in place of the constant head test. Where conditions in bore-hole indicate that a permeable stratum has been reached bale or pump out borehole to lower level of the water. Record water level until it returns to equilibrium;2- If it is impossible to lower water level in borehole either because soil is too permeable or because it flows into casing carry out a pouring in test instead. In this test pour water into borehole until casing is full. Record water level at intervals until equilibrium position is reached;3- Normally record the water level in the borehole at five minute intervals for the first hour, fifteen minute intervals for the second hour and a final reading after a suitable time to be decided by the Engineer but not less than four hours. Measure water level with a battery operated indicator or similar approved instrument. Take reasonable precautions to prevent ingress of water into hole during test period.

4.8.2 IN SITU PERMEABILITY TEST - FALLING HEAD TEST- RESULTS: Provide the followingData in the daily journal:Borehole number;Date and time of test;Borehole depth and diameter;Depth and diameter of casing;Depth to water level at start of test;Depth to water table and of any water inflows (including an estimate of amount of inflow);Record of water level at each recording period;Details of any corrections made;Calculated permeability (m/sec);Equations used for calculations;Plot the changes in water level against time.


5.1 GENERAL: This Sub-section describes apparatus in general use and the way in which tests are normally carried out. However, as much of the apparatus is proprietary, another method proposed by the Contractor would not necessarily be rejected if it did not comply precisely with

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every appropriate clause. Where differences do occur these are to be clearly stated at the time of tender.


5.2.1 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY METHOD - APPARATUS: 1- Essential components of apparatus are:Four metal electrodes capable of being driven into soil;Source of low frequency alternating current with cables to connect it to each of two of the electrodes;Potentiometer or other electrical resistance measuring instrument with cables to connect it to each of the other two electrodes;2- State at time of tender the type of apparatus intended to be used giving full description together with statement of experience of it for type of work required.


1- Exact procedure adopted is to be that best suited to produce required data;2- If exact procedure is not laid down in the Specification provide with the Tender full details ofmethod proposed including:Arrangement of electrodes;Techniques to be adopted;Full details of electrodes spacing and frequency of test points;Proposed number of series of tests using the expanding electrode separation;Technique and expected number of tests in each series;Proposed number and extent of traverses using the lateral traversing technique.


1- Drive all four electrodes into ground in a straight line and in a symmetrical pattern. Outer pair generally is to be those connected to the source of an alternating current and inner pair thoseconnected to the potentiometer;

2- Normally the electrodes are to be equally spaced (Wenner configuration) but if particularcircumstances warrant it the Schlumberger arrangement may be adopted in which the innerpotential electrodes are much closer together although maintaining a symmetrical pattern.Other arrangements may be adopted with the Engineer's agreement if it is considered that more useful results will be obtained.


1- When this technique is adopted carry out a series of tests in which the electrodes are moved outwards in a straight line about a fixed central point, while basic symmetrical pattern adopted is maintained;

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2- Carry out first test with current electrodes as close together as practicable and continue expansion of system with suitable increments being applied until separation between current electrodes is sufficient to yield adequate data to the depth required. Carry out further series of tests until adequate cover of area under consideration has been achieved.


1- When this technique is adopted move whole electrode system along a traverse while electrode spacing and adopted basic pattern are kept constant;2- Electrode separation used is to be suited to the data the traverse is required to yield and this will normally be found by trial and error or where conditions are simple by approximate calculations. Make further traverses until whole area under consideration is covered by an adequate grid.

5.2.6 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY METHOD - PRESENTATION OF RESULTS: To bein such a form to show measured variation in apparent resistivity in plan or section. Whererecords from boreholes are available to identify variations in apparent resistivity plot these on the plan or section for the purpose of correlation.



1- Essential components of apparatus are:Seismograph suited to the refraction method comprising one or more amplifying units with filters, timing unit and recording unit having one more channel than the number of amplifiersOne or more geophones (seismometers), there being one for every amplifier unit leads to connect geophones to seismograph means of providing elastic pulse near surface of ground; this may be a small charge exploded below surface of ground or a hammer blow;2- State at time of tender the type of apparatus intended to be used giving full description together with statement of experience of it for type of work required.


1- The object of this method is to build up a graph showing relationship between time taken foreffects of an elastic pulse to reach any point on surface of ground and distance of that point from source of pulse. Carefully choose geophone spacing and total line length (seismometer spread) so that graph has adequate number of points on branches corresponding to all refractors of interest;2- When practicable place geophones in small holes in ground to protect them from wind.Make holes such that geophones are a tight fit in order to maximize contact;3- Where peat occurs at or near surface of ground employs marsh geophones to ensure goodground coupling;

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4- Where explosives are used to produce elastic pulse place them at bottom of shaft holes bored by a hand auger or other approved means. Place charge sufficiently deep to keep breaking of surface to a minimum. If necessary place sandbags over holes which cannot be sunk to a reasonable depth. Detonate charge electrically;5- Where interface between two different materials slopes carry out each seismometer spreadtwice, once with source of elastic impulse at one end of spread and once at other end;6- When seismic tests are undertaken to determine depth of irregular rock surface makerecommendations to the Engineer as to number, positions and depths of such boreholesconsidered necessary for adequate control of the geophysical survey. When wave velocitythrough bedrock cannot be determined from normal refraction seismic methods establish itdirectly by making seismic measurements between two outcrops or between two boreholeswhere depth of rock is known;7- At time of tender give full details of the way in which it is intended to carry out tests including:Proposed geophone spacing;Proposed geophone spread;Proposed method of directly measuring wave velocity in bedrock if applicable;Details of any boring to be undertaken as part of the investigation.

5.3.3 REFRACTION SEISMIC METHOD - PRESENTATION OF RESULTS: Provide the following information as the work proceeds: a- Details of geophone spread for each reading; b- Copy of each trace; c- Plots of arrival times against shot point; d- Preliminary sub-surface profile.



1- Essential components of the apparatus are:Seismograph suited to the reflection technique;Pressure sensitive seismometer which can float freely in water (hydrophone);Source, normally electrical, which can float freely in water to produce trains or pulses of sound waves; select frequency of sound source from considerations of expected geological conditions;Suitable motor launch to contain seismograph and to tow hydrophone and sound source;Means of fixing the position of the launch at any time while tests are being carried out;2- State at time of tender which type of apparatus it is intended to use. Give full description of ittogether with a statement of the experience of it for the type of work required.


1- Hydrophone and sources of sound waves are normally to be towed at a suitable distance behind the launch while it makes a series of runs in two or more directions over area being investigated. Fix position of launch at intervals during each run in such a manner that it can be linked to the seismic records;

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2- At time of tender give full details of proposals for carrying out tests including:Proposed number, length and alignment of runs;Proposed spacing between hydrophone and source of sound waves and general distance these will be behind the launch;Method of determining velocity of sound in materials concerned or, if an assumedValue is to be used in the interpretation of results, what it is and what justification there is for it;Method to be used to fix position of launch during tests;Information is intended to indicate the scope of work proposed but the Contractor will not be held rigidly to this program should conditions on site call for modification of plans.

5.4.3 CONTINUOUS REFLECTION SEISMIC PROFILING - PRESENTATION OFRESULTS: To be in the form of contour maps or profiles showing observed variations, seismic velocity and positions and depths of any reflecting horizons. Where boreholes are available plot the records on plans or sections for purposes of correlation with the geophysical survey.



1- Program of laboratory testing is to be oriented towards obtaining data pertinent to the work. Program and type of laboratory testing are to be submitted to the Engineers for approval;2- Laboratory tests on soils are to be carried out in accordance with the relevant ASTM standards or an approved equivalent where applicable with the agreement of the Engineer;3- Submit a report on laboratory tests containing the data required by the Specification for each test.

6.2 MOISTURE CONTENT DETERMINATION: According to ASTM D 2216, Submit moisture content expressed as a percentage of dry weight of soil to two significant figures.

6.3 SIEVE ANALYSIS: According to ASTM D 422, submit: Cumulative percentage by weight of soil passing ASTM test sieves after wet sieving and drying, plotted on a particle size analysis diagram weight of sample tested.

6.4 PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS BY SEDIMENTATION: ASTM D 422/D 1140, submit:Cumulative percentages as for sieve analysis plus percentage less than 0.2 mm, 0.006mm and 0.002 mm plotted on a particle size analysis sheet;Loss of pretreatment to nearest 1%;Weight of sample tested.

6.5 DENSITY TESTS: submit:Method used;Bulk density and maximum and minimum density tests are required they are to be reported in Mg/m3 to two decimal places.

6.6 ATTERBERG LIMITS: According to ASTM D 4318 method A, submit:

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History of sample, i.e. natural state, air dried or oven dried;Method used to obtain results;Percentage of material passing the ASTM sieve no. 40 test sieve;Liquid limit expressed to nearest 1%;Plastic limit expressed to nearest 1%;Plasticity index.


6.7.1 UNCONSOLIDATED UNDRAINED TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TEST: According to ASTM D 2850, submit:Method used;Whether undisturbed or remoulded specimens, and the method of specimen preparation;Depth and orientation of specimen within original sample;Initial and final dimensions of test specimens (mm);Description of sample;Bulk density (Mg/m3) to two decimal places;Natural moisture content to nearest 1%;Cell pressure (kN/m2);Rate of compressive strain to nearest 1%Thickness and type of membrane used and correction applied;Maximum principal stress difference (kN/m2);Time to failure;Deviator stress/strain curve;Mohr's circle diagram for set of three tests and shear strength parameters;Orientation of specimen with respect to vertical direction;Sample description;Plasticity index;Sketch to show mode of failure of specimens.

6.7.2 CONSOLIDATED UNDRAINED TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TEST: According to ASTM D4767, submit:Method used;Whether undisturbed or remoulded specimens, and the method of specimen preparation;Depth and orientation of specimen within original sample;Initial and final dimensions of test specimens (mm);Bulk density (Mg/m3) to two decimal places;Description of sample;Whether side drains are fitted;Method of saturation and pore pressure and value of pore pressure coefficient (B) at the end of saturation;Cell pressure, back pressure pore pressure dissipation at the end of the consolidation;Pore pressure and percent of pore pressure dissipation at the end of the consolidation phase;Plot of volume change, cm3 (or volumetric strain) versus square root of time for consolidation phase;Rate of axial displacement applied to the specimen (mm/min or %hr);Pore pressure and effective stress at the start of the compression stage;Failure criterion adopted;Axial strain, deviator stress, pore pressure and effective major and minor principal stresses at failure;

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Effective principle stress ratio at failure;Sketch of specimen after test, indicating mode of failure;Details and magnitude of corrections applied;Final density and moisture content;Curve of deviator stress versus axial strain;Curve of pore pressure versus axial strain;Curve of effective principle stress ratio versus axial strain;Elastic modulus;Mohr’s circle for set of three tests and effective and total shear strength parameters.

6.7.3 CONSOLIDATED DRAINED TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TEST: For preparation of sample refer to ASTM D 4767. Samples to be drained during shear, and rate of shearing is to be such that no excess pore pressure is generated during the shearing. Submit:Method used;Specific gravity;Initial water content;Final water content;Initial thickness;Final thickness;Specimen thickness change;Whether undisturbed or remoulded specimens, and the method of specimen preparation;Depth and orientation of specimen within original sample;Initial and final dimensions of test specimens (mm);Bulk density (Mg/m3) to two decimal places;Description of sample;Whether side drains are fitted;Method of saturation and pore pressure and value of pore pressure coefficient (B) at the end of saturation;Cell pressure, back pressure pore pressure dissipation at the end of the consolidation;Pore pressure and percent of pore pressure dissipation at the end of the consolidation phase;Plot of volume change, cm3 (or volumetric strain) versus square root of time for consolidationphase;Rate of axial displacement applied to the specimen (mm/min or %hr);Pore pressure and effective stress at the start of the compression stage;Failure criterion adopted;Axial strain, deviator stress, pore pressure and effective major and minor principal stresses at failure;Effective principle stress ratio at failure;Sketch of specimen after test, indicating mode of failure;Details and magnitude of corrections applied;Final density and moisture content;Curve of deviator stress versus axial strain;Curve of pore pressure versus axial strain;Curve of effective principle stress ratio versus axial strain;Elastic modulus;Mohr’s circle for set of three tests and effective shear strength parameters.

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6.8 CONSOLIDATED DRAINED DIRECT SHEAR COMPRESSION TEST: According to ASTM D 3080, submit:Method used;Specific gravity;Initial water content;Final water content;Initial thicknessFinal thicknessSpecimen thickness change;Whether undisturbed or remoulded specimens, and the method of specimen preparation;Depth and orientation of specimen within original sample;Initial and final dimensions of test specimens (mm);Bulk density (Mg/m3) to two decimal places;Description of sample;Description of type of shear device;Specific gravity;Initial water content;Final water content;Initial thickness;Final thickness;Specimen thickness change;Void ratio;Normal stress and shear displacement;Shear resistance value;Plot maximum shear stress verses normal stress for each sample;Plot shear stress and specimen thickness change verses shear displacement;If any departure from procedure outline was performed such as special loading sequence or wetting etc.

6.9 UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TEST ON SOIL: According to ASTM D 2166, submit:Dimensions of specimen (mm);Bulk density (Mg/m3);Moisture content to nearest 1%;Compressive strength to the nearest 2 kN/m2 for values up to 50 kN/m2, to the nearest 5 kN/m2

for values of 50-100 kN/m2 and to the nearest 10 kN/m2 for values over 100 kN/m2;Shear strength (kN/m2) to two decimal places.

6.10 CONSOLIDATION TEST: According to ASTM D 2435, submit:Method used;Initial and final thickness of specimen to nearest 0.002 mm;Initial moisture content;Initial bulk density (Mg/m3) to two decimal places;Specific gravity of soil particles;Graph of voids ratio versus logarithm of applied effective stress;Graph of compression (mm) versus square root of time or logarithm of time (min);Coefficient of compressibility (m2/MN) for a minimum of four pressure increments;

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Including at least one pressure greater than the pressure increment from expected loading;Compression ratios and coefficient of consolidation (m2/year) for a minimum of four pressure increments including at least one pressure greater than the pressure increment from expected loading;Orientation of specimen with respect to vertical axis;Detailed description of specimen.

6.11 SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SOIL PARTICLES: According to ASTM D 854, submit:Method used;Specific gravity of soil particles to the nearest 0.0l.


6.12.1 CHLORIDE CONTENT OF SOIL/ROCK: Submit water soluble chloride content inpercentage by weight of soil according to AASHTO T 291.

6.12.2 SULPHATE CONTENT OF SOIL/ROCK: Submit water soluble sulfate content inpercentage by weight of soil according to AASHTO T 290.

6.12.3 CALCIUM CARBONATE CONTENT OF SOIL/ROCK: According to ASTM D 4373, submit calcium carbonate content to nearest 1% by weight of original direct sample.

6.12.4 pH VALUE OF SOIL/ROCK: Submit pH value accurate to 0.1.


6.13.1 CHLORIDE CONTENT OF GROUNDWATER: According to ASTM D 512, submit chloride content of groundwater expressed as parts per 1,000,000.

6.13.2 SULPHATE CONTENT OF GROUNDWATER: According to ASTM D 516, submitsulfate content of groundwater expressed as parts per 1,000,000.

6.13.3 TOTAL SOLIDS IN GROUNDWATER: Submit total solids (TDs) content ofgroundwater expressed as parts per 1,000,000.

6.13.4 pH VALUE OF GROUNDWATER: Submit pH value accurate to 0.1.

6.14 DENSITY TESTS: If bulk density and maximum and minimum density tests are required they are to be reported in Mg/m3 to two decimal places.

6.15 LINEAR SHRINKAGE OF SOIL: ASTM D 427 or D 4943, submit:Linear shrinkage to the nearest whole number;Proportion of soil passing the 425 BS test sieve;History of sample (natural, air dried or unknown).

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6.16 ONE DIMENSIONAL SWELL OR COLLAPSE POTENTIAL FOR COHESIVESAMPLES: According to ASTM D 4546, submit:All information required in Clause 6.10;All departures from standard procedures (e.g. D 4546), including changes in loading sequences;Percent heave or settlement for the given vertical pressure;Swelling pressure in case there is swell potential;Compression index and swell index;Type of water used to inundate the specimen.

6.17 DETERMINATION OF THE DRY DENSITY/MOISTURE CONTENTRELATIONSHIP OF SOIL: According to ASTM D 1557 (or ASTM D 698 for standard test), submit:Determine the dry density/moisture content relationship for five soil samples;Moisture content/dry density curve;Maximum dry density to two decimal places;Percentage moisture content corresponding to the maximum dry density as the optimum moisture content to one decimal place;Amount of stone retained on 20 mm BS test sieve to the nearest 1%;Method of obtaining result i.e. weight of hammer used, number of layers compacted, size of mould used;History of sample.

6.18 DETERMINATION OF THE CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO (CBR): According to ASTM D 1883, submit:CBR to one decimal place for both top and bottom of sample;Method of compaction, dry density and moisture content after the test, and if soaked, the time of soaking and amount of swell;Compact three soil specimens with optimum water content as obtained from the Proctor test. The number of blows for each specimen will vary in accordance with ASTM D 1883 or BS 1377, Part 4;Plot load versus penetration for each test;Plot curve for dry density versus CBR vales.

6.19 UNIAXIAL COMPRESSION TEST FOR ROCK: According to ASTM D 2938, submit:Physical description of sample including rock type, location and orientation of apparent weakness planes, bedding planes, large inclusions or heterogeneous;Dimensions of specimen (mm);General indication of moisture condition of sample at time of test;Type and location of failure;Uniaxial compressive strength to the nearest 50 kN/m2;

6.20 STATIC ELASTIC MODULUS FOR ROCK: According to ASTM D 3148, submit:Description of rock;

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Specimen diameter and height (mm);Moisture content to nearest 0.1% and degree of saturation;Test duration and stress rate;Values of applied load (kN), stress (kN/m2) and strain as tabulated results;Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for each specimen;Method of determination of Young's modulus and at what axial stress level determined.

6.21 POINT LOAD TEST: Test in accordance with ISRM 1985 suggested method (Vol. 22 No.2 pages 51-60). Report point load strength corrected to that of a 50 mm core to the nearest 50 kN/m2. Report raw data, dimensions of specimens, correction procedure, and correlation used to deduce the unconfined compression strength.

6.22 SOIL RESISTIVITY TEST: The electrical resistivity tests will be performed at the designed locations at each site in accordance with ASTM G 57. The readings should be taken by using four point arrangements as per Wenner’s configuration of electrodes. The electrical resistivity value obtained at each observation point should be plotted against electrode spacing to obtain field resistivity curve. The results of the resistivity measurements should be presented in the form of a report and in the conformity of specification and requirements.

6.23 OTHER LABORATORY TESTS: If required, agree with the Engineer on the ASTM or equivalent standard and equipment to be used for the test, the procedure and results to besubmitted.

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