  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide



    Dynamic Small Groupsin Your Church

    A Training Course in Eight Sessions

    Leader's Notes

    Prepared by David Cox


  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


    How to use the leader's notes:

    1. Preview each session and become familiar with the content of the power-point slides. Wherenecessary do background reading for additional information and an overall grasp of theconcept of the holistic small group or cell

    2. Be aware of the order in which information appears on the slides. Most slides are animatedand present ideas step by step rather than all at once

    . Provide students with theparticipant's guide. !his closely follows the outline of the power-point slides

    ". #se the leader$s notes as supplementary material only. !hey are not intended to be used asthe presentation itself

    %. Pray for wisdom& both for yourself and others who share this material with their churches

    Slide contents are as follows:

    Session One "Small Groups: part of God's Kingdom plan"- a brief look at the theology& Biblicalbackground& and history of small groups and the part they play in creating 'ingdom community

    Session Two "Life-changing small groups: some definitions" - five definitions of the mosteffective small group model for the contemporary church( how to determine whether e)istinggroups are functioning to their best potential

    Session Three "Small group values: the key to growth"- an overview of the values or principleswhich govern the life of the group and determine whether it will be a blessing or otherwise to thechurch

    Session Four "Small group meetings and small group life" - what happens in a typical small

    group or cell meeting& and the importance of e)tending the life of the group beyond its weeklymeetings

    Session Five "The Goal of small groups: holiness and harvest" - the two principle ob*ectives ofsmall group ministry+ the growth of believers toward maturity in ,hrist& and numerical growththrough evangelism

    Session Six "Small group leadership" - the small group leader$s *ob description& personalualities and skills of small group leadership& leadership principles& and some of the challengessmall group leaders might e)pect

    Session Seven "eveloping a small group network" - how to start& the need to start small& theimportance of adeuate time for preparation and training& how to invite non-,hristians and non-

    dventists to the group& developing a strategy for multiplying groups

    Session Eight !aintaining the network" - the challenge of the long haul& sustaining interest& theneed for a larger vision for the future


    Please Note: You are welcome to mae changes!additions to the "ower"oint slides for #our own"resentation "ur"oses onl#$ % welcome #our suggestions for im"roving the series which can then &eshared with others using the "rogramme$

    David Cox david/co)" and dco)/

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


    Slide Description

    1. Series title

    2. 7 sessions

    3. Session 1 title


    4. Made in His


    5. Universal need

    6. Moses' method

    7. The Jethro


    !. Jes"s' model

    #. Heart to heart

    1$. %e& Testa

    ment h"rh

    11. %T h"rh


    Session One

    "Small Groups: Part of God's Kingdom Plan"

    Notes for Commentary

    This session sho&s ho& &e &ere designed to live in omm"nit*+ and ho& ,od has

    "sed small gro"ps thro"gh the *ears to -"ild His ingdom. The small gro"p onept

    is a /,od idea+/ not 0"st a good idea.

    /Made in His image/ &hat does this mean ieness in harater+ et. ssential

    nat"re o ,od's harater love. ove onl* possi-le &here there is more than one

    person. /,od is love/ is possi-le -ea"se ,od ather+ Son and Hol* Spirit (a

    divine /omm"nit*/) e &ere designed &ith apait* to love and -e loved+ thereore

    designed or omm"nit* to live in omm"nit* as ,od does. His omment8 /9t is notgood or man to -e alone

    This apait* lost -* sin. :roen relationships et. Jes"s ame to restore omm"nit*.Hene His pra*er+ that /the* man -e one as &e are;/

    %eed or lose relationships lies at heart o o"r longings

    Soon ater nl* one o"rse go to Moses. :"t

    this didn't &or.

    ,od provides sol"tion thro"gh Moses' atherinla&. ?esri-e the priniple. %ote the

    o"nsel in v.23 /9 *o" do this @S ,>? A>MM@%?S;/ Bes"lt8 ever* individ"alno& part o small gro"p o 1$. This &as a "ndamental part o -"ilding this ne& and

    dierent nation over &hih ,od &as Sovereign.

    Ho& man* disiples Man*. Jes"s hose 12+ &ith inner gro"p o 3. h* o"ld not

    2$ have -een more eetive Jes"s reating a protot*pe model or the %e&

    Testament h"rh here. Jes"s hose 12 -ea"se this &as most eetive. Spent at least

    hal His time preparing these men. 9n long term+ more eetive method than

    spending all His time taling to ro&ds. Modern researh onirms that one personan eetivel* mentorCpastor no more than 1$12. Jes"s also -eneited rom the

    intima*Cs"pport o this gro"p

    ssene o Jes"s ministr*. Same or "s. Der* eno"raging statement. @nd it's tr"eE

    Tr"e o all ministr*8 evangelism and n"rt"re

    %T h"rh &as -asiall* a small gro"p h"rh. The* met in larger n"m-ers also+ -"t

    da*toda* lie o the h"rh &as in small gro"ps in homes. videntl* %T h"rhleaders m"ltiplied Jes"s' protot*pe. videne is that there &ere no h"rh -"ildings

    or a-o"t 3$$ *ears

    @maFing gro&th. Ma*-e hal the 3$$$ onverts at =enteost &ere visitors. >ther

    15$$ 0oined Jer"salem h"rh. Ho& &as it possi-le Aonsider the pratial

    dii"lties i 15$$ tried to 0oin a modern ongregation in one da* Ho& &o"ld &e


  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


    12. Martin "ther

    13. esle*'s lasss*stem

    14. i-id (ont)

    15. ! G"alit*


    16. Most import

    ant priniple

    17. 9t's a at

    1!. =reparing or


    1#. S,C ,od's pl

    2$. hat S,'s &illdo

    21. Title slide

    22. =reparing or


    23. The ever

    pop"lar p"-

    24. Ahrist's


    manage ?o &e have a s*stem e -elieve in a seond =enteost. >nl* a small

    gro"p net&or allo&s or e

  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


    Slide Description

    1. Series title


    2. Session 2 title


    3. S,'s or



    4. Ah"rh

    &itho"t &alls

    5. 9n the minds o


    6. The tr"th is;

    7. The eetivesmall gro"p is

    1) holisti

    !. Ahrist's



    #. S, mission


    1$. S, 2):asi


    Session Two

    "ife!Canging Small Groups: Some Definitions"

    Notes for Commentary

    This session deines &hat &e mean &hen &e "se the term /small gro"p./ Man* o "s

    are amiliar &ith the pra*er gro"p+ :i-le st"d* gro"p+ s"pport gro"p+ or /ottage

    meeting/ to name a e& e= are the h"rh. Man* are s"rprised to learn that orappro

  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


    11. hat the ell

    is to the -od*

    12. The eetive

    S, is (3)interative

    13. The eetive

    S, is (4) a

    -asi Ahristian


    14. 2&inged -ird

    15. Aorporate

    &ing "ntions

    16. Aomm"nit*


    17. %ot 0"stanother


    1!. S*stem or


    1#. %ot


    ho"se h"rhes

    2$. @ str"t"re



    21. %ot a-sene o


    The -od* gro&s -ea"se the -od*'s ells m"ltipl*. e digest ood+ e

  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


    22. S, h"rh


    23. %ot 0"st a good


    This is ho& &e might represent the relationship -et&een the larger h"rh &ith its

    departments and the net&or o small gro"ps or ells

    Sel e

  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


    Slide Description

    1. Series title


    2. Session 3 title


    3. ,oing


    4. 9t's one thing...

    5. Iingdom oHeaven islie;

    6. Sho"ld -e o"r


    7. iehanging


    !. Dal"es &hihdrive;

    #. ,ive me Jes"s

    1$. ver*

    Ahristian in

    11. Areated or

    12. ,ited or

    13. ie o the


    Session Tree

    "Small Group #alues: te Key to Growt"

    Notes for Commentary

    This session deals &ith the allimportant val"es+ /gro"ndr"les/ or priniples &hih

    govern the lie o the gro"p and determine &hether it &ill -e a -lessing or other&ise

    in the h"rh

    e have a ro"gh idea o &hat lie in heaven &ill -e lie+ -ea"se Jes"s spoe so

    m"h a-o"t the /ingdom o heaven/ -"t are &e reall* seeing to live lie that no&


  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


    14. =astor's irst

    15. S, people (1)

    16. S, people(2)

    17. e're g"ilt*;

    1!. J"st a la*


    1#. @nd love

    2$. Areating


    21. >ther val"es

    22. Aartoon

    This &as the role o the pastor in %e& Testament times+ and this is ho& the pastor

    served the earl* @dventist h"rh too.

    Small gro"ps are or ordinar* people lie *o" and me. :"t that's the &hole point;

    ,od an do;

    hat a remara-le statement. ?id *o" ever thin o "nderestimating *o"r potential

    in the servie o ,od or someone else's or that matter as a rime e don't &ant

    to -e g"ilt* o this riminal mentalit*. e need to see enormo"s possi-ilities in

    o"rselves and eah other as &e mae o"rselves availa-le or ,od's servie

    Still on the s"-0et o the seond val"e ever* mem-er in ministr*8 %ote that all

    -elievers are la* people+ inl"ding pastors the* are all the people o ,od. ie&ise

    all -elievers are lerg* all are alled -* ,od

    Aomment on val"e 48 loving relationships. This is the -asi+ "navoida-le ommand.

    Note: Alass ma* &ish to -rainstorm on ho& oten and in ho& man* dierent


  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


    Slide Description

    1. Series title


    2. >"tline o 7


    3. Session 4 title


    4. o"r 's

    5. S, agenda

    6. 4 's the


    7. 9e-reaer

    !. 4 's


    #. 4 's :i-le


    1$. Belational 3


    Session (our

    "Small Group eetings and Small Group ife"

    Notes for Commentary

    hat happens in a t*pial small gro"p meeting @nd &hat ativities do small gro"p

    mem-ers share &ith eah other o"tside o reg"lar small gro"p meetings This

    session ene or t&o /&orship leaders/ an develop this element


  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


    11. Belational :S

    12. 4 's &itness

    13. Aharateristis

    o small gro"p


    14. @terglo&

    15. ,oal o S,


    16. ,ro"p lie


    17. 4 stages

    1!. hen the

    gro"p gives


    %ote8 the 3 G"estions &ill not al&a*s -e ased "sing these preise &ords. :"t these 3

    G"estions are the essene o &hat &e are asing.

    "rther insight into relational :i-le st"d*

    This is the time that is given to o"s on the primar* reason or the gro"p's e

  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


    12. Thro"gh all to


    13. ,od "ses;

    14. Mentoring

    15. @ riend;

    16. 2 alternatives

    17. Ho& does it


    1!. Mentors oer..

    1#. 2. vangelism

    2$. vangelism;

    21. ngel8 proess

    o deision

    22. Ho& ar rom

    the ross

    23. riendship


    24. =o&er o


    this statement in "The Small Group Book."

    This is the priniple o ever* mem-er ministr*+ and it &ors -est in the small gro"p


  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


    25. 9ntrod"ing;

    26. h* S, &or

    27. h* S, &or

    2!. =ersonal;

    2#. Ma

  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


    Slide Description

    1. Series title


    2. Session 6 title


    3. Shape o



    4. Ah"rh -egan

    as protot*pe


    5. S, leaders arespeial

    Session Si)

    "Small Group eadersip"

    Notes for Commentary

    Small gro"p leaders not onl* determine the nat"re and eetiveness o the small

    gro"ps the* lead+ -"t in the "t"re S.?.@. h"rh &ill pro-a-l* pla* an inreasingl*important part in shaping the loal ongregation as a &hole. h* Simpl* -ea"se

    the* spend more time on a reg"lar -asis and thereore have the potential or a greater

    inl"ene on the lives o their gro"p mem-ers than an* other individ"als in the

    h"rh+ inl"ding the pastor. This session deals &ith the allimportant iss"es o the

    small gro"p leader's 0o- desription+ the personal G"alities and sills neessar* oreetive leadership+ some o the pratial hallenges small gro"p leaders ae+ and

    -asi small gro"p leadership priniples.

    e sho"ld remind o"rselves o one other important reason &h* /the shape o *o"r

    "t"re h"rh;./

    Bemem-er the Ahristian h"rh -egan 2$$$ *ears ago as a single small gro"p a

    protot*pe i *o" lie and Jes"s &as its eader. @s &e sa& in the irst session+ -*

    hoosing 12 disiples and sharing His lie &ith them+ and -* alling =eter+ James and

    John into an /inner irle/ relationship &ith Him+ He deli-eratel* reated a model or

    the "t"re h"rh to ollo&. He &as the irst small gro"p eader. He is the perete o"rse ever* Ahristian is

    alled to leadership+ -"t it's important that a small gro"p leaders

    "nderstands that this is something ,>? has alled them to do. 9t's not 0"st

    an appointment -* a h"rh -oard or nominating ommittee

    2. a%aila&le* The* are -"s* people 0"st lie most o "s+ -"t the* have made

    themselves availa-le to &hat ,od &ants them to -e and do. The* don't see

    this responsi-ilit* as a 2ho"rsa&ee 0o-. 9n one sense the* are on 24ho"rs a da* d"t*+ read* to serve an* time the* are a-le

    3. gifted*Ho&ever inadeG"ate &e ma* eel+ there m"st -e a sense+ -oth on the

    part o those &ho lead and those &ho are assoiated &ith them that ,od has

    eG"ipped them or this tas+ not onl* &ith sills+ -"t &ith the empo&ering

    o His Spirit

    4. teaca&le*Small gro"p leaders m"st reognise ho& little the* no&+ andal&a*s -e read* to learn (sometimes "nlearn)+ espeiall* rom the mem-ers

    o their gro"p. ,its and sills m"st onstantl* -e improved and sharpened5. %isionary*,od has promised "s /dreams and visions/ (Joel 282!+2#) and

    &itho"t them "ltimatel* &e &ill ail in o"r mission (=rover-s 2#81!). e

    need to dream -ig dreams+ see the present in the onte

  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


    6. S, leaders


    7. S, leaders alldierent

    !. S, leader as


    #. Shepherd



    1$. S, leader as


    11. S, leader;

    12. ?ominator

    13. Stor*teller

    14. =assive

    15. Joer

    16. ighter;

    17. ?on

    1!. >h or good


    1#. The tr"th is

    2$. 9s ,od alling


    21. Ahanes are;

    :"t small gro"p leaders are also ordinar* people.i%e in real world: "nderstand that the realit* o Ahristian living onsists o highs

    and lo&s+ &illing to admit to personal str"ggles and do"-tsK spea normal+ not

    religio"s lang"ageK an relate to ordinar*+ nonAhristian peopleK don't tae lie too

    serio"sl*+ have a good sense o h"mo"rDon't +now e%eryting: have G"estions as &ell as ans&ers+ haven't /arrived/

    Small gro"p ministr* ele-rates peoples' dierenes and "niG"e personalitiesK S,leaders sho"ld not -e threatened -* those &ho thin or operate dierentl* to

    themselves. So the* are happ* to -e themselves. :"t;

    The* have one thing in ommon the* >D; Jes"s+ people+ h"rh

    >verall are o the /little lo/ 9n %e& Testament the role o shepherd and pastor is


    earning to share one's lie and not 0"st one's no&ledge is a smallgro"p leader's

    greatest hallenge and greatest privilege

    S, leader is not /the teaher./ Main tas is to develop the gro"p and the gits+ sills

    and personalities &ithin the gro"p to mae the "ll potential o the gro"p a realit*.

    S, leader reall* a manager.


  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


    Slide Description

    1. Series title


    2. Seven sessions

    3. Session 7 title


    4. ,etting started

    5. %eed or


    6. ,etting

    started8 1+ 2

    7. ,etting

    started8 3+ 4

    !. ,etting

    started8 5

    #. ,ro&

    Session Se%en"De%eloping a Small Groups Networ+"

    Notes for Commentary

    or s"mmar* p"rposes

    %o& to the nitt*gritt* o at"all* doing it. 9t's important to "nderstand the theor* o

    small gro"p ministr*+ -"t the onl* &a* o learning more at this point is to get

    involved in an e-vio"sl*+ *o" need a strateg*. oring this losel* &ith people means *o" have to

    -e are"l ho& *o" move or&ard. itho"t a strateg*+ *o" o"ld -e in or some

    pain"l e

  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


    started8 1l+ 12

    1#. ,etting

    started+ Jethro

    2$. Have patiene

    21. "t"re


    22. Series slide

    23. Strateg* or


    24. =astor's role

    25. >riginal model

    26. To"h model

    27. ,ro"ps o 12

    2!. Ho& it &ors

    2#. ,12 str"t"re

    3$. The stor*

    31. The o-0etive

    32. Mem-ershipgro&th

    33. Aell


    34. ,ro&th


    12. See nethers are not *et in the h"rh. =roviding

    ongoing training+ and preparing people or leadership is r"ial to -eoming a "ll*

    ledged+ highl* eetive smallgro"p or ell h"rh

    Jes"s' ministr* &as a reletion o this priniple. 9t led to =enteost

    9t happened in the earl* h"rh -ea"se the -elievers not onl* prepared themselves

    personall*+ -"t -ea"se the h"rh "nder ,od's diretion developed a str"t"re &hih

    made "npreedented reaping possi-le. That's the &a* it &ill happen again

    Alosing slide

    >ptional an -e added to presentation. Bepresents a time sale or transitioning


  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


    Slide Description

    1. Series title


    2. ight sessions

    3. Session ! title


    4. 9t's one


    5. Small gro"ps

    are living;

    6. =oint 18


    7. /@ll -*


    !. =oint 2

    #. =oint 2 (ont)

    1$. ! harater

    istis o



    Session ,igt

    "aintaining te Networ+"

    Notes for Commentary

    or s"mmar* p"rposes

    This session addresses the hallenge o maintaining and developing a small gro"p

    net&or one it has -een esta-lished. ven i *o"r irst small gro"pCs are still in theearl* stages o development+ it's good to -eome aG"ainted no& &ith the hallenges

    o the "t"re.

    e all no&8 it's one thing to start and it's another thing to ontin"eE Until a gro"p

    or h"rh -od* are thoro"ghl* aG"ainted &ith the idea and pratie o small gro"p

    or ell lie it's val"e s*stem+ it's importane and "ntion in the h"rh there &ill

    -e some steep hills to lim-. The sooner small gro"ps -eome the heart o the

    h"rh+ the -etter+ -ea"se the* are here to sta*.

    @t least+ the* sho"ld -e. rom the ators (h*porites) o Jes"s' da* to the mem-ers o

    the h"rh at Sardis &ho had the appearane o -eing alive -"t &ere at"all* dead(Bevelation 381)+ /pla*ing h"rh/ seems to ome G"ite nat"rall* to religio"s people.

    :"t h"rh is not a game. @ small gro"p o -elievers &ho meet in His name an

    e>T L SH>>T L BU9T

    >pport"nit* to -riel* revie& the ! G"alit* harateristis o gro&ing h"rhes listed

    -* Ahristian Sh&artF in his -oo /%at"ral Ah"rh ?evelopment./ %ote that it's the

    ad0etive (empo&ering+ gitoriented+ et.) that is the e*. or e

  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


    11. ,raph

    12. =oint 38



    13. eaders


    14. =oint 48 eep it


    15. =oint 58 eep it


    16. =oint 68

    lead Similarl*+ /&orship/ taes plae in most h"rhes and gro"ps+ &hether

    traditional or ontemporar*+ -"t to &hat e

  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide




    17. S,'s sho"ld -e

    on ire

    1!. Ho& an


    1#. =oint 18 he


    2$. =oint 28



    21. =oint 38 signs

    o overload

    22. =oint 38 the


    23. =oint 48 pra*er

    24. =oint 58

    -elieve the


    ?is"ntional gro"ps8 gro"ps &hih don't gro& over an e

  • 8/12/2019 Small Groups Leader's Guide


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