Page 1: Smb. fi s%asa£ · 2017-12-18 · -smvaatdstWJU-ttKD *-*Vne Mghsst tsarkat ***** SytagajTAßß TBIS Ofthif;re* alt kinds of Cv» A'- U«W >ABB, la larg* or astaii aja-aStJta*

WJU-ttKD *-*Vne Mghsst tsarkat *****

-smvaatdst TBIS Ofthif; re* alt kinds of Cv» A'-SytagajTAßß U«W >ABB, la larg* or astaiiaja-aStJta*. i

BaMa aad Latal Deftsc*.Tbb ißtader la awareof bis great dancer

rroea the warCue called "guerilla,'' in tß<?ease of "ttttl* war.*- There is anotheraeaaeof the term which applies to hie raidlag expeditions,such as those conducted by

the Botorioas Avorill, vlt: A predatory e\

pedltion, plundering and practising r*pio«Bat the enemy, with his usual art aad iwr*'aelty, attempts to evadethe terror*of guer-illa strategy by aeneaocing it as barbarow,

aad thfreatenlog to hang all men fojaaanaed,alßgly or in small boUi«>*. ******

abOßt aad harassing their march. Avcrm

made It apolot whenerer :« enl ercd a bam-

lot or passed a "cross road' to pi* »P \u25a0

handbill proclaleileg the moßt eummary cx-

ecutloaofallgßerillastakenalonghis route.Us urged all citizens wbm he came aboutto «> to their homes and there quietly to re-mala aa the best sad safest course for them

to pursue His trick eucceeded admirablywe!L He frighUoei ofl many who coukihase annoyed him terribly, and he took tbt

dtiseas la detail. His robbers ******** ttuhouses In succession, aud IB mattered 80l?whether their ocenpants were aittlne quiet-lr sad ?otw-sahir **-*»? o* not, they were ailribbed of everything desirable or portaWe,and lo many cases what could not be con-veyed away wss destroyed.

This device of the Yankee guerilln i* apart of the plan pursued by the Yankeetioverwmeat of persistently enforcing theUe* that they are engaged in maintaining thelaws and wo in violating them?that loyal aad lawful people, come to eetab*«h order In theirowneouHtry. aud we rebel*"sitting them, and that we are over lnour-:ug the penalty ol felons, forfeiting bothfe and property.There is no reason why "little war" is less

11wfal than "big war;" and since tha formersomuch dresded by the enemy, we should

now how to profit by it at least by thisVine. Averill is already on one of his raids,M it is reported, and ho should, a*5 . £iiouh!vi the other leaders of predatory bands olinvaders, be met by a vigorous syeteoi ofannoyance and harassment from every eli-gible position along his route. That is ex-actly what he most dreads. He knows howIt demoralises bis soldiers and how it im-perils bis march.

The rsserves of the Valley and Westerncourt*.l6 may, by an efficient org-Dizatlon onthe gaerU.* p-sn, strike more terror to thehearts of the Yankees than many times theiranmbers consolidated and awaiting the enemy at some -point along his route, boriingo draw him into a pitched battle. Theyortld disperse In bands of ten, ta-enty, lilty

?»r a hundred, under commissioned oilir-f-i?,. d seeking ths heights along the aacasy'st -ute assail him when he least expects it,- ith well aimed shots from acclivities hebin-self cannot reach, and harl down uponlira stones that may wound his men andbock his way. Such an attack from a .mallb_dy of men, firing with such deadly aim uB

our mountaineersknow how to take, wouldbase a terrificeffect uponhim. It was chiefly by this kind of warfare that tbe Frenchwere driven from Spain. There arc instan-ces of large armies being thrown into thegr ttest cox-fusionby the assanlts of emailbt ies of Intrepid men Occupying a-v-nt--gt-.fos positions, and fighting in defeuee ofth_ir country.

This sort of defenceof the west .ra possesweald stop raiding ia Westers Virgiuhv.?The people there have found the folly cfbeing Intimidated by tbe threats of the ene-my, and ofrunning to their homes under thehope that tbey might in that waybe spared.Tbey wererobbed ss all others were, aud no

a doubt now sec tbat they can ouiy obtainpersonal and individual defence and protec-tion by combining with their neighbors fortbe common defence of all.

There could be nothing better than _ucha plan of defence as we speak of. The ene-my in bis raids is generally mounted, and?noving with celerity tarns tbe position olshy large body met to intercept him. Tiiewhole mountain region is intersected by 10---*1 routes, many of them mere horse paths, I?ut such as woald afford escape to an enemyaounted. Aad though lt be possible to

-JBtch such a body of men in a trap, it hasseen strikingly illustrated by the hi.tory ofAveriil's raid* bow difficult that is.

The -"little war" should at least become aaort of auxiliary to a large defensive force.There need be no fear of the enemy. liedare not pat to death a soldier of the Con-ederacy, acting under order* or not underorders, who with bis few comrades had am-_u-h-d the foe and poured a deadly fire intoda ranks. Newonder that he dreads suchn assault, and essays to evade it by his idle

; treats. Thatshould only make us the moreger toresort to it. We hope to _cc the

r erves organised with the view of carry-, oat tbls plan. Tbe men of the \Ve_t?ow their mountains and the pusses in

m, which give the power to a few gal-..:;_ spirits to repulse a force very their nnmber. The proper men, pro-";)y avalihig themselves of these advan*

tat,**, msy clear the Yankees out of the?uotalns sad deter them from a renewal

if theirpredatory incursions.The Bad River Catapaisa.

I he later news from the North makes the"-\u25a0??er defeat and driving back of Bankb' tbe more clear and undoubted. lie-nast have received s disastrous defeat from*.ie braveConfederatesunder Kirby Smith,rbo were, we may suppose, inferior nu-aericslly to the Invsding force. We expect> bear some very cheering news from the-Bits-Mississippi as soon as we can derivefflcial latelligence from that quarter. The

laakees has* not 'told the half." Obeysvs soppressad,evidently, a great deal tbat

f*ea BBpsß-aaaat to Yankeedom, and that? igbtbsweefleeted tbeprice of gold.


******* SaallSaatloar. arc reepteUmlPI l_j__.-*_! **.******'? vourstlf *«_odidiUforv ? satJaslaaatr «T lb* Keveeat f.r Bouroo Wardii~«jfr__«m*ar*sßßSfrt. '

-*_*ev*;>|t vowrita OP TBB cm.Wh _S__S!a_S_l^a!j.^ ,,*nu?' "*****

SbbKbSß_WJS___4^^!-_? *?"?? l »-»BVt>B**a a-trir a*t___lafL 1 .rr'"-,,' ?* aki* ib*

JiUHI**** im veoii.

< _M___rr**^ I\u25a0afl&a\\S£*W* |__a___a7i fßbßfßtretrptclluily I

*t*\a\m\TF aiM<M>*ifBV*3BB«B7ijsl*F> saae.

aJMUaw, aadaafia MtAaamaa ***** ?? -_ sf_*' _-_>-_\u25a0?_-. mMwm^m%*a\*m*m'mZrm BBS*

__._. oaVMß'#

MAtttiiXt*At FrMwlcktburr, K-sßjfAb. by** «£**?«

Histiop McOlH, *3tettd by lev Br Mc**l ~

of Urswts-lweiII W.tlftt nt N'rW Orl''"' 1 **

SSmmOmAWt \u25a0**<- BWjßßsSts paper* plc-r-

DIED,At iii** i**Bßaee*< bet tatner, Mr dsfastaaa

tNiujirt-*. '*n \u25a0*d- r '*h <*''* ?'«-«'«\u25a0(, in tint i*iit year <>i a*i**~ afirran *J)t*-«aa nt several rnoiiilw. Mr* XLI/aBkTM I' rMfaHjT*©B, gOaWSttSf Mr I'tntii-y Waseßsa.'

«? She ansl in J** us, and t? bleared iHaw kind h.r rlSntlvtrs art-!From a«a>rtnp aad frssa strst retraced,And lrcr>d ircin < v.iv n rr>.Fur frtnn thi*< World i i"ii i.iol atrlfifj

Bhfc'B pri'-vni v. id lit" laSrd <Ta* t*ibor*of h*i intjtrtal life

Kr.ditia largf rt*W*fd "

B>r t'tinrrnl will like alata >? i Bt»***Ui (it»-BBMtaw morn-it,*! at U oVfacS Dam (>r»-g.»u HillMethodtn clnirtrh. The Irloaais aud rel-Uvrsolthe dseeaavd, and of hrr ißtht '- ««d husband i

i».rt:|fs, urf terpectfttlty tovited w altend. \

Onlhe9rUlili»*i, :ui»'ij nVlork r m,b! the rerJdt-not** of hi-r orr.ltt'w, i vi :'

'" ' :, - l!'- Jr* tl.i/. vHF.PH BLAND, wife crt It-tilf* -l Suvln ef Orangeco, Va. In the .'tUd v. ar ol b r* l ' ,_.

Ilt-r ftmer-.! will take ptefr How *** c -M«*.iiurn<-ntu!Clra**eb tMa (dsttudsy) -.n. i-""?? \u25a0' ' ?>'!<?'..?-

I*rt« friends of tit:- lami!), and of '".r brotber, JotMa>o, me lavtted te aUSad wlthoat i irthsr i -

In bbßbbVSjJßs.Tcss, OS fi"' ereniagoftß* 11Or..rMnrch.attWclu.'k. Be* « P« ! »'' ?*-?" ***** lrlthe Hrcotid IsatUt Cbarch, nl (1. \u25a0\u25a0'- (laot-, aadrnrttier p*.-t»tr.-»( tn«; Leigh atreet Bapßaitjßail.B,iv ibis -*iiy, nged *. yaars.

In this f tiv, ttn FrlJ \u25a0".' : U t--1. at Baj s'skteh .*

M, BIbisBIABTBA MILLt" of New Kc*tc«aaty,in the M b!' (.. i *&?

J]"***B.iltimore papt .- ?

OBitaerr.filed, a! ills r- W '\u25a0 . . r t * * *': ?;?/*'^>, "-;.'*'/ ''

March, 1881, iU SO CPU *a ROBlHrfoN, lathe\u25a0jirVi t»t b***ge.


TbV de»*t .t--*tl *vst ? Baalts nt this nty, MM attill-' iii-i dealli »fss a refhgee from V/ashln-ii«a <*ny, where be h id fnr bosk Utne prevloe-t totin- war rt*itf>'ii it ai k rk '??\u25a0> '??\u25a0\u25a0?* '?? tbe i'sl.l -.- De\u25a0nrtmettts. «''\u25a0- the .\u25a0.< n:i:*n< ?? rd bosUHUe-t betweea th* Sorts '"?'\u25a0 !l "' ;J;:ll 'i.'. bis eosthern iV.ilag* aad seaii-re*M itaulotleallyp'-tuapted bim i.t

retsra to bis native t '.y, where be was i-'''l* red aclrrkslriit i:i ibe Vr'.ti Dcpartmeat, in which canstitv'hf* fiiilbfßHy aad cSSclenlly discharge') illsduty io wi'.iiiii a few daysofhfa death. Afterii:ij{t:iicß illness, oi It.* .11. .1, laateateday adsroled whtband iliri'i- children km!

the sincere regret* of all who i:.ti fermrdtil* Bcqßaletasee lie (id?-. v.,,j Minrallyasocialnid genJnl 'H-i' 'sWon, r?«eari»| the t-Btcemasd('lieinl-tii'!' ttfiiil wlili uim-.i ii- bi'catue associated.\i» a B«wba«d aad father, be was ceaalderate,kind,'and affectaooate; aad .:j v tncmb?fofsoriaty. tr** aprlriil sod just. He waa Bn bimared\u25a0cstberof the BTasoßle Society, by wham iiH re-laaiSß art re tftciidt'd ; <> Ihe t.'.r.ii; -.vii.ii itoieara aadimpiaailTii ccreßisnlt**. [its tna liruate body hasBeea coii-tiKii-.-d to lire rt.M grave ; in., aottl:; la theke-jiing oi" the Bog who creatrd it. X

tiff* waahiagtoa lUy aad Bastille papers willfgease copy. *

»--___. MRTfIO-).-**. rVotcs-Uil CI irr.h, Bay* it,**--_> betwe. i -bra-*aad _-*-_-_.- ' -v - v P Ktt&eraiii! v'!: preach to n*..-.rrr,.-.-, (,-_c ay ).-.- !i >'dt__k?t M.aai _' I i* fit, _ -ata frc_..

! apSO-lif

tr**m ---lil-ICUg .*- .ii..- ?Rev A B Diekl___i_k_F wi!l at !! >'t-tlc_k tOßtc-rrew (**___a.y)ot.ii-l -.**;, int.._ Se.-.-.u.t U-ipl'.-*: lii i ??.


ar*\m f*J t':;-* Ptl_>_« -T-* 0T410.H ? ..; the 1.---*-**-_* _a.-.!.i Boat-B* Arsaelavtr-a (Oharfty ; J-l,«>'.*??rill uakc Iheir aaauml eotketlo n t.i tha time, ar-ri\u25a0liry iiht. Ibta yaar Boar libiral cnaUribuiios*, ns ireI'anßß ata wthaiaaaj, aad w\ the i...-*;---..-i--> of itfr.m ai _us*-i c*..>:an ; v. is** "??"? r»e_-t>t3Tfl feel ?*\u25a0?'?\u25a0

Ideal of a gesert u~ raspoaaa ! tb* ;? - ?\u25a0 ??\u25a0.itnve Bcvn appealod to tc* pcblio n. rein. 1 '-,:??

Bare bt tf:e asylajaßfl] uls ehlMren to b*a:.:.;..ii..*.---_jtl aapp-TtC* A tew «-..._ el ??? Ibe H-J '.';?; w :\u25ba.ohbed <>r BT___ri_B, Sao. it! J¥ V 'rani,a.' '-9-S4IH -s.ti'y of . Li _*.

ir'-a. HOfJ-YBOQB ? .?.-!.!»-i-vy.-'i'fia oaaaslSsJ m*.«eti'.'!* of th* _?.<!-?..ii-.--i-T-.- .-.; jj.i!_. .-. .i-Oaaaetaryarßl bo hcij at the cfll ? \u25a0? T-omas lia____, r*.*;,ooraer cf Main ;?.?:_ !-..ii .|a, un

next, i.d. at ll ? , \u25a0? ck.up-fj-td ' .I*.:-: :; GiEOMr-R, Se_*y,

w^K..- ~

nTAKTKb -A Ba_-*~i_uk ; to w rk in :-._r'* __aa__B__T*a good -rerkaaaa. :i'-.r_i;.-'"?

wtll _*--ilvp:i. BULLBB _*.'i.i tt aaat Old Hark.t,

Oa l.tird %?_\u25a0! ti..- aa?*, _>?\u25a0,»;\u25a0> -:.- Carriage H*r-=e_,-, lirid!.>, ClUri?, t'?-..*, lia-cer,Ohstaa, A ; tw> esealleat Qtistna* Saddlea and twesiit>S<»olt]lc.. Bepalrkig dou i« :''_3 *-..-» ni.ucrr


WAVrtili.-A -ituail... i? au An. ii:.? ~!

C**aaßtßa*ss Ro-ne, or mercantile _*taa-liliintiii vi Baste hi:id, by .t man not liable in con-»er.*.iitiu,aiiil ivho has i..ij an etperleuee of moreihan tv.'eiitv yc::rs ia bttsiaesa i - i **ood t rter nntiii.'coiiiitant. Address '? A a VV," Uirt-iish I'u-iUllicc ? ,iii 30 lifKVTSBrCD --A purin-r ~. a buslt.-e?- that pay*Ba (.'api;a' ifiiniret! tQfIOU >.r otore. A place

can be seemed with .." the necr*_-mi. *i.,r earri -

Ing Bath*Bullaem. Active partner j.rt!'. rr. .1?Adilrc.. 'Partmr," trtspatch uffiee, .UUns -.vli. rean iiiit-rvi-w can he had. apdu?lt*{~> a /..riiKii?"VV 'Itsdollar Bai-s,t 'iir per cen! B ads,

«:-.': Did ;--_e,Fur v.h'.th 1 wiilpiv* ii-*,-,- cj;: -:r, BJ markrt rates.ap _P eod»t A h WILM4-I .GDrAra'rßO to hire ?A «hit ".or «7_a colored fem-J.** Qeok, whsS aaaa well r_.*c:r:r-.- n '..ti, can cb

tato pwsiiiimiil etaptoymeat *.; i ..;:? vratroa, and ar;oo'J hoaie, io aaatara North f___roltna, by rariy a.ii:ii_atioa Ut Ut* _?-? \er-. ?, v. i M '--t IS i ;*'i! tt.

' aiXW-BB PALMER.i*r SWTBP-A IBaa \u25a0*_» B watt acq-atnied writWW aiakitii. rU lOfeda ..v Wood __.__-. UojU

wages aadt-ai-l] )*!«> given a ply haaedr_teiy _'..1 Vv" KAi',V.i*.VV.iiiv,-t

ap .>.-Si* _-Jlc'" t,_____' l a' -i l*"'-- -'?;.

aFAHTBO?A mas of SJ .'.-?;;_' exp-rVssxe at** ait kagrn. ili .inn i iiiniiiiiii ntuuj v ... p_writrther taf-rststlba apply or address a actc t.) '-J _.

3." No SO M-iu nre-t :.,i.{,».. atnyAinflD?By » young ??.?*? ? who hiw ?\u25a0??_.\u25a0. .u-ta-*" b'_4tS*Brvl.a, a pc.i.lin a< 0!e:k fr Book-ka'perin fcctie bu-.i-.ti. -.-,_:_.'_ ' J-: i, ,; «c tbi*

ofitt'!*. SB BO?lt*

WANTED ? A _ir*a_y and innn,l-iniiiur with mercantile b and ac-coiiuid. He miisl be rxernui f'rtiiu military t'litv,(SBSjeptmatltte,) aad prefc red-nbove 'ij. trill be giv.-n one of unexceptional-leessisetsn* and oaallficationa, r-.n.t nunc others needspjiy Addret* **f O," sat 671. an SSI 3t !OTAIrTiD-T.-hlr*,for tao"tM_3_tse «. ta. year, a*» RQiid o-',., aaahtr, ana itoutr. Addraa"JU,'' D..p.;.0.; ff1'-.- -,-.

"UTAN fKu ?A yon-ig mm, ??\u25a0-.\u25a0, ta -.loairHt i n .-.:iv* mflltary daty, dtaltsa a BliDattoii , , ron a farm; ata bad artec-n years' exper-taaa aa :-.

farmer, an. k*M t....-l la taasagtog acgroea Thebest istarsa- c- aaa i-'. Kiftu ta to bu*l_#te habiua_,i _arsl cßarsdwr Bsdrera Immi:??? \-riv. UiroagfeBlebßtiißd gasS QSte*, JAB F NOSBIB.

ap ie?3t*-iV?ABT£Ots Borrow? #560 payable.oae year"» afts* the war, aectrted byreal estate*f morethan iv*ic; that aa___B*t in 1860. Pert-BSB willicgI* Ifnd rhe i.tiiivc-.viii m_i tcrai*, v. uf* real name,?tiid ur.,drt>"A B," al 11.. tM-eate*. t.itii'.'.s*)gß-_k*

ißf BrtTßii.- A tffiliui i. 1 wish ft, Liaptoy vVaf ~,(,,j; i.i ~;n )i, a -ily, tUteral wa

Ken uud .-on -inn! emptuymeßtcaa begiven. Apptjitiiiiifiltii'..!, by lr!i-r. Addfeas

Ba«BRItATTH.J*gSß__M I'itiCtt.ilf, co, Va.BarAMfßd l***ipj-ty_a_!at In avnta naeft-aatt!*tf y r...<is*> by 8 roana ,u'-n t*a*mpt from militarytlcty. Addreas Hf," txix ::ii. ap 9_?Stt

VABT_9*a__SS or "6 la-i*- '« padt straw. BotaJptic. pkia b> the fsrd. Apt-iy at roy if~l.l. i.enia BfclrUtr-. p.;\r * rvj g BBAO.___!_____-*

T_J_-i.ottt IhoS \u2666V'.t-t., JBacarreaad, April IH, tßv4 >WASTro-ysvißiiUi a»t4py 1 --Idl-.r. uud

cxp*ri.Bc:i K-Btßg -*.ii! bs___B; aiso mai ki_jl-l_ aad fauudera icr bltrt furrsces_^_'J_I_--:_-n _

J" !t *.v"i.i' a: "' '5 ' «'??


Baoxta-BBa Ba_-BS-.tsrota {

MlUiband Fraaklui . *.s. ;X W H HMlfli win askaasstJl ui>«u t:.e ucutrBi»rif>a far a ,-at--_.i{re tram

--fjl** 4l ' ,!w0 A '?"?f! f.l VM.-..

STATK Lkaaaai?Ail lar-snsd-lag ?.-._\u25a0-.ness mthe -ecflnj dtatrie'.. i*r_abrat:i:i .'.'l that p rrtiOß?"?_f e»'f>*Bwi**TtßaaS tjii etrr.t- *..-:? anittttiiredby law toob-ain Item oj, a.-c r.,, ro-tcj tocall »t tho Sturilf ?, mM ~, J JV aud M «day , t.uiweca if oVUKk a U an! 10 P B. BBd obt_.iu tl.ciu



(. O l-rBstBOB,-?r J _~l*»' t *

CfmiV RrvaatK.' g-i i-lairi-.:'..

NtirifJHS «.»if_*lirpcrra.--Owtaji to t-Ktltre*eitl tit-,___/^___t<M*wll * iin*B*lt_a*_«J taUar', 1 am CO i_S_?7>a___i* PR!BcBl - I*l--- »''\u25a0 '"'l'-lf- l.c!?h'_

w *. TOJ, ? *R.»«"i'i"*«l sy uiy Un ?(vwb-b io ue pat* in u. e rurrr.../or fit mi live-fdttl,e' « ; * VABI-1-,

Boa* SB-it*.in>BOLiijii piCK_i_i_-r ?"~

**\u25a0«____. /.*.___. ut l" 0"*>' ftpßSßa Ait_ftrled._J^__, '_-*HjL*"ea,m -'* o*'l"«-*' "Hed Pictile*.Be, SW-, frajai the atott ttdebiate* Loadoti Facturyuf tiasteroa B (... For sad* byWIUTB.MONTKiKOBOO,S#»-r_tt auAJM*r BBS_*iT_d_-

"*Tr';-"' '-\u25a0KM* busheft Ifssß Mrsssd m« ul?B as eura

__.aa_-_.ta ?_M«C»t4-BBT<JM>,-V*sV-a*f titan*, gut aad Cay streets.

\u25a0\u25a0J_, ' I" "\u25a0 1 ?



A HEW BOOKj MvrTtr Great Bnmarea,

Tho Or**t Rimtns-o,Ths Grs*U Bomano*.



M A tit <« fA ;ss" o«, Tbb Altars or 9AC*rrrcs.A N'..\el. 11/liio-iitliwol "Bowlah."

The rtublt-ititrß iiav-J at i.-rigili tho j*rssvßaßdßa rtbrKg i't'-o tt aaaaaasa that (h-iy tiave now rc**ijthat ,r.vt !i«*n\ry Chef tVadsrtat Mis* At;nu»TA Jfvtna, at Baste,thsaasßaSßß el ??ivuiab..'' mib*I» iii la J ntljT iiilaaaaail as astdtsg tho same ruprcraasy cJ* rssk Brttts I !t,«rati*rc of ttioi'o-ifet'e-n y ablet- Baaassa da Bbtsl held In tboi.t tbe PfSBOB cm; Ut MaiAiln is a romaaco oi rteate tatslleetetl --.i-vor, a? f>»r a'jovtr thu cou.ctn... r:r# Brtgttsß i- -t.i ss jos ttasrasAw is ahova al)not-*** It Is a I -utbiru bo k, i? Ur t* the wofu':n**.'..!c*it.- t.f tho BBSS, but VBBSat rival in BS"a*aß';?*. 1 artettt t'Caiiy.

I'.i.e KiVB DOLLARS".* Bpoa ths rtssiß*. at tbo a ice we win (aramd

' s'«;ni.. ,r IsaayaAwtaß at ibo Oonte-Jtiracy, jvo"paid. AddrßaS order* so

WB3f & Jl'-UN>.TON, \u25a0atBsBBBB, Ar,-liSO-lt lift VJtttn Bt, KlcUlU.nd.

t*L. i 'A'f'*' v"l*la§?a fo* sriperiir qualli)Piuui v.ils, fbrsala at B* 4 g_r*aa*ja Mock, lassstrait, t*tw*aa Mini and Praakiio.\u25a0 is*

(af-'l'ri'S. Vl'^iui-T.twiair Oaipary will reas.vrt*r*Ljbt i.r *P*ter*bargosni#a*-s&d S-turJay onttteir ii.rV.-t'*' l Isrciii.iDt,'' at U*i of 17th at, in th.Desk.

*;'.! f.\ tA%a a*w*Bt~ artsy.prepaid.Apply ~c aaaat cv ItJl i-i, iict-ceii Main artyCary. *

JoS O UILL,BS _J ?- * Chl<-f Hark arid Treasurer.

tS_*-Pti'..'i-tf. MOTICa. -Mr VALKNTINE WIN'115..-; is herehy ..'liUcr'teil ami will _*_saHar uiak.

*a>i~. ?t ih.» Com IM. a*-****. C-kaaabc* IM<, every-ttarday, caaaMSa-tc at 10 o'clock AM,t>nourisoouat V.V teaptattaltj B-i-ett for him lha pan oa

aceof aii w.'o Bar* catritj-'-v. horses raulca, o-it *-k of a-iy il*-sritS---i ta ft-!?.

WU LIAMfcIJN A 00, Auota,ap 7 -BBSJa No 191 Main St.

ABUOKMJtNTS.Vjt*. fttCHMO-tO SB* *\u25a0'??? ,

-1 Oerasr of rt_t aoJ BrSst* st*

ksU-gKBj Stage Bi_ra_i- , ~v D Of**-SATURDAY EYENntg, Aprs! 94, 18C4.


IIS. J. S. WELLS.(».i -Abi, b oc-t-.t-ti.ii wi.l bo pre*eale_, for tho firs

tha*, _i z'ivi'h iaaaaatte Bt_-_ak,«B_n--_JONATHAN BRADFORD;

OR,THKMi'ini'.it at i-it; KOAUt-ii i: inn.!*t*i*b... J v?ellrJ-oathsa j _. Oharle.'_..lni-:*tiy H U_ioc

Sw htia tf llio ddj.

Daasa Mary Partington___?_*< liiis Sofa 0 J _luntl»y,

Baa k-t-tly rtlaalaarad.Comic (r.e*r) U Allcr

T-i .\u25a0'??Kl-i**'- 5-i'.')f.:R AM*» MB- Vt'lifi'.;.

ttr Browa, Uen (???r tins oraaßos oaJh )lr i ir«f y 0.-rSet

1.: eoo-eqaeaoa oi the lntrk-at-* r_icr-.ii-iitc.ii arrang' ia.?:.i., tho p*r«_r*o»i«wi of

j_ _*y* _r_..or7 v But of Motherswitu a Brute ofa Husband.'

A bu: in ouo a«-t,is SeUysd far a tiay or two

HP" THS 6H«__}T! .Jgf,Wi'i aooeappear.

ROTJ *..--B._ .aire open I'rora n. q.iarter toto'clock A M U. & pM. when s.:._. t__y be Ee*;ure_.Bo cxti .. i-!._,rg.-; i.r reserved Beats

CffANOE (IT HOl.'ll (IF D'FVfNG.Dior. Bfjea oilSi o'elw -. (uuilu risi-s at -*'ri'cfock. -aaa?itIB ZTKOPOLiTAM HALL,v? x F'r :vnt-:lin street.

tUTURIIAT RFMMMMO, April 30, l_ti_.

riiir.l N i_bi. of the r*aawaa_lBi'CKi.gY'S NI(-Lil.N'(.iU._._i,

P..0. :d Far llioSummer Set-on.Doat fail t-> be on hand.

out e__*btritb new _____\u25a0__.

Bir~Re_uctiou af Prices !-=g*>ap so-lt*

(tCBCBBT,j Bashaage Etotal,

Car 14lb and Frauklin sis.MONDAY, *:av '-', .£O4.

P.oi .1 *-*.' MAUH Blf.i.HAM'_sGrand May Festival

Bev.r_,i baa Bl MSI dances wiil ba dancer.', includingGmtitl "nay Polo DmbM.

Ad-BiaatS-l -Ui-iiUc-tnen, «\u25a0-? Indie* -., *,_ 60; pa-reeta of f-.t-iiJ ea, ?s*_ 60 each; childrenrchoUre, Q2; children aot rcbolars, $i 60. Uraud'-: t.t« li f"r children at B>£ pr.eiscly. Adults' Ball at11 o'clock. up _9-31*

Batardajr M-riii-'gPra.iis'-gCI--- at _ej{ _**__?_Biiildrca B-ho'ara sail tba fsaalßaa ouiy a<iinute.iif:*re. Visitors, -jil o._ch On. Boar a'lowed for via-ft-irsto The l'iaiu, Laaatss, aud Horso-»:_,*. d* Quadrilletaught. AIM, several fancy dances-sliced by vi-ilirtß. *P-Be* Bt|


li \l take* hie "tor-cat onBATORBAT, April cOt'i.

< '-1 v.* hieh o<r.caPl..!i tcmo of the h.*nt t».ertt ef tbeSouth will ar.p_ar a* vtiiuntet-rs His friends aredistinct'y ii.vit.t net to In gi.iiig him a .-jodrses-ptfo-t, ap-fi It*

_?->--_ tiEST AliD SALE.WTW. R__.t - >'tiri.i_lri*d BootSß fSMI very r,!,-._IP doaWe rooaa, aaa B*egtS ro-iu, a baf..r_ieut

roost, ui'J a -y-rt'ai.yinrnishtd rraas in buckbud-lag',with £M *.*jit terrsata' aHeadacsa, aadcscc.r j>.uJii!*, kikhea, and -*,-c_. A neacef ges-lemsaer ratal! its caaba annnraßUßjalnd App'yen Frasktia ti, thr.- doors below 3d st, tbrnufchouttha weak ao-i ih* Best, ap .*>ti-"_lt

lit OK Beat?A boas* on tiie c trnur of Ad_n:S andjp la-tgfa iirt-i-l-, nrmtHßtng -teres rocms, go_d

kitobcti, ooal-bco-l r, c. _. li-hbp, va I good (jarilenattached, with a weflofgaoß water iv tho yard;r'*. . k _,yd____t. PiratSSl n given Immr-dliUnly.?*PP"? *S | l> K/-CHO, Ag^nt,

BJ" IP-It 1-Uh tt, na.r Et-hau/e HotelFjjMlß Beat?A BtHB h-.use, in Ural rat» orcer,\u25a0,\u25a0( cewty repaired, with _ix good rooui», coal-bf-BSB, l itohc-a Willi Ukrs. rooms, aud siablo on th*lot, r.n ilio eoraar af Jaoii!* >n and Adauis sts Kent

|0W t. ft good l_::_,_t. Ko.- Inform-_ 1 l-.n apply toAI LBH Jr. CO, BroWor-,'*______-*__! Corner Uth «i_d tt_ai_ *te.

V.-tiK a KM'};,' Iht; inniitll. ii or (i iiiittl ?iluutaiu; I n.on--, wllh tuick prtrtics, all overlook BkareV--"ini- Bearer gatdea, with kit. lit-n, etc, and -irivllege nt tiiltiv.iiiiig it few ve-fltttltl.s on lot. To aml .Mr tt-iiaiif rent lii.'ilcrate. Smiih Clay direct,hi iw.-fii l-t and B?lams. Psaacaaioa at once.Applyon iirt-iiil.r-. apSO? ItfBJjt |R Rest?Suit* -uit* ' f and commsdious?j ? Raesj-t, c-_ the _»'.'c_i_ il «_-?fjM ?« a". Aire,-__*fr-tithaasaß--rt l'oo_a,o.'»liiiy lursUh-d/uitablef-ra g-StlsoMS tfc* a lodgri'.groom. Tt ruinmedsrute.

Apßiy«B tii«r,r.-niUir.t. 4:h *!?*-!, brtw.afu Jtck-? un.l Duval, a-fit side ap :i\~ lt*

*_l"()_- Real rlevßisJ asßlrahl* lurnishcd Kut.iur,P ru-tabl. f ::? iv i_nilly op*gantlemeo,with use ot?"lit-r au 1 kiio_e.i have cooking di.n« ir d_-tj .J. Apply ou austats i!i tt, ii.i~ct.-u '__iih andr_6lb,'.'iitrrch Hit. ap'tO-ll*?f_j*U!l tt_>.it?A l«r-c, nectly iurnished chamber ons*p th. ni_ln a *.r, m a aa* t desirable location,on

."'lankiin fit Waatad tv hiro, by tho moutit,a c.n.-ifC'.r r.t f iiambei maid. Addrteß "Boa 731," PO.

cp r.t>?'-tfhpi lit itEN T - - A house, on tit Slf yen st, between?7» it iKtr aiid'. Irjriiy mm. Waltl imtist: to lit- n-ut

\u25a0it sesarstefy if desired, tor iuforHiutiou apply toMr. HAVili,

ap 30 - lit "it st, bet Main and Cary.

JjiO'J-.i:*-|>ir Reot.?Me.erat Hnooit over my store\u25a0li t*r rent, tuttable for gentieaaen.a!i3o-2i* JEfliiVK.

I."\u25a0 \u25a0: t'-iit tbe line, largo du..liiug bouse ou the? comer nt l*i aod Ctay ata, formerly o.*upi_.l byMr ii U 1UV..1. ll t .tiittiuaah.iut lea rooms, kiioh-ta, .-o, p.;i.i a fr^ritn rUt-chcd. Puesesfiou gtvea?-it..dlaiciy. .JAM&S U TAYLOR.

r_ji _**}? 4r

~ vr'. Krru rt*o itMimt, cv tbe first tl.f.r, vri'-b- M*j_*a doors, furnished cr uttforai-hed, with

BBS ti halh aud kitchen if detirtd. A;py oa\' at, first hcu«e above3d, north aid*.

_!_**______*i, (»;: toni. luiuifh-d, .uiuble lor oa*f or ii*-. i_i.tttl-._uen,within fifteen mlUßtes' walk

cf tat Ca.-h..!. Addross "A F," at tbia tOi_u.ap aO-iK* ?\u25a0

|j-OU rent?The furslabad Iteste oa MainBrae*.jp s-tv>od door from Stb, sow occupied by Cbjb-madere Forrest. Address '?_-,\u2666» box »j_|.apSO-ai*


J*fOtt B*ar-l\*r f«tßht-M- toam, st MrTll-L^xsus*-__iJsx', '-v*u *nWMamM)

LETTER I****w M-o»L-*T_wwB_aiAfmHoi«ttiBFa^

. *T_fr.Peraan*ctlltnf tt faattera w r*a Wat.-ill psaa-raay*BVBatr»_V-_!,a. -rtTl-S **'~ f_ 8

1,?V... ..,,-,,SB-r-ii ptetege trill at t_e tsatt ?* «???> ****** sSvtt~»

WADIB*' fc|St.«tht.ridft mra 0 A Paid Bllsa s_*___B iArn-ttea-iU- P_llarMar- St_SlA%Apperao.. M b rard ISSS ?_ _ ll'f^JmlAlitubw Planrrastva «_» « £ fc J.l»? l., ,cAn.ltr«.? dr w E r«a Eotellna t V NAadaraea Raaalt* Pia-tr Mr K_f___t3_Alar Ma.y Aim Pranctt Marf Ana PitU n.iaa P \u25a0All.nAtd-e.J r-taeiaal KM*aIri. Vary Paqua B J bEL T* JAiaatcdtrStrrtat Ora.aa taretacr Orataat Mary 8 a,!,-*,".Allen Mr.rt onl**l*. Vatttr*____£?_& \u25a0 gSIVa ggirftttrsi »\u25a0?»-. B^Zsn,aJaTAW- -ouKaV. S_Ea-Atk.u.oi. ii«:- -oidantiihE JtsstßtaateiaaAidenoiiNß (JoddtaJaaA Ka** -A», ,lrt-t D J (ii-toD llattia Robin.ol. OAlltrßV Uouinger H Rodgara??-asanas, kli.a G.rr.aß Atic. I Koy-aler m UAntiloita Paouy Wary n.laa Iarmy Mice a p_abbtnrtA Uaray Martha _*\u25a0_*&Burke M Angelina Radford EBurnt J E Utlaa buaie V Ramtt 10 inBagiay Paouy (-lenraora 'Aelbia *******\u25a0 *ttird* B (.oftiay Mertha Randolph in ti?ullard E (Jordo- Pauuy »* Ralcilße m rtat ay All Uod.iin Kniina J - Uounddee mtta VSell 1 Al Uriffia Mary Randolphb-t.n.lBAH (Jaalboty Bally Rtckere fcBall wmN A Keiey X 8Hall M J ttratee Alice, W Htca vi UBaldwin M A -regg Mary U Rtdgaay B %Satet Putriy BoSniauniat CU'- Kichardaou H liHuilt? C V Hurdle Mary a tfota ro JHarry Annie M Hoaeil Bally ar Kuyetlou m XOa-dsuMb Houebiut Mary b Rodg-ert PBingham Mary Holiday Patty Bete.oVSUfeot-er A E Kill Mary 8 Raitker E 8 A - Hue Mary A Byaca rare ESlack U P Htuilertou Billy Bu'.lou Eliia IBlackburn 8 A _t?iler.ou balta Ba an Robert_lom!t. 1 M A Htya E U ttandata H A4onnty Bitatltn U Henry Littte Baetttty Ma..Bo»l \u25a0 V '- *ai.ley Lttue Blansrd V»ateuuty C C Kauney E -tathata(_ Aao-lerVK Ma -i ton Krt'.e - Ktun ftmry Jai.aUroauKw B.rtey J State MagBrookt R V Harden fnniite V BUplaaAuuBrock 'IKH Holyaid urt t* Bttr_ Auu -ICrock Richard Hail A b Btioach _.ariton

_t.,» HarriaAUt Binimoot Barah Atimet M H Hall B But.i XUruceßT HardatckEt; Bmiih Sarah ABrookt M A Harrington U Smith E CSrooki E J Harmon X UJ E XBurr L B P Hauco'k M Bt ilh.m Cor.lme ABurnbaia E Bayard Kan.tie! Btagg irilltitj J M Kpoiit fcetty Ptttigbtintr C Veathß A Bmith Emmabeu'.'.f.i ii-ite la KebringiH Smith/.Dnllti.ialt :.-. E ritlliiiau J P Bmitben NancyBaa dm Mary tloinetEP Sn.aiity - XBerry Laura Henry M Hmiley Marlba Ec 1 .'ante Hotter Carolina Smith H DBailey Bctati He.-l.att M V Salter X ichard P *

Baidain ? harlulte EKigh Maty () Baudara P A t* 'JJBarry Alice Houaewrtghi A Batten X A E.t->rry J P Homer Mary Bauudera b Abl tii'ktnship it Hooter Betty Scelt Lizzie ar War-aiaiikenthtp V Wawry U R raniilauk Bally 1*.....d Panny balmou BeltyBlackburn A E Anne R ft.den Mary EJ...d01 .Vi.ry Hold V b Btoirra Maggie Soar KM B.,nthEV tliothtr Mary _,

H'jflard Lucia (J teart MariaBtiykiua N .

Budgint Bullit £ Bcmpie Nannie.oikiutSP fatiJ.n.t w r alien tea Halite fcdrafiju Panny B Hudton Maty -'.tplitm Ma'jpUrr.« Addit P Zerbtrl B A B.iiuhLucieABro-an b aal'd 1.-vni mrt Mary (J Smith A VI Irl-y Kitty Smith OS Br'oulware Btitit Jonaa mra MB Ba 1111 Mary Earotgu Cornelia Johnson iWery P fipicer iWadoraI'uun N X Johnion Emily Bn.itb Kate U-.ircliatt B E Jahnka "Karv B Bmiln M UBatwettS Mally JacobtSA' BiaKABV

?1 v 1 p am '?? i .'etlnet M Baut.dart MtttldaCha-rtiae-va JackaouLtn Mcoti Alatna< anipball Lutia Jacktou Ai va Servant EllaijlilderRebecca Joi.aaKetlit l_ ahieid C B(JliildrettTinaila Johnssn l ar.liin) »_»jge Bitty.. Hone Jouet Sally M TucLtr im.. H A. larke Barah P -'onea laabtlia Turner Poly w1 hadaell - Jit: ta Mary A Tu.-pin JennieChapped -1 Jouet Mar? V Truelieart B'_Clarke Mary E JihutonBarah M JUiarkaLilly Jt-hmon 31 A B VSeberßUsaOLlarke t'at..n.lf* JolHeAniiE Tyler J C

iarktS Jaaea Mart P T»e Anna V;;i.ffonl Va Kfane mra U V 'iyndal Paa__B_BClarke R oi'd Kelly Praacil J Turner Li:zie PUhtrka Kthter Klltn \u25a0 V-M Mary-.1.-irke John U Kelly Ptrouia TottyJwClarke W« A Kin} Kmiii Talbott Jtttit

:ole Sauna King Paaaitt D . Ibonpton ArothaC"plar.d Jimiie h.idt Kirelia 'fHbl. nago.lon;o»nigli*nJi: Biiiga.»ryJ Tayn.r l.j faulinfririatTturrtl KingluiuA Tucker k:iQma CI:i ing.n 1 w King Mary A Taylor Mary b'to« ..:-..; A Kell Uiiat -3 E Taylor Mary J

\ 'f Ktui Barah J Thoinaa Joae E? -.aittr fc. colM lUrr Jeuuy A Taaaaaaaa P wt alia Bamh P X: ly Larit.a 8 Stanraa Alice 11i.'nwtlioiu \u25a0-> H Kte'lng P B Thornton Ballia..:_rter -iart X King Auiana Tim. lick Kma JCarter Carolina 1 Km.broUghJ Tlni.iitonla_«iier-Sartba Ktdnt aaaSaa Toitr NtttieCartel Maine B taalaa- met U U l-oaaaa .'o.aCarttr M fa L«-ttie Betty Ti tuin I'rtchaiitaaCaitet E P L-uatd 'ii.l \u25a0- Toil, lurt Baiah IIChtKea Sarah J Lambert Nauey Tyler u.ot_t_ibtr_aP Liiifj.JL \u25a0' Ybotiitou CatharineCloploti ll «S Laarence Basaa A Tyret Clara1 hiidt-ue T L.i.tMoi.i. TurutriuJl..-it* us 11 Leant Cm.una Tye Anna

Co! ba Camah» « Mptnatab >1 M Turner ai::ilelbCollmiAV Kl.ra Tucker m AC.lquit Nauny E Ligou Valuta 1 ucker Sarah JCuppiugtr N boyd win L turner E_Cooke Betty S Lumpkin P B Tulker LucyCary tllen baafiaj mtat ME Jfjltf lanaCook m i.i B J ban ton N E TaylorPCook ie'.'.it H 1..-utß Taylor SidneyCra-aford : V Lucy (MiB Temple U m

\u25a0 1..*?.-, it M Lay..a -1 J Timbeilike \u25a0Crump Anna B Lambtil taaiiie Tylti / dolphutCastiday fella bangley Btttio Tolar Barah ECuenAiaryA bat-bert 8 U Sodd P RCocke 8-itih A Latale JtuuelteR X Totlt 8 UCarter E bougiaetla Vlctoria Ty.erm_l.iaCa.tar Emily Leber M V Thotuptou V ttr'lCajaal Pr.ucit Liggoulndoß 1 (JCapron L G Maboiie mrt W S Vaughau mrt VCitttr E V Kattey E w Vaughan n-.ary? fc lii Ke.dor Bar.h E Vaughn Prar.citCarter M b Mi'.cLtl - E Vaden mitt V E S-ttcLieil fc G I Vaogfau Asm 11Dcld 8 J Mitchell C P Veat arias Naucy ADu.ii Johanna Meamt Butau J V.uittr otary RDc-.tii M Mitchell Lttty w Warren niisa NDod.en JtL.'.y Wade Annie MUeuuitMary Killt A WaldropOuiDefc iaru M V Moody_etly v Waldrop m E Illattiel E M Koran John WofemADttEghtrty P MorntAdala Warner Leila \ VB Morgan B Wayne Zena Ullalmey Bariih 3'oote Mery Auu Wattan E Tl)_y E 8 * Murna Jaue White LeltieUavnTP .v. itt,t 1. ... A White m Alogttt?.lly MorganMariaP Wtikt ni bail-.Li-F tTiiiiill MarthalN.iuny White u.olfltUn.ia v Murphy Mo lie Wbiting 10 G Metikiue Itidiaua Whilet-ait iv ADa'tau B B MorritMA WillitAVUnvidaauPD Mountcattle Ida Willi NoteHaughtily 8 A Moore Jo.epbine Willne L'cllieUe.ieou It.U ttloritt Ju>ia w _ Wilton Kii.abtthlUvietMJ MorganM P Wilton EmilyD-vit M A aioote Mary b Wyatt J mUitf 11 itl 1 Mudieou bf.ty WingfieldALU-ileyJT Mor.e H M Wood 13 AOtckc.-ouSB Mcore Belle WtttniAiligga butau Maitiu Cettie Wooddy ni EIlieke.-to\u25a0» J tt Milia Mary E Waaiey mra \u25a0 Ailukc E b Miller ? oixeiia Wade a ADene. J P Mann Judith E WalkerE ADowdy Maggie Ma.thallN a Walth ru ADudley Harrttt Me Jracktn u-re M WnltertEimore mrt 8 E AlcAii.'.er tutau Walker niaryEllenou wH U McCarthy Mary Waldrop 8A IFl'iott A ** Mc'.ltan Kate WaithSutauElliott R(J Mc'Jofkfe £W ?_ Walktr P Aa..i.ory M McCarthy Harry Waller fa PEuoan._iy McPaePtuiine Walton tarahKdaardtwl E McOonald mitt M Waldto mllEdvafdt A McLelland Lucy A WashingtonEurnatt Bttlia McLemoraß Wataou Luviuiattrtut Sarah McKtunty ? Wayn. intryEvaut Jennie McMahou Hnry Wataou to.ua_ im t-laitha S Nit mitt M V Webb in 1;Kraut II A Nich-I.e Mary* Wl.itfie'd tieo .

» tattall niita M J Nea.ii.anL.urd Etr'.-ln'iu- KJn ,n,._ a Nicholat Maria B Wtlkiutos in EFurpliet -d'nouta Nttr mrt E11.4 Wild.-an N EPa-t-a* Went* Balat -*-*f WilkmaSEPra-JkUa A Na.h Janette V Willu-ta 8 E.until il J Newman E J Wil'iamt ta Et-_t_ i.) Ni_beiry Nilly WilkiuaTHraaaa v a Nitdt Emilia. -Villi__bi-raytitrEM Omi.rt_r.aj Wnjht EJr.y.itrLaura J Itbrtau Elltu W right RBfletcher Ann U Ott-Lb Wright NauutaRBivaaah V 0.-Su'liranbA Wmgliel,| H C|»ytarri-rM (Irctdoitfea raita J Wingfiaid J Et-oaikeeVß OaeutAlicaa Woodm AKorbet Kate N 1-oinU mrt H Wo,ddr.uoß1- itthtitt MB P-'e H I: Woodward A Xpittpacritt U l'erry tv i. Wood m Jt'orre.t E C Preyear tv Wo-.tiuua Clara\u25a0.-oatar Li--ie Pientitt in nt Word Va B_aau trn t in B Wood Sarah Aa-alvey J Pucktit J H » iliiaLacy toldt-uodf-t mi. E luy fa R WilaonJtuuia

\u25a0. a mti b.r E Pete J Yuui.g n ... A 8plalieuy B E I'tarce b Youag mrt mat Aa-eibaa E bl Pii_j_u U A

CNrLt-IS'J kiUT.A! 1 -i.e.. _i...t.!t't. tlf.ntitlj W ietieie.r M Aroan viu'J trratfs 31 J iuttjC Cook E AAude.-ioiiT L.-tit U M bi.i.j A Cook fAil,i, .UF iir-an ."tl r/-__.'i'J A C hati-an inAi.gtlo Oliver _*am.ait M _.!.?_! urn* li.andlir WAudtjaoa * Hurt M ftlljuo'- ,lr »V

Moutgoin.rt Br»_i. HI Bovleejuo JA last cpt Jl* inUftltH W a.ktr jno cal'd frit* til WtiAn.ia.-ti.itcpt j tuwdtu L. tl.i.t-ng-ui - each Wm

A Seaman bt |i)?f> iff" | N CmluiW.'Alfred jut til Unmet f. _, lit ie mat. retj i.oth tl W IApperaou W L V - Caiudeu Vli 8Alitlnjir.y tto-Mitoh b B Br.tll-t J_l I»tt aAtUi-aj F Bell J t: tfa.-ittj-. Cmttr 4 (Jo B8Anjbrjr tgtj tlUtuntil Jft fl.J.i.atl* Child.*. 8 JAllan Imtiiii Blake J U BeletJ U Ci ..l.l';k X BAbraham j H Emit? Jno A Brov-J Carrol BtlAi._.'i- it ti A bi.i.cbaiu ft jco Coven R U $kst**a ">«J 1 B laiier It B RAi.dtrt.Ht U « Belcher corp J Broeu j j Cook RobertA-dtrt.u maj BsaMketl epl 3 Urc-tt ** O (.'arlin fcdaard

ti at Boatrt J.- J v Bnli-ck H A i a \u25a0.__ Kdvai.lAint.iii XT _~.... » B _!t<«t v « Coffee Edwaid. ddu-ii - .1 B -In.coe a \u25a0 ? Srar.d A ft lall.eit X t*Am..trot.g A BBitlupa U ? BrttntJ Coffee-,bAferellAm Baylor U Baeirh-u ft it ('apartcol AAlley Oil Bug-veil 0 U .otJ w H Carter A TAlbert Daul bru.i, U cold Blunt; it Cary maj Alt* Key Wu A Baraea tl f Buil.-et L. w tlCeuai.t AlfredAilama r'rauk L.rrjltu- Ballah B Cumbt _*Alia.i., wßinU t* ' lull.). Chruiiauj cl'dAll.nF H Saker v tit liar capt ChapmauJa.Buughau R \u25a0 Bavth U w Chilloa Oat Cute SuckBenjtliill U A Sriacat cpt fSC'oue .'.tt W t alt j ABreaerJt' kurt.a S Carter jaa \u25a0 Collier it KdBariiee .nu B.jrkitt cpt B \u25a0 b I)fculiatmtri it A Bur k" U Clat c tpl B tt lontiet It 0Ut_t.kcpi ..Hi t U CuU.t.ll|ot E Cue 8 XBo.ii AH. Bryaudrßß Caldvel lit* Cola Haa \u25a0Bacon M II taitat'J Cothiel d W GaaWaaU?--\u25a0Bridget C C C **? riiitr. Jen <m BOaUaal C tUallard col i;B_i.-i.ulf v CockratitiW talbtti .:

Bearer W A Bargttt B ¥ I tit Mas I* B,. Beatalr B CdiordeolU dat-di-i. j T-later ? P Beu B B Chute rStts Uuffjr oBait. V Baieabb Cmt? Cat llamtitj 8 Saker capt J BCate thainaa I nlli.j j cBrock * ftolejf J 6 CNutbt v R D w UBtabam arm leant J a CaaapUl am Dooly mkiddle am t'uiton J * CaatuuogaarwUailon arBiait cut Bot.e? J U Crublt ut Ooßglaa ar mB.eliufarA Ballilml J Ca.ie6ujtpptUal_.uaajBaker » V BueUckjft Claaaa io a. UtckeueT*Bilaa apt ? AtlUntiou jB «f«olt» ft cold Dieart TeaBar.ltf ? E Baily J w l 1iltouft B nraitot. T fBail v l_ Bay jrerepi j tCoa baw l>abbe r cBarr TIS b J P Ce-par boaia Ortalaa TarSia?a dr V - Braver tgl J U'.'iatap juo i bia__ a hSatta T iiei'd Beaaati | w Cappa jaaaph Davit it B bStffSfT Boeoteja Caupbaijaa Daua M VBaker T Baaldau, j B Ckap'oau joha ÜBHa iiBeUaSB Bull B UtiagaajW Dsukia fBiataaU BtaJ B Beta*. * * Ce-_*j-_uj Uatta J AT1

? BraaMaata est Care jjaaaB Oaddi hJ**4**- _.*° _&__»T«l IBrlaiwIfCAi _.!M^__fl.__Si?,_f.*i _ iBlaakaaihlp ft Ba»-» rev S aciaasarf va B Dell b Oau°- a. __.-_._*_. «fW»W|« o«U*toltBartteß fs-alisr .Ctawßrajea DeaisaikDmmtnSnmth

R}" ?a _ea ._r!___lt**a ?\u25a0_? *_?_._. _!*«» *» i?*

fcrwrM!*&-***-_l fiaatiat a*fßlai ,W

LktTTBR LJWT.nil i n Batter ? N BlaraMt dr b artrrabaagb dr_£~_. Bag-utjb


MaMaia _««_'>iea Baetma *it Mcßetntey a BfollW II T MPaaitl hin Sail Thoa B*oHe__ey c Sttlton IDallaoaora I Baaaril 8 MeUooo8(h R fcrlbnti I \u25a0Data ««? I Bania a i>« Stendara I *Oendrßar HenleyRb aic'tactaor Bhe'toaJYDaSaaaD l»|IT Be'.tJ>» Bruit. Alter!Knar B V Sw-ftrr. A w MtMalltm dr S-eteabere; JDearidgt« B Avrgto-s M D Pat lethal Vatcll)et_an_inc Battler - Ma Jailer B BS_.itb T NUaue.aA* \u25a0??**?-? BB*Uajalrahf*Mfß>a\u25a0*>-? a l> Biff tot j D C a Smith apt W Jtii.-Va.AS HaSSe.,** B«l.o.a«_h . MrnMb # PDaakareAi Beaten j Btaßannjri etokae WDeU.arur AP Hayr-outlJ c £*'****.**' l*??*; ,t J*L*

l)a»ia Am Buck be ?_«\u25a0\u25a0£\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0?,' \u25a0 Sladtl W XUotla-ttd T SuMim It | T MeC-tady in SSandara W LKismtrt-ii ar log rail a c MeCatchraaDTßßaparilaon WE-gelkmg A Itrael Bfa WcC-iba ar U *Midat «' PEi.glithw Irajaaj McKaean «BvapffJ\u25a0Eaton w It*in jette MeV.y It - » Bt.kta *J MKaatram ?> P Irtmfaß McJra- w O Bh.okltl.rd WElyiuinger w Ingram Tb P Ntt.ieu D P Bntr W TBlitto*. 1' « l»a» T m Nuao.-n - w biaWfKlti i.ta TL. Irtm '1' l> Ruble n*a|T| Sal«.«vi WfaKilwaiJ. R Jttt |ar NtMett; ti Banter Wi'EarreuSt' JtS'tajr Aran Nowliu Itj Shepherd 8 R w Jubut A Nichult V Sauipeon V MEdition R* JarraU cptbTNaruA BabltttßTK_._-ie.eau llDJonatbj N.pitrEH Bptrry B BEartaett er H Johoaoncat cVNtnll U*i Borrall ma]E:tin B w Jobneoa c c Nta ii,tu by Btora UlifelltiaT Jcl.u.un Si Naalutt * O Blirtntr otl OEddtogt Iw Jehu ¥ Nettiefwood j MElliott i R lonei dr P P Nataoii bjr Bhaaler IIKcharliß J.tnta R titMiter j m Bway.. J C!?:uln.iik j « Janet hT Offntt [l w N Ewicklaud J UE.lmendtleu UJuhitiouß Oldaw KB Bat.a.v tl\u25a0aan p .ataaa cot B Udell Thaa Btrictlio JaaEwingliw Johueun * Oaeoe cal R LBbarply JKraut hf Jouet gtn B Oaanaßj Stella J OE.dtr b P Jabiiaoo j ~ ''' -onnera Pat Rick urn n \u25a0Elliott tor Joliiitou * P Ot* -tie A fHiett ma)KtlieAP j.hnionjJ Oldht-B w Bmikoy It N JEliaton dr lohut-n ts b tliniia O O -ueUmg ZEly E M Jobnaou jaa Oakley ctu Baudera JKdwarde fl R Joeliult.t O' O Sate Archt'allar w P Jonea b b Pee- « b Tyler, dark idParoaar w j Jonea cpt in U I argian a b inaiketrtarjr w A .oueaPaßl Peyton w b Taylor AParrar « P Jouaa m * Prica ar A Tbiotpaea A BPr-mkliD w b .'oliiT t Paga w Tbojpkiua colrltuhmau « c la?ea T L Paralav (J b 1 mifcjt dr Vfc'cttar - Jouej'fc Paana T w iiirmr T M CParr - P Jolu.aou T i laln.trdr T mVuckar It T8 12Picbett w P Jactaoo w I'btlpt B h 'lolar ftPurling P Joiian ar * Pulaiura 3 * ToanttB 3 Jtlmtou « I' ttja R Tud.l -BchoolPouutaiii Rrn Joittcpt m b Parbaru R B 11stPiHjni I* Ealu l> Pauneltrn ll * i* MPofftrty P Kin_ 8 t'rin.a R TUixnaou RI'll iriiuni m heuugli j c Price R b Tharpbill R MPanrariaa Kirthjoa PooallmA abileergPWPrantt KiDgr-rj* foiuler;* Tl.on.aa II '1 UPord ; w Rati a' 1 earo* /* W Vhi hvallN SPultbtriw Kauon bet PeoktjO TiuilkllMPouthilli Kirkinanigtb Peeo | Tuck W TPerrtllib habit c h farttr jE Tliomraon » IIFinny 1W Kilp:lrickc Patrick jaa Tlioaiaa cpt WPlohri . Kei.ariyeA PtclatljT 1l.amat W BPurdfiai.iih Kitchen c I'odatlar; m Tucker dr W \u25a0Plarilyiß Salter cP Poaeraj WPtKiaa i ni Ktui.y O (col'dfaett j \u25a0 TiirathL NFleming i Kirby U I. Perkaj'J Toitr cpt J Blortyihtj Kelly Eli Prtttou;R 1hotnpaou banraea?lie Ker P P.tAtauit fa Jl.riitori Hiteii i' ? I'riLlt U w Thoraptoo colJPorno h King O rl Pact O D Thicker t NPerrelt h A Kins b (cold) Poarel U w 1horoptoo Jr'u'ti'i Ketiiog itr li r-tirrani v - Tbaiuptcti I MPotltr U w Kinker blt I Puree!' lie 1 aylor Jli'z'e-a'di PKm bar i w Pul.e.. U w Thornton JParanholl eft Xi by -a * Poilurd E R I lun-atdr at

a Key 8 3 I'jtrrrtr Ej Taylor UMPaidkl epl Kae.n.jj S * lerton IIEVI hotoaa PrFor.ler A m Keiiii.«ii*tti eEfoar.a X M Ttcbtnor r WUray « E Kuly OU 8 l'oaell E w Tjssa t. USe'diaewß Er~_jaoß PayaabO 'ilir.terWCUuy * Kelly; w I'oaallA Til ISIBSaI SJllaiJner a N Kreppita* I'urk. cofi.d'r Tocler W Jliordeo lev R KawataJ-aa lotliock epl ATi«ylor W *)enrtiu T fa htntJjX j B fulniitljie C LouleaT Keiii.tUjtt HiillipaAl> Tnfcielt W WOatay T Kil>;U;ijw t'utatia J X Thou (.ton J Hjii,-.!!. Palolyculjj Vbaakfasa J CUrore 3 Kikcter P I eLton .Ir ? 8 nnltle cUay .1. Pll heeietT l'ttttettan V Upibur lIT A? P '.' Knox TL. Pries 1' P Van tilttoa LUain 1' " Ci'acktll ma) 3ot.'.rrinj Ktlly I'll Union it A Vlcktr r'. 1)

\u25a0j,.,Uiii n: li Ke.ii ii aP ? Uuniii wti Va>derlip Etinin in P Ktlotigh a h Kile faa Vtruetam. \u25a0 E-arueitaiaa Kerl.y W L Uadot n*g w cWrtght j O_i'o-J-i...i. j w Ktn per ci.laßKolerta at a Wtiiiau.t RUan.tlucal i i-tii.parN W Kii.lica.K. WiUaiton ar btJarintiij tipman It; llict w T Wtitiua at j*

Lataton C AKicli-t.l. at », Warne »;rurttiiiw Lumpkin ar Kotbuek w P 'Aiiiii iri «Ltatj. ,:,j3 Una hi-li ej in Vlliitaoiita cptGary; h Ltnch w b Uichardtou ttr _

Oaiet ; Lind.ay itv «j V U WhilUa col Pb(ioriioo i-aP Loo'iauw Rettrdon 8 b h Vfe.l Tj trti.-;i;.. Uei.ghuriia at bHe/ncldt it S'cOarty j b Lts a K»» ri.j sI. Woodtll I imar v w Lnwrtnee V LlKeid Kobt We.t 1' V.Uordot. ? Utj - Hobuitou R w VV uttrtuo I'UliinitiarFtrb Lafitert'l'P Red.'ot.l Xt' Woviktr f LGor.l.ti ii battunarT T HoCtnun R P W t.'.aii RU.irriiou G h Uaii.terUck 8 ilnehtn 0 P Wittenß;;rujo In U'f E taw L Ki. liir,li.,:i NTWeddtll X Oti,Hun It; leeßi; IticeJut Wu.cbetler mctiresnan 1» O Ltttaie. Pal Koun J S uoilrillt m LUrn/ 111) ll btle.Wn iv h Kilty cpt J O Wurrck luatterIBcaan_-]P c E Liptco.-t.b ut otKilltrbuute _ c Oli.iie.iu* Long; a' Ko.eobur_er J Whiting ni 1)Hauler c h Lun.btdearer A Ware It N bGretn co! L E ;l> Kot J L WtttkcUray A ; Ltncu;P KielyJC'i Ward L EGnu A li LoWfT'tiO H..-. ;. ~«u i WatbingloujAGoode A bataSas] R Byattai Wright; w-em an; i) Lritjli hobiuaoi. cpt \u25a0 Wariick ;h ESnaaat ___atv|* - WtlltjE-itit.u.t at P Lu,..pii.. dr; KoiuerJ. Wyatl;UGrten ; R Leonard ; T Kil.'.lnt ;no Wattou ; *Gtlispie HLi tmkdr;A Hotter v.a) BTM htta; cUr;.t-.?i!. LoCKh«»atd Ktid;tu *> htlrhead;;Grilli,i;ll biiiii.iie h Hubeut;t. Wllnaiut epl;Gen'.y; LeuhacGh Keil yP J A 8Git.-'., v j -.i LeoubaidG Hu.itrPw Wt<iit;ni6ari« LktUa i'.....e.-k a * ..i.i.umi ( «

Gretu;S La'i.g'.tv G Ra*a___B Ew Wti.t; bGarret.; A i-ugg t- Koliur _ Wardtoj*aU..j ; 8 Lui.Jci.ll Kadclifl E Way? _C8; ¥ta_ddiaj)T badd b Rolen. E J W.-.iraajliSira-maliP tee cot It ice b Weinberg;80n.11.>.. ;ar La!.'!." A Ktya.'a I) A Willurnt dr j lM.itrß.-l' Raiotch Wiliian,i;NMerbtP ?yit...|._ut w m Ke,!i c KiliuliuBaucoek E T M-a.-y at A ll.ti._r.ltot. c cWillia'ut ;uoKaUji.tou E ftJartliall woi Hyao leul Weil ;uoBarlt-Kii iv li Moore w T Kobottou ben] Wella; LHickaah Keade rtv a I,- i \u25a0! a. Waterman hl-\u25a0 tllr .V.'.ci.o!) T A Baaia S m Wallu.are eplBoJge li b Mutiny T E Basket A b W ln-.e cpt ta 1)Ua.ioaay ti T Mayo T b Kotertott U c Warner U ?

Bttrnt G w Matou 1 X Kichardaou UOWbtta It A hHaul y G Moma-r-t T lußeat ; \u25a0. Wellt A b\u25a0atcherc KvxfhfV; »Walker U \u25a0Bearec Kyerei'A Ray thoa White PBaniiitou c t.ur.-.ty _ Uei.e-.ii b 3 Winder E PHitrrit c Aiedma rer m Bn.itb R R Wtatherford XSer.ry b .-.. Mci/.iill Slaughter R C Waltere muterBulgiutbF Bloorbb Shelly cptR U XHoaerdgeu Murray ra L Bualliug R Walthall STM-r.-.t b.' MaltbyuA Bawanl T W Wa.d OP 8Holdeu A ; fiSafttu iv vi BpradlinfU Weiatger 1) «Hall A P Murphy ta Bieling R Wright cAHuutAT Killer; l> tcatt tt b Wcilt carterHunttrdr Altart;uob Bni.pton J Wiud.or c bHeath A Mooie;eah Btrett J Wicktc;Holn.a.i A ; -forna; E Buael J U Waddy c BBopkim A ; Micb-ei; J b William chat

A A Morrte faon ; J Wright ba.Mcokt; Mar'.iu Itaac »»t.-i 1...1.1 I U tt tiailay b PSoa.l.iiit; b asartl. tpt; A Sntad J E Warrtu mlHudiettoo;uo Maine; b ficribntr H Walker ABepeealiw -]ayth;no BhieldtNO; Woadali It A cHoward ;P l-ufduckjuo Shuckleford \u25a0 Waldrop A ;Hodgea;* Myar ;aa b Ic-UliV Wettmr-u_bei; c Mattiu cpt ; C Bcboppert G A Wiuglitld ABambletou ;P Mullowuy ; P 8-teuey Uii Wclaou A PBill 1110 Vabony;!. Biixiout E Wettou A vKaail ;uo Mallory h 3 fiuiton E P White ctSo/ere ;uo aiiibadoli' -t-BBBJ?SB D W tuttou drj Murphy U W ttfacl.u O R Waggou;mBarviel) Manny G c Smith col O a Walker - Watotzjoo Moore epl V Smilli C O WitajjPBaraood ;aa Hoort Pti Bpictr C W A ; Metnug P SuifitUß WillianacUiuea; Melone P b'awer Ceurad White colonHurley ; b March E U -lull C Ward ; -Hunipbreya I MurpiydrO BcbaiurCH Wrtdj w EMo-l:.l.»; ftlai.i.n.g l> Shackieford B W*iaigtr cpt wHillyaidjno Morritau D 9 X Waldeu *_ bMan tltou b b Millar I) P Smith ii a-p..t - B'4Horde he Montague c w Bchu'H & _.. Watbiugiou wNove a b Morfrau ec kcr oHudton hra Mauler A Bpaikey A U WoedroofvPkuJwu L A Murray mr B.ndttraet cpt Wetaigtr optHuiitarb Moore A ; 811.111. A * ?-

\u25a0 allabP- Mmar A Bmith A I Ward w ; ll Mann It UN Bn»ad gen J b Waiet adjt WBudgiutw; Milrtbc T Wal.ou » hHarrit m A Montagui T A Bitca J B Wayt at BHail.; MetonTv CcuhaUH Wellt Gt'Havkina w w Mutphy ; i Stapes* J WhledrveNeutliall w; M Williamt«|-llchcock a E1"...,f0nt ; ; ; TB/ard w 1>Began

_ M.'.jiiB It ,eeg John WarreueplbKPulgiutw; M,.rr; 1" Bttwart J U Wotuackcp*.;kt'enit'. o fl'urptij al. Ban.p.on J R wHtutar ; w Mama (? A Black J H Yeau>a_ai8Bopkma w U Mahula c w Bit J John YtnardUKama tv

initials.U A H?Bwedi.b f__iu!_t.

ap_o-lt tato. O. at _.?._\u25a0_*., f. U.


ATf-UIWK, I'rinteis ? A meet.--, of tho Prio-tera aud attarbee of tbo aa*a»«f tba city ofi-it.umond w)i| be tacld al tbe ball over J B Goodo's

priot'og offi-e, this (Saturday) evening at hall-past7 o'cioclc, for Hi- purpeveof orgaDiz'cg a MilitaryCompany, to bo attached to the iS_B reglmeLi aHIUa, aadat tu. regulations pres.ribc 1 by th. Q.v-'i-oor. lt Is hop*il that the *'cra!l" will tothi-c.-l. Lot all ootoe, asd Icaru for luemselvo.?a, i.-t will be required of


A"I'fKSITION, -foreign Lcg'.-B.? at OldMaiket liail on _10_,'..y eveiii.g. tba at orm»j , at 2 o'clock precisely, for drili and Inspection.Abtcale.s will be deVt. with according tc regula-tions.ity order of Car* L'K.uyer.

op SO-git, Q T WAP.?_N,o S.,Mar.y.,,,.!.r-? Being aa__.'..-iavKl byCol Br.i.'l-y T M_aßM Bt rt cruit a company

... v- utfic.hcd lo the Maryland cu va'ry, I li.rc'uyreqtiO-t ail Mary land-.b ceeir.u- of jduing iDta arma* ihe servico, to call ujxii me at lr>y (.m.o ooBauk street, I.e.* en lOHi aul tbe Trox=ury De-partment |*pße_-6tvj _ __J_R I DR.4KINB.

f'aatp vi't.__ami______ ' _""*

CAMP MBAX Kit MJ-ONrt, IApril 2HV\, 1.1:4 f

*>/\ btiM.ARS reward.-! wjl p*y the above re-fj\f want for tb* arrcU of private J_hnLaw horn,«i Noteou Light Artiiliiry. Baid Lawhorn ia 25 -earsof ago, 6 fee. 8 ioxbea high, da-k co-ap!exioa,'d»ikeyo*. and resides lo Nelson no, Va Hal been a isbt-ly woantled in the right foot, which causes hm tolimp. Has a mole In the 00. nor or one of his evesBe deserted from my cotcpaay.

___ aa..*-, J HBNHY BIVEB,«apt,_»P _?*>-? 6 f_ Nel»m Light Artmcry.

NEGROES FOR SA.LS AND HIRE.Hve aad Hire?We have for ealo privately

' an excellent woman -.nd her three children.?Thew_man is a first rate w.aiitr aad irsnec andceo*; young, healthy, and very likely. One of her-hi'drta a a likely hoy aome 13 ytara old, verysmart, and at good a dialog-room tervaut aa any ofhit a-o. Tn. othor children ;ra girl*. Wo wish tosell this family to torn* one wanting them for theirown uss la er about Ricbmood We havo for hir*several .luing room be use servaau, maw and f*-rnaie Some yoou-r girls asd two or three women,ah*- are rood farm bands.

apai-ai| BMTABBBHOW.

J*V»tt Hirs?Two N* 1 Wag** Drivars, By 551 month or the balance of th* year. Alao, far*a tare**-boras ruad wagoo. Apply st myats-

bl-a, between ISth aad isth ata. on Fra Be?at*


EDMUBD Boa.iiui.L(*UU»-Aatroßf, healUiy.youßf womaa,whsT* « a goodcook, washer, aad lro**r. aa* ha*U-r*eehHi-M,B,S aad S years old, whtah wH) hefecaaidetctisedbytkeowaer. Apply at tha aaa*.sptt?a. ' ,

\u25a0 i* > ..~~**~_**" _j_r____________f*

**M* WmW 9*^* 9*} *MM**M*M**fBaa'-^S


jßjy Wittf-*B_toa et Co., A-krf'***..-No I*>_ M*la Hr**S, \u25a0

- tirse* 9 h and 1-th.]- Oi I

?WDnNITORt,* Uatosts.Cart-Jo*,Welshes,


Faasjr Arßel*s._*.,At. Aaatlos.-Oa Wednetday,tbe 4__ day ojr B»r,IS**, we will sell, at our aalasroemi, No __- M«iaat, Bommaßslßg *? 10 o'elrck A B, * varied assort-ment ot farnitora, carpets, eurtaioa, arid aad sti-ver watebss, erceksry, glar-ware, __**y artltlss,dry gor da, clothing, *_, c.ntisflr g cf ths fo! tow lagand other artldre:

Oeblaets, *xfa*, chairsBedßte*d>, washataadaCartalns. otrpetr, mirrorsHo.d and .liver WatchceCrockery »r»d gl-_s«arelteds and bod-lingFancy arllo-**Boots and -hot*li.Kk. and stationaryl>ry foods, clothing,Be.

apSO WII.UAMSOSt. CU, Auota,

A TTBNTION, Contraotort.?7\ A very desirableBogTne, or 14 horse power,

Large BclcE Preen,HtartiDg, PuTcyt,

Aad other Machinery,For osle at aaetloa.

On Monday, the SJ.h day of B«y, ISS4, coumeao-ln« at 12 o'clock, we -ill sell wa. large wcx-denBuiltliDg flttaated on tbo ao-iUi or the doc.,lately used by It J White as a pttantbrick mUI -The said building la 40 by 40 feet, with a abed 80 by-0 feet. It would all.rd a largo qdastlty or et.el-icat ti-iber If taken uowr,

AISO,A very desirable

14 borsc po~*_r engi.eLarge brick pressglialting, pulleysAud other laachlu?ry.

ap-0 WILLIAMSON A 00,Aucto.By George Artnta, Auctioneer,[Uoioer Mala and 13th its.]

ON Wednesday morning, the 4th Inst, er>m-mß-cieg alio o'clock, 1 wiilrfT? ataauotlon?

7uo boz.B man'M tobacco4000 lbs smoking tobaoct.

liiooo Florida cigars6 .bis clariOad scgar

M bbls aod ha>f bbls sugar10 k*gs bl earb soda

60 groat matches- > dotblackleg35 d. 8 pocket books100 pairs coit.n cards.

ALSO,Dry Oocda,

Stationery,Glavware, So.

Con-tgnmenta solicited for above rate.*P3O gKO ARENTd.Aact.

By Francis T. liebtU, Auet.

ADK-jIUABT.B Hnbuibaa ttts'd'tcf, ia th*trail.I'Sidc.r, oa the Westham Plack-road,

auj nearly opposite Caiap Wind'r, at auclina.?Will be gold, en the premiers, on Tur-day, th- 31d_y t f May, af o'clccS P M, the desirable rrsidene*! Itioateti an a&ove The lot, wbich f__e_B*B thePlauk-rciid 170>s ar.d ruiig batkon Parke at173 mat tn a i _.iry, is In a high aasfa < f impiovemeat, well adapt.ia to tha onltivAicu of vegetables,and su.'iiiDtlany aasfaaad. The Impr-iveciectßconsist at ft nrat ftomrd tHrrllitJg caiuicing fcurrooms, ber-ida* closet?, and a iroct a':rl rear p«r.*h,and Bjaee*atty all of -h'ch h.*.vebi*<»ttveiv -tCfutly etfc-rd at _*.* b*et ru*'-r;_l Thepr.pevly alii be d.vkl.d if drt.irt-.1. KaaaaaaSagiren at wire.

Tirhs.?O.'p third ca«f; a*a*a*B r.f 4 ard 8nioniti'; rr ail om-h, if dttf.rel. lb* taxes fr th-y*ar IS4 to b« paid by the i ainhtuat_sp 9A__ H-4BCPI T 1.-..ICLL. Aunt.

By Goddkn uL* Apparatus, aaoßarasr*.

SALEat Furniturr, Oow and Calf, Wagons, Carts,Panning lispleiaenfci. Clover Ilsy, Btra-. finaOavalry Unrse. »c?At the request or Mr John AP?rker, (who bas sold bi« fcrm,) we shall aell at hisrea dfnee, on tbe Brook Tumplde, two miles ata**KifliuiTd. on Wrdoe-iday, the 4th M»t. 18C4, at 4o'clock PM, the following article., via; A parcelofrjou-ehold Furniture, embracing, amongst otherit->ms, a large and eic*U**nt sideboard ; a youngcow and ca'r",(cf flriD blocd;) one wagon, nrorly |new, aitb harDf*<H, for two or three horses; one 'wood cart, one light msrket wagon; all the .arm- ?Ing rmpl.tncDts, oinnisti.-.g of plough., harrow*.Bcy.Les, catting bos**,Ao; a parcel ot clover hay ;and wheat straw. Also, one beautiful cavalryhorse, in good order, 8 years old. Term*?Crtsh.

ap-0 GOI'DIN A APPEKb'ON, Auei'a.T3BCfIVRR*S Sale of a valuable Farm of 670I\ acr-'s. in HanoveraaJ Henrico, on the Chlcka-E-iuiny, 14 rui'es above ths city of Richm<Mid,and4 miles from(.ten Allen Depot.?As Receiver of thoDistrict Court of the Confederate 6tat?B of Ameri-ca, and under a decree of said Conrt, pronouncedon the llth of April, 13.34, in the case against Anflerson Thorpe to acqut-btrate the property of DavidM T-lmadge, an ali.-.a enemy, I .hall sell at publicauction, on the premises, en We_ac*d?y, the 4ih ofMay, ar. 12 o'clock M, ( f fair; if cot, the first fairday thereafter,) the valuably faria located a* above,adjetßiasj Chilis'- tavern, formerly owned by MrJag M \\u25a0» iiigton, and now in the cc-upancy of MrAuder_on Thorp. It contains 670 aorea, of wbichabout half is open land, and the baianc. in woodand timber. The bui'dington it are good, uad cm- lbrace those usually found on such an cttat..Tskms ?One third cash; tha balance at 6 and 12mouths, for bonds bearing interest, aad title retainedtill all th. purchase niouey be paid; or all caili, atthe option of the purebi_s_r. Tho Uses for l.ti-l tobe paid by the pajt-eßaaar, !

?*-*- z< > liKNHy L BSOOKK, Becolver. |

HIQH Ccustablo's Sale ?On Monday, tbe Oth ofMay, coLum-ncing at lljla. o'clock AB, I willprcoced to sell on the premises, onthe south side ofthe dock, the wo-'den building lately occupied by jMoore A Na-ice es a p'auing mill, lo aati.fy a dis-tres3 warrant m my hands in favt*- or Eugeno Car-ringtou, adm'r, against Moore B Nance.ap3o-tda GEO A FREEMAN, H 0 C R.

HIGH Conßtabie'a Ba!e.?Oo Monday, the Oth ofMay, 1864, commencing at 4 o'clock PM,I?ainprr.rt-c-.lio cell at public auction, on tbe pre-rniaea. on Broad st, between Ist and 2d, about 2COgallons or Vinegar, to satisfy a diatrcss warrant lvmy l.atid*, in tavor of Immm Rosenheim, againetAbram EKer. OEU A FREEMAN,ap ao-eodtd. H CC B.

HIQH Co-Bt!.bl.'a fVe -O. Monday, Oth May,lSol, at i-Jo'cl -ok M, I will proceed to sell atji-i.uoauction, on tha prctnUca, that large woodenle.euic... situated oa tha south aide of tbe dock,nearly o'lposite 18__ street; also, one excellent setof Fairbanks patent plttrorm scales, iarite ata.; to Ifisti. ly a distress warrant against 1-avld King in fa-vor of _.i,*cce Ciiiriugtoa, adm'r or G B L'arring-ton.deo'J.

TBaat-Cash. GEO A PRREUAN,_aPjto HCOB.

NOTICB.? 1 will seli lo f oat of the t.*.urt-hou*. jdoorcf Hoaigom ry county, oa Monday, theH day of May, (it being Court day,) the f.ltowiag |pre party of Henry X Decl., attached for the beoeflt iof it T Foster *_ Co and others, via: 18 valuable iNegroes, tt Oxen, and 2 11-rao.; and oa Toe. lay,tbo Sd of May uext. at the h-iise of Henry a' l>»ci«, in said county, ail hit 11 uocLol 1 and Kitch.uFutnitu'e, a valuable Library aoJ *?>. -r.t,»ry. alttrgelot cf _h*-_t*, 7 Wagoi.B, _ On fe; 'i- head Cattle, aportion of which aro tut* 1.1-odtHl; raw Cotton,, Leather, Tobaaeo, Mir.-* < otr. .i Cards. Uref,Hatxtn, 14 Tiur.k- , G.ars, 1 Sue tilde Saddle, iaigelot Cord-Wocd, &.c, Be.Terms of the above aai*? Cash, to be paid in thecurrency of the t'oßf*_f r..r*> flair* issaed under the Iact of Congress p*ee- d 17th February, ISO4;oropon a cf cia-ny days, with Interest fr. m .tUv or sale, ncgotiakla t-sper, HatUfa-torily end.rsed J W MONTAQUK, j

ap 2_? td_ Pbevlffor *'frrit_oin»ry >*ounty. Va.

NOTICK?L' iiwilling to _epreci_to tho currencyeven in tbe least, _e«r. c, wo have a o ;.ud

Itaymcii. In ive d.r lar i. >U*_ for hires andreal* dv. oa tb- I.t inst. Now, when every\u25a0co i- reftis:;i>r tQeru unt__a at a discount offrom 10 to il-aj per cent, and being luttructedby cur i_.trt.tis mrt to Lako any more saidcurrency, we li.reby notify aU, ctp cially thosewho have n 4 B*_a Ihel. lures ard r _>_to \wldue, that aa W__ not receive tho oid currency at all.ihc_»t who have it oau exchange it ct the Ttt_a_uryas ca'ily us ?*« can. *Th"fe i-gtit-ct wb...m v»o boldcia in* are aspactad to come to Bar eft.*." au-l c. tiieat the aapßeßaa cf every quitter, accotding to theirtoiigaii.t

.. an 1 tot to w. i .or im at bual them up.Our o-Uce U the name old aland uud-.-r tho Barbang*Hotel, Immediately opposite to the Ballard H_u»e.All who hire of va k iow where it ia, aud bad tbeyoomilied promptly with their promise lo pay couldbavo paid In *}_ notes, which now w_ aro forced todeciue. lap 'K>-3t| J P B TABB A aOW

I*tßsNl!l3Tl-B-LL,? Auo_.o_.e_r, U.-ueral Agent and Notary Public,Corner 11th aad Bask sts.

-tetania ha thanks to hU friends aad lbs pabhcgenerally for the very liberal patroaage during tholast two years, and ok at respectfully leuJe.a bisservices for the tale of real *_iat., bouaohold andkileh.n furuilure, atoeks oi go_d*, A3, at and ton;and renting out bouats, writing deeds, and certify :.-?«,theaakaowfedg-ient of tha suae. Ha hope* by as.Blduityaad atteutton to bstlneas to merit s liberalshare of publicpatronage


HAIR DSES-tlMi NoUce.-I, the undersigned,rerpeotially call tha attention of my friend*

ana cuttmnera to ths lUct that I base pat up a prl-vale saloon- attached to my e-Üb.lah_atni-ei.lii-sively for ladies. Bait cutting and curliag ta th*latest Paila style Also,braid*, curie,win, loapeee,mad* to order ea th* shartcat soßes. Ul\ISO Mala at, bet Uth aad lath,

Opposti* llasay'sN II -Ladies' privata entrant* by ths aids east.ap3o«lt

WR) Cama**relslß*Saasßar* w PanalsalaißVMlsssltaUt Ldßß__-w,an BB?Bl* BBS BBSs -*\u25a0?*

npo sat Cs-bjbbbbm ifajUi fasß-M taaa* a*Me.ll sssal** SB* ass aaJhe asseeasf aatesal~* <t *________________i-_____________\u25a0.'-

--__a_a_--B .*B LMaj SIE^^ 1sßa* 1--** w si aa^at


\ ü-blmamm vamS"at _*? __^'AaWaall *" "? *-*-«*?* v,

? AburentnleA throws drasfBl borasA BUM Bate*, aaai Pt*« a*4 arSarA fjoo. Inraa,soUasl ar uwa_w__.aaßv^ w

_ta_rjrr7 ? *?*?

i B-vera. ether orSlatrr aau___ ___

Twsiptiatanggsß.BT B ?P-rtcaa barlag rehfelta __.aUk«a to tba lot without fBrta*ri__?«_ .**? *?*«

tbeaiielreeby ioa*rtaf dlrectloaasab(__J_t!_**bapao-U " v

a **'*» Tma. W. Smb.[o*jc* corner W,^.

fi_s%asa£ -

' _a«_.{S ,H'Sir"*-'***«'»''*_^'_Si

S let eavairy bjorets5 Boa farm borate6 Bo* mules1 rprlag wagsßjajroadl orderS good Baddies ard bridles, la \u25a0_\u25a0 ~_l.pH^c*i a^S lw4ir.,r2 6a?iU

\u25a0 ?»* J_?2!_!_"»iii *?.I ByL.B.Luek,AmrJ.i TTOBBBB, Bales, Wafoas, 80, at »-__Jtl «?**? **-?.«» OaaßctlCU-aber'aiu tS^T1i_g, at 10 o'clock, ? ** a_a>j Beveral gooi farm boraea

ALSO,t Two males, faralture wajtoes Aa

[JE* _J___J&./*_. i-tmnl« j _fce_t,

[Petersburg Wm.} *

TBK celebrated Stallion _»obic_a.__OaßaiH..the 30ih Iti.t, at 12 o-elaMtfrW'store, (Peiewburg Va )we .ball «|, B»as*a_a*_fine thorough bred Htal.lon M'.hican, 10 eea!_7_?

IS handa high. He was sired bynee. he by Bit Arehte dan tfijmj qb_3*>'/infabee Is aire of Sarah Washington who i~dam ofHue Washington, Kscapeand Fanny w__J*Ington Mohican dam Virginia Bone by im*?_r.Trustee, OI) Tuber.., aTmub.Thcae'Knt Bell's stables until day of aal.. |Wb2particulars apply ai/»ur office.

T-tiias-l;**h or aPP,ov 'd n«te slaety danap 9--td EANNiLL a iiOa,"£_By E. S. Ilesuanis, Auet. ~~" I

HORSES, Mules, OtrrligetTi-e,\u25a0'?>, Bale at Ainu.,,,tin Faturilay, the BBS intt, at 18 v clock I-r!

; sell on Council (baaiber HtU gcreral __cei?,'> cavalry and draughtborsee. "*"«-i

- One celebrated ft-ilioui ALSO,I Several fine mulesOne excellent familycarrla,.- ScI B*-PH.A^.\Tn',.Ao,.t .

By Geo. W. VYiUw, Aua'r,'


FNo. ho Main at]

I WILT, cell at auction, on Safari*-, April so .

lOJt" o'clock, a lar se anil d-slrabie stock of 'Hou.ebotd awl kilt hen furnitureStoves, crockery and g!.sew_r.Ready-made clothingDy good., shoesHata, blapkets, etcGold acd silver watchesJewelry, Be.

Terra, Cash lv $5 bills, or old enrrerev tt _?_ m_?_?. discount. G w B7IUB?ipar aaaasaa

* firt f-8188 Baa.,ByU.F. Booth tt Lo, AwU.fNo '_ 10;. si, between M-i-»__ t_ry j

irURFtTITUUB. DrTfloMrZ\u25a0 Note Pap-r, Knv_lr-p*s,

o*fl*. Ink, Wat.h*,* gate Baitou, *~At A action.?We wi'l sell, at our *«_, Ht ?

loth street, between Main ard Cary, oa Turelaymorning. Mar 3d, at 10 o'clock, a gowl utortßtitcf furrlture, dry goods, watebes, papar, ...x,..sistlng of?

Bureaus, wardrobesj Chairs, tables, beds

Bedsteads, Baattresaesi Lot matches, blaekiag

100 reams note paperWOO fine cigare

j Lot gas fixtures, ebandeliers, glo.ttaoo bottles saperior black inkLet !ed!e-' whits cotton base950 gross agate buttonsMerural floe sold asd silver art'cits1 sewingas-hias, ia go* d oid.r

1 lad*'a riding habit. So.D ¥ BOOTH A CO, Aaeti

Coaslgßiaaii-t solicited and received nil .it rfsale. »ps.

FANCY Cakeand Bread Bakery,Bake Pans, Ua* Fixiu'.i, I,

St Auction.?We will sell, oa Monday _..r_ir»,May _t_, at 10 o'clock, at the bakery corner A_ha__iMarshall streets?

1 extra large brlok oven, with all tht su-ing*complete

60 large bake pas aLot of cake mould*

1 large tray, tables,eutUrsLot gas Allures,And many other articles osed in a first _!_.-. ttkerr.j also,

At the tame time, key, good will. _.t_r<-,

ISc, i f ih* store over the ba .ary.N B?The at'.eutlon ot baker* and ct_..rt M

oalled to thi. sale, it being a dasirable iccat.oa atany hied cf bueiu.i_ Parties deeiriog to ut-tliothe can cull on Mr Emerson, Sew Main"Hotel, corner 6th and Marshall sts.. ap_B D F ttOOTll SCO,-MS.

By E. S. Pleasants, Auet.

ATTR..CTIVB Sale of Hcutehold sad Kit,-**furniture.?l will sell, oo Tuesdayant, »_»

3d, at 10 o'clock AM, at ths late rasidtcea of _?»_

A.ex.rder Browa, deo'd, oa Broad. b*t«etat*(i>and iisth tv, a portion of th* <_\u25a0<*_. tf ibe -t*dent, via:Parlor Furniture, ocnsUtiug cf?1 splendid roaewocd plane, mauufa-turfd \u25a0 fNunna B New York

Kofan, ottoman., chairsMhror, pier table, Ac.Dining room Furniture, oona-Stiug of'

Sideboard, dinner tablefc-ffilg-rator, ash, chairs, Ac-

Chamber Garniture, oousltticg of?B. dt, bedding,, ehalra, Aa.

! and Kitchen Furaltare, contistlßg of the utaal rt-

IBBBS? Made known at sale' a? _t» B a PbgABANTiB, Ao-t'r.

HOC -KHt if.l» Furull.rufor sale at Aaotms.

, cm Monday, tbe 2d of May, at 10 o'clock, I »'<': sell at the residence on ?th atreet, aortlt ot Lnt"; saSaat, (adjoining the City Springe tot,) aa IBS*', lent assortment of Parlor and Chamber .'uraii-'

Be, lucluding?A very superior iaaewood cased pianoHandsome walnut etegreMahogany parlor chairsM-wt excellent velvet carpeta and druj**' vWindow shadesUiniiig table.-. chair*Ciockcry, g __-_ware.

ALSO,A large cooking stove, and a general astor-Bt-fof kitchen furniture

} ap9B B 8 PLEASANT. 1, _aw*_

TTOU.-»EnOLD and Kltcban Furniture for t*k*i I I auction.~Uu Moudar, the id of .»

~ c.tck, I will set! at No 8? Maia atreet. overUU*A ttrn's store, a general at.urtmeat of U*>a*e*-,Jaud X (eton F_r*tnir., cent,*?(slug

I Bplon-t'l French pier mirror, wtik nan*?tth

8 wnrdrooes, bureau-Wasfcttanda, tab!.-*, cbsJrs

3 carpel*, Bealo, .

1 ia..realmoritig »tar ro-_l-J_ttev*Betides a general of

KiU'li.u farniture , ,BB_» IS _i HJMdWMjZ-

By Joints M. Taylor, Awi'r.

AD-SIRABLC rarm. coßtAiaing -0 ?_J#J|lleur-co .-ounty, hear the Fredr-k I***"-'1***"-'r_*d,fo_ Bala SS auction.?Bill be soil en ****** \\

the 6th day of Bay. iWt.on tbe Vo'clock B, a tract of but. oa* mile from **¥**'Tarnout, oa tb* frederlaksburg KaHroad, ,*** '**

mlk* north of Btehatond, oontalaiag *. ****** *fchalf cUared. tbe balaee* heavily »«**_,;_?orlgißal growth-oskaad plat Thebaild!****"Bat of a g»d daalllag bainte, with fo*r *?*«*_?""pas-age. and all aceeasary out buiMßgs It*****It a good voußg arcßara of eßolee fr-i*.wees. tb»land srfjilaa Dr -.h.ppard, AUiaadsr Wlast**,as*otbsrs, betSg la a Boa and a way.

Bspplred with water.? ...iraT**at-C*_h. JAB M ****"\u25a0**;_


ri".WßßTTr acrts of valaabie Woodjaadbs *****\\X ******* for aa* at aaetiea -**?? J__*!_Jtflioa-ay, fid day *f May, Hoi, atCoart Hon**, ail* o'clock M. .»*?*?Ms wood last) is laerie* scanty. **. *****+Charles City read, Svemiles Befea ***^**%l t]ZJatatas IB* Baas af Whales jßrtaa, Dr Uasjaadeuers Tha land a *f «B*satfor?rardtawg, asd wttt sat lr*s*eßtr_y t* f*rty ?****

**-***\** m jLm%JAj_TAYIASt, Aim

aaWI-44 -_>


i taaaa

S^a_E_BM__^_L_Sk*J-?t *+?**"****\u25a0* bSK-h*

-& .__

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