Page 1: So you want to be a tester

Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

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Page 2: So you want to be a tester

Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

So You Want To Be a Tester?

Misti ChancellorBusiness AnalystOMES – ISD - OSDH

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Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

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Page 4: So you want to be a tester

Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Session Objectives and Takeaways

Session Objective(s): Learn who is involved in testingCover the basic testing processDiscuss testing typesExamine relevant soft skills

The basic testing process is the same for most types of testing.Soft skills are just as important for testing as technical skill.

Page 5: So you want to be a tester

Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Where to Start…

Develop your curiosity and creativity.Improve your communication skills.Hone your powers of observation.Increase your technical skills and vocabularyCultivate relationships with the subject matter expertsRealize that if you have ever said, “I wonder what happens if I do …” and then did, you are already well on your way to being a tester

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Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Basics of Testing – Test TypesCommon types of testing:

UnitSystemFunctionalLoad / Performance / StressEnd-to-End / IntegrationUser Acceptance

Other types of tests:HardwareInfrastructureUsabilityAccessibility


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Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Basics of Testing - People

Tester: Manages the testing process and executes testsCustomer / User: Uses product; provides requirementsProject Manager / Business Analyst: Manages the project and gathers requirements used by testers to ensure that the customer has a workable product.Subject Matter Expert (SME): Works with the tester to resolve issues and defects found while testing; in some cases this person is a programmer or a developer; this person may also be needed to set up the environment for testing (release management)

Page 8: So you want to be a tester

Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Basics of Testing - ProcessInput: • Requirements –

Functional, Technical, Non-Functional & Business Rules

• Testing documents (plans, cases, scripts, etc.)

• Software / Hardware / Equipment required to perform the test

Output: • Bugs / Issues – reported via Bug Reports and Issues lists

• Completed Tests• User signoff• Working product with

minimal defects

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Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Test PlanningWho: Testers / Test Resources

What: Item under test (software, hardware, etc.)

When: Schedule

Where: Environment (Location, Equipment, etc.)

Why: Objective and Expected Outcomes

How: Test Plan / Cases / Scripts / Scenarios

Input: Requirements, Resources

Output: Test Cases, Test Scripts, Test Plans, Resource Plans

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Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Test Documents

Test Plans – Highest Level document; Used to determine the test strategy: coverage, methods, and responsibilitiesTest Cases – Mid-level documentation; could include multiple test scripts or test scenarios for one case; may include positive and negative tests for a scenarioTest Scripts – Detailed step-by-step instructions on how to perform a test of a system or piece of a systemTraceability Matrix – used to track test documentation back to the originating requirementsTester Lists – Who tests what (more useful for User Acceptance Testing)Resource Lists – Previously created test scripts that need to be updated, equipment needs, personnel availability, etc.

Do we really need all this documentation?

Page 11: So you want to be a tester

Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Informal Testing -Testing with Less Documentation

Exploratory TestingDoes not begin with documentation Document sufficiently during the testing process to recreate the error

Testing in an Agile environmentAgile methodology relies less on formal documentation and more on teamwork and collaboration in shorter, iterative cycles. Testers in this environment should document sufficiently during the testing process to duplicate any errors that are discovered.

Page 12: So you want to be a tester

Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Formal Testing -Testing with More Documentation

Testing in a Waterfall Methodology environmentLarger, more complex projectsPlaces where the culture tends to be more document-centric or formal

What do these test documents look like?

Page 13: So you want to be a tester

Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Test Plan

This document contains details about what will be tested, who will do the testing, what outcomes are expected, what equipment is required, etc.It will be more or less formalized depending on your organization.

References:Sample template: reading:

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Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Test Cases / Scripts

Test Cases and Test Scripts are similar and because of the similarity the terminology can be confusing.

Test Cases will generally contain more detail and may include multiple test scriptsTest Scripts are generally limited to one procedure or function to be tested.Test scripts that are executed manually are a step by step set of instructions; test scripts that are part of an automated test suite may be in the form of code.

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Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Test Cases / Scripts (continued)

References:Sample Template for Test Case: Template for Agile Test Script: User Acceptance Test Script Template: Reading:

Page 16: So you want to be a tester

Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Traceability Matrix & Tester / Resource Lists

Using a traceability matrix helps ensure that the requirements have been tested.

Maps test scripts to original requirementsShows coverage of requirements in testReveals requirements gaps in developed softwareSample:

Tester and Resource Lists are useful for determining availability for testing.

If a specific expertise is needed, these can be used to assign a test to a tester with the required skills. If a specific resource (equipment, location, etc.) is required for the test, this list would show if it was available.

Page 17: So you want to be a tester

Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Test Coordination & Implementation

Test, Document issues / bugs, Share issues / bug information with Subject Matter Expert (SME), Wait for next release cycle, Retest … RepeatLongest phase of the test cycleCommunication and relationships with SMEs and Project Managers / Business Analysts are vital in this phase

Input: Test Plans, Cases, Scripts, Resources, Fixed Bugs / Defects / Issues

Output: Bug / Defect / Issue Reports, Completed Test Documents

Page 18: So you want to be a tester

Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Defect / Bug / Issue Reports

Bug reports should contain enough information for the subject matter expert to re-create / duplicate the bug for troubleshooting purposes.Use screenshots, record keystrokes, etc. to provide additional informationBe available to discuss the problem or recreate it for the subject matter expert

References:Sample Bug Report (Manual): Reading:

Page 19: So you want to be a tester

Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Defect / Bug / Issue Tracking

Defect tracking can be done manually, or bugs can be tracked in software designed for this purpose (ex: Fogbugz, Bugzilla, etc.)This can be used to prioritize bug fixes and determine degree of test completionCommunicate with the subject matter experts to determine what has been fixed and is ready to be retested.

References:Sample Defect Tracking Log (Manual):

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Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Test Complete /Ready for Review

User Acceptance Testing has been completedTest completion percentage meets required levelRemaining defects are considered to be minor and the number is at an acceptable level (can be released with a statement about “known” defects)Risks of releasing with known defects have been defined

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Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Test Review & Sign Off

Review results and issues / defect list for test completion.Obtain sign off on testing

Seek Project Manager Intervention if necessary

Create and store lessons learned from testing for future project use.Update test scripts and tester information and store for future testing needs

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Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Test Resource Management

Review stored test scripts periodically or after software changes and make needed updates

Update resource lists when personnel changes, or when hardware / software updates occur

Archive issues / defects and information about what fixes have been made or add to a knowledge base

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Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Soft Skill Development

Communication SkillsWrittenVerbal

Interpersonal SkillsRelationship building Teamwork

Flexibility / Dealing with changeOrganizationTime ManagementResearch

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Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Speaking of Research…Availability of information online

Search EnginesTechnical websitesVideosOnline coursesWhite papers

Users groups Technical organizationsExperienced individuals within your organizationConferences like this one…

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Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Wrap – Up …

Learn the types of tests, basic process, and terminologyResearchIncrease your skills – technical and soft skillsBuild relationships with the subject matter experts (SMEs)Test

Because the only way to learn how to test or improve your testing skills is to do it…

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Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

Session Objectives and Takeaways

Session Objective(s): Learn who is involved in testingCover the basic testing processDiscuss testing typesExamine relevant soft skills

The basic testing process is the same for most types of testing.Soft skills are just as important for testing as technical skill.

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Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!


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Tulsa TechFest 2014 | Fri, Aug 15th, 2014 | OSU - Tulsa | 68+ Speakers, 19 Tracks & 96 Sessions!

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Breakout SessionsTestable WebFormsAutomated Cross-Browser UI Testing with Selenium WebDriverLessons Learned: Being Agile in a Waterfall World

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