
Social Networking for Physicians: Why I Tweet

Social Media for Physicians

Andrew S. Wright MD@andrewswright

Social Media: the single best tool for professional developmentPersonal GrowthMedical KnowledgeProfessional CommunicationEducationOutreachNetworkingIdentityMarketing

Marketing/Personal Branding

20% of Google Searches are for Health Information


Case Study 1: The International Hernia Collaborative

1.49 Billion monthly visits (13% annually)968 million users visit daily83% users from outside USFacebook

1.49 Billion monthly visits (13% annually)968 million users visit daily83% users from outside USFacebook

International Hernia Collaboration

International Hernia CollaborativeClosed GroupSurgeons (and select industry) onlyMembers vetted by committee>2400 members, >20countries5-10 posts/day

International Hernia CollaborativeNow versions for:RoboticsColorectalBariatricsMinilaparoscopyForegut Surgery

International Hernia CollaborativeNow versions for:RoboticsColorectalBariatricsMinilaparoscopyForegut Surgery5 minutes to start group50 members 1st week10-15 minutes/week administrate

SAGES Foregut

Case posted with endoscopic photos and manometry images17 comments in 24 hours

SAGES ForegutCase posted with endoscopic photos and manometry images17 comments in 24 hoursVideo of UGI requested and posted

SAGES ForegutCase posted with endoscopic photos and manometry images17 comments in 24 hoursVideo of UGI requested and postedSurgeon adjusts plan in response to feedback

SAGES ForegutCurrent Status494 members300+ posts2-5 posts/week8.44 comments/post

Case Study #2: SAGES Twitter

Twitter320 million monthly users79% outside US6,000 tweets/secondEach tweet 140 characters, can contain photos/links

Twitter320 million monthly users79% outside US6,000 tweets/secondEach tweet 140 characters, can contain photos/links

Brevity is the soul of wit

Anatomy of a tweet

Twitter use at SAGES Annual Meetings









American College of Surgeons 2016

Cautionary Tale!

Unprofessional Behavior on FacebookLangenfeld, University of NebraskaIdentified only publicly available profiles and posts80% residents use facebook26% accounts had potentially or clearly unprofessional posts

Unprofessional Behavior on Facebook>700 Attending surgeons25% publicly accessible accounts15% potentially or clearly unprofessional postsAlcoholPoliticsInappropriate LanguageSexually SuggestiveMore common among male surgeons with

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