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Paleolithic Age

Neolithic Age


Homo sapiens

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Paleolithic Age

Neolithic Age


Homo sapiens

Human made objects, such as jewelry and tools.

People's unique way of life.

Humans and other creatures that walk upright.

The earlier and older part of the Stone Age.

The New Stone age that lasted from 8000 BC to 3000 BC

Ways of applying knowledge, tools and inventions to meet their needs.

Species name for modern humans. It means "wise man."

Page 4: Social studies lesson 1 review blog

3. What clues do bones and artifacts give about early people? The age, size, gender and how long ago they lived.

4. What were the major achievements in human history during Old Stone Age? Invention of tools, mastery of fire, development of language.

5. How did Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons differ from earlier peoples? Both had larger brains than earlier people. Neanderthals had religious beliefs and were the first people to perform ritual burials. Cro-Magnons made specialized tools, planned their hunts, had advanced language skills.6. Why was the discovery of fire so important?Fire provided warmth, cooked food, could frighten away predators, and probably helped in setting new lands.7. Why will specific details about the physical appearance and the customs of early peoples never be fully known?They lived so long ago that there is not enough evidence remaining to allow speculation about their appearance or customs.8. How do recent findingskeep revising knowledge of the prehistoric past?By providing more accurate dates regarding the origins of hominids and scientific evidence for their classification into different species.

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