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Society and Culture at the End of the 20th Century

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Demographic Changes

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Surge of Immigration after 1965• 4.2 million illegal immigrants entered the US in 2000• 3.2 million illegal immigrants came to the US between 2000-2004• 1 million illegal immigrants came to the US between 2005-2009• 10.8 million illegal immigrants were in the US in 2010

The website below has a table that shows how many Illegal immigrants came to the US from 1980-2009:

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The Sunbelt Migration

Sunbelt Migration-The Growth of Southern and South-Western states after World War II.

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The Sunbelt Migration• This movement made the south and southwest more economically

important than the northeast.Reasons for the movement:• One of the causes of the movement of people from the north to the south

is’ because of the many military manufacturing jobs moving to the south and west.

• In the 1970s part of the southern and western growth was due to the green revolution which brought in new farming technologies.

• Also air conditioning played a big part in bringing people to the south.



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The Sunbelt MigrationMore Reasons for the movement:•New businesses and industries like aerospace, defense and military, and oil moved south, because the regions were cheaper and there were fewer labor unions.Examples:•Oil helped Texas grow economically•Military installations brought people, defense industries, and aerospace firms to the desert and California.•While good weather attracted tourist to California, Las Vegas, and Florida.

Marathon buys their oil from Texas

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The Sunbelt MigrationSunbelt effects on populations between 1990-2008:•Nevada population increased by 216%•Arizona population increased by 177%•Utah population increased by 159%Between 2000-2008 the two fastest growing areas increased percentages:1.) 12.1%2.)11.5%,r:23,s:0

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Graying of AmericaSocial Security is causing a financial Strain on America:•20% of our budget pays for Social securityWhat Social Security goes to:•Retirement benefits from December 2010

-averages $1,175per month to 34.6 million retired workers •Benefits from December 2010

-2.9 million to spouses and children of retirees -6.4 million to surviving spouses and children of deceased workers-10.2 million to disabled workers and their eligible dependents.

Example graph on next page

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Graying of America• This graph shows the money spenton socialsecurity andhealth pro-grams.

• Look at Table on the next slide that shows the age populationof America.

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Graying of America• If you bump up the scale by 11 years you will see that the twobig age groups, 40-44 and 35-39,are now at the 45-49 and 50-54 which is the age group that will beretiring soon and collecting theirsocial security. Now if you lookat the age groups 15-30, they are now in the 25-40 age group whichis a big chunk of your working class. This means that the government will have a a big amount of social security to pay, and with a small working class that means they don’t have many incomes to tax the money from.

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Graying of AmericaThree main health insurance programs takes up 21% of the budget, $732 billion: •Medicare for 2010

- $452 billion provided health coverage to 47 million people that were over the age 65 or have a disability.

•Medicaid for 2010 and CHIP(Children’s Health Insurance Program)-Gets the remainder of the 21%-On an average month it will provide health care/long term care to 60 million low income people.

Example Graphs two pages above

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Politics in a Multicultural Society

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Concerns about Illegal ImmigrationProposition 187, which was concerning the subject of illegal immigrants, was passed in California in November 1994.•There are 5 main parts to the proposition:

-The first one stops illegal aliens from entering the state’s public school systems from kindergarten to college. It requires the students and parents to both be legal immigrants.

-The second part stops all providers publicly-paid, non-emergency health care services must verify the legal status of any people

seeking services in order to be reimbursed by the state of CA.,r:1,s:0

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Concerns about Illegal Immigration• 5 sections of proposition 187 continued

-The third requires that all people looking for cash assistance and other benefits verify their legal status before receiving benefits.

-The fourth section states all service providers are required to report suspected illegal aliens to California's Attorney General and

to the INS.-The fifth states that the making and use of false documents is now a

state felony.


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Concerns about Illegal Immigration• 50 of California’s 58 counties supported proposition 187.• According to exit polls, 64 percent of whites, 57 percent of Asian-

Americans, 56 percent of African-Americans, and 31 percent of Latinos voted in favor of Proposition 187.

• Those who voted against proposition 187 said that “ It doesn’t solve the problem” and some said that “it would throw children out of school” and “it is racist/anti-Latino.”

• The Mexican government did not agree with proposition 187 and campaigned against it.,r:33,s:0&tx=144&ty=43

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1980s to 20th Century non-whites were elected to political offices

• Many non-whites have been elected into a government office. President Obama is a good example.

See graph titled Elected Officials of Color, by Race at the website:

• 63.7% of the non-white people elected into office are African-Americans, Latinos make up 1/3 of the graph, and then Asian-Americans take up 2.9%.

See graph titled Elected Officials of Color, by Sex at the website:

• 1/3 of the non-white elected officials are women.• 34.7% are African- American women, 30.4% are Hispanic, and 26.1% are


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Multicultural education, diversity in the work force challenged traditional views

Instead of just being the stay at home mom, women now have a spot in the work force.•1951: One in three women worked in the labor force•1988: three in every five women were working•In 1950 33.9% of women were working, by 1998 59.8% of women were working.

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Revolutions in biotechnology, mass communication, and computers

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World Wide Web• There was a growth in the usage of the world wide web(www) shown in

1992-1995.• ARPA ( Address and Routing Parameter Area) was the first domain

installed into the Domain Name System.• The Domain Name System was introduced in 1985 • It was created by the United States Department of Defense Advanced

Research Projects Agency.• Its original purpose was to be a temporary domain to facilitate the

transition of the ARPANET.• Used solely by international organization.,r:31,s:0

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Cloning Controversy• In 1996 Dolly the first cloned sheep was born.• Ian Wilmut was the scientist who created this clone.• Dolly created much controversy from many people.• Some found Dolly to be a great leap in science history. While others did

not like the idea of something being cloned, they felt like Wilmut was trying to play God.

• Wilmut says he has always been against using this technology to clone human beings, but he believes this break through could lead to the understanding of many incurable diseases and possibly pave the way to novel therapies in the future through generating patient-specific stem-cell lines.,r:2,s:0&tx=70&ty=86

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Explosion of PCs’ and Computer Companies

• In the 1980s 19% of households owned a personal computer. Close to the end of the 1980s it was uncommon for a household to be without a PC.

• People were buying PCs to play games, communicate with others in the office network, and other business related reasons.

• Computer companies during the 80s were always coming up with new and better ways to improve the PCs, constantly trying to one up their competition.

• This competition created what many refer to as “ The Age of Personal Computers”,r:0,s:0&tx=102&ty=89

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Works Cited:"AGE DISTRIBUTION." CensusScope. Social Science Data Analysis Network (SSDAN)., 2000. Web. 17 Sep 2011. <>.Briney, Amanda. "The Sunbelt of the Southern and Western United States."

Sunbelt. The New York Times Company., Jul 19 2009. Web. 18 Sep 2011. <

sunbelt.htm>."Computer Changes In The 1980'S." The people history. The People History Where People Memories and History Join, n.d. Web. 18 Sep 2011. <>.Hardy-Fanta, Carol. "Race, Gender, and Descriptive Representation: An Exploratory View of Multicultural Elected Leadership in the United States." American Political Science Association, 9/4/05. Web. 18 Sep 2011. <>.

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Works Cited:Heathfield, Susan. "Women and Work: Then, Now, and Predicting the Future

for Women in the Workplace Business Women in the Workplace." The New York Times Company., n.d. Web. 18 Sep 2011. <>.HOEFER, MICHAEL. "Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2010." Population Estimates. DHS Office of Immigration Statistics, Feb.2011. Web. 18 Sep 2011. <>."Policy Basics: Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go?." Center on budget and Policy Priorities. Matrix Group International, Inc., April 15,2011. Web. 17 Sep 2011.<>.

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Works Cited:"Population Movement, Diversity, Inequality." UNC Carolina Population Center The University of North Carolina at Chaple hill. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sep 2011. <>.

"Prop. 187 Approved in California." Migration News. N.p., December 1994. Web. 18 Sep 2011. <

id=492_0_2_0>."Social Trends through the decades." palgrave Macmillan. Palgrave Macmillan, n.d. Web. 18 Sep 2011. <>."World Wide Web." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 18 September 2011. Web. 18 Sep 2011. <>.

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