





Soil is the upper crust of the earth, composed by organic and inorganic materials which covers the upper rocky surface .It is a very essential part of environmental system .We the human being who are also the part of the environment, continuously pollute this soil in various way .Now this is the time to give us a horrible feedback and that become a major problem of human as well as whole environment.

Soil pollution is defined as the presence of materials in the soil which are harmful to the living beings when they crossed their threshold concentration levels.

In other words we can say that when the level of harmful objects increase or any toxic thing is added from the outside that can tilt the balance of soil, that is called soil pollution.

1. Discharge of industrial waste into soil.

2. Percolation of contaminated water into soil.

3. Excess Application of pesticide herbicides and fertilizer.

4. Accidental oil spills.

5. Rupture of underground storage tank.

6. Household and plastic waste disposal.

7. Acid rain.

Industrial seepage Excess use of pesticides Plastic waste disposal

Percolation of waste polluted water

1. Petroleum hydrocarbons

2. Heavy metals

3. Pesticides

4. Various Solvents

a. Agricultural soil pollution

i. Pollution of surface soil.

ii. Pollution of underground soil.

b. Pollution by industrial and solid wastes

i. Pollution of surface soil.

ii. Disturbance in soil profile.

c. Pollution due to urban activities

i. Pollution of surface soil.

ii. Pollution of underground soil.

i)Urban activities generates various biodegradable(animal waste ,vegetable waste..),nonbiodegradable(plastic bottle ,bags ).

ii)On rough estimate Indian cities produce solid wastes about 5000-8000 tons/day.

iii)If these are left uncollected and decomposed , they caused several problems.

1)Agricultural Effects:

i)Reduced soil fertility.

ii)Reduced Nitrogen fixation.

iii)Reduced crop yield.

2)Industrial Effects:

i)Dangerous chemicals enters underground water.

ii)Release of pollutant gases.

iii)reduced vegetation.

3)Urbanization Effects:

i)Clogging of drains.

ii)Pollution of drinking water.

iii)Foul smell and releases of gases.

1. Reducing chemical fertilizer and pesticide use.

2. Recycling of waste , i.e. paper ,plastic etc.

3. Reusing of materials in various ways.

4. Reforestation, The most effective way to prevent soil as well as any other pollution.

If we do not throw out our waste and non useable things on the open surface of soil but collect them and recycle those and the reuse it, that process can reduce soil pollution.

One way to get rid from this danger is to use bio degradable products, which can decomposed naturally. And always avoid chemical pesticides and fertilizer, go in the way of organic farming.

Initiative should be taken to grow more trees. Researchers show that if we grow more trees , soil will become more fertile and soil erosion will reduce. That will ultimately reduce soil pollution . So plant trees to save soil.

Excessive littering here and there is one of the most common reasons of soil pollutions.

Take initiative to inform others about the harmful effects of littering

Find a land away from living place and dispose wastes there and from there take wastes to process proper way to reuse.

Dispose of trash,


"Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your

children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children."

Ancient Native Indian Proverb

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