Page 1: Some Useful Oracle Function

OppenheimerFunds, Inc.

Useful Oracle Functions

With emphasis on Analytic Functions

Tom Keller, Chris Hagen, Josh Schulz


ContentsAnalytic Functions.......................................................................................................................................2

ROW_NUMBER, RANK and DENSE_RANK....................................................................................................7

FIRST, LAST, FIRST_VALUE, LAST_VALUE.....................................................................................................9

More on Windowing..................................................................................................................................11

More on Partition By.................................................................................................................................11

MAX, MIN..................................................................................................................................................12

GREATEST, LEAST.......................................................................................................................................13

LAG, LEAD..................................................................................................................................................13




PERCENT_RANK……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..17 LISTAGG....................................................................................................................................................19

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Page 3: Some Useful Oracle Function

Some Useful Oracle Functions

Analytic Functions

Analytic functions compute an aggregate value based on a group of rows. They differ from aggregate functions in that they return multiple rows for each group. The group of rows is called a window and is defined by the analytic_clause. For each row, a sliding window of rows is defined. The window determines the range of rows used to perform the calculations for the current row. Window sizes can be based on either a physical number of rows or a logical interval such as time.

Analytic functions are the last set of operations performed in a query except for the final ORDER BY clause. All joins and all WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses are completed before the analytic functions are processed. Therefore, analytic functions can appear only in the select list or ORDER BY clause.

Analytic functions are commonly used to compute running totals, percentages within groups, moving averages and Top-N queries just to name a few. Below is a list of analytic functions.




functions followed by an asterisk (*) allow the full syntax, including the windowing_clause.

“Oracle Guru Steve Callan notes that in some cases an analytic function can run a hundred times faster than regular SQL that does the analytic with a subquery”

Example query:select

fd.broad_inv_capability, fp.fund_code, fp.nav_price_rounded, dense_rank() over (partition by fd.broad_inv_capability order by nav_price_rounded) drank

from fund_price fp, fund_dim fdwhere fd.fund_dim_id = fp.fund_dim_id

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and fp.eff_date = to_date('10/16/2012','mm/dd/yyyy') and fd.broad_inv_capability = 'Global Debt'order by fd.broad_inv_capability, drank;

OVER() analytic clause indicates an analytic function is being used and will operate on the entire query result set. The analytic clause will be computed after the joins, WHERE, GROUP BY and HAVING clauses, but before the final ORDER BY clause.

PARTITION BY analytic clause is used to define groups to which your results will be placed within. Without this clause, all rows in the result set are considered a single group.

ORDER BY clause is used to define the order of the records within the partition or window. This is required for some types of analytical functions such as LEAD, LAG, RANK, DENSE_RANK, ROW_NUMBER, FIRST, FIRST VALUE, LAST, LAST VALUE

WINDOWING Clause is available for some analytic functions and is used to provide additional control over the window within the current partition. It is an extension of the ORDER BY and as such can only be used if an ORDER BY clause is present. There are two basic forms of the windowing clause.

RANGE BETWEEN start point AND end point. Range is a logical offset (such as time).ROWS BETWEEN start point AND end point. Rows is a physical offset (the number of rows in the window).

Start and end points are:

UNBOUNDED PRECEDING : The window starts at the first row of the partition. Only available for start points.

UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING : The window ends at the last row of the partition. Only available for end points.

CURRENT ROW : The window starts or ends at the current row. Can be used as start or end point.

value_expr PRECEDING : An physical or logical offset before the current row using a constant or expression that evaluates to a positive numerical value. When used with RANGE, it can also be an interval literal if the order_by_clause uses a DATE column.

value_expr FOLLOWING : As above, but an offset after the current row.

For analytic functions that support the windowing clause, the default actions is “RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW”. Windowing is effectively turned on when the ORDER BY clause is added.

Here are some examples of a query as each component of the analytic clause is applied.

Let’s start with a simple group by query that aggregates data. Here we get a row for each fund with the average price based on the eff_date in the where fund_code,

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avg(nav_price_rounded) avg_nav_price_roundedfrom ta_dm.fund_pricewhere fund_code in ('00259','00251') and eff_date between to_date('11/01/2012','mm/dd/yyyy') and to_date('11/16/2012','mm/dd/yyyy')group by fund_code;

By adding the OVER() clause to this same query we are effectively turning on the analytic function and not get the average price across the entire query without eliminating any rows like GROUP BY fund_code, eff_date, nav_price_rounded, avg(nav_price_rounded) over() avg_nav_price_roundedfrom ta_dm.fund_pricewhere fund_code in ('00259','00251') and eff_date between to_date('11/01/2012','mm/dd/yyyy') and to_date('11/16/2012','mm/dd/yyyy');

To add groups or partitions to the analytics so that we control what records are averages, we add the PARTITION BY clause. This will cause the analytic function for each unique grouping as defined by the partitioned column.

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select fund_code, eff_date, nav_price_rounded, avg(nav_price_rounded) over(partition by fund_code) avg_nav_price_roundedfrom ta_dm.fund_pricewhere fund_code in ('00259','00251') and eff_date between to_date('11/01/2012','mm/dd/yyyy') and to_date('11/16/2012','mm/dd/yyyy');

By adding the ORDER BY clause to the query, we are defining the order that the rows will be evaluated while calculating the analytic function. Adding the ORDER BY clause also effectively turns on WINDOWING for those functions that support that clause. In the query below, adding the ORDER_BY on fund_code does not change the query results because the ORDER BY is at the same level as the partition.

select fund_code, eff_date, nav_price_rounded, avg(nav_price_rounded) over(partition by fund_code order by fund_code) avg_nav_price_roundedfrom ta_dm.fund_pricewhere fund_code in ('00259','00251') and eff_date between to_date('11/01/2012','mm/dd/yyyy') and to_date('11/12/2012','mm/dd/yyyy');

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But if we add ORDER BY the eff_date instead of the fund_code, then we can see the default WINDOWNING effect (RANGE BEWTEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING NAD CURRENT ROW). The average is computed on the rows starting at the beginning of the partition and ending at the current fund_code, eff_date, nav_price_rounded, round(avg(nav_price_rounded) over(partition by fund_code order by eff_date),4) avg_nav_price_roundedfrom ta_dm.fund_pricewhere fund_code in ('00259','00251') and eff_date between to_date('11/01/2012','mm/dd/yyyy') and to_date('11/12/2012','mm/dd/yyyy');

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All these of these functions assign integer values to the rows depending on their order.

ROW_NUMBER gives a running serial number to a partition of records or for each record returned by a query. The sequence is dictated by the order by clause and begins with 1.

RANK and DENSE_RANK generates a sequential order, or rank, to the query or partition based on the ORDER BY. When there is a tie between one or more rows, RANK sequential order will not be consecutive, DENSE_RANK will maintain a consecutive sequence.

select broad_inv_capability, composite_aum, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY composite_aum) rank_position, DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY composite_aum) dense_rank_position, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY composite_aum) row_number_positionfrom( select d.broad_inv_capability, sum(f.aum_amount) composite_aum from ta_dm.fund_asset_allocation_fact f, ta_dm.fund_dim d where f.fund_dim_id = d.fund_dim_id and f.eff_date = to_date('10/26/2012','mm/dd/yyyy') group by d.broad_inv_capability);

If you modify the query above and add a DESC in the ORDER BY for ROW_NUMBER, then you will see that the results change and the Composite_AUM sort become descending. Rank_Position and Dense_Rank_Position retain their order.

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Then by adding an ORDER BY composite_AUM to the main query, returns the sort to ascending while the Row_Number_Position retains its descending order.

select composite_desc, composite_code, composite_aum, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY composite_aum) rank_position, DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY composite_aum) dense_rank_position, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY composite_aum) row_number_positionfrom( select d.composite_desc, d.composite_code, sum(f.aum_amount) composite_aum from ta_dm.fund_asset_allocation_fact f, ta_dm.fund_dim d where f.fund_dim_id = d.fund_dim_id and f.eff_date = to_date('10/26/2012','mm/dd/yyyy') and d.composite_code in ('01591','01331','00215','00230','00240','00251','00254','00270','00330') group by d.composite_desc, d.composite_code);

Adding a PARTITION BY clause will group the rankings by the partitioned column.

select broad_inv_capability, inv_capability, composite_aum, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY broad_inv_capability ORDER BY composite_aum) rank_position, DENSE_RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY broad_inv_capability ORDER BY composite_aum) dense_rank_position, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY broad_inv_capability ORDER BY composite_aum) row_number_positionfrom( select d.broad_inv_capability, d.inv_capability,

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sum(f.aum_amount) composite_aum from ta_dm.fund_asset_allocation_fact f, ta_dm.fund_dim d where f.fund_dim_id = d.fund_dim_id and f.eff_date = to_date('10/26/2012','mm/dd/yyyy') and d.broad_inv_capability in ('Municipal Bond','Dynamic Allocation') group by d.broad_inv_capability, d.inv_capability);

FIRST, LAST, FIRST_VALUE, LAST_VALUEThe general syntax is: FIRST_VALUE(<sql_expr>) OVER (<analytic_clause>)

The FIRST_VALUE analytic function picks the first record from the partition after doing the ORDER BY. If the first value in the set is null, then the function returns NULL unless you specify IGNORE NULLS.The <sql_expr> is computed on the columns of this first record and results are returned. The LAST_VALUE function is used in similar context except that it acts on the last record of the partition.

select fund_code, broad_inv_capability, inv_capability, inception_date, inception_date - FIRST_VALUE(inception_date) over (partition by inv_capability order by inception_date) Day_Gapfrom ta_dm.fund_dimwhere inv_capability in ('Concentrated Value','Equity Income');

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FIRST or KEEP FIRST is a functions that can be used to aggregate the first records the first rank. In the example below, some partitions contain multiple rows in the first rank position (Active Allocation). This function allows those to be isolated and aggregated.

select fund_code, broad_inv_capability, inv_capability, inception_date, inception_date - FIRST_VALUE(inception_date) over (partition by inv_capability order by inception_date) Day_Gap, COUNT(inception_date) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY inception_date) OVER (PARTITION BY inv_capability) num_initial_fundsfrom ta_dm.fund_dimwhere inv_capability in ('Concentrated Value','Equity Income','Active Allocation');

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More on WindowingThe example query below shows how windowing can be used to control the subset of data that the aggregate function is executed against. In this case, the window is controlled by a physical row off-set. The first looks at the current row as well as 3 rows back. The second always looks at the current row, 2 preceding rows and the 1 following eff_date, nav_price_rounded, round(avg(nav_price_rounded) OVER (ORDER BY eff_date rows 3 preceding),4) avg_3_0, round(avg(nav_price_rounded) OVER (ORDER BY eff_date rows between 2 preceding and 1 following),4) avg_2_1from ta_dm.fund_pricewhere fund_code = '00259' and to_char(eff_date,'yyyy') = '2011';

More on Partition ByIf you have multiple analytic functions, each one can have it’s own partition by clause. If you need one or more to include the entire query resultset, Partition By 1 will force that to happen. select distinct broad_inv_capability, count(fund_code) over (partition by broad_inv_capability) fund_count, count(fund_code) over (partition by 1) overall_fund_count, round((count(fund_code) over (partition by broad_inv_capability) * 100) / count(fund_code) over (partition by 1), 2) fund_percentfrom ta_dm.fund_dimorder by fund_percent;

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MAX, MINMAX/MIN are aggregate functions that return the maximum/minimum value of an expression by partition.

Syntax: MAX(<sql_expr>) OVER (<analytic_clause>)Syntax explanation

Example:The following is a hypothetical example showing what the maximum NAV was for a fund at that specific point in time for all dates within the given date range.

SELECT fund_code, eff_date, MAX (nav_price) OVER (PARTITION BY fund_code ORDER BY eff_date) AS MAX_NAV FROM ta_dm.fund_price WHERE eff_date >= TO_DATE ('10-26-2012', 'mm-dd-yyyy');

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GREATEST, LEASTThe GREATEST/LEAST functions return the largest/smallest value in a list of expressions.

Syntax: GREATEST(<sql_expr1>, <sql_expr2>, … <sql_expr_n>)The <sql_expr> are the expressions that are evaluated by the function. If the datatypes of the expressions are different, all expressions will be converted to the same datatype as the first expression. If one of the parameters is NULL, the function will return NULL.

Example:The following hypothetical example shows how the GREATEST function is used to find what the greatest price of a fund was on any given day.

SELECT fund_code, eff_date, nav_price, nav_price_rounded, offer_price, GREATEST (nav_price, nav_price_rounded, offer_price) AS Greatest_Price FROM ta_dm.fund_price WHERE eff_date >= TO_DATE ('10-26-2012', 'mm-dd-yyyy');

LAG, LEADThe LAG and LEAD functions give access to multiple rows within a table, without the need for a self-join. It returns values from a previous/next row in the table.

Syntax: LAG(<sql_expr> [,offset] [,default]) OVER (<analytic_clause>) The <sql_expr> can be a column or function, except an analytic function. The [,offset] determines the number of rows following/preceeding the current row, where

the data is to be retrieved. If no value is specified, the default is 1. The [,default] determines the value returned if the offset is outside the scope of the

window. If no value is specified, the default is NULL.

Example:The following is an example of how Tom used the LAG function to find any subaccount_id that had any start_date that did not match the end_date of the previous record for the same subaccount_id (in the subaccount_history table on DSDWD2S).


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FROM (SELECT subaccount_id, start_date, end_date, LAG (end_date, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY subaccount_id ORDER BY start_date) AS prev_end_date FROM subaccount_history) WHERE (prev_end_date IS NOT NULL AND start_date <> prev_end_date);

NVL2 Function

The NVL2 function extends the functionality found in the NVL function. It lets you substitutes a value when a null value is encountered as well as when a non-null value is encountered.

Syntax: NVL2( string1, value_if_NOT_null, value_if_null )

string1 is the string to test for a null value.value_if_NOT_null is the value returned if string1 is not null.value_if_null is the value returned if string1 is null.


select a.account_name, a.account_type, a.account_status, a.close_date, nvl2(a.close_date,'Y','N') closed_flag from ta_dm.curr_account_dim a where account_name in ('002852852083301', '002872870489929', '002932931701975', '003773770248171', '003775270003135', '003775270003399', '003775270005852')order by 1 asc;

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COALESCE FunctionThe COALESCE function returns the first non-null expression in the list. If all expressions evaluate to null, then the coalesce function will return null.

Syntax: COALESCE( expr1, expr2, expr3... expr_n )expr1 to expr_n are the expressions to test for non-null values.

Example:select mr.fundcode, mr.ten_yr_tot_ret_nav, mr.five_yr_tot_ret_nav, mr.three_yr_tot_ret_nav, mr.one_yr_tot_ret_nav, coalesce(mr.ten_yr_tot_ret_nav, mr.five_yr_tot_ret_nav, mr.three_yr_tot_ret_nav, mr.one_yr_tot_ret_nav) as longevity_return from fund.monthly_returns mr where trunc(tdate) = '31-OCT-2012' and fundcode in ('785','874','WTJ','313','VTO')order by 2 desc, 3 desc, 4 desc, 5 desc;The above coalesce statement is equivalent to the following IF-THEN-ELSE statement:

IF mr.ten_yr_tot_ret_nav is not null THEN result := mr.ten_yr_tot_ret_nav;ELSIF mr.five_yr_tot_ret_nav is not null THEN result := mr.five_yr_tot_ret_nav;ELSIF mr.three_yr_tot_ret_nav is not null THEN result := mr.three_yr_tot_ret_nav;ELSIF mr.one_yr_tot_ret_nav is not null THEN result := mr.one_yr_tot_ret_nav;ELSE result := null;END IF;

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NTILE FunctionThe NTILE function divides an ordered data set into a number of buckets indicated by expr1 and assigns the appropriate bucket number to each row. The buckets are numbered 1 through expr1. The expr1 value must resolve to a positive constant for each partition.

Syntax: NTILE (<expr1>) OVER ([query_partition_clause] <order by clause>)expr1 is the number of segmented buckets to divide the data into (e.g. NTILE(4) “Quartile”, NTILE(10) “Decile”).


select * from ( select mr.fundcode, mr.ytd_tot_ret_nav, ntile(4) over (order by mr.ytd_tot_ret_nav desc) ytd_quartile, mr.inception_yr_tot_ret_nav, ntile(10) over (order by mr.inception_yr_tot_ret_nav desc) inception_decile, ntile(100) over (order by mr.inception_yr_tot_ret_nav) inception_percentile from fund.monthly_returns mr where trunc(tdate) = '31-OCT-2012' and mr.ytd_tot_ret_nav is not null and mr.inception_yr_tot_ret_nav is not null ) where fundcode in ('252','463','360','785','874','WTJ','313');

PERCENT_RANK FunctionThe PERCENT_RANK function calculates the relative rank of a row within a data set. The range of values returned by this function will always be between 0 to 1 (inclusive). The returned datatype from this function is always a NUMBER.

Syntax: PERCENT_RANK () OVER ([query_partition_clause] <order by clause>) – Analytical or PERCENT_RANK (<expr>) WITHIN GROUP (<order by clause>) - Aggregate

For a row (r), PERCENT_RANK calculates the rank-1, divided by 1 less than the total number of rows being evaluated (n).

PERCENT_RANK = (r-1)/(n-1)

Analytic Examples:select mr.fundcode, mr.inception_yr_tot_ret_nav, rank() over (order by mr.inception_yr_tot_ret_nav) as rank, rank() over (order by mr.inception_yr_tot_ret_nav) -1 as percent_rank_r_value, max(rownum) over (partition by 1)-1 as percent_rank_n_value, round(percent_rank() over (order by mr.inception_yr_tot_ret_nav),6) as pct_rank, round(percent_rank() over (order by mr.inception_yr_tot_ret_nav),6)*100 as pct_rank2 from fund.monthly_returns mr where trunc(tdate) = '31-OCT-2012' and mr.ytd_tot_ret_nav is not null and mr.inception_yr_tot_ret_nav is not nullorder by pct_rank2 desc;

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select mr.fundcode, mr.inception_yr_tot_ret_nav, rank() over (order by mr.inception_yr_tot_ret_nav desc) as rank, rank() over (order by mr.inception_yr_tot_ret_nav desc) -1 as percent_rank_r_value, max(rownum) over (partition by 1)-1 as percent_rank_n_value, round(percent_rank() over (order by mr.inception_yr_tot_ret_nav desc),6) as pct_rank, round(percent_rank() over (order by mr.inception_yr_tot_ret_nav desc),6)*100 as pct_rank2 from fund.monthly_returns mr where trunc(tdate) = '31-OCT-2012' and mr.ytd_tot_ret_nav is not null and mr.inception_yr_tot_ret_nav is not nullorder by pct_rank2 asc;

Aggregate Example:This example calculated the percent rank of a hypothetical 20% return compared to the existing returns within the data.

select round(percent_rank(20) within group (order by inception_yr_tot_ret_nav),6) as pct_rank_asc, round(percent_rank(20) within group (order by inception_yr_tot_ret_nav desc),6) as pct_rank_desc from fund.monthly_returns mr where trunc(tdate) = '31-OCT-2012' and mr.ytd_tot_ret_nav is not null and mr.inception_yr_tot_ret_nav is not null;

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LISTAGG FunctionThe LISTAGG function is an Oracle-supported function as of Oracle 11gR2 which orders data within each group specified in the ORDER BY clause and then concatenates the values of the (<expr1>) column. LISTAGG is used to perform string aggregation natively (the grouping and concatenation of multiple rows of data into a single row per group).

Like other aggregate functions, LISTAGG can be converted to an analytic function by adding the optional OVER() clause.

LISTAGG can use a range of constants or expressions as a delimiter for the aggregated strings. The delimiter is optional and can be excluded altogether if desired.

The results of LISTAGG are limited to the maximum size of VARCHAR2(4000). The function will return a data type of VARCHAR2 unless the data type of (<expr1>) is RAW (binary or byte-oriented graphic/audio data) – which will result in a RAW data type being returned instead.

Syntax: LISTAGG (<expr1> [, ‘delimiter_expr’]) WITHIN GROUP (<order by clause>) [OVER <query_partition_clause>]expr1 is the column where values will be aggregated. NULL values are ignored.delimiter_expr is the desired delimiter placed within single quotes (‘). It is optional, defaulting to NULL if not specified.WITHIN GROUP is a clause used in other aggregate functions (e.g. RANK, DENSE_RANK). In this case it is used to pivot multiple rows onto a single row.


selectsecurity_lending_type_code,composite_fund_keyfrom stage.s2_fund_codes_security_lend_vorder by security_lending_type_code;

selectsecurity_lending_type_code,listagg(composite_fund_key, ', ') within group (order by composite_fund_key) key_listfrom stage.s2_fund_codes_security_lend_vgroup by security_lending_type_code;

select key_list into v_keys from (select SECURITY_LENDING_TYPE_CODE, ''''||listagg(composite_fund_key, ''', ''') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY composite_fund_key)||'''' key_list from stage.S2_FUND_CODES_SECURITY_LEND_V group by SECURITY_LENDING_TYPE_CODE ) where security_lending_type_code = 'U.S. Govt Agency Bonds';

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select a.fund_code_five_digit, b.fund_invests_in from STAGE.S2_FUND_SHARECLASS a, (select shareclass_key, listagg(FUND_INVEST_IN_CODE, ', ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY FUND_INVEST_IN_CODE) fund_invests_in from STAGE.S2_FUND_CODES_FUND_INVEST_IN_V group by shareclass_key having listagg(FUND_INVEST_IN_CODE, ', ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY FUND_INVEST_IN_CODE) != 'n/a' ) b where a.fund_code_five_digit is not null and a.shareclass_key = b.shareclass_key order by a.fund_code_five_digit;

select a.fund_display_name, listagg(a.fund_code_five_digit, ', ') within group (order by a.fund_code_five_digit) five_digit_fund_codes, listagg(a.share_class||' - '||a.fund_code_five_digit, ', ') within group (order by a.share_class) shareclass_fund_code, listagg(a.share_class||' - '||to_char(a.inception_date,'MM/DD/YYYY'), ', ') within group (order by a.share_class) shareclass_inception_dates from STAGE.S2_FUND_PROSPECTUS_EXP_RATIO a group by a.fund_display_name order by a.fund_display_name;

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