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Séquence 6Communication Civilisation Grammaire Lexique Phonologie Méthodologie

Séance 1Questionnaire,Texte “Canada”

Comprendre un texte informatif

Le Canada althoughRévision : questions en wh.

Prononciation « although »

Séance 2Le peuple acadien

Comprendre un texte informatif

Les acadiens Révision « verbes irréguliers »

La graphie « i ».

Séance 3Questionnaire« The first inhabitants of North America »

Mettre en forme des notes pour rédiger un texte

Les « First Nations »

Verbes irréguliers Révision repérage mots clefs et informations précises.Inférence

Séance 4Questionnaire,Texte “The Story of the Wendat People”

Comprendre un texte informatifRédiger un court article

Les « Wendats » (Hurons)Les « Plains Cree »

Séance 5Dialogue “Ice hockey”

Mettre en forme des notes pour rédiger un compte-rendu d’une expérience

Le sport au Canada (ice hockey)

Verbes irréguliersmanaged to/didn’t manage to

Séance 6« The history of maple syrup »

Comprendre un texte informatif

Un aliment canadien

La fréquence exprimée avec « would »

Séance 7Je m’évalue


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Séance 1J’apprends des informations sur le Canada

Step 1Look at this flag. Do you know what country’s flag this is? Tick the right answer:

® New Zealand ® Australia ® Canada

Check and correct

Well done! You were right. Now look at a map of this country in an atlas or on the internet. Look at the names of the provinces, the cities, the mountains and the rivers. You have five minutes to memorize the map!

Have you finished? Good! Now, without looking at your map again try to do this little test!1- Which city is not in Canada? (Circle the right answer.)

Quebec Detroit Montreal Toronto Calgary Vancouver 2- Which of these is not a Canadian province?

Quebec Manitoba Ontario Alberta British Columbia Michigan3- What’s the name of the federal capital?

Montreal Toronto Ottawa4- What are the two official languages of Canada?

a - ............................................ b - .................................

5- Canada is much bigger than the USA (in size). ® True ® False (Tick the right answer.)

6- The Great Lakes are a group of very big lakes on the border between Canada and the USA. Which lake is not one of the Great Lakes?

Superior Michigan Winnipeg Huron Erie Ontario

7- There are also very famous waterfalls on the border between the USA and Canada. What are they called?

Erie Falls Michigan Falls Toronto Falls Niagara Falls8- Who is the official head of state of Canada?

9- The symbol in the middle of the Canadian flag is a leaf. What tree does it come from?

10- What’s the most popular sport in Canada?

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Read this text again and check your answers.

Canada is the second largest country in the world. Only Russia is bigger. Although Canada is an enormous country the population is relatively small. There are only 32 million Canadians!

Canada is a member of the British Commonwealth and the head of state is Queen Elizabeth. Her image is on Canadian stamps and the Canadian dollar. Canada has got two official languages, English and French. The federal capital is Ottawa and the symbol of Canada is the maple leaf, present on the Canadian flag.

The country is divided into ten provinces: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan. Three vast areas, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon make up the rest of Canada.

Canada has many lakes and five of them, called the Great Lakes, form part of the border with the USA. The Great Lakes are lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario. Canada is also famous for the huge waterfalls between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. Everybody has heard of the famous Niagara Falls!

Everybody has also heard of the Canadian winter. Canada gets a lot of snow and the winters can be really cold! In some parts the winter lasts for almost six months. Maybe that’s why ice hockey is the most popular sport in Canada!

What general impression of Canada do you get from the article (circle the right answer).

® a small country ® a big country ® neither big nor small

Find three adjectives which confirm your answer:

a -................................ b - ................................ c - ................................

Check and correct

Exercise 1

Can you make four more questions for a friend, using this text? Look at the questions above and use the wh questions words from the quiz to help you.

Here are the answers to your questions!

1- Russia Ë .................................................................................................................. ?

2- 32 million Ë ............................................................................................................ ?

3- the Canadian dollar Ë ............................................................................................. ?

4- really cold Ë ............................................................................................................ ?

Check and correct

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Look at this sentence:

Although Canada is an enormous country the population is relatively small.

Cette phrase contient deux propositions :

- une proposition principale, “the population is relatively small”. Il s’agit d’une information nouvelle.

- une proposition subordonnée : “Canada is an enormous country”. Il s’agit ici d’une reprise de ce que l’on sait déjà.

La subordonnée est introduite par « although ». « Although » est une conjonction.

La proposition introduite par « although » modifie l’information de la proposition principale.

L’information introduite par « although » est souvent inattendue ou surprenante par rapport à la proposition principale.

Exercise 2

Link these sentences with « although » :

1- Canada is an independent country. The Queen is the official Head of State.


2- Toronto is the biggest city. Ottawa is the capital.


3- Canada has got two official languages. Many Canadians aren’t bilingual.


Attention de bien prononcer “although”: [O:lðəU]

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Séance 2J’apprends des informations sur les Acadiens

Je revois des verbes irréguliers Je revois la prononciation de la graphie « i »

Step 2Do you remember what the official languages of Canada are? Of course, English and French. It’s a little surprising isn’t it? Well, French has been spoken in Canada for a very long time. Read this text and learn about one French-speaking community.

In 1603, Henry IV, the King of France, granted Pierre Dugua de Mons, the right to colonize lands in North America between 40° and 60° north latitude. He arrived with a group of 79 soldiers, farmers and craftsmen in 1604. The French settlers built a fort at the mouth of the St. Croix River. The first winter was terribly difficult for the colonists. The weather was very cold and they didn’t have enough to eat. 36 of the colonists died. The following year, the settlers sailed across the bay to a better place and founded a little French colony called Acadia.

Their colony prospered and the colonists had good relations with the local native population, called the Micmac. The Micmac taught the colonists new hunting and fishing techniques. The colonists also learnt how to make moccasins from deerskin.

But French success in northern America caused rivalry with England (mainly about fishing and trade). Acadia, first colonized by the French was now claimed by the English. Acadia was sometimes controlled by France and sometimes controlled by England during years of struggle between France and England to reign over northern America.

In 1713, according to the Treaty of Utrecht, France had to cede Acadia to Britain. This made Acadia a permanent British possession. As a result, Acadia was called Nova Scotia by the British.

The French-speaking Acadians were then considered a nuisance by the British not only because they occupied the best lands but also because of their close relationship with France.

In 1755, the British decided that the Acadians had to swear allegiance to the British Crown and be prepared to fight for Britain against France. The Acadians didn’t want to do this because they didn’t want to fight either against France or their native neighbours who were allies of France. As a result, British troops burnt the houses and villages of the Acadians, and confiscated their farms and crops. About 14,000 people were forced into exile.

Some of them managed to escape and reach Quebec which was still controlled by France. Others went on a long and dangerous journey to southern Louisiana which was also a French colony.

They settled in Louisiana near New Orleans and their descendants still live there today. The Americans called them “Cajuns” because they couldn’t pronounce “Acadien” correctly! Many Cajuns still speak a dialect of French.

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Exercise 3Now match an element from column A to column B.


1- 16032- Micmac3- 16044- The Acadians5- 16056- Cajuns7- 17138- 14 000 people9- 1755

a- Pierre Dugua arrived in North Americab- forced into exilec- France ceded Acadiad- The Acadians expellede- French-speaking inhabitants of Nova Scotiaf- a native tribeg- Acadia foundedh- Acadians who live in Louisianai- Henry IV gave Pierre Dugua the right to colonize North America

1 ® 2 ® 3 ® 4 ® 5 ® 6 ® 7 ® 8 ® 9 ®Ce texte raconte l’histoire du peuple acadien. Les faits remontent aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Il s'agit donc d'un texte de nature historique qui relate des faits du passé.

Les verbes qui relatent ces faits sont donc conjugués au ....................................... .

Check and correct

Now, find nine irregular verbs in the text and complete the table:

Verb Preterit form

PhonologieTu as rencontré dans le texte un certain nombre de mots comportant la lettre « i ». Cependant, cette même lettre donne lieu à des prononciations différentes.

Exercise 4Place les mots suivants dans le tableau en fonction de la prononciation de la voyelle « i » :

right colonize arrived native rivalry fishing exile live

[I] [ai]

Now listen and check your answers.

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Séance 3J’apprends des informations

sur les « First Nations » au Canada

Step 3You know now that Canada has two official languages, English and French. So who arrived in Canada first? The English or the French? Well, the answer is not very important really because other peoples arrived before them. They are called the First Nations today... because they arrived first, long before the Europeans! Of course the Europeans called them Indians because Christopher Columbus thought he was in India... when he arrived in America.

Look at this quiz and see what you know about the native inhabitants of North America.

Circle true or false for each question:

1- All Native American peoples speak the same language. ® True ® False

2- Christopher Columbus was the first person to arrive in North America.

® True ® False

3- First Nations people and Native Americans all live in teepees today. ® True ® False

4- The native people of Canada that the Europeans called Indians are now called First Nations people. ® True ® False

5- The carvings (sculptures) on a totem pole tell the life story of the owner (another word for proprietor) ® True ® False

6- Information and family histories came from storytellers. ® True ® False

7- The Inuit in Canada were once called Eskimos. ® True ® False

8- The Inuit live in igloos today. ® True ® False

9- All Inuit, Native Americans and First Nations people live in Canada. ® True ® False

10- Each First Nation or Native American tribe has got its own traditions. ® True ® False

Did you answer all the questions? Good, well done.

Now try to find the answers! Match the answers to the questions!

Pour réussir cette tâche il faut que tu appliques la méthodologie que tu as acquise lors des Séquences 3 et 4 et celles des années précédentes (repérage des mots clés et des informations précises, inférence etc).

Séquence 6 — séance 3

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a) True. There are three groups of aboriginal people in Canada: First Nations people, Inuits and Métis (who are of mixed French and native descent).

b) True, story tellers are highly respected individuals in native groups. However, not just any person can become a story teller, you must be qualified and trained by an elder.

c) False, some travel and stay in igloos at periods of time but the majority live in houses.

d) False. There are over 30 different native languages in Canada alone.

e) False, some live in houses on land areas called reserves. Others live in cities and towns.

f) True, and in some parts of Alaska they still are called Eskimos, but in Canada they are now called Inuit.

g) True, although not all native groups carve totem poles.

h) False. There was a vast and diverse population of natives in North America before the European explorers arrived.

i) True, each tribe has its own individual traditions. Some traditions, however, are shared and common to different tribes.

j) False, there are Native Americans in the USA, and indigenous populations in South America such as Mayans in Mexico.

Write the number of the question and the letter for the answer here:

1 ® 2 ® 3 ® 4 ® 5 ® 6 ® 7 ® 8 ® 9 ®

Exercise 5Look at this information you have learnt about Canada’s inhabitants. Use it to write a paragraph about the First Nations of Canada. The verbs you can use are in italics.

Don’t forget: you will write some sentences in the passive voice and others in the active voice. Check the forms of the irregular verbs before you start!

Before European explorers – vast, diverse population – North America

be – arrive

Christopher Columbus – North America – India – inhabitants – Indians

think – arrive – call

Today – Canada – First Nations


30 languages – Canada


Reserves – cities – towns


Each tribe – traditions

Have - share

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le coin des curieux

Le mot « aborigine » désigne les premiers habitants connus d’un pays ou d’une région. Tout le monde connaît le terme « Aborigine » (écrit avec une majuscule pour décrire les premiers habitants de l’Australie), mais l’expression « aboriginal people » est également utilisée au Canada quand on parle des peuples ou nations indigènes.

Le mot « aborigine » vient du latin « ab origine ».

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Séance 4Je découvre la vie et les coutumes d’un « First Nation »

Je décris la vie d’un peuple

Step 4Have you ever heard of the Wendat people? When French explorers arrived in Canada they met an aboriginal people called The Wendat. These people lived between Lake Huron and Lake Ontario. Look at a map of Canada and see where this is.

The French thought the Wendat men had a strange hairstyle so they called them the « Huron » because it reminded them of a boar’s head!

(a boar's head is called “une hure” in French)

You are going to learn about the life of the Wendat people when the French arrived in the 17th century. Before you read, try to guess the answers to the following questions.

1- In what kind of houses do you think these people lived?


2- What do you think they used to eat?


3- How did they travel?


4- What kind of clothes did they wear?


5- What happened if people were sick?


6- How did they choose their chiefs?


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The Story of the Wendat People

The Wendat were not nomads. They lived in villages which were situated near lakes or rivers. They had big, long wooden houses and several families lived in each house. To get food they grew crops such as corn and beans. They collected berries and hunted wild animals such as bear, deer and wolves.

The Wendat wore clothes made from animal furs. They wore moccasins on their feet.

They travelled on foot and by canoe. In the winter they wore special snowshoes and used toboggans and sleighs.

If people were sick they were taken to see a shaman, a kind of medicine man or woman. They often used herbal medicines to cure sick people.

The shaman was also an important religious person who interpreted dreams. They believed that dreams were very important, and could tell the future.

The Wendat people were divided into eight clans. A clan is like a very big family. You could only marry somebody from a different clan. You were a member of your mother’s clan, not your father’s. Women chose their husbands and, when a man got married, he moved into his wife’s house. A Wendat chief was elected by the older women of the clan.

Did you guess correctly? If you are not sure,

Check and correct

Read the story again and see if you can find the equivalent of these French words:

de bois






cervidés (biches, cerfs...)





You are going to write The Story of the Plains Cree People, another Canadian First Nation. Use the table and the Story of the Wendat people to help you.

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Exercise 6

Write a paragraph about the Plains Cree People using the information below.

Where they lived The plains of central and western CanadaLifestyle Nomads (followed the buffalo* herds)Homes TeepeesFood Buffalo meatClothes Buffalo hides (skins); moccasinsMethod of travel On horsebackSick/ill ShamansChief Elected but usually the son of a chief*buffalo : also called the North American bison

The Plains Cree People














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Séance 5Je découvre le sport le plus populaire au Canada

Step 5Do you remember what the most popular sport is in Canada? Yes, it’s ice hockey, or just hockey as most Canadians say. More than 500,000 people in Canada play ice hockey!

You are going to listen to a discussion about an ice hockey game. Circle the words you think you expect to hear.

team win ice court lose hockey gym

goal stadium captain spectators

Find the verbs in the list. Write them here: ...............................................................................

Are they regular or irregular verbs? .....................................................................................

Write their past (preterit) forms here: .................................................................................

Now listen and see if you hear the words you circled.

Listen again and take some notes in your exercise book.

Now look at this table. Use your notes to complete it. When you have finished listen again and check your answers (or try to find any information that is still missing).

John looks .........................................................................................................................

Reason: he got home ........................................................................................................ .

Where he was: at a ............................................................................................................

Two teams …………………………………. ................. and .......................................................

Winner: ............................................................................................................................ .

Exact Result: .................................................................................................................... .

Atmosphere: ..................................................................................................................... .

Problem: ...........................................................................................................................

After the match John got ...................................................................................................

Check and correct

Listen to these sentences again:

It took us two hours to get to the stadium but we managed to get in for the start of the match.

I even managed to get the goalie’s autograph.

Was it difficult for John to get into the stadium for the start of the match? ………………

Do you think it was difficult to get the autograph of the star of the game? ………………


Tu utilises « managed to » pour dire que tu as réussi à faire quelque chose, même si c'était difficile. Si tu n'as pas réussi, tu dis « I didn't manage to ».

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Exercise 7

Complete these sentences with « managed to » or « didn't » manage to:

The match was difficult but Toronto ………………………………. win.

Montréal ………………………………. beat Toronto.

The goalie ………………………………. save a great shot.

Exercise 8

The same day John sent an email to his sister who is living in France for one year. She is

really missing the ice-hockey season so he tells her about going to the game. Write his email

and include the following elements.

- the day – the time (morning, afternoon....)

- with brother (invent a name!)

- problems

- information about the game

- after the game

Before you start, list all the verbs you will use (in your exercise book).

What tense or form will you use?


Check and correct

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Check the forms of any irregular verbs.

Decide how you will start and finish your email.

Write your email here:











le coin des curieux

Ice hockey is the most popular sport in Canada. There are professional teams in the big cities which play in the NHL (the North American professional league). The name of each team is composed of the city it plays in and a symbol of that city or the region. The big team in Toronto is called the Toronto Maple Leafs. Do this exercise and try to match the names of the team and the cities!

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You’ll probably have to use the internet or a sports newspaper. When you have finished find the cities on a map.

1 Toronto Oilers

2 Montréal Flames

3 Vancouver Maple Leafs

4 Edmonton Canucks

5 Ottawa Canadiens

6 Calgary Senators

1- .....................................................................................................................................

2- .....................................................................................................................................

3- .....................................................................................................................................

4- .....................................................................................................................................

5- .....................................................................................................................................

6- .....................................................................................................................................

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Séance 6Je découvre une spécialité canadienne

Step 6Do you remember the colours of the Canadian flag? What are they?

................................................................... and ..............................................................

The national symbol of Canada, the ....................................leaf is in the centre of the flag.

Do you know what the maple tree is called in French? Write your answer here.


Check and correct

The maple tree gives us a very sweet syrup.

You know that maple syrup you love pouring on your pancakes is a Canadian speciality. But what do you really know about maple syrup?

Maple syrup was discovered by the First Nation tribes of Canada many years ago, long before the first Europeans reached North America. Every spring, when the snow began to melt, they would cut holes in maple trees and collect the liquid (called sap).

They would put the sap in a pot and boil it. They would continue this process until all the water evaporated, leaving a crystallized sugar.

Early European settlers added their own technology to making maple syrup. They attached buckets to the trees to collect the sap. Maple syrup production quickly developed because other types of sugar were hard to find and very expensive at that time.

a bucket on a maple tree

Today people all over the world pour maple syrup on their pancakes or use it as an ingredient for cooking.

There are many maple syrup festivals in Canada. They generally take place in spring (March or April).Did you know?It takes 40 gallons of maple sap to make one gallon of maple syrup. The sap is boiled down over many hours in an evaporator until it finally becomes the maple syrup you enjoy. (1 gallon = 4.5 litres)A maple tree must be at least 40 years old before it can be tapped for its sap.There are only 40 calories to 1 tablespoon of maple syrup.

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Read these sentences.

Circle the correct answer, right or wrong. If the sentence is wrong, write a correct sentence.

Rappel : Tu n’as pas besoin de comprendre tous les mots pour comprendre l’essentiel d’un texte.

1- Maple syrup is a sweet liquid. ® Right ® Wrong

2- It comes from a tree. ® Right ® Wrong

3- It was discovered by European settlers in Canada. ® Right ® Wrong

4- In the past it was more expensive than sugar. ® Right ® Wrong

5- The sap from the maple tree is collected in winter. ® Right ® Wrong

6- The sap is collected from young maple trees. ® Right ® Wrong

7- Maple syrup has got lots of calories. ® Right ® Wrong

Check and correct

Now use the sentences (from 1 to 7) to write a paragraph about maple syrup. Write it in your exercise book.

Step 7Regarde ces phrases :

They would cut holes in maple trees

They would put the sap in a pot

They would continue this process

Ces phrases décrivent ce que faisaient les premiers habitants du Canada tous les ans, au printemps. Tu peux utiliser l’auxiliaire “would” devant un verbe pour exprimer cette idée d’une action habituelle, au passé.

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Séance 7

je m’évalue

Exercise 1Have you got a good memory? Test your memory by answering these questions about Canada.

1- Write the names of three Canadian cities here:

a) ......................... b) ......................... c) .........................

2- Write the names of three of the Great Lakes (on the border between the USA and Canada) here:

a) ......................... b) ......................... c) .........................

3- Who is the official head of state of Canada? ...................................................................

4- What are the colours of the Canadian flag? ....................................................................

5- What are the two official languages of Canada?

a) ......................... b) .........................

6- What’s the most popular sport in Canada?.....................................................................

7- Which country is bigger, the USA or Canada? .................................................................

8- What name is given to the French speakers who were expelled from Nova Scotia in the 18th century ? ................................................................................................................

9- Name two First nation people

a) ......................... b) .........................

10- What Canadian product do people pour on pancakes? .................................................

Exercise 2Use although to make one sentence from each pair of two sentences. Look at the example first.


Ottawa is the capital city of Canada. It is not the biggest city in Canada.

Although Ottawa is not the biggest city in Canada it is the capital city.

Now do the exercise:

a) Many people in Montréal speak English. Montréal is in Québec.

b) Canada is an independent country. The Queen is the head of state.

c) Canada is a very big country. The population is quite small.

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Exercise 3Write the preterit form of these irregular verbs:

a) burn .............................................................................................................................

b) build .............................................................................................................................

c) learn .............................................................................................................................

d) lose ...............................................................................................................................

e) win ...............................................................................................................................

Exercise 4Look at these words. Say each word aloud. In which word is the pronunciation of the letter « i » different?

right - arrive - native - five - night - light.

Séquence 6séance 7 —

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