  • 8/22/2019 Soul Craft Practices



    1) Nourish soul with images, the soul imagines the mind thinks

    2) Respond to what most pressing in your experiencing and asks to be dealt with

    and listen to your heart

    3) Transform experiences into images the world is to be made into images thatbecome for us tabernacles of spirituality and containers of mystery

    4) Avoid simple explanations of pain that keep the soul from flourishing, learn to

    live with complexity. How do I distance myself from problems and challenges

    ? How am I not using my talents and gifts ?

    5) Be ethical - Its not possible to care for the soul and violate ones own moral


    6) Be of service to others recognise that soul exists beyond your personal

    circumstances and conceptions.

    7) Choose work that suits the soul as well as the budget Is it ethical ? a sense of

    community and meaning ?

    8) Be individual and eccentric be willing to go against the grain of theestablishment

    9) Know your own mythology get a feel for the deep underlying patterns of

    your being that we live out in our everyday life

    10) Learn to reflect on your experiences and express them artfully

    11) Notice soul speaking through simple things in furnishings, home, all around

    in the world, there is no separation between world soul and individual soul.

    12) Tend to memories, dreams, reflections which are rich with imagination and


    13) Make ritual part of your everyday life, its an action that speaks to your heart

    and soul

    14) Be exposed to spirituality in a soulful way emphasise stories, images not

    spiritual achievements

    15) Dont forget that soul depends on longer, more patient cycles extending

    beyond the urgencies and madness of work

    16) Touch the elemental waters in your own life and it will transform everything

    into grace and presence

    17) What courageous conversations bring you to your poetry ?

    18) Daily disciplined conversation deepens and enlivens our life

    19) Pay attention to your inner voices have courage to bring who you are, your

    whole self into the workplace

    20) Via negativa say no to everything that is not a real yes21) Be a gentle revolutionary bringing your language of soul and belonging into

    the workplace

    22) Soul pathologises it gets us into trouble

    23) Soul refers to deepening events into experiences

    24) Soul has a special relationship with death

    25) Soul responds to the honest to those who are prepared to be close to their

    deepest, darkest feelings, the suffering of their deepest truth

    26) Prior to gender, race, wealth and health is a soul/heart that if we allow it the

    capacity to feel and be touched deeply by what we see and experience

    27) Savour the undertones

    28) Seek out the ways the soul attempts to guide our relationships and individualdevelopment

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    29) Focus on attending to the small details of life rather than fixing a central flaw

    30) Think of yourself as a seasonal creature, summers of pleasure, springs of

    renewal, winters of discontent and autumns of necessary decay. Rather than as

    a constantly developing creature.

    31) Soul luxuriates in deep attachments but there is also something in us that also

    takes flight when we sense deep attachment, this is also as aspect of soul. Weneed to embrace both attachment and flight and dig deeper into our nature.

    32) Care of the soul is that it is not primarily a method of problem solving. Its goal

    is not to make life problem-free, but to give ordinary life the depth and value

    that come with soulfulness. In a way it is much more of a challenge than

    psychotherapy because it has to do with cultivating a richly expressive and

    meaningful life at home and in society. It is also a challenge because it

    requires imagination from each of us. In therapy we lay our problems at the

    feet of a professional who is supposedly trained to solve them for us. In care of

    the soul, we ourselves have both the task and the pleasure of organizing and

    shaping our lives for the good of the soul.

    33) The idea of growing and developing is more a project of trying to becomesomething with a goal of perfection in mind. Whereas, alchemy is more of a

    natural process itself, wherein the inherent qualities of something are revealed.

    34) If we dont allow these crises, these challenges to take place, then we

    remain fixed in life and never really ripen or mature. Its human nature to

    cling to whats safe and familiar. The choice is between being safe and

    allowing these transformational processes to happen. The life of the soul is

    dynamicalways moving toward a deeper, more subtle place. What Im really

    saying through my work isto honor whats happening in your life rather than

    trying to take the safe way.

    35) Live more by the intuitive signs we see in life than to live by logic.The soul is

    dynamic and is constantly trying to find a new direction in life.

    36) Intimacy really does nourish the soulall kinds of intimacy. Just one

    intimate conversation can make life worth living

    37) Value your dependence and your independence - When I say that Im thinking

    of giving a workshop so that people can learn how to be dependent, everyone

    laughs. Our culture is more interested in people who are independent at the

    moment. But I think its important to be both. As a society, intimacy threatens

    our independence and individual identity.

    38) Value your attachments - I want to emphasize the value of attachmentof

    being attached to your home, your family, where your grew up, or a car

    youve driven for years. Its OK to hesitate to discard these things in your lifebecause youre attached to them. Acknowledge those attachments and live life

    according to them. I dont always see the value in being spiritually strong

    and running over those attachments. One of the reasons our society is so

    mobile and transient is that we arent rooted enough. Soul and spirit need to

    carry on this constant dialectic with each other, so that neither of them is

    wounded by the other. We live in a time when soul is constantly wounded by

    all our attempts at spiritual progress.

    39) What the ancients knew is that the whole world needs to be married. We need

    to get the Republicans and the Democrats married. We need to get the Blacks

    and the Whites married. We need to marry the intellect to the body. We are

    surrounded by differences that need to appreciate each other and want to betogether. Marriage is really a state of connectedness and co-operation.We

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    prepare for marriage by enriching our imagination. That way we can come to

    marriage with rich textures to weave our lives into the fabric of family life.

    Marriage is not all about interpersonal dynamics, a notion which tends to get

    us swamped. I think we could handle our emotions better if we saw marriage

    as something which holds the whole of life together. In that way, marriage is

    truly a service to humanity40) Embrace endings - To me, the point is to be able to embrace the experience of

    ending. Its a death experience and exists beyond whats personal.It touches

    on the mystery that life is full of endingsa mystery that nobody can explain.

    Life is not perfect. Its full of death and sickness, failed careers and failed

    relationships. And its OK to be thrown by these things. The challenge with

    endings is to live through them and not run away from the pain of the

    experience. The powerlessness, the despair does something profound to us, it

    changes us. Its the alchemy of the soul at work

    41) See past experiences as food for the soul, and not something to be

    transcended. We can dip into the past, not to solve the problems of what may

    have happened but to tell the stories of our personal history. Its a form ofimagination. If the memories are not used as explanations for our life, they can

    be used as a very rich source for reflection on the nature of lifeeven if they

    are painful. Its the mystery of what human life is.

    42) Lose your soul - Theres an ancient riddle in eastern philosophy which says:

    Its only by losing your soul that you gain it. If we could learn to let go of

    what we think is so important in life, and stop trying to fulfill all our plans, we

    might actually find what we are looking for.

    43) I try to show in this book how to recognize your calling. You read the signs,

    positive and negative, and you always take a chance on life, no matter how

    thoughtless and irresponsible it might appear to be. You live into life, willing

    to risk and change, rather than hide out in a job that is familiar and safe.

    44) Dreams can be part of your spiritual practice. You can write them down and

    ceate your own personal scripture of revelations. They are all meaningful.

    45) When you meditate, dont soar too high. Dont worry about distractions; they

    are the stuff of your soul and tell you who you are. Dont try to be good or

    perfect. Just be. Add some art and humor to every spiritual practice you have.

    46) Dont make your spirituality abstract: use music, art objects, color, food.

    Spirituality should always begin and end with a full sensual sense of place,body, and connection.

    47) Imagination is everything. People seem to think of it as a superficial thing,

    lighter than thought and research. I dont. I see imagination as the most

    important power we have. As we imagine the world, so we live and

    understand. But a great deal of the imagination that shapes us lies under the

    surface. We need to tap that underlying storehouse of images in order to grasp

    who we are and where we are headed.

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    48) Make space for your problems - Ive encountered people who, in dealing with

    their problems, just dont have enough space in them. Maybe they havent

    allowed life to affect them much. Life experiences stretch you, when you let

    them have their impact. Maybe they havent allowed emotions that frighten

    them, like anger, sadness, or desire. Let some of those in, and your soul will

    get bigger, fast. Maybe they havent reflected much on their experience. Anunconscious soul is a small one.

    49) He said that the soul has its own source of unfolding. What is this source? It is

    very deep, very mysterious. To understand this unfolding, you must learn to

    pay attention to how your own soul is movingthis may be felt as desire or

    longing or fear, perhaps as fantasies, or images that recur. This is one of the

    central parts of soul life. As a culture and a society, we would therefore pay

    attention to what is happeningon the level of meaning. People in the past

    took this approach. Today, we just try to identify the causes and solutions. The

    soulful way would try to find meaning in the experiences that we have,

    especially the ones that are difficult or unpleasant. Other aspects of soul life

    involve cultivating an appreciation for community and relationship, intimacyand attachment. Art and poetics are essential to the soulful lifethese are

    where the images come from that allow us to appreciate the depths of daily

    experience. The decisions we make based on soul nourishment are not

    necessarily the simple way of doing things. Soul, like art, is often very


    50) Be in the moment, people say today, as though it were a given. Well,

    maybe its better sometimes to drift out of the moment and reconnect with thepast and imagine the future.

    51) When I think of a mega-soul, the first thing that comes to mind is humor. Aperson has to have lived and made mistakes and see the humor in the human

    condition if hes going to have enough inner space to hold it all. Humor often

    comes out of the clash of high principles and low failures.

    52) souls get big from opening out beyond the limitations of human knowledge

    and control. Everyone is called to be a mystic of some sort, and being open to

    mystery and myth, the intuitive and the non-rational, to art and ritual, to nature

    and animals, to absurd ideas and outrageous fantasies gives the soul room to

    fashion a lovable and thoughtful human being

    53) However simple your life, however ordinary and retiring, you can have a

    mega-soul, a vast source of vitality, and the capacity for pain and failure as

    well. You can be noble in your simplicity and deep and wide in your ability to

    contain life. You can be all of humanity in one person and the cosmos in

    miniature. You can be a whole world.

    54) Mistakes people make in spiritual development - I can only mention:

    moralizing instead of advocating and ethical life, taking all spiritual ideas too

    literally and missing the mystery, treating spirituality and psychotherapy

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    narcissistically, not seeing the spirituality in the sensual world in which we

    live, anthropomorphizing the notion of God, and on and on.

    55) Soulful activities - My readers would benefit most from being more engaged

    with the arts, reading only the best of literature and not pop psychology or pop

    spirituality, finding ethical and rewarding work, being engaged in some kindof service activity, staying close to nature, cultivating the ordinary joys and

    pleasures of life, keeping friends and family close, and loving their children no

    matter what.


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