Page 1: Soundoff May 29, 2014

NEw lEadErGarrison ceremony welcomes new HCB commander

page 8

UPCOMING EVENTSTOday, 4-6 P.M.: Right Arm Night - Club MeadeFrIday, 11:30 a.M.: Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Observance - Club MeadewEdNESday, 9 a.M.-1 P.M.: Blood Drive - McGill Training CenterJUNE 5, 7 P.M.: The Volunteers’ “Best of Pink Floyd” Concert - Constitution ParkJUNE 13, 7 P.M.: 2014 U.S. Army Soldier Show - Murphy Field House

HEalTHy CHOICEFarmers market offers Fort Meade more high-quality goods

page 9

Soundoff!́vol. 66 no. 21 Published in the interest of the Fort Meade community May 29, 2014

MeM-oriole DaY

photo by steve ruark

Fort Meade service members meet with orioles players during the Baltimore orioles’ Military Appreciation Day on Sunday at oriole Park at Camden Yards. Fort Meade participated in several pre-game events, including the singing of the national Anthem as service members stood alongside the orioles’ starting lineup.For the story, see Page 12.

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Commander’s Column

Cont ent sNews............................. 3 Sports..................................12

Classified..................... 21 Movies.................................18

Community................. 16 PlacesofWorship...............20

Editorial StaffGarrison Commander Col. Brian P. foleyGarrison Command Sgt. Maj. thomas J. latterPublic affairs officerChad t. Jones [email protected], Command informationPhilip H. Jones [email protected] Editor & Senior Writer rona S. Hirsch Staff Writer lisa r. rhodesStaff Writer Brandon Bieltzdesign Coordinator timothy davis Supplemental photography provided by the Baltimore Sun Media Group

advErtiSinGGeneral inquiries 410-332-6300or email [email protected]

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Soundoff!́Guaranteed circulation:


This past weekend we celebrated Memorial Day, a federal holiday designated to show our heartfelt appreciation to all who have served in the military so faithfully and honorably, especially those men and women who have died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.

It was also the first of the 2014 bookend holidays that signals the unofficial beginning of summer (with Labor Day being the unof-ficial end of summer).

For the past several years, the Memorial Day weekend also has served as an appropri-ate opportunity to kick off the Army’s “101 Days of Summer Safety Campaign.”

From Memorial Day through Labor Day, the campaign’s goal is to remind everyone not to lose focus on safety this summer.

The Installation Safety Office kicked off Fort Meade’s summer safety campaign on May 22, as we hosted Fort Meade’s annual Safety, Health, Wellness & Resiliency Expo at the Pavilion.

The expo provided the installation with an opportunity to work with a variety of local, state and federal agencies as well as several private vendors who could provide the Fort Meade community with a wealth of public safety and wellness information.

Information provided by the vendors and various agencies ranged from interactive drunk driving and texting simulators, blood pressure and vision screenings, and motorcycle safe-ty awareness to resiliency, recreation safety, nutrition and occupation health displays.

But safety doesn’t stop when the expo ends.

As we celebrate the start of summer and enjoy our favorite off-duty pastimes, let’s also

keep in mind that summer is also the time of the year when most military off-duty mis-haps occur.

Our goal at Fort Meade is to help you increase your knowledge and understanding of the dangers involved with recreational activities as well as common summer tasks.

Talking and thinking about safety as we find ways to enjoy summer recreational activities is important. Let’s all do our part and remind others to pay attention to risk management during off-duty activities and focus on safety, health and wellness this summer.

The Installation Safety Office’s goal is to ensure there is a high level of awareness that reminds everyone to consider ways to find balance in our lives, take steps to keep our families strong, and be mindful that staying safe does not happen by accident.

Summertime means beach trips, backyard barbecues and great suntans. But it also means there are a whole new set of precau-tions to take that we don’t think about in the winter.

Everyone knows to wear sunscreen and to avoid handling fireworks, but there are many other less obvious summer hazards.

Let’s all make safety a priority this summer and a routine part of every day.

Summertime Safety

KirK Fechter, directorinstallation Safety office

Commander’s Open DoorGarrisonCommanderCol.BrianP.Foleyhasanopendoor

policy.All service members, retirees, government employees,

familymembersandcommunitymembersage18orolderareinvitedtoaddressissuesorconcernstothecommanderdirectly by visiting Foley’s office on Mondays from 4 to 6p.m. at garrison headquarters in Hodges Hall, Bldg. 4551,LlewellynAvenue.

Visitors are seen on a first-come, first-served basis. Noappointmentisnecessary.


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By Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

In an effort to effectively enforce and monitor speeding on post, the Directorate of Emergency Service is conducting a proof-of-concept test with a speed measuring device on Fort Meade.

The device is a dual purpose instrument that conducts traffic safety surveys and can eventually do speed enforcement. It was installed May 2 and began monitoring traffic on a stretch of Fort Meade roads on May 7.

“We’re trying to find out if this is some-thing that Fort Meade will be interested in getting on a traffic safety standpoint,” said Police Lt. Daniel Schismenos, the DES traffic safety supervisor. “We’re doing a test run.

“As of this point, we have taken no enforcement action from any speeding vio-lations that may have occurred. ... We’re using this as a tool for traffic safety on the installation. That is the only purpose for it.” he said.

According to the Maryland Vehicle Administration, higher speeds magnify errors and provide less time to identify and react to a hazard, stopping distances are longer and crashes are more severe.

Last year, 16,321 speed-related traffic crashes were reported in Maryland. More than 6,000 of those caused injury and 124 were fatal.

“Speed is one of the No. 1 factors that causes greater property damage and greater personal injury,” Schismenos said. “There’s three parts to every traffic crash: it’s the

vehicle hitting something, it’s you inside in the vehicle hitting something inside the vehicle, and it’s your internal organs hitting your body. It’s physics.”

The speed measuring device is being used to collect data that will allow the depart-ment to validate or suggest changes to Fort Meade speed limits.

Between May 11 and May 17, the device tracked 11,240 cars on an installation road. Of the tracked cars, nearly 1,200 were driv-ing more than 10 mph over the speed limit.

“This one-week study that we have the stats for tells me that, honestly, we may have too low of a speed limit for that roadway,” Schismenos said. “To me, that indicates that we probably have a problem with the speed limit.”

If the proof-of-concept test goes well,

Schismenos said he hopes to move the device around the installation to collect data in several other locations.

While DES does send officers to enforce speeding in certain areas, Schismenos believes that it serves as a Band-Aid for a larger task. He uses tools such as speed trail-ers and speed counters to determine what is considered safe.

The speed measuring device will add one more tool to the DES arsenal to monitor traffic safety.

“We’re making our changes, we’re getting the personnel in the correct position, we’re looking at technological advances to help us where we can’t physically be there,” Schis-menos said. “... This is designed to keep the people safe who live, work and reside on the installation.”

DES tests speed measuring tool

By Jonathan AgeeU.S. Army Field Band

The annual Fort Meade Summer Con-cert Series kicks off June 5 with a Pink Floyd tribute show at Constitution Park.

The performance starts at 7 p.m. and is free and open to the public.

The concert is one of 12 performances scheduled for the U.S. Army Field Band’s Summer Concert Series.

“We are thrilled to open the series with our Floyd show,” said Master Sgt. John Lamirande, The Volunteers’ element leader. “We’ve worked hard to make the experi-ence as close to an actual Pink Floyd con-cert as possible.

“We’re bringing our best sound system, professional stage lighting, and guest musi-cians. We will be performing a mix of songs from ‘The Wall,’ ‘The Dark Side of the Moon,’ ‘Wish You Were Here’ and more. This is a rock concert you don’t want to miss.”

Each Thursday at 7 p.m., the U.S. Army Field Band and special guests will per-

form a new lineup of music that spans from modern pop/rock to jazz to classical favorites.

The finale concert, however, is scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 23, and features the “1812 Overture” with cannons. (This per-formance replaces the Aug. 21 concert).

All performances are family friendly.“This is an outdoor venue, and we want

our audience to be comfortable during each concert,” said Master Sgt. David Bullman, Summer Concert Series coordinator. “We encourage everyone to bring food, drinks, and a folding chair or blanket to sit on.”

In the event of inclement weather, con-certs will take place at the Fort Meade Pavilion. All weather calls will be made by noon on the day of the concert and posted on

Visitors should enter Fort Meade via the main gate at Route 175 and Reece Road. All privately-owned vehicles driven onto Fort Meade are subject to an identification check and inspection by Fort Meade Force Protection personnel.

Pink Floyd tribute kicks off Summer Concert Series

Connect with Fort Meade

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Story and photos by Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

With flames ignited a few feet away, 1st Sgt. Sherrie Saunders grabbed an extin-guisher and began to fight the fire.

After swinging the extinguisher side-to-side for several seconds, the Soldier from U.S. Army Medical Department Activity put out the electronic fire — safe from any real flame.

“I’ve never had to use one before,” she said. “It’s good to be able to use the equip-ment, so if you have to use it in a real-life situation, you’re ready.”

Saunders was among the 3,000 peo-ple who attended the Installation Safety Office’s annual Safety, Health, Wellness and Resiliency Expo on May 22 at the Pavilion. The three-hour expo featured information booths and displays from various Fort Meade organizations and a drunk driving and distracted driving simulator.

“It all encompasses safety, which includes your healthiness,” said Kirk Fechter, direc-tor of the Fort Meade Installation Safety Office. “We expanded. It used to just be safety, but we embrace those.”

The event marked the kickoff of the “101 Days of Summer Safety Campaign,” which runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day.

“Spring and summer are times of ele-vated safety risks,” Fechter said. “We’re starting out with safety this time of year, right before Memorial Day, to begin that theme of safety.”

The ISO considers this period to be critical days of safety because increased travel and warm-weather activities such as biking, swimming, boating, barbecuing and camping add to the potential dangers and injuries. More accidents and deaths occur during this stretch than any other time of year.

Displays at last week’s expo ranged from tool and fire safety to dental health and the Army Wellness Center. Fechter said the variety of topics allows individu-als to examine what they’re interested in, as opposed to listening to generic safety briefings.

“They come here and they see something they’re interested in,” he said. “Here, this is an opportunity laid out for them.”

Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Mercy Yamoma attended the expo with fellow Sailors from the Navy Information Opera-tions Command Maryland. One of the group’s stops included Fort Meade’s Fire and Emergency Services display, which featured a smokehouse.

The Sailors sat in the trailer as it filled

Garrison hosts annual safety and wellness expo

with a fog that simulated smoke. Once the room was fully clouded, the group crawled on their hands and knees to find the exit.

Yamoma said it was helpful to experi-ence the situation for the first time in a control situation, where there was no real danger.

“It’s very informative,” she said. Saunders agreed.“[Service members] need to know what

happens in case of an emergency,” she said.

In addition to learning how to properly extinguish a fire, Saunders stopped by the driving simulator, which simulated drunk driving and distracted driving. Participants sat in a vehicle while wearing glasses con-nected to a computer that simulated a driv-ing situation.

For the drunk driving scenario, the driv-er’s responses were delayed. For distracted driving, participants were required to send text messages while driving.

“You can actually see it from their per-spective,” Saunders said. “It taught me a lesson — I’m not drinking and driving.”

Staff Sgt. Brenda Mack of the Warrior Transition Unit drives the distracted driving simulator at the Safety, Health, Wellness and Resiliency Expo. Displays ranged from tool and fire safety to dental health and the Army Wellness Center.

Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Mercy Yamoma of Navy Information Operations Command Maryland crawls through the Fort Meade Fire and Emergency Services smokehouse at the Safety, Health, Wellness and Resiliency Expo on May 22 at the Pavilion. More than 3,000 attended the annual event, which was hosted by the Installation Safety Office.

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By Lisa R. RhodesStaff Writer

When Bethann Dixon’s junior high school band director told her that girls do not play brass instruments, she took on the challenge.

“Wanna bet?” Dixon, 44, recalled telling her teacher. “If you teach me, I can play it.”

Her determination paid off. Dixon, who has chaired the music department at Meade Middle School for the past 17 years, plays the trumpet, trombone, herald trumpet and baritone horn.

Most recently, Dixon made an his-toric achievement. On May 17, she became the first woman bugler to play at the Preakness Stakes at Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore.

The Preakness is the second leg in American thoroughbred horse racing’s Triple Crown, which begins with the Kentucky Derby, in Louisville, Ky., and ends with the Belmont Stakes in Belmont, N.Y.

Dixon performed the “Call to Post” at the Preakness, together with Sam Grossman, the New York Racing Asso-ciation’s official bugler for the Belmont Stakes, and Ryan Resky, the assistant bugler at Belmont.

The buglers perform “Call to Post” on the herald trumpet. “Call to Post” signals the entrance of the horses onto the track before the race.

“Being the first female bugler was quite an honor,” said Dixon, who teaches band and orchestra classes at Meade Middle School. “I didn’t know I was the first until a Baltimore Sun reporter told me. I had no idea.”

Dixon’s opportunity to make history started at last year’s Preakness.

An avid spectator of the sport, Dixon happened to meet Grossman at the clubhouse. She asked him if he would be willing to speak to her class.

“I want my students to see that music is lifelong learning and lifelong musi-cianship,” she said.

Grossman and Dixon stayed in touch via email after the event. He discovered on Dixon’s Facebook page that she is an equestrian and member of a fox hunting club.

Grossman saw Dixon wearing her equestrian outfit and said she looked like a bugler. He sent her the music to

Hitting a high noteFort Meade teacher is first woman bugler at Preakness

“America the Beautiful” and invited her to play at the Belmont Stakes dur-ing musical interludes between races.

Dixon traveled to New York with her trumpet and played at Belmont. The leadership of NYRA was so impressed, they asked her to join Grossman and Resky in playing the “Call to Post” for the race.

In an instant, Dixon became the first woman bugler to perform at Belmont.

“I thought I was just playing for the experience,” Dixon said. “It was a shock, a surprise to be the first woman.”

Dixon said although horseracing is a male-dominated sport, she was unaware that no other female bugler had performed at Belmont.

After Belmont, NYRA asked Dixon to play at the Whitney Handicap and the Travers Stakes at Saratoga Race Course in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., and

at the Maryland Million in Laurel Park in late October.

For the Preakness, Dixon purchased a scarlet coat from Horse Country Sad-dlery, an exclusive shop for fox hunters in Warrenton, Va.

“It’s an investment in my future,” she said.

Dixon will play at the Belmont Stakes again on June 7, followed by the Whit-ney Handicap and the Travers Stakes at Saratoga and this year’s Maryland Million.

“I’m having a wonderful time,” Dixon said. “I’m absolutely over the moon. It’s surreal.”

A native of Allport, Pa., Dixon began playing piano in third grade. By fourth grade, she was playing the flute.

In junior high, Dixon took on her band teacher’s challenge and started playing the trombone. By the time she

graduated from high school, she was playing the trumpet.

After completing her undergradu-ate degree in music education at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1992, Dixon began working as a music teacher in Anne Arundel County Pub-lic Schools.

In 1997, she joined the faculty of Meade Middle School as chairperson of the music department.

Dixon said she encourages her stu-dents to play all instruments, regardless of their gender.

“Females can play anything,” she said. “It’s not that any instrument is masculine or feminine.”

A resident of Stony Beach, Dixon is grateful to Grossman and Resky.

“I guess, maybe, they saw something in me that I didn’t see myself,” she said. “It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Something really good has happened.”

Bethann Dixon, chairperson of the music department at Meade Middle School, plays the “Call to Post” prior to the eighth race on Preakness Day on May 17 at Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore. Dixon is the first woman bugler to perform at the Preakness and the Belmont Stakes in New York — the middle and final jewels, respectively, of the Triple Crown of American thoroughbred horse racing.


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By Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

After two eventful years of helping to lead Fort Meade through expansion, furloughs and a government shutdown, Col. Marion P. Bakalorz passed command of Head-quarters Command Battalion to Lt. Col. Eric J. Smith.

Smith took over the unit during a change of command ceremony on May 22 at McGlachlin Parade Field. Following the ceremony, Bakalorz was promoted to colo-nel after 26 years in the military.

“The Army, as it always does, goes rolling along,” Garrison Commander Col. Brian P. Foley said. “Today, as we say goodbye to one great leader, we welcome another.”

Consisting mostly of military police, attorneys, chaplains and support person-nel, HCB is tasked with enabling base-operations support to the installation, which includes nearly 116 organizations and more than 49,000 service members and civilian employees.

“What a huge task, what an important task,” Foley said. “Units supported by Marion’s battalion are literally defending our nation in this new cyber domain every day, 24 hours a day.

“They need strong support from the gar-rison to stay focused on their jobs as intel analysts and communications specialists. Marion provided that support every day.”

During her two-year tenure, Bakalorz built partnerships with various organiza-tions in the Fort Meade community and established long-lasting systems that will “outlast her tenure,” Foley said.

In her brief remarks, Bakalorz thanked the garrison command staff of Foley and Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas J. Latter, as well as the battalion’s Command Sgt. Maj. Tomas Gonzales for their leader-ship and mentorship.

Bakalorz also thanked her Soldiers for their work under her command.

“I could not be more proud of the teamwork, the cooperation and the sense of urgency that you exhibit every day,” she said. “... It has been an absolute privilege to serve as your commander.”

Foley called Smith “an outstanding mili-tary intelligence officer that comes with a proven resume.”

Smith takes command of HCB with more than three decades of military service, including five years in the Kentucky Army National Guard.

He first entered the Army in 1986 as a heavy anti-armor infantryman, serving with the 101st Infantry Division, Air Assault. Two years later, Smith was deployed to the

Headquarters Command Battalion welcomes new leader

Sinai.In 1990, he was honorably discharged to

attend the University of Kentucky. Smith served in the Kentucky Army National Guard during his studies and re-entered the Army in 1995 after graduating with a bachelor’s degree in geography. He was then commissioned into the intelligence corps.

During his intelligence career, Smith has served in several positions including pla-toon leader; battalion intelligence officer; tactical surveillance officer; terrorism, insur-gency and resistance branch chief; brigade intelligence officer; and a senior intelligence officer. Through the years, he deployed to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kuwait and Iraq.

Most recently, Smith was assigned to the 513th Military Intelligence Brigade at Fort Gordon, Ga., and served as the deputy director of the theater ground intelligence.

“He is well prepared for this most unique and broadening of assignments and is well prepared to care for the entire Fort Meade community,” Foley said.

At the end of the ceremony, Smith said he looked forward to begin working with the battalion.

“I am truly honored to serve with all of you,” he said to the Soldiers.

Lt. Col. Eric J. Smith, incoming commander of the Headquarters Command Battalion, stands at attention during a change of command ceremony on May 22 at McGlachlin Parade Field. Smith took over the unit from Col. Marion P. Bakalorz.

photos by noah scialom

Col. Marion P. Bakalorz is pinned with her new rank of colonel by her mother Hanna Bakalorz on May 22 at McGlachlin Parade Field. Bakalorz was promoted following a change of command ceremony for Headquarters Command Battalion.

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By Lisa R. RhodesStaff Writer

Mary Walters picked up the last bag of collards offered by Ollie’s Fresh Picked produce stand in the Smallwood Hall parking lot.

A military spouse, Walters was one of more than 300 people who attended the opening of the Fort Meade’s Farmers Market on May 21.

“I think it gives us a lot of healthy options for our families,” said the Meuse Forest resident. “I think [the vendors] offer high-quality goods, and the prices are reasonable.”

The farmers market is held every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. until Nov. 12 in the Smallwood Hall parking lot, across from McGlachlin Parade Field on Cooper Avenue.

The farmers market is part of the garrison’s participation in the DoD’s Healthy Base Initiative, a yearlong dem-onstration project for Operation Live Well. The campaign is aimed at increasing the health and wellness of the total force, including civilians and family members, according to an Army website.

Fort Meade is one of 14 DoD installa-tions and sites that are being assessed for their ability to create environments that enable sustainable, healthy lifestyles.

“Fort Meade is endeavoring to be one of the Army leaders in providing conve-nient ways for our community to make healthy choices,” said Scott Myers, busi-ness operations officer at the Director-ate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation. “The Fort Meade Farmers Market will help us achieve that goal.”

The farmers market is sponsored by DFMWR; Fort Meade Plans, Analy-sis and Integration Office; Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center’s Division of Preventive Medicine; Fort Meade Vet-erinary Services; and the Fort Meade Regional Growth Management Com-mittee.

Six vendors participated at the open-ing. They included Truck Patch Farms, a family-owned farm located in Sam’s Creek in Carroll County, which offered USDA-inspected, naturally grown and pesticide-free beef, poultry and pork.

Pleitez Produce, a family-owned farm in Montross, Va., offered strawberries, tomatoes, lettuce, pak choi, spring onions and radishes.

Black Rock Orchard, a 65-acre fam-ily-owned farm in Lineboro, offered tomatoes, asparagus, rhubarb, apples, apple butter and pears.

In addition, the Defense Commissary Agency, Army and Air Force Exchange Services, Corvias Military Housing and Kimbrough offered healthy snacks, shop-ping bags and information on the Army’s Performance Triad, a program launched by the Office of the Surgeon General and Army Medicine that emphasizes the importance of nutrition, activity and sleep for Soldiers.

Nony Dutton, market manager at Atwater’s, a local bakery and cafe in Baltimore, said his company was happy to participate.

“We’re excited to be here,” he said.The bakery produces hand-shaped

breads and pastries made from mostly organic ingredients that are baked on the day they are sold. Several of the baked goods are high fiber and gluten-free.

Atwater’s participates in more than 15 farmers markets in the Baltimore and Washington-metro area.

“We’ve already sold out of what we brought,” said Dutton, about 30 minutes after the opening. “The bagels are sold out.”

Another shopper was Rachel Beal, wife of Capt. Scott Beal, who recently moved to Fort Meade from Wiesbaden, Germany.

“I think it’s great,” said Beal as she eyed the produce. “It looks like a lot of fresh produce and fresh breads. And I like that there are community organiza-tions so you can find out about what’s happening on post.”

Simone Baker and her husband, Sgt. Moreen Baker of 53rd Signal Battalion, came to the market with their two chil-dren.

“I’ve been looking for Pepper Scott Bonnet for a while and I was able to purchase [the Caribbean spice] here,” Simone Baker said. “I’m very excited about it. It made my day. We will prob-ably shop here on a regular basis.”

Retired Master Sgt. Ollie Synder, owner of Ollie’s Fresh Picked a family-owned farm in Millersville, sold out all 30 bags of his fresh collards.

“I guess [the market] will get bigger and bigger as the word gets out,” Snyder said.

Meade Farmers Market offers healthy foods

photo by steve ellmore

A woman shops for fresh vegetables at the new Fort Meade Farmers Market located in the Smallwood Hall parking lot. More than 300 people attended the opening on May 21. The farmers market is part of the garrison’s participation in the Healthy Base Initiative, a DoD effort to improve the health and wellness of Soldiers, DoD civilian employees and family members.

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By Jane M. WinandChief, Legal Assistance Division

Service members who deploy may find themselves in situations where it is difficult to monitor their credit status.

Scammers and identity thieves could take this opportunity to create credit accounts in a service member’s name and max out those accounts before the service member even realizes that identity theft has occurred.

To help minimize the likelihood of being a victim of identity theft, service members may place an active-duty alert on their credit reports. This active-duty alert recorded in a credit report means businesses are required to take additional steps before granting credit in the service member’s name.

Active-duty alerts last for only one year but can be renewed if the deployment exceeds one year.

To request an active-duty alert, take the following steps:

1. Contact one of the three credit report-ing agencies and request an active-duty alert.

The credit reporting companies are: Equi-fax (1-800-525-6285), Experian (1-888-397-

3742) and TransUnion (1-800-680-7289).2. You must provide proof of identity

such as a driver’s license, military identifica-tion card, passport or birth certificate.

3. The credit reporting company that you contact must then contact the other two companies so that all three place the active-duty alert on your credit file.

4. The credit reporting agencies will take your name off of their marketing list for prescreened credit card offers, unless you request that they add you back onto the list.

5. Active-duty alerts last for one year. If your deployment goes over one year, con-tact the credit reporting agency to renew the alert.

6. Update your files and record the dates that you made calls and sent letters to request the active-duty alert. Keep copies of all notes and correspondence for your records.

For more information or if you have been the victim of identity theft, schedule an appointment to speak with an attorney at the Fort Meade Legal Assistance Office at 301-677-9504 or 301-677-9536.

Active-duty alerts used to prevent identity theft

By Corvias FoundationCorvias Foundation, a private chari-

table foundation and the charitable arm of Corvias Group, has been committed to supporting military families in the pursuit of higher education since 2006.

This year, Corvias Foundation has award-ed 11 college scholarships of up to $50,000 to outstanding high school students, marking the ninth class of Our Future scholarship recipients.

Among this year’s scholarship recipients are aspiring publishers, scientists, doctors, and those with social justice aspirations and business dreams.

The 11 graduating seniors are the children

of active-duty service members stationed at Fort Meade, Fort Sill in Oklahoma, Fort Bragg in North Carolina, and Seymour John-son Air Force Base in North Carolina.

The two students who received the awards at Fort Meade are:

• Chris Buckley, who will graduate from Glenelg High School. He is a great student and has been very involved at school.

A musician, he is involved in his school band and also teaches trombone lessons.

Christopher plans to pursue mechanical engineering at the University of Maryland at College Park. His father is Sgt. Maj. Michael Buckley of the U.S. Army Field Band.

• Sara Russell, who will graduate from

Scholarships awarded to military children Meade High School.

In addition to academic achievement, she has been a very active volunteer in her com-munity, spending time helping the homeless, elderly, service members and veterans.

Sara will attend the University of Texas at Austin to study environmental science. Her father is Sgt. 1st Class Jared Russell of the 741st Military Intelligence Battalion.

Since its founding by Corvias Group CEO John Picerne, the foundation has awarded more than $5 million in scholarships to the families of active-duty service members.

The scholarships provide reliable, recur-ring financial assistance over each student’s four years of study, as well as a support net-work committed to his or her academic and professional growth.

Students receive scholarships in the amount of up to $12,500 per year for four years to pursue a secondary education at colleges and universities around the country.

“The caliber of students applying for our scholarships is exceptional,” said Maria Montalvo, the foundation’s executive direc-tor. “All of the applicants are hard-working

students who are active in their schools and communities and more than deserving of a college scholarship.

“The selection process is difficult. but we look forward to welcoming these new schol-ars into our foundation family.”

Corvias Foundation awarded the scholar-ships based on merit and need. Each student was required to respond to four questions that highlighted different aspects of their lives as students and as active-duty military family.

This fall, each student will be attending the four-year institution of his or her choice to pursue their academic careers.

“The opportunity for Corvias Group to serve our military is an honor, and we wanted to further our commitment to bettering the communities in which we live and serve by creating a foundation to promote educational opportunities for students just like these,” said John Picerne, foundation founder.

“We are proud of each of our scholarship recipients for what they’ve already achieved and are so happy to be a part of what they will become.”

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Page 9: Soundoff May 29, 2014 SOUNDOFF! May 29, 2014

Cover Story

By Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

Growing up, Pfc. Nathan Emlet spent his fair share of time on baseball fields — par-ticularly the pitcher’s mound.

But on Sunday, the Soldier from the 704th Military Intelligence Brigade found himself on the turf of a major league ballpark as he stood between members of the Baltimore Orioles near second base.

“It was pretty awesome,” he said.Emlet was among 11 Fort Meade service

members featured in the Orioles’ Military Appreciation Day as the team faced the Cleveland Indians at Oriole Park at Camden Yards.

Fort Meade participated in several of the pre-game events, including the singing of the National Anthem as service members stood alongside the Orioles’ starting lineup and Garrison Commander Col. Brian P. Foley throwing the ceremonial first pitch.

“This is great. It’s really exciting,” Foley said before the game. “It’s another event in a long series of wonderful partnership events

with the Orioles. ... They do such a wonder-ful job.”

The day began with a barbecue at the sta-dium’s bullpen picnic area hosted by Orioles pitcher Darren O’Day and the USO. Dur-ing the barbecue, service members had an opportunity to meet several players including O’Day, catcher Matt Wieters and pitcher Brian Matusz.

Autographs and memorabilia were auc-tioned off as part of the event, with proceeds benefiting the USO-Metro.

Shortly before game time, the service members made their way down to the field where they participated in the pre-game festivities that also featured the U.S. Army Color Guard from the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment and the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard Drill Team from Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C.

Sunday’s game was the first time that Foley threw out a first pitch at a Major League Baseball game. He used the time leading up to the game preparing to take the mound.

Meade celebrates Military Appreciation Day with the Orioles

photos by steve ruark

Garrison Commander Col. Brian P. Foley throws out the ceremonial first pitch during the Baltimore Orioles’ Military Appreciation Day on Sunday. More than 37,000 baseball fans attended the game, which featured Fort Meade service members in the pre-game events.

CENTER: The Oriole Bird, the Baltimore Orioles’ mascot, jokes with Fort Meade service members before Sunday’s game against the Cleveland Indians. The Orioles beat the Indians, 4-2.

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“I’m as loose as I’m going to be,” he said.After throwing to pitcher Chris Tillman

before a crowd of 37,649 fans, nine Fort Meade service members took the field.

The Soldiers, members of various units, joined the Orioles on the field for the Nation-al Anthem, which was performed by Sgt. 1st Class April Boucher of the U.S. Army Field Band.

“It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience,” said Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Nathan Diehl. “There’s nowhere else I could possibly get this experience.”

Sgt. 1st Class April Boucher of the U.S. Army Field Band performs the National Anthem during Military Appreciation Day at Oriole Park.

BELOW: Orioles pitcher Darren O’Day talks with military families during a pre-game barbecue at Oriole Park’s bullpen picnic area. The barbecue, sponsored by O’Day, his wife, Elizabeth, OriolesREACH, and the USO-Metro, also included a silent auction with the proceeds going to the USO.

‘There’s nowhere else I could possibly get this experience.’

Navy petty officer 2nd Class Nathan Diehl

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Sports ShortsDINFOS 5K

The Defense Information School will host the Fallen Heroes 5K Run and 1-Mile Walk on June 14 at the school.

The run will begin at 8 a.m.Cost is $20. Runners will receive a T-shirt and a set of custom dog tags,

marking the fallen hero or heroes they are running for.To register, go to and search for Defense Information

School. Registration closes Sunday.For more information, call Master Sgt. Stephen Humphrey at 301-677-4363.

Summer Sizzler The installation’s annual Run Series continues June 21 with the Summer Sizzler

5K at 8 a.m. at the Pavilion.The pre-registration cost for individuals is $15. Cost on the day of the run is $25.The pre-registration cost for groups of seven to 10 is $75.The pre-registration cost is $45 for a family of three to six people. On the day of

the event, the cost is $60 per family. All pre-registered runners will receive a T-shirt.To register, go to more information, call 301-677-7916.

For more Fort Meade sports, visit

photo by steve ellmore

Got Your BackStacey Hale, Fort Meade’s sexual assault response coordinator, speaks with service members after they ran through the Marine Corps Obstacle Course on May 14. Better Opportunity for Single Soldiers sponsored the “I Am Strong, I Got Your Back” event as part of April’s Sexual Assault Awarenress Month.

Public Affairs Officer Chad T. Jones, author of Jibber Jabber, is out of the office.

As always, if you have any comments about Jibber Jabber or anything to do with the world of sports, e-mail [email protected] or follow him on Twitter @CTJibber.


Swimming options on- and off-post

With four neighborhood pools open to Corvias residents and a community partnership with the Columbia Association, Fort Meade residents and service members have several options when it comes to cooling down this summer.

corvias Military Living neighborhood pools• Through June 18: Weekdays from 4 to 8 p.m., and weekends from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

• June 19 through Aug. 24: Sunday through Thursday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

• Aug. 25 through Sept. 3: Weekdays from 4 to 8 p.m., and weekends and holidays from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Pools are open to residents only. Residents may bring up to four guests per family.

Residents must provide pool passes to access the pool. To pick up a pool pass, visit your neighborhood center.

columbia associationThe Columbia Association is offering special military and DoD rates at five of its pools

in Columbia.

Cost per visit is $4 for adults and $2 for children. A valid military or DoD identification card is required.

• Talbott Spring, 9660 Basket Ring. Information: 410-730-5421

• Faulkner Ridge, 15018 Marble Fawn Court. Information: 410-730-5292

• Jeffers Hill, 6030 Tamar Drive. Information: 410-730-1220

• McGills Common, 10025 Shaker Drive. Information: 410-730-5995

• Running Brook, 5730 Columbia Road. Information: 410-730-5293

Page 12: Soundoff May 29, 2014 SOUNDOFF! May 29, 2014

Community news & notes

The deadline for Soundoff! community “News and Notes” is Friday at noon. All submissions are posted at the editor’s discretion and may be edited for space and grammar. Look for additional community events on the Fort Meade website at and the Fort Meade Facebook page at

For more information or to submit an announcement, email Philip Jones at [email protected] or call 301-677-5602.

Right Arm NightBring your right arm Soldier, co-

worker or employee to Right Arm Night today from 4-6 p.m. at Club Meade.

The free event is open to all ranks and services and features food, music, prizes and dancing.

For more information or to reserve a table, call 301-677-6969.

Summer Concert SeriesThe U.S. Army Field Band’s

free Summer Concert Series is held Thursdays at 7 p.m. at Constitution Park.

• June 5: The Volunteers presenting “The Best of Pink Floyd”

• June 12: Concert Band & Soldiers’ Chorus

• June 19: Jazz Ambassadors• June 26: Soldiers’ ChorusFor more information, call 301-677-

7785 or go to

Army Birthday BallIn honor of the Army’s 239th

birthday, the secretary of the Army and the chief of staff of the Army are sponsoring the 2014 Army Birthday Ball on June 21 from 5 p.m. to midnight at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, 201 Waterfront St., National Harbor.

All active-duty, Army Reserve and Army National Guard Soldiers, Army family members, Department of the Army civilian employees, government contractors, Army retirees and Army veterans may purchase tickets through the Army Knowledge Online (AKO) page:

Ticket registration will be open until all tickets are sold.

The event will feature combined performances of the U.S. Army Band’s “Pershing’s Own,” the U.S. Army Field Band and the U.S. Army Soldier Show.

For more information, email the Army Birthday Ball helpdesk at [email protected].

Blood driveThe Directorate of Human Resources

is sponsoring a blood drive with the Armed Services Blood Program on Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at McGill Training Center, 8452 Zimborski Ave.

Calling All Dads The Calling All Dads Kickoff will be

held June 9 from 4-5 p.m. at Potomac Place Neighborhood Center, 4998 2nd Corps Blvd.

The support group is for expecting fathers and fathers with children of all ages.

At the event, take part in a discussion with other dads on such topics as

parenting techniques, potty training, teething and temper tantrums.

Get tips on how to stay connected with your children during deployment.

For more information or to register, call 301-677-5590 or email Michelle Pineda at [email protected].

Farmers marketThe Fort Meade Farmers Market

is held every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. through Nov. 12 in the Smallwood Hall parking lot, across from McGlachlin Parade Field.

Vendors are all local to the region.The Fort Meade community will

have access to fresh and local fruits and vegetables, free-range meats, quality heirloom vegetables, herbs and annuals, flowers, jams, baked goods and breads.

For more information, go to

file photo

cultural celebrationThe Fort Meade garrison’s annual Asian American and Pacific Islander

Heritage Month observance will be held Friday at 11:30 a.m. at the Fort Meade Pavilion.

The featured performer is Mark H. Rooney, a Taiko drummer.The event is hosted by the U.S. Army Field Band. Free food samplings will

be provided by Angela’s Catering.All community service members and civilians employees are encouraged

to attend with supervisory approval and without charge to annual leave. Administrative leave is authorized.

For more information, call Master Sgt. Lesche at 301-677-5334 or Sgt. 1st Class Torey Palmore of the Equal Opportunity Office at 301-677-6687.

Vendors neededThe Fort Meade Directorate of Family

and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Special Events office is seeking food, beverage and novelty vendors to participate in the installation’s annual Third of July celebration.

This is Fort Meade’s largest event of the year.

For more information, call JJ Jordan at 301-677-7785 or email [email protected].

Homeschool Book SwapThe West County Area Library is

sponsoring a Homeschool Book Swap on Friday at 10 a.m. at 1325 Annapolis Road, Odenton.

Home-schoolers should bring in materials they no longer need by 9:30 a.m. and shop for next school year starting at 10 a.m.

There is no charge for the materials taken.

All books left behind at noon will be donated to the library or another organization.

For more information, go to or call 410-222-6277.

CID recruiting briefMonthly recruiting briefings are

conducted by the Criminal Investigation Division on the first Tuesday of every month at 1 p.m. at the Fort Meade CID Office, 855 Chisholm Ave.

The next recruiting briefing is Tuesday.

For more information, call Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Allen at 301-677-1687 or go to

Lunch and Learn seriesKimbrough Ambulatory Care

Center hosts a monthly brown bag Lunch and Learn Series on the second Tuesday of the month on the first floor of the Rascon Building, adjacent to Kimbrough.

The next lunch is June 10 at noon. The topic is women’s health. The presenter is Lorinda Farris, a nurse practitioner at Kimbrough.

For more information, call Maj. Anne Spillane at 301-677-8463.



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Community news & notes

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2014 u.S. army Soldier ShowThe 2014 U.S. Army Soldier Show will be presented June 13 at 7 p.m. at Murphy Field House.The free event is open to the public. Seating is limited.For more information, call 301-677-7785 or go to

Morning flight: Registration and breakfast are at 7 a.m. Shotgun start is 8 a.m. Lunch is at 1 p.m. Cocktail and awards reception are at 2 p.m.

Afternoon flight: Registration and lunch are at 12:30 p.m. Shotgun start is at 2 p.m. Cocktail and awards reception are at 7:30 p.m.

For more information, to register or become a sponsor, call 410-720-8706 or visit

• The 2nd Annual Medical Center Orthotics Prosthetics Wounded Warriors vs. NFL Stars Charity Softball Game will be held June 7 at Prince George’s Stadium, 4101 Crain Highway, Bowie.

Gates open at 6 p.m. General admission is $20. Tickets for service members cost $15. The event benefits veteran amputee charities.

For more information, go to Check out highlights from last year’s game at

• The Bowie Baysox will collect new and used sports equipment on Sunday at Prince George’s Stadium as the Baysox take on the Richmond Flying Squirrels at 6:35 p.m.

The Oriole Advocates collects the equipment for its Cardboard To Leather program, which provides equipment to underprivileged children in developing countries.

Donations of all baseball and softball equipment including bats, balls, uniforms, bags, spikes, baseball gloves, duffle bags and useable helmets are accepted.

Donations also may be brought to the Baysox office on weekdays from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. For more information, visit

• Leisure Travel Services is offering its next monthly bus trip to New York City on June 14, with discounts to attractions. Onboard prize giveaway will be offered. Bus cost is $60. For more information, call 301-677-7354 or visit

• Families Dealing with Deployment meets the first and third Monday of every month from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Meuse Forest Neighborhood Center. Children welcome. The next meeting is Monday. For more infor-mation, call 301-677-5590 or email [email protected].

• NARFE Chapter 1519 will meet June 10 at noon at the Holy Trinity Church hall,

StorytimeThe Children’s Library at Kuhn Hall

offers pre-kindergarten Storytime on Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. at the Children’s Library in Kuhn Hall, 4415 Llewellyn Ave.

• Today: “Dogs Love Books & We Do Too” — Stories, songs and finger plays about dogs

For more information, call 301-677-5522.

Romp ‘n StompRomp ‘n Stomp playgroup for

children age 5 and younger and their parents meets Tuesdays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. from September to June at

the Youth Center gym at 909 Ernie Pyle St., and from June to August at the Boundless playground on Llewellyn Avenue.

For more information, call 301-677-5590 or email [email protected].

Out & About• The U.S. Army Field Band

Chamber Concert will perform Sunday at 3 p.m. at Historic Oakland Mansion, 5430 Vantage Point Road, Columbia.

The solo recital features Sgt. 1st Class Jennifer Everhart on clarinet, accompanied by Master Sgt. Sammy Marshall on piano and Staff Sergeant

John Blair on clarinet, performing Bach, Beethoven, Schumann and others.

No tickets required. For more information, call 301-677-6586 or go to

• The 34th Annual Washington Folk Festival will be held Saturday and Sunday from noon to 7 p.m. at Glen Echo Park, 7300 MacArthur Blvd., rain or shine.

The event, produced by the Folklore Society of Greater Washington, showcases the talents of performers representing cultures from around the world and crafters.

For more information, call 703-658-0957 or go to

• Howard Hospital Foundation will sponsor its 24th Annual Golf Classic on Monday at the Cattail Creek Country Club in Glenwood. All proceeds support Howard County General Hospital.




Page 14: Soundoff May 29, 2014 SOUNDOFF! May 29, 2014

moviesCommunity news & notes

7436 Baltimore-Annapolis Blvd., Glen Burnie.

The annual luncheon marks the start of summer and installation of officers. To attend this meeting, notify Kathy at 410-766-6642 or Joan at 410-987-3047 by Friday.

Personnel wishing to become active members should attend this meeting.

For more information, call Diane Shreves, publicity chairman, at 410-760-3750.

• Monthly Prayer Breakfast, hosted by the Garrison Chaplain’s Office, is held the first Thursday of every month at 7 a.m. at Club Meade.

The next prayer breakfast is June 5.There is no cost for the buffet; donations

are optional. All Fort Meade employees, family members, and civilian and military personnel are invited.

For more information, call Diana Durner at 301-677-6703 or email [email protected].

• Meade Rod and Gun Club meets the first Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at Perry’s Restaurant and Odie’s Pub at 1210 Annapo-lis Road, Odenton, in the banquet hall in back of the building. The next meeting is June 5. Dinner is served at 6 p.m. For more information, call 410-674-4000.

• National Alliance on Mental Illness of Anne Arundel County offers a free support group for families with a loved one suffering from mental illness on the first Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Odenton (West County) Library, 1325 Annapolis Road. The next meeting is June 5. For more informa-tion, visit

• New Spouse Connection meets the second Monday of every month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Community Readiness Center, 830 Chisholm Ave. The next meeting is June 9. The program provides an opportunity for all spouses new to the military or to Fort Meade to meet and get connected. For more infor-mation, contact Pia Morales at [email protected] or 301-677-4110.

• Calling All Dads meets the second and fourth Monday of every month from 4 to 5 p.m. at Potomac Place Neighborhood Center, 4998 2nd Corps Blvd. The next meeting is June 9.

The group is for expecting fathers, and fathers with children of all ages. Children welcome. For more information, call 301-677-5590 or email [email protected].

• Single Parent Support Group meets the second and fourth Monday of the month

from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at School Age Services, 1900 Reece Road. The next meeting is June 9. Free child care is provided onsite.

For more information, call 301-677-5590 or email [email protected].

• Marriage Enrichment Group, sponsored by Army Community Service, meets the second and fourth Monday of every month from 3 to 4 p.m. at the Community Readiness Center, 830 Chisholm Ave. The next meeting is June 9. For more information, call Celena Flowers or Jessica Hobgood at 301-677-5590.

• Fort Meade TOP III Association meets the second Wednesday of each month at 3 p.m. at the Courses. The next meeting is June 11. The association is open to all Air Force active-duty and retired senior noncommis-sioned officers. For more information, call Master Sgt. Jonathan Jacob at 443-479-0616 or email [email protected].

• Women’s Empowerment Group meets Wednesdays from 2 to 3:30 p.m. to provide a safe, confidential arena for the support, education and empowerment of women who have experienced past or present family violence.

Location is only disclosed to participants. To register, call Samantha Herring, victim advocate, at 301-677-4124 or Katherine Lamourt, victim advocate, at 301-677-4117.

• Project Healing Waters meets Thursdays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Soldiers and Family Assistance Center, 2462 85th Medical Battalion Ave.

The project is dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of wounded warriors and veterans through fly fishing, fly tying and outings.

For more information, call Larry Vawter, program leader, at 443-535-5074 or email [email protected].

• Spanish Christian Service is conducted Sundays at 1 p.m. at the Cavalry Chapel located at 8465 Simonds St. and 6th Armored Cavalry Road.

For more information, call Elias Mendez at 301-677-7314 or 407-350-8749.

• Cub Scout Pack 377 invites boys in first through fifth grades, or ages 7 to 10, to attend its weekly Monday meetings at 6 p.m. at Argonne Hills Chapel Center.

For more information, email Cubmaster Christopher Lassiter at [email protected] or Committee Chairperson Marco Cilibert at [email protected].

• Boy Scout Troop 379 meets Mondays at 7 p.m. at Argonne Hills Chapel Center on Rockenbach Road. The troop is actively recruiting boys age 11 to 18. For more information, email Lisa Yetman, at [email protected] or Wendall Lawrence, Scoutmaster, at [email protected].

• Military Council for Catholic Women

is open to all women ages 18 and older for prayer, faith, fellowship and service at Argonne Hills Chapel Center, 7100 Rockenbach Road. The Catholic Women of the Chapel meets Tuesdays from 9:45 a.m. to noon when Anne Arundel County schools are in session. Monthly programs are held Mondays from 6:30 to 9 p.m.

For more information, email Loretta Endres at [email protected].

• Moms Walking Group, sponsored by Parent Support, meets Thursdays from 8:30 to 9:15 a.m. at Potomac Place Neighborhood Center. To register, call Colaina Townsend or Michelle Pineda at 301-677-5590.

• American Legion Post 276 is open to veterans and active-duty service members at 8068 Quarterfield Road in Severn. Breakfast may be purchased beginning at 9 a.m. Lunches may be purchased from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Happy Hour is from 4 to 6 p.m. Dinner may be purchased at 6 p.m. on Fridays and the fourth Sunday of every month.

Membership discounts are offered for active-duty military. For more information, call 410-969-8028 or visit

• Fort Meade E9 Association meets the second Friday of every month at 7 a.m. in the Pin Deck Cafe at the Lanes. The next meeting is June 13. The association is open to active, retired, Reserve and National Guard E9s of any uniformed service. All E9s in this area are invited to attend a breakfast and meet the membership. For more information, go to

• Meade Branch 212 of the Fleet Reserve Association meets the second Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. at VFW Post 160, 2597 Dorsey Road, Glen Burnie. The next meeting is June 14. Active-duty, Reserve and retired members of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard are invited.

For more information, call 443-604-2474 or 410-768-6288.

• Retired Enlisted Association meets the third Tuesday of the month from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Perry’s Restaurant, 1210 Annapolis Road, Odenton. The next meeting is June 17. For more information, visit or call Elliott Phillips, the local president, at 443-790-3805 or Arthur R. Cooper, past national president, at 443-336-1230.

• Military District of Washington Ser-geant Audie Murphy Club meets the third Wednesday of each month from noon to 1 p.m. at the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Dining Facility in Virginia. The next meeting is June 18. All members and those interested in joining the club are welcome. For more information, contact Master Sgt. Erica Lehmkuhl at [email protected] or 301-833-8415.

The movie schedule is subject to change. For a recorded announcement of showings, call 301-677-5324. Further listings are available on the Army and Air Force Exchange Service website at

Movies start Fridays and Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. (The Fort Meade Theater will no longer be open on Wednesdays and Thursdays.)

PRICES: Tickets are $5.50 for adults (12 and older) and $3 for children. 3D Movies: $7.50 adults, $5 children.

Today through June 15

Friday & Saturday: “Rio 2” (G). It’s a jungle out there for Blu, Jewel and their three kids after they’re hurtled from Rio de Janeiro to the wilds of the Amazon. With the voices of Jesse Eisenberg, Anne Hathaway, Jemaine Clement. (3D Friday)

Sunday: “Transendence” (PG-13). As Dr. Will Caster works toward his goal of creating an omni-scient, sentient machine, a radical anti-technology organization fights to prevent him from establish-ing a world where computers can transcend the abilities of the human brain. With Johnny Depp, Rebecca Hall, Morgan Freeman.

June 6 & 8: “The Other Woman” (PG-13). After discovering her boyfriend is married, Carly soon meets the wife he’s been betraying. And when yet another love affair is discovered, all three women team up to plot revenge on the three-timing cad. With Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann, Kate Upton.

June 7: “Brick Mansions” (PG-13). An undercover Detroit cop navigates a dangerous neighborhood that’s surrounded by a containment wall with the help of an ex-con in order to bring down a crime lord and his plot to devastate the entire city. With Paul Walker, David Belle, RZA.

June 13: “A Haunted House 2” (R). Having exor-cised the demons of his ex, Malcolm is starting fresh with his new girlfriend and her two chil-dren. After moving into their dream home, how-ever, Malcolm is once again plagued by bizarre paranormal events. With Marlon Wayans, Jaime Pressly, Cedric the Entertainer.

June 14 & 15: “The Quiet Ones” (PG-13). A uni-versity professor and a team of students conduct an experiment on a young woman, uncovering terrifyingly dark, unexpected forces in the process. With Jared Harris, Sam Claflin, Olivia Cooke.



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