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Southeastern Premier Roofing Four Main Types of Roof Repair Options

Southeastern Premier Roofing professional service provider Roof repair is one of the more common home improvement projects. While it is necessary for you to mend problem areas when they arise, it is a costly undertaking. A 2010-2011 report indicated that a 3,000 square foot area cost, on average, $21,000 to replace. Of course, the type of materials you choose affects this total. Knowing your options can help you budget in advance of having any work completed.

Asphalt or Composite

One of the most common types of shingles is the composite or asphalt design. This material has asphalt on top and bottom with a fiberglass core. Traditionally, you will find these pieces have three slits to make it appear like the shingles are smaller than what they actually are. The surface has tiny stones embedded in it, which help to protect the product from the effects of the sun's rays.

While this product does need routine cleaning to clear debris and moss from the slits, it does have its benefits. The asphalt material has a good fire resistance and wind resistance up to 130 mph. These shingles are also the cheapest option, and almost all roofers know how to install them properly. On average, a two-story, 2,300 square foot home costs about $7,000 to replace. Of course, you will need to replace this material about every 20 years.

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If you don't mind spending more money on your roof repair, you may consider metal. Typically found on farms or commercial buildings, these panels are becoming more popular on residential properties. There are two main choices: tiles, which appear similar to regular shingles, or panels, which measure 16 by 20 feet.

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Metal sheeting has its benefits. These surfaces are long lasting and often come with lifetime warranties. They also resist wind and heavy hail. You can also find them with coatings that will reduce cooling costs by 10 to 15 percent. These products qualify for a federal energy efficiency tax credit of up to $500.

Though there are many benefits, there are also a few small downsides. If you choose tiles over panels, you will have to clean the area periodically, as there are many grooves for debris to collect. The biggest drawback that most consumers find is the cost. An average cost for a two-story 2,300 square foot home is $16,800 including the removal of the previous shingles.


One of the more traditional choices for a home is wood. However, this option is declining in popularity due to the risk of fire. Some new building regulations actually prohibit this material unless it has been treated with a fire-retardant material. Unlike previous practice, wood shakes (similar to shingles but derived differently) must be installed over space boards in order to allow the surface to dry.

If you live in a drier climate, wood shakes might be a good option, as they have a long lifespan, usually running 50 years between replacements. On the other hand, any home in a wet climate will have to have the surface cleaned in order to remove moss and lichen.

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This roof repair option is not cheap, running approximately $17,200 on a two-story 2,300 square foot home.


If you want a Spanish-style home, then clay shingles are a must. These tiles are long lasting and well suited for dry climates. You don't have to go with a traditional red style though. Newer choices can look like wood or even slate. Unlike wood, however, this material doesn't burn.

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An important thing to note is the heavy weight of these tiles. If you are upgrading to this material, you need to ensure the surface of your home can support the weight. Those who live in wet areas or have frequent hailstorms need to be aware that the area should be cleaned and inspected for damage regularly. In terms of price, a two-story, 2,300 square foot home can cost upwards of $17,500.

Roof repair is a necessity. If you wait until it has to be done, you probably will go with the cheapest option available. However, if you are willing to spend a little more money and plan ahead, you can upgrade your surface to something that is more durable. You can also recover about two-thirds the price of the new roof when you go to sell the home.

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