Page 1: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

Spanish pupil independent study


Page 2: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

• Family

• Animals

• Greetings and introductions revision

• Age and birthday revision

• Numbers up to 1000

• Countries / nationalities and languages


Page 3: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

Here is a list of the different vocabulary words in

Spanish for the family.

TASK 1: Copy this list in your jotter under the

Heading “FAMILIA”:

(la) madre mum

(el) padre dad

(el) hermano brother

(la) hermana sister

(el) abuelo grandpa

(la) abuela grandma

(el) nieto grandson

(la) nieta grandaughter

(el) tío uncle

(la) tía aunt

(el) sobrino nephew (male)

(la) sobrina nephew (female)

(el) marido husband

(la) mujer/(la) esposa wife

Page 4: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

Task 2: Translate the following words from Spanish to


1. madre:_________

2. abuelo:_________

3. tio:____________

4. hija:____________

5. madre:__________

6. marido:__________

7. sobrina:_________

8. primo:___________

9. abuela:__________

10. mujer:_______

11. hermana:_____

12. nieto:_______

13. tia:_________

14. prima:_______

15. sobrino:_____

16. abuela:______

Page 5: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

Using De

In English when we want to indicate that something belongs to someone

we add an apostrophe and an "s" to their name. For example:

Susanna's book

Neil's bicycle

Sarah and David's dogs

We cannot do the same in Spanish. There is no apostrophe in Spanish

and adding an "s" just makes things look plural. Instead we need to use

the following formula including the word de (meaning "of"):

the + noun + de + name

Like this:

el libro de Susanna

la bicicleta de Neil

los perros de Sarah y David

Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”,

“the bicycle of Neil”, “the dogs of Sarah and David” but

Page 6: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

in English we would change that to say “Susanna’s book”,

“Neil’s bike” and “Sarah and David’s dogs”.

Look at task 3 below and put the above formula into

practice. Number 1 is done for you as an example

Task 3: Looking at The Simpsons family tree, complete

the sentences underneath in Spanish:

1. Bart es el hijo de Homer (« Bart is the son of

Homer » which we would change to « Bart is Homer’s son »)

2. Marge es de Lisa

3. Abraham es de Maggie

4. Selma es de Bart

5. Lisa es de Ling

6. Ling es de Marge

7. Homer es de Marge y de Maggie

8. Marge es de Lisa y de Patty

Page 7: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

9. Bart es de Lisa, de Homer y

de Abraham

10. Mona es de Abraham, de Homer y

de Maggie

Task 4: Guess who each sentence is speaking about.(You

need to check the Simpson’s family tree)

TIP: every sentence uses the expression “se llama…”

which means “is called…”

Sentence 1 is translated by way of example.

1. El padre de Bart, Maggie y Lisa se llama _________

(the father of Bart, Maggie and Lisa is called

_____) which we would translate as “Bart, Maggie

and Lisa’s father is called Homer”

2. La hija de Jackie y la hermana de Patty y Selma se

llama _______

3. La prima de Bart se llama _________

4. El Hermano de Homer se llama _________

5. Es el padre de Herb se llama __________

6. La hermana de Bart y de Lisa se llama _______

Page 8: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

7. La abuela de Maggie y la Madre de Marge se llama


8. El marido de Jackie se llama ______

9. La mujer de Homer se llama _______

10. EXTRA HARD : Las dos hermanas de Marge se

llaman ______ y ______.


Here is a list of some vocabulary words for animals in


TASK 1: Copy this list in your jotter under the

heading “Animales”

(el) perro dog

(el) gato cat

(la) vaca cow

(el) hámster hamster

(el) conejo rabbit

(el) cerdo pig

(el) toro bull

(la) oveja sheep

(la) cabra goat

(el) gallo rooster

Page 9: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

(la) gallina hen

(el) pollito chick

(el) caballo horse

(el) burro donkey

(el) pez fish

TASK 2: Name these animals in Spanish

1)______ 2) _____ 3)______ 4)____

5)______ 6_______ 7)______ 8)_____

Page 10: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

9)________ 10)______ 11)______ 12)_____

TASK 3: Ask your teacher for an I-pad and

watch the following video:

• As the video plays, practice your pronunciation of

the animals in Spanish.

TASK 4: Read and copy the following information

into your jotter:

A noun is a word that names a person or thing. In Spanish,

all nouns have a gender: they are either masculine or


The words for people are the gender you would expect:

padre (father) = masculine

madre (mother) = feminine

Page 11: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

With other nouns you need to learn the gender but here are

some tips to help you:

Nouns ending in –o are usually masculine.

Nouns ending in –a are usually feminine.

TASK 5: Mark if these nouns are masculine(M) or

feminine (F). Remember to check the last letter

of the word.

A. toro

B. gato

C. vaca

D. gallina

E. gusano

F. perro

G. ardilla

H. aguila

I. pajaro

J. pollito

K. pavo

L. oveja

M. ternero

N. cordero

EXTENSION: Look up in a dictionary (or Ipad

if there are no dictionaries available) the

Page 12: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

meaning of the words you don’t know yet. Write

their meaning in your jotter.

Page 13: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

Greetings and introductions revision.

TASK 1: Unscramble the following words into

Spanish greetings:

“laoh” “unebos idsa” “¿uqé lta?”

“ósiad” “athas uelgo” “ineb”

“¿ ocóm et allsma?” “Em allom…”

TASK 2: Complete the following conversation

using the word bank below: WHERE IS THE


-Carlos: Hola

-María: _____ ¿Que tal?

-Carlos: ______ ¿Y tu? ¿_______?

-María: Bien , gracias.

-Carlos: ¿Como te _______?

-María: ________ María ¿_______?

-Carlos: Me llamo Carlos. E______.

Page 14: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

-María: Mucho gusto

-Carlos: Hasta luego

TASK 3: Translate the following into English

1. hola =_____

2. ¿que tal? =_____

3. bien =_____

4. ¿cuándo es tu cumpleaños? =___________

5. encantado =__________

6. buenos días=_________

7. gracias=________

Page 15: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

Age and birthday revision

Complete the following exercises about birthdays and


TASK 1: Match the following sentences with their

translation in English:

¿Cuántos años tienes? I am 17 years old

Tengo doce años I am 14 years old

Tengo siete años I am 12 years old

Tengo veinte años I am 31 years old

Tengo catorce años I am 7 years old

Tengo dieciseis años I am 21 years old

Tengo treinta y un años How old are you?

Tengo diecisiete años I am 20 years old

Tengo veintiún años I am 23 years old

Tengo veintitrés años I am 16 years old

a) Look at your answers: How do you say “How old are

you?” in Spanish?

a. ¿_________________________________?

Page 16: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

b) What does “tengo” mean in English?: ______

TASK 1 answers for a) and b)

a) “How old are you”? = ¿Cuántos años tienes?

b) What does “tengo” mean in English?: “I have”

*Note that in English we would say “I am…years old”

but in Spanish they say “I have… years”.

TASK 2: Translate the following months into

English. Check your previous worksheets if


• enero=

• febrero=

• marzo=

• abril=

• mayo=

• junio=

• julio=

• agosto=

• septiembre=

• octubre=

Page 17: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

• noviembre=

• diciembre=

Q: Look at the first letter of each month in Spanish –

what’s different to the first letter of each month

written in English?

A: That’s right! In Spanish, the months of the year DO

NOT start with a capital letter.

TASK 3: In order to say when your birthday is in

Spanish, you use the formula / phrase -

“mi cumpleaños es el (INSERT NUMBER) de (INSERT

MONTH) e.g. mi cumpleaños es el cuatro de julio – my

birthday is the 4th of July.

Translate the following sentences into English:

a) mi cumpleaños es el cuatro de enero:


b) mi cumpleaños es el dos de febrero:


Page 18: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

c) mi cumpleaños es el diez de agosto:


d) mi cumpleaños es el doce de diciembre:


e) mi cumpleaños es el quince de octubre:


Now translate the following sentences into Spanish.

Remember to write THE WORDS for the numbers:

a) My birthday is the third of July:


b) My birthday is the fourteenth of March:


c) My birthday is the ninth of January:


d) My birthday is the twenty eight of August:


e) My birthday is the eleventh of September:


Page 19: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

f) My birthday is the seventeenth of April:


g) My birthday is the third of February:


h) My birthday is the twenty fourth of May:


i) My birthday is the seventh of December:


j) My birthday is the second of October:


Page 20: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

Numbers up to 1000

You already know how to get up to thirty in Spanish. Now

we are going to learn how to express numbers up to a


TASK 1: Copy the following table into your jotter

For numbers over thirty, you just have to say the tens and

then the units. Follow this formula:

Tens + y + unit

Eg: 31

Treinta + y + uno = Treinta y uno

Spanish English Figure

Treinta y uno Thirty one 31

Treinta y dos Thirty two 32

Treinta y tres Thirty three 33

Treinta y cuatro Thirty four 34

Treinta y cinco Thirty five 35

Treinta y seis Thirty six 36

Treinta y siete Thirty seven 37

Treinta y ocho Thirty eight 38

Treinta y nueve Thirty nine 39

Page 21: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

• Copy the following table into your jotter for

numbers 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100

Spanish English Figure

Cuarenta Forty 40

Cincuenta Fifty 50

Sesenta Sixty 60

Setenta Seventy 70

Ochenta Eighty 80

Noventa Ninety 90

Cien A hundred 100

TASK 2: Write the FIGURES for these Spanish


a) Treinta y uno

b) Cincuenta y dos

c) Noventa y


d) Sesenta y seis

e) Ochenta y cinco

f) Setenta y nueve

g) Cuarenta y dos

h) Treinta y seis

i) Ochenta y siete

j) Sesenta

TASK 3: Write the following numbers in Spanish IN


a) 56=________

b) 46=________

c) 97=________

d) 76=________

Page 22: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

e) 50=________

f) 65=________

g) 84=________

h) 95=________

i) 74=________

j) 20=_______

TASK 4: Copy the following table in your jotter

For numbers over a hundred, we follow a similar formula:

Hundreds + tens + y + unit

Eg: 231

Doscietos + treina + y + uno = Doscientos

treinta y uno (231) (EXCEPTION: 100 is “cien” but 101 is “ciento uno”,102 is

“ciento dos”, etc.)

If you want to add a thousand, simply put

it in front like so:

Mil + doscientos + treinta + y +uno

Mil doscientos treinta y uno


Spanish English Figure

Cien /ciento A hundred 100

Page 23: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

Doscientos Two hundred 200

Trescientos Three hundred 300

Cuatrocientos Four hundred 400

Quinientos Five hundred 500

Seiscientos Six hundred 600

Setecientos Seven hundred 700

Ochocientos Eight hundred 800

Novecientos Nine hundred 900

Mil A thousand 1000

TASK 5: Write the FIGURES for these Spanish


a) Quinientos setenta y dos=

b) Ciento cuarenta y siete =

c) Ochocientos veinticuatro=

d) Trescientos=

e) Cuatrocientos ochenta y seis=

f) Doscientos cincuenta y dos=

g) Quinientos cincuenta y cinco=

h) Seiscientos setenta y ocho=

i) Trescientos diecinueve=

j) Ciento sesenta=

k) Cuatrocientos veintinueve=

l) Setecientos cuarenta y seis=

m) Mil novecientos ochenta y siete=

Page 24: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

TASK 3: Write the following numbers in Spanish:

a) 789=__________________________________

b) 984=__________________________________

c) 423=__________________________________

d) 956=__________________________________

e) 267=__________________________________

f) 321=__________________________________

g) 159=__________________________________

h) 452=__________________________________

i) 678=__________________________________

j) 875=__________________________________

k) 166=__________________________________

l) 885=__________________________________

m) 397=__________________________________

n) 1789=_________________________________

Page 25: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

Nationalities, countries and languages

You are going to do some further work on nationalities

and languages. You are going to start with the ones you

already know and then you will learn some new ones.

TASK 1 Put the name of the countries on the map in

the boxes where indicated. If you need to look up a

Page 26: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

world map, ask your teacher for an iPad or get a book

from the library with a world map in it.

TASK 2: Match the countries with their flags

• España

• Francia

• Escocia

• Inglaterra

• Irlanda

• Alemania

• Portugal

• Italia

• Estados Unidos

• Japon

• China

• España

• Francia

• Escocia

• Inglaterra

• Irlanda

• Alemania

• Portugal

• Italia

Page 27: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

Nationality in Spanish:

Nationalities in Spanish are often talked about using nationality

adjectives, which are adjectives (words) that describe the country a

person or thing is from.

Most nationality adjectives in Spanish have four forms: masculine

singular, feminine singular, masculine plural, and feminine plural, though

some just have two forms (singular and plural). For our purposes we are

just going to focus on the masculine singular and feminine singular forms.

Take a look at the masculine and feminine forms the

adjective francés (French) can take.

Juan es un chico francés = John is a French boy

Anita es una chica francesa = Anita is a French girl

While the endings may look a bit confusing at first, the rules for forming

nationality adjectives are actually pretty straightforward.

Nationalities that end in an “-o”

Nationalities that end in an o have four forms: masculine singular,

feminine singular, masculine plural, and feminine plural. As stated

above, we are only looking at the masculine singular and feminine

singular forms today.

Here is a quick rule for the change you'll need to make to the

masculine singular form in order to make the feminine singular form.

Page 28: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

To make the singular feminine form: change the o in the masculine

singular form to an a e.g.

Mi abuelo es mexicano = my grandfather is Mexican

Mi abuela es mexicana. = my grandmother is Mexican

TASK 3: Circle the correct option for each sentence.

1. A man from Spain is called español/española.

2. A woman from France is called frances/francesa.

3. A man from Germany is called aleman/alemana.

4. A man from England is called ingles/inglesa.

TIP: “Habla = “he/she speaks”

“Hablan = “they speak”

“Se habla” = “they speak”

5. En Alemania se habla aleman/alemana.

6. En España se habla ingles/espanol.

7. En Irlanda se habla ingles/escoces.

Page 29: Spanish pupil independent study · 2021. 1. 13. · los perros de Sarah y David Literally translated, these mean “the book of Susannah”, “the bicycle of Neil”, ... mi cumpleaños

8. En Estados Unidos se habla ingles y


9. En China se habla japones/chino.

10. En Italia se habla italiana/italiano.

11. En Francia se habla frances/franceso.

12. En Portugal se habla español/portugues.


TASK 4: Create a touristic poster for one of the

countries above mentioned. It must be 100% in

Spanish. You have to use at least two of the following


• Visita ______ = Visit ________

• Hermosas ciudades = beautiful cities

• Monumentos historicos = Historical monuments

• Buen tiempo = Great weather

• Comida deliciosa = Delicious food

• Diversion = Fun

You can use an I-pad to research some of the classic

views or monuments of the country of your choice.

That way you may draw them. Remember to make it

colorful and eye catching!

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