  • 8/10/2019 SPE 71430 Simulation


    Copyright 2001, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

    This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2001 SPE Annual Technical Conference andExhibition held in New Orleans, Louisiana, 30 September3 October 2001.

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    AbstractThe estimation of oil and gas reserves is necessary for

    assessing the value of oil and gas properties, and for meeting

    the reporting and disclosure requirements imposed on oil and

    gas companies by various governmental and regulatory

    bodies. Reservoir simulation is a sophisticated technique of

    forecasting future recoverable volumes and production rates,

    and is an increasingly popular tool for reservoir management

    and optimization. Reservoir simulation is also progressively

    being used in the process of forecasting and estimatingreserves. However, as with any reservoir engineering

    technique, certain precautions must be taken when relying on

    reservoir simulation as the means for estimating reserves.

    This paper identifies some of the unique issues encountered in

    the reserves evaluation process when reservoir simulation is

    utilized, and offers strategies for addressing these issues.

    IntroductionThe assessment of a companys reserves is an important

    process, regardless of the companys size or corporate

    structure. The level of reserves can have a direct impact on a

    companys earnings and balance sheet, and can significantly

    affect the cost and availability of capital necessary for its


    Reserves are determined using a variety of geological and

    engineering methods. Regardless of the evaluation methods

    used, however, any estimate of future recovery, no matter how

    reasonable, does not necessarily qualify as an estimate of

    reserves. Specific criteria must be met to qualify estimated

    recoverable volumes as reserves. These criteria are generally

    defined in the form of Reserves Definitions.

    For an exploration or production company, the value of the

    reserves usually constitutes a major portion of the total

    company value. Therefore, it is critical that reserves be

    estimated as accurately as possible within the constraints

    imposed by the relevant Reserves Definitions. As long as the

    requirements of the definitions are upheld, reservoir

    simulation can be a valuable tool for improving the accuracy

    of the reserves estimate. However, due to the nature o

    simulation models (their non-uniqueness and complexity) their

    use as a tool for this purpose is not always straightforward, as

    this paper will discuss.

    DiscussionReserves Definitions

    Several sets of Reserves Definitions have been published by

    various regulatory bodies and professional organizations

    throughout the world. Most sets of Reserves Definition

    specify different grades of reserves depending on the level of

    certainty associated with the estimated recovery of those

    reserves. In many systems, the top grade of reserves is

    designated as proved reserves. As would be expected

    proved reserves require a very high degree of confidence thathe hydrocarbons will actually be recovered. Lower grades o

    reserves such as probable or possible require diminishing

    standards of certainty.

    Examples of two sets of definitions commonly

    encountered by companies based or operating in the United

    States are 1) those established by the United States Securities

    and Exchange Commission (SEC), and 2) those established by

    the Society of Petroleum Engineers and the World Petroleum

    Congress (SPE/WPC). There are many similarities between

    these two sets of definitions, but there are importan

    distinctions as well which are beyond the scope of this


    Publicly held oil and gas companies in the United Statesmust file specific forms with the SEC on a regular basis and

    whenever stock is issued. Some of these forms require tha

    the company disclose volumes of reserves and the estimated

    future income attributable to those reserves. SEC regulation

    stipulate that the reserves estimated for such purposes must be

    computed in accordance with the definition of proved reserves

    contained in Part 210.4-10 (a) of Regulation S-X.

    On the other hand, some lending institutions, financia

    advisors, and corporate planners work with reserves estimated

    SPE 71430

    The Adaptation of Reservoir Simulation Models for Use in Reserves CertificationUnder Regulatory Guidelines or Reserves DefinitionsM.R. Palke and D.C. Rietz, Ryder Scott Company

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    2 M.R. PALKE, D.C. RIETZ SPE 71430

    in accordance with the SPE/WPC Reserves Definitions.

    Because these definitions allow for probable and possible in

    addition to proved reserves, it is feasible to express the

    reserves in terms of a range of possible outcomes, as implied

    by the amount of reserves allocated to each classification.

    Different grades of reserves are used for different

    purposes. In general, proved reserves are used for financialreporting and lending, where the requirement for certainty is

    the greatest. However in order to make intelligent business

    decisions in activities such as prioritization of capital spending

    and property acquisitions, it is also important to recognize and

    quantify the amount of probable and possible reserves.

    Companies buying or selling assets regularly consider

    upside potential, which is usually represented as probable

    and possible reserves. The degree to which entities value

    these non-proved categories varies dramatically due to the

    reduced certainty in recovery of the volumes.

    The SPE/WPC definition contains a general requirement

    that proved reserves have a reasonable certainty of being

    recovered. Other, more specific, criteria must also be met for

    reserves to be classified as proved. The definitions forprobable reserves are less stringent, requiring that a general

    test of more likely than not be satisfied1.

    This paper focuses on deterministic reserves estimation

    incorporating reservoir simulation modeling results. Many of

    the issues apply also to the probabalistic reserves setting, but

    many other issues, not discussed herein, are unique to

    probabalistic reserves estimation2.

    Prevalence of Reservoir SimulationOne of the advantages of reservoir simulation is that it enables

    an engineer to simultaneously and rigorously consider almost

    all of the geological and engineering data pertinent to the

    production behavior of the reservoir3. In essence, reservoirsimulation is the construction of a numerical model that is

    expected to behave like a particular oil or gas reservoir.

    Certain properties of the reservoir (e.g. porosity, permeability,

    structure, thickness, etc.) and certain properties of the fluids

    contained in that reservoir (viscosity, density, etc.) are

    described in numerical terms suitable for input into a

    simulation package. Once constructed, a reservoir model is

    typically history matched. After the history match is achieved,

    the model can be run to predict future performance under a

    variety of future development and operating scenarios.

    Simulation has become increasingly practical due to

    advances in computer software, hardware, and simulation

    expertise. There are a number of stable and efficientcommercial programs available, each with its own strengths

    and weaknesses. Simulation involves a great deal of

    numerical computation; however, as computer power has

    continued to increase, it has become feasible to run

    increasingly detailed models on relatively inexpensive

    hardware. Familiarity with simulation has become more

    common as engineers have acquired simulation training and

    experience earlier in their education and careers than their

    counterparts of previous generations.

    We have observed that reservoir simulation has been

    increasingly promoted as a means to estimate reserves. I

    appears that the use of simulation for reserves estimation is a

    logical step in the continued evolution of reserves estimation.

    Capabilities and Limitations of Simulation

    As with any analysis tool, it is important to recognize the

    limitations as well as the capabilities of reservoir simulation

    Only then can model results be appropriately interpreted for

    estimation of reserves or for any other purpose. As discussed

    below, the accuracy of most models is impacted by the

    presence of complexities within the reservoir that are no

    incorporated into the model.

    A model is composed of discrete cells or grid blocks, each

    of which represents a specific volume of the reservoir. Each

    grid block is assigned certain rock properties that either 1)

    dictate the amount and types of fluids originally contained in

    that portion of the reservoir (e.g. pay thickness, porosityconnate water saturation, etc.), or 2) control the movement of

    fluids into and out of that portion of the reservoir (e.g

    permeability, net-to-gross ratio, relative permeability, etc.). In

    a model, these parameters are uniform within any given grid

    block, whereas in nature there may be considerable variation

    within the volume of the reservoir represented by the grid

    block. At best, the model block will be assigned values

    approximating some type of average for the reservoir over the

    volume of the block.

    However, it is not always possible to determine the

    average block properties with a high degree of reliability

    because of the difficulty in directly measuring many of the

    reservoir parameters, and the inherent sparseness of the dataIn some instances, undetected reservoir boundaries or

    structural features will not be represented in the model

    Although geostatistical methods help to improve estimation of

    the properties in areas of the reservoir lacking measured data

    it is generally not possible to overcome the limitations of the

    data set with a high degree of certainty.

    Because of the above factors, a model is generally less

    heterogeneous than the reservoir it is intended to represent

    Unfortunately, heterogeneity in a reservoir leads to uneven

    sweep and incomplete drainage, both of which reduce the

    recovery of hydrocarbons. Consequently, since a mode

    generally understates the degree of heterogeneity present in

    the reservoir, the model will tend to overstate the recovery ofhydrocarbons unless compensatory adjustments are made to

    the simulation data. For example, homogeneity may be

    overestimated, but may be held in check with a lower than

    actual overall permeability value or using adverse pseudo

    relative permeability curves. Such adjustments are usually

    made to achieve a history match. The history matching

    process is discussed in greater detail later in this paper.

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    Applying Simulation Results toEstimate Proved ReservesReservoir simulation studies are rarely performed with the

    objective of estimating proved reserves. Usually, the primary

    objective of reservoir simulation is to improve the

    understanding of the reservoir, so that the reservoir may be

    optimally developed and managed. Frequently, a developmentplan based on proved reserves alone (as compared to the most

    likely volumes) would under-develop the field, and in fact

    could result in reduced overall production (over the depletion

    history of the field). Thus it makes sense to consider the best

    estimate of total potential when making development and

    management decisions.

    As a result, the presumed most likely scenario is most

    commonly modeled with the reservoir simulator. Most

    likely is a level of recoverable volumes that is more

    consistent with proved + probable reserves, rather than proved

    alone. This is mainly due to the specific definitions of proved

    reserves. One can strongly believe (most likely) that volumes

    are present in the subsurface, but based on the proved reserves

    definitions, they may not be recognized for proved reservesestimation. Therefore, it is very common that results from a

    simulation model cannot be directly applied to the proved

    reserves category, even if they are passed through a cashflow

    analysis to prove economic viability.

    It is not just original hydrocarbon in place that may not fit

    the definition of proved reserves. Models may include

    pressure support from aquifers or rock compressibility that are

    not proved. Numerous other parameters would also fall into

    this category. The key is to search for sources of reservoir

    drive energy that are not proven to exist. As will be discussed

    later, sensitivity studies can be used to root out such

    parameters from a history matched model.

    Even though reservoir simulation is usually undertaken toforecast recovery and future production rates under the most

    likely geological scenario (which may not conform to the

    proved reserves definition), simulation can still be utilized in

    the estimation of proved reserves if appropriate steps are

    taken. There are two approaches for applying the simulation

    technique in such a way as to ensure that the definition of

    proved reserves is honored in all respects.

    First, the model can be modified such that the reservoir

    configuration described by simulation data is in strict

    compliance with the clear mandates of the proved reserves

    definitions. Consider, for example, the case of a reservoir for

    which the level of the hydrocarbon-water contact has not been

    established from the geological and engineering data. In thissituation, the hydrocarbon-water contact in the model should

    be set at the lowest observed occurrence of hydrocarbons

    (lowest known oil/gas, or oil-down-to), as specified in the

    definition of proved reserves. As long as the other

    components of the definition are also honored, the results

    generated from this model could be utilized in the estimation

    of proved reserves.

    The act of modifying a proved + probable model into a

    proved model or vice versa can be more difficult than it

    sounds. Such a modification to a proved + probable model is

    not merely a question of modifying the reservoir description

    The planned wells and facilities (manifested through field rate

    constraints) must also be adjusted to fit the proved reserves

    categories. For instance, if a proved + probable model is

    modified to be consistent with proved hydrocarbon in place

    the recovery factor might tend to be too high if all of theprobable wells are left within the model.

    In addition to the question of constraints, substantia

    modifications to the original grid/description could also be

    required. For instance, models derived from seismic data

    often feature thickening between wells based on reasonable

    interpretations of the data. This thickening may or may not be

    permitted under the reserves definitions.

    We do not recommend, however, that models be originally

    constructed to comply with proved reserves definitions

    except under special circumstances (litigation, contentious

    reserves estimation situations, etc.). In general, constructing a

    model in compliance with proved definitions might regrettably

    eliminate a great deal of utility in terms of planning and

    optimization. It seems likely that it is better to build the largemodel (proved + probable + possible), and then in turn modify

    the model, rather than construct a proved model, and have to

    add on probable reserves later.

    Alternatively, less desirable but perhaps more practical, a

    model that is not in compliance with the proved reserves

    definition may be used in the estimation of reserves with

    appropriate modifications to the simulator results. In thi

    situation, the reserves evaluator must perform calculations

    external to the model to estimate the recovery that reasonably

    approximates what would have been calculated had the mode

    actually been constructed in accordance with the proved

    reserves definition. An abundance of simulation output data is

    necessary in order to perform the required adjustmentsObviously, some of the rigorous nature of the simulation is

    lost in the manual process of manipulating the output data.

    An example of this second approach occurred, when the

    authors were requested to opine on the use of a simulation

    model of a field for proved reserves estimation. The field

    consisted of stacked reservoirs which were not in vertica

    communication except through pipe. The problem arose

    because the volumes in the various sands were associated with

    different reserves categories based on whether the fault block

    they were in had been production tested. Furthermore, the

    model volumes were not identical to the volumes certified by

    the authors geological associates (due to differences in

    interpretation of contact depths and contouring). The modewas calibrated so that the production tests could be reliably

    replicated by the model.

    The solution used by the authors was to separate the

    production streams from the various sands. Production

    streams from sands that did not qualify as proved were

    eliminated. The remaining proved streams were scaled so tha

    their initial rates and ultimate recovery factors were preserved,

    but the ultimate recovery factor was appropriate for the

    certified OOIP rather than the OOIP present in the model.

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    4 M.R. PALKE, D.C. RIETZ SPE 71430

    While this approach is not completely rigorous, it at least

    relies upon rate forecasts and recovery factors predicted by a

    well constructed model. This approach treats the simulated

    reservoirs as analogies to the actual reservoirs in terms of

    initial rate and recovery factor. It is felt that this approach

    does meet all of the requirements of proved reserves

    estimation, which the original model, no matter how wellconstructed, did not.

    Immature ReservoirsThe status of a reservoir represented by a simulation model

    can range from immature to mature depending on the

    stage of depletion at the time the model is to be used for the

    estimation of reserves. For the remainder of this paper, we

    shall discuss the considerations for using models at these

    extreme ends of the maturity spectrum, although many

    reservoirs will actually fall between the two extremes. As will

    be evident from this discussion, the reserves estimator will

    require an understanding of the concepts involved in reservoir

    simulation as well as experience in the application of the

    Reserves Definitions in order to utilize the model resultsproperly for this purpose.

    Immature reservoirs have limited or no actual production

    history. In some cases, the history is limited to formation tests

    of various wells.

    When building models of such reservoirs, it is necessary to

    rely primarily on geophysical and geological data to set the

    reservoir size and characteristics. A history match of the

    model to the reservoir is easy to obtain since there are few if

    any performance points to be matched. Because it is so easy

    to obtain, however, the match is not very meaningful in terms

    of calibrating and improving the reliability of the model.

    It is unlikely that the most likely estimate of

    hydrocarbons in place will adhere to the pertinent guidelinesfor proved reserves. The proved reserves definitions contain

    specific rules that limit the reservoir area to be considered in

    the reserves assessment. These rules place restrictions on

    assumptions regarding the position of the water-hydrocarbon

    contact, the extent of the reservoir defined by logged and

    tested wells, and so forth. Furthermore, the model is probably

    being constructed for purposes such as optimization, or

    facilities design, rather than proved reserves estimation alone.

    As a result, most models of immature reservoirs are unlikely

    to be acceptable for the purposes of proved reserves


    However, even models not built in accordance with the

    Reserves Definitions are helpful for estimating thehydrocarbon recovery efficiency to be used in the volumetric

    calculation of reserves. Important to this process is the use of

    the model to study the sensitivity of recovery to certain

    reservoir characteristics not explicitly governed by the

    reserves definition (e.g. relative permeability, drive

    mechanism, pore volume compressibility, etc.). The use of

    simulation in this fashion is referred to as performing

    sensitivity studies. The understanding gained by sensitivity

    studies will aid in the determination of the hydrocarbon

    recovery efficiency that is reasonably certain to be attained

    Unless contradicted by analogy data (or experience) it would

    be legitimate to use a value of recovery efficiency established

    by such means in the estimation of proved reserves

    particularly if one treats this information in their analysis as

    another analogous reservoir.

    Furthermore, in many cases it is simple enough to modifythe non-proved-volumes model that was used for planning

    purposes, to contain a proved volume in place for the purposes

    of a proved reserves forecast.

    Mature Reservoirs & History MatchingA mature reservoir is one that has produced long enough to

    develop well-established production and pressure trends. A

    history match of a model of a mature reservoir is usually more

    difficult to obtain than for an immature reservoir, but is more

    meaningful in terms of enhancing model reliability.

    There are two basic components of a successful history

    match. First, the model properties should be set such tha

    simulated reservoir pressure levels are reasonably close to

    measured field pressures at the proper time and location withinthe reservoir. Second, model properties should be set such

    that simulated produced fluid ratios (water cuts and gas-oi

    ratios) and contact movements are reasonably close to the

    observed fluid ratios and contact movements overall, and in as

    many individual wells as is possible.

    A match to pressure alone is necessary but may not be

    sufficient to definitively establish the size of the reservoir. For

    example, a small reservoir connected to a gas cap or a large

    aquifer can exhibit pressure behavior similar to a large

    reservoir connected to a small aquifer. Furthermore, the

    reservoir pressure behavior is sensitive to fluid composition

    and phase changes. This means that any error in the fluid

    characterization can cause a significant error in the size of thereservoir required to achieve the pressure match. Thus, unless

    the presence and size of a gas cap and aquifer are known from

    independent geological information and the fluid

    characteristics are known with reasonable certainty, the

    pressure match alone does not guarantee a unique and correc

    solution for the reservoir size.

    On the other hand, a model that matches both pressure

    behavior and produced fluid ratios has a much better chance o

    providing a correct representation of the actual reservoir. A

    match to observed pressures and water cuts for example, will

    require a reservoir/aquifer combination of particular size and

    relative proportions, thus reducing the range of possible

    solutions.The quality of a history match is also an important

    consideration for gaining confidence in a models ability to

    predict future reservoir behavior. For example, a model with a

    good field history match, but a poor well-by-well match

    would generally be less trustworthy than a model where both

    the field data and the individual well data were matched

    Further, if a well-by-well match was obtained by adjusting the

    model properties in the vicinity of existing wells, the model

    would not be expected to give reliable predictions for

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    conditions significantly different from those already

    encountered (e.g. the drilling of infill wells). Whenever

    possible, localized changes used in the history match should

    be propagated in a reasonable fashion to new well locations.

    The history match technique should be focused on making

    logical adjustments to model parameters that are consistent

    with geological and engineering evidence.We should recollect however, that history matching is

    generally a somewhat subjective process, and it is unlikely

    that any two engineers would arrive at the exact same solution.

    Furthermore, it is normal that certain parameters that have a

    limited impact upon the history match would have a dramatic

    impact upon the predictions from the same model. Aquifer

    dimensions are perhaps the most obvious of such parameters.

    It may be surprising, but original hydrocarbon in place is

    frequently another such parameter!

    Thus the authors strongly recommend that any parameters

    suspected of falling into this category be tested through the

    use of sensitivity studies so that the engineer who estimates

    reserves can study the possible range of future recovery

    forecasts.Many times the OOIP modeled for a history matched

    mature reservoir does not comply with the Reserves

    Definitions. For situations where a model has been history-

    matched to field pressures and fluid ratios, and where there is

    virtually no other way to match observed reservoir behavior,

    the model would generally be a reliable tool for estimating

    proved reserves. Sensitivity studies are a reliable tool for this

    analysis. In all other cases, the size of the reservoir in the

    model should be scaled back as necessary to prevent the

    modeled reservoir from exceeding the size implied by the

    criteria of the Reserves Definitions.

    It would be wise to remember that reserves from very

    mature reservoirs are often based solely on the application ofempirical decline curve methods, and are not necessarily tied

    to geological-volumetric analysis of original hydrocarbons in

    place. In such a case, it is not critical that the original

    hydrocarbons within the model comply with the Reserves

    Definitions. Thus, in cases where there is compelling

    evidence that the model is representative (reasonable

    predictions, and a high quality history match) the model

    results should be used in a manner consistent with the use of

    traditional production trend analysis, even though the original

    hydrocarbon in-place cannot be fully reconciled with the

    reserves definitions. Meaning that the model should not be

    discounted because every detail cannot be explained.

    However, this is only appropriate for cases where reservescould otherwise be assigned without respect to volumetric

    analysis. As usual, the model results should be considered in

    the context of all available data.

    Model AppropriatenessWhen using a model to estimate reserves, it is imperative that

    reasonable assumptions be made with regard to future

    development and operations of the reservoir. As with any

    determination of proved reserves, environmental, regulatory,

    contractual, market, and other types of practical factors mus

    be taken into account when estimating the likelihood and

    timing of future development and operational changes

    Assumptions related to future wellhead pressures, the drilling

    of future wells, etc. should be made with these practica

    factors in mind.

    It is also important to recognize situations where thephysical processes governing reservoir behavior are expected

    to be different in the future than they have been in the past

    and to adjust expectations for the model accordingly. For

    example, if a model has been matched to the history of a

    reservoir that has produced primarily under solution gas drive

    there will be less confidence in that models ability to predic

    reservoir performance under waterflood than if the reservoir

    were to continue to produce under solution gas drive. The

    match under solution gas drive provided assurance that the

    factors important under that depletion regime (such as gas-oi

    relative permeability functions) were reasonably correct in the

    model. If there were little or no water movement or

    production to match in the past, however, the model would no

    have been tested for the adequacy of factors such as the water-oil relative permeability functions, which would impact the

    performance under waterflood. Observations from analog or

    nearby fields or laboratory test data could be incorporated into

    the model to improve the confidence when forecasting under

    different depletion mechanisms.

    As a final check, the evaluator should verify that the

    transition from historical to predicted production is smooth if

    the model is run as a status quo, or do nothing case. An

    abrupt change at the end of history is indicative of an

    inappropriate model, even if the history match appears to be

    reasonable in all other respects.

    Mixed Reserves CategoriesThus far, we have focussed on down-grading a proved +

    probable model for use in proved reserves estimation. There

    are many other permutations that are interesting. In general, i

    is best that an acceptable proved + probable or proved +

    probable + possible model be developed, history matched, and

    forecast. This model would then be modified for the highe

    category runs. The probable reserves would be the incremen

    between the proved and proved + probable reserves (as

    determined through cashflow analysis of the simulation

    results), and the possible reserves, if desired, would be the

    final increment between proved + probable + possible

    reserved and the proved + probable reserves. As a warning

    though, removing hydrocarbon volumes from a historymatched models can have unforeseen consequences that must

    be investigated. The authors have seen cases where rate

    forecasts from proved reserves reach higher rates than the

    reserves forecasts from the history matched proved + probable

    model, despite featuring less OOIP and fewer wells. This

    could be caused by mobility contrasts between the cases, and

    enhanced contact with the aquifer when bands of hydrocarbon

    are removed from a history matched model

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    6 M.R. PALKE, D.C. RIETZ SPE 71430

    There are other means of modeling the different categories.

    One is to create separate models. One that contains only

    proved category hydrocarbons, a second that includes only

    probable hydrocarbons, and a third (if so desired) that contains

    only possible category reserves. The models would be run

    separately, and reserves estimated based on three separate

    streams. This approach is less desirable however, because itwould tend to underestimate interference between categories

    through the reservoir and through facilities and wellbores.

    ConclusionsIn general, simulation results should be treated as if they are

    actual results from an analog field. If the simulation model is

    very detailed, properly constructed, and well history matched,

    then the model can be treated as a nearly perfect analog. If the

    model or its history match are less impressive, then the results

    can be treated as a less directly comparative analog. Thus it is

    our conclusion that when incorporating simulation modeling

    results into reserves estimation, the model should be treated as

    additional data, rather than the sole source of data.

    Additionally we reach several more particular conclusionsrelated to the incorporation of simulation modeling results into

    reserves estimation.

    1. Although reservoir simulation is a sophisticated technique,

    it does not always produce reliable or applicable results,

    especially in situations where data are sparse or of poor


    2. Reservoir simulation should be used to improve the

    understanding of a reservoir, but should not be used to

    circumvent the terms of the Reserves Definitions. Reservoir

    simulation is increasingly being used as a tool for reserves

    estimation, but reservoir simulation results do not necessarily

    constitute reserves estimates.

    3. Simulation models are typically designed to capture themost likely reservoir description.

    4. Because most likely is a level of confidence generally

    associated with proved + probable reserves, models are

    generally not designed to estimate proved reserves.

    5. Aside from OOIP/OGIP, other types of reservoir energy

    may be present in a model that do not qualify as proved, or

    even probable in nature.

    6. Models that are not in compliance with proved reserves

    definitions can be modified to comply with the definitions, but

    this process may be difficult.

    7. Such modifications (# 6 above) may require substantial

    alteration of the simulation grid/description, and require

    attention to the development plan (wells and constraints)applied to the model.

    8. Results from models that are not in compliance with proved

    reserves definitions can also be used through the alteration of

    the simulation output itself. This requires a great deal o

    simulation output and may provide less rigorous solutions.

    9. For immature reservoirs, simulation is useful primarily for

    estimation of the hydrocarbon recovery efficiency, and to test

    the limits in terms of uncertain parameters (permeability

    aquifer support, OOIP, OGIP).

    10. Some parameters will be uncertain, even in a historymatched model. These parameters may strongly influence the

    prediction mode results. The impact of uncertain parameters

    should be studied through the use of sensitivity runs.

    11. Models of mature reservoirs should feature reasonable

    history matches before they are accepted for reserves

    purposes. The uniqueness and the quality of the history match

    affect the confidence to be placed in a models ability to

    predict future performance, and thus dictate the models

    appropriate usage in the process of estimating reserves.

    12. If the original hydrocarbon in place violates any reserves

    definitions, sensitivity studies should be used to assure that the

    original hydrocarbon in place is strictly necessary for history

    matching before a model is accepted for reserves estimation

    Under certain conditions, history-matched models can beuseful for confirming and resolving the in-place volume and

    the recoverable reserves for mature reservoirs.

    13. When using a model to estimate reserves, it is imperative

    that reasonable assumptions be made with regard to future

    development and operations of the reservoir.

    14. Care must be taken in estimating reserves when a model is

    used to assess the impact on recovered volumes caused by the

    introduction of a process not included in the history match of

    the reservoir.

    15. A do nothing or status quo predictive run is required to

    test a history matched model. If a history matched model doe

    not smoothly transition between the historical data to the

    predictive mode, it may need to be modified before it can beused to estimate reserves.

    AcknowledgmentsWe extend our thanks to Kent Williamson, Don Roesle, and

    Ron Harrell for valuable assistance granted writing this paper

    We also thank Ryder Scott Company for supporting the

    publication of this paper.

    References1. Petroleum Reserves Definitions, Published by the SPE and

    WPC, Richardson TX (1997).

    2. Acuna, G.H., and D.R. Harrell: Adapting ProbabalisticMethods to Conform to Regulatory Guidelines, paper 63202

    presented at the 2000 Annual Technical Conference andExhibition, Dallas, Texas, October 1-4.

    3. Mattax, C.C. and Dalton, R.L.: Reservoir SimulationMonograph Series, SPE, Richardson, TX (1990).

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