

at home

For the FirSt time, Vivek Singh shares a collection of recipes aimed squarely at the home cook. Here are dishes taken from and inspired by his childhood, his family, his friends and his work, and intended to be enjoyed at home. These are dishes to start and end the day, with which to share and celebrate. Spice At Home is a book of everyday recipes to turn to time and time again. Vivek is one of Britain’s best-loved Indian chefs; executive chef of the Cinnamon Club group of restaurants, an award-winning author and a regular on our TV screens via Saturday Kitchen, MasterChef and Market Kitchen.





Spice at home


9 781472 910905

ISBN 978-1-4729-1090-5

£25Absolute PressBloomsbury Publishing a

ViVek Singh

SPiCe AT HoMe 20

k nown as kheema gotala, this is a Bombay café classic.

Prepare a classic onion tomato masala for cooking mince, and then fi nish it with tomato ketchup and egg to make a delicious spicy scrambled fi lling for breakfast rolls. Alternatively, you can use the mixture between two slices of bread and make a toastie!

ServeS 4 3 tablespoons vegetable oil2 onions, fi nely chopped1 tablespoon Ginger and Garlic Paste

(see page 226) 5 green chillies, chopped2 tomatoes, fi nely chopped½ teaspoon ground turmeric2 teaspoons red chilli powder2 teaspoons ground coriander1 teaspoon ground cumin1 teaspoon garam masala 1 teaspoon salt500g lamb mince4 eggs3 tablespoons tomato ketchup juice of ½ lime2–3 tablespoons chopped coriander

and mint (roughly equal quantities of each herb)

To s erve4 soft rolls, buttered1 red onion, chopped1 green chilli, chopped2 tablespoons chopped coriander

SpiceD lamB mince with ScramBleD eggS

Heat a heavy-based frying pan and add the oil. When oil is hot, add the onions and cook over a high heat for 6–8 minutes until they turn golden brown, then add the ginger and garlic paste and green chillies and fry gently for 2–3 minutes, stirring well to prevent them sticking to the pan.

Add the tomatoes, dried spices and salt and cook for 3–4 minutes until the liquid from the tomatoes is absorbed and the oil begins to separate from the edges of the masala.

Reduce the heat to very low and add the mince. Work it in well with a spatula until it is totally broken up and thoroughly blended into the masala. Increase the heat to medium and cook, stirring regularly, for 7–8 minutes until the mince is cooked.

Beat the eggs and add them to the hot mince. Stir gently over the heat until they are scrambled to your liking – I like mine very soft as this makes for a great fi lling. Remove the pan from the heat, add the tomato ketchup and mix well. Check the seasoning, then stir in the lime juice and chopped coriander and mint.

Serve in buttered rolls with the raw onion, chilli and coriander to taste. Alternatively, use the mince as a fi lling and make a toastie. Either way it tastes superb.

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First published in Great Britain in 2014 by Absolute Press, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

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Text copyright © Vivek Singh, 2014Photography copyright © Lara Holmes, 2014

Publisher Jon CroftCommissioning Editor Meg AventProject Editor Alice GibbsArt Director and Designer Matt InwoodAssistant Designer Kim MusgroveEditor Gillian HaslamPhotographer Lara HolmesRecipe Tester Genevieve TaylorProps Stylist Jo HarrisIndexer Ruth Ellis

The rights of Vivek Singh to be identified as the author of this work have been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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ISBN: 9781472910905

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Cover photo: Rabbit Tikka, page 147

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at home

For the FirSt time, Vivek Singh shares a collection of recipes aimed squarely at the home cook. Here are dishes taken from and inspired by his childhood, his family, his friends and his work, and intended to be enjoyed at home. These are dishes to start and end the day, with which to share and celebrate. Spice At Home is a book of everyday recipes to turn to time and time again. Vivek is one of Britain’s best-loved Indian chefs; executive chef of the Cinnamon Club group of restaurants, an award-winning author and a regular on our TV screens via Saturday Kitchen, MasterChef and Market Kitchen.





Spice at home


9 781472 910905

ISBN 978-1-4729-1090-5

£25Absolute PressBloomsbury Publishing a

ViVek Singh

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