Download - Split Screens :)


FINAL CUT EXPRESS SPLIT SCREENSThe above photo shows Final Cut Express. We created our split screens using this software and this is how...You select a clip by double clicking on it. You then select the 'Motion' tab on the middle (of the three) windows at the top. Firstly we changed the size of the clips by reducing the 'Scale'. We then altered the anchor points to move the clips around the screen (in the diagonal line). This took quite some time as it was tricking always having to tweak the anchor points and size, what we learned later made other split screens far easier to produce. We also didn't really like the harsh edges of the clips and wondered how we could alter them.

To create the above split screen I (Hannah) first altered the scale of the images. I found the composition of the footage to not be exactly what I wanted to cropped the clips so the subject matter was more focal. I then feathered the edges so the harsh lines surrounding were softer. I made one clip slightly larger than the other so they weren't completely identical as before and I quite liked it. I think this split screen was more successful than the previous one mentioned.

Once Hannah had created her own frame I (Katherine) decided to have a go. We both agreed that we had experimented with spilt screen but I wanted to know how to stretch a image so that it would fill the frame so there was less visible black. We looked it up on Google and found out that you needed to apply 'image wireframe' on the view drop down menu. This enable me to move the clip around as well as stretch them (a much easier method than the anchor points). To move the image you just click on it, to stretch the image you hold down the shift button. I also adjusted the speed of the video clips (5.17s) to make them go at the same speed so they link. I personally think it gives an all round view of the setting to the audience.

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