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SportsmanshipBy: Xavier Rivera

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Sportsmanship is a polite behavior by athletes, coaches, and fans during a competition, it is playing fair, it is respecting all people involved. In doing this, good athletes excel both on and off the field.

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ETHICS: Owners &CoachesThe Good Side

• Terry Francona showed the community what sportsmanship is all about. Current Red Sox coach, John Farrell, found out he had lymphoma and needed chemotherapy treatment. Terry Francona, former Red Sox coach and current coach of the Cleveland Indians, told Farrell he was going with him for his first treatment. This is friendship, integrity, respect, the list could go on. In an article from ESPN Francona was quoted as saying, “Because in this game, you run into so many good people and so many friends, and then there’s a handful of people that are friends not in baseball, but outside of baseball. And he’s certainly one of those for me.”

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ETHICS: Owners & CoachesThe Bad Side

• The girlfriend of Donald Sterling, owner of the LA Clippers, released a video that showed racial remarks that the NBA would not tolerate. The new Commissioner, Adam Silver, band Sterling from the NBA for a lifetime and requested his sale of the team. Sterling was racist, disrespectful to players, coaches, and African-American people all over. He displayed one of the worst cases of sportsmanship by an owner of a diverse team that I have ever witnessed in my lifetime.

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Health & Safety

When a player is injured, the necessary precautions need to be taken. Safety

protocol is put in place to protect the athlete and should be enforced no matter what the

situation is.

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Health & SafetyIn an ESPN article about Jacoby Ellsbury, it stated how

he was hurt and it was shrugged off by medical staff as a minor injury. In reality, after getting not one, but two MRI’s, he was found to have 5 fractured ribs. He also

had injured nerves and muscles surrounding the ribs due to not be diagnosed properly and overcompensation. The fact the medical staff outright refused to give him

and MRI for a “bruise” is ridiculous and something should have been done to the staff involved. This is another clear example of an injury that was taken

seriously by the proper staff which could have resulted in something way more severe. On top of the fact that he was misdiagnosed, people jumped to conclusions

about his playing ability because there was no real proof of injury at the beginning. This is an unethical injustice

all the way around the board.

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Athletes & Community

Professional athletes are looked up to by youth athletes everyday. It is important for them to show

sportsmanship on and off the field. They are constantly in the public eye so everything they do and say is a open book. David Beckham uses his money

to support numerous different charities including UNICEF, The Red Cross, and Peace One Day.

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Athletes & CommunityTamika Catchings is a woman’s basketball

player who recently retired after playing all 15 years with the Indiana Fever in the WNBA. She is hearing impaired and knows what it is like to

be bullied. Tamika runs a foundation called Catch the Stars, where she focuses on self-

esteem, fitness, literacy, and mentoring youth. She supports numerous different programs throughout Indianapolis by volunteering her

time and giving financial support.

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Fan Behavior

Having fans can be a great motivator for athletes. In Green Bay, when a touchdown is

made, the player does the Lambeau Leap, which is when they jump onto the wall right with their fans. What is better than having

your favorite receiver in your face after scoring for your favorite team?

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Fan Behavior

Sometimes fans take it to another level though, and this can be a distraction to the

team. If fans keep it respectful there is good spririt all the way around. When fans turn

disrespectful, it takes away from the game.

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Conclusion• I do believe that sports ethics will improve because new rules

are put in place every year to make the players safer and punishments for bad behavior more severe. At the beginning of most athletic events an announcer reminds all the players, coaches, and fans to be respectful. I am confident with the new rules in place and the pressure for good conduct, that sportspanship can only only get better. As people learn to have respect for others, sports will become a fun family outing for all to enjoy.

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