
1. Ancient sport history Ses 02 Sports & Society in Spain & Catalonia Xavier Carmaniu Mainad 2. Brief organization Prehistorical: (2 millions 4000 BC) Ancient Period: (4000 aC 476 BC) Medieval Period: (476 1492) Modern Period: (1492 1789) Contemporary Period:(1789 ) 3. Mesopotamia 4. Prosperous region due to Tigris & Eufrates. 3400 BC writing appeared (urban context): Clay pieces (cuniform scripture). Theres little information about sport: Clay pieces. Inscriptions in stones. Sculptures. Figurines (terracotta (pottery and metal). Clay piece 5. Kikkuli: the first text about sport Kikkuli (1345 BC): about training horse carriage races. Popular sport until 1453 (the fall of Constantinople). Horses were a weapon in the war (paramilitary sport) (no saddle, no stirrups). Other Mesopotamian sports: Boxing. Swimming. Running. Fighting. 6. Mesopotamia & Egypt 7. Egypt 8. Parallel civilization to Mesopotamia. 3000 BC scripture emerged. Nile was the center of civilization (cultural, economic prosperity). Sofisticated society, therefore there is a lot of information about sports. They had various types of sports. 9. Sources of information Archaelogichal excavations. Tomb of Tutankhamun. Combat carriages Arches harpoons hooks Information with paintings found in temples, in pyramids Alson inscriptions in stones, papyrus Objetos tumba Tutankamon 10. The fight There is a lot of artistic representation. Only for entertainment, rituals, or for military training? 11. Hockey Javelin HandballAcrobatics Fishing Gymnastics 12. Crete 13. Crete, the possible origin of greek sport Cronologically: Bronze Age (1800 BC 700BC). Odyssey Homer: The phaecians could identify themselves as citizens of Crete. They were sports fans. But archaelogycal remains couldnt connect Crete and greek sport. 14. The game of the bull A lot of artistic representations. We have little information about its function and objective. There are religious interpretations (fertility rituals, for instance). They took place on the patio of the palace (Palace of Cnosos). Its difficult to know who jumped off the bull (priests, young men...?) 15. Other sports Many artistic representations (above all in Hagia Triada) combat sports (boxing, fighting). Images of children Boxing sport. Others: Hunting, fishing, dancing. 16. THE GREEK CLASSIC 17. Keep in mind Sport is part of education Basic concepts of greek civilization: Paideia (not translation): education + cultural ideals + literature. Aret ("aristos", the best): values associated with warriors + loyalty + honor. In war but also in sport. Atention: a difference exists between sport and playing Sport: part of education. Playing: entertaintment. 18. Independent cities (polis) 19. Two different models Sparta Athens Education is just to be prepared for war. Physical exercice: 8-30 years old. Learning to suffer, and dealing with pain. Exercices in Dromos (a place to run) and Palestra (a place to fight). Women were also trained (fighting, discus y javaline) strong women would have strong children. Education not mandated, but children went to school. Rich children study longer than poor children. Wealthy children participated in equestrianism. Children went to school in the teacher house. In each school there was a palestra. Physical education started at age 14. Athletic competitions and music to honour and celebrate the dead. Training in palestra: jumping, discus, javaline, fighting, boxing, pankration. 20. Athens Sparta 21. The origins The core idea of greek sport. 776 BC firts Olympic Games (before there were similar competitions: archeological evidence from Xth BC). The reasons for starting the Olympic Games: To remember the dead (funeral games, very popular in Greece). They loved playing and competition. 22. THE OLYMPICS WERE NOT THE ONLY GAMES Pythian G.(Delphos): honor Apollo (from 582 BC). Isthmian (Corinth): honor Poseidon (from 582 BC). Nemean (Arglida): summers of 2n and 4th year of every OOGG (from 573 BC). 23. Panem et circenses 24. Sport has religious origin but evolved to be entertaintment. Popular sports: Carriage races. Gladiator fights. Politicians and the emperor paid for the events. Objetive: distract the people (bread and circus). 25. The Colosseum of Rome 26. Gladiator Fights

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