  • 5/24/2018 Spotlight Safety Magazine RAAF



    02 2011


  • 5/24/2018 Spotlight Safety Magazine RAAF


    2Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2


    he US National Transportationand Safety Board says holdingpilots and air traffic controllers

    accountable for their mistakes will

    increase professionalism in theirranks. Their investigation into

    increased number of errors from

    pilots and air traffic controllers, and

    the sacking of several controllers

    for sleeping on the job, has resulted

    in the NTSB adding unprofessional

    behaviour as one of the top 10 critical

    changes required to improve safety.

    The NTSB went on to say: When

    pilots and controllers depart from

    their training, procedures and best

    practices, safety margins erode, which

    can lead to tragedy. I would like totake this statement further and say

    it obviously applies to everyone, not

    just pilots and air traffic controllers. As

    we are all involved in the profession

    of arms we must all approach our

    job with a professional attitude.

    We must be focused on continual

    improvement in everything we do.

    If we accept near enough is good

    enough, undoubtedly one day it wontbe and we will either hurt ourselves,

    a mate, or an innocent bystander.

    Recent accidents and incidents

    throughout the ADF have

    demonstrated that an action yesterday

    was good enough, however on the

    day it was not. A generative safety

    culture is one that always believes

    the next accident is just around the

    corner. By being pro-active, striving

    for excellence, and not accepting good

    enough, we can go a long way towards

    maintaining our professionalismand hence prevent accidents.

    GPCAPT Alan Clements

    Director Defence Aviation Safety

  • 5/24/2018 Spotlight Safety Magazine RAAF


    Director Defence Aviation

    & Air Force Safety

    GPCAPT Alan Clements

    Ph: (02) 6128 7284

    email: [email protected]

    Rotary Wing & Systems Aviation Safety

    WGCDR Peter Johnson

    Ph: (02) 6128 7495

    email: [email protected]

    Fixed Wing Aviation Safety

    WGCDR Alf Jonas

    Ph: (02) 6128 7693

    email: [email protected]

    Human & Systems Performance

    WGCDR Ben Cook

    Ph: (02) 6128 7694

    email: [email protected]

    Deputy Director Safety Communication

    Paul Cross

    Ph: (02) 6128 7470

    email: [email protected]


    Rebecca Codey

    Ph: (02) 6128 7485

    email: [email protected]


    Philip Crowther

    Ph: (02) 6128 7481

    email: [email protected]

    Sally Huckel

    Ph: (02) 6128 7071

    email: [email protected]

    DDAAFS Facsimile

    (02) 6128 7720

    August 2011

    Cover photo

    Caption: Flight Lieutenant Benjamin

    Monaghan of 75 Squadron in front of a

    FA-18 prior to going flying for the day


    Photo by: CPL Casey Smith

    Aviation SafetySpotlightis produced in the interests ofpromoting aviation safety in the Australian Defence Force(ADF) by the Directorate of Defence Aviation and Air ForceSafety (DDAAFS). Opinions expressed in Spotlight do not

    necessarily express the views of DDAAFS or the ADF.While every care is taken to examine all material publishedno responsibility is accepted by the ADF, Spotlightorthe editor for the accuracy of any statement, opinion oradvice contained in the text of any material submitted bya contributor. Readers should rely on their own enquiriesin making any decision premised upon any information oropinions contained in any material that such information isaccurate or free from error.

    With the exception of occasional articles published forwhich specific and/or one-time permission has beengranted for reproduction, and for which an appropriatecaveat is included in the text, organisations may reproduce

    articles with appropriate acknowledgment to DDAAFSandAviation Safety Spotlightmagazine and/or article(s)originator, as appropriate.

    The contents do not necessarily reflect Service policyand, unless stated otherwise, should not be construedas orders, instructions or directives. All photographs andgraphics are for illustrative purposes only and do notrepresent actual incident aircraft unless specifically stated.Comments, contributions etc are invited from readers inthe interests of promoting aviation safety as widely aspossible throughout the ADF.

    Correspondence, or enquiries regarding magazinedistribution, may be addressed to:The Editor,Aviation Safety Spotlight, DDAAFSF4-1-047, Defence Establishment Fairbairn24 Fairbairn Ave, Canberra ACT 2600

    Contributions by way of articles and photographs are invited from readers across the ADF and the retiredcommunity in the interest of promoting Aviation and Air Force Safety. Both RAAFsafeand Spotlightmagazinesreserve the right to edit all articles submitted for content, length or format. Contributions should be sent toDeputy Director Safety Communications, Paul Cross by email: [email protected]

    04 Gulf CFIT

    08 Foam earplugs

    13 Fighting fit: Bright spots & fighter pilots

    18 Say amend to that

    20 Capital turbulence

    22 When good forecasts go bad

    27 Safety analysis why do we do it?

    27 Managing DAHRTS at your unit

    29 Good Show Awards

    30 Aviation safety training courses



    the aviation safety magazine of the Australian Defence Force

  • 5/24/2018 Spotlight Safety Magazine RAAF


    4Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2

    By Paul Cross

    At 6.45pm on 23 March 2004,an Era Aviation SikorskyS-76A took off from Scholes

    International Airport in Galveston,

    Texas, for what should be been a

    routine flight to the drilling shipDiscoverer Spirit. The captain, co-pilot

    and eight passengers took off on a

    visual flight rules (VFR) flight plan in

    night visual meteorological conditions

    (VMC) for the 180-mile flight to the

    ship. At about 7.18pm the aircraft flew

    into the sea, killing all on board.

    It was an experienced crew flying

    the Sikorsky that evening. The captain,

    a former army and coastguard pilot

    had more than 7288 hours flying

    time, including 5323 hours as pilot-in-

    command of multi-engine helicoptersand 1489 hours on the Sikorsky S-76A.

    He had also logged more than 1000

    hours of night flying and was familiar

    with the region.

    The co-pilot had accumulated 1941

    hours flying time, including 1371 hours

    as pilot-in-command and 438 hours

    on type, and had logged 63 hours in

    night operations. This was the first time

    the captain and co-pilot had worked


    It was a dark night, with only 8 percent of the moon showing and starlightaffected by a scattered-to-broken layerof stratiform cloud at 2800 feet. Thewind was from the southeast at 17 to 21knots and satellite imagery showed no

    cumulonimbus or thunderstorms overthe region.

    At 6.58pm, a radar return showedthe aircraft descending from 1800 feetat a rate of 300 feet per minute, twominutes later the return showed it at1100 feet and descending at 250 feetper minute and 35 nautical miles south-southeast of Galveston. Had the aircraftcontinued at this rate, it is estimatedthat it would have hit the water in fiveminutes; however, it continued to fly fora further 18 minutes, beyond the rangeof the ASR-9 radar coverage.

    The initial flight plan included arefuelling stop at High Island A557, arefuelling platform located about 80nautical miles from Galveston; however,during the location check-in a 7.14pm,the co-pilot informed the dispatcherthat they had enough fuel on board toreach the rendezvous and would flydirect to the Discoverer Spiritand askedfor updated co-ordinates.

    This was the last communicationwith the aircraft. No distress or

    emergency calls were received from

    the helicopter. During the search-

    and-rescue operation, the wreckage

    was found 70 nm south-southeast of

    Galveston and 10 nm northwest of Hig

    Island A557 in 186 feet of water.


    About 95 per cent of the wreckage

    was recovered from the sea floor.

    Analysis of the wreckage discovered

    severe accordion-like crushing on the

    fuselage, which was considered to be

    consistent with a water impact at high

    and upward compression fractures foun

    on the lower fuselage were consistent

    with a level or very shallow bank-attitud

    at impact. Investigators determined tha

    the lack of damage to the lower part of

    the tail boom was to be consistent with

    shallow descent angle and pitch attitud

    at impact.

    The structure showed no evidence

    of bird strike, fatigue fractures or

    any other anomalies. Continuity of

    the cyclic, collective and tail-rotor

    pedal control system could not be

    established by investigators because o

    breaks in the systems. However, when

    all of the breaks had been examined,

    no evidence of malfunction or failure

    could be found.

    The ADFs rotary-wing assets, particularly Navy, spend a lot of

    time operating over water. In many instances they are carrying

    passengers and the crew. It is done in all weather conditions and at

    all times of the day and night. With this in mind it is, perhaps, timelyto take a look at the events surrounding a rotary-wing accident tha

    occurred in the Gulf of Mexico in 2004.

    Gulf CFIT

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    5Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2011

    The aircraft was equipped witha cockpit voice recorder (CVR) butthis has been incorrectly installed,which resulted in a lack of audioinput to the CVR channels and thefunctional test after installation didnot detect the fault. The cockpit areamicrophone was the only source ofaudio information recorded from theflight but because of the high levels

    of ambient noise in the cockpit, itwas mostly unintelligible. This lackof audio evidence severely hinderedinvestigators.

    Adding to the problems createdby the lack of audio evidence, thisaircraft was not fitted with a flightdata recorder (FDR). In June 2001,Era Aviation requested a temporaryexemption from the requirement fortwo of its Sikorsky S-76A helicopterson the grounds that it did not degradesafety. This request was granted by

    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)the following August.

    CFIT happens when a controlled,

    serviceable aircraft is flown into terrain,

    obstacles or water with no prior

    awareness by the flight crew of the

    impending collision. Most CFIT accidents

    happen in poor visibility and during the

    take-off and landing phases of flight.

    A Flight Safety Foundation study

    has shown that about 75 per cent of all

    CFIT accidents in commercial aircraft

    occurred in those not equipped with atraditional ground proximity warningsystem (GPWS), which uses a radaraltimeter to calculate the closurerate with terrain to predict a potentialcollision threat. Although a traditionalGPWS can help prevent CFIT, it doesnot provide a timely warning if theground rises steeply. Terrain awarenessand warning system (TAWS) has the

    ability to look ahead of an aircraft todetermine obstacles along the flightpath and provide crews with a moretimely warning.

    When used with helicopteroperations, TAWS can include aforward-looking terrain aware displaythat provides aural and visual alerts.The accident aircraft was not fittedwith TAWS, although FAA action hadmandated that it would have to befitted by 29 March 2005 just over ayear too late.

    Most CFIT accidents

    happen in poor

    visibility and during the

    take-off and landing

    phases of flight.

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    6Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2

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    7Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2011

    As part of the investigation, TAWS

    manufacturer Honeywell was asked to

    perform simulations of 150- and 250-

    fpm descent into water to determine

    what alerts could have been expected

    had TAWS been installed on the

    accident helicopter. For a descent rate

    of 150fpm that simulation showed

    a caution terrain alert would haveoccurred 97 seconds before impact

    and a warning terrain alert 84 seconds

    before impact.

    At a descent rate of 250fps the

    first alert would have given the crew

    68 seconds before impact and the

    warning, some 55 seconds before



    Numerous scenarios were

    examined to find out what may have

    led the crew to inadvertantly fly into

    water. Four scenarios were deemed tobe the most likely to have occurred.

    Scenario 1. Pilot 2 maintained control

    but did not select altitude mode.

    The first scenario began with FD2

    engaged and with NAV and VS selected

    on the flight director mode selector.

    Pilot 2, in the right seat, then pressed

    SBY on the flight director mode

    selector which cancelled the NAV and

    VS modes and decoupled FD2. With

    the HSI heading bug, pilot 2 changed

    the aircrafts heading 10 degrees tothe right to reflect the flight crewsdecision not to refuel.

    Pilot 2 then pressed HDG on the

    flight director mode selector, coupling

    FD2 again but did not press ALT.

    Because the helicopters power setting

    was not changed and ALT was not

    selected on pilot 2s flight director

    mode selector, the process of making

    the 10-degree turn to the right led

    to a 250-300 fmp descent that was

    maintained after rollout.

    Scenario 2. Pilot 1 coupled the flightdirector but did not select altitudemode.

    The second scenario began withFD2 engaged and coupled; and withNAV and VS selected on the flightdirector mode selector. Pilot 2, in theright seat, transferred control of the

    aircraft to pilot 1, who then selected FD1and the flight director mode selectorwas automatically set to SBY.

    With the HSI heading bug, pilot1 changed the helicopters heading10 degrees to the right. Pilot 1 thenpressed HDG on the flight directormode selector, coupling FD1 but didnot press the ALT button. Becausethe helicopters power setting was notchanged and ALT was not selected onpilot 1s flight director mode selector,the turn to the right led to a 250-300

    fmp descent that was maintained afterrollout.

    Scenario 3. Pilot 1 selected altitudemode but did not couple the flightdirector.

    This scenario began with FD2engaged and coupled, and with NAVand VS selected on the flight directormode selector. Pilot 2 transferredcontrol of the aircraft to pilot 1, whoselected FD1 and then selected CPLon the autopilot controller, whichdecoupled FD1.

    With the HSI heading bug, pilot 1changed heading 10 degrees to theright. Pilot 1 also pressed HDG andthen ALT on the flight director modeselector. Becasue the power setter wasnot altered and FD1 was not coupled,the heading change led to a 250-300fmp descent that was maintained afterrollout.

    Scenario 4. Pilot 1 selected altitudepreselect but did not couple the flightdirector.

    The last scenario began with FD2engaged and coupled, and with NAVand VS selected on the flight directormode selector. Pilot 2 transferredcontrol of the helicopter to pilot 1 ,who selected FD1 and then CPL on theautopilot, which decoupled FD1.

    With the heading bug, pilot onethen changed course 10 degrees tothe right. Pilot 1 pressed HDG and ALTPRE on the flight director selectormode and entered the desired altitude(900 feet) into the AL-300. Pilot 1

    also pressed VS on the flight director

    selector mode and entered the desired

    rate of descent, 200 fpm, with the

    collective. The helicopter descended

    at that rate until reaching the selected

    altitude. However, because the power

    setting was not altered and FD1 was

    not coupled, the heading change led

    to a 250-300 fmp descent that wasmaintained after rollout.


    The US National Transport Safety

    Board investigation found that the

    probable cause of the accident was

    the flight crews failure to identify and

    arrest the helicopters descent for

    undetermined reasons, which resulted

    in controlled flight into terrain.

    Information in this article has been

    taken from the National Transport

    Safety board Aircraft Accident Report


    Investigation into the August 2005accident involving an S-76C thatcrashed into the Baltic Sea soon

    after take-off demonstrated that

    recorded flight data for helicopteroperations was critical for effectiveaccident and incident investigations.

    This aircraft did have an flight

    data recorder installed and the dataretrieved showed that its pitch androll movements were severe duringthe accident sequence and were not

    consistent with the recorded cyclicinputs.

    It is likely that the helicoptersmovement and the cyclics movementwould not have been known without

    FDR data. As a result, investigatorsidentified airworthiness concerns aboutS-76 actuators because the data wasconsistent with a loss of control of the

    forward actuator.

    This was the first accident involving

    a large helicopter for which FDR datawas available.


    It is likely that the

    helicopters movement

    and the cyclics

    movement would not

    have been known

    without FDR data.

  • 5/24/2018 Spotlight Safety Magazine RAAF


    8Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2

    By Jessica Gehler and Dr Adrian Smith

    Do you wear foam earplugs?Have you ever come home from

    work with ringing in your ears

    or difficulty hearing? This is a common

    problem experienced by people who

    wear earplugs, and may be a result of

    something as simple as poor fitting.

    We all know the aviation

    environment whether inside an

    aircraft, on the tarmac or airfield, or

    in a hangar or workshop can be

    very noisy. (Thats why aircrew and

    aviation maintenance personnel need

    to wear hearing protection). In many

    workplaces, foam earplugs are the most

    common form of hearing protection

    worn, either by themselves, or insideear defenders or a flying helmet(so-called double hearing protection).Regrettably, some people might beat risk of developing hearing loss and

    chronic tinnitus (a ringing in the ears)because they dont insert their foamearplugs the right way.

    Noise-induced hearing loss

    Work-related exposure tohazardous levels of noise is a significantoccupational threat around the world.Noise-induced hearing loss is the mostcommon occupational disease in theUS, and is the fourth most commonoccupational disease in Europe. TheAustralian Safety and CompensationCouncil estimates that as many as 28

    to 32 per cent of Australian workers areexposed to potentially-hazardous levelsof noise in the workplace. Occupationalhearing loss is a significant conditionaffecting the Australian workforce,accounting for up to 24 per cent of alldisease-related claims over the last 10years. Hearing loss accounts for 19per cent of all claims for work-relateddiseases in Australia. Occupationalhearing loss costs more than AU$41million each year in compensation.Hearing loss costs the Australian

    community as much as $6.7 billion ayear in lost productivity, a staggeringfigure when you consider estimatesthat as many as 37 per cent of hearingloss in Australia can be attributedto excessive noise exposure in theworkplace!

    In the 2008/9 financial year,occupational noise injuries hearingloss and tinnitus were the twoconditions most frequently acceptedby the Department of VeteransAffairs, and sensorineural hearing

    loss was the second most common

    claim for compensation under the

    Australian Military Rehabilitation and

    Compensation Act.

    Foam earplugs

    The aviation environment is known

    to pose a high risk for noise-induced

    hearing loss, and personnel who

    work in and around ADF aircraft may

    be required to wear foam earplugs

    (either by themselves, or together with

    earmuffs as double hearing protectionUnfortunately, many people think that

    foam earplugs are easy to use so eas

    that many people are never taught ho

    to use them properly.

    Foam earplugs might look simple

    to use, but the reality is that untrained

    users often insert them incorrectly,

    and if not inserted correctly they migh

    provide the wearer with little or no

    protection from noise. On the other

    hand, studies have shown that people

    Foam earplugsAre the instructions falling on deaf ears?

    Photo by LAC Philip Sharpe

    Foam earplugs might

    look simple to use,

    but the reality is thatuntrained users often

    insert them incorrectl

    and if not inserted

    correctly they might

    provide the wearer wi

    little or no protection

    from noise.

  • 5/24/2018 Spotlight Safety Magazine RAAF


    9Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2011

    who are shown how to insert theirearplugs correctly get much better

    protection from noise. Because of this,

    it is important for aircrew and aviation

    maintenance personnel in fact, all ADF

    personnel who are exposed to noise

    to know how to use foam earplugs

    properly if they want to prevent noise-

    induced hearing loss.

    AVMED Project 10/2009

    The importance of preventing noise-

    induced hearing loss in aircrew, and the

    importance of inserting foam earplugscorrectly, led the RAAF Institute of

    Aviation Medicine to evaluate how well

    aircrew were using foam earplugs.

    AVMED Report 10/2009: Real-World

    Attenuation of Foam Earplugsassessed

    the real-world level of noise protection

    provided by foam earplugs used by

    typical aircrew, and compared this

    to the level of noise protection the

    earplugs are capable of providing

    (according to the manufacturers

    specifications). The project also looked

    at the improvement in noise protectionafter aircrew were shown how to insert

    their earplugs correctly.


    Forty-three aircrew (pilots and

    non-pilot aircrew) volunteered to

    participate in the study. Pilots ranged

    in experienced from a few who had just

    completed their basic flying training,

    through to pilots with more than 3000flying hours of experience. They were

    asked to insert foam earplugs as they

    would normally. The earplugs usedwere capable of providing 25-32 dB of

    protection if worn correctly. The study

    recorded the technique used to insert

    the earplugs and the level of noise

    protection they provided before and

    after the participants received a brief

    one-on-one training session to insertthe earplugs correctly.

    Most of the participants (62 per

    cent) had taught themselves how to

    insert the foam earplugs (either by trialand error or by watching how others

    inserted them), and 7 per cent read themanufacturers instructions. Thirty-eight

    percent of participants indicated a flying

    instructor or senior aircrew member

    in the squadron had shown them how

    to insert the foam earplugs. These

    figures are not surprising: typically,

    Defence members would be given foam

    earplugs and told to put these in your

    ears when you are around loud noise,

    and any other training is more likely to

    be a soldiers five demonstration rather

    than a structured training programme.

    This might explain why 56 per cent ofparticipants reported their earplugs

    became dislodged when flying, and 19

    per cent reported temporary deafness

    and ringing in their ears after flying

    (even though they had been wearing

    foam earplugs at the time).


    At the beginning of the study, most

    participants did not observe the proper

    technique to insert earplugs. Only 35

    per cent rolled the earplugs into a

    Photo by LAC Glen McCa

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    10Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2

    narrow crease-free cylinder, and less

    than 20 per cent straightened the ear

    canal, or pushed the earplugs deep into

    the ear canal, or held it in place while

    the foam expanded.

    The average level of noise

    protection afforded by the earplugs

    at the beginning of the study was

    only 15 dB, with 12 per cent receiving

    a level of protection less than 10 dB.

    Of significant concern is that 7 per

    cent received little or no protection

    at all. Remember, these earplugs

    are supposed to provide 25-32 dB of


    Further analysis of the results

    revealed interesting patterns. First,

    there was no difference between

    pilots and non-pilot aircrew in terms

    of the technique used or the level

    of protection from the earplugs

    - both groups performed equally

    poorly. Second, flying experience

    did not determine who used the

    correct technique or who achieved

    good noise protection - experienced

    aircrew (pilots and non-pilot aircrew)

    performed just as poorly as newly-

    qualified pilots and junior aircrew.

    Finally, compared to those who had

    taught themselves, aircrew who had

    been shown how to use earplugs by

    a flying instructor or senior aircrew

    member in the squadron were more

    confident they were using the right

    technique and more confident they

    were getting optimum protection

    but they were no more likely to use

    the proper technique or obtain a good

    level of noise protection than those

    who were self-taught. Not surprisingly,

    aircrew who read the manufacturers

    instructions achieved significantly

    better noise protection.

    After undergoing a brief one-on-

    one training session, all participants

    correctly followed the six-stepinsertion technique, and this wasaccompanied by a significantimprovement in the level of noiseprotection provided by the foamearplugs. On average, the level ofnoise protection experienced by thegroup increased by 11 dB 1. The averalevel of noise protection after traininwas 25 dB, meaning that most of thegroup were able to achieve a level of

    noise protection as good as, or bettethan, the level advertised by themanufacturer of the earplugs. Beforetraining, only 28 per cent of the

    1With noise measurements, a 3-dB change

    in the noise level is a doubling of the noise

    energy and it is the overall noise energy

    that is the risk for noise-induced hearing

    loss. So, an 11-dB increase in noise protectio

    means that the amount of noise energy the

    person is exposed has been reduced by a

    factor of 16!







    Roll earplugs Straighten ear


    Push earplugs

    in deeply

    Hold while

    foam expands





    Before training

    After training

    Figure 1. This graph shows the percentage of participants who correctly followed the steps to insert foam earplugs

    properly, in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. At the beginning of the study, few people knew how to

    insert their earplugs correctly.

  • 5/24/2018 Spotlight Safety Magazine RAAF


    11Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2011

    participants were able to achieve this

    level of noise protection. The most

    interesting observation was that the

    level of hearing protection achieved

    was directly proportional to how deep

    the earplugs were pushed into the ear

    canal the deeper they were inserted,

    the more noise they blocked out.

    The training given to the

    participants of this project was simple.

    Dr Smith, the AVMED researcher

    who conducted this study, gave each

    participant a one-on-one briefing

    and then showed them a series of

    30-second video clips supplied by an

    earplug manufacturer. Even though the

    training was simple, it was well-received

    by the participants of the study. Most of

    the participants (98 per cent) believed

    the technique demonstrated to themduring the study was better than their

    current technique, and they intended to

    adopt and continue to use the newly-

    taught technique rather than continuing

    to insert earplugs the way they had

    done before.


    Even though Defence provides

    foam earplugs to people working in

    noisy work environments, people might

    still be at risk of noise-induced hearing

    loss if they dont use the earplugs


    Foam earplugs that are not

    inserted correctly can offer little or

    no protection from noise, and this

    can increase the risk of developing

    noise-induced hearing loss later in

    life. However, following the basic steps

    outlined in this article will ensure that

    ADF personnel are able to insert their

    earplugs correctly, enabling them toget optimum protection when they are

    exposed to potentially hazardous levels

    of noise in their workplace.

    Hearing protection and the correct

    use of foam earplugs is not just about

    the workplace. Knowing how to insert

    earplugs correctly is also important for

    friends and family members who are

    exposed to noise in other areas of their

    life rock concerts, motor sport, or

    operating power tools or machinery.

    Noise-induced hearing loss is often

    irreversible. Foam earplugs might seem

    easy to use, but this study has shown

    that they are easy to use badly. Give

    yourself the best protection learn

    how to use earplugs properly: roll, pull,

    push, hold, and check.

    Figure 2. Each x indicates how much noise was being blocked out by the earplugs inserted during this study. Note:

    earplugs inserted correctly should be able to provide a level of protection of 25-32 dB (indicated by the two horizontal lines

    across the middle of the graph). At the start of the study, very few people achieve a satisfactory level of hearing protection,

    with many getting little or no protection from their earplugs.

    Even though Defence

    provides foam

    earplugs to people

    working in noisy work

    environments, people

    might still be at risk of

    noise-induced hearing

    loss if they dont use

    the earplugs correctly.

  • 5/24/2018 Spotlight Safety Magazine RAAF


    12Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2

    Further information

    For further information, contact:

    Dr Adrian Smith

    Specialist Aviation Medical Officer

    ArmyRAAF Institute of Aviation Medicine

    [email protected]

    Ph: (08) 7383 3169


    Australian Safety and CompensationCouncil (ASCC). Work-related noise-induced hearing loss in Australia.

    Canberra:Australian Safety andCompensation Council; 2006

    Australian Safety and CompensationCouncil (ASCC). National hazardexposure surveillance noise exposureand provision of noise control measures

    in Australian workplaces.Canberra:Australian Safety and CompensationCouncil; 2009

    Campbell J. Cost of veterans MilitaryRehabilitation and CompensationAct rises 280 per cent.The SundayMail(Qld), 21 February 2010.Viewed 1 April 2010, .

    Concha-Barrientos M, Campbell-Lendrum

    D, Stennland K, editors. Occupational

    noiseassessing the burden of diseasefrom work-related hearing impairment at

    national and local levels. Geneva: World

    Health Organization; 2004

    Franks JR, Stephenson MR, Merry

    CJ, editors. Preventing occupational

    hearing loss a practical guide. NIOSH

    Publication 96-110. Cincinnati, OH:

    National Institute of Occupational Safety

    and Health (NIOSH); 1996

    National Institute for OccupationalSafety and Health (NIOSH). Noise andhearing loss prevention. Viewed 7 Apri2010,

  • 5/24/2018 Spotlight Safety Magazine RAAF


    13Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2011

    Story and photos by WGCDR Ben Cook

    Who would think that a significant

    highlight after 19 years militaryservice within the transport,

    instructional and aviation safety world

    by a guy who never wanted to fly fast

    jets (largely due to a brain with a slow

    processor) would be the opportunity

    to live in close quarters with 20+ fighter

    pilots and their support personnel fornine days; and the inclusion of early

    morning starts and long days.

    Recent field work by DDAAFS

    Human and Systems Performance

    section and AVMED Human Factors

    specialist Mr Mark Corbett, using

    contemporary fatigue science to better

    monitor and manage human fatigue

    for the fighter combat instructor (FCI)

    course, provided a valuable insight into

    the operational world, including an

    ongoing habit of shooting my watch off1to describe the experience.

    FCI course is run every two yearsand produces an average of five FCIs

    each course. The experience helpedrefine what we already know aboutmaximising high performance in the

    ADF. High performance comes aboutthrough a high level of trust, teamwork,

    and professional discipline, even whenconfronted with higher levels of stressand fatigue.

    The experience with 2OCUalso provided further practicalreinforcement of some contemporary

    material regarding bright spots andtrust. The material is being reviewed

    by DDAAFS HSP, with the aim ofincorporating these into existing andnew DDAAFS training courses. The

    contemporary practices have thepotential to make improvements in

    your own life, workplace and to improveefficiency across the broader ADF.

    The nine days with the FCIs and theirsupport staff was one big bright spot.

    So whats this bright-spot concept?Brothers, Chip and Dan Heath2in theirbook Switch: How to Change ThingsWhen Change is Hardincorporate

    the search for bright spots as

    essential steps for successful changemanagement.

    The term bright spot stems fromJerry Sternin, who was working for

    an international organisation thathelps children in need. In 1990, when

    confronted with an almost impossibletask regarding a malnutrition problemin Vietnam, Jerry sought to find small

    pockets of what was going right fromwhich he and his team built in orderto overcome significant obstacles. Six

    months later 65 per cent of the children

    Fighting fit:Bright spots & fighter pilots

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    14Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2

    were better nourished. (The full story isin Switch3.)

    The broad aim is to avoid focusingon the negatives whats not working,whats not going well. Often, the reasonwe have trouble moving forward isbecause of a negative spiral that canquickly lead to discontent and a sense

    of being overwhelmed and lost. Forexample, many of our safety managers(WASOs, ASOs, MASOs, BASOs4et cetera.) have at times becomeoverwhelmed because of excessiveworkload. This can lead to becomingstuck in the rut of continually seeing thenegatives to the detriment of makingpositive and pro-active improvements tothe safety system.

    Take a more personal example ofhuman behaviour when confronted withyour childs school report card. What

    would you do if your son or daughtercame home with one A, four Bs and oneF? Many of us would focus on the F andstart asking for answers. You may evenstart building up some unnecessaryemotion for little positive gain and goas far as grounding them for their poorresult. But, what if you recognised thishuman trait (that is a natural tendencyto focus on the negatives) and insteadfocused on the A. Asking your childabout the environment that enabledthe A to be achieved and why that

    environment helped produce suchpositive outcomes? Now, its time tocompare what produced the A (brightspots) and ask whats different about

    the environment and conditions thathave resulted in the F. The aim is toidentify the strengths (bright spots)and work out how to further build onthose strengths. Just as this appliesto our personal lives, experience hasshown that this process (focusing onbright spots) is particularly critical fororganisations that successfully managechange.

    As many of you will be aware, theADF (like most large organisations)experiences change on a regular basis.

    The Heath brothers said in Switch:

    To pursue bright spots is to ask thequestion whats working, and how canwe do more of it. Yet, in the real world,

    this obvious question is almost neverasked. Instead the question we ask ismore problem focused: whats brokenand how do we fix it?

    Now getting back to the FCI courseand the tenacity and dedication of the

    staff and trainees from 2OCU. Endurinlong hours of mission planning, briefinexecution and debriefing demonstrate

    a strong culture of striving forperfection. I believe the nine days withthe FCIs was an opportunity to seemany bright spots.

    It requires professional disciplineand tenacity to adhere to the typical

    routine of 2OCU, particularly towardsthe end of FCI course, which for many

    has involved 12+ hour days, six days peweek for the past six months; hence thmonitoring of human fatigue.

    The final few days involved: an earmorning start (2am), frag drop5, manyhours of mission preparation, a two-hour mission brief (for example missio

    commander overview, navigation,tanker flow, communications plan,range procedures, tactical and strikeflow), another early start (2am) the ne

    morning to fly the mission, and finallya lengthy debrief, at times lasting up to

    six hours.The reason 2OCU produces some

    of the worlds best fighter pilots is

    the hours of meticulous planning,execution and debriefs, while all thetime observing a strong culture of trusthat allows and encourages all involve

    to critically analyse and learn from themistakes.

    When I consider bright spots,

    the precision and resilience of this

    system to human error is the best

    Ive seen. That is, the standard

    operating procedures, high trainingstandards and shared mental models

    allow the aircrew to maintain very

    good situational awareness (SA) and

    resilience to the consequences of

    errors, even when errors occur. This

    a dynamic system, at times 22 FA-18

    aircraft operating between 500 and

    41,000 feet, at speeds of 450+ knots

    providing air-to-air combat, destroyin

    targets while maintaining SA of the

    bigger picture, what everyone else is


    Ultimately, it comes

    down to a desire to

    continually improve

    and to take some time

    each day to debrief for

    growth, regardless ofwhether youre flying

    aircraft or sitting

    behind a computer

    screen in Canberra.

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    15Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2011

    From a personal perspective,

    spending extended periods of time

    with high performers leads to higher

    performance. I have found my owndesire to improve both personally and

    professionally has been strengthened

    simply by observing what these guys

    do day after day. Its made some of

    the challenges in my own workplaceappear more trivial and provided me an

    enhanced vigour to tackle them.

    It also has me questioning my ownsense of tenacity in the workplace with

    a desire to improve my own resilience

    and to treat activities that dont go so

    well as great opportunities for growth.

    Another key outcome from the

    experience is the strong focus ondebriefing SA what was helping to

    provide SA, and lessons to be learnt

    when SA degraded. Ultimately, it

    comes down to a desire to continuallyimprove and to take some time each

    day to debrief for growth, regardless ofwhether youre flying aircraft or sitting

    behind a computer screen in Canberra.

    I have a thought for anyone

    in a challenging job whos feeling

    overwhelmed and having difficulty

    seeing any positives, for example

    a safety manager struggling to get

    their head above water. Its time to

    look for the bright spots. If you cant

    see any within your own workplace

    then find another workplace that you

    believe is performing a similar role

    well and spend some time with them

    to discover why? The Heath brothersremind us this is particularly necessary

    during times of change, given a larger

    number of activities may not be going

    as well as expected because of the

    increased workload and additional

    tasks needed to make change happen.

    Focusing the team on the small but

    gradual successes, particularly when

    surrounded by multiple challenges,

    becomes critical in winning the hearts and minds battle in managing changeto achieve desirable outcomes. Anyopportunity to find bright spots can reempower individuals or teams to bettertackle their own challenges.

    So what about trust? StephenCovey6in his book The Speed of Trust:

    The One Thing That Changes Everythinghighlights that society is in a crisis oftrust that always affects two outcomes speed and cost.

    If we consider something criticalto sustained military capability suchas effective communication andlinking this back to trust, Covey says7In a high-trust relationship, youcan say the wrong thing, and peoplewill still get your meaning. In a low-trust relationship, you can be verymeasured, even precise, and theyll still

    misinterpret you.Covey also cites numerous

    examples of changes within societyand organisations, with research fromcompanies citing a sharp decline intrust8.

    I believe the ADF is sitting wellabove the average from this research,as indicated across various Defencesurveys; for example, the 2010 Air

    So a thought for

    anyone in a challenging

    job whos feeling

    overwhelmed and

    having difficulty seeing

    any positives ... is that

    its time to look for the

    bright spots.

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    16Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2

    Force Safety Culture Survey found 78per cent of personnel believe Air Forcehas a strong management commitmenttowards safety. This can only be achievedthrough a strong trust relationship.

    Its a reminder that trust is hard,real, quantifiable, and measurable

    and continues to provide significantenhancement to efficiency and costwithin systems. And if we link trust toleadership as Covey says leadershipis getting results in a way that inspirestrust. It also means that leaders mustprovide opportunities for personnel tolearn from their mistakes and to providea culture that makes it safe for thatto happen, similar to that achieved by2OCU. As a leader or supervisor, if you

    havent considered trust as a key forcemultiplier, Coveys book is recommended

    reading. Furthermore, how you establishtrust within your personal life has thepotential to improve your capacity tostrengthen trust within your workplace.

    And you dont see stronger lines

    of trust than a system (FCI course)

    that requires meticulous attention

    to detail from the life-support team,

    maintainers and aircrew, all of which

    result in the ability to authorise a

    trainee FCI, with 600 hours on the

    FA-18, to lead a 14-ship formation into a

    simulated World War Three.

    My experience with 2OCU also

    highlighted the significant value of

    retaining corporate experience, in this

    case through the specialist aircrew

    scheme; which has grown a training

    system with a depth of experience

    and knowledge through extensive use

    of mentoring for improved training


    Many of us in ADF support rolescontinue to work extremely hard tomove the broader ADF system forwardfor sustained and improved operationcapability. But, we must not forget

    that the view from the operationalenvironment, those men and womenthat continue to serve their country inhostile environments and/or train todeliver military capability, those in thefront and back of aircraft, trucks, tank

    ships and deployed bases, can be a littdifferent to ours.

    In addition to seeking bright spots,we must make sure that we maximiseand grow our trust relationship tounlock the significant gains it affordsin both cost and speed across all areas

    of the ADF. This includes a focus on allsystems (financial, logistics, projectset cetera) as even simple elementsof our system have the capacity toerode trust. For example, we mustensure that under SRP9we not onlyreview our organisational structure,but also our processes in all areas toensure we engender trust and henceimprovements in cost and speed.

    Through overbearing process wecan erode trust to the detriment ofempowering individuals to take contro

    In addition to seeking

    bright spots, we

    must make sure

    that we maximise

    and grow our trust

    relationship to unlock

    the significant gains it

    affords with both cost

    and speed across all

    areas of the ADF.

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    17Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2011

    1 Shooting your watch off is the use

    of your hands when on the ground

    to help describe various aircraft

    manoeuvres and a core trait of fighter


    2 Chip Heath is Professor from the

    Graduate School of Business at

    Stanford University, Dan Heath is

    Senior Fellow at Duke University

    3 Heath, C & Heath, D 2010, Switch:

    How to Change Things When Change

    is Hard, Broadway Books, New York.

    4 Wing Aviation Safety Officer (WASO);

    Maintenance Aviation Safety Officer

    (MASO); Aviation Safety Officer (ASO);

    Base Aviation Safety Officer (BASO).


    A frag drop is the term used todescribe the strategic tasking from

    the commander, which forms the

    basis for further mission planning and

    tactics to achieve the commanders


    6 Stephen Covey is co-founder and

    CEO of CoveyLink and keynote

    speaker, author and advisor on

    trust, leadership, ethics and high


    7 Covey, M 2006, The Speed of

    Trust: The One Thing That Changes

    Everything, Free Press, New York.8 Stephen Covey cites some research

    within his book that found only 51

    per cent of employees have trust and

    confidence in senior management,

    only 36 per cent of employees

    believe their leaders act with honesty

    and integrity, and over the past 12

    months 76 per cent of employees

    have observed illegal or unethical

    conduct on the job conduct which,

    if exposed, would seriously violate

    public trust.9 Strategic Reform Program.

    and to apply initiative and commonsensefor improved system efficiency.

    As I watched a trainee FCI wage asimulated WW3, it crossed my mind thatwe may not have the trust balance quiteright. We trust this trainee to lead millionsof dollars of capability into a simulated warand when this same person moves into a

    commanding-officer role we must ensurewe afford them the trust necessary tomanage all aspects of their squadron asthey transition into the senior leadershipand management phase of their militarycareer.

    All jobs have their highs and lows butsometimes our recollection of the brightspots we once found can become a littletarnished through time and repetition. Itis worthwhile getting back into the fieldto observe some other bright spots. It ismotivating and refreshes our operational

    understanding of what is expected fromfront-line people and how we can bettersupport their needs.

    A personal thanks to 2OCU staff,trainees and the extended Aces Northteam for highlighting the practical benefitsof trust and the opportunity to experiencea bright spot in the ADF. Particular thanksto SQNLDR Andrew (Jacko) Jackson,who ran one of the most successfulFCI courses to date. And a final word ofcaution regarding fatigue management:be aware of the Friday-night card game,that is, a quiet night on base intended toimprove fatigue as anything that involvescompetition can finish far later thanoriginally planned.


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    18Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2

    By LCDR Al Byrne

    Several months after thepromulgation of amendment

    2 (AL2) to the aircrafts Flight

    Reference Cards(FRCs) a squadron

    aircrew member was incorporating a

    subsequent amendment and discovere

    the final pages (pages 23/24) of the

    emergencies reference section were

    missing from his checklist.

    When he approached the

    base technical library and sourcedappropriate replacement pages, he

    was told library staff that three other

    squadron aircrew had reported similar

    discrepencies. This news prompted

    squadron command staff to direct all

    squadron aircrew operating the aircra

    type to conduct an immediate full pag

    by-page muster of their publications.

    A further two (for a total of six) set

    of FRCs exhibited the same discrepenc

    while about 15 were correctly amende

    Notably, the six offending sets of FRCs

    were held by a broad cross-section ofunit aircrew, ranging from quite junior

    aircrew to very senior. All six aircrew

    had, on incorporation of AL2, signed o

    as having incorporated the amendmen

    and subsequently page checked the

    publication in accordance with its list o

    effective pages (LEP). The LEP supplie

    with the amendment correctly listed

    the full 24 pages of the emergencies


    DDAAFS comment

    How did six trained aircrew (ofwidely varying experience) manage

    to somehow lose the same page from

    their FRCs? The units investigation

    revealed that AL2s incorporation

    instructions had called for the remova

    and replacement of pages 1-22 of the

    24-page emergencies section, with

    pages 23/24 remaining effective at the

    previous amendment status.

    While it could not be positively

    determined, it is likely that each

    Photo by ABPH Evan Murphy

    Say amend to that

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    19Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2011

    member simply removed and destroyed

    24 old pages and replaced them with

    22 new pages. The control designed

    into the amendment process to ensure

    recovery from such errors is the

    required subsequent page-by-page

    muster of the publication. Its clear that

    this control was ineffective.

    This example lends itself to

    consideration of contemporary error-management theory1, which lists three

    tools or techniques to help individuals

    ensure that they do not similarly slip:

    D Detail

    Attention to detail. Over time,

    shortcuts, personal techniques and

    an attitude of good enough erodes

    our attention to detail. Eventually,

    experience becomes our enemy. Fight

    it by practicing precision in ALL routine


    D Diligence

    Every time, all the time. Diligence

    is the detail work done with care and

    concentration each and every time,

    all the way until the last step is done,

    the last parts stop moving, and the

    handover, debrief and paperwork

    are completed. Practice procedural

    perfection and it WILL become second


    D Discipline

    Resist temptations to deviate. When

    we ask someone to do the right thing,

    this is an issue of professional ethics.

    Without the discipline to resist the

    temptation to deviate, a single act of

    non-compliance can instantly remove

    margins of safety provided by policies,

    procedures and technical guidance.

    If you have allowed yourself to fall

    into a casual habit of non-compliance,

    application of this 3D approach will

    help re-establish the habits of a real


    1Convergent Performance, LLC 2011

    Photo by ABIS Andrew Dakin

    This example lends

    itself to consideration

    of contemporary error

    management theory1,

    which lists three tools

    or techniques to help

    individuals ensure

    that they do not

    similarly slip.

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    20Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2

    Capital turbulence

    In early 2010 a Grumman Travellerwas preparing to land in the national

    capital following a short flight from

    Temora in NSW. Runway 35 was in use

    at the time with the wind at 20 degrees

    magnetic at 10 knots and a temperature

    of 30 C.

    As there were other aircraft ahead

    of the Traveller and air traffic control

    considered Runway 12 to be useable,

    this option was offered to the pilot. Thepilot considered Runway 12 suitable as

    the crosswind was within his aircrafts

    operating limitations.

    The pilot reported that at about

    4.30 pm just past the threshold

    markings on approach to Runway 12 and

    at an altitude of 150 feet above ground

    level (AGL), the aircraft encountered

    severe turbulence that resulted in an

    uncommanded roll to the right of about

    60 degrees from the horizontal. The

    pilot quickly used full-left aileron to

    restore control before landing slightly

    past the marked touchdown zone.

    Meteorological information

    On the day of the incident, the

    conditions at the airfield were suitable

    for visual flight and the Automatic

    Terminal Information Service (ATIS)

    juliet was current for the arrival and

    accessed by the pilot. There was

    no indication in ATIS of turbulenceaffecting the airfield at that time,

    including that resulting from thermal

    activity relating to the ambient

    temperature. ATIS kilo was reported

    15 minutes later with no change to the

    wind conditions or duty runway.

    The Bureau of Meteorology (BoM)

    Manual of Aviation Meteorology(second

    edition) states that any obstruction

    to the wind flow at the time, including

    buildings and trees would produce

    disturbed air, manifested as wind shea

    and mechanical turbulence.

    An examination of the conditions

    during the occurrence and the possibl

    effect on the aircrafts approach and

    landing was request by the ATSB. In its

    report, the BoM advised that barriers t

    wind flow have the potential to induce

    downstream turbulent conditions that

    can be particularly hazardous to low-

    flying aircraft.Turbulence induces in-flight

    bumpiness without necessarily

    influencing an aircrafts flight path

    significantly, unless of extreme intensit

    The intensity of any turbulence is

    specified by the BoM according to the

    perceived effect on the aircraft and

    occupants and is classified as being

    light, moderate, severe or extreme.

    While light-to-moderate turbulence

    may make a flight uncomfortable,

    The effect of obstructions on wind flow and aviation operation

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    severe turbulence could cause an

    aircraft to roll and pitch violently and

    may lead to a loss of control.

    The combination of surface wind

    and obstacles to the wind flow that

    are situated upwind of an approach or

    departure path, such as large buildings,

    low hills or close-planted stands of

    tall trees can create localised areas

    of low-level wind shear. The effect of

    those upwind obstacles on the wind

    flow depends on several factors, the

    most important being wind speed and

    orientation relative to the obstacle and

    the size of the obstacle in relation to the

    runway dimensions.

    The most commonly encountered

    wind shear and turbulence of this type,

    particularly at smaller airfields, is that

    caused by buildings in the vicinity of

    a runway. The height of any buildingsis regulated in proportion to their

    distance from the edge of the relevant

    runway strip to ensure that they do

    not constitute an obstacle to aircraft

    during takeoff and landing.The lateral

    dimensions of aerodrome buildings

    tends to be large and, for commercial

    and other reasons, the buildings may be

    grouped together in the same area. This

    means that while aerodrome buildings

    (including commercial buildings,

    passenger terminals, hangars and multi-storey car parks) are of comparatively

    low height, they present a wide and solid

    barrier to the surface wind flow.

    In such circumstances, the wind

    flow is diverted around and over the

    buildings causing the surface wind

    to vary along the runway. Horizontal

    wind shear, which is normally localised,

    shallow and turbulent, is of particular

    concern to light aircraft but has also

    been known to affect larger aircraft.

    In the case of low-flying aircraft, any

    significant eddies and gusts experiencedduring takeoff and landing may place

    the aircraft in a dangerous and possibly

    irrecoverable position.

    In its report into the conditions that

    affected the aircrafts arrival, the BoM

    estimated that for smaller impermeable

    barriers such as trees and buildings,

    turbulence is estimated to occur up to

    twice the height of the barrier vertically

    and an equivalent distance downwind of

    up to 15 times the height of the barrier.

    Note: Information in this article has been

    sourced fromATSB Transport Safety Report

    AO-2010-008 Turbulence Event Canberra

    Aerodrome, ACT 31 January 2010 VH-ERP

    Grumman Traveller AA-5.

    Unexpected low-level windshear

    constitutes a significant hazardto aircraft during takeoff and

    landing. It is identified as a change in

    wind speed and/or direction over a

    relatively short distance. These changes

    occur with height (vertical windshear) or

    lateral distance (horizontal windshear).

    The conditions cause changes in

    airspeed and flight path with occasional

    disastrous consequences.

    Meteorological conditions

    Hazardous low-level windshear canbe associated with a wide variety of

    meteorological phenomena, including

    mountain lee waves and eddies,

    nocturnal, boundary-layer jetstreams,

    sea breezes and cold frontal systems,

    thunderstorms and other precipitating

    convective storm systems and large

    amplitude solitary wave disturbances.

    Meteorological conditions

    commonly associated with windshear

    conditions include terrain-induced

    downdrafts at Nowra, Perth and Pearce

    and thunderstorm situations at Sydney

    and Brisbane.

    For aircraft at low level on approach

    to land, safety margins in height, speed

    and time are relatively small. If the

    wind change is rapid enough to exceed

    the aircrafts acceleration capacity and

    is large enough to match its airspeed

    margin over the minimum approach

    speed for the given configuration, then

    a potential hazard exists.For an aircraft making a stable

    approach on the required glidepath,

    if a rapid reduction in headwind is

    encountered then the initial effects are

    those of a rapid reduction of airspeed

    and a deviation below glide path,

    resulting in an undershot effect. This

    requires a power increase to regain

    airspeed and return to glidepath.

    However, once restabilised with the

    reduced wind magnitude, the power

    setting will be less that originally used

    before the windshear encounter.

    An aircraft taking off into the same

    wind structure will experience a rapid

    increase in airspeed and increased

    climb performance with deviation above

    the expected climb path. Conversely, if

    an aircraft on approach encounters a

    rapid increase in headwind, the initial

    effects are a rapid increase in airspeed

    and deviation above glidepath that is,

    an overshoot effect.

    A secondary hazard can arise if

    the aircraft has a high rate of descent,

    reduced power and decaying airspeed

    while close to the ground. In addition to

    changes of wind flow in the horizontal

    plane, vertical wind flow causes

    windshear. Downdrafts caused by

    lee-side eddies and thunderstorms are

    examples of this effect.

    Wind shear

    While light-to-moderate

    turbulence may make

    a flight uncomfortable,

    severe turbulence

    could cause an aircraftto roll and pitch

    violently and may lead

    to a loss of control.

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    22Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2

    By Ed Brotak

    Accurate weather forecastsare crucial to the aviationindustry. The greatest concern

    is, of course, the safety of flight crews,

    passengers and the aircraft they are in

    The economic implications are also

    enormous. Knowing weather conditionat the departure and arrival locations

    and along the flight route is critical

    to an industry in which, literally, time

    is money. From the meteorological

    point of view, the needs of the aviation

    community have often driven advance

    in weather forecasting for everybody.

    Aviation interests are mainly

    concerned with forecasts for the next

    day or so, the realm of the terminal

    aerodrome forecasts (TAFs). In terms o

    standard forecasting, this is considere

    a short-range forecast. Also, there are

    more weather elements of concern

    to pilots than those in the forecasts

    produced for the general population.

    A standard public forecast includes sky

    condition, precipitation, temperatures,

    and wind. TAFs include wind and

    precipitation forecasts, but also visibilit

    and specific cloud and/or ceiling

    heights, and they have much greater


    Overall, aviation weather forecasts

    are very accurate. The most recentstatistics for the United States show

    that critical instrument flight rules (IFR

    conditions are correctly forecast 64 pe

    cent of the time, with a false alarm rat

    of 36 per cent.

    But the old meteorologists adage

    is: The forecasts you miss are the one

    they remember.

    To understand why some forecasts

    are incorrect, we must examine how

    weather forecasts are made.

    Why good forecasts

    go badEvery now and then even the best toolsresult in little more than a guess

    Photo by SGT Daniel Cividin

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    To forecast tomorrows weather, we

    must know the state of the atmosphere

    now. The better we can depict the

    current weather, the more accurate the

    forecast will be. Surface observations of

    temperature, humidity, winds, pressure,

    current weather, et cetera, are taken

    at thousands of stations around the

    world. Some observations are done by

    automated sensors, others are done by

    people. Surface aviation observations

    meteorological terminal aviation routine

    weather reports (METARs) are taken

    at least every hour and more frequently

    in the form of special reports (SPECIs)

    if dictated by adverse or changing

    weather conditions. The official

    meteorological surface observations are

    taken every three hours at designated

    government stations.

    Upper-level observations are

    done twice-a-day from far fewer sites.

    Balloon-borne instrument packs, or

    radiosondes, send back information

    about temperature, humidity andpressure at different heights in the

    atmosphere. In addition, tracking of

    the radiosondes provides data on wind

    direction and speed at various levels.

    Data from weather radar have been

    available since the 1950s. The first

    weather satellite was launched in 1960.

    Today we have many weather satellites

    providing an abundance of data,

    especially at upper levels and in remote

    regions of the world.

    The forecast tools or methods used

    by meteorologists vary with the time

    period being forecast. With forecasts

    going out to six hours in the future, the

    time period critical for many aviation

    purposes, meteorologists rely heavily on

    current observational data derived from

    official site observations, satellites and,

    when precipitation is involved, radar.

    If there is little weather system

    movement, a simple persistence

    forecast may suffice. If a terminal issocked in with fog, most likely that

    location will have fog in the next hour,

    too. Often, when weather systems are

    moving, continuity forecasts indicate

    when clouds and/or precipitation will

    move into or out of an area. Clouds are

    tracked by satellite to determine speed

    and direction of movement.

    Weather radar can provide the same

    information for precipitation. A simple

    continuity forecast just assumes the

    clouds or precipitation will continue

    to move at the same speed and in thesame direction.

    The most difficult situation for

    forecasting clouds and/or precipitation

    via the continuity method is one in

    which clouds or precipitation form at

    a location rather than being advected

    that is, being transported by the

    wind. Although not the norm, this does

    happen, particularly where there are

    orographic effects, or air flow disturbed

    by topographic features.

    For forecasts beyond six hours,

    meteorologists rely heavily on

    numerical and statistical models.

    Numerical weather prediction has been

    viable since 1960. Prior to that, weather

    forecasting was more seat of the

    pants, with meteorologists collecting as

    much data about the current situation

    as possible and making forecasts using

    their own experience, knowledge and


    Meteorologists theorised that

    the atmosphere must obey the basiclaws of physics. By stating these laws

    as mathematical equations, real

    observations from the atmosphere

    could be used to generate a

    mathematical model of the atmosphere.

    By using time derivatives, the equations

    could be solved for future times, thus

    giving weather forecasts.

    However, the inability to do all

    the calculations required, especially

    in a timely manner, made numerical

    Knowing weather

    conditions at the

    departure and arrival

    locations and along the

    flight route is critical

    to an industry in which,

    literally, time is money.

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    24Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2

    weather prediction just a dream

    until the development of computers

    beginning in the 1940s. These ultimate

    number crunchers were exactly what

    were needed to make the dream a

    reality. By 1960, some computer-

    generated forecasts became superiorto anything that could be done by

    hand. In time, numerical weather

    prediction would become the norm,

    with the meteorologists role relegated

    to tweaking the computer guidance

    to allow for variations that could not be

    incorporated in the models.

    Even though the numerical models

    improved with time, they were still

    limited in what weather elements they

    could actually forecast. They were very

    good at producing a picture of what

    various layers of the atmosphere wouldlook like in the future, but they werent

    designed to predict the parameters,

    especially at the surface, that both

    the general public and the aviation

    community needed elements like

    temperature, chances of precipitation

    and visibility. Realising these model

    shortcomings, meteorologists turned to


    By using regression analysis

    establishing a relationship between

    variables to allow the prediction of

    one variable based on changes in the

    other meteorologists could now relate

    elements not predicted by the models

    to ones that were.

    For example, numerical models do

    not predict the chance of rain or snow,the probability of precipitation (PoP).

    But the models do forecast the amounts

    of moisture at the standard cloud-level

    of 10,000 ft. One can then statistically

    relate the amount of moisture at this

    level to the occurrence in the past of

    precipitation at the surface. In that

    way, computer-generated forecasts of

    cloud level moisture could be used to

    forecast the PoP. Statistical relationships

    can be made with any variable as long

    as there is a physical cause and effect.

    In other words, computers could nowforecast anything. These forecasts were

    called MOS model output statistics

    developed in the late 1970s and a staple

    of todays weather forecasts.

    In simple terms, MOS is just a

    memory system. The computer

    remembers past weather situations.

    It is an analog forecaster it relates a

    situation it sees now to situations it has

    seen in the past. It assumes a similar

    situation will produce similar sensible

    weather. Interestingly, many intuitive

    meteorologists do the same thing in

    making a forecast. They may not even

    realise that they are subconsciously

    remembering past analog situations

    while making the current forecast.

    But, like any statistical forecastingscheme, MOS has its limitations.

    The forecast is only as good as the

    relationship between the predicted

    element and the predictor. There are n

    perfect relationships in meteorology, n

    correlation coefficients of 1.

    For example, a particular moisture

    value at 10,000 ft doesnt always

    correspond with the same PoP. There

    are a range of values possible, with

    the distribution of possible variables

    usually being normal that is, followin

    the classic bell-shaped curve. In our

    example, the forecast PoP produced

    by MOS is the most likely outcome,

    but there are no guarantees. Like any

    statistical technique, the more origina

    data you have to make the relationshi

    the better the forecast.

    There are a variety of potential

    error sources for MOS forecasts. If

    the numerical model that creates the

    basic forecast is incorrect, then the

    MOS it produces will also be inaccurate

    Unusual or rare weather events willnot be forecast well since there are

    very few analog situations to establish

    the statistical relationships. In reality,

    the relationship between two variables

    can change depending on the time of

    year. The statistical equations used are

    modified several times a year, but not

    often enough to catch all the changes

    Overall, there are a few basic thing

    that can be said about weather foreca

    accuracy. In general, short-range

    forecasts are more than 90 per cent

    accurate. It is easier to forecast good

    weather than bad weather. Fortunately

    for most locations, fair weather

    visual flight rules conditions is more

    common. High-pressure areas which

    usually bring fair weather tend to be

    larger and are handled well by the

    numerical models. Situations which

    bring clouds and precipitation tend to

    be dominated by smaller-scale weathe

    features which are difficult for the

    computer models to predict.

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    25Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2011

    There are a number of other

    reasons why weather forecasts can go

    wrong. As stated before, to forecast

    the future weather, we must know

    the current state of the atmosphere.

    Anything we miss can come up and bite

    us later. Only North America and Europehave enough weather-reporting stations

    to give an accurate depiction of current

    weather. Much of the less-developed

    regions of the world and the vast ocean

    areas are underreported.

    One of the original problems with

    numerical weather forecasting remains

    today: the time constraint. Forecasts

    still have to be produced in a timely

    fashion. Compromises have to be made

    in the numerical models so they can be

    run quickly by the computer. Whether

    its in the size of the region covered,the span of the time steps used in the

    calculations or changes in the basic

    physics of the model itself, any and all of

    these can influence forecast accuracy.

    Some of the problems with weather

    forecasts stem from the fact that,

    frankly, we dont fully understand

    everything that goes on in the

    atmosphere. There is a wide variety

    of factors that influence the weather.

    Taken individually, most of these are

    straightforward cause and effect. But,

    in the real world, a wide variety offorces are in play at the same time. It is

    difficult and sometimes impossible to

    judge which factors will be dominant,

    or which factors will cancel each other

    out. Added to this are the myriad of

    interactions possible. This is not like

    performing experiments in a lab under

    controlled conditions. The atmosphere

    is our lab, and anything goes.

    And for weather forecasting, as

    well as most other things, we have to

    allow for the implications of unforeseen

    events. This is captured in the chaos

    theory. In the early 1960s, pioneering

    meteorologist Edward Lorenz applied

    the chaos theory to weather. Poetically,

    he described how a butterfly flapping

    its wings could set up air currentsthat, under the right conditions, could

    alter the weather many miles away.

    And, as we all know, you cant forecast


    Aviation forecasts are inherently

    more difficult to prepare than standard

    public forecasts. They have to be much

    more precise. In terms of time periods,

    standard forecasts for the public work

    in 12-hour increments with general

    references to events. Increasing

    cloudiness during the day with a chance

    of rain by the afternoon would be atypical forecast. Aviation forecasts often

    need to be broken down by the hour

    when conditions warrant. And pilots

    need to know about specific cloud

    heights and visibilities, elements which

    are, by nature, very difficult to forecast.

    Also, public forecasts cover a wide area.

    TAFs are for particular sites.

    Dan Miller and Jonathan Lamb, two

    of my former students, have years of

    experience as meteorologists, much of

    Some of the problems

    with weather forecasts

    stem from the fact

    that, frankly, we dontfully understand

    everything that goes

    on in the atmosphere.

    There is a wide

    variety of factors that

    influence the weather.

    Photo by CPL Andrew Eddie

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    26Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2

    it as aviation forecasters, with the U.S.

    National Weather Service. They break

    down the standard aviation forecast

    into three time periods. For the first six

    hours, persistence and continuity are

    the main forecast tools.

    Regarding the six-hour forecast,

    Lamb said, Sometimes the best

    forecast tool is to put the [computers]

    distance/speed tracker on the leading

    edge of clouds or an area of rain. Miller

    said, We concentrate most of our

    effort in the short term when it matters

    the most and when confidence can be


    For forecasts of weather 12 to 36

    hours in the future, numerical guidance

    is routinely used. Here, the forecasterslocal knowledge and skill can improve

    upon the raw computer-generated

    forecast. However, both Miller and

    Lamb noted that the intermediate time

    frame, 6 to 12 hours, can be challenging

    to forecast. Its too far out to rely on

    persistence or continuity, and the

    standard mathematical models arent

    designed for this either.

    In weather and forecasting, time

    and size are related. Near-term weather

    conditions are dominated by smaller-

    scale weather systems. These are not

    handled well by the standard models.

    The models were designed for larger-

    scale systems, those measured inhundreds of miles. But Lamb says help

    may be on the way for forecasters in

    the United States.

    After a number of years of trial and

    refinement, the high resolution rapid

    refresh (HRRR) model will become

    fully operational later this year. With an

    interior grid of 3 km (2 mi) length and a

    one-hour update cycle, the HRRR should

    provide numerical guidance that has

    been lacking for the intermediate time

    frame so critical for aviation.

    The way forecast material is

    presented is also changing. Rather than

    standard text, more of the forecast

    information is now displayed graphically.

    This trend will likely continue.

    Lamb and Miller say that one of

    their greatest challenges in aviation

    forecasting is dealing with summer

    thunderstorms. It was common for

    us to predominately [forecast] TSRA

    (thunderstorms with rain), or include

    it in tempo groups [forecasts of

    temporary or possible events] for long

    periods of time in the late afternoon

    and evening in the warm season whenwe were expecting scattered diurnal

    pulse thunderstorms, Miller said.

    It turned out we were way over-

    forecasting the occurrence of TSRA at

    the airports.

    At Lambs office, the aviation

    industry made its feelings clear. Weve

    heard over and over again that we

    should not blanket TSRA in TAFs

    unless confidence is high, because

    it requires fuel for alternates and

    gets very expensive for the airlines.Lamb said that, now, we dont include

    thunderstorms in the TAF until [1200

    universal co-ordinated time (UTC)] at

    the earliest and usually with the [1800

    UTC] issuance when we see where stu

    is developing and where the cumulus

    field is better developed. But on the

    downside, he said, Since thunderstorm

    have such a high impact on aviation

    users, it stinks not being able to give

    much of a heads-up.

    Its similar at Millers office: Now,

    we mention [thunderstorms] and

    [cumulonimbus] sparingly, especially

    in the later time periods. We include

    it when we have high confidence of it

    actually affecting the TAF sites, typica

    in the near term.

    Both Lamb and Miller agree that loc

    knowledge and experience are critical

    attributes of a good aviation forecaster.

    As for the problems, Miller sums it up th

    way: Aviation forecasting tends to be

    quite difficult and tricky, and can be quit

    frustrating at times. There is still much

    room for improvement. Or, as Lamb pu

    it: Just this morning, I was pulling my ha

    out when doing the aviation forecast.

    About the author:Edward Brotak,

    Ph.D., retired in 2007 after 25 years a

    a professor and program director in th

    Department of Atmospheric Sciences

    at the University of North Carolina,


    Article courtesy ofAeroSafety World.

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    27Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2011

    By SQNLDR Kate Thorne


    n recent years, aviation accidents havebecome less common. Because of this,

    we have become increasingly relianton learning from near misses in order

    to maintain continuous improvement.However, even near misses do not

    occur at a high frequency so we must

    focus on information gathered fromoccurrences where there was a potential

    for airworthiness to be degraded or therewas some minor degradation.

    This is where safety analysis comesinto the picture, we use informationgained from previous occurrences tosearch for trends and hopefully prevent

    the issues or holes in the defencesbecoming so large that an accidentoccurs.

    Defences aviation safetymanagement system has been

    continually improving from a point

    where we were focussing on personnel

    reporting occurrences to now, where

    we are trying to get incidents accuratelyreported and recorded and fully

    analysed in order to conduct safety-

    analysis activities.

    The areas of the incidents that

    are most useful for trend analysis are

    contributing factors and defences.

    Contributing factors allow us to

    understand where the safety culture

    is heading, whether the organisation

    has faults and where training may be

    lacking. Looking at defences shows

    us what is working and what is not.

    Both of these trending tools enable usto strengthen arguments for further

    funding to provide better personal

    protective equipment, more personnel,

    and better processes.

    So where do you fit in? Everyone

    within units, wings and FEGs have a role

    in safety analysis. Reports come out of

    the units, through the wings and FEGSto DDAAFS. If occurrences are being

    recorded poorly then good analysis

    is next-to-impossible, this can be

    summed up by the old adage garbage

    in garbage out. Thus, all Defence

    personnel who have an interface to

    aviation are key to ensuring quality

    reports are entered into the reporting

    system so that better analysis can be

    carried out.

    For more information and help on

    entering quality reports please use the

    DASM or contact your ASO-trainedpersonnel for help. DDAAFS provides

    investigation and reporting support

    through the DAHRTS helpdesk and your

    DDAAFS desk officer.

    Safety analysis why do we do it?

    By FSGT Grant Wadley

    The Defence Aviation HazardReporting and Tracking System(DAHRTS) is the ADF safety

    database for all things aviation. The

    system has been in place since 2004

    and is still expanding its user groups.

    During the past 18 months, the

    Parachute Training School and multiple

    contractors have begun using the system

    and have seen the benefits of tracking

    safety incidents through to completion. To

    assist aviation safety officers (ASOs) with

    managing Aviation Safety Occurrence

    Reports (ASORs) at the unit, there are two

    reports that provide great benefit.

    Notification report

    This report is linked directly to the

    users DAHRTS profile, so there are no

    selections required when using this

    report. If you are a member of 3SQN

    and select this report it will return all

    ASORs that require input/processing by

    personnel in 3SQN.

    The report shows the followinginformation:

    reference number,

    date of hazard,

    title of report,

    personnel drafter/investigator and

    supervisor/CO/OC, and

    workow investigation status.

    This report also gives visual

    indications as to whether the ASOR has

    met the seven-day release (red star)

    or 21-day investigation (two blue stars)

    time frames.

    This report is always valuable, but

    provides great benefit if run weekly and

    compared to the last report.

    Release via DISCON

    This allows users to select any

    unit and check how well the reports

    have been processed over a specific

    time period. When using the summary

    report the following information is


    reference number, date of hazard,

    title of report,



    release dates of the report and if

    the seven- and 21-day requirement

    were achieved, and

    personnel involved with the report,

    that is, drafter/investigator/

    supervisor/CO/OC/HTA investigator.

    At the end of this report there is apercentage value showing how many

    reports did not meet the seven- and 21-

    day requirements.

    This report is most effective over a

    one- to four-month period.

    By using both of these reports,

    ASOs can monitor report progress and

    health of the local safety process. These

    reports may also identify areas within

    the unit that require additional safety


    Managing DAHRTS at your unit

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    29Aviation Safety Spotlight 02 2011


    FLTLT Scott Hyland, ADF BFTS Tamworth

    FLTLT Scott Hyland(left) is presentedwith a Good ShowAward by CO ADFBFTS WGCDRDennis Tan.

    LSATV Luke Carter, HMAS Melbourne

    While deployed on HMAS Melbournefor Operation SLIPPER(rotation 24) LSATV Luke Carter displayed an exceptionallevel of aviation safety awareness and vigilance in excess of

    that expected for a person of his rank and experience.

    LSATV Carter proactively identified several hazards and

    implemented steps to prevent their impact on his colleagues. He

    recognised the high levels of noise present in aviation workspacesand took action improve the working conditions of his maintenance

    team in extreme temperature conditions. LSATV Carters initiatives

    led to smarter work practices and the acquisition of fans and an air

    conditioner, more suitable clothing, and personal cooling vests. His

    high level of diligence with respect to FOD and RADHAZ onboard has

    established a high standard within the rest of Flight 3 personnel.

    The vigilance LSATV Carter displayed is commended and a credit

    to the maintenance standards of both Flight 3 HMAS Melbourneand

    the Fleet Air Arm. He can be justifiably proud of your contribution to

    aviation safety in the Royal Australian Navy.LSATV Luke Carter receives a Good Show Awardfrom CMDR Shane Craig, CO 816 Squadron.

    FLTLT Scott Hyland was awardedan aviation safety Good ShowAward for his dedicated and

    enthusiastic work as one of the

    assistant aviation safety officers at

    the Australian Defence Force Basic

    Flying Training School (ADF BFTS) in


    The highest standards of aviation

    safety are paramount at ADF BFTS

    because this is the point at which pilotsfrom the Navy, Army and Air Force are

    first introduced to military aviation.

    Because of nature of the BFTS operation

    the work of the ASOs is pa

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