Page 1: Spreading the Word - · Spreading the Word —ONE BUS RIDE AT A TIME As I meditate on Jesus commission, which is for each of us, I am reassured by Paul’s


Winter 2013

He who began a good work...

David Harrison, President

God is so generous! I just returned from a ten-day visit to the Holy Land. It was, quite simply, amazing. A dream come true—to walk where Jesus walked.

Everywhere we visited I was able to open my Bible, lift my eyes from the page, reach out, and touch that which I was reading.

As always, God’s timing was perfect. The opportunity for this spiritual pilgrimage popped up just as I was retiring from 38-years in the audiovisual industry and to start working fulltime for Bus Stop Bible Studies.

It was an emotional time as I stood on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, right where the resurrected Christ cooked breakfast for the disciples, and challenged Peter concerning Peter’s love for Him. It was here Jesus commissioned Peter to feed and take care of His sheep and His lambs.


As I meditate on Jesus commission, which is for each of us, I am reassured by Paul’s great words of encouragement: “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:6

As we look forward to commencing our seventh year of operation, placing the Word of God in front of transit riders, it is good to look back and reflect on the faithfulness of God. The following is an excerpt from the very first newsletter we mailed out to prospective supporters in March 2006:

“Naturally, this vision will either succeed or

fail according to God’s sovereign will. We

know from personal experience that with

God all things are possible. To this end we

are asking for your for prayer and practical

(financial) support.

Our prayer to God is that one day soon a

person will get on a bus and, for the first

time, read the Word of God and that their life

will never be the same again.”

As I write these personal thoughts I have to continue to remind myself of (and apply) the promises of God. This is my third week of fulltime work with Bus Stop Bible Studies increasing the fulltime staff to two. Thank you to all who believed.

When God gave me the vision for this ministry I ‘made a deal’ with Him, if Bus Stop Bible Studies was to be, He would have to provide all the financing and resources. I knew it would be to easy for me to use the resources of my business to drive the ministry, even perhaps unwittingly. Evidently God was in agreement and has blessed the ministry abundantly. Now, in this next step of faith, I personally become even more dependent on God’s hand of provision. Again we continue to look to God to provide for our needs in the continuing growth and reach of this life-changing ministry.

Call us toll-free (888) 428-7786


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In all likelihood, It was on this rocky outcrop that Jesus cooked breakfast for the disciples. See John chapter 21. Israel has recently been experiencing a time of drought and under normal conditions the lake should be lapping up against these rocks.

Continued on Page 2.


Page 2: Spreading the Word - · Spreading the Word —ONE BUS RIDE AT A TIME As I meditate on Jesus commission, which is for each of us, I am reassured by Paul’s


It needs to be emphasized that Bus Stop Bible Studies (and Gospel Text Mission who put up the Scripture signs along the highways and byways) are the only two forums in Canada that provide a continuous presence of God’s Word to the public. As there is less and less exposure to God’s Word in homes, schools and, yes, even in some churches, Bus Stop Bible Studies needs your financial and prayer support more than ever to carry out its God-given mission and expand its reach.

As you consider where you might contribute your year-end gifts, please think of us.

In closing, having recently walked a short distance along the route that Joseph and Mary would have taken from Nazareth into Bethlehem, seeing the rocky hillsides, contemplating the thoughts and experiences of this young couple, I have no doubt the thoughts of Christmas will be a little different for me this year. I am trying to better comprehend the wonder of the grace that God brought to each of us all those years ago when He laid this warm and wrinkled precious Gift in a manger. May you too experience afresh the wonder of God’s indescribable love for us this Christmas season.

PS If you would like a copy of our financial statements, discuss legacy giving opportunities or have any questions concerning this ministry please call me anytime (416) 234-0555 ext. 101

Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord, knowing that we do not labour in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58

Occasionally we surf the internet to see what the public is saying about us. Blogging has become a way of life for many to publicly express their thoughts. Here are three that caught our eye.

“If you are a commuter in Toronto then you may have already had the pleasure of seeing the Bus Stop Bible Ministry in action! I remember the first time that I witnessed it. I was walking along side of a bus parked in front of my school and the huge letters posted on the side of the bus caught my attention. It read, "God, how can I reach you?" I remember how shocked I was that someone was actually promoting God - not just any God, but the One, True and Living God! I fell even more in love with God. It made me think of how He loves people so much that He puts it in the heart of a few faithful stewards to reach the world where they are - outside of the church. Well of course, as soon as I went home I rushed to my computer to check out their website. Everything was totally legit as far as I could tell. Bible believing, People loving, Up to the times ministry. It was awesome.” Kizzy El

He who began a good work… Continued from Page 1. Sometimes we are even encouraged by seemingly negative critiques. They reinforce our conviction that God is reaching the ungodly, even if they do not comprehend it themselves at the time:

“The weather this morning was crappy - cold, wet and windy. I took the streetcar in to work and everyone onboard was in a foul mood, including the driver. The car was packed and there was barely enough room for people to get on at each stop. The driver kept asking everyone to keep moving to the back, but he wasn't getting much response because I guess the car was just too full and people couldn't move along.

Anyhow, all this to say that there I was, standing there like a sardine in a tin, and all I had to look at was this stupid, sucky ad by some bible-thumping organization calling themselves Bus Stop Bible Studies. The ad featured a baby with sappy words going on about how 'you' nurtured 'me' and grew 'me', blah, blah, apparently quoted from that fount of all contradictions, the Bible. In a sick way, my gaze kept returning to the ad, it was so bad.

I shouldn't buy into this claptrap by supplying the URL, but it's just so cheesy that I had to:

Of particular interest, if you're strong enough to enter the site, are the PhotoThoughts ads these people use for places which don't allow religious advertising. The pictures and wording are incredibly inane and I can't for the life of me imagine how these ads could be construed as being non-religious; I'll have to do some research into the advertising standards with respect to this.

So, in an attempt to redress the balance, I think it's time for me to re-read Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion when travelling on the TTC.” Gary Roberts

And then there are those times when we feel like we’ve just hit a home run!

“Now, it’s just so amazing how God can speak to you in the simplest yet unexpected ways. I was riding a bus on my way home yesterday. Some buses here in Toronto have so-called “bus stop bible studies” wherein short passages from the Bible and some encouraging articles



Individual ‘studies’ can be sponsored for as little as $69. Double-width displays [see front page] start at just $99. Sponsorships are fully tax deductible. Each study may be viewed as many as 2-million times.

Page 3: Spreading the Word - · Spreading the Word —ONE BUS RIDE AT A TIME As I meditate on Jesus commission, which is for each of us, I am reassured by Paul’s



are posted like ads inside the buses. Some are evangelistic and act as “ad-tracts” for unbeliever passengers. It’s the very first thing I look for whenever I’m on the bus and I am always blessed whenever I see one.

Oh well, just yesterday my attention was caught by this short passage from Luke 8:22-25:

One day Jesus said to his disciples, "Let's go over to the other side of the lake." So they got into a boat and set out. As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.

The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Master, Master, we're going to drown!" He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. “Where is your faith?" he asked his disciples.

In fear and amazement they asked one another, "Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him."

At the top of the ad they noted: “Everybody’s talking about the weather but no one can do anything about it except….”

I’ve known this Bible story since childhood yet it struck me just like that yesterday. It was everything I needed to hear at that moment….

In that story, I am the boat. I am the one being swamped by the great waters of frustration, stress, fear and anxiety. Yet how have I forgotten that in the midst of that storm, I have someone who has the power and authority to command even the great winds and waters to cease… Like Peter walking on water, I too became so afraid of the strong winds that I lost my focus and sank…

The truth is, I focused my eyes on the strong winds and huge waves so that I lost my peace and faith. One thing, I became so worried that I couldn’t handle a 100+ kids for a VBS. But is there anything too hard for the Lord? Jesus calmed the raging seas and He also fed the 5000+ people with just five loaves of bread and two fish. Again, is there anything too hard for the Lord? I guess, I just have to learn to walk by the faith and not by sight.

I’ve realized that I have become too hasty and impatient lately. I’ve forgotten that true peace only comes in moments of stillness and quietness. Sometimes I need to put all my wanderings into a halt, stand still, wait and listen to what my Prince of Peace is trying to say…”

Erika Mae

Terri’s Corner

Another year has quickly slipped away from us. It seems like only yesterday that we were celebrating Christmas and now, again, it’s only a few weeks away.

As I look back over the year there have been many things that have happened in my life. Some things are not so thrilling and even a bit scary, like head on collisions and health issues. Then there are things that are very exciting and bring me great joy, like my engagement to be married. Through all of this, I have seen the hand of God so clearly. He is there by my side, in the good and in the bad. He never leaves, never forsakes, and never turns His ear from my cry.

I have also seen His hand on Bus Stop Bible Studies over this year. It has been an exciting year with the new studies being posted in Ottawa ‘Our Nation’s Capital’ and in Hamilton. Then there were the articles in the Faith Today magazine which helped us get the word about Bus Stop Bible Studies out to more churches, individuals and Christian businesses.

We have been entrusted by God to spread His Word to those who may never take the opportunity to open the Bible on their own. This may be the only time they see His Word. We have no idea how many lives are changed through this means, but what we do know is that ‘God’s Word does not return void’ (Isaiah 55:11). We also know that He tells us to ‘devote ourselves to the public reading of Scripture...’ in 1 Timothy 4:13

Over the past little while I have been meditating and studying the passage in Matthew 25 about the three servants and the talents entrusted to them by their Master. I was reminded of the investment that God has entrusted to us at Bus Stop Bible Studies. It is HIS Word.

Our job description is to use this investment to bring an increase back to the Master. For me, I want to be like the first servant in Matt 25:21 “So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, ‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.’ His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’

I want to be sure that I don’t hide His Word, or keep it all for myself out of fear or greed and then have to answer to my Master for what I have or have not done. I want to hear the words ‘good and faithful servant’ from His lips when I stand before him.

In His Grip, Terri Owen - Administrator

Tel: (416) 234-0555 ext. 102

Page 4: Spreading the Word - · Spreading the Word —ONE BUS RIDE AT A TIME As I meditate on Jesus commission, which is for each of us, I am reassured by Paul’s



Bus Stop Bible Studies is incorporated in the Province of Ontario as a Corporation Without Share Capital and is registered with the Canada Revenue Agency and qualifies for tax-exempt status as a registered charity under paragraph 149(1)(f) of the Income Tax Act. Official receipts will be issued under Regulation 3501 of the Income Tax Regulations. Bus Stop Bible Studies Charitable Business Number is 80383 3342 RR0001. Tax deductible receipts will be issued at year end for all donations of $20 or more. In accordance with Board policy, spending of funds is confined to board approved programs and projects. Each contribution designated towards a Board approved program or project will be used as designated, with the understanding that when the need for such a program or projects has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the Board, the remaining contributions designated for such program or project will be used where needed most.

Bus Stop Bible Studies, 364-1920 Ellesmere Road, Scarborough, ON M1H 3G1 Tel/Fax: (416) 234-0555 Toll free: 888-428-7786

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7 What a joy, what a privilege we have!

Proclaiming the Good News is the singular goal of Bus Stop Bible Studies but there is also the opportunity to use these study panels to promote your church or ministry organization, or honour a family member. Please call us to find out how.

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