Page 1: Spring 2019 Academic Courses - Senior Services for … pieces will be Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony, Brahms Symphony No

Keep Learning, Keep Connecting!

Learning new things, especially in our adult years, is crucial for retaining brain connections, says Harvard's Rudy Tanzi, Ph.D. At Senior Services for South Sound, we make it easy for you to strengthen those brain connections by offering academic classes that support thinking, reflecting, and life purpose. And, we do this without tests, homework, or grades! Our faculty are experts in their academic discipline, and have a lifetime of experience---just like you. Courses are offered at both our senior centers, Lacey and Olympia. Join like-minded adults in pursuit of knowledge, and connection. See you in class!

Elaine Vradenburgh, instructor for The Third Thirty Project class, welcomes students, family and friends to share stories and the process of good story telling!

Join Us for These Spring Courses!

CSI: Symphonic Music

Russian Culture: Before and After the Iron Curtain

Show Me the Money: Understanding the Federal Budget, Deficit & Debt

The Tumultuous Forging of Western Psychology: From the Middle Ages to the Gilded Age

Guided Conversations about Great Literature

“Land of The Free?”

Dramatic Writing: One-Act Plays & Screenplays

How to Write about Your Life and Enjoy the Journey

Beautiful Lies/Beautiful Truths 1

The True Story: Writing Creative Nonfiction

The Third Thirty: A Community Oral History Project

Health by the Numbers

Life Long Learning

Spring 2019

Academic Courses

Page 2: Spring 2019 Academic Courses - Senior Services for … pieces will be Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony, Brahms Symphony No

RUSSIAN CULTURE: BEFORE AND AFTER THE IRON CURTAIN DR. IGOR KRASNOV (Visiting Scholar, Petrozavodsk State University) Wed, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm 5/8 – 6/5 Olympia Senior Center

We will be speaking about Russian culture, including literature, film, and music before, during and after the Soviet Union, with examples (including samples of Russian cuisine for the course survivors). General Public/Members: $58/$52

Dr. Krasnov teaches English and Intercultural Communication at Petrozavodsk State University in Russia and is a second-time Fulbright grantee. He did his research on Multicultural Education at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA and received his degree from Karelian State Pedagogical Academy. Dr. Krasnov is also a professional translator and amateur musician, having played drums and guitar in different bands in Russia. Currently, Dr. Krasnov is the Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence at Saint Martin’s University.


Senator Everett Dirksen once quipped about Federal spending “A million here, a million there, and pretty soon, you’re talking real money”. A conversation today about the federal budget would need to substitute BILLION to be relevant. How is it that our nation now is in debt to the tune of $20 trillion dollars, an 18% increase in 2 years? Why is our current deficit

$985 billion dollars, the largest ever? Where does the government get all this money anyway? This five- week class will briefly review our complicated and confusing Federal budget process. Topics will include: revenue and taxes, deficit and debt, appropriations and monetary policy. With such heavy topics, we will endeavor to keep things light and upbeat while we gain some really useful knowledge and perspective on these issues. Come prepared for some lively discussion. General Public/Member: $58/$52 George Rother taught Civics and American Government for over 25 years. He has worked on numerous political campaigns and has a Masters in Teaching from TESC. He is passionate about democracy, informed voters, and fact based analysis.

CSI: Symphonic Music HUW EDWARDS Wed, 1:00 - 2:15 pm 4/3 – 5/8 Olympia Senior Center Many great works of art have intriguing backstories and subplots, often riddled with mystery and prophetic timing. This class will examine and outline six great pieces of symphonic music, with recorded examples—one each week for some detailed scrutiny—but also uncover and highlight some of the myths and colorful backgrounds that have surfaced over the years. Our focus pieces will be Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony, Brahms Symphony No. 3, Tchaikovsky’s Pathetique Symphony, the Enigma Variations by Elgar, Ravel’s ravishing ballet score Mother Goose, and ending with the Ninth Symphony of Shostakovich, written in 1945 at the conclusion of

World War II. Each class member will receive a free ticket to the Olympia Symphony concert on Sunday April 28, which will include the Ravel ballet score surveyed in this class. General Public/Members: $68/$62

Huw Edwards is the Music Director and Conductor of the Olympia Symphony Orchestra, currently in his 14th season. He is credited with greatly improving the quality of the Orchestra, picking appealing programs, warmly relating to the audience and being active in the community. He has taught music history and music appreciation classes in many cities and is adjunct professor at SPSCC. Huw received his Bachelors in Music from the University of Surrey (England), earned a Masters at SMU in Dallas, and was a Doctoral candidate at Northwestern University.

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AGES TO THE GILDED AGE BRUCE LERRO Tues, 1:00 – 3:00 pm 4/2 – 5/21 Olympia Senior Center

There is no myth that captures the ecstasy and agony of Western humanity as the myth of Prometheus who stole fire from the gods and gave it to humanity. This myth has psychological implication. For example, what does the rise of individualism have to do with

the emergence of confession, diaries, lyric poetry and mirrors? What does the consumption of coffee have to do with the rise of merchant capitalism? What does the emergence of the use of tobacco and hard liquor have to do with the industrial revolution? Touch, taste, and smell have fallen in status since the 18th century. Why is this? Why did the court aristocracy lead the drive to become “civilized” while the working class became “disciplined”? Narcissism and antisocial disorders were unknown in the Middle Ages. What happened to change this? What does the rise of interest in the unconscious and hypnotism have to do with the French revolution? Like Goethe’s Faust, whether we like it or not, we’ve made the devil’s bargain and we must face the consequences for better and for worse. Forging Promethean Psychology will be available for purchase (voluntarily) at the first class for $19.25. General Public/Member: $88/$82

Bruce has taught for over 25 years as an Adjunct Professor of Psychology at Golden Gate University, Dominican University and Diablo Valley College in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has applied a Vygotskian socio-historical perspective to the three books he’s written, found on Amazon. He is also a pen and ink artist and a psychological counselor.

GUIDED CONVERSATIONS ABOUT GREAT LITERATURE DON FORAN Wednesdays, 4:15 – 5:45 pm 4/10 – 5/29 Olympia Senior Center

This eight-week course is an exciting mix of classic literary texts: stories and poems which will lead to rich discussions of characterization, structure, and themes which emerge from our reading of texts by diverse writers like Welty, Cheever, Chabon, Perotta, Houseman, Hopkins, Thomas, Faulkner, Frost, O’Connor, Carver, de Maupassant, London, O’Connor et al. During the last class session we’ll share wine and cheese and juice and crackers, whatever makes for an appropriate party to celebrate our accomplishments and friendship this quarter. Some of the authors featured this quarter are discussed in my essays, poems and quotations on General Public/Members: $88/$82 Don Foran earned his PhD in English at the University of Southern California and a post doctoral MA in Theology from the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley. He recently retired from 40 years of teaching literature and creative writing.


Mon, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm 4/1 – 5/6 Olympia Senior Center Ben Franklin said, "We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately." With that admonition guiding us, we’ll examine how despite our patriotic songs, Declaration and Statue of Liberty, we always have had marginalized groups whom we’ve excluded from ‘the dream’ of equality and justice. This class will examine the historical context to current events. We’ll discover how leaders (political, religious, even scientific) demonized ‘the other’, and through historic examples show that “now” is not “new”. General Public/Member: $68/$62

Gery earned his Masters of Education from Western Washington University. He has 44 years of teaching experience from High School to University level. Gery has been awarded four Teacher of the Year awards from the Olympia School District Board of Directors and the Distinguished Educator Award from Saint Martin’s College. Gery designed and taught Olympia High School’s first Women’s Studies course.

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HOW TO WRITE ABOUT YOUR LIFE AND... ENJOY THE JOURNEY Llyn De Danaan Mon, 1:30 - 3:00 pm 4/8 – 5/13 Olympia Senior Center

Llyn De Danaan has spent the past 15 years writing about the lives of people including the Japanese-American poets of Oyster Bay; Katie Gale, an indigenous oyster grower in the late 1800s; and Willapa Bay’s Mary Riddle, the first Native American woman aviator. Along the way, she met incredible people and has followed both intuition and hints that led to surprising discoveries. In this six-week course, she’ll describe her projects, share authentic

documents and photographs that helped build the stories, and offer in-class exercises to help you decode and interpret documents you might encounter in pursuit of our own “fact based” stories. You’ll also talk about curating the objects with which you have surrounded yourself and how to use them as a springboard to writing about your own life or the lives of loved ones. Please bring a notebook and your favorite writing tools. General Public/Member: $68/$62 Llyn De Danaan is an anthropologist, writer, and photographer. She was a Humanities Washington speaker for four years, an expert witness and consultant to Tribes, and a Fulbright Scholar in Romania. She is emerita faculty, The Evergreen State College, and has taught for Western Washington’s Academy for Life Long Learning. She was also writing instructor for the All My Somedays Program. Recommended Background Reading: “The Soul’s Code” and “The Force of Character and the Lasting Life”, James Hillman; “Number Our Days”, Barbara Meyerhoff.

BEAUTIFUL LIES/BEAUTIFUL TRUTHS 1 KEITH EISNER Tues, 2:00 – 4:00 pm 4/16 – 6/4 Olympia Senior Center For writers and would-be writers of fiction, memoir and poetry. Students should expect to write at least 5-8 pages a week. Goals are to improve your writing through short craft assignments, weekly "Wild Writing," in-class exercises, and by critiques of your own work and work of fellow students. You will also be encouraged to participate in a public reading. Lots of work, lots of fun. Enrollment limited to 12. Must register only in person at the Olympia Senior Center. General Public/Members: $96/$90 (plus $5 materials fee)

A local writer and actor, Keith holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College. Since his retirement as a spokesman for Thurston County Emergency Management, Keith has mentored writing students on an individual basis as well as in classes. In his spare time, he likes to write while listening to baseball on the radio. Keith is honored to have had one of his short stories included in the 2017 O. Henry Awards Stories.

DRAMATIC WRITING: ONE-ACT PLAYS & SCREENPLAYS CHRISTIAN CARVAJAL Tues, 2:00 – 4:00 pm 4/2 – 5/7 Olympia Senior Center

There's nothing like the thrill of seeing one's fiction writing performed and recorded for the ages, whether it's on an Olympia stage or streaming video online. But how does one turn prose storytelling into action and dialogue? This class will show amateur writers how to begin turning their stories into playable drama. Students will read and discuss the work of honored playwrights and ambitious screenwriters. They'll also consider passages from The

Art and Craft of Playwriting by Jeffrey Hatcher and Story by Robert McKee. Learn the essentials of two-act and three-act dramatic structure, then use those lessons to write and edit a one-act stage script and a five-page screenplay. Limit: 12 students. General Public/Members: $68/$62 Christian Carvajal's first published novel, Lightfall, was reprinted by Campanile Books in 2014. He's a feature writer for The Weekly Volcano and editor emeritus of OLY ARTS. Other works include Rereading the Bible (nonfiction) and plays including 3 Impossible Questions (2018). His most recent book releases are Mr. Klein's Wild Ride and C Is for Collection.

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THE TRUE STORY: WRITING CREATIVE NONFICTION Tom Maddox Fridays, 1:30 – 4:00 pm 4/5 – 5/24 Olympia Senior Center

Most of us have been assigned a five-paragraph essay at some level of school. Assignments such as these stifle the imagination and encourage the belief that there are simple recipes for writing nonfiction. Unsurprisingly, the results are most often uninteresting to both writer and reader. Here is a summary of artful form, which we can also call organic form, as told by John

McPhee, long-time New Yorker writer and master of his craft, in Draft No. 4: On the Writing Process: “You can build a structure in such a way that it causes people to want to keep turning pages. A compelling structure in nonfiction can have an attracting effect analogous to a story line in fiction.” You will spend lots of time in this class writing and rewriting your nonfiction story and figuring out how

to tell it most effectively: that is to say, how to make it true and readable while telling it your own way. General Public/Member: $88/$82

Tom Maddox worked for years as a writer, editor, and teacher. He was writing director at The Evergreen State College for nearly ten years. His writing, fiction and non-fiction, has been widely published. In addition to writing essays, he is a novelist and short story writer, also the co-author of two “X-Files” scripts.

HEALTH BY THE NUMBERS MARY ELLEN PSALTIS Wed, 9:30 am – 12:00 pm 4/17 Olympia Senior Center

Is there a way to quantify well-being? What are your numbers? Together we will use our time to take stock of the many measurements of health – beyond your height and weight. What are important indicators of blood work? How many vegetables do you really need? How diverse is your biome? How much sugar is OK in a day? We will have fun, take measurements and strategize next steps. It is important to know where you are in order to move ahead. General Public/Members: $25.00

Mary Ellen Psaltis, B.Ph., is a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant and Senior Nutrition Specialist. She is a long time food and lifestyles writer and is the co-author of “Spiritual Vitamins – 12 Essential Nutrients for Women”. She strives to support people on their individual paths for optimal well-being through their food and lifestyle choices.

THE THIRD THIRTY: A COMMUNITY ORAL HISTORY PROJECT ELAINE VRADENBURGH Thurs, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm 4/11 – 5/30 Olympia Senior Center

“This class was an exploration of a different kind of listening and a different type of interview. Through the specific class assignment and Elaine’s expert coaching, I was able to produce a compelling narrative from an interview with someone I admire deeply.” Do you love listening to people’s stories? Are there individuals in our South Sound community, your family or beyond, who have great stories to share? Join us as we continue to gather stories from community members, between 60-90. We will read, watch, and listen to wonderful

stories, build our listening and interview skills, and gain the tools needed to interview/edit an oral history to share (with permission) at a public event at the end of the course. You’ll have reading/viewing homework, and you’ll need access to a computer and a recording device (such as a Smartphone or tablet). Editing and technology help available! General Public/Member: $98/$92 Elaine is a multi-media storyteller and educator. She loves working with the community to gather and share stories to spark conversation and deepen our understanding about ourselves and others. Elaine is adjunct faculty at The Evergreen State College and is the Curator of Community-Based Storytelling at Window Seat Media. Visit to learn more.

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Have a sip of tea and hear about Senior Services for South Sound’s Trips & Tours upcoming trips like Discover Issaquah, NW Women’s Show, The Secret Garden &

Jeremy’s Farm, Skagit Tulips & Deception Pass Cruise, Bainbridge Island, Patsy Cline Tribute and Grays Harbor

Shorebird Festival.

Senior Services for South Sound’s Trips & Tours schedules both day and overnight trips for the new and seasoned

traveler. There is sure to be a perfect trip for you!

Do you have a bucket list trip? We can book your trip or tour anywhere in the world! Best of all, when you book through Trips & Tours the commission from your trip benefits the

programs of Senior Services for South Sound.

Find out more about Trips &

Tours: 360.586.6181, ext. 126 or



(6757 Pacific Ave SE, Lacey 98503)

Spotlight on

Trips & Tours

Patsy Cline Tribute Saturday, April 27, 2019 Patsy Cline was one of country music’s most beloved and influential singers before her untimely death in 1963 at the age of 30. “Walkin’ After Midnight,” “I Fall to Pieces,” and “Crazy” are just a few of her most memorable hits. Olympic Peninsula’s award-winning vocalist, Amanda Lynn Bacon, will bring Cline’s most beloved songs to life at the Au-burn Ave Theatre for one night only. Supper before the show is included at Crockett’s Public House in Puyallup, a treat in itself.

$99/$109 Member/General Public Includes transportation, concert, and meal. Bus leaves OSC at 3:00 pm; LSC at 3:30 pm. Approximate return: 11:00 pm

Ten Grands at Benaroya Hall Saturday, May 11, 2019

Ten grand pianos. Ten amazing pianists. One sensational stage. We are headed to the Seattle Symphony's Benaroya Hall for an unforgettable concert on a stunning, dra-matically lit, multi-level setting onstage. Musicians will perform a diverse bill of jazz, classical and contemporary pop simultaneously, as soloists, and in various combina-tions. Not only will we be treated to an outstanding musical evening, we’re support-ing music education in the area. For the last twelve years, Ten Grands Seattle has raised over $1 million for music education for youth. Our evening begins at Palo-mino Restaurant and Bar in downtown Seattle. This European inspired restaurant with Italian, Spanish, and Mediterranean cuisine influences features made-to-order fare from local sources.

$160 Members; $170 General Public. Includes transportation, admission and dinner. Bus leaves Olympia at 2:00 pm; Lacey at 2:30 pm. Approximate return 11:30 pm

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REFUND POLICY: If a class is cancelled due to low enrollment, a full refund will be issued. Senior Services will make every effort to give 48 hours advance notice of cancellations. If registrant requests a refund for any reason, we will refund your registration fee less a $5.00 processing fee. Refunds will not be issued after the second class meeting. All instructors are independent contractors or volunteers and the responsibility for the curriculum of their class rests with the instructor.

How to register & pay - STARTING MARCH 4

Phone: 360.586.6181

In Person: Olympia Senior Center Lacey Senior Center 222 Columbia ST NW 6757 Pacific Ave SE Olympia, WA 98501 Lacey, WA 98503

mail: Olympia Senior Center 222 Columbia ST NW Olympia, WA 98501

PAYMENT OPTIONS: At time of registration, half the class tuition is due to Senior Services for South Sound, by cash, check, or debit/credit card. The other half of class tuition is due to the instructor, by cash or check made out to the instructor. Instructors are unable to accept credit/debit cards. Please be prepared to pay both halves of tuition before the course begins. If you register by phone, you will have to bring to or mail to the Olympia Senior Center cash or check made out to the instructor for their half of the tuition - received no later than Monday, March 25, 2019, to help prevent classes from being cancelled prematurely due to lack of enrollment.

NAME: ________________________________________ DATE: _________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: _______________________________________ PHONE: ______________________ MEMBERSHIP NUMBER: ________________________ EXPIRATION: __________________





Page 8: Spring 2019 Academic Courses - Senior Services for … pieces will be Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony, Brahms Symphony No

Administration & Olympia Senior Center 222 Columbia St NW Olympia, WA 98501


222 Columbia St NW Olympia, WA 98501

Virgil Clarkson Lacey Senior Center 6757 Pacific Ave SE

Lacey, WA 98503 360.407.3967

To register for courses, call 360.586.6181 or visit the Olympia or Lacey Senior Center.

Speaker Series Free talks about travel, community, special

interests, food - any topic imaginable! Pick up a monthly flyer at the senior

centers or visit

ADVISORY COMMITTEE Barbara Colburn Magda Costantino Don Foran Maria Masse Nyla Noah Rosemarie Powers Jan Reinhardtsen Ellen Sadlier Jane Stone Sara Thiessen

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