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  • The Srinagar Today |Vol: 05 | Issue: 21 | 30th June -06th July, 2013 | SUNDAY | Rs. 5/-

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  • The SRINAGAR TODAY 2 | 30th June -06th July, 2013 | SUNDAY |

  • The SRINAGAR TODAY 3 | 30th June -06th July, 2013 | SUNDAY |

  • The SRINAGAR TODAY 4 | 30th June -06th July, 2013 | SUNDAY |

  • The SRINAGAR TODAY 5 | 30th June -06th July, 2013 | SUNDAY |

  • The SRINAGAR TODAY 6 | 30th June -06th July, 2013 | SUNDAY |

  • The SRINAGAR TODAY 7 | 30th June -06th July, 2013 | SUNDAY |

    Mr. N. N. Vohra, Governor Jammu and Kashmir, today said that Indias centuries old relations with the Central Asian countries are deeply embedded in civilizational and cultural commonalities and emphasized the need for strengthening these relations, keeping in mind the emerging challenges confronting this region, and the world at large, on varied fronts. The Governor said this in his Presidential Address at the inaugural session of the 3-day International Conference o n C o o p e r a t i v e Development, Peace and Security in Central Asia: Challenges and Prospects, at the Kashmir University here today. This International Conference has been jointly organized by the Centre for Research in Rural and Industr ial Development (CRRID), Chandigarh, and the Centre of Central Asian Studies (CCAS), Kashmir University. The Governor referred to his goodwill mission visits to the Central Asian countries in the early 1990s and the difficult situations which were obtaining in these countries at that time. He also

    recalled the useful work done by the India International Centre, New Delhi, in the early years after the break up of the former Soviet Russia, to organize an international conference to bring out the history, culture and polity of the Central Asian States and to bring out a volume containing the papers presented by Indian and Central Asian scholars. This was done with a view to making these countries better known and for reviving Indias centuries old relations with them. He also referred to the good work being done by Mr. Rajeev Sethi, Founder of Asian Heritage Foundation, who was present on this o c c a s i o n , f o r r e v i v i n g , preserving and showcasing the symbols of our rich cultural heritage, adding that such initiatives can go a long way in fostering better understandings and contributing towards sustainable relations with the Central Asian countries. Referring to the serious challenges being faced by the world today, the Governor observed that these include religious fundamentalism which leads to extremism and violence, resulting in human and economic losses, disrupting educational schedules which adversely affect the education

    of youth. He added that such challenges have to be addressed with mutual cooperation and d e e p e r w o r l d w i d e understandings. The Governor, who is Chancellor of the Kashmir University, congratulated the CRRID and the Centre of C e n t r a l A s i a n S t u d i e s , University of Kashmir, for organizing this International Conference on a very important t h e m e a n d w i s h e d t h e p a r t i c i p a n t s f r u i t f u l deliberations. Mr. Omar Abdullah, Chief Minister, and Mr. Salman Khurshid, Minister of External Affairs, addressed the inaugural session of the Conference. Prof. Talat Ahmad, Vice C h a n c e l l o r , K a s h m i r University, in his welcome address, urged Mr. Salman Khurshid, for providing opportunities to the scholars of the CCAS for undergoing internship in the Ministry of External Affairs. He thanked the Governor and the Chief Minister for their valuable support in the growth of the University. Dr. Rashpal Malhotra, Executive Vice Chairman, CRRID, dwelt on the activities of the organization and the aims

    and objects of organizing this Conference. He read out a message of the Prime Minister sent for this International Conference. Dr. S. S. Gill, Director General, CRRID, gave details of the establishment, evolution, history, growth and activities of the CRRID. He said that jointly organizing of this Conference by the CRRID and the Kashmir University is an indicator of long-term and sustained cooperation between the CRRID and the varsity. Prof. Aijaz A. Bandey,

    Director, CCAS, spoke about the work done by the CCAS over the past 35 years of its e s t ab l i shmen t and the publications brought out by it. Dr. Tareak A. Rather, C o o r d i n a t o r o f t h e Conference, presented a Vote of Thanks. Among those present on the occasion were delegates of the Conference from within and outside the country, D e a n s , H e a d s o f D e p a r t m e n t s , F a c u l t y members, scholars and students.

    3-day International Conference begins at KU

    Governor for reviving, strengthening centuries old relations with Central Asian countries

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  • Printer, Publisher & Owner : Yousuf Reshi, Printed at: Afaaq Printers Jamia Masjid Srinagar & Published at Nazim Complex New Colony Pulwama Kashmir, Editor: Yousuf Nadeem

    Srinagar Mailing Address: 11 Pratap Park flats Press Colony Residency Road Srinagar Computer Type Setting & Layout: Mir Pervaiz Ahmed

    R.N.I :JKBIL/2009/32256)

    The SRINAGAR TODAY|Vol: 05 | Issue: 21 | 30th June -06th July, 2013 | SUNDAY | Rs. 5/-

    Postal Registraion No.JKNP/133/SKGPO-2010-2012email:[email protected]

    3-day Conference on Cooperation, Security, Peace in CAS begins

    Omar for rediscovering silk-route for tradeWelcomes encouraging Pak signals for normality J&K possess affinity with Central Asia in all fields of lifeSalman Khurshid speaks on foreign affairs

    SRINAGAR, JUNE 29 Giving detailed account of socio-cultural and religious

    affinity between the Central Asian States and Jammu and Kashmir, Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah Saturday said that the Indian Policy regarding the connect of Central Asia could be most suited and beneficial for the State and its people provided the neighbours in the west would allow flights from Srinagar to the Capitals of these States over their lands. The Chief Minister was addressing a 3-day International Conference on Cooperation, Development, Peace and Security in Central Asia at University of Kashmir here. He said that r e l a t i o n s b e t w e e n I n d i a particularly Jammu and Kashmir and the Central Asia has been historic. There is perhaps no field of life where we do not possess similarities. Our culture, heritage, languages, architecture, eating h a b i t s a n d r e l i g i o n h a v e similarity, he said and stressed on the need of re-discovering silk-route to re-link Jammu and Kashmir with Central Asia and open a new chapter of socio-economic development. Identifying the challenges to link India with Central Asian C o u n t r i e s v i a P a k i s t a n ,

    Afghanistan and Iran, Omar Abdullah said till we overcome this challenge we can have overland contact with these countries via Jammu and Kashmir. He said air flights can originate from Srinagar International Airport for the Capitals of Central Asian Countries to rejuvenate the historic links between the people. Expressing optimism in this regard, Omar Abdullah referred to the positive signals coming from P a k i s t a n r e l a t i n g t o t h e normalization of relations with India. One hopes that the new dispensation in Pakistan at the helm and encouraging voice regarding normality of relations with India coming from new Pak Prime Minister would bring positivity in normalizing the relations, he said and hoped for its befitting dividends to Jammu and Kashmir. The Chief Minister also referred to his visit to various Central Asian Countries as the then Union Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and said that he observed great interest in the people there to visit India particularly Jammu and Kashmir and reconnect the historic relation bonds. Same is the position here, he said elaborating that the people of the State are highly interested to visit Central Asian Countries and re-establish

    tourism and trade links with these countries. Omar Abdullah said that t h e c o o p e r a t i o n i n t h e development fields especially in the energy sector could be of great value for a State like Jammu and Kashmir where there is huge gap between energy generation and its consumption. Omar Abdullah while w i s h i n g s u c c e s s o f t h e Conference said that the deliberations of participants from Central Asian Countries and India in the Conference would prove frui t ful for taking necessary measures to strengthen the bonds and contact between these countries and India. Speaking at the function Union Minister for Foreign Affairs, Salman Khurshid dwelt in detail about the Indian efforts to seek global peace, security and cooperation. He also talked about the Indian initiatives towards strengthening the ties and trade links with the Central Asian Countries.The Conference in which Governor, N. N. Vohra also delivered address was organized by the Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID) Chandigarh in collaboration with the Centre of Central Asian Studies (CCAS) University of Kashmir.

    Scientists are born in schools: OmarCatch them young to pursue high science goalsJaipal makes 5 announcements to strengthen CSIR-IIIM

    hief Minister, Omar Abdullah Saturday underlined the need of catching students as young as possible to ignite desire of pursuing high goals of science and technology in them. He said this can be C

    done at the school level by creating scientific temperament and providing ample opportunity to boys and girls at the elementary education level. You cannot make scientists of repute at the university level but these are born in schools, he said and called for giving children free hand to experiment and discover by themselves the secrets of science at the early stage of their life. He said his proposal for science museums at Srinagar and Jammu is to provide an open field for the boys and girls to get in touch with various aspects of science at their young age and discover the scientists living within them. Addressing the gathering before rededicating CSIR-IIIM Lab to Nation with Union Minister for Science and Technology and Earth Sciences, Jaipal Reddy here, the Chief Minister said that the rich potential of Jammu and Kashmir in bio-technology and IT fields could not be harnessed owing to the long period of disturbance in the State. Omar Abdullah said that IIIM Branch Srinagar was shattered during the period of disturbance. Its functioning came to stand still, scientists and teachers left the institution and security forces stayed here, he said adding that with the rooting of normality, IIIM Srinagar started breathing again. The Chief Minister said that he was keen to restore the Institution to its full functioning and developing as an Institute of repute and fame. He lauded the support provided by the Union Government and Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) in rejuvenating the Centre back to normal functioning and upgrading. He mentioned the efforts of Director CSIR-IIIM, Dr. Ram Vishwakarma and the Science Advisory Council to Chief Minister in this direction. He also referred to the support of various Union Ministers in the rejuvenation of this Centre at Srinagar.

    nion Minister for Foreign Affa i rs , Mr. Salman Khursheed has acclaimed U

    the beauty of Kashmir, saying that its lush green meadows surrounded by majestic mountains with fresh lakes captivates every one and motivates us to visit this paradise on earth again and again. He underscored the need for concerted efforts by the government and civil society to preserve the rich environs of the serene spots and water bodies.Expressing his ideas during his motor boat ride in world famous Dal and Nigeen lakes here last evening, Khursheed appreciated the efforts of the State Government for exploring virgin spots besides preserving the rich environs of water bodies especially Dal and Nigeen lakes which receive first attention of the tourists during their visit to the Valley.Minister for Tourism, Mr. Ghulam Ahmad Mir on the occasion apprised the Union Minister about the measures taken by State Government for promotion of tourism in the State. He said State Government has identified and developed new virgin spots like

    Yusmarg, Doodpathri, Gurez, Lolab Bungus where concerted effort is being made to create tourist related infrastructure.The Tourism Minister apprised him that State Government has also launched a vigorous promotional campaign in and outside the Country to attract the tourists to the visit of these spots apart from world famous Gulmarg, Pahalgam like tourists destinations. Mr. Mir said that States rich adventure tourism potential is being explored through various activities like water sports, heli-skiing, skiing, para-gliding, Gondola riding, mountain treking and many more, adding that golf tourism is also being promoted in the State by developing new golf courses like Sidhra Golf Course Jammu, Leh Golf Course, Gulmarg and Pahalgam golf Courses.Tourism Minister hailed UPA Government for providing liberal financial assistance under the tourism sector to the State, adding that state has witnessed rapid growth and upgradation of tourist related infrastructure facilities in all the three regions of Jammu, Ladakh and Kashmir.

    Salman praises beautiful KashmirMir briefs Union Minister about new tourism initiatives

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