

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Reverend Jeff Meeuwsen, Pastor [email protected]

Your Parish Staff: Pastoral Asst. For Hispanic Ministry/Ministerio Hispano : Deacon Jesus Espinoza 503-330-0576 [email protected] Pastoral Associate/Asociado Pastoral: Sandi Campos 503-649-9044 [email protected] Bookkeeper/Office Administrator: Carmen Orozco 503-649-9044 [email protected] Parish Secretary/Secretaria Parroquial: Lorena Serrano [email protected]

For Sacramental Emergencies call (503)649-9044 then press 5.

3145 SW 192nd Avenue

Aloha, Oregon 97003

Parish Office 503.649.9044

Fax: 503.848.2915

Mass Schedule /Horario de Misas: Saturday/Sábado

Spanish/Español 5:30pm

Sunday/Domingo English/Ingles 8:00am & 11:00am

Spanish/Español 1:00pm

Daily Mass/Misa entre semana

Tuesday-Friday 8:00am

Holy Days/ Dias Santos Usually 8:00am & 7:00pm

(Watch Bulletin for updates)

Eucharistic Adoration/Adoración al Santísimo

Friday/Viernes 9:00am-9:00pm


Saturdays/Sábados 4:00pm-5:00pm

Men’s Bible study

Wednesdays 7:00pm

Jóvenes Para Cristo

Martes 7:00pm

Grupo de Oración Carismática

Jueves 7:00pm

6th Sunday of Easter May 21, 2017

Sexto Domingo de Pascua

Office Hours Monday & Friday 9:00am-2:00pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm.

Horario de Oficina Lunes y Viernes 9:00am-2:00pm

Martes, Miércoles y Jueves 9:00am-4:00pm.

Parish Mission Statement “As a diverse and welcoming Catholic community, we are dedicated to continue the mission of Jesus

Christ through sincere worship, service and education.”

“Como una comunidad diversa estamos dedicados a continuar la misión de Jesucristo por medio del

culto sincero, servicio y educación.”

Pastoral Council Chair

Richard Brixey (503) 646-9818 [email protected]

Finance Committee Chair

Jim Rossetti (971)777-1208 [email protected]

Liturgy Committee Chair

Chris Elford (503) 610-8224 [email protected]



Registration forms are in the back of Church or available from the office. Formas para registro en la parroquia están disponibles en la mesa que esta en la parte de atrás de la iglesia o en la oficina.

Father’s Notes Notas del Padre


Mon. May 22 Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1-6a,9b; Jn 15:26-16:4a Tue. May 23 Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-3,7c-8; Jn 16:5-11 Wed. May 24 Acts 17:15,22—18:1; Ps 148:1-2,11-14; Jn 16:12-15 Thu. May 25 Acts 18:1-8; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 16:16-20 Fri. May 26 Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23 Sat. May 27 Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3,8-10; Jn 16:23b-28 Sun. May 28 Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3,6-9; Eph 1:17-23; Mt 28:16-20

6th Sunday of Easter

Alleluia! Happy Easter! Jesus Christ is risen and is the

light to the nations. His light shines this Easter through

those receiving the sacraments of initiation. We profess in

the creed that Jesus, the Son of God, has risen from the

dead. After his resurrection, right before his ascension he

told the apostles to “Go and make disciples of all nations

baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son

and of the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all that I

have told you.” (Matthew 28). We take Jesus command to

baptize as a brief form of saying to fully initiate believers

into the catholic faith through the three sacraments of

initiate: baptism, confirmation, and first Eucharist.

We follow this direct command from the Lord more fre-

quently during the Easter season. The Easter Season lasts

for about 50 days after the first Easter Sunday. We started

off by baptizing 20 adults and young people at Easter Vigil

and gave the sacrament of confirmation to those plus about

10 more, all of whom received their first communion at the

same vigil mass. On May 5th the Archbishop Sample came

and gave the sacrament of Confirmation to 46 of our teen-

agers. A few weeks ago we also baptized during mass 3

infants bringing them into the faith. This week and next

week several young children will receive their first

communion. We do all of this to follow the Lord’s last

command after the resurrection.

This Easter Season, open your hearts to pray that those who

have been fully initiated into the faith continue the practice

of the faith and follow the last command of Jesus.


Sexto Domingo de Pascua

¡Aleluya! ¡Felices Pascuas! Jesucristo ha resucitado y es la

luz para las naciones. Su luz brilla esta Pascua a través de

los que reciben los sacramentos de iniciación. Nosotros

profesamos en el credo que Jesús, el Hijo de Dios, ha resu-

citado de entre los muertos. Después de su resurrección,

justo antes de su ascensión, les dijo a los apóstoles: "Id y

haced discípulos a todas las naciones que los bautizan en el

nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo enseñán-

doles a guardar todo lo que Yo os he dicho". (Mateo 28).

Tomamos el mandamiento de Jesús de bautizar como una

breve forma de decir para iniciar plenamente a los

creyentes en la fe católica a través de los tres sacramentos

del iniciado: el bautismo, la confirmación y la primera Eu-


Seguimos esta orden directa del Señor con más frecuencia

durante la Pascua. La temporada de Pascua dura unos 50

días después del primer Domingo de Pascua. Comenzamos

bautizando a 20 adultos y jóvenes en la Vigilia pascual y

dimos el sacramento de la confirmación a los más de 10,

todos los cuales támbien recibieron su primera comunión

en la misa de vigilia. El 5 de mayo el Arzobispo Sample

vino y dio el sacramento de la Confirmación a 46 de nues-

tros adolescentes. Hace unas semanas también bautizamos

durante la misa tres niños que los llevaban a la fe. Esta

semana y la próxima semana varios niños recibirán su

primera comunión. Hacemos todo esto para seguir el último

mandamiento del Señor después de la resurrección.

En esta temporada de Pascua, abra sus corazones para orar

para que aquellos que han sido completamente iniciados en

la fe continúen la práctica de la fe y sigan el último

mandamiento de Jesús

Padre Jeff


Please pray for the 1st Communicants and their families as they celebrate First Eucharist

Venessa, Veronica & Johny Taylor Lionel Acosta Izquierdo Veronica Juan Camilla Mascote Crystal & Lizandro Ludino Amanda Sawrey Naomy Llanes Avril Alvarez Ellery & Caleb Bailie Rubie Armas Lilly & Vanessa Bernal Garcia Antonio Sauza Jenelle & Juan Herrera Tristan Arakaki Emelia & Brisa Rodriguez David Mejia Paloma Salinas Jaico Avalos Diego Ramirez Keylin & Litzi Valdovinos Ayslin, Darany & Keiffer Lizarraga Barney Augun Mauricio Custodio Daniela & Emely Lopez Juan Talancon Rios Kevin Gutierrez Ian Padua Alec Gonzalez Blaze Lucas Rocio Suarte Noah Yoo Maria Garcia Arely & Diego Renteria Kaemon Iwamoto-Victor Anthony Zamora Abigail Gibson Emellen Hernandez Anthony Hernandez Luis Morales Jesus Salcedo Yhosmar Cruz Hurtado






4 Stages of Marriage

The 4 stages of marriage are: (1) Romance, (2) Disillusionment, (3)

Misery, and (4) Awakening. Many marriages experience the first 3

Stages. Marriages that end in divorce never make it to the 4th Stage

of Awakening. Don’t give up without learning about the 4th Stage of

Awakening. If your marriage suffers from Disillusionment or

Misery please contact Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long

i). For confidential information about or to register for the program

beginning with a weekend on June 23-25, 2017.

please call 1-503-225-9191 or visit

Custodian Position Available (Day Shift) at St Cecilia Catholic Church

St. Cecilia Parish and School in Beaverton is seeking a full-time Custodian. Responsible for main-taining all buildings, equipment and grounds, as well as assisting with maintenance projects as needed. The successful candidate will have a high school diploma or equivalent. Must have a smart phone and be able to use the email and calendar functions. Able to lift a minimum of 50 lbs. We offer an excellent benefits package. Competitive wages based on experience. Regular working hours are Monday-Friday 9:30-6:00 on school days, 8:30-5:00 on non-school days. Fluency and literacy in English required. Fluency in Spanish also preferred. If interested, send resume to Jim Cassinelli at [email protected] by May 21st.

See the full job description at

Gracias por su participación en la feria artisanal que se llevo acabo en nuestra parroquia, de la cual obtuvimos una donacion de $1,071.00 para utilizarlo en la construccion del nuevo edificio. Agradecimiento especial a Katelyn Yoo por la organizacion de este evento.

Thank you for your participation in the Craft Fair that took place in our parish, from which we obtained a donation of $ 1,071.00 to use it in the construction of the new building. Special thanks to Katelyn Yoo for the organization of this event.


English Baptisms are every last

Sunday of the month after the

8:00 and 11:00am Masses.

Classes are by appointment only.

Please call the church office for

more information 503-649-9044.

MASS INTENTIONS/Intenciones de la Misa

Mon May 22 8:00am No Mass Tue May 23 8:00am +Poor Souls Wed May 24 8:00am +Poor Souls Thu May 25 8:00am +Poor Souls Fri May 26 8:00am +Poor Souls Sat May 27 5:30pm +Poor Souls Sun May 28 8:00am +Jhon Bt Tradinh 11:00am Holy Father Francis 1:00pm Poor Souls

Please remember in your prayers those who are ill: Por favor recuerde en sus oraciones a los enfermos:

Deena Creamer, Vincent & Mario, Kevin Hylton, Kathleen Casey, Paul Tran,

Marie Tran, Laurie Barlean, Angela, Crisman, Jacob Benedict, Francis Tu Ngo, Qui

Nguyen, Jerry, Sharon Clifton, Dave Mitchell, Ben Petrick, Mary Gillilan, Bernadette

Taylor, Al Denfeld, Monica & Jean, Sher Bauman, Ivan Orozco, Romesh Jinadasa, John

McDonald, Kim Fitzgerald, Louise Stangel, Mary Graves, James Waylen, Jose Pinto, Fred

Lau IV, Sandra McPeak, David Dooley, Jaime Maguire, Thomas J. Martian, Brady,

Richard & Catherine, Denise Gutierrez, Kendal Wheeler, Stacy & Randy, Molly Bitter,

Taylor E., Jennie Blake, Mary Jo Hopkins, Diane Matson, Yvonne Morgan, John

Zuercher, Miguel Reyes, Teresa Nguyen, Tony Tran, Noe Orozco, Daniel Callaghan, Caleb

Bailie, Fortunato Sanchez, Fabiola Contreras, Anna Nguyen, Thanh Ha, Isis and Family,

Kurt Kaul, John Landstrom, Anne Cummings, Vinny Castro, Miranda Castro, Romero

Estrella, Daniel Estrella, Tayanna Estrella, Odie Enfield, Clark Smith, Susan Gaby

Contreras, Cook, Ivan Loock, Olivia Melgar, Mayte Samayoa, Margie Herron, Mariano

Vargas Martinez, Andrea Christina Martinez, Cleo Archuletta, Isaac Billings Gregory

Please let us know when a person’s circumstance has changed and they need to be removed from the prayer list.

Por favor dejenos saver cuando las circunstancias cambian y necesitan ser

removidos de la lista de oraciones.

MILITARY PRAYER LIST Please remember in your prayers, those who are serving our country, and their

families. Por favor recuerden en sus oraciones, a los que sirven a nuestro pais, y a sus familias.

Eddie Hammond Marines Iraq

April Hammond Navy United States

Randon Berg Army Iraq

Matt Tardio Army United States

Robert DeLeon Army Iraq

David Green Army Afghanistan

Xavier Martian Coast Guard United States

Leonardo Gonzalez III Marines USA

Danielle Clevidence Navy USA

Michael Purcell Navy USA

Mario Ortiz USAF Belgium

David Itel Army USA

Ryan Brace USAF USA

Paulo David Army USA

Kyle Bedard Army USA

Boris Raykhel USAF South Korea

Taylor Matteson Army USA

Chris Singleton Army USA

Thomas Baker Marines Japan

Jose Roberto Contreras Jr. Marines USA

Nicolas Vaughn Army USA

If you have a family member or loved one to add to our military prayer list, please call the office.

Si tiene a un miembro de su familia para agregar en la lista de oraciones militar, por favor llame a la oficina.

Baptisms and Classes

Sacramento del Bautismo Las fechas siguientes están programadas para celebración de el Sacramento del Bautismo en sábados. Es necesario tener todos los documentos requeridos antes de que se le pueda dar fecha por concreto.

Junio 3, 17 10:00 Julio 1, 15 10:00 Agosto 5, 19 10:00

*Tengan en cuenta que también pueden ser

celebrados el día domingo después de la misa de la 1:00pm:

Las platicas para Bautismo son las siguientes


Junio 4 2:30pm Julio 2 2:30pm Agosto 6 2:30pm

Para mas información favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial.

Bautizos en Español

“Giving Our First Fruits to God” “Dando Nuestros Primeros Frutos a Dios”

Total Contribution for the Week of 5/14/2017


Last year, same week Año Pasado, misma semana


Property Development—Capital Campaign Fund account balance as of 5/14/2017 Balance de cuenta del Fondo de Desarrollo al día de 5/14/2017


Thank you for your generosity! Gracias por su generosidad!

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