


As members of the Body of Christ in St. Francis of Assisi-St. Blaise Parish in Prospect Lefferts Gardens,

we seek to be one in our worship of the Father, through his Son Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Centered in our life of liturgical, communal, and personal prayer we work together to enable our multi-cultural,

multi-lingual faith community to live the Gospel more fully. We are committed to reaching out to the wider community as

instruments of peace and mercy.


Weekdays: English

7:30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday in Church

8:30 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday in Chapel 335 Maple Street


Saturday: Vigil 5:00 p.m. English Sunday: 9:00 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. English Sunday: 11:00 a.m. Español/Spanish Sunday: 5:00 p.m. Haitian Kreyol

SACRAMENTS RECONCILIATION: Saturday 4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.

BAPTISM: Call the rectory for registration and the schedule of baptisms.

MARRIAGE: Couples are to make ar rangements at least six months prior to the wedding date. Call the rectory for an appointment.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Anyone ser iously ill may ask for this Sacrament of Healing. You may also request Holy Communion Calls for sick and home-bound parishioners. Call the rectory.


Daily Morning Prayer at 8:15 a.m. Holy Hour Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. First Fridays: Adoration after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Rev. Msgr. Paul W. Jervis, Pastor

In Residence: Rev. Fr. Jean-Pierre Ruiz


319 Maple Street Brooklyn, NY 11225

PHONE: 718.756.2015 FAX: 718.756.1773 E-MAIL: [email protected]



Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. PARISH SECRETARY: Ms. Fatmata B. Bangura

BOOKKEEPER: Ms. Joycelyn Adr ien


335 Maple Street PHONE: 718.778.1302

DIRECTOR: Ms. Myrmonde Dor ismond


400 Lincoln Road Brooklyn, NY 11225 PHONE: 718.778.3700 FAX: 718.778.7877

WEBSITE: PRINCIPAL: Ms. Danielle González

ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL: Sister Barbara Yander


Ms. Lorraine Pierre



11º Domingo del

Tiempo Ordinario

Muchas veces los maestros de las escuelas y los

catequistas de las parroquias llevan a cabo la dinámica de invitar a sus alumnos a plantar

una semillita de frijol en un pequeño vaso lleno de tierra. Todos los días los niños cuidan y observan cuidadosamente la semilla hasta que brota la planta. Y

al verla crecer se llenan de contento. En las lecturas de hoy encontramos algo similar a esta dinámica. Jesús nos asegura que

la semilla crece por sí misma con impresionante vitalidad. "Escuchen esta comparación del Reino de Dios. Un hombre

esparce la semilla en la tierra, y ya duerma o esté despierto, sea de noche, o de día, la semilla brota y crece, sin que él sepa

cómo" (Mc. 4:26). En el Evangelio, Jesús dice palabras que ayudan al corazón de

cada persona a crecer sembrando el bien en dondequiera que se encuentre. Las parábolas son una directa invitación a la esperanza, a no perder el ánimo de sembrar a pesar del

desaliento que muchas veces afecta a los sembradores. Papás, mamás, maestros, catequistas y, en fin, todos los trabajadores

que día a día luchan por una sociedad más justa. Jesús hoy nos reta a todos a dejar el desánimo y seguir evangelizando,

dialogando y guiando a nuestros hijos, alumnos, amigos y familia. Aunque parezca que la semilla no da fruto, Dios se encarga de que germine en cada corazón. ¿Cómo sientes que germina la

Palabra de Dios en tu vida? ¿Cómo respondes ante el desánimo de seguir esparciendo el bien? La Palabra de Dios nos alienta a

ser fieles y tener plena confianza en él. ¡No lo defraudemos, sigamos luchando por la justicia!

FREE Pre-Kindergarten at

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic

Academy. SFACA has seats

available in the Pre-K for All (UPK)

program (FREE Pre-K) starting

September. If you have a child who

was born in 2014, then she/he is

eligible for the program. If you

would like your child to attend Pre-

K for FREE in a catholic school

environment then call:

718-778-3700 or

Visit us at 400 Lincoln Rd.

Brooklyn, NY 11225

11 ème Dimanche du

Temps Ordinaire

L’Évangile de saint

Marc s’adresse aussi à des chrétiens

désemparés. Leur question est de tous les temps : dans ce monde où tout va si mal, où est

-il notre Dieu ? Que sont devenues les promesses du Christ ? Comment garder la foi face à toute cette violence. Saint Marc

leur rappelle les paroles de Jésus autrefois. Il leur parle de cette semence qui germe et grandit toute seule. Mais entre les

semailles et la moisson, il y a beaucoup de temps. C’est une manière de dire que le Royaume de Dieu est en gestation. La récolte viendra mais ce sera pour plus tard. Notre Dieu peut

paraître absent mais son action est discrète et efficace.

Avec nos yeux et nos oreilles, nous pouvons savoir ce qui se passe dans le monde. Mais pour reconnaître l’action de Dieu, il faut le regard de la foi. Comme les disciples d’Emmaüs, nous

reconnaissons la présence du Christ quand il nous explique les Écritures et qu’il nous partage son pain eucharistique. C’est en lui que toute notre vie retrouve son sens. Nous découvrons que

même dans les pires épreuves, Dieu ne nous a jamais abandonnés.

Concrètement, nous croyons que Dieu agit quand les ennemis enfin se parlent, quand des hommes, des femmes et des enfants

sortent du cercle infernal de la rancune et de la violence pour faire des gestes de paix et de réconciliation. Dieu agit quand des savants inventent des moyens pour combattre les maladies. Il est présent quand des équipes s’organisent pour visiter des malades

ou des prisonniers. Nous voyons aussi des SDF qui arrivent à lancer des journaux qui redonnent leur dignité à des exclus sur le

point de sombrer. C’est ainsi que les signes de la présence de Dieu sont nombreux. Nous sommes comme le paysan de la

parabole. Les choses se passent sans que nous n’en sachions rien et sans que nous comprenions comment.Quand nous

voyons la vie germer, c’est Dieu qui est là et qui agit. Un jour, Jésus a dit qu’il est venu pour que tous les hommes aient la vie

en abondance. Vivre, c’est faire, c’est agir et à certains moments, c’est dormir. Que nous dormions ou que nous nous levions, la

semence germe. En attendant la moisson, il nous faut apprendre la patience et surtout la confiance. J’ai fait ce que je devais faire. A toi Seigneur de jouer. Tu m’as demandé de semer des graines d’amour, de justice, de paix, de réconciliationGMais c’est toi qui

donnes à la semence de pousser et de donner du fruit.

Repairs Continues

The choir stall área in our church is repaired, for parts of the

terraced Wood flooring was broken along with the tiles.

No chewing gum

Chewing gum has been plastered into the seats of some of

our pews. Parishioners and their children are reminded to

preserve the pews in their restored good condition and not

disfigure them, for a lot of money has been paid for their



Annual Catholic Appeal 2018

We thank parishioners who responded to making a

financial commitment to this year’s Annual Catholic Appeal.

Fr. Paul reminds us that our goal of $67,276.00 can easily be achieved if every working adult of our eight hundred and more

Sunday Mass worshippers give whatever they are able to give to the Catholic Appeal. The parish is very grateful for parishioners

who have already given to the Appeal. Parishioners are reminded if they had taken their pledge forms home to bring them back to the rectory completed and with their payment in the enclosed

envelope. Additional pledge forms are available in church.

Fathers, you are special and very much needed in our families. We thank God for the fathers of the parish and pray that they will be blessed abundantly by our Divine Father.

It was a great, great festival, couldn’t have been better. The light drizzling rain did not stop the show.

The $2,000 First Prize winner of the raffle had ticket #08670. The $1,000 Second Prize winner had ticket #59965. The Third Prize winner had ticket #58668.

A good time was enjoyed by the children and grown

ups. There was plenty of food of various kinds, as well as treats for the children. We thank the school children who danced and entertained the crowd, as well as the Casim Steel Band and Jelani, our parish DJ, kept us all in the festival mood with the music. Thanks to all who

worked laboriously to make the festival a magnificent success.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.


11th Sunday In Ordinary Time

"This is how it is with the kingdom of God." What is a kingdom? Is it the brick and

mortar that build up the castle? Is it the expanse of land a king can reasonably

defend? Our notions of kingdoms may be romanticized in the modern era, but for the

Israelites, a kingdom held deep historical meaning. Thousands of years before the birth of Christ, the Israelites had asked God for

a king. After the reigns of David and Solomon, the united kingdom dissolved into factions, and the land was conquered by

the Assyrians, Babylonians, and, finally, Romans. For the Israelites, a kingdom was something to build, both structurally

and civilly. While this had ended in ruin for their ancestors, many of Jesus' contemporaries longed for the restoration of an earthly

kingdom. Jesus' words in today's Gospel are a radical departure from this perspective. He compares the Kingdom of God to a field, but it appears that the farmer has little to do with its progress. "The seed would sprout and grow, he knows not how. Of its own

accord, the land yields fruit." Jesus introduces his followers to a new sort of kingdom, a kingdom where God provides the growth. There is work to be done, of course. "When the grain is ripe, he wields the sickle at once, for the harvest has come." But for the

Kingdom of God to flourish, there are certain things that are outside of our control. We sow seeds of kindness, justice, and

integrity ? and then we must be patient. As shoots of faith appear, we nurture the growth with encouragement. As

Christians, our task is not to build the Kingdom of God under our power alone, but to trust in the life-giving movement of God.


Our Parish salutes all graduates of our Parish community and Academy.

All graduates will be acknowledged by our Parish at the

weekend Masses of June 24th.

There is a sheet by the entrance of the

Church for graduates to fill out. Please be sure to indicate the following information on

the sheet; your name and if you are Graduating in Elementary, High School,

College or Graduate School.


JUNE 17, 2018

June 23rd & June 24th Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM

Com: D. Rouse Lect: P. Smith. EMHC: M. John, P. Clarke, E. Greene.

9:00 AM Com: M. Valentine. Lect: A. Williams, A. Springer. EMHC: J. Caines, V. Hodge,

L. Payton, S. Carter, J. Phillip, Y. Dyett, J. Taylor. 11:00 AM Com: L. Lopez. Lect: E. Bracho. EMHC: R. Almonte, O. Gomez, N. Lopez.

12:30 PM Com: A. Thomas. Lect: K. Carrington, F. Gomes-Gregory. EMHC: M. La Fontant, I. Alexis, A. Seales,

G. Augustine, L. Jean-Baptiste, C. Thomas. 5:00 PM Com: E. Derilus. Lect: N. Charles. EMHC: Rosemarie Jean, F. Sandeus, Anne-Marie Bien-Aime.

If you would like to dedicate either the candle,

hosts, or wine for your intention, please call the

rectory to submit your request. The donation is

$20.00weekly. Your intention will be publish

in the bulletin.

Legion of Mary

Annual Outdoor Family Picnic

At Rockland State Park, Saturday, July 21st Pick up: 8:30 am at St. Theresa of Avila,

Sterling Pl. & Classon Ave. Also at 9:00 am at St Jerome Church. Nostrand & Newkirk Ave.

Youth- $40.00 Adults- $50.00, lunch included.

$3.00 extra for pool.

Contact Thelma: 718-629-1289

Tarcisius Ministry to the sick

When your family and friends are not able

to attend Mass due to illness, please inform

the rectory so that our Extraordinary

Ministers of the Eucharist can bring Holy

Communion and the priest can hear their

confession and anoint them. Ms. Claudia Thomas, of the

Tarcisius Ministry has a box at the front of the church for you to

put the names, addresses and telephone numbers of sick

parishioners so that she can get in touch with them.

Collection Report Weekend: June 9th & June 10th

Adults Attendance Contribution 5:00 P.M. 120 $2,241.00 9: 00 A.M. 254 $2,742.00 11:00 A.M. 144 $ 719.00 12:30 P.M. 148 $ 712.00 5:00 P.M. 103 $ 302.00 On-Line Giving $ 318.83 TOTAL 769 $7,034.83 Candles: $86.00 Fuel & Maintenance $1.084.00


JUNE 17, 2018

Saturday June 16th —Vigil of The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

5:00 PM †Anre Thiem/Thiem Family Sunday June 17th—Eleventh Sunday In Ordinary Time 9:00 AM Fathers of the Parish 11:00 AM Single Fathers

12:30 PM Deceased Fathers 5:00 PM Grandfathers Monday June 18th—Weekday

7:30AM Souls in purgatory/Thiem Family Tuesday June 19th—St. Romauld, Abbot 8:30 AM Thanskgiving for Iris & family Wednesday June 20th—Weekday 7:30 AM B’Day Blessings for Nola Timm Thursday June 21st—St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious 8:30 AM †Devallery Etienne/Georgette Etienne Friday June 22nd—Weekday 7:30 AM Fr. Quinn’s Canonization/Fr. Paul Saturday June 23ed—BVM 8:30 AM †Anre Thiem/Thiem Family

5:00 PM †Morton Rouse/Devi & Cimmone Rouse

Sunday June 24th—The Nativity of St. John the Baptist

9 :00 AM Thanksgiving for Florence Small 11:00 PM †Carmen Manjarrez/Teresa Argudo 12:30 PM †Chrystal & Frank Pounder/Shindy & Family

5:00 PM Thanksgiving for Our Lady of Perpectual Help/Yolande Ancion

Our Sick: Rose Baptiste, Gertrude

Conception, Simone Marseille, J. Patrick Alexis, , Glenna Williams, Jeanette

Sandiford, Josephine Mosely, Deotha Armstrong, Josephine Pierre-Louis, Tracey Austin, Darius Hayward, Violet Ryan, Orin

Fisher, Maura St. Clair,, Alex, Dee, Shane Dabareo, Mavis Pique, Oscar Joseph, Robert Matthew, Debra Dookwah-Brown, Angela

Silverio, Marie Brutus, Claire McAtrthur, Celine Mosley, Letna Murden, Louis Murrell, Eguelino Edouard, Joan Cato, Carlyle

Martial, John Collymore and Colette Hutchison.


Our Recently Deceased:

Fr. Robert Robinson, Yvonne Green, Ghislaine Solages,

Myrtle Roberson, Gail Peters and Judith Donawa.

Readings for the Week of June 17, 2018

Sunday: Ez 17:22-24/Ps 92:2-3, 13-14, 15-16 [cf. 2a]/2 Cor 5:6-10/Mk 4:26-34

Monday: 1 Kgs 21:1-16/Ps 5:2-3ab, 4b-6a, 6b-7 [2b]/Mt 5:38-


Tuesday: 1 Kgs 21:17-29/Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 11 and 16 [3a]/Mt 5:43-48

Wednesday: 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14/Ps 31:20, 21, 24 [25]/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18

Thursday: Sir 48:1-14/Ps 97:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7 [12a]/Mt 6:7-15

Friday: 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20/Ps 132:11, 12, 13-14, 17-18 [13]/Mt 6:19-23

Saturday: 2 Chr 24:17-25/Ps 89:4-5, 29-30, 31-32, 33-34 [29a]/Mt 6:24-34

Next Sunday: Vigil: Jer 1:4-10/Ps 71:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 15, 17 [6b]/1 Pt 1:8-12/Lk 1:5-17

Day: Is 49:1-6/Ps 139:1-3, 13-14, 14-15 [14a]/Acts 13:22-26/Lk 1:57-66, 80


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