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Page 4: St. Jude's Academy Prospectus 2013/14

St. Jude’s Academy is committed to helping students do more than acquire basic facts and skills. St. Jude’s provides a child-centered environment which is properly focused on every child as a learner. Our goal is to give students the means by which they can think, understand, and apply their knowledge in intellectual and practical problem- solving. At St. Jude’s your child will learn to flourish in the critical areas of Reading, Writing and Math.

St. Jude’s Academy is committed to your child’s safety. Being a small private school, every teacher and staff member knows every child – and that matters! In the development of your child’s academic and social skills, being part of a close-knit community is fundamental for proper growth. When every teacher knows your child’s name – you know you have a safe community that is meant to build the child’s confidence.

St. Jude’s Academy is committed to using the best practises in learning – and we know that kids learn best when they enjoy their school. That is why we have a vibrant house system, weekly assemblies, daily intramurals and special event days that contribute to a learning atmosphere that is fun and engaging. Instead of kids not wanting to go to school – we have kids that don’t want to leave!

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excellent te


dent ratio

, you can re

st assu

red that y

our child


receive the

individual atte

ntion needed fo

r him

or her to

excel academically

. More in

dividual atte


means m

ore feedback fro

m teachers.

Frequent, immediate te

acher feedback is

one of the

most im

portant c


s of a

n e�ective in


nal enviro


Excellent T

eacher to Stu

dent Ratio

Communication Our parents have said that they have never seen a school with a better system of communication. We have daily blogs that allow parents and students to know what goes on in the classroom on a daily basis. For more individual communication, we have a daily agenda that goes back and forth between the teacher and the parent. Furthermore, the teachers are required to phone parents at home in the evening every six weeks in order to ensure that there is a constant connection between the teacher and the parent. This is all in addition to Parent/Teacher interviews and the ability to email teachers directly with an issue.

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Kindergarten to Grade 4Lower SchoolThe world is such a fascinating place – a discovery that St. Jude’s students begin to make early. Lower School here is more than studying fundamentals such as reading and writing that will enable future learning. Grades JK A through 4 are a time to begin exploring the richness of life so that a student can’t wait for what comes next in the curriculum. Parents who remember their own �rst years in school are often amazed at the scope of learning St. Jude’s Academy o�ers in Lower School: the study of global cultures in kindergarten; putting together and publishing a book of one’s own in grade one; long-term projects in grade two; research paper starting in grade three; and PowerPoint presentations in grade four. Are we rushing things? Not at all. Our experience shows that with small classes and personal attention, students can be introduced to a broad spectrum of subjects at a young age. Fine arts, French, science, and mathematics all serve to make school an exciting place for St. Jude’s students from day one. In many instances, because of our IB candidacy, subjects are integrated – sculpting an image in art class of a famous explorer discovered in a history lesson, or perhaps making a mobile related to a science lesson. In the process, a student gains skills in asking questions, reasoning, and solving problems; and they learn what type of learner they are. By the end of Lower School, your child knows much about the world, wants to know more, and has discovered in himself or herself a capable and caring individual.

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Grades 5-8Middle SchoolBuilding on the foundation laid down in the Lower School program, the time in St. Jude’s Middle School prepares our students for the demands of high school, university, and beyond. These are the years between childhood and adolescence, a time of maturation. The students are beginning to �gure out exactly who they are and where they �t in.

Throughout the Middle School years we focus on math, science, grammar, literature, and history. We reinforce this learning with �eld trips such as the Stratford Festival, the ROM and Queen’s Park. Students continue their exposure to the arts with advanced programs in visual arts, drama, musical instruments and French every day.

Along with promoting academic excellence, we believe that physical activity and recreationcontribute signi�cantly to the overall health and performance of our students. We o�er curling workshops at a local curling club, skiing excursions on the Niagara Escarpment, golf, soccer, tennis, running, skating and many more activities.

We have introduced an extensive extra-curricular program that allows every student to be actively involved in St. Jude’s community. Some of these activities include: a student run newspaper, student government, karate, private musical lessons, community involvement such as The Terry Fox Run, and performing for local seniors.

We have created a unique program for our students, incorporating a set of social, cultural,recreational, emotional, and intellectual skills that will serve the student all of his or her life.

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As a sc

hool that is

an IB candidate sc

hool, we o�er a

challenging curri


that m

eets and exce

eds the re


of the O

ntario M

inistry of E


Our classe

s re�ect a

dynamic, creative curri

culum that is

both pedagogically


sound, a

nd up-to-d

ate with


education th


The only way to


ully le

arn a new la

nguage is practi


practice, p

ractice. A

t St. J

ude's Academy w

e take French every

day in a fu

ll immersi

on-type pro

gram that g

oes well b


preparing st

udents for h

igh school.

Among our teachers

there are


s in m

usic, a

rt, French

and physical e

ducation. Our te

achers utili

ze a varie

ty of teaching st

rategies which enable our s


(and teachers)

to build and develop knowledge and sk

ills fro

m year to year.

Six trans-d


ary themes h

elp teachers

and students

explore knowledge. In each grade

level, teacher-le

d units of in

quiry are org

anized under th

e follo

wing themes: w

ho we are,

where we are in

place and time, h

ow we express

ourselves, h

ow the w

orld w

orks, and how

we organize



g Curriculu


French Everyday

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The 3 payment plan options available are: Pre K, JK & SK Grades 1-8Tuition Fees for 2013/2014 $6500 $9500Payment Plan #1Full Payment, March 1, 2013 $6500 $9500Payment Plan #2Registration Fee, March 1, 2013 $500 (per child) $500 (per child)

4 Post-Dated ChequesMarch 1, July 1, Sept 1, Dec. 1 $1500 $2250

Payment Plan #3 (Includes a $200 Admin Fee)

Registration Fee, March 1, 2013 $500 (per child) $500 (per child)

10 Post-Dated ChequesJuly 1, 2013 – April 1, 2014 $620 $920

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