
St Peter’s Catholic Primary School, Dorset Avenue, Romford, Essex. RM1 4JA Tel: 01708 745506 Fax: 01708 730699 Email: [email protected] Website:

Head Teacher: Mrs J. Waterfield

26 April 2013 Happy Easter to you all! A belated happy Easter season to you. The staff and I trust that you had opportunity to enjoy some rest and relaxation with your friends and family during the holidays. Our Easter Assembly last week was such a highlight for us. It was marvellous to see many of you attend; it really does testify to all that we are witnessing here at St. Peter’s Catholic school in terms of our faith and tradition. As always, Fr Tom was there to support us and was very complimentary about the children’s retelling of the Easter story through their song, mime and music. Mrs Ellner, Heateacher of St. Edwards C of E school also visited. Well done to everyone and thank you. Easter Bonnet and St. George’s day Parade Thank you so much for the huge turn out last week- the hall was packed for our traditional Easter Bonnet parade. We think it was our greatest attendance so far. As always we are impressed with the children’s designs-thank you for supporting them in this. Everyone who took part received a small treat. Well done to those children who won class prizes: Charlie Branch, Grace Brown, Joseph Rickard, Mya McLaughlin, Lorenzo Basco, Rachel Smith, Samuel Parham, Orla McDonnell- Moore, Ruby Niemierko, Kleon Fernando, Alice Kelly, Miles Wilson, Michael Hickie and Grace Applebee Links with St. Edward’s Church of England Primary School Myself, Mrs Bond and Year 5 were delighted to have been invited to St. Edward’s Easter Service on Tuesday and received such a warm welcome from Mrs Ellner and Fr. David. Previously, St. Edward’s Prayer Group had visited our Stations of the Cross. We look forward to other planned events in which we can share our work with one another. Parent and Pupil Councils The Eco council met on Wednesday to discuss their summer plans for the development of the grounds and a variety of eco themes The Food for Life Group will meet the week after next. Parent and Pupil Prayer and Worship Group Children in Years 2-6 have volunteered to be part of a prayer and worship group. We are now looking for a group of parents to support us in enhancing the worshipping life of our school. Please do contact me if you feel you would like to contribute to this group and we will arrange for us all to meet. Class Newsletters, Diary Dates and RE Newsletters These have been sent out this week. Please contact the office if you have not received your copies. Please note a correction to the dates- Open Evening is Thursday 11 July

Holy Communion for the First Time

We congratulate the following children who will receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time this weekend: Imogen, Aimee, Ricky, Liam, Omar, Kier, Carys and Maria

Catholic School’s Citizenship Awards Brentwood Cathedral in the presence of Bishop Thomas McMahon

Each year we nominate an individual or a group for this very special award. This year we are extremely proud to nominate Isobel Seaman: ‘Isobel Seaman is an extremely caring child who recognises and puts the needs of others before

herself. She is warm and compassionate and an exemplary role model for others. She has shown particular courage in dealing with her mother’s on-going illness.’

Isobel will attend the ceremony with her family and Mrs Parker next Friday 3 May. Yr 6 Residential Visit to Water Park, Cumbria Monday sees the start of Yr 6’s week long visit to Water Park. Mr Hooton, Miss Griffin, Mr Mr.Bond, Mrs Vaughan and myself will be accompanying the class. As you can imagine they are very excited about all the activities they will engage in: high and low ropes, canoeing, ghyll scrambling, orienteering and mountain walking- and we await to find out how well they cope with the domestic responsibilities such as making their own lunches, washing up and making their beds! Please keep us in your prayers. Check the website Water Park page to see us in action as the week progresses!! Breakfast Club Survey Following the very good response to our breakfast club survey, I will pass on the findings to the governors. As the next curriculum meeting is after half-term, the start date of a club will probably be later in the term or will be left until September if it is agreed. OFSTED Questionnaire Parent View is OFSTED’s own online tool for collecting the views of parents. We would encourage all our parents to go to the site and register their views of our school. If sufficient views are registered we can access this information and this will again give us another way of improving our school still further. Visit to register and login your comments. We thank you in advance for this.

Thank you for your continuing support of our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me should the need arise. Yours sincerely, Mrs. J.M.Waterfield

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