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Special points of interest:

Pastor Tim’s Ordination

Parish News

Updated Finance Numbers

CTK Kids & Youth Pages

Youth Musical LAST CHANCE

Get to Know Pastor Tim 2

New Fall Schedule! 3

Women’s Fall Retreat 4

New Women’s Bible Study 4

Prayer Article 5

Connections Ministry Event 5

Inside this issue:


e K























Volume 55 Issue 8

August, 2019

An Update from our Incoming Church President Greetings Christ the King Members! I wanted to just keep everyone up to date on what the council has been working on recently. There is a lot of change happening! One of the many certainties in life is change, and with change comes opportunity!

I am your incoming council president this year and my 1 year term started on July 28th. Also July 28th, we welcomed 6 new church council members while conducting our normal church business during the annual meeting.

I have a few other items that I also wanted to give an update on. 1. Our new associate pastor, Timothy Bowman, started on Monday, July 22nd. This

gave him an opportunity to spend the last 2 days with Pastor Patrick before he left. Pastor Tim’s first week of preaching will be July 31st, August 3rd, and August 4th. Please consider attending and getting to meet our newest call. Pastor John has agreed to mentor Pastor Tim and provide support anywhere it is needed as we move forward.

2. Our new executive team on the church council will be interviewing a senior interim pastor recommended to us by the synod the 1st week of August. I’ve spoken to this person on the phone already and feel very confident about a potential fit with Christ the King. The potential start date would be the beginning of September.

3. Pastor Cheryl has agreed to continue her role as the interim associate pastor until we have an interim senior pastor in place (probably early September). We felt this would be good continuity for the congregation and also provide support for Pastor Timothy as he begins his call at CTK.

4. We haven’t begun assembling the call committee for our new senior pastor call process quite yet. This will probably happen after we have the senior interim pastor in place. However, I have already been contacted by a few members who are interested in serving on the call committee and have started a list. If you have interest in serving, please let me know or contact Amy Olsen and she will get the names to me. We expect to have a lot of interest in this call process and that is a good sign of a church full of passionate members!

Throughout this year I’ll continue to keep you updated on the changes happening at Christ the King. I think it is important that our members are well informed & hopefully when they see an opportunity to help at CTK…they choose to step up!

I’m always open to listening to ideas, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. It is your church just like it is my church. We are all in this together! My goal is to make as many good things happen as possible over the next 12 months as council president. We have so many amazing members that I have no doubt that the future at CTK is very bright! -Shannon Sinning

Wednesday, August 14th immediately following outdoor worship!

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By Pastor Tim

Hello new friends of Christ the King Lutheran Church. I’m so excited to be called as your new Associate Pastor! I am very honored and humbled to receive this call and I look forward to getting to know you all and get involved in the worshipping life of Christ the King.

The first question people tend to ask their new pastor is, “Where are you from?” Which I’m finding is a complicated question in life. Originally, I was born and

raised in Verona, Wisconsin, which is a suburb of Madison. The second question, without fail, is, “Oh so you’re a Packer’s fan/cheesehead?” The answer to that question is, no. I am not a Packer fan, mostly because I don’t like football. I love soccer, hockey, and baseball. My sports allegiances are to the Badgers (On Wisconsin!) and to the city of my family roots, Chicago. I’m a huge Cubs and Blackhawks fan. Speaking of family, my parents are John and Mary Bowman. My dad is a software engineer and an amateur pilot. My mom is a nurse and a lover of craft fairs. I have one sibling, my older brother Steven. Steven has Down Syndrome and will be an Intern at his favorite place, Camp Barnabas, in Branson, MO this coming fall!

I moved to Minnesota in the fall of 2008 to start my undergraduate degree at Bethel University in St. Paul and never looked back. I originally was a physics and math double-major, but quickly developed an interest and love of Biblical and Theological Studies, which I majored in. Following graduation in 2012 I moved down the street to Luther Seminary to start a Master of Arts in Children, Youth, and Family Ministry, which I completed in 2014. While at Seminary I met my wife Allyson. Ally grew up in Owatonna, and she graduated from Augsburg College in 2009. Afterwards she spent 3 years as an ELCA missionary in Japan teaching English at a Lutheran high school in Kumamoto. Long story short, we got married in October of 2015, she graduated seminary in December 2016 and received her call to be the pastor of St. Paul Lutheran in Le Center, MN a month later in January of 2017 and we have lived in Le Center ever since with our adorable cat, Ruby. Full disclosure: I talk way too much about our cat, I can’t help it. She’s too cute.

Along the way I decided I also wanted to be a pastor and went back to seminary and exchanged my MA for an MDiv. Every pastor in the ELCA is required to do a one year pastoral internship and I did mine in Kenyon, MN, an 8 point internship site; meaning I had 8 different congregations that I was involved in. That itself is probably worthy of its own newsletter article or two.

Another question people, especially in these parts, like to know is family heritage to which I can proudly say I am all Swedish (sorry Norwegians). I love being Swedish and exploring more of my Swedish heritage. I have a Dala horse collection at home that is slowly growing. So where am I from? It’s a complicated answer, because the answer is that I’m from all over the place and I take a little piece of each spot with me.

Other fun facts about me: I love reading, cooking, baking, and video games and other tech. I love to get out and play soccer and hockey when I can. Currently, my main sporting activity is rock climbing. I am also on the board of Crossroads Campus Ministries here at MSU Mankato. Another fun fact is that my mother-in-law, Barb Streed, is also a pastor. She is 5.5 years into her first call at Faith Lutheran in Dodge Center, MN.

At the end of the day, though I really do love the church. I love preaching and worship leading. I love liturgy and the sacraments; I find so much depth and meaning in them. I am really looking forward to worshipping with you all. I love visiting with people and getting to know them, so please stop by and say hi! I’m excited for the opportunity to walk with you all on your journey. I’m excited to see where the Holy Spirit leads us and challenges us to grow. I’m excited to see how we can play our part in sharing and growing God’s Kingdom. I know there are a lot of great things already happening at CTK and I look forward to all the new and meaningful things that will come in the future. My hope and prayer is that we can always be focusing on finding out where God is leading us and then having the boldness to step into that adventure together.


Pastor Timothy Bowman

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This past program year proved challenging for families and staff alike. The schedule had our youngest children beginning programming at 5:30 and our latest programming was going until 8 p.m. (even later for high school youth group). This meant several families had a span of 2.5 hours that their children were involved at CTK and it also meant that our staff had to be on their toes a lot. Feedback from individuals led us to take a closer look at our schedule for Wednesday nights, especially our faith formation aspect of it. In order to gather more information, we put out a survey to families with children in these demographics to learn more from our families. The survey confirmed for us that our families were finding the current structure challenging and would be supportive of adjusting times. Knowning that pew research resoundingly tells us that typical families will give 1-1.5 hours a week to church related activities, we wanted to find a way to best reach our families and maximize the time they are allocating to church. Because of this, we felt it was critical to maintain worship as part of this structure and have it remain central to the evening’s other programming. This meant that we need to shrink down the amount of time given to faith formation. In the schedule above, you will see that we have managed to keep all elements of faith formation in place with a split schedule: some faith formation happening before worship, and some happening after worship. Even families who have children in all age groups can participate and be done in 90 minutes. This is one whole hour less than last year!

One of the creative solutions we came up with that we want to try is a split CLUB (confirmation program) schedule with small groups gathering before worship and group lessons wrapping up after worship. There are several reasons behind our rational in proposing this idea. 1-CLUB can get done earlier which helps the initial problem mentioned above. 2-it engages students from dinner into worship, reducing the amount of students who leave or aren’t engaged in that time frame and 3-it encourages students to attend worship, which is essential in helping to reduce the number of post-confirmation students who quit coming. We fully recognize that this may present other challenges, but it is something that we as a staff are committed to trying and equipping small group leaders for because we see it as a worthwhile trial that could have enormous potential.

Another area of concern that arose for us as we considered this schedule was the reduction in time given to faith formation. In order to address this, we are working hard to blend the best of rotation model, especially the attention paid to multiple intelligences and thematic teaching/learning, and the use of the lectionary to provide not only our children, but all people with thematic learning that is appropriate for their age groups while also equipping families to have continued conversations at home about the thematic learning that was experienced by all members of the family. It is also our goal to plan our themes to continue from week to week by weaving weeks and even months together with one central theme whether that be something like faith, hope, love, grace or mercy. This cohesive approach to faith formation and worship also allows us to maximize our learning time as the learning from faith formation can be reinforced in worship so the two elements feel complimentary to one another rather than disjointed and also helps people feel connected from week to week, rather than learning in isolation.

-Billie Jo Wicks, Deacon of Faith Formation

5:40-6 Bells

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Looking Ahead at the Lessons August 4—Pastor Tim Ecclesiastes 1:2, 12-14; 2:18-23 / Colossians 3:1-11(12) Luke 12:13-21 August 11—Youth Musical

August 18—Pastor John Jeremiah 23:23-29 / Hebrews 11:29-12:2 / Luke 12:32-40 August 25—Deacon Billie Jo Isaiah 58:9b-14 / Hebrews 12:18-29 / Luke 13:10-17

June, 2019 Month Actual Month Budget $ Over Budget YTD Actual YTD Budget Difference

Income $54,462.55 $69,670.00 $(15,207.45) $820,213.90 $903,100.00 ($68,164.42)

Expenses $75,283.53 $72,965.00 $2,318.53 $892,399.46 $925,250.00 ($32,850.54)

Net Income ($20,820.98) ($3,295.00) ($17,525.98) ($72,185.56) ($18,855.00) ($50,035.56)

Shalom Hill Farm, Windom

September 27-29, 2019

$100/person double room $125/person single room

Amy in the Church Office [email protected] 507-345-5056 ext. 21

Women’s fall retreat

Sign up Online!

A new women’s Bible study begins every 2nd Monday of the month starting in September! They’ll meet from 6:30-7:30pm in the Fireside Room. This year we’ll be studying “Angels”. Books for the study cost $8/each. Please let Amy Olsen know if you’d like to order one.

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Parish News Christian Love and Sympathy to Pastor John and Ellen Petersen upon the death of John’s sister, Judy Schreiber, who passed away on June 11th. Brady and Kelly Peters and family upon the death of Brady’s dad Bill, who passed away July 9th. Baptized in July... Lumi Lynd Esson, daughter of Jena Kozitza and Blair Esson was baptized on July 2nd. Griffin Lee, Wyatt James, and Hadley Mae Wigern, triplets of Nikki Wigern and Megan Jacobson Wigern were

baptized on July 12th. Rory Richard Doll, son of Adam and Sarah Doll was baptized on July 14th. Callie Marie Konicek, daughter of Tony and Cayla Konicek was baptized on July 28th.

Prayer Article Series submitted by Pastor Donohue Sarff With Christ in The School of Prayer – by Andrew Murray

Fifth Lesson – “Ask, and it will be given you;” or “The Certainty of the Answer to Prayer.

“Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8

Our Lord returns here in the Sermon on the Mount a second time to speak of prayer. The first time He had spoken of the Father who is to be found in secret, and rewards openly, and had given us the pattern prayer (the Lord’s Prayer.) Here He wants to teach us what in all Scripture is considered the chief thing in prayer; the assurance that prayer will be heard and answered. Observe how He uses words which mean almost the same thing and each time repeats the promise so distinctly. “You will receive, you will find, it will be opened unto you”; and then gives as ground for such assurance the law of the kingdom: “The one who asks, receives; that seeks, finds, that knocks, it shall be opened.” We cannot but feel how in this six-fold repetition He wants to impress deep on our minds this one truth, that we may

and must most confidently expect an answer to prayer. Next to the revelation of the Father’s love, there is in the whole course of the school of prayer, not a more important lesson than this: Everyone that asks, receives.

CTK is making two gift baskets for the silent auction… Watch for more details!

CTK Children’s Musical Saturday, August 10th at 5:30pm, Sunday, August 11th at 9:30am

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Visit us online!

Non-Profit Organization

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Permit No. 252

Mankato, MN 56001

Contact the Staff Christ the King’s Phone Number: 507-345-5056

Pastor Timothy Bowman: ext. 26 / [email protected]

Pastor Cheryl Indehar: ext. 23 / [email protected]

Pastor John Petersen: ext. 24 / [email protected]

Billie Jo Wicks, Deacon of Faith Formation : ext. 19 / [email protected]

Accounting Office: ext. 22 / [email protected]

Al Lee, Technology Arts Director: ext. 36 / [email protected]

Amy Olsen, Communications Director: ext. 21 / [email protected]

Chuck Hoogland, Organist: ext. 25 / [email protected]

Garrett Steinberg, Director of Creative Arts: ext. 37 [email protected]

Justine Carlson, Opportunity Coordinator: ext. 38 / [email protected]

Rick Weber, Property Manager: ext. 11 [email protected]

Robin Hughes, Choir Director: [email protected]

Wendy Paulson, Director of Children’s Ministries: ext. 20 / [email protected]

222 Pfau Street Mankato, MN 56001

Deadline for Newsletter Articles Next Month: Monday, August 26th

Phone: 507-345-5056 Fax: 507-345-6115

Address Service Requested

CTK Lutheran Church is a caring community committed to empower all people

to know Christ and to make Christ known.

Weekly Worship Schedule


6:00pm Outdoors



Sundays 9:30am

*Communion on 1st, 3rd and 5th weekend


Worship services are broadcast on

Charter channel 181 and

Consolidated Communications

channel 7 Sundays at 3:00pm and Tuesdays at 10:00am.

Church Office Hours Monday-Thursday ~ 8:00am-4:00pm

Friday-Sunday ~ By Appointment

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From the Desk of Opportunity Coordinator Justine Carlson [email protected] / 345-5056 ext. 38

Serving Christ’s Church in August

USHERS 5:30 L’Myra Hoogland 9:30 Bill Bickett / Phil Patterson / Clayton Tiede / Ken Wagner / Dianne Wagner

Lector Greeter Lector Prayer Chapel Communion Preparer

3rd —

Randy Rose

4th —

Armin & Jeanette


4th —

Mary Oudekerk

4th —

Lonnie Reemer

3rd/4th —

Irene Mickelson &

Shirley James

10th —

None; Youth Musical


Denise Amundson


None; Youth Musical


Chuck Dahline

No Communion

17th —

Becky Rose

18th —

Brad & Karen


18th —

Zachary Borneke

18th —

LaVonne Rohn

17th/18th —

Phyllis Retzlaff &

Gen Matzke

24th —

Dick Bautch

25th —

Paul & Lori Jakes

25th —

Sean Sletten

25th —

Sandy Smith

No Communion


Sue Moore


Pam & Larry



Stan Bruss


June Borseth


Maxine Thompson &

Marlys Jorgenson

Join Pastor Tim in celebrating his


The service will begin at 2:00pm, with a

reception to follow. The color of the day

will be RED.

Church Address: Faith Lutheran Church

308 2nd St. NW in Dodge Center

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CTK YOUTHA U G U S T 2 0 1 9

Some Highlights for Youth Grades 6-12

10-31 NO CLUB


Nearly 40 youth, from 5 area ELCAchurches worked together to serve theMankato area in a variety of ways. Weworked hard, played hard and madeawesome new friends. Work projectsincluded work at McGowan's farm,projects for the cities of Eagle Lakeand Lake Crystal, small projects andyard for area people andorganizations, creating foster care kitsfor area youth, serving at ECHO andHoly Grounds, sorting at area thriftstores, untagnling llights for Kiwanisand more! We used the book Water,Wind, Earth, & Fire as inspirtation forour devotion times and closed out ourweek with a wroship service atCrossroads Minsitries at MSU. Thanks for a great week! We arealready planning ahead for more jointactivities this school year and nextsummer too!

A P R I L 2 0 1 9


2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 0r e g i s t r a t i o n o p e n ! ! !

We are excited and gearingup for another awesomeyear of CLUB! We arewelcoming new guides forCLUB 7. If interested,contact Billie Jo! Sept 11-CLUB parentmeetingSept 18-CTK block partySept 25-CLUB sessionsbegin Fall reatreat planning isunderway! Be on thelookout for moreinformation, coming yourway soon!

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