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Stage FrightorPerformance AnxietyWhen I join the toastmaster club, in the first meeting I have fear ,I saw many of our friends speaking frequently without any fear, their way of communication made me mad, I thought to go out from the room, am really wounded because of Akshyas,Saarika,& Suman speeches.After the first meeting had thought, why am not able to speaker like those people, why am fear about stage, why my throat become dry when I am in stage, I search it in many social medias, internet, Books. Finally I came to know that I have Stage frightorperformance anxiety (Its not only for hides in all). What it is? Why it is? How it is? Here is the answer for all Questions.Stage frightorperformance anxiety:Is the anxiety,fear, or persistentphobiawhich may be aroused in an individual by the requirement toperforming front of anaudience, whether actually or potentially (for example, when performing before acamera). In the context of public speaking, this may precede or accompany participation in any activity involving public self-presentation. In some cases stage fright may be a part of a larger pattern of socialorsocial anxiety disorder, but many people experience stage fright without any wider problems. Quite often, stage fright arises in a mere anticipation of a performance, often a long time ahead. It has numerous manifestations: fluttering or pounding heart,tremorin the hands and legs, sweaty hands,facial nervetics,dry mouth,erectile dysfunctionanddizziness.Stage fright may be observed in people of all experience and background, from those completely new to being in front of an audience to those who have done so for years. It is commonly known among everyday people, which may, for example, affect one's confidence injob interviews. It also affects actors, comedians, musicians, and politicians. Many people with no other problems can experience stage fright, but some people with chronic stage fright also havesocial anxietyorsocial phobia which are chronic feelings of high anxiety in any social situation. Stage fright can also be seen in school situations, like stand up projects and class speeches.Symptoms of Stage frightAccording to a Harvard Mental Health Letter (HMHL), "Anxiety usually has physical symptoms that may include a Racing heart, Adry mouth, A shaky voice,Blushing ,Trembling, Sweating, Lightheadedness, NauseaIn trying to resist this position, the body will begin to shake in places such as the legs and hands. Several other things happen besides this. Muscles in the body contract causing them to be tense and ready to attack. Second, "blood vessels in the extremities constrict". This can leave a person with the feeling of cold fingers, toes, nose, and ears. Constricted blood vessels also gives the body extra blood flow to the vital organs.How to overcome from this:Ok I got the answer why I am not able to speaker in stage, but how to overcome from this, this is the next immediate question arise in my mind. i think in many ways, I thought to join for the English speaking course, but their also I have to speak, instead of doing that, again am regular to the Toastmaster, and taking roles voluntarily, and observe the speakers carefully, then I learnt the Body language, way of presentation, using the stages, how to attract the audience, how to add the humors things in the speeches. From the different speakers, finally I made some rules to my mind. which are as follows.1. Understanding stage fright:Be aware that stage fright is common for all people2. Preparation is ninety nine percent confidencesAlways be prepared before going onto the stage. : I prepare myself in front of mirror.Be prepared to wing it: whenever table topic master give topic to other, that time I thought me as the speaker and I speaks in my mind.3. Staying calmBe calm: whenever am in the Toastmaster meeting I will be in calm mood, no worry for anything.Breathe evenly and from your diaphragm:Meditate: Nowadays am doing Meditation Morning before Both.Think positively: Whenever I did mistakes, I think its learning point for doing best in future.Listen to music. Watching comic scenes, and the leaders public speeches which are help me lot.4. Letting out the jittersExercise, Do something silly, Have a group pow-wow.5. You're on stage!Make eye contact, Focus on the materials or on others, Relax even more, Be conscious of your body language, Realize it's no biggieFor making these rules in my mind, there are many people come in my mind those areAkshay: How to give louder and humors speech in the Stage.Sarika: How to Motivate the speaker, how to frame the speech.Shree Rang & Kushik: How to frame the Speech Grammatically.Joshi: Be ready for anything.I learnt all these points from them. I think them as my mentors to overcome form stage fright.These are all the Famous People with Fear of Public Speaking

Tiger WoodsAristotleSir Isaac NewtonAbraham LincolnDavid Beckham

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