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Star 8 Solar Green Commercial

Solar Glass

Certificate of Membership

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About Us

Star 8 is an innovative Solar company, specialising in the implementation of solar and renewable energy products in

Australia and New Zealand. Star 8 operates in both Residential and Commercial sectors and is active in upcoming Solar Farm projects in Australia. We are Melbourne based, with additional offices in Brisbane and New Zealand and have strategic coopera-tion agreements with leading solar companies in Melbourne, Gold Coast, Canberra, Tasmania and Southern Australia.

Star 8 hold the innovation patents for “Solar Glass Windows” in Australia and New Zealand and has new patents pending for other BIPV and solar products and solutions.

Our cornerstone products is the solar glass window, which integrate into traditional building materials. A simple solar solution which does not require special modifications and is supplied at similar price to double glazing but also increases the buildings energy production. All Star 8 innovative solar products hold the necessary international and local stand-ards and certificats. Star 8 is a member of the Clean Energy Council and The World Glazing Association.

Transforming Sunlight into a Green Future

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Innovative See-Through Solar Glasso High efliciency and stable power outputo Prominent performance at high temperature and weak sunlighto Cost eftective and low energy payback timeo Quick, easyand llexibleoptions toinstallo Fewer shading losses than crystalline moduleso High transmittance. perfect performance for BIPV

Colour variations- including red, blue, yellow and transparent

Patented wood frame installation - Perfect Residential Solar Solution

Transparency options- 10% 20% and 30%

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BIPV (Building-integrated photovoltaics) are photovoltaic materials used to replace conventional building materials in parts of the building envelope. BIPV is increasingly being incorporated into the construction of new buildings as a principal of ancillary source of electrical power – although existing buildings may be retrofitted with BIPV modules as well. The advantage of integrated photovoltaics over more commonly non-integrated system is that the initial cost

can be offset, by reducing the amount spent on building materials and labor that the BIPV modules replace. Com-pared to traditional PV, which is less attractive and stands out – BIPV is integrated into the structure and aligns itself with the projects initial design. These advantages make BIPV one of the fastest growing segments of the renewable energy industry.




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Solar Glass windows are an ideal integrated solution for all residential and commercial buildings including high rises, warehousing, hotels and more. The Solar Glass window can be installed in place of the regular glazed window or in the building’s façade – or as curtain wall. Solar glass windows are double glazed, high strength, durable and transparent. They are available in dozens of colors and styles and have the same properties as traditional double glazed windows.


Light Trabsform Efficiency: 5% - 6% Power: 65Wp - 80 Wp Size: 1100mm * 1300mm Colour: Natural (cold tone & warm tone) Transparent Rate: 20% & 30 %

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Solar carports take advantage of large, previously unutilized land areas that will now generate energy, provide shading and protection while still allowing some light to penetrate. The carport designs are very elegant and add value to the parking spaces.


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AGRICULTUREAs the agriculture industry becomes more high tech, the energy consumption increases dramatically, therefore being able to have the greenhouse cover its own energy costs while still offering the same growth conditions is becoming essential. Star 8 can ensure that agriculture is truly sustainable as we move into the future.

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Balustrades are the forgotten area of solar. With such a large amount of them in existence we can now turn them into an attractive source of energy using solar glass.

With solar glass not replying on a sun facing angle to have a decent output – balustrades can take advantage of this and become a productive part of any building.

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Skylights have always been an integral part of the feel of many buildings, but have been restricted in their use as a result of poor insulation qualities. Our solar glass changes this paradigm as a result of its excellent thermal properties in both winter and summer. This allows for larger designs, which let more light into a building and turn some of that light into electricity on the way through.


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Our solar glass comes in many levels of transparencies from 5% (more commonly used in curtain walls) right through to 30% transparent (used in regular window applications, skylights etc).

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The wiring runs inside the hollow portion of the frame, keeping it out of sight. The framing solutions used are supplied and installed by local providers – which comply with all relevant Australian building, glazing and electrical standards.

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Overall, the installation process for solar glass win-dows is similar to traditional glazing methods with a few small adjustments.


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When it comes to solar farms, we think outside the box and have many products that can be applied, depending on terrain and conditions for your site. Like most things – solar farms come down to return on investment first and foremost. Star 8 ‘s resources ensure not only excellent value, but well drilled execution when it comes to the installation and electronic management.


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Project References&

Case Studies

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The largest north facing BIPV facade in Australia

• Lydiard St South, Ballarat VIC• 200 meter square• 8.4 kWp system capacity• Double glazed• 2007 BCSE Award winning project

University of Ballarat

BIPV in Australia

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BIPV in Australia

Melbourne Grammar School

• 67 Balaclava Rd, Caufield VIC• 3.0 kWp• ASI THRU-L• 3925kWh expected annual output

Grimwade Campus

• The system installed on library atrium roof replacing conventional glass roof.

• System installed flat on 4 degree pitched north facing roof.

• The system is integrated with weather monitoring system and displayed on internet.

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BIPV Overseas

BIPV - ShangHai CHINA10 kWp system capacity

Innsbruck BIPV Project - Austria2.28 kWp system capacity

BIPV - Studio Lamela - Spain31.5kWpSince 2007

Monash University - Malaysia7.36kWp system capacitySince 2007

BIPV - JiLin CHINA15.2 kWp system capacity

BMW Welt - Bayern824 kWp system capacitySince 2007

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Skylight BIPV San Anton Market• Energy generated: 7,448 kWh/year• Avoided CO2 emissions: 5 tn.PER YEAR

Semi-transparent Double Glazed

Bejar Market - Spain• Energy generated: 8,763 kWh/year• Avoided CO2 emissions: 2.95 tn

Coloured PV Glass

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Level 2, 204A Turner StreetPort Melbourne VIC 3207 AUSTRALIA

Tel +61 (0)3 9646 3340 Fax +61 (0)3 9646 3385Email [email protected] Website

Star 8 Solar Green Commercial

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