
Stephen Covey’s

The 7 Habits ofHighly Effective People

Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

A state of character arises

from the repetition of similar activities.


Personality and Character Ethics

• Personality Ethic (post WWI)– Personality, public image, attitudes &

behaviors, skills and techniques, quick fixes

• Character Ethic (pre WWI)– Integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance,

courage, justice, patience, industry, simplicity, modesty, the Golden Rule

– Not just “What do I want?” but “Why do I want it?”

The Power of a Paradigm Shift

• What is a paradigm?• What is a paradigm shift?• My paradigm shift -- caring vs. enabling• Near-death experiences frequently cause

people to experience a paradigm shift.• Not all paradigm shifts are instantaneous

-- some happen gradually over time.

The Seven Habits

Knowledge(what to, why to)

Desire(want to)

Skills(how to)


Private VictoriesThe First Three Habits

Habit # 1

Be Proactive



Stimulus Response

Independent Will



Circle of Concern

Circle of Influence

Circle of Concern

Circle of Influence


• Recognizing reactive tendencies

• Controlling harmful emotions

• Developing use of discretion

• Operating within authority

• Standing up for ethical behavior

• Focusing on circle of influence

Habit # 2

Begin with the End in Mind

Alternative “Centers”

• Spouse centered• Family centered• Money centered• Possession centered

• Pleasure centered• Friend/Enemy centered• Church centered• Self centered

• Principle Centered

Write a Personal Mission Statement


• Charting a career path• Acting to support strategies and plans• Questioning actions when they conflict

with ultimate goals• Writing personal mission statements• Creating meeting agendas• Look at outcomes• Examine alternate outcomes

Habit # 3

Put First Things First

Time Management MatrixN

ot I







Urgent Not Urgent



Activities:CrisesPressing ProblemsDeadline Driven Projects

Activities:Interruptions, some callsSome mail, some reportsSome meetingsProximate, pressing mattersPopular activities

Activities:Prevention, PC activitiesRelationship buildingRecognizing new opportunitiesPlanning, recreation

Activities:Trivia, busy workSome mailSome phone callsTime wastersPleasant activities


• Staying within my circle of influence

• Saying “no” to the unimportant

• Planning weekly- executing daily

• Value based action plans

Public VictoriesThe Second Three Habits

The emotional bank account

• DEPOSITS– Kindness and courtesy– Keeping promises– Honoring expectations– Loyalty to the absent– Sincere apologies

• WITHDRAWALS– Unkindness and

discourtesy– Breaking promises– Disloyalty and duplicty– Pride and arrogance

Habit # 4

Think Win/Win

Six Paradigms of Human Interaction

• Win

• Win/lose

• Lose/Win

• Lose/Lose

• Win/Win

• Win/Win or No Deal


• Balancing personal needs with the needs of others

• Balancing courage and consideration

• Discovering what others want and need

• Think abundantly

Habit # 5

Seek First to Understand,

Then to be Understood

Born with 2 ears and one mouth for a reason…

• Seek to understand what is needed from you in each situation

• You have never been here before!

• Listen first

• Listen beyond the words

• Listen contextually

• Don’t just do something…stand there

And then be understood

• Be clear

• Be direct

• Be consistent

• Use your prefrontal cortex…


I listen with the goal of hearing

- to citizens

- to other officers

- to leadership

- to family

I speak with the goal of being heard…

Habit # 6


The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

• We can do more together than any of us can do alone

• I am better because of you and you are better because of me

• There are more reasons to find similarity than there are to find differences among people


• Treating others with dignity and respect

• Investing in partnerships

• Seeking out others who are critical to success

• Generosity in promoting the success of others

• Understanding and celebrating differences

Habit # 7

Sharpen the Saw

Production requires development of production capability-

-We maintain our car but not our career

-We maintain our floors but not our family

-We sharpen our saws but not our spirits

PhysicalExercise, NutritionStress Management

Social/EmotionalService, Empathy

Synergy, Intrinsic Security

MentalReading, Visualizing

Planning, Writing

SpiritualValue Clarification

& Commitment, Study & Meditation

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