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of Technology:

Steve Jobs

Gabriel G.11 Dp

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Steve Jobs

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Full Name: Steven Paul Jobs

Birthday: 24th February 1955

Birth Location: San Francisco, California

Death: 5th October 2011 (aged 56)

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How he started?

After college, Steve and his geek friend Woz (Steve Wozniak) was a computer hobbyist. They joined a group called 'Homebrew Computer Club'. Woz started to make his own microprocessor and made his own computer with the help of Bill Gates Basic Interpreter. Woz showed it to Steve and Steve was impressed with Woz's work. They would make their own computers and sell them at meetings in the Homebrew Computer Club.

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Then they started to make their own company called "Apple Computer". They got more help from Steve's colleagues from Atari, one of them is Ron Wayne. Wayne did the paperwork to start a corporation and did the first "Apple Computer" logo. Wayne got 10% of the company's shares, while Steve and Woz gets 45% each.

Their first costumer for the Apple Computer are their fellow mate in the Homebrew Computer Club. The guys opened a Computer shop called "Byte-Shop", he ordered 50 of Apple Computer at $500 each computer, total of $25, 000.

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Apple first computer is called 'Apple I'. Then right after, Woz started to improve on the computer designs, the future Apple II. Then right after Apple II was finished, Steve went to look for investors. After some turn downs, he met Mark Markkula, a former Intel worker who made millions and retired early. That is where the Apple Company really started.

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Technology They


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What did they do to develop technology?

Woz and Steve improved the microprocessors

Apple Computer Co.

Apple I

Apple II

Made the writing of compatible software very easy

The eight expansion slots

Apple II Software

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Disk II, floppy disk drive, sharing and installing software

Apple III

GUI Computer (Lisa)


3M Machine

NeXT Company

NeXT Cube

Pixar Studio

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Apple TV

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What impact has it had

in society?

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What impact has it had in society?

Steve Jobs creation or development of technologies had impacted a lot in Education & Training, and also Home & Leisure.

How? In education & training, he created Apple to help students. The Apple software is a very simple and very easy-to-use software that can make the end product professional.

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In Home & Leisure, he created iPods, iPads, iPhones, etc, to make our lives easier. He made iPods so we can listen to music everywhere we want and any songs we want. We don’t have to bring CDs everywhere. He made the iPads so we don’t have to bring our heavy laptops everywhere. He made iPhones so we can enjoy phone calls and have entertainment together.

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Who Else had made a

big impact?

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Bill Gates

Made a big impact to the Business & Employment.




Also impacted Steve Jobs

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ITGS DP 11Thank You for Listening

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"Bill Gates Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story -" Famous Biographies & TV Shows - Web. 02 Nov. 2011.

"Long Biography of Steve Jobs." All about Steve Nov. 2010. Web. 02 Nov. 2011.

"Steve Jobs Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story -" Famous Biographies & TV Shows - Web. 02 Nov. 2011.

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