  • 7/25/2019 Stewart (1988) -- L Proterozoic n' Paleozoic S Margin of N. a. n the Accretion of Mexico



    doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(1988)0162.3.CO;21988;16;186-189Geology

    John H. Stewartaccretion of MexicoLatest Proterozoic and Paleozoic southern margin of North America and the

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  • 7/25/2019 Stewart (1988) -- L Proterozoic n' Paleozoic S Margin of N. a. n the Accretion of Mexico


    Latest Proterozoic and Paleozoic southern marg in

    o f Nor th Amer ica and the accre t ion o f Mex ico

    John H. Stewart

    U.S. Geo log ica l Survey M .S. 901 345 M idd le f ie ld Road Men lo Park Ca l i f o rn ia 94025

    A B S T R A C T

    Th e la t es t Pro terozo ic an d Pa leozo ic s ou th ern marg in o f th e

    N orth A mer ican con t in en t i s in t erp reted to h ave b een loca ted in w h at

    i s n o w n orth ern M ex ic o . Th e in t erp reta t ion is b as ed on 1 ) th e con -

    vergen ce acros s n orth ern Mex ico o f th e C ord i l l eran geos yn c l in a l b e l t

    on th e w es t t ow ard th e Ou ach i ta geos yn c l in a l b e l t on th e eas t , an d

    2) th e lack o f N orth A mer ican u p p ermos t Pro terozo ic an d Pa leozo ic

    s h e l f an d cra ton a l p la t form rock s s ou th o f la t 28 in Mex ico . C omp lex

    rift ing in the lates t Pr oter ozo ic to Cambria n is interpre ted to hav e

    forme d th e s ou th ern marg in an d may h ave p rod u ced microcon t in en ta l

    b lock s n ow rep res en ted b y Precamb rian crys ta l l in e b as emen t rock s in

    eas t ern Mex ico an d p os s ib ly e l s ew h ere in th e C ar ib b ean reg ion .

    Precamb rian crys ta l l in e rock s , a s s oc ia t ed Pa leozo ic s ed imen tary

    rock s , an d p erh ap s far - t rave led exo t ic t erran es w ere accre ted to

    N orth A mer ica in th e la t e Pa leozo ic , an d p erh ap s Tr ia s s ic , an d

    formed th e n u c leu s o f Me x ico .

    I N T R O D U C T I O N

    In recent years speculat ion has increased that the southern margin of

    th e N o r th A mer ican co n t in en t ex ten d ed ac r o s s n o r th e r n M ex ico d u r in g

    lates t Prote rozoic and Paleozoic t ime Ross , 1976; S tew ar t , 1976, 1981;

    P e i f f e r - R an g in , 1 9 7 9 ; S tev en s , 1 9 8 2 ; P a lmer e t a l . , 1 9 8 4 ; A lmazan -

    Vazquez et a l . , 1986) . In th is ar t ic le I review information on the locat ion of

    th i s p r o p o s ed mar g in , ex p la in s eemin g ly an o malo u s P r ecamb r ian an d P a -

    leozoic rocks south of the proposed margin , and descr ibe the tectonic

    d ev e lo p men t o f th e s o u th e r n mar g in o f N o r th A mer ica an d th e acc r e t io n

    of Mexico.

    L O C A T I O N O F T H E S O U T H E R N M A R G I N

    Th e b o u n d ar y b e tw een s h a l lo w - w a te r mio g eo s y n c l in a l an d c r a to n a l

    pla tform carbon ate-s i l ic iclas t ic rocks and f r inging eugeosyn cl inal se-

    quen ces of deep-w ater s i l iceous and de tr i ta l rocks def ines the la tes t

    P r o te r o zo ic an d P a leo zo ic co n t in en ta l mar g in o f N o r th A mer ica . Th i s

    bou nda ry F ig . IB) , modif ied by thrus t ing, t rends eas t in the Cord i l leran

    g eo s y n c l in a l b e l t o f n o r th w es t M ex ico an d h as an i r r eg u la r b u t g en e r a l ly

    s o u th w es t t r en d in th e O u a ch i t a g eo s y n c l in a l b e l t o f th e s o u th e r n U n i t ed

    S ta te s . Th e co n v er g en ce o f th es e tw o b e l t s to w ar d o n e an o th e r h as l ed to

    the specula t ion that they jo in in a region of few outc rops of Paleo zoic

    rocks in nor thern Mexico. This hypothes is is suppor ted by facies and

    thickness t rends of Paleozoic rocks that extend general ly eas t across the

    s o u th e r n an d s o u th w es te r n U n i t ed S ta t e s an d n o r th e r n M ex ico S tev en s,

    1982; Palmer et a l . , 1984; Almazan-Vasquez et a l . , 1986) and by souther ly

    La te P r o te r o zo ic an d C amb r ian p a leo cu r r en t s th a t s ug g es t a f low o u tw a r d

    f r o m th e N o r th A m er ican p la t f o r m to w ar d a s o u th e r n s he l f S tew ar t e t a l ,

    1984, F ig . 14) . The hypothes is is a lso suppor ted by the widespread dis tr i -

    b u t io n o f u p p e r mo s t P r o te r o zo ic an d P a leo zo ic s h a l lo w - w a te r s h e l f r o ck s

    F ig . A , I B ) in th e U n i t ed S ta t e s an d n o r th e r n M ex ico a s f a r s o u th a s l a t

    28, and the lack of any shal low-water rocks that can be t ied with assur-

    anc e to the No rth Am erica n shelf south of th is la t i tude S tew ar t , 1981) .

    S p ecu la t io n o n th e lo ca t io n o f th e s o u th e r n mar g in o f N o r th A me r ica

    is in ter related with the problem of the amount , i f any, of Mesozoic or

    younger tectonic d is locat ions in nor thern Mexico. In par t icular , 700 to 800

    k m o f J u r as si c d i s p lacemen t o n th e l e f t - la t e r a l M o ja v e - S o n o r a meg as h ea r

    F ig . 1 ) h as b een p r o p o s ed b y S i lv e r an d A n d er s o n 1 9 7 4 ) an d A n d er s o n

    an d S ch m id t 1 9 8 3 ) . Th i s in t e r p r e ta t io n is b as ed o n an ap p a r en t d i s r u p t io n

    in n o r th w es t M ex ico o f P r ecamb r ian c r y s ta l l in e b as emen t r o ck s an d th e

    s eemin g ly id en t i ca l d i s r u p t io n o f u n co n f o r mab ly o v e r ly in g u p p er mo s t

    P r o te r o zo ic an d P a leo zo ic C o r d i l l e r an g eo s y n c lin a l r o ck s F ig . 1 A , I B ) .

    Th e m eg as h ea r i s an imp o r tan t b o u n d ar y b e tw een d i f f e r en t ty p es of r o ck s

    an d s t r u c tu r es in n o r th e r n M ex ico F ig . 1 ) an d , a s s u ch , may r ep r es en t a

    zone of s ignif icant la teral movement . On the o ther hand, the al ignment of

    th e C o r d i l l e r an an d O u ach i t a b e l t s F ig . 1 ) may a r g u e ag a in s t s u ch mo v e-

    men t s . I n an y cas e , t ec to n ic d i s lo ca t io n s in n o r th e r n M ex ico a r e p o o r ly

    unders tood, and s ignif icant d is rupt ions in the relat ive pos i t ions of rocks

    and s tructures sho wn in F igure 1 are poss ible .

    P R E C A M B R I A N A N D P A L E O Z O I C R O C K S S O U T H

    O F T H E P R O P O S E D M A R G I N

    P r ecamb r ian c r y s ta l l in e b as emen t r o ck s an d P a leo zo ic s ed imen ta r y

    an d m e tam o r p h ic r o ck s c r o p o u t , o r h av e b een p en e t r a t ed in d r il l h o le s , a t

    s ca t t e r ed lo ca l i t i e s in M ex ico s o u th o f th e p r o p o s ed s o u th e r n mar g in o f

    l a t e s t P r o te r o zo ic an d P a leo zo ic N o r th A m er ica F ig . 1 A , IB , 1 C ) . S o me

    geologis ts have proposed that the Ouachita bel t turns south in nor theas t

    M ex ico A n d er s o n an d S ch m id t , 1 9 8 3 ; H an d s ch y e t a l. , 1 9 8 7 ) an d th a t th e

    P r ecamb r ian an d P a leo zo ic r o ck s in M ex ico f o r m a s o u th w ar d - ex ten d in g

    p r o n g o f th e N o r th A me r ican co n t in en t G u zm an an d D e C s e r n a , 1 9 6 3 ;

    Shurbet and Cebull , 1987) . Such relat ion, i f t rue, would be in conf l ic t with

    the concepts presented here.

    The mos t impor tant local i ty south of the proposed margin is the

    H u izach a l - P e r eg r in a a r ea in eas t e r n M ex ico F ig . I B ) w h er e P r ecam b r ian

    G r en v i l l i an b as emen t r o ck s an d S i lu r i an , D ev o n ian , M is s i s s ip p ian , P en n -

    s y lv an ian , an d P e r mia n s ed imen ta r y r o ck s c r o p o u t C ar r i l lo - B r av o ,

    Figure 1. Surface and subsurface distribution of Precambrian to

    Triassic rocks, southern United States and central and northern Mex-

    ico. MC = Mexico City; MSM = Mojave-Sonora megashear; CA = Cali-

    fornia; MX = Mexico; SA = San Andreas fault system; TX = Texas; US =

    United States. Symbols queried where facies assignments or ages are

    uncertain. Blank areas are no-data regions. A: Precambrian crystalline

    rocks. HP = Huizachal-Peregrina anticlinorium; HU = Huayacocotla an-

    ticlinorium. Based mainly on Condie 1981), Anderson an d Silver

    1979), and Bickford et al. 1986 ). B: Uppermost P roterozoic to Lower

    Mississippian. HP = Huizachal-Peregrina anticlinorium; M = Marathon

    region; OB = Ouachita be lt; TA = transcontinental arch. Based on many

    sources, including Gastil and Miller 1984), Stewart et al. 1984), Flawn

    et al. 1961), and Lopez-Ramos 198 1,19 82). C: Upper Mississippian to

    Middle Triassic. OB = Ouachita belt; PB = Pedregosa basin; S = serpen-

    tinite; V = volcanic rock. Based on many sources, including Gastil and

    Miller 1984 ), Lopez-Ram os 1972, 1981, 1982), Mellor and Breyer

    1981), and H andschy et al. 1987). D: Upper Triassic. Based on

    many sources, including Belcher 1979) and Lopez-Ram os 1972,


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  • 7/25/2019 Stewart (1988) -- L Proterozoic n' Paleozoic S Margin of N. a. n the Accretion of Mexico


    E X P L A N A T I O N

    M e s o z o i c o r C e n o z o i c s t r ik e - s li p f a u l t A r r o w s s h o w

    r e l a t i v e m o v e m e n t

    A g e , i n M a

    1700 1800

    1550 1770

    1340 1400

    750 1200

    E X P L A N A T I O N

    U p p e r P a l eo zo i c o r T r i ass i c (? ) t h ru s t f au l t D ash ed w h ere

    i n f e r red . S aw t ee t h o n u p p er p l a t e

    M e s o z o i c o r C e n o z o i c s t r i ke - s li p f a u l t A r r o w s s h o w

    r e l a t i v e m o v e m e n t

    ^ / . yv j C ra t o n a l p l a t f o rm

    . . * . C o rd i l l e ran m i o g eo syn c l i n a l b e l t

    l i ^ ^ l S i l ic e o u s a n d d e tr i ta l ( e u g e o s y n c l in a l ) a s s e m b l a g e s

    E X P L A N A T I O N

    . U p p er P a l eo zo i c o r T r i ass ic ( ? ) t h ru s t f au l t D ash ed w h ere

    i n f e r red . S aw t ee t h o n u p p er p l a t e

    M e s o z o i c o r C e n o z o i c s t r i ke - s li p f a u l t A r r o w s s h o w

    r e l a t i v e m o v e m e n t

    E X P L A N A T I O N

    M e s o z o i c o r C e n o z o i c s t r i ke - s li p f a u l t A r r o w s s h o w

    r e l a t i v e m o v e m e n t

    C h i n le F o r m a t i o n a n d D o c k u m G r o u p

    C ra t o n a l p l a t f o rm

    C o rd i l l e ran m i o g eo syn c l i n a l b e l t

    T h i ck f l ysch seq u en ces ; l i t t l e ch er t

    T h i n f l y s c h s e q u e n c e s ; c o m m o n t o a b u n d a n t c h e r t

    T u rb i d i t e seq u en ce o f P ed reg o sa b as i n

    l . - . i y . j C o arse r i f t - b as i n d ep o s i t s

    j ^ j j M a r i n e s e d i m e n t a r y ro c k s

    I - - V ^ l G ran i t o i d ro cks

    U p p er P a l eo zo i c m et am o rp h i c ro cks , i n c l u d i n g i n t e r i o r

    zo n e o f O u ach i t a b e l t

    G ran i t o i d ro cks

    GEOLOGY, February 1988


  • 7/25/2019 Stewart (1988) -- L Proterozoic n' Paleozoic S Margin of N. a. n the Accretion of Mexico


    1961). These rocks have been correlated Flaw n et al., 1961; Carrillo-

    Bravo, 1961) with Paleozoic rocks of the Marathon region of southwest

    Texas, and this correlation has been given as evidence that the Ouachita

    geosynclinal belt extends southwar d into northeast M exico Flaw n et al.,

    1961; Carrillo-Bravo, 1961). This correlation, however, seems unlikely

    because the lower Paleozoic sedimentary sequence there does not closely

    resemble that of the Mara thon region. In particular, Silurian and Devon ian

    strata consist of gravity-flow deposits with a transported shallow-water

    fauna, unlike any rocks in the Marathon region. In addition, rocks in the

    Huizachal-Peregrina area that were previously reported as Devonian no-

    vaculite, a distinctive unit in the Ouachita geosynclinal belt, are now

    identified as volcanic rocks of unkn ow n age Gursky and R amirez-

    Ramirez, 1986).

    Farther south, Precambrian crystalline basement and Paleozoic sedi-

    men tary rocks occur in the subsurface of eastern Mexico Lopez -Ram os,

    1972), in the Huayacocotla anticlinorium, and in Oaxaca in southern

    Mexico south of the area of Fig. 1). The only Paleozoic shallo w-w ater

    rocks in this region that could conceivably be considered to be a piece of

    the North American shelf occur in Oaxac a Pantoja-Alor and R obison,

    1967). Here, however, the stratigraphic sequence is unlike that of the

    North American shelf, and Cambrian trilobite faunas in this sequence have

    their greatest affinities to faunas in Argentina Robison a nd Panto ja-Alo r,


    T E C T O N IC D E V E L O P M E N T O F T H E S O U T H E R N

    M A R G I N O F N O R T H A M E R I C A

    Latest Proterozoic to Early Mississippian

    The latest Proterozoic and Paleozoic southern margin of North

    America is interpreted to have formed either during a single Late Proter-

    ozoic rifting event Keller and Cebull, 1973; Stewart, 1976) or during tw o

    stages of rifting, one in the late Precambrian and one in the Cambrian

    Lowe, 1985). In the latter interpretation, microcontinental blocks sepa-

    rated from North America during the Cambrian, migrated away from

    North America, and in their wake produced basins in which the rocks of

    the Ouach ita belt were deposited. Subsequ ent to the rifting event or

    events), the margin remained generally tectonically passive into the


    This passive margin in northwest Mexico is a continuation of the

    Cordilleran belt of western North America and is characterized by an

    outward-thickening sequence of shallow-water shelf deposits of the mio-

    geosynclinal belt Stewar t et al., 1984) and offshelf deep-w ater siliceous

    and detrital rocks of the eugeosynclinal belt Poole and Madri d, 19 86).

    Deposition of these sequences was interrupted in Nevada by a major

    converge nt event Antler orogeny) in latest Dev onian and M ississippian

    time, but no rocks or structures related to this event have yet been recog-

    nized in northwest Mexico.

    The Ouachita belt contrasts with the Cordilleran belt because it lacks

    an outward-thickening miogeosynclinal sequence. In the Ouachita belt,

    th in cratonal platform rocks extend southward to the thrust contact with

    the tectonically overlying siliceous and detrital eugeosynclinal) rocks on

    the south Flaw n et al., 1961; Nicholas and Rozen dal, 1975; Greenw ood

    et al., 1977). Miogeosynclinal sequences comparable to the Cordilleran

    belt may exist at depth south of the thrust contact Lillie et al., 1983;

    Palmer et al., 1984), but the thickness and distribution of these rocks

    cannot be determined with available information.

    Late Mississippian to Middle Triassic

    During the late Paleozoic, the southern margin of North America

    becam e tectonically active. Flysch sequences Fig. 1C) as thick as 10 km

    were deposited in the Ouachita belt and emplaced in a major a llochthon

    over coeval shelf carbo nate rocks Flawn et al., 1961) during the en-

    chroachment and final coll is ion of South America and North America

    during the late Paleozoic Ouachita orogeny. A widespread allochthon of

    upper Paleozoic metam orphic rocks interior zone of the Ouachita belt)

    was also emplaced during this time. In northeastern and eastern Mexico,

    thinner and finer grained sequences of upper Paleozoic flysch Lopez-

    Ram os, 1981 ,1982), as well as upper Paleozoic metam orphic rocks Gar-

    rison et al., 1980; Hand schy et al., 1987), serpentinite Carrillo-Brav o,

    1961), volcanic rocks Lopez-R amos, 1981, 1982), and poorly dated

    Perm ian to Triassic granitic rocks Lopez -Ram os, 1972; Handschy et al.,

    1987) occur in scattered outcrops and in the subsurface. Rocks in north-

    east Mexico, north of the Mojave-Sonora megashear, were considered by

    Handschy et a l . 1987) to be a composite terrane composed of la te Paleo-

    zoic voclanic-arc rocks and exotic continental crust, accreted to North

    America during the Ouach ita orogeny.

    In north-central Mexico, upper Paleozoic turbiditic rocks are exposed

    in the Pedregosa basin Mellor and Breyer, 1981; Gree nwo od et al., 1977),

    but these rocks depositionally overlie lower Paleozoic carbonate shelf

    rocks, in contrast to the Ouachita belt where similar rocks depositionally

    overlie siliceous and detrital offshelf rocks. Armin 1987 ) ascribed the

    southern Pedregosa basin to Early Permian downflexure under northward-

    moving thrust sheets during the Ouachita orogeny in north-central


    In northwest Mexico, upper Paleozoic turbiditic sequences also over-

    lie lower Paleozoic eugeosynclinal rocks Poole and Madrid, 1986) similar

    to the stratigraphic relations in the Ouachita belt, although the turbiditic

    sequences are much thinner in northwest Mexico than in the Ouachita

    belt . Deformation in northwest Mexico occurred between the mid-

    Permian and the Late Triassic and resulted in the emplacement of a major

    allochthon of Paleozoic eugeosynclinal and turbiditic rocks over Paleozoic

    carbon ate shelf rocks R. Amay a and T. Calm us, 1987, oral com mun .).

    A paleogeographic continuity from North America across Mexico to

    South America resulted from late Paleozoic tectonic events. This conti-

    nuity is evident fron the similarity of upper Paleozoic faunas between and

    in the tw o continen ts Ross, 1979; Stevens, 1982; Ande rson and Sch midt,


    Late Triassic

    By Late Triassic time the assembly of much of Mexico may have

    been complete. In northeast Mexico, assembly of accreted terranes appar-

    ently was complete by Early Permian time when the thrust systems of the

    Marathon region stopped moving and definite ly before emplacement of

    Triassic plutons in northeast Mexico Hand schy et al., 1987). In north-

    western Mexico, Upper Triassic rocks that rest unconformably on

    allochthonou s eugeosynclinal terranes contain coarse, locally derived detri-

    tus from North Am erican shelf rocks, indicating the juxtapos ition of the

    accreted rocks and North America by Late Triassic time. These and other

    Upper Triassic rocks in northern Mexico appear to have accumulated in

    rift basins Belcher, 1979; Stewar t and Roldn, 1986) suprajacent to the

    accreted terranes.

    T E C T O N I C M O D E L

    The model presented here is an attempt to integrate various ideas

    concerning the geologic development of the North American continent

    and Mexico, and it incorporates the idea that the Late Proterozoic and

    early and middle Paleozoic southern margin of North America extended

    across northern Mexico. If the margin was there, most of Mexico has been

    accreted to the North American continent during or since late Paleozoic


    The southern margin of North America, as interpreted here, was

    developed by Late Proterozoic and Ca mbr ian rifting that may have taken

    place in tw o stages Low e, 1985). Durin g the second stage, small mic ro-

    continental blocks may have r if ted from North America and form what

    are now Precamb rian baseme nt terranes in eastern Mexic o Fig. 1A) and

    perhaps elsewhere in the Caribbean region. Little is known of the history

    of these blocks; some may have remained close to North America, others

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  • 7/25/2019 Stewart (1988) -- L Proterozoic n' Paleozoic S Margin of N. a. n the Accretion of Mexico


    may have t rave led fa r from North America , and s t i l l others may have been

    derived from other cont inents . Whatever the i r or igin, these blocks were

    assembled and a t tached to North America , or enmeshed in the col l i s ion

    z one be t we e n Nor t h Am e r i c a a nd Sou t h Am e r i c a dur i ng t he l a t e Pa l e o-

    zoic , and perhaps the Early and Middle Triass ic . Orogenic ac t ivi ty tha t l ed

    to thi s assembly occurred from Miss i ss ippian to Permian t ime in the Oua-

    chi ta be l t in the southern Uni ted Sta tes and northeas te rn Mexico and from

    Permian to perhaps Triass ic t ime in north-cent ra l and northwest Mexico.

    Assembly of the various blocks may have been comple te by Late Triass ic

    t ime wh en r i f t bas ins for me d in the tec tonica l ly w eak be l t tha t was the s i t e

    of the la te Pa leozoic and perha ps Triass ic accre t ion Stewart and Rold n,

    1986). This same zone of weakness corresponds in part to the s i t e of the

    prop osed la rge-sca le l e f t - l a te ra l di splacemen t a long the Jurass ic Mo jave-

    Sonora m e ga she a r .

    R E F E R E N C E S


    Almazan-Vazquez, Emilio, Palmer, A.R., and Robison, R.A., 1986, Constraints on

    the southern margin of North America during the early Paleozoic: Geological

    Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 18, p. 525.

    Anderson, T.H., and Schmidt, V.A., 1983, The evolution of Middle America and

    the Gulf of M exico-Caribbean Sea region during M esozoic time: Geological

    Society of America Bulletin, v. 94, p. 941 -966 .

    Anderson, T.H., and Silver, L.T., 1979, The role of the Mojave-Sonora m egashear

    in the tectonic evolution of northern Son ora,


    Anderson, T.H., and Roldn-

    Quintana , J., eds., Geology of northern Sonora Geological Society of Amer-

    ica Annual Meeting guidebook, field trip 27): Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,

    University of Pittsburgh, p. 59 -68 .

    Armin, R.A., 1987, Sedimentology and tectonic significance of Wolfcampian

    Lower Permian) conglomerates in the Pedregosa basin: Southeastern Arizona,

    southwestern New Mexico, and northern Mexico: Geological Society of Amer-

    ica Bulletin, v. 99, p. 42- 65.

    Belcher, R.C., 1979, Depositional environm ents, paleomagnetism, and tectonic sig-

    nificance of Huizachal red beds lower Mesozoic), northeastern Mexico [Ph.D .

    thesis]: Austin, University of Texas, 276 p.

    Bickford, M.E., Van Schmus, W .R., and Zietz, Isodore, 1986, Proterozoic history of

    the midcontinent region of North Am erica: Geology, v. 14, p. 492- 496 .

    Carrillo-Bravo, J., 1961, Geologa del anticlinoria Huizachal-Peregrina al NW de

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    A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S

    I thank R. Amaya-Martinez, T. H. Anderson, T. Calmus, M. F. Campa,

    R. Dyer, C. Gon zales-Leon, Gordo n G astil, P. C. Goodell, H. J. Gursky, A. E . Guz-

    man, N. W. Jones, K. B. Ketner, R. J. Madrid, J. W. McKee, I. Minjarez-Sosa,

    J. M . Morales-Ramirez, F. G. Poole, C. Ramirez-Ramirez, J. R oldin , G. Salas, and

    L. T. Silver for their help in my geologic studies; C. Carter, R. C. Douglass, J. T.

    Dutro, Jr., A. G. Harris, B. Murchey, A. R. Palmer, J. E. Repetski, R. J. Ross, Jr.,

    and B. R. Ward law for their paleontologic help; and J. E . Case, W. R. Muehlberger,

    R. A. Robison, and Paul Stone for helpful reviews of the manu script.

    Manuscript received August 10,1987

    Revised manuscript received October 26,1987

    Manuscript accepted November 4, 1987

    GEOLOGY February 1988

    Printed in U.S.A.


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