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Page 1: Storyboard

Shot No.1

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

There is a sound effect used at the start when the logo is first on as it gets the viewers intrigued so they carry on watching.

Frame duration

10 seconds

Editing notesCut

Page 2: Storyboard

Shot No.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

Close up of DI Harding’s feet walking down the corridor. Handheld Camera.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

INT. Police Station late at night.Empty corridor. Low – key lighting.Diegetic sound of her heels walking through the corridor. Black shoes.

Frame duration

30 seconds

Editing notes

Fast Cut to show she is doing something illegal and wants to get it done quickly. Anticipation.

Shot No.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

An extreme close up and close up of the coded lock and of DI Harding’s hand putting the code in.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

INT. Police Station late at night.Empty corridor. Low – key lighting.Diegetic sound of her pressing the keys on the lock.

Frame duration

10 seconds

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Handheld camera.

Editing notesFast cut to show she is in a rush and that she is doing something against the law.

Shot No.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Frame duration

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4Long shot of DI Harding walking through the office – door swings shut.

INT. Police Station late at night.Empty corridor. Low – key lighting.Black shoes; black blazer; black top or white blouse. Minimal make up. Handheld torch so the character can see what she is doing without drawing attention to herself. As it is handheld it will make it look more realistic with her nerves.

10 seconds

Editing notes

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Shot No.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot of DI Harding walking over to the filing cabinet.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

INT. Police Station late at night.Empty corridor. Low – key lighting.Black shoes; black blazer; black top or white blouse. Minimal make up. Handheld torch so the character can see what she is doing without drawing attention to herself. As it is handheld it will make it look more realistic with her nerves.

Frame duration

10 seconds

Editing notes


Shot No.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

Close up of the filing cabinet and hands. She opens the cabinet and flicks through files; retrieves a file and places it on top of the cabinet.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

INT. Police Station late at night.Empty corridor. Low – key lighting.Black shoes; black blazer; black top or white blouse. Minimal make up. Handheld torch so the character can see what she is doing without drawing attention to herself. As it is handheld it will make it look more realistic with her nerves.

Frame duration

10 seconds

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Editing notesCut

Shot No.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

We are then shown a close up of the information on the file.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

INT. Police Station late at night.Empty corridor. Low – key lighting.Black shoes; black blazer; black top or white blouse.

Frame Duration

15 seconds

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Minimal make up. Handheld torch so the character can see what she is doing without drawing attention to herself. As it is handheld it will make it look more realistic with her nerves.There is a score playing all the way through.

Editing notes

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Shot No.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot of DI Harding taking an envelope and puts the pages from the file into her bag. She then substitutes’ the documents in the envelope for the ones in the cabinet. She puts the documents into the file.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

INT. Police Station late at night.Empty corridor. Low – key lighting.Black shoes; black blazer; black top or white blouse. Minimal make up. Handheld torch so the character can see what she is doing without drawing attention to herself. As it is handheld it will make it look more realistic with her nerves.There is a score playing all the way through.

Frame Duration

10 Seconds

Editing notesCut

Shot No.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Frame Duration

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9 Then there is a close up of the edited file. Handheld camera.

INT. Police Station late at night.Empty corridor. Low – key lighting.Handheld torch so the character can see what she is doing without drawing attention to herself. As it is handheld it will make it look more realistic with her nerves.There is a score playing all the way through.

10 seconds

Editing notes

CutShot No.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot DI Harding exiting the office and looking back and around the corridor before

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

INT. Police Station late at night.Empty corridor. Low – key lighting.Black shoes; black blazer; black top or white

Frame Duration

5 seconds

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leavings office.No movement. Handheld camera.

blouse. Minimal make up. Her facial expressions are very worried as she bites her lips and looks around paranoid. She looks pensive.Handheld torch so the character can see what she is doing without drawing attention to herself. As it is handheld it will make it look more realistic with her nerves.

Editing notesCut

Shot No.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Frame Duration

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11 Mid shot following Harding down the corridor. She turns and looks behind as if someone is following her; she speeds up the close she gets to the end of the corridor.

INT. Police Station late at night.Empty corridor. Low – key lighting.Black shoes; black blazer; black top or white blouse. She walks fast to show she is nervous and wants to get it over and done with quickly.

10 seconds

Editing notes


Shot No.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

DI Harding enters the toilets and the door slams shut behind her. It is a mid shot of the female. She places her bag on top of the toilet cistern. She

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

INT. Police Station late at night in the toilets.Low – key lighting.Black shoes; black blazer; black top or white blouse. Minimal make up.

Frame Duration

10 seconds

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retrieves the pages from out of her bag and holds them in her left hand. Handheld camera.

No facial expressions’ at this point.

Editing notes

CutShot No.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

Cuts to a mid shot as she takes the lighter out of her pocket; the camera tracks her hand as she brings the lighter up to

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

INT. Police Station late at night in the toilets,Low – key lighting.Black shoes; black blazer; black top or white blouse.

Frame Duration

15 seconds

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level of the files. Minimal make up. Lighter.

Editing notes

CutShot No.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

Cuts to over the shoulder shot as Harding looks at the documents and the lighter in her hands and stares back at herself in the mirror. She is breathing heavily. No movement.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

INT. Police Station late at night in the toilets.Low – key lighting.Black shoes; black blazer; black top or white blouse. Minimal make up. Her facial expressions are very worried as she bites her lips and looks around paranoid. She looks pensive.

Frame Duration

10 seconds

Editing notesCut

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Shot No.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

Cuts to a Mid close shot and high angle shot of Harding setting fire to the documents and dropping them in the sink. No movement.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

INT. Police Station late at night in the toilets.Low/ High – key lighting.Black shoes; black blazer; black top or white blouse. Minimal make up. She looks pensive.Lighter.

Frame Duration

15 seconds

Editing notesCut

Shot No.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

Cuts to a close up of the sink as Harding as

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

Frame Duration

5 seconds

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she steps back from the sink as the documents catch.

INT. Police Station late at night in the toilets.Lighter.Flames.

Editing notes

CutShot No.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot of the female and the door. She walks outside and then looks up suspiciously. Handheld camera. No movement.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

EXT. Station car park.Low – key lighting.Black shoes; black blazer; black top or

Frame Duration

5 seconds

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white blouse. Minimal make up. Her facial expressions are very worried as she bites her lips and looks around paranoid breathing heavily. She looks pensive.

Editing notes

Shot No.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

There is a long shot of the car and the headlights just before the Camera tracks Harding to the car.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

EXT Station car park.Low – key lighting.Headlights.

Frame Duration

5 seconds

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Editing notes

CutShot No.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

Long shot of the female and the car. DI Harding walks towards the car and goes along the side of it. She bends down slightly and looks through the passenger window.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

EXT Station car park.Low – key lighting.Black shoes; black blazer; black top or white blouse. Minimal make up. A score of daunting music when she walks towards the car.

Frame Duration

10 seconds

Page 18: Storyboard

Editing notes

CutShot No.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot of Harding looking through the car window. No movement.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

EXT Station car park.Low – key lighting.Black shoes; black blazer; black top or white blouse. Minimal make up. A score of Daunting music.

Frame Duration

10 seconds

Editing notes

CutShot No.

Type of shot, movement and angle.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour.

Frame Duration

Page 19: Storyboard

22 Mid shot of the car and the female. She opens the car door and gets in it. Handheld camera.

Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

EXT. Station car park. Sound bridge of the score carrying on from the previous shot, Headlights on the car.

10 seconds

Editing notes


Shot No.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot of the Harding’s ‘boyfriend’ – the male who is driving the car and also who she was covering for.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

INT. Inside the car.Sound bridge of the score carrying on from the previous

Frame Duration

5 seconds

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shot. Dim spotlight.

Editing notesCut

Shot No.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

Flashback of the file DI Harding destroyed.Handheld camera.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

‘Whoosh’ sound effect to signify the flashback.Black and white to show the flashback.

Frame duration

5 seconds

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Editing notes


Shot No.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

close up of DI Harding and the drivers hands placed on the gear stick on top of eachother. Handheld camera.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

INT. Inside the car. DI Harding has an engagement ring on her finger.

Frame Duration

5 seconds

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Editing notesCut

Shot No.


Type of shot, movement and angle.

Mid shot of DI Harding and the driver. They then lean in and kiss.Handheld camera.

Dialogue. Sound. Setting. Colour. Lighting. Mise-en-scene.

INT. Inside the car. Low-key lighting so it’s clearer on the camera. Dim spotlight on the female and the driver.

Frame Duration

5 seconds

Page 23: Storyboard

Editing notes


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