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    Welcome to this extended

    Limitlessness article.

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    text.To gain the most from this

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    a place of feeling and

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    Introduction to Article

    Welcome to an expanded transcript of my very first spoken

    channel, The Embodiment of Freedom from Santa Fe in July, 2005.

    In the months prior to the channel I had many powerful

    experiences where I felt the voice of the audience telling me

    what they wanted me to say to them. Initially I thought these

    experiences were just giving me material for the channel, butsoon realized it was meant for a book You Are God. Get Over It!

    as its quantity grew.

    This channel truly was my taking the stage moment. I had

    never done a channel spoken out loud (only ever written) and

    I had a fear of public speaking from my school days. So not

    only was it speaking my channel, it was facing the fear of

    speaking in front of over 250 people. The energy of that

    personal breakthrough into freedom is woven throughout. My

    goal for the channel was to transmit the core energy of what Ihad been receiving. I therefore always recommend people who

    love You Are God. Get Over It! listen to this channel as it was an

    integral step in the birthing of that book.

    The reaction to the channel by the audience was

    overwhelming so far beyond my highest expectations. I had

    found my spoken voice.

    With love,

    Story Waters

    Please consider making a

    payment for what you have

    received at

    Story Waters

    Story WatersarticleThe Embodiment of Freedom - introduction

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    I Am Now

    I am. I am that I am. I am unfolding. I am unfolding through the allowance of my being. Through

    allowing my being I am unfolding into the Now. I enter into the Now; and in the Now I am


    From a dualistic space the unfolding could be seen as both a blossoming and an unraveling, butthese are one. To unravel is to blossom, and to blossom is to unravel. To unfold what you are is to

    allow the journey of change that you represent.

    Allow what you are to unfold without seeking to control or judge it. Let go of control, in order to

    experience freedom in the moment. Let go of control to be in the Now.

    Through allowing your being, you enter into the unfolding of yourself in the Now. The Now is

    unfolding. To enter the Now is to enter your own unfolding. You are unfolding in the Now. All

    that you seek can only birth from the controlled allowance of yourself in the present moment.

    This is all to say that your spirit, and therefore your spiritual connection, exists in the present

    moment, and unfolds from your allowance of that moment. The experience of your spirit, and

    that is to say your realization of your own spirit, can only occur through you being fully present.

    To be present is to not be caught within a wound of the past or a fear for the future. To be present

    is to be Now. To be present is to unfold more of just how amazing your really are.

    You Are God

    It is time to embrace the knowing that you are what religion calls God. You are all that is

    projected onto as divine. You are a complete expression of the creative life force behind all

    experience. You areAll That Is. You are the beingness. You are the ability to be, that ability to

    choose, the ability to create. You are creation, and there is nothing that you cannot be.

    Though you may be currently expressing yourself in physical matter, what you essentially are is

    not physical. You are not trapped in physicality or linear time. You are the creator of physicality

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    Realize how you are here to be free. Realize into your being, the freedom that you are. There are

    paradoxes all through awakening such as how you are uniquely divine and yet all are one, such

    as how you are unlimited and yet you experience limitation. This is to understand the perfection

    of imperfection, which on many levels is to see the beauty of all that you are. To see that beauty is

    to see without judgment. To see without judgment is to see without seeking to control. To

    experience without control is to open yourself to beauty; it is to further integrate with your spirit.

    You are completely free, and from that freedom you chose to enter a reality which reflects your

    energy to you. This includes reflecting blocks and limitations within your energy. You also chose

    to create this experience spread over time such that you would have time to practice your

    creational abilities.

    The freedom of understanding this is to see that you are not only choosing whatever limits you,

    but that all limitations are the perfect obstacle to describe to you a limitation or block in your own

    energy. You choose your blocks with divine wisdom to reflect you such that you may continualunfold your exploration of yourself in the greatest possible joy.

    To resist what blocks you is to deny your creatorship. To be open to obstacles being divine

    teachers is to see the beauty in the world and in yourself. It is to open yourself to hear the

    message of whatever limits you. Know that whenever you hear the message of any block then

    that very hearing, that coming into conscious awareness, is what will transform the block. This

    transformation will come to be felt as ever unfolding freedom in your life.

    You are surrounded by infinite energy which you can create with as you please. All restrictionsyou experience are your own. You are the one placing them. You define the limits of your being.

    You are limitless, but within embodiment, through your freewill, can restrict, limit and contain

    your being. You do this to explore specific states of being, but it is time to remember that You Are

    God. This is the realization of I Am.

    To come to this state is not difficult. Understand that you are God. You are infinite. That is your

    state. You are abundant. You are the creator. These are not things you have to work towards.

    These are not things to achieve. They are what you are. To be what you are consciously, become

    conscious ofAll That You Are.

    Awakening is becoming conscious ofAll That You Are. You are human. You are divine. To

    awaken is to integrate your humanity and your divinity. To become a conscious creator is to

    become conscious of your spirit. Enlightenment is to fully experience the light that you are. All

    that you seek is the light that you are. You are the enlightenment that you seek. Allow your light

    to shine.

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    It does not matter where a limiting belief comes from; that is the territory of blame which is to

    dis-empower yourself. You may not have formulated a particular belief you hold, but you are

    creating its expression in your reality through your belief in it. This is to see that you are creating

    all that you experience as limiting you.

    To see your limitations as being of your own creation, rather than someone elses imposition, is tobe stood in your sovereignty the understanding that you are the ruler of your own beingness.

    There is no force higher than you in the creation of your own reality. Any force that controls you

    is one that you are giving that power to.

    There are no barriers except those which you fuel with your belief. No barrier is attached to you.

    You are creating your being in every moment, and in every moment you recreate your barriers.

    In every moment you recreate your story. In every moment lies the potential to choose freedom.

    There is no problem here that you need to deconstruct. In every moment you create everyproblem anew. This is freedom, for it represents effortlessness. To solve a problem you just need

    to stop creating it. No obstacle is historic. Past and future are illusions. All drama is based on

    peoples feelings and beliefs in the present. Your feelings arise from your beliefs. Your feelings

    describe your beliefs to you. You choose your beliefs, therefore, you choose your feelings.

    Become aware of the level at which you are choosing your beliefs from to become aware of your

    spirit. Consciously choose from this level to experience your spirit and further unfold it into your

    everyday reality.

    Your story

    When you meet people and describe yourself to them in terms of your past, you are telling them

    your story. You are saying, This is what I am. These are my limits. This is how you can contain

    me in your mind. You tell them about the things that have happened to you. You may tell them

    about wounds you have, and in doing so you convey to them, I have this wound, so know if you

    go near that wound then this is what is going to happen. In doing this you perpetuate your

    story. You perpetuate the wound and carry it forward. This is the process by which you weave

    the past into the present such that its energies and limitations continue to define and restrict you.

    When you talk about the future and your plans for the future, you are projecting your energy of

    creatorship into the future. You say, This is what I will be. And all the time you are ignoring

    what you are now. In this way, living in the future can become as escapist as living in the past.

    You say, I do not like what I am now. I am going to have this idea of the future and I am going

    to project all my energy at it. That is what I will be. That is where I am going. But then you look

    down and you are standing in a dirty puddle in your present, and yet all your energy is going

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    towards this idealization of the future. If you take that same energy of creatorship and put it into

    your Now, then your Now will transform.

    The only time you can create is in the Now. The Now is your unfolding. The Now is where you

    spirit is. The Now is whereAll That You Are already exists. Wake up into the Now to awaken and

    unleash your most exciting self.

    Your resistances, the barriers and cages around you, are formed in so many ways. There are

    obvious ones like prejudice and hatred. I am not going to discuss why hatred is self-mutilation

    here. Resistance can take on far more subtle forms than this. Any level at which you deny your

    own responsibility for your creation of your reality is a way in which resistance is in operation.

    To understand you are the creator is to understand that you are creating your own obstacles,

    boundaries, and limits. You are creating, or co-creating with complete consent, everything that

    you walk into. No exceptions. No mistakes. All done in perfect imperfection.

    You project energy before you and when you do not feel safe, when you feel danger, these

    barriers come up and you project energy out in front of you. You say,I need to stop. I am afraid

    of change. And out comes blocks of energy like lumps of concrete, metal, and wood, and they

    form a wall in front of you. And you bang into this wall and you name it as something separate

    from yourself, even though you are the one creating it because you are afraid of what is on the

    other side. This is to live in a world where you are buffeted by external forces instead of seeing

    how you are the creator of them.

    You have your story what you know yourself to be. Outside of that is the unknown what you

    have not yet allowed into the consciousness of your being. To let go of control and to be open to

    your spirit is to allow the unknown to flow into the known. This will change who you are. This

    will change everything.

    To stay in the defined or limited space of a story is an act of creatorship. There is nothing wrong

    with it. It is not wrong to resist. It is not wrong to have a story, but to be free is to experience your

    story as a choice. When you are aware of all limitation as being a choice then you are aware when

    you are creating through resistance, so that when you hit a wall you say, This is me and that isfine, and I choose this. As opposed to hitting the wall of your resistance and giving away your

    power by saying that the wall is something external, or other, that is blocking you. There is no

    other in self-responsibility, there are only reflections of your co-created, freely chosen, choice to


    Freeing your story

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    The unfolding, the Now, is the threshold of revelation. It is the point where you are allowing what

    is outside your story, the unknown, to come into your known. As such, you expand and your

    story unfolds and widens until the point where you no longer experience it as a limiting

    definition, but as a creative expression of your being in the moment. To let in the unknown, to

    enter the Now, the unfolding, the threshold of revelation, is to allow in change. To get what you

    are asking for things must change. Opening yourself to change is opening to integrate with yourspirit.

    Whatever you allow into your life will change your life. And to let it in you have to let go of this

    hold you have on your story so that it can all change. This is to let go of your definition of

    yourself. As a human you can be tightly defined, but your spirit exists outside of such definition.

    To integrate your spirit is to open the definition of yourself so wide that to all intents and

    purposes it will at first feel like the complete release of definition and structure.

    People often say, I want money, but I want everything else to stay the same. Money is change.If you let money into your life it will change your life. You cannot ask for exactly the same life,

    but with money. Who you are will change with money; it can be no other way. It may bring you

    joy. It may bring you fear. It will definitely bring change.

    Lack of abundance is a primary way of defining your own boundaries and limitations. All the

    things you would be doing ifyou had the money. Well, if you get the money you are then faced

    with those new potentials. And this is something to think about with abundance, the choices that

    it will bring towards you, options that you have been holding away, and the change that

    unfolding those potentials represents.

    People talk about wanting money like they want freedom. But if you suddenly give someone a

    lot of money or freedom then the results are often self-destructive. Though it can be hard to hear,

    your spirit may be keeping you in limitation to protect you from unconsciously choosing a self-

    destructive path. The good news in this is the realization that just as you may have held

    abundance from yourself so you can also give it to yourself.

    By coming to clearly see what abundance and freedom will birth into your reality is to choose

    abundance and freedom consciously. The only trick to this is being honest with yourself. If youhave addictive or self-destructive tendencies that will be freed with the freedom of abundance

    then know that to resolve these issues is to resolve your abundance issues.

    Barriers as shields

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    place in my being again, there is hurt, there is pain, I will experience loss. There are so many

    creative ways in which you label these barriers. It is like creating a Pandoras box. Do not open

    or something bad will happen!

    Whilst this may protect you in the moment, unless you are conscious of the fear that has just

    taken hold in your being then you will carry it forward with you, encoded in your belief in theneed for protection, which is a statement of the need to fear. Reality then reflects this to you in the

    presence of something to fear, which re-enforces your need for the shield, and you are stuck in a

    self-created reality of fear.

    As you integrate with your spirit, the natural fearless state of your spirit will come to shake up

    and make your fears known to you such that you can release them and be free of them. Most

    believe awakening should be some ethereal, graceful process. Releasing your past, your wounds,

    your limitations, and your fears is unlikely to fit this model. Free your idea of what awakening is,

    if you wish to awaken. As much as it is opening to the beauty and love of your spirit and comingto integrate that into your humanity, it is a journey into the deepest shit at the back of your

    darkest closet. You will always choose how far you want to go. Limitations and boundaries give

    the experience of comfort and safety. Realize that you may only want to awaken so far, and that

    that is alright. You do not have to let go of anything that you do not want to in this process.

    Nothing to fear

    As you walk the path of awakening you will come to realize that everything that appears to be

    outside of you, all that is unknown, all that you have not allowed to be, is you. It is you. It is

    nothing else. There is nothing else out there. There is no they. There is no adversary. All that you

    experience is of your own creation. All that you may experience as external is simply unknown,

    and as you make it known, so you will come to know that it is something that you could choose

    to be. There is nothing you can experience that you cannot be. There is nothing that you need to

    fear being.

    So it is time to look at your shields again. Shields are but one thing. Shields are a belief in danger.

    Shields are the belief you are not safe. This belief in danger is not keeping you safe from

    something out there it is only keeping you limited from within.

    People believe that without their shields they will not be safe. This is a statement of not feeling

    safe and as such it creates danger. Can you allow yourself to put your shields down? Can you

    allow yourself to feel safe? Understand that this is only something you can do easily when you

    believe that you no longer need the shield. It is therefore a journey.

    The journey of putting down your shields is the journey to birthing a personal reality without

    danger, except that which you choose. Open yourself to the idea that danger is not a mistake and

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    that it may at times be fun to experience. Can you allow danger without a shield? What will

    happen? You will meet your fear. You will then have the choice of further cementing your fear, or

    releasing it. Can you believe that there is no right or wrong to that choice?

    To face all this is not effort. It is the release of effort, and that is allowance. Allow your own being.

    Allow yourself to put your guard down. Stop creating these barriers, these limits. Stop seekingconsistency. Stop seeking to continually recreate the energy of your story, of the past, of the way

    things should be, and instead just allow what is.

    Let it go and let reality change you instead of seeking to change reality. Let your reality be your

    teacher. Trust that you are God. You are abundant. You are safe. You are free.

    To step into the allowance of freedom, safety, abundance and love is to step into yourself, for

    your spirit is already all these things. There is nothing for you to become, it is simply to

    consciously integrate the realization of what you already are. When you step into the flow ofallowance you are stepping into your own unfolding through being present in the Now.

    Through the allowance of your being, you will naturally be led to all the things you have been

    asking for, such as safety, abundance, happiness, and joy. These will all arise purely through

    allowance. And when I say allowance of your being I am not only speaking of what comes up

    from your heart, I am speaking of the allowance of your entire reality. Your reality is a reflection

    and expression of you. Allow it. Stop seeking to change it. Change it through allowing it.

    An exercise for those willing

    So much of the creational energies that you transmit, those you think are building something for

    the future, are in fact your projection and creation of barriers within your own being. These

    limitations are designed to maintain your story. Conscious creation is a wonderful, wonderful

    thing; but for those of you who are willing, I have an exercise for you. Quite simply it is, for the

    next month, to stop consciously and purposefully creating. Stop seeking to change your reality.

    Stop seeking to get out of where you are. Stop rejecting yourself and enter a state of complete

    allowance and observation.

    The basis of creation is acceptance. Accept what is. Love what is. And create from there. Thegreatest sign of a creator, the greatest sign of someone who understands they are the creator is

    that they do not feel the need to create.

    They know. They understand. The flow. The unfolding. The Now. It is letting go; letting go of all

    these things you have been holding onto. Letting go of how you see yourself, of how other people

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    see you. Letting go of how you want your life to be, of how you should be. Letting it all go and

    seeing what happens.

    Through the allowance of your being, enter into this flow and it will carry you straight to the

    Now. It will take you to this freedom, this abundance. And as you do this, as you let go of

    creating, which is projecting outwards trying to name this energy around you, and instead let itunfold on its own; let it take its own path.

    I would love to say to you how wonderful it is, and it is wonderful, but the first thing that will

    begin to happen when you let go, is that the stuff you have been holding back for so long will

    come in. The expression for this would definitely be, the shit hits the fan.

    These things you have been holding away are your shit. They are your issues. They are these

    things you have not wanted to deal with. They are wounds you have carried. They are sensitive

    areas. They are fears of change, fears of loss, fears of who will move out of your life. These arethings you have been carrying and trying to artificially sustain, when their natural state has been

    to disintegrate because they have had their time. They are ready. They are asking to be let go of,

    but you keep putting your energy into keeping them the same.

    Let go. Stop creating. Enter the complete allowance and acceptance of your reality. Let it unfold

    on its own, which can occur only through trust and a feeling of safety. This is the importance of

    safety. This is the importance of realizing you are safe. Because it is only through that feeling that

    you enter allowance. They are together. They are one. Allowance is safety.

    I cannot give you the energy of safety. There is no such thing, or if there is, you are safety, that is

    your natural state. God, the Infinite, is safe. Do you think God is not safe? You are safe. I cannot

    give you more you. You are you. Your safety is your realization of yourself. I cannot send you to

    you. Safety is not an energy. It is what you are. It is your being. It is your realization of your


    Taking your foot off the brake

    So, step into allowance of your being and stop creating. Let go. For many this will be the

    experience of taking your foot off the brake. You have been asking to move; asking to move withyour foot hard on the brake. You are asking for all these other things; your foot is on the

    accelerator as well. You are asking for so much to still be the same when all these elements of

    your life have had their time. So when you do this, these things you have been holding off from

    changing are going to start happening.

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    Remember you are in control of the speed of this unfolding, which is to say you are in control of

    your allowance your state of allowance (or resistance). You can ease yourself in, and things will

    occur in a natural, logical order. There does not have to be mayhem. Your own spirit will guide it.

    The natural state of unfolding will guide it the natural harmony. These things will begin to

    unfold and you will be challenged inside of yourself to allow the change. I encourage you to

    allow it. Let the shit hit the fan.

    In the beginning it may feel that it is not working, until you remember these words. Remember

    that this release of the past is what will happen and on the other side of it, on the letting down of

    your barriers, are all the things you have been asking and waiting for.

    These dreams of yours have been asking to come in. They have been trying to come in. There is

    such reward on the other side of this, on letting down your barriers. So stop consciously creating.

    You will enter into the flow of allowance and acceptance of your life. The shit hits the fan. You

    deal with it. You deal with the change. And know, know within your heart, know within yoursafety, know within your creatorship, that it will lead you to where you want to be.

    Understand you may have to look with new eyes in order to see it. Do not think it will be exactly

    what you expect. And once you are there, once you are on the other side of your barriers, you can

    begin creating again and you will be doing it from a space of freedom through the allowance of


    Many of you will not feel the need to create again in the way you used to. For what you will

    discover when you enter into this flow is that it all just happens naturally; all these wonderfulthings your dreams.

    You have spent so many years lining up what you want. The universe knows what it is! They are

    very clear on what you want. You can keep sending it out if you like, but they know! And when

    you step into this allowance and flow, it will all start to come and unfold on its own.

    Seeing the perfection

    Understand this will take time. You will elongate it over time so that you can internally deal with

    the state of change, the state of unfolding, and do it at your own speed. Trust that it will come, letgo of holding onto it. Let go of continually analyzing and comparing your reality against it. Trust

    it will come. This is the way to be in the Now, in the unfolding.

    All the time that you are contemplating, looking at what you have not got, you are rejecting what

    you have got. And then that is the energy you are putting forth. Live in your Now. Learn to love

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    your Now, for it is a state of love, and it will change and unfold. Look at your life, your beingness,

    and allow it. Accept it as it is. You are perfect now.

    You may not be able to see that perfection initially. You may think the amount of abundance I have

    got, there is no way that this is perfect for me. It is. In the Now it is perfect, becauseyou have been

    requesting the limitations of your abundance. As you step into the unfolding change your level ofabundance will change. Abundance will come, for that is your natural state, but as it is now, it is


    Try for the next month to look at whatever finances you have as being perfect and work inside of

    yourself to see that. Discover within yourself the perspective from which that is true. For I assure

    you it is, because you are God and you would not create something that is not perfect.

    Healing wounds

    It is all for a reason and you are the one creating it and it is with good reason. You are not making

    a mistake. You have never made a mistake. When you start to enter into this flow of allowance,

    different things will come up different shields, different barriers.

    To go into a barrier you have been holding is to go into a wound, such that it can be healed. It is

    to allow your wounds. Do not deny your wounds. Allow your wounds. Experience your

    wounds. Feel your wounds and when you give them energy, they will heal. They will naturally

    heal. Everything in the flow works this way, but you have to allow it. As long as you hold it

    away, as long as you say, That is an area I cannot go. I cannot re-experience that. Then it

    cannot heal.

    Know things have changed. The energy is different now. We know some of these wounds you

    may have tried to go into before and it did not work. Things have changed. It is time to try it

    again. Go into your barriers. Go into your resistances. Allow them.

    You do not have to work. You do not have to effort. This is the point, in the flow there is no

    effort. Whenever you are in effort, whenever you are in struggle, you are outside of the Now.

    When you are struggling to change something you are saying, I do not accept where I am now. I

    need to be different.

    There is no effort and struggle in the unfolding. It is the complete letting go. No effort. The

    natural state is what you are looking for and it is what all things naturally unfold to. So, let go of

    effort. Let go of struggle. When you struggle you create what you struggle against.Just like with

    the shield and the danger. When you struggle you are creating the wall that you are struggling

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    against. It is as simple as that. And it is from a rejection of your reality an attempt to change it

    when it is perfect.

    Releasing Self-judgment

    Things will come up and you will begin to see that many of these resistances are in fact

    attachments to polarities attachments to dualities. Where you takeAll That Is (the Infinite, the

    circle, the perfection) and you, in duality, take this circle and you break(/brake) it into a line. And

    you say that one end is better than the other: intelligence and stupidity, beauty and ugliness,

    spiritual and non-spiritual. This idea that one end is better than the other, when all things are

    perfect; that is duality. This is then the basis for all competition, and that is in turn the basis for


    When you believe that one end is better than the other, you then analyze yourself against that.

    You come up with an answer and you see how you need to change. This is the endless chase of

    self-judgment; instead of seeing the perfection of what you are.

    When you go into many of these barriers, these resistances that you have, by which you define

    your life, then you will see that many of them are polarities beliefs in a dualistic idea, the

    fundamental one being right and wrong.

    For example, you are in your freedom. You are moving about. You hit this wall and you say, This

    is wrong. You come to some limit and you put up this barrier upon which you write Wrong. And

    because it says wrong and you stay within that self-created limit, it has become a wall. It has

    become a cage.

    The breaking down of these barriers, these resistances, these dualities, are to come to see the way

    in which both ends of the scale are the same. To see the beauty in horror and the horror in beauty.

    To see the divine intelligence of being stupid, and how stupid some incredibly intelligent people

    are. It is to come to see that the ends of the scale are not different, they are simply an arbitrary

    choice you are making in order to express yourself. It is to let go of this idea of where you need to

    be on the scale, and instead just allow what you already are. Even the future and the past are a

    breaking of the Now into one of these scales.

    Releasing the sacred

    One such scale you have asked us to discuss is the scale of sacred. The reason this one has been

    chosen is because it is one common to many and generally seen as harmless. It makes a good

    example the idea that things are sacred. To see this barrier is to see this resistance in yourself.

    Let us use your imaginations for that is what they are for, to imagine things. Imagine a favorite

    sacred object of yours. Imagine taking a hammer and smashing it. What would that feel like?

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    What would that be? What would that mean? Can you imagine destroying your most precious

    objects? Burning your favorite books?

    What we are getting at here is seeing this idea of sacred acts as restricting your behavior. To

    define certain areas as sacred is to sacrifice; it is to sacrifice a part of your being to them. The

    release of this scale (polarity) of sacred to non-sacred is the realization that essentially, from theviewpoint of allowance, that either all things are sacred, or nothing is sacred. The all and the

    nothing. The empty and the full.

    There are so many subtle ways in which you create these barriers. There is nothing wrong with

    sacred. There is nothing wrong with any of the ways in which you express yourself. However,

    when they become limitations we suggest bringing your awareness to them such that they are

    limitations you are choosing consciously. Through the allowance of your being, through allowing

    reality to unfold (which is to allow reality to change you, rather than you change it), you will

    begin to get a sense of your resistances.

    As your resistances start to come up, let reality teach you and develop your inner sense to

    resistance. This is one of the greatest tools for entering into the Now, entering freedom. It is to

    become aware of your resistances. Become aware at an inner level of that feeling. It is that feeling

    when you going through your day and something happens, and there is a backing up inside of

    you, and you start to put forth this energy in front of you that creates the obstruction. This is

    where your being backs away from what is.

    See what comes up in the sacred exercise, in how you feel about the sacred, that feeling, and seewhen this feeling comes up in other areas. When this feeling comes up in you, learn that as a

    sense and then when these obstacles come up, when the shit hits the fan, instead of going into

    trauma about it, you can know you are within one of your barriers and you are letting it down.

    So, even these things that have previously been traumatic to you become gifts. On the other side

    of your shields, and your barriers, is that which you fear. You do not need to fear it. It is you.

    Within what you fear is your safety.

    Within your fear is your Godhood.

    Within your darkness is your divinity.

    Within your fear is your safety.

    The shit you are holding away contains what you are looking for. Allow it to be. Allow it to come

    in and transform you blossom you.

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    Know that what we are talking of now (allowance and resistance) is a dualistic scale. It is not

    allowance good, resistance wrong/bad. A part of allowance is allowing your resistance, so you

    are not even seeking / efforting / struggling to change your resistance.

    By entering your resistance, feeling it, allowing it, within your being, so it will disperse. It does

    not take effort. If you make resistance the enemy then you are resisting resistance; and so it goeson. Allow it to be. Allow your being. Allow your life to unfold.

    Go where welcomes you

    In this stream of allowance, in this stream of unfolding, when you are through these first barriers

    that will come up, on the other side of that achievement is the experience of following what

    welcomes you following what smiles at you. That is how reality becomes. What will best unfold

    your dream will smile at you. Where you want to be will welcome you. This is ease. This is how

    easy it becomes.

    When you are wishing something to happen, and it starts to not happen, instead of battling

    against it, to push it or to force it, you say to yourself, Ah, this isnt to be. If I was meant to be

    there then things would be unfolding in that direction. And you let go of that control. You let go

    of trying to control how your reality is.

    And things will smile at you. Things will welcome you. That is the flow. Go where you are

    welcome. You do not need to fight against things. You do not need to change things. You do not

    need to change this planet. Be in your joy. Being in your joy is the greatest service you can do.

    There is nothing higher. Being in your joy is to radiate and ground your divinity and all benefit.

    All will benefit from you being in your joy. No sacrifice is necessary.

    The living of your dream is the greatest gift you can give to the world. You do not need to suffer

    or struggle. Let go of your suffering and your struggle. You do not need it anymore. You do not

    need things to be how they are now. You do not need anything. Just allow.

    There is nothing in your life you need. It can all go. It can all stay. Let it do as it will. Let it unfold.

    Let your life unfold. Let go of your attachments. Everything that is best to stay will stay. Things

    that have had their time will go. Let that be. Know that that is your unfolding and your unfoldingis your divinity, is your Godhood, is your safety, is your abundance.

    Take your foot off of the brake. Cease trying to control your reality. It does not need to be

    controlled. You do not need to control it to be safe. To seek to control it is to create danger as the

    manifestation of the rejection of what you are. Love what you are. Accept what you are. What

    you are is all of your reality - everything that you personally experience.

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    Allow your wounds. Allow them to come up and be healed. You do not need to hold them away

    any longer. There is nothing that you need to hold away from you.

    Allow the flow of your life. Allow yourself to beAll That You Are. And that is to know yourself.

    To allow yourself to be, is to know yourself, and to know yourself is to know you are Source. You

    are the creator.

    You are what you are, and what you are is perfectly imperfect. All your imperfections, as you

    perceive them, are perfect.

    Nothing needs to change. By realizing nothing needs to change, you free every aspect of your

    reality to change. As long as you feel it needs to change you hold it static. Realize it does not need

    to change and it will blossom. Every aspect of your reality will blossom, and what you have held

    away will come forward and that will free you.

    Your freedom is in what you have been holding away.

    Your freedom is in what you have been rejecting.

    Accept and love every aspect of your being and be the God that you are.


    This eBook has been made freely available to download and sharethrough Storys Pay What Your Heart Choosessystem.

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    Story Waters

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