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Renewable energy

Natural resources

These sources are considered renewable because they quickly replenish themselves

are usually available in a never-ending supply.

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Tipes of renewable energy sourcing *

* Some






biomassEarth heat

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Solar energy

The sun has produced energy for billions of year

Solar energy is the sun's rays (solar radiation) that reach the earth

This energy can be converted into heat and electricity.

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Wind energy

The unequal heating of the earth by the sun creates wind

Wind can be harnessed to create electricity by using turbines.




Made up of

. As the blades spin they are connected to the generator and creates electricity

The electricity travels to a power inverted box


Power grid

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Hydro energy

Hydropower is the most significant renewable energy source.

Most hydro electricity is created by water run off that collects

Inside a structure called a powerhouse,

the runoff turns a turbine and creates energy


The water is returned




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Hydro energy : waves Hydro energy: tides

There are several methods of getting these energy


no fuel needed, no waste produced.

Not expensive to operate and maintain.

Can produce a great deal of energy.


Depends on the waves sometimes you'll get loads of energy, sometimes almost nothing.

Needs a suitable site, where waves are consistently strong.

Some designs are noisy.

Must be able to withstand very rough weather.

lot of energy in waves on the seaThe hard part is getting it

Waves can make something bob up and down, and that can drive a generator

tidal energy is a form of hydropower that converts the energy of the tides into electricity

The tide is created by the gravitational effect of the sun and the moon

Tidal energy is therefore an entirely predictable form of renewable energy,which can be harnessed in two forms:

tidal Range

Tidal Stream

• tidal power belongs to renewable energy sources

• The efficiency of tidal power + 80%

• Tidal power plants cost a lot

• Tidal power is intermittent source of energy that can only produce electricity around 10 hours each day




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is biological material derived from living, or recently living organisms.

In the context of biomass for energy this is often used to mean plant based materialbut

biomass can equally apply to both animal and vegetable derived material.

1. The waste wood, tree branches and other scraps are gathered together in big trucks.

2. The trucks bring the waste from factories and from farms to a biomass power plant.

3. then it is dumped into huge hoppers.

4. This is then fed into a furnace where it is burned.

5. The heat is used to boil water in the boiler, and the energy in the steam is used to turn turbines and generators

How it is maded?

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Earth heat

Geothermal energy has been used for thousands of years in some countries for cooking and heating.

It is simply power derived from the Earth's internal heat. This thermal energy is contained in the rock and fluids beneath Earth's crust.

It can be found from shallow ground to several miles below the surface, and even farther down to the extremely hot molten rock called magma.

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