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¿Para que el inglés?

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¿Por qué estudiar inglés? Tal vez la razón fundamental de por qué estudiar inglés es tan importante, es porque el inglés es fundamental a la hora de encontrar trabajo. El inglés nos dará acceso a una mejor educación y por lo tanto a la posibilidad de un mejor puesto de trabajo. Nuestras oportunidades laborales se multiplicarán en cuanto dominemos el idioma. Tanto en áreas gubernamentales como en empresas multinacionales, sin importar tu campo de trabajo, el inglés te aportará siempre ventajas a la hora de ascender o acceder a otro puesto de trabajo, ayudándote a mejorar tu situación laboral actual.

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El ICFES es la entidad responsable de la evaluación de la educación colombiana. El Instituto realiza la evaluación de la calidad de la educación a través de las siguientes pruebas:Pruebas SABER 3° 5° y 9° Son evaluaciones que se realizan cada año a estudiantes de 3°,5° y 9° grados del país con el objetivo de tener información para mejorar la calidad de la educación.Pruebas SABER 11° Es un examen de Estado de carácter obligatorio que deben presentar los estudiantes que están finalizando la educación media como requisito de ingreso a la educación superior.Pruebas SABER PRO (ANTIGUAMENTE ECAES) Es un examen de Estado de carácter obligatorio que deben presentar los estudiantes que se encuentran finalizando carreras técnicas, tecnológicas y universitarias.El ICFES también ofrece la oportunidad para que personas mayores de 18 años validen su bachillerato a través de un solo examen. De igual manera ofrece el examen PRE SABER 11° para que los interesados se familiaricen con el examen de Estado SABER 11°.

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How to play


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En este juego deberás responder correctamente las preguntas tipo con el fin de prepararte para la prueba. (haz

click en el logo y entérate del icfes saber 11)

Se mostrara una pregunta y esta tendrá cuatro opciones de respuesta, debes dar click a una de las opciones y conocerás si acertaste o fallaste. Si fallas deberás empezar todo el bloque de preguntas nuevamente.

Para cada pregunta tendrás un tiempo limite de 1 minuto.

How to play

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La prueba de ingles se encuentra organizada en los siguientes grupos de preguntas:

Comprensión de textos.

Construcción de oraciones

Construcción de párrafos

Interpretación de gráficas

Situaciones comunicativas

Banco de preguntas

How to play

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Many major cities in the world today have large populations of people who have recently arrived; they have emigrated from other countries. Perhaps you, too, have left a familiar place to come to a new city or a new country. Or you may live in a city where there are large numbers of newcomers. Adapting to a new place forces people to seek out new friends, face new problems, and often learn a new language.

The underlined word who is related to:

Comprensión de textos


Banco de Preguntas

A. cities. B. people.

D. countries. C. major.


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Meteorologists are scientists who study the weather and make weather predictions. In order to make a successful reading, meteorologists must take a lot of things into consideration. In fact, the data required are collected severaltimes a day from different sources all over the world. To gather this information, special types of instruments are used.These data are of course valuable to everybody since the reports and warnings that meteorologists give are usually reliable. Failing to take their advice could, in some cases, be a matter of life or death.

The underlined word valuable can be replaced with

Comprensión de textos


Banco de Preguntas

A. expensive

B. useless

C. necessary

D. useful


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In the early 1950.s rock and roll radically changed the way people thought about music. Before that time, songs were generally popular because they appealed to a broad spectrum of people, and the music and lyrics were more importantthan the individuals who performed them. Rock and roll merged the music and the performer and aimed itself at a young audience teenagers. In writing and performing songs that spoke specifically to teenagers, Chuck Berry, a blackrhythm and blues musician from St. Louis, helped invent rock and roll.

The underlined word they refers to:

Comprensión de textos


Banco de Preguntas

A. songs

B. 1950.s

C. lyrics

D. people


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It is time to get away! Let yourself be enchanted by landscapes where clear, blue waters catch the light of green hills and red rocks. Take in the clean, fresh air; enjoy the unusual; walk through boutiques, museums, galleries and amusement parks, or simply relax as time passes peaceful by... The province’s resorts offer all this, and more.

According to the text:

Comprensión de textos


Banco de Preguntas

A. You usually visit provincial resorts.B. You are going to hate our province’s resorts.C. You are marvellous for province’s resorts.D. You can be marvelled by province’s resorts.


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The pen is mightier than the sword, they say; so why not use it? Write to packaging manufacturers and ask them to forgo CFCs and excess packaging on items you buy regularly. Write to manufacturers of canned goods and ask themto remove the sugar. Write to paper suppliers and ask them to produce unbleached and recycled paper.

In the text, the underlined word it refers to::

Comprensión de textos


Banco de Preguntas

A. The penB. LettersC. The swordD. Items


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The pen is mightier than the sword, they say; so why not use it? Write to packaging manufacturers and ask them to forgo CFCs and excess packaging on items you buy regularly. Write to manufacturers of canned goods and ask themto remove the sugar. Write to paper suppliers and ask them to produce unbleached and recycled paper.

In the text, the underlined word it refers to::

Comprensión de textos


Banco de Preguntas

A. The penB. LettersC. The swordD. Items


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Paul and Carol ran into each other in the park. While they are talking, Carol asks him where he is going this summer.Paul says:

Construcción de oraciones


Banco de Preguntas

A. I am thinking to go to Germany.B. I am thinking of going to Germany.C. I am thinking to going to Germany.D. I am thinking of go to Germany.


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Carol is doing research on the book Moby Dick. She asks her literature teacher about the author of this book. The teacher’s answer is:

Construcción de oraciones


Banco de Preguntas

A. Moby Dick was writing by Herman Melville.B. Moby Dick was write by Herman Melville.C. Moby Dick was wrote by Herman Melville.D. Moby Dick was written by Herman Melville.


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Peter’s room smelled like cigarettes yesterday.

Construcción de oraciones


Banco de Preguntas

A. In the room somebody had been smoking.B. Smoking had been somebody in the room.C. Somebody had been smoking in the room.D. In the room smoking had been somebody.


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Two boys are talking about their duties at home. Aurelio says:

Construcción de oraciones


Banco de Preguntas

A. I hate ironing, but I have to do it once a week.B. I have to iron, but I hate once a week to do it.C. I hate to ironing, but I have to do it a week once.D. I have iron but, I hate to do it a week once.


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Tom is talking about his dreams.

Construcción de oraciones


Banco de Preguntas

A. If I had money enough, I would buy a car.B. If I had enough money, I would bought a car.C. If I had enough money, I would buy a car.D. If I had money enough, I would bought a car.


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The happiest person in England today is a professional, married man (4)_____ lives in the southern part of the country. He owns a comfortable house and (5)_____ two cars. He has a steady job in an office in London. (6)____ a hard day at work, he relaxes in front of the television and watches a video with his two children.

Construcción de párrafos


Banco de Preguntas


4 5 6

D. who

B. whose

A. which

C. where

D. had

B. having

A. has

C. have

D. Next

B. Later

A. Then

C. After

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Patrick and Pauline Peters got married six months ago and they are already famous for their fights.Mrs.White, who lives opposite, says: ¡ (4)____ I asked them nicely to stop fighting because my babycouldn’t get to sleep, but they didn’t. Then my husband knocked at their door and told them to stop.They threw a chair at him. (5)____ , we decided to call the police. Mr. and Mrs. Peters admitted to thepolice (6)____ they had been arguing. However, they denied having thrown the chair.!.

Construcción de párrafos


Banco de Preguntas


4 5 6

D. Thus

B. Before

A. When

C. First

D. Besides

B. In this respect

A. Therefore

C. In the same way

D. that

B. how

A. which

C. what

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Bread is an important part of what we eat. Bread has been present in man’s diet (4)____ prehistoric times. In fact, the Egyptians made bread four thousand years ago, and the ancient Romans had a public oven in (5)_____ they could bake their daily supply. Recent studies have shown that bread has nutritional value. (6)____ protein, bread contains plenty of starch, calcium and vitamin B.

Construcción de párrafos


Banco de Preguntas


4 5 6

D. since

B. about

A. for

C. from

D. which

B. what

A. where

C. whose

D. Moreover

B. In contrast

A. Besides

C. In addition

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The people who live on the South Sea Islands (4)____ Polynesians. These people first came to the islands a long time ago, (5)____ across thousands of miles of ocean in tiny boats. It took great (6)____ to face the winds and storms, the sharks and other dangerous creatures of the ocean, and to journey to unknown islands.

Construcción de párrafos


Banco de Preguntas


4 5 6

D. are introduced

B. are called

A. were named

C. were known

D. sailing

B. surfing

A. swimming

C. shipping

D. danger

B. anger

A. bravery

C. risk

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Jogging is good exercise when it is done regularly: at least three times a week. It strengthens the leg muscles, and, (4)____ it forces the heart to beat faster, it also improves blood circulation. Many people also jog (5)____ control their weight. Joggers burn up (6)____ calories for every kilometer they run. 22 , jogging helps decrease levels of emotional stress.

Construcción de párrafos


Banco de Preguntas


4 5 6

D. furthermore

B. thus

A. since

C. also

D. to help

B. help with

A. helping

C. helps

D. Whereas

B. In addition

A. However

C. In contrast

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Interpretación de gráficas


Banco de Preguntas


D. steel, cotton, and leather.

B. steel, silk, and wood.

A. steel, leather, and wood.

C. wood, leather, and silver.

These objects are made of:

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Interpretación de gráficas


Banco de Preguntas


D. Bryan is not as young as Harry.

B. Bryan is not as disciplined as Harry.

A. Harry is more intelligent than Bryan.

C. Harry is less patient than Bryan.

Bryan and Harry are brothers. Their mother told them that it was time to do their homework. They reacted differently.

BryanHarryAccording to the

picture, we can say that:

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Interpretación de gráficas


Banco de Preguntas


D. gathered the eggs after picking the oranges..

B. picked the oranges before milking the cow.

A. gathered the eggs and after that fed the pigs.

C. milked the cow before feeding the pigs.

This is a typical day on a Colombian farm.

According to the clock, the woman:

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Situaciones comunicativas


Banco de Preguntas


D. I think exams are difficult.

B. Anyway, I don’t like exams.

A. I really have to study.

C. But I don’t need to study.

Al is in his bedroom when his mother arrives.Mother: What are you doing, Al?Al: I’m listening to music.Mother: You have Math and German tests tomorrow.Al: I know.___________________ . Math is easy, and I’m listening to a German song.Mother: Al!

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Situaciones comunicativas


Banco de Preguntas


D. You shouldn’t have lunch with him.

B. You shouldn’t disturb him.

A. You shouldn’t be kind.

C. You shouldn’t be patient.

Your boss is very busy and you need to talk to him. You insist on talking to him without letting him know. The secretary might suggest:

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Situaciones comunicativas


Banco de Preguntas


D. Would you like to give me that pen?

B. It would be great if you can give me that pen.

A. Could you lend me your pen?

C. I need that pen, please give it to me.

Mark has a problem with his pen. So, he asks his teacher for one. Mark says:

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Situaciones comunicativas


Banco de Preguntas


D. How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?

B. How much money do you spend on cigarettes?

A. How often do you smoke in a week?

C. How long does it take you to smoke one?

Isabel is at the doctor’s office because she does not feel well.Doctor: What’s the matter?Isabel: I have had several colds. I cough a lot.Doctor: Do you smoke?Isabel: Yes, I love smoking.Doctor: ___________________Isabel: 4 or 5.

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