
Stupidity And Wisdom

Mummy,You have to buy for

me the RM2000

cell phone!

My friends have it.

Mummy, I don’t really need a cell phone as

yet. I see many of my friends wasting their money on pre-paid


My education is more important than aimless chit-chatting, playing games and gossiping

through SMS on the cell phone. All this can wait.

Daddy, I am going to work after my

PMR. The monthly allowance you give me is not enough!

After my PMR, it’d be good for me to do more reading, improve

my computer knowledge and help more in the home.

I need more money to dye my hair, buy cosmetics, and those

branded dresses I see my friends


My foolish friends are so

materialistic … I know one day

they will regret their actions.

Mummy, how can I eat the

lousy food you cook? Let me have RM10 to

go to McDonald’s to have a decent


Thank you Mummy for the delicious

food you cooked. We are

indeed very lucky. So many poor ones are

dying of hunger in


I am fed-up of the same old-fashioned clothes I

have!Mummy, I need to have some hot pants, mini-

skirts, low-cut dresses , see-through blouses and tight jeans! The Hong

Kong Stars wear them!

All I need are some simple clothes and I’m content. We

should donate the money saved to the

poor who do not even have proper


Daddy, I am Daddy, I am going over over

to my to my friend’s friend’s

house to do house to do some some school school

revision. I revision. I am not am not coming coming back for back for dinner.dinner.


I’m going to have a fine time at the cyber café.

Daddy, I’ll be using

the Computer for about

an hour to help me in

my Project.

The Internet can be very useful. It’s

unfortunate many of my friends are

abusing it … playing network games

always, aimless chit-chatting…

School is so boring. I

shall phone my friends to go shopping and dancing in the disco

It’s my duty and

responsibility to study hard. My parents are

working so hard for my education.

Daddy,I’m getting

bored. I want to have an I-pod, a powerful

digital camera and a hand-held computer!

I have simple needs. A

simple Tape player makes

me happy.I think I’ll help to teach the

poor children to sing and


All my expensive things will

attract the girls!

Daddy, the school holidays are coming. You

must bring us overseas for the

holidays … I don’t want local


During the school

holidays, I’d have more time for my hobbies …

jogging, chess … I

can also help in the

Community Library.

I’ll be in Form 4

next year, Daddy.

You have to buy for

me a motor

bike. Ah Soh has


Thanks Mummy for the pet dog.

I’ll look after it with

responsibility, care and love.

I need lots of money … to buy

my Reebok, tickets for the pop concert, gifts for my

girlfriends on Valentine’s Day,

a Sony Play Station …

These stories of the

poverty and suffering of

so many people are

really touching. The poor

indeed need help.

I need to save money to do some


For Your Wise ReflectionFor Your Wise Reflection

* When will we reduce our ‘wanting’, desires and greed? Will they bring us true happiness, peace and freedom of the mind?* When will we learn to count our blessings and be content with what we have? There are so many suffering ones out there in our world.* When will we open out our hearts in loving-kindness and compassion for people in need?* When will we realize that to be truly human we need to care and share?* When will we see that all will finally come to ‘nought’? Only our KAMMA will follow us.

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