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S1.For questions 1-15,read the text below and decide which answer A,B,C or D best fits each space.There is an example at the beginning (15X1=15 points)

A new lifeIt took a few days after the cheque had arrived for me to (0)B that our life would never be the same again-it was a dream (1)____true.Like everyone else,I had often (2)___ what it would be like not having to worry about paying the bills and just (3)___ ends meet.My husband, Colin,always (4) ___to say there would come a day when we could (5)___ the lights on without worrying how much it was going to (6)___ us.Colin had been out of work for the last (7)___ of years and we had begun to wonder whether things would (8)___ get better.He had become depressed and irritable.Suddenly,we were (9)___ plans to move into a big,new house in one of the more fashionale suburbs of town.We knew that we would lose (10)___ with the neighbours with whom we had shared so much (11)___ the years,but there hadn’t been much scope for my talents in the little (13)___ of grass we had at the front and the tiny (14)___ at the back of the house.Before moving,however,we decided to (15)___ ourselves to a nice,long holiday.

0) A.notice B.realize C.find D.convince1) A.made B.come C.being D.become2) A.planned B.predicted C.imagined D.enjoyed3) A.having B.doing C.putting D.making4) A.would B.had C.used D.repeated5) A.let B.leave C.remember D.see6) A.cost C.spend D.ask7) A.dozen B.few C.several D.couple8) A.hardly B.sometimes C.ever D.rather9) A.making B.drawing C.looking D.having10) A.time B.communication C.touch D.friendship11) B.over D.for12)A.fond B.good C.enthusiastic D.keen13)A.part B.patch C.piece D.blades14)A.court B.square C.entrance D.yard15)A.treat B.enjoy C.give D.spoil

S2.Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.Do not change the word given.You must use between two and five words,including the word given. (10X2 = 20 points)

1.Take my advice and stop smoking.wereIf ________________________________ stop smoking.2.You are not allowed to park cars on the yellow lines.mustCars ______________________________ on the yellow lines.3.The taxi may be expensive so take enough money.caseTake enough money ___________________ expensive.4.Nobody can deny that she has a lovely voice .deniedIt __________________________________has a lovely voice.5.Unless we leave right now,we’ll miss our train.ifWe’ll miss our train ____________________right now.6.’Did Angela speak to you yesterday?’I asked Patrick.if

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7.The hairdresser cut my hair yesterday.hadI ____________________________________yesterday.8.What a pitty we didn’t catch any fish!wishI ____________________________________some fish.9.Excuse me,has the doctor seen you yet?beenExcuse me,____________________________by the doctor yet?10.Please don’t smoke in here.ratherI ____________________________________smoke in here.

S3.Complete each sentence with a word derived from the word in capitals. (10X2 = 20 points)1.The teacher told us to look each line. CARE2.Her faith in the power of God is ................................................ QUESTION3.The results of the test were quite different from our ................. EXPECT4.All of us burst into .................................. at his joke. LAUGH5.You’ll have to do a lot of exercise to ....................... your muscle. STRONG6.A child always needs ...................................... from his parents. COURAGE7.They have to ............................................ this street to ease the traffic. WIDE8.Telling the truth is this case. ADVISE9.She didn’t agree with me and she clearly expressed her ...................... APPROVE10.The owl is the symbol of ........................................ . WISE

S4.Each of the following sentences contains an extra word.Identify the extra words and write them on your answer sheet. (15X1=15 points)

Mr.Andrew Strubb was sent from London to Uganda on his business. 1......................While he was in Uganda,he fell down ill. 2......................His illness was so serious,and he was taken to hospital.During the operation 3......................he lost a lot of blood,and had to be given a blood transfusion. 4.....................After when he had been given blood,he immediately began to speak fluent Swahili. 5.....................There was a male nurse who did worked at the hospital. 6......................He was a regular blood donor:he gave blood regularly. 7....................This gentleman,a Mr.Ogoni Gohim demanded £20 a pint for his blood 8....................when he discovered what had happened.He said 9....................his blood must have the special powers. 10....................But don’t run away off from this cassette, 11....................and off to Uganda to see Mr.Ogoni Gohim.Firstly, Mr.Ogoni Gohim does not speak English. 12.......And,secondly,bad luck for everyone who himself has to learn a language. 13......................Mr.Strubb said that he had learnt Swahili as being a child. 14.....................The shock of the operation must have brought it all back to him. 15.....................

S5. Fill each of the following blanks with only one suitable word. (10X2=20 points)I remember watching TV many hours (1) ... day when I was a child.One (2) ... the programmes that I liked very much was ‘Candid Camera’.There,ordinary people (3) ... tricked into doing ridiculous things and sometimes they were very funny.But as I grew (4) ... ,things changed.The European television introduced (5)... we call today ‘reality shows’.They turn common people (6)... stars by putting them in unusual situations.Some of (7)... are locked in a small house with cameras running 24 hours a day.Others are filmed in a hostile environment (8) ... they have food and shelter or they have to face the thing that they are (9)... afraid of.In all these cases the viewers are (10)... who decide who should leave or stay.


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