Page 1: Sublord of 11th Cusp Placement and Results

Sublord of 11th Cusp placement and resultsMatters signified by the sublord of 11th cusp

1. Reunion with spouse: – For marriage we consider the houses 2nd, 7th, and 11th houses. If the 11th cusp sub lord signifies 2nd and 7th bhavas, the reunion fructifies during the conjoined period of the significators of 2nd, 7th, and 11th houses.

2. Recovery of the lost property: – If the sub lord of the 11th cusp if signifies 2nd, 6th, and the 11th, recovery of the lost property fructifies in their conjoined periods.

3. Returning of the missing person: – If the sub lord of the11th cusp signifies 2nd, 4th, 6th and 11th; the missing person shall return home in the conjoined period of the significators of 2nd, 8th, and 11th houses.

4. Can I tap water ? If the sub lord of the 11th cusp is deposited in the star of a planet in a watery sign, one will tap water. If it is in a barren sign one cannot tap water.

5. Fulfillment of ones desire: – If the 11th cusp sub lord signifies 1st, 2nd, and 11th, one has success in his attempts and fulfills his ambition.

6. To do research: – If the 11th cusp sub lord is in the 12th bhava or connected to the 12th, and also connected to the 9th and 11th, it shows his success to do research. The placement of the 11th sub lord in the 12th indicates that one does research in overseas.

7. To do PHD: – If the sub lord of the 11th cusp is in the constellation of the significator of the 4th and 9th or he himself signifies the 9th and in some way connected to Jupiter, he gets PHD. If the 11th sub lord is in a moveable (chara) rasi, he will become a PHD holder in a very easy way.

8. Winning over elections: – The sub lord of the 11th cusp should signify the houses 1st, 6th, 10th and 11th. When there is no planets posited in the 11th house and not connected to with the nodes in that sign, the sub lord of that cusp becomes a strong significator, even if he is not a direct significator through his stellar lord. If that sub lord signifies 5th, 8th, and 12th, failure is the result. For number of seat in an election, consider the Pars Fortuna position and the 7th Fortuna point. For more details about Pars Fortuna look in the separate document KP-RAHU KETHU FORTUNA.

9. FOR THE PROSPERITY OF AN INSTITUTION: – If the 11th cusp sub lord signifies 6th and 11th, there is prosperity. If it signifies the 2nd also, there will be good income to the institution.

10. If the 11th cusp sub lord signifying any of the improving houses, he will have friends who will be helpful.

11. INTERVIEW: -The 11th cusp sub lord should be in direct motion at the time of interview and becomes a significator to 3rd and 9th his interview is successes full.

12. Child returning from the school: – This has to work out on the sub number given by the mother of the child from the school. In the mothers chart if the 11th cusp sub lord signifies the 5th (CHILD) and the 11th (fulfillment), the child will return when the transiting lagna degree touches the 5th and 11th significators star and sub in a sign. This rule should not be applied for a missing son or a person.

13. For theft & recovery: -If the sub lord of the 11th cusp signifies 2nd 6th and 11th house the lost property will be recovered if the significators of 2nd 6th and 11th of a horary chart agrees with the “Ruling Planets” called at the moment of judgment.

14. How about the nature of marital life? It is to be assessed through the 11th cusp sub lord’s signification only. Even if the 7th cusp sub lord indicates beneficial results, the 11th cusp sub lord should not signify the 12th houses to the marital houses.

15. To get a ticket in the elections: - The 11th sub lord should be significator to the 3rd house, which indicates agreements and permission to go ahead with the elections.

16. INITIATION OF MANTHRA OR MUSIC: -Since both Manthra and Music are divine subjects, the 11th cusp sub lord should signify the 5th, which indicates manthra and music. It should signify the 10th for regular practice and also for professional matters, and the 11th for fulfillment of ones desire and achievement.

17. If the sub lord of the 11th cusp is a significator of houses 2, 5, 7, or 11, there can be perfect and harmony in married life, provided if the 11th cusp lord is not a significator to the 6th and/or 12th houses.

18. If the 11th cusp sub lord is a significator to 6th and 12th there is cure or recovery from illness. If the same sub lord is a significator to the 5th and 11th also there can be cure from the illness.

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