Page 1: Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start Paul

JANUARY 2010From Seminar to Success with IRC Support Systems, Investment Techniques & Real Estate Strategies for Today’s Entrepreneurs

i n s i de

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Paul Esajian, CFO of CT Homes, LLC and Co-Founder of FortuneBuilders Inc. is one of the nation’s premier

young real estate investors and speakers. His ideas for building a business have been used to develop CT Homes into the premier real estate solutions company in Connecticut and the New England area. Paul is an experienced project manager who specializes in personnel management and incentive based motivation for his contractors. Currently, Paul manages over 25 development projects with five teams of over 35 contractors in nine different cities and three different states.

Although Paul’s expertise is in manag-ing larger rehabs and multi-unit rehabs of over $50,000 dollars, he has also been responsible for the accounting and compa-nies’ financial details since the beginning. Throughout his investing career, Paul has been continuously developing unique ac-counting systems custom to our specific home buying business, as well as contractor systems that have been developed to metic-ulously manage the numerous contractors and projects. This range of duties has given Paul a wide breadth of knowledge about running an efficient, productive company, from the accounting books in the office to the foundation of a house on site. In addi-tion, Paul has contributed in developing

and now managing two branch offices in Fresno, CA and New London, CT that are currently run by students of his company.

In addition to the contribution Paul has had on the community of New Haven through his diligent efforts to re-construct formerly ugly houses into beautiful ones, Paul has also been instrumental in sus-taining business for minority contractors within the cities of New Haven and Wa-terbury, among others. His ability to man-age and motivate people has led to more

Remember to pay your membership at the meeting!


Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start

by Paul Esajian •

Don’t miss

January 21stCliCk here to view the details

Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Startby Paul Esajian ..................................................1

Be a Part of Your Community .........................3

Board of Directors .........................................4HOT Topics by Eric Hale .....................................................5

7 little known ways to negotiate a better deal when purchasing real Jon Bolton ....................................................6

Removing Asbestos from your Roofby Mark Orman ................................................8

You May Be A Real Estate Investor If, in 2009…by Duane Williams ...........................................10

Spend a Day with Paul Esajian ....................12

Don’t Miss The REO Bus! .............................13

50+Waysfor Investors to Find Great Real Estate Deals by Rob Arnold ................................................14

Dropping in on the SIG Meetings .................15

BEWARE of Business Relationshipsby Rachel Alvarez ............................................18

Foreclosures Gone Wild ..............................19

Calendar of Events ......................................22

Paul Esajian

fromPaul Esajian, CFO

Page 2: Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start Paul

Get the Info YOU need NOW! All

Articles and Ads

are HOT-LINKED in this issue!

Don’t Miss a SIG Meeting!


1st Monday Land Lording

2nd TuesdayCommercial & Land


4th MondayMoney, Money,


4th TuesdayBreakfast with the directors

Last WednesdayVolusia Chapter

4th Wednesday Hot Real estate


1st ThursdayForeclosure/short


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NaREIA, 2008 Top National Newsletter & Print Media Award Winner, Mid-size Association.

continued on p11

work for contractors, thus further sustain-ing income for previously slow businesses. There are countless number of people Paul has worked with who have produced their best work as a result of his attention to de-tail, dedication and persistence to get the job done the right way.

Paul Esajian is originally from California, where he graduated from the University of California at Davis with a focus in account-ing. Paul also wrestled for the University while earning his degree. With a work ethic seldom can match, Paul continues to grow his business while keeping in mind this important thought: as long as there is no work left to be done, then everything has been done right.


Rehabbing properties and managing contractors is a fast game. If you can’t figure out your head from

your bottom, you will lose your shirt or worse yet your shirt will be ripped off your back while rehabbing your first house. First and foremost we must become experts at locating and prescreening contractors, quality mature adult contractors. If this is done right, the probability of the rest of your rehabbing project being a success increases ten-fold. When you work with competent people you are able to utilize your time and leverage your ability while rehabbing.

To truly become an expert in real estate rehabbing one must have a reference point to every aspect of the house in order to manage the rehab effectively and efficiently. Having a reference point to find out essential knowledge, terms and definitions, contractor management, and most importantly labor and material cost will protect against bad and/or stupid decisions during the course of your real estate rehabbing career. Remember, the goal for us as successful real estate rehabbing investors is to understand and manage the rehab process, not to teach ourselves to install toilets so that you can save $50 in labor on each job. That’s right, by no means do I want people to do work themselves, I want them to understand how to do the work so they can manage others to make them money. Would Donald Trump be where he is today if he actually installed the toilets in his high rise development projects so he could save

on some $$$ on labor cost, of course not. Donald Trump is smarter than that, so let’s hope you are too. You will not buy, renovate, and sell 100 properties a year by doing the job yourself to save a couple of bucks. The more rehabs you can manage, (notice the key word manage) the more money you will make. So let me ask you, do you want more money? Or do you want more work? Obviously more money, it’s all about working smarter not harder!

In my first year we bought and sold 30 properties; the second year we multiplied that by two, plus some, and reached 70 projects. By our third year we had bought and sold 104 properties!! What was the change you ask? The change occurred with the creation of systems, working smarter not harder, understanding the three key components that we had to leverage in order to meet out goals. Understanding the value of time, utilizing each decision on rehabbing to leverage your money, and investing in continual education is the key to your real estate rehabbing success.

Remember real estate investing is for anyone who is willing to learn, however, if you learn the wrong strategies or focus on areas that do not make you money you will never make it. It’s true, the first million is always the hardest, after that it becomes easy to replicate the steps and decisions that worked and avoid the ones that didn’t work. Once we know where our time is best spent, then every decision is optimized and your ROI (Return on Investment) is always high.

The first key component is time. If I hired an immature and inexperienced contractor then it would inevitably cost me more time per project. The more time per project, the fewer projects I could complete, the fewer completed projects translates into fewer dollars earned each year. I don’t know about you, but if I am going to be working, then I want each hour of my time to be worth as much as possible. By understanding that I should not be installing a toilet, I took the first step of respecting my time and more importantly increasing what I was worth per hour. This is where our systematic approach took hold. If I could design a system for everything in the rehab process, and then outsource and/or manage this system, then I could create

Page 3: Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start Paul

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NaREIA, 2008 Top National Newsletter & Print Media Award Winner, Mid-size Association.


Last Wednesday of Each Month


Come help us celebrate the opening of our new Volusia County chapter! This new chapter is an extension of the main group and offers additional networking and educational opportunities for our IRC members. As a current IRC member, you are automatically members of the Volusia County chapter and therefore can attend these meetings free of charge. These meetings will provide attendees with a more intimate learning and networking experience and will be structured for beginners through the advanced investor.


LEaDErSRick Puglisi & Debbie Crawford

VEnuEInternational Christian Centre101 Indigo Drive, Daytona Beach, FL


1minute off I-95 exit for International Speedway Blvd. or 5 minutes from the intersection of

I-4 and I-95

RSVP to [email protected]

Seminole County Chief Deputy Steve Harriett, IRC Director Duane Williams and Deputy & Community Service Officer Vic Confessore

I invite you to be a bigger part of your community. For the past 16 weeks I have participated in the Seminole County Sheriff’s Community Law Enforce-ment Academy. This has been a great experience and very educational. I invite you to look into your local Sheriff or Po-lice department. They all have similar programs.

The education you get on how the legal system really words is worth its weight in gold. You will experience the SWAT Team, K-9, Helicopter and Special Op-erations as well as, Forensics and Child Protection. It gives you a whole new understanding when you stand beside the17-92 and put Radar or a laser on an

on-coming vehicle. It gives you an appre-ciation for those charged with our safety. The 16 week course is a program under their community service department. This course is the first and is required of everyone wanting to volunteer or work for the department. During this program, you can request a Ride Along with an Officer to see what is really happening on the streets. This could be exciting.

After this course there is another that leads to Citizen on Patrol and opportu-nity to volunteer in a number of Depart-ment and City / County activities. I hope you found this information helpful and if you like the idea contact your local Sher-iff or Police Office.

Be a Part of Your Community!

If you’ve never been to an IRC meeting, ‘‘Come on Down.”

You’re 1st meeting is FREE! If you join at your 1st meeting you will receive gifts of value of over $100. You’re more than welcome after

your 1st meeting at $20, if you decide not to join.

Page 4: Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start Paul

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NaREIA, 2008 Top National Newsletter & Print Media Award Winner, Mid-size Association.

Investors RESource Center, LLCPO BOX 941658 Maitland, FL 32794


[email protected]

Chuck Burt PRESIDENTPH: 407-645-3540CELL: 407-832-7226FX: 407-644-9094 EMAIL: [email protected]:

duane WilliamsDIRECTOR OF NEWSLETTER & COMMUNICATIONSPH: 407-831-2235CELL: 407-492-3492FX: 407-260-8893 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.duanewilliamsonline.comBLOG: Real Estate Talk AmericaFB: PLAXO: www.DUANEWILLIAMS7.myplaxo.comTWITTER:

Andy Tolbert DIRECTOR PROGRAMING & MEMBERSHIPCELL: 407-842-7700FX: 407-842-7669EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.AndyTolbert.comBLOG: www.seminolecountyforclosureblog.comFB:

dennis GaynorDIRECTOR OF PROGRAMINGPH: 407-309-7111CELL: 407-702-5409FX: 888-678-9067EMAIL: [email protected]:

Tim TolbertDIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGYPH: 407-831-2277 FX: 407-842-7669 EMAIL: [email protected]:

Karen McRaineyNEWSLETTER EDITOR PH: 407-699-4781FX: 407-574-6572EMAIL: [email protected]

Charlie McCarthyVOLUNTEER COORDINATORPH: 407-256-7172EMAIL: [email protected]

The Investors RESource Center promotes practical knowledge of real estate investment through education, discussion and networking. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Investors RESource Center, LLC. While this publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered, it is published with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice. If legal, accounting or other expert professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. Nothing contained herein may be reproduced in whole or in part without express written consent of the publisher.

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Pick up your “iRC networking Brochure” at the next meeting to get the most of your meetings and gatherings!

Member of National Real Estate Investors Association & 2008 winner of Honor of Merit for Midsize Clubs: 1) Print Communication, 2) Membership, 3) Electronic Communications and also 4) Community Service.

Page 5: Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start Paul

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NaREIA, 2008 Top National Newsletter & Print Media Award Winner, Mid-size Association.

Homeowner association (HOA), the mere mention of them makes some people cringe. Most people have a horror story or two about a HOA (or COA). How did

this come about and what can we do about it?

Let us go back to the basics. The intention of an HOA is to “maintain or improve home values”, to “deal fairly with it’s members” and to “share common expenses”. Let us start with the last one. It often makes sense to share expenses. This can include just a retention pond or a shared boat ramp, or maybe a com-munity entrance. Sometimes this can include full time security, mowing service, club houses, golf course and concierge service. Fees can range from $15 a year to $1500 per month.

Let us now talk about the goal of “dealing fairly with its mem-bers”. This is fairly straight forward. Florida has enacted many laws to ensure appropriate notice, no inside dealings, etc. If you think something is not being dealt with fairly, first consult the statute. Most of the time you will find that there is a statute that deals with your issue. I know of an attorney on a board that fun-nels HOA business to herself. There are specific statues that deal with this to protect the members.

Now let us talk about “to maintain or improve home value”. On the surface this sounds noble enough. Everyone wants their home to stay at its best value and no one wants to live next to a public nuisance or eyesore. One of the ways we do this is to make a set of rules and then set a system in place to enforce them. Unfortunately most HOAs stop here. They forget their objective and spend all of their time sending nasty letters and complaining about their neighbors. Worse yet, the neighborhood complainer is elected to the board and spends his/her days going around

“writing people up”. We have given the whiner the power over us. Or even worse, a board member uses “insider” information or contracts to make money for themselves. It is no wonder that people dislike HOAs and have horror stories. We would all like to see them changed, but what can we do?

Let us go back to the goals and the associated laws around an HOA. Consider this, an HOA is just a simple version of a city or county government. If a city was run like a typical HOA, it would have a massive code enforcement team, continual tax hikes and no cultural events, no fun events, no positive items in the news, no encourage-ment for people to move in, no efforts to gain jobs, no education or no efforts to improve education, no entertainment or gathering places, etc. If we take a lesson from the most popular cities, then maybe my HOA might include an article on how to keep my grass green, or have an activities committee, or an educational seminar, or work together projects or just something fun. There are many things we could do. It has been said that children are raised by the com-munity. Do we want our children raised, only knowing the negative and ugly side? Or do we want our children to have great neighbor-hood experiences. It is up to us to join our local HOA board, to get the complainers voted out and create an association that people want to join. That would certainly make our property values go up.

Remember “Only we can control our thoughts and actions, this in turn, creates our future.”

Eric Hale has been a R.E. Investor for 25 years, is a Short Sale inves-tor, solar energy advocate, seminar speaker and the SIGroup leader of IRC’s HOT R.E. Strategies group that meets on the 4th Wednesday each month. Article suggestions and comments are encouraged. Contact Eric at: [email protected] or 407-340-3311

HOT TOPiCS by Eric Hale

Homeowner Associations: The good, the bad and the ugly.

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If you’re looking to reach the Real Estate Industry here in Central Florida, you can’t do better than The RESource. Your ad will reach more than 2,200 each month with your message. Our production team are among some of the best designers in the country. We make you look GOOD! Your ad can be any of the following sizes.

If you are ready to start, call Duane Williams NOW! Call 407-831-2235

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Page 6: Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start Paul

NaREIA, 2008 Top National Newsletter & Print Media Award Winner, Mid-size Association.

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1 • Secure a professional home inspection.

A professional home performance evaluation or home inspec-tion can net you thousands, tens of thousands and even over $100,000! Don’t worry about spending $400 for a professional inspection if it will return you $5000, make sense? The key here however, is to hire a professional. Since this is a relatively small cost start up business, there tends to be a lot of “HGTV Cow-boys” in both regulated and un-regulated states. I could go on all day but my point is that you really need to be careful whom you choose to perform your home inspection because you will find persons on many different levels of competence, with varying ex-perience, different price ranges and dissimilar tool boxes. I have come up with a list of questions to consider when interviewing

potential inspector representatives which can be down loaded from web site for free, look for the book icon at the bottom. Now even if you plan on doing some major rehab on a house and don’t think you really need the inspection, you just might be right.

Where am I going with this? Even the most experienced entre-preneurs pay for a professional inspection. With a professional report in hand and lots of nasty pictures, the smart investor uses it to re-negotiate. Ask me about the “$100,000 club” It’s just part of the game and due diligence.

2 • Prove that paint is not just aesthetic. My biggest pet peeve is the condition of the home’s exterior en-velope. As a home owner, if I had not of lived through three large hurricanes and TS Fay, it may not make as much sense. As a profes-sional inspector who saw moisture intru-sion evidences in 99% of the homes

I inspected after these events, it may not make as much sense. Becoming familiar with building science has made it crystal clear that in considering existing houses, the better we caulk, seal and paint, the better the house performs. I can usually provide ex-planations and pictures of just about every house I inspect on the vulnerabilities of moisture intrusion. That’s a much longer article. Ask me for them, I’ll send you a couple. The next thing I do is to try and identify interior manifestations of intrusion to support my exterior envelope claims. Segway…

3 • Point out signs of previous moisture intrusion.

First thing I do is look around the baseboard of exterior walls. I look for stains that might indicate previous or active intrusion. I look for delaminated baseboards. Where there is separation of baseboard and walls, moisture may have been the cause. I will often peer behind baseboards and pull carpet to prove my point. Look for stains around windows. Look for rust on carpets where metal feet from furniture once rested. Use your nose. Musty smells are often mold metabolizing.

4 • Use known defective building products to your advantage.

Just about no matter when your house was built, there are mate-rials of construction that have proven to historically perform less than reliable or unsafe. Electrical components, plumbing parts, old construction techniques, AC systems, interior finishes, ap-pliances, etc. the list is long and distin-guished. As a matter of fact, you can go to and check out the appli-ances in your own kitchen tonight. It costs you nothing, even the phone call if you find an appli-ance on recall, and sometimes you get free stuff. If you do this as a result of reading this article and find that your own kitchen or furnace has been recalled for some type of safety issue and you get a new appliance or a check, please let me know! Shoot me an email and let me know what it was and how it went.

little known ways to negotiate a better deal when purchasing real estate.

by Jon Bolton7

Page 7: Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start Paul

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NaREIA, 2008 Top National Newsletter & Print Media Award Winner, Mid-size Association.


A M Business Solutions 386-295-2506ATTORneY

Manzo & Associates PA. 407-514-2692Robert Lerner 406-767-0099Alvarez Law Firm 407-970-2954CRediT CARd PROCessinG

SunTrust Merchant Services 407-832-2222deBT RedUCTiOn / eLiMinATiOn

TPM & Associates 352-357-9310FOReCLOsURe & dATA seRViCes 407-299-2891FLOORinG sUPPLieR

Pro Source of Orlando*** 407-293-2969COnTRACTORs / PROJeCT MAnAGeRs & PeRMiTinG

Castle Services Group Inc 407-645-3540HARd MOneY / PRiVATe LendeRs

Bridgewell Capital 407-447-1000 HeATinG & A/C

Bowers Enterprises 407-908-3060Sunrise Heating & A/C 407-402-4904HOMe insPeCTiOn seRViCes

Certified Home Inspections 407-230-5682Marks Guaranteed Home Inspections

407-629-6640ACS Home Insp. Services 407-862-8063The Inspectagator 407-678-HOMEinsURAnCe seRViCes

J Meyer Insurance Group 407-273-0230inVesTOR / inVesTMenTs

American Equities Group, LLC 407-831-2235

Blue Sky Properties 407-766-7627Castle Properties Group LLC 407-645-3540Foreclosures Gone Wild 321-392-4395House Consultants 407-702-5409HP Associates 863-224-6825H.P. Investment Group 407-834-1325J&T Investor Group 407-971-0013Mid-Florida Investments 407-366-3106MJM Management Group, LLC 407-739-9110

IRC BUSINESS MEMBERS DIRECTORY 5 • Talk to the neighbors and tenants.

People love to talk. They will tell you all kinds of things. One neigh-bor once told me about some intentionally deceptive things the seller was bragging to him about and he didn’t want to see me harmed because of the ill intent of his soon to be former neighbor. That was much appreciated! I always ask tenants, “Hey, if there’s anything you want me to include on my list of stuff to be fixed, let me know. Maybe the new owner will take care of them for you.” I also often coach my clients to tell neighbors that they are thinking of buying a house in that neighborhood but their home inspector says the house has (fill in the blank) and you were wondering if they’ve ever had any problems with it.

6 • Take pictures. Presenting a lot of pictures of defects in a home to seller’s or bank mit-igators or BPO agents can be quite impactful. Take really really close pictures of moldy areas. Use props for scale like when taking pictures of cracks and gaps. Com-mon items like a pens, pencils or pennies help put things in perspective and helps remove doubt. Wearing a pair of latex gloves while holding a piece of moldy carpet, drywall or damaged wood evokes an unhealthy and negative emotion you are looking for.

7 • Model other experts. WWCD? What Would Chuck Do? Or John Huguenard or Dennis Gaynor? These people are successful because they’ve done certain things certain ways. You can read and research to your hearts con-tent, which is always advised, but that will take a lifetime and you can get a concise answer from a local expert with a simple question. Becoming a member or maintaining your membership in your local Real Estate Investor Association will pay for itself over and over and over. Join a master mind group. Hire a mentor. Take a class, it’s tons less expensive than attending a university and only takes a few hours. Join a webinar or teleseminar. Don’t be afraid to purchase course material, it’s tons less expensive than trial and error.

I could go on but you get my drift. If you’ve got other ideas or com-ments please don’t be shy, email me at jon@inspectagator. If we all stick together, nobody gets burned!

Want to Build Your Client Base?Build Your Business by DRIVING it to YOUR

WEBSITE by Advertising in this Award winning Newsletter with our NEW HOT-LINKED ADS!

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NaREIA, 2008 Top National Newsletter & Print Media Award Winner, Mid-size Association.

inVesTOR / inVesTMenTs (continued)

New Beginningz Real Estate Group 321-690-0744

Property Problem Solvers, LLC 407-207-2011


Atmor Mortgage 407-448-9188Capital Mortgage Financial Group 407-275-5112Mortgage Prof. of C.F. 407-330-2855POOL CARe

Cleanfast USA 407-552-1441PRessURe WAsHinG

Cleanfast USA 407-552-1441PROPeRTY MAnAGeMenT

House Management Group Inc. 407-637-8000PROPeRTY ReHABBeR

Superior Property Solutions 407-406-6184ReAL esTATe AGenTs

Andy Tolbert 407-448-4994RE/Max Ocean Side 386-931-0485Sand Dollar Realty of Orlando, Inc.

407-389-7318TiTLe COMPAnY

Colonial Real Estate Title, LLC 407-619-6323


Blue Sky Properties 407-766-7627First Alliance Capital 407-897-0911House Consultant 407-702-5409HP Associates 863-224-6825H.P. Investment Group 407-834-1325Mid-Florida Investments 407-366-3106New Beginningz Real Estate Group

321-690-0744Premier Property Solutions 407-747-SELL Property Problem Solvers, LLC 407-207-2011


by Mark Orman

Removing Asbestos from your Roof

Although this is not a pressing problem in the Central Flor-ida area, there are still some homes that have asbestos on them. Many homeowners don’t even realize that they have

this potentially dangerous substance is on their homes.

Asbestos has been widely used in many building products because of its tensile strength and chemical and thermal resistance. It was used widely because many builders and manufacturers labeled it as a “fireproof” substance. The problem lies with handling this sub-stance. It seems that the dust would get into the lungs of workers, and cause lung cancer and mesothelioma. There were several law-suits against the manufacturers, which caused the demise of this particular business.

The problem is with handling this substance, because the dust and residues are the danger. Many times people have asbestos shingles on their roof, or as a siding on their house, and have never had a single problem. However, if this substance were to be removed by workers, the problem would rear its ugly head. The dust would contaminate the lungs of workers, family members, and even pets that aren’t protected.

It’s best not to have asbestos removed by amateurs. Only those who are experienced in asbestos removal should be hired to remove this toxic substance. You will more than likely have to pay extra to get this particular work done than say removing three tab asphalt shingles. When asbestos is taken to a dump, it must be buried. It is not just dropped on top of the other stuff that is out there. Some dumps require that the substance be wrapped in garbage bags. Imagine how much longer it would take for a roofing crew to be dressed in hazardous material suits, complete with breathing masks, to put the roof covering in plastic bags before setting it in the dumpster. Some homeowner’s insurance policies may cover the cost of asbestos removal.

Mork Orman Construction can re-move asbestos from the roof or the sides of your house. Anywhere in the Central Florida area is the territory that we can service. Feel free to con-tact us anytime for an inspection on your property for potentially hazard-ous materials at 321-945-2500.

Mark Orman is a home inspector, and the owner of Mark Orman Construc-tion. He is located in the Central Flor-ida area, and a member of NACHI, Investor’s Resource Center, and Central Florida Realty Investors.

Page 9: Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start Paul

Kimberlee Frank, known as the Real Estate Junkie, has been investing in real estate since 1998. She is a Foreclosure/Short Sale Expert who is highly documented by the media. She has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX as well as Wall Street Journal, Newsweek and USA Today amongst numerous other publications. She is the best selling author of “Big Ideas for Your Business.”

Hello! I am Kimberlee Frank, a real estate investor since 1998. For 9 years, I have mentored individuals just like you on how to close deals by mastering the foreclosure/short sale process. With my courses and events, you will quickly learn that our concept of success is different than most others…’s called the “THE POWER OF T.E.A.M.!” Together Everyone Achieves More! I don’t work in fear of competition; I believe that there is plenty of money to be earned as a team! Please go to my website and learn from my Free Secrets of Negotiations.

Our Orlando office has been a long-time supporter of IRC and its members. I have taught hundreds how to make a change in their life with continuous real estate and short sale income. My events and courses will teach you how to close deals with NO MONEY OUT OF YOUR POCKET. You don’t use your credit and I help you find the buyers; therefore allowing you to make money out of thin air! You can either negotiate the deal yourself and earn 100% profit, or work a higher volume of deals, while my team negotiates, and then split your profit.

Please go to and select the best program for you. I offer you various levels of Mentorship/Coaching Programs that match your personal skill level. The Home Study Course even includes a free 3-day training event for TWO people for only $697.00. I do limit the number of students I work with in order to ensure quality training and your opportunity for success. Please hurry and sign up before someone else takes your place!


Page 10: Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start Paul

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NaREIA, 2008 Top National Newsletter & Print Media Award Winner, Mid-size Association.

This might be funny if it weren’t true and each of us has seen it happen with no notice. It seems

that the whole world has forgotten whom is the customer and whom can take a walk. You should remember these when the crunch is over and they invite you back with open arms. I have a suggestion or a partial solution I’ll mention it shortly.

… Chase increased your minimum payment by 150% or more. This, interestingly enough was for their good clients that they had promised a lifetime of low interest on balances they transferred. There were some that were allowed to keep their low mini-mum payment if they converted their account to a fixed-rate, five year note. Thank You Very Much…

… Your Bank of America or Wells Fargo credit card account or Credit line interest was tripled. These are just two of the many Banks that raised their rates out of site this year. Some of the credit card issuers increased inter-est rates and converted rates from fixed to variable rate, which will allow rates to increase when the Feds rate increase. Thank You Very Much…

… Experian Said “No More FiCO Scores for you or any of your re-quest. Experian decided that it want-ed all the marbles “cash” from credit requests so they shut off FICO and added their own look a-like credit scor-ing system, almost. Thank You Very Much…

… You called Bank of America to see if they would reduce their minimum payment to about what your other 2 “B of A” cards were to make it a little easier. Nope, all three of your accounts are now closed. No warning or problems with your account history. Thank You Very Much…

… Credit card issuers closed your un-used credit cards without notice. You think you’re being smart by not using some of your cards and you are saving it for a rainy day. Your idea just sprung a leak and your cards are re-called. Thank You Very Much…

… American Express clams the door when you missed your due date by a few days. You missed your payment due date by a few days, not 30 days but within the late charge period. A/E sent you a cancelation notice on your account. Thank You Very Much…

… Your account with Fifth Third saw an inactivity fee. A different twist, while many other credit card issuers

were closing accounts 5/3rd decided to charge a fee for dormant accounts. If you missed the charge on your state-ment you could have gotten a late fee and a ding on your credit. Thank You Very Much…

… First Premier offers credit cards with 79.9% interest. This is where the lack of federal over-site leads to greed. (I can’t believe I said that. Please over-look that statement.) If there is a credit card hungry investor out there they may jump at this out of bounds rate. Thank You Very Much…

… Experian sues Life-Lock over Fraud Alerts and wins. You get to manu-ally add fraud alerts to your account with Experian, it is no longer automat-ic. Thank You Very Much. . .

… Wachovia went straight for a money judgment instead of a foreclosure on one of your properties. They did not go after the property. This forces you to file bankruptcy now (earlier than you planned) to liquidate your as-sets so that you can keep a little of your cash. Thank You Very Much…

We have never seen a year like this, where it appears that everyone is out to get us. The new Federal regulations concerning Credit Cards and Lending goes into effect by about Febru-ary. I typically like less regulation not more but, this time it is good. Washington did well implementing this regulation but, they gave the Credit Issuers over 6 months to roam free and do with us as they like. This should never have happened!

What to do… go open accounts with at your local Credit Union or local Banks today, and use your local banks for ev-erything. They are here locally and you can work with the same people most of the time, If they are not acquired by a big Monster Mega Bank.

W. Duane Williams • President, American Equities Group, LLC • America’s Affordable Housing Communities • Co-Host, Real Estate Talk America

You May Be A Real Estate investor if, in 2009…

It convenes right after our monthly meeting at:

Winter Park

Join us for NETWORKINGat the meeting

after the meeting

Page 11: Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start Paul

© 2009 IRC All Right Reserved. Quotation and reprint are not allowed without written permission of the publisher. 407-831-2498 • 11

NaREIA, 2008 Top National Newsletter & Print Media Award Winner, Mid-size Association.

Paul continued from p2

more time throughout my day. This seems like common sense, yet look around and observe how many investors are getting dirty at their own job sites!

The second key component is to leverage money. By investing and leveraging your money in rehabs, you can watch it grow exponentially. More importantly, if you are aware of the smart choices on where to spend your money and how it will return to you on your rehabs then you can outlay one dollar in order to get two, three, four or even more in return. When we talk about installing overhead microwaves and standardizing dishwashers in all of your single family kitchens, we know that those features will help sell your property in a shorter holding time while demanding the top price in your marketplace.

We refer to houses as products, that’s because our business is to provide the American Dream. I want to be product conscious at every stage and in every market. I will not install granite counter tops in my product that will only market for $169,000 once completed. This is not a smart choice for my money. I do not want to put in four dollars in order to get one dollar in return. If you do not pay attention to the after repaired value of the house you are renovating and proceed to over-fix your property, then you will not be leveraging your money appropriately. Fix to your neighborhood standards, and always ask yourself how much money this particular decision, material, or feature will return in dollar value when you begin to market the house for sale. This is how you effectively leverage your money on every decision you make in the rehab process.

Finally, the third component I want each and every one of you to utilize and

leverage in your real estate rehabbing career and specifically your rehab projects is knowledge. The knowledge that we are providing to you throughout our teachings and throughout this article is to be leveraged. When you manage and oversee your first contractor, you are leveraging this knowledge. When you identify specific materials, create, and standardized the scope of work I teach you to use and then hand it off to a general contractor to implement and fulfill, you are leveraging this knowledge. When you clearly explain the value of getting all the contractors vendors and materials delivered to each job site, while also showing the contractor how much

time he can save, you are leveraging this knowledge. Finally, when showing the contractor that if he can save his time and complete your job quicker, ultimately he makes more money, you are once again, leveraging this knowledge.

There is a clear pattern for success. Leverage the information I share with you, implement the systems, and begin to routinely take action and you will find that success and luck have nothing in common. By leveraging the knowledge acquired from your investment in real estate education, you will see that luck is not something that happens randomly but rather it’s the acquisition of knowledge, followed with proven and true systems that are put into motion with routine, consistent action. Luck is merely when preparation meets opportunity! With that said, I wish each and every one of you good luck in your real estate rehabbing endeavors.

These ideas and more are featured in Paul Esajian and The Fortune Builders’ Rehabbing Reference Manual. To find out more information about our life changing home study course and our live training go to:

Page 12: Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start Paul


90 MinUTe PResenTATiOn• How to evaluate a house in disrepair and figure a total

repair cost in 15 minutes• How to interview and pre-screen contractors so you

never get burned• How to limit your liability when working with contractors• How to control your rehab costs, so you never go over

budget• Where to find best deals on construction materials• How to rehab homes so they sell before you finish

hammering the last nail• How to organize and manage a project so you don’t

have to be on the jobsite 24 hours a day

ALL-dAY PResenTATiOn• Getting started as a rehabber• Estimating repairs on properties• Rehab stage overview• Managing contractors• Rehab management case studies• Contractor management successes• Legal aspects to protect yourself• Case Studies• Questions & Answers

WHen: Saturday, January 23, 2010WHeRe: AAGO on Maitland AveCOsT: $20 for members. Register by 1/21, or $30 at the door.

Non members $30 at the door. First come first serve.


Paul Esajian, CFO of CT Homes, LLC and Co-Founder of FortuneBuilders Inc. is one of the nation’s premier young real estate investors and speakers.

Name: _______________________________________________Spouse____________________________

Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________________

Card Billing Address: ____________________________________________________________________

City: _________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: ____________________

Phone: __________________________ Email (required): _______________________________________IRC All communications prior to the course will be via email, Please Print Legibly

Payment: (circle one) Visa MC AMEX Discover Total Authorized Charge: $____________USD Cash Check# _______ (made payable to IRC)

Credit Card # ______________________________________________________ Exp Date: ______/______

Signature: ________________________________ Name on Card: ________________________________(By signing this form you authorize IRC to charge your credit card for the full amount indicated. You also understand our cancellation policy: No refunds for No shows.)

Now!!! Register Online at Investors Resource Center LLC • PO Box 941658, Maitland FL 32794 • 407-831-2498 office • 407-260-8893 fax

Page 13: Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start Paul

© 2009 IRC All Right Reserved. Quotation and reprint are not allowed without written permission of the publisher. 407-831-2498 • 13

NaREIA, 2008 Top National Newsletter & Print Media Award Winner, Mid-size Association.

IRC Membership Benefits• Annual IRC Super Seminar – Q&A

at the December Round Table

• IRC Seminar & Product Discounts

• IRC business membership “Spotlight on Business Members” in the Newsletter.

• Monthly meeting literature handouts

• Monthly “Deal of the Month”

• Monthly IRC “RESource” e-Letter“ – Best in the Country for medium size clubs by NaREIA”

• Monthly IRC Meetings, Networking and Programs

• Opportunity to make member announcements at each meeting

• Visit any of our special Interest Groups ( SIGroups ) each month

• Volunteer Opportunities – a chance to learn by working side by side with those who are doing what you want to do

• Weekly IRC emails announcements and news

• Plus access to the most Experienced Real Estate Investors in Central Florida

IRC Member Discounts:• Do it Yourself Pest Control

discount 10%.

• OfficeMax – Substantial discounts on product and printing.

• ProSource Wholesale Floor Coverings – discounts 30 – 50%.

• RotoRooter – Sewer service 10%

• Sand Dollar Realty Group – Flat fee MLS listing (IRC members pay only at closing).

• Sherwin Williams Paint – up to 40% discount on paint.

Don’t Forget! Always bring your name badge

to get the discounts.

ATTend An iRC MeeTinG And LeARn WHAT WORKs And WHAT dOesn’T in TOdAY’s ReAL esTATe MARKeT!

iF YOU FOLLOW THe neWsPAPeR & MediA YOU’Re 6 MOnTHs BeHind!

If you talk to any investors right now they all agree on ONE SINGLE METHOD of making money in to-

day’s market: FORECLOSURES!

The problem with foreclosures is they are not the easiest deals to do… you’ve got to deal with Realtors and banks that don’t like or understand investors, then you’ve got to deal with the fact that most of them are in bad shape, sometimes sabo-taged in ways that you don’t even notice at first, and then you’ve got to figure out how to get the money, get it fixed, and then get it sold in a market where there are 20,000 other houses for sale! Sound tough? It can be if you don’t know what you’re doing!

If you’re ready to make money invest-ing in the 2010 market, then this is the one event that you’ve been waiting for. On January 29, 30 & 31st you will have THE BEST opportunity to get the most concentrated Real Estate training session you will find ANYWHERE at any price. This bootcamp will be taught by your I R C Directors. They have well over 100 years experience in Real Estate Investing and are going to share that knowledge with you. By the time the weekend is finished you will have the knowledge to Find, Fund, Fix & Flip your first house, or use the same knowledge to start building your own little real estate rental empire!

Don’t Miss The REO Bus!

continued on p20

Page 14: Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start Paul

© 2009 IRC All Right Reserved. Quotation and reprint are not allowed without written permission of the publisher. 407-831-2498 • 14

NaREIA, 2008 Top National Newsletter & Print Media Award Winner, Mid-size Association.

© 2009 IRC All Right Reserved. Quotation and reprint are not allowed without written permission of the publisher. 407-831-2498 • 14

Although there are thousands of homes for sale in most real estate markets, it still seems that the

good REOs sell quickly (often with mul-tiple offers) and the short sales might make a good value for an owner occupant that is willing to wait, but are often a real chal-lenge for investors to make any money. So where can someone that truly wants a great investment property find the deals?

Well below is a long list of ideas to put into place. These ideas are also a great place for Realtors® looking to obtain new list-ings. Not all these ideas will work in every market and some may be out of date for certain marketplaces, but hopefully they will at least get your brain thinking.

Most of these ideas boil down to 2 types of properties - (1) properties with motivated owners that nobody knows are for sale, and (2) properties that others have passed over or that nobody wants for whatever rea-

son. If you have any ideas you care to share, feel free to post them so we can all learn.

1. Place a daily/weekly newspaper ad

2. Place weekly/monthly ads in Pennysaver, local weekly city paper, HOA newsletter, church bulletin, school newsletter, magazines, etc.

3. Place an ad in the local Yellow pages - they even have targeted books just for certain cities

4. Place an ad in online classifieds - Craigslist, Kijiji, MerchantCircle, etc.

5. Create an internet website or blog

6. Search the MLS for junker properties

7. Search the MLS for expired and withdrawn listings

8. Search the MLS for old stale listings - listed for 90 days +

9. Bandit signs (little cheapo signs by the side of the road or nailed to a phone pole)

10. Drive neighborhoods looking for For Sale By Owners / FSBO’s

11. Call for sale by owner ads in newspapers, Craigslist, other classifieds

12. Search / network on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Activerain for people looking to sell/buy

13. Contact landlords who are evicting a tenant

14. Contact landlords with properties for rent

15. Contact multi-family property owners - there are lots of tired landlords

16. Contact commercial property owners - there are lots of people looking to sell or close their business if they got the right offer

17. Pre-foreclosures, lis pendens lists

18. Foreclosure auctions and sheriff sales

50 WAYs for investors to Find Great Real Estate Deals by Rob Arnold


continued on p17

DaTe: January 21, 2010 at 10:00 a.m.

LOCaTIOn: Kimberlee Frank’s Office 6413 Pine Castle Boulevard, Ste. 1 Orlando, FL 32765

Learn How to do Foreclosures/Short Sales – RIGHT IN YOUR BACK YARD!!! Kimberlee Frank is known as “The Real Estate Junkie” and is a Foreclosure Short Sale Expert who is regularly

sought out by the media. She has been featured on aBC, nBC, FOX, CBS as well as Wall Street Journal, newsweek, USa Today and numerous other publications. She is the best selling author of “Big Ideas for Your Business” (Advantage Media 2009). She is also one of america’s Premier experts. Kimberlee will share with

you... 10 Secrets of How to Find and Close actual Deals with no money. She will fund all the short sales deals. Come spend 2 exciting hours absolutely FRee!!!

Seating limited to ONLY 40 people


Page 15: Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start Paul

© 2009 IRC All Right Reserved. Quotation and reprint are not allowed without written permission of the publisher. 407-831-2498 • 15

NaREIA, 2008 Top National Newsletter & Print Media Award Winner, Mid-size Association.

This has been a very busy month for everyone. The RE-Source visited many of the i R C SIG meetings this month. Several groups late in the month missed their

regular meeting times due to the holidays. If you’re looking to learn the Real Estate investing business you need to be at every SIG meeting learning and networking with experienced mem-bers as well as new members you may partner with.

The iRC Land Lording SIG had a fantastic meeting with nearly 2 dozen turned out to learn the latest and also more traditional techniques. It was a great session conducted by IRC President Chuck Burt. Chuck brings more than 35 years as a land lord and more experienced than any other Real Estate Club member in Central Florida.

Chuck handed out a number of forms that he has created and

used in his business over the past few years. These are unique forms that were only available to those at the meeting.

Well, how good was it? One of the members who is a member of several local groups said “that it was the best he had ever at-tended and he had been to plenty. He learned more about Land Lording that he had at some full day events”.

Another great meeting was the iRC Commercial and Develop-ment SIG lead by Scott Banta. Scott always has a good program well developed with lots of hand outs and learning opportunities.

Scott’s 30 plus years in Commercial and Development put’s him at the top in experience and knowledge. Scott is a tremendous asset to iRC and to the membership.

If you missed the handouts we are sorry but, don’t miss another meeting.

The IRC SIG meetings are free to IRC members. Keep your membership up to date.

Always wear your name badge when you attend a SIG meeting.

Dropping in on the SiG Meetings


Call Chuck Burt @ 407-645-3540.

Page 16: Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start Paul

SHORT SALE / REO FAST FUNDING Make Huge Profits Buying and Selling Property with NO MONEY DOWN!

No credit or income requirements to qualify for our Short Sale/ REO Transactional Funding. Team Up with an experienced Expert short sale investor who has closed hundreds of Short Sale deals!

The "BIG BUCKS" are out there if you know how to work it.

Know this, before you can complete a short sale transaction the bank will require you to show Proof of Funds with your offer or you are stopped at the door. No entrance, no deal...

Transactional Funding is a 1 day Bridge Loan that completes the short sale/REO transaction allowing you to do Back-To-Back Closings with your end-buyer.

Fast Funding! I can fund your deals right when you need it most. We have opened the doors of opportunity for many people, who otherwise could not participate, to buy and sell properties at huge profits. Are you one of them? We provide funding for the first A to B transaction, where you are the buyer, making the successful deal

Why You Can Count on Me… You can rest assured our dedication, knowledge and understanding of

transactional funding for today’s market is superb and a perfect fit to help you get your back-to-back sales closed so you can get paid!

Quick, Easy Approvals Funds 100% of the A-to-B transaction! Funds Your Closing Costs Easy On-line Funding Request Funding in any State Fair, Competitive Fees Our Title Company or Yours

Requesting transactional funds is quick and easy. Now you can close even more deals without worry! …and it’s easy!

Request your funding today!

Escrow Fund LLC 407-772-2274 [email protected]


Make Huge Profits Buying and Selling Property with nO MOnEy DOWn!No credit or income requirements to qualify for our Short Sale/ REO Transactional Funding. Team Up with an experienced Expert short sale investor who has closed hundreds of Short Sale deals!

The “BIG BuCKS” are out there if you know how to work it.Know this, before you can complete a short sale transaction the bank will require you to show Proof of Funds with your offer or you are stopped at the door. No entrance, no deal...

Transactional Funding is a 1 day Bridge Loan that completes the short sale/REO transaction allowing you to do Back-To-Back Closings with your end-buyer.

Fast Funding!I can fund your deals right when you need it most. We have opened the doors of opportunity for many people, who otherwise could not participate, to buy and sell properties at huge profits. Are you one of them? We provide funding for the first A to B transaction, where you are the buyer, making the successful deal

Why You Can Count on Me… You can rest assured our dedication, knowledge and understanding of transactional funding for today’s market is superb and a perfect fit to help you get your back-to-back sales closed so you can get paid!

Quick, Easy ApprovalsFunds 100% of the A-to-B transaction! Funds Your Closing Costs

Easy On-line Funding RequestFunding in any State

Fair, Competitive FeesOur Title Company or Yours

Requesting transactional funds is quick and easy. Now you can close even more deals without worry! …and it’s easy!


Escrow Fund LLC • 407-772-2274 • [email protected]

by hunter PaschallhP invetment

Page 17: Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start Paul

© 2009 IRC All Right Reserved. Quotation and reprint are not allowed without written permission of the publisher. 407-831-2498 • 17

NaREIA, 2008 Top National Newsletter & Print Media Award Winner, Mid-size Association.

19. HUD home auctions

20. Tax deed auctions

21. Ebay auctions, other private auctions

22. Contact probate properties and estate sales

23. Contact divorce forced sales

24. Properties with outstanding building, health code, or code enforcement violations

25. Fire, sinkhole, hurricane, earthquake damaged, or a similar niche properties

26. Absentee landlords and out of state owners

27. Networking with professional people - Realtors(r), attorneys, CPAs, surveyors, etc.

28. Networking with service providers - lawnmower service, mailman, pool service, pizza deliverers, contractors, etc.

29. Networking with your sphere of influence - hand out your business cards to everyone you know

30. Join a local networking group - investor association, chamber of commerce, Kiwanis club, garden club, etc.

31. Post ads with large employers, military bases, hospitals, relocation companies

32. Bird dogs (paying a bird dog fee to unlicensed people may be illegal in some states, so make sure to obey the law)

33. Property wholesalers, other investors

34. Outdoor ads - magnetic car sign, bus stop benches, shopping cart ads, billboards, taxi cabs

35. Clothing and accessories - I have embroidered shirts, baseball hats, magnetic calendars, ball point pens, etc. with my logo on them

36. Canvassing a neighborhood, talk to neighbors, door hangers/fliers

37. Radio and TV ads

38. Direct mail / postcards

39. Private money lenders or people holding seller financing that might consider selling their mortgage at a discount in lieu of avoiding foreclosure

40. People who have done a mortgage modification or had a foreclosure dismissed within the recent past - odds are they are still struggling

41. Property owners in bankruptcy

42. Property owners with tax liens, judgments, or construction liens recorded against them

43. The individual/company that owns the judgment or construction lien that might sell at a discount instead of trying to foreclose

44. Property owners with HOA or condo liens recorded against them

45. Drive neighborhoods looking for vacant homes, high weeds, etc.

46. Properties with title problems

47. Properties on state/county government lands available for sale list, government surplus

48. Properties that can be combined with others to make the whole parcel more valuable

49. Properties that can have the zoning or land use changed to make the parcel more valuable

50. Builders with excess inventory - homes and vacant lots for sale

51. Government entities like FDIC, SBA, USDA, VA, GSA, RICO, the IRS, U.S. Customs, your local state’s department of revenue - all have properties for sale

52. Keep brainstorming for new ideas ... be creative.

Rob Arnold, licensed real estate broker with Sand Dollar Realty Group, Inc. can be reached at 407-389-7318 or

50+ Ways continued from p14

new siG Group

Meeting!Foreclosure / short sale Focus Group

•••Come and see how real short sales are done. We will take a short sale from beginning to end.

Participation and Questions are welcome.

date: every First Thursday of the Month – February 4th, 2010 at 6 to 8 pm.

Location: kimberlee Franks’s Office

6413 Pine Castle Blvd, Ste 1,Orlando, Fl 32765 (Pine Castle)


Page 18: Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start Paul

© 2009 IRC All Right Reserved. Quotation and reprint are not allowed without written permission of the publisher. 407-831-2498 • 18

NaREIA, 2008 Top National Newsletter & Print Media Award Winner, Mid-size Association.

We have a new year filled with fresh beginnings. This year can be a year of new venture and new business relationships. As active members of the IRC we con-

tinue to grow our network and begin new relationships with fel-low investors.

As an attorney I have seen all types of wonderful business rela-tionships and agreements go bad. I think that this is the best opportunity to give you some factors to take into consideration when entering into business relationships.

1. What is each party bringing to the table? This is key in realizing what kind of deal you are getting. If both parties have equal amounts of liability and equal amounts of benefits then this may be a relationship worth investing. If you personally are assuming most of the liability and are hardly receiving any benefit from the partnership then this is something to be cautious about. Of course everyone has different circumstances and relationships. However, if you are unsure you may want to get a professional opinion about it.

2. Does it sound too good to be true? If it does, then it just might be. We have all heard you never get some-thing for nothing. In my experience this rings true 98%

of the time. Did you know that there were literally THOUSANDS of real estate scams in 2009 alone?

3. is this feasible? Is this transaction something you can do? As a real estate attorney I see many people who for some reason or another have agreed to enter into a busi-ness transaction only to discover that they are left hold-ing the bag. I once had a client who agreed to finance a car for her best friend of 20 years. My client told me this was like her sister. She agreed to be responsible for the vehicle, however, the title was in the name of the “best friend”. One thing lead to another and the best friend went missing with the car and unsurprisingly, stopped making payments to the vehicle. The financing compa-ny began their collections efforts. They accused my cli-ent of fraud, since she claimed she did not know where the vehicle was. She was facing jail time. Needless to say this took some legal assistance and a settlement in favor of the financing institution. What an expensive price to pay for “friendship”.

Overall, if you are not sure what kind of transaction you are em-barking upon or if you are simply not familiar with that area you should seek advice from an attorney to best guide you through these transactions.

Do you have a burning legal question and you just can’t get an attorney to answer? Send me an email directly at [email protected]

interested in advertising with the Resource?

Call 407-831-2235

This is a quarter page ad for $75/month with a circulation of 2320


BUsiness COULd Be


BEWARE of Business

Relationships by rachel alvarez

Page 20: Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start Paul

© 2009 IRC All Right Reserved. Quotation and reprint are not allowed without written permission of the publisher. 407-831-2498 • 20

NaREIA, 2008 Top National Newsletter & Print Media Award Winner, Mid-size Association.

Who’s this class for? YOU! If you’re:• Ready to make money in one of THE BEST markets in


• Someone that’s seen the late night infomercials and want to discover how to make money right here in your own backyard

• A Real Estate Agent that wants to work with REO and Short Sale Properties and needs a better understanding of repair costs

• A seasoned investor that wants to brush up and pick up some new skills

• In a nutshell, YOU!

Here’s just a taste of what we’ll cover:• fund your deals using none of your own money, even if

you have bad credit

• 75+ ways to find good properties at below market prices

• what is the TRUE value of the property

• what needs to be fixed and how much will it cost (including real-life examples)

• how to negotiate the deal

• how much to offer

• how to find a buyer

• writing a contract that totally protects YOU

• and much more!

• (awesome training manual comes with the class too!)

For part of the class, we will actually visit and you will be guided through several REO “fixer upper” houses in various conditions of disrepair. You will learn first hand what to replace, what to keep, what to change, how to spot problems, and how to ultimately do a walk through in about 10 minutes on a house. Yes, this is the part of the boot-camp that will REALLY show you what it takes to make money in this business.

By the way, we spend the entire week picking and previewing over 30 bank owned houses to narrow it down to the few that we think will be good learning experiences for you, and as of that week, all of the houses are available for sale and you are encouraged to make offers on them, however, this is not one of those “buying tours” where we’re just trying to sell listings…this is an EDUCATIONAL event!

Not sure if this works? Ivan was on our bus trip, and he went out TWO DAYS LATER and got his first

property under contract and sold it for a nice little profit (about $20k!), by DOING EXACTLY WHAT WE TAUGHT! Yes! He just did what he learned and he’s never looked back (I bet he’s happy he invested that weekend in himself!)

Ready to save your seat for the REO/Rehab Training? Here’s the best part! You may have seen other trainings that are Thou-sands of dollars, and they’re worth every penny because you’ll make way more than that on your very first deal… but here at IRC we want to make it absolutely a no-brainer decision, so the whole tuition for the ENTIRE 2 and a half days is just $199 for IRC Members and $249 for non-members! (bring your spouse or business partner for just $99 more!)

When: January 29th-31st, 2010, Orlando/altamonte area

Friday 6pm-9:30pm - Contracts the Far/Bar like you’ve never seen it before!

Saturday 8:30am-6pm - Classroom and Bus Tour

Sunday 8:30am-5pm - Classroom

To register online right now go to or call andy at 407-328-0970 to have a form faxed or emailed over to you.

Bus Trip continued from p13

Page 21: Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start Paul

© 2009 IRC All Right Reserved. Quotation and reprint are not allowed without written permission of the publisher. 407-831-2498 • 21

NaREIA, 2008 Top National Newsletter & Print Media Award Winner, Mid-size Association.

siGroups CalendarThursday, January 21 • 5:30 – 6:00 PM – DON’T MISS THE MEETING BEFORE THE MEETING

1st Monday of Each Month: Landlording signature GroupJan 4 / Feb16:30 PM, AAGO, 340 N. Maitland Ave., Maitland. Contact Neal Sayre at [email protected] for more information.

4th Monday of Each Month: Money, Money, Money!Jan 25 / Feb 22neW LOCATiOn!! 6:30 pm. Denny’s located SR 436 just east of I-4Make More Money, Save More Money, keep More Money,,,That’s Money Money Money!For more information, contact Pat (407) 417-1096 or email: [email protected]

4th Wednesday of Each Month: neW nAMe & LOCATiOn!!Hot Real estate strategies (formerly Rehab & Wholesale)Jan 27 / Feb 246:30 pm. Denny’s located Lee Road and I-4Contact Eric Hale at 407-340-3311 for more information.

4th Tuesday of Each Month: iRC Breakfast with the directorsJan 26 / Feb 23 9:00 am. Denny’s at Lee Rd. and I-4.

2nd Tuesday of Each Month: Commercial & Land developmentJan 12 / Feb 96:30 pm. Denny’s Altamonte Springs, 2 blocks east of I-4 on 436.Contact Scott Banta at 407-947-9722 or by email at [email protected]

Last Wednesday of Each Month: Volusia County iRC ChapterJan 27 / Feb 247:00 – 9:00 pm. International Christian Centre, 101 Indigo Drive, Daytona Beach 32114Located just off 1-95 exit for International Speedway Blvd. RSVP to [email protected]

1st Thursday of Each MonthneW siG GROUP MeeTinG!Foreclosure / short sale Focus GroupFeb 46 to 8pm. kimberlee Franks’s Office, 6413 Pine Castle Blvd, Ste 1, Orlando, Fl 32765 (Pine Castle). 321-392-4395

3rd Thursday of Each Month: iRC Main MeetingJan 21 / Feb 18

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Page 22: Successful Real Estate Rehabbing, Where To Start Paul



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6:30 PM, AAGOContact Neal Sayre

at [email protected] for more


Contact Scott Banta at [email protected]

Newsletter design provided by

For more information on Money, Money, Money!, contact Pat (407) 417-1096 or email: [email protected]

SIGroupIRC Breakfast with

the Directors9:00 AM

Denny’s at Lee Rd. and I-4.

SIGroupCommercial &

Land Development6:30 PM

Denny’s Altamonte Springs, 2 blocks east

of I-4 on 436.

IRC Main Meeting5:30 - 6p Mini-Seminar,

6 - 7:30p Meeting & News, 7:45 - 9p Main


SIGroupMoney, Money,

Money!NEW LOCATION!! 6:30 pm. Denny’s

located SR 436 just east of I-4

Contact Neal Sayre at [email protected]

Refer to pg13 for additional detailsSIGroup

Landlording 6:30 PM, AAGO

Contact Neal Sayre at [email protected] for more


SIGroupIRC Breakfast with

the Directors9:00 AM

Denny’s at Lee Rd. and I-4.

SIGroupCommercial &

Land Development6:30 PM

Denny’s Altamonte Springs, 2 blocks east

of I-4 on 436.

SIGroupVolusia County

IRC Chapter7:00 – 9:00 pmInternational Christian

Centre, 101 Indigo Drive, Daytona Beach

IRC Main Meeting5:30 - 6p Mini-Seminar,

6 - 7:30p Meeting & News, 7:45 - 9p Main


SIGroupHot Real

Estate StrategiesNEW NAME & LOCATION!!

WED - 6:30 pm Denny’s located Lee Road and I-4

SIGroupVolusia County

IRC Chapter7:00 – 9:00 pmInternational Christian

Centre, 101 Indigo Drive, Daytona Beach

SIGroupMoney, Money,

Money!NEW LOCATION!! 6:30 pm. Denny’s

located SR 436 just east of I-4

SIGroupHot Real

Estate StrategiesNEW NAME & LOCATION!!

WED - 6:30 pm Denny’s located Lee Road and I-4

SIGroupVolusia County

IRC Chapter7:00 – 9:00 pmInternational Christian

Centre, 101 Indigo Drive, Daytona Beach



SIGroupForeclosure /

Short Sale Focus Group

6 to 8 pm 6413 Pine Castle Blvd, Ste 1. 321-392-4395






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